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A Description Of Gender Found In John Mellington’s Play Riders To The Sea


Academic year: 2016

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Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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Approved by the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara


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The examination is held on July 2015

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I am, HANNI ANGELIA S declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Name : Hanni Angelia S

Title of Paper : A Description of Gender Found in John Mellington’s Play Riders to the Sea

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the direction of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Letters USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

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First of all, the writer wants to thank the Lord Almighty for His blessings and grace, the writer can complete this paper well entitled A Description Of Gender Found In John Mellington’s Play Riders to the Sea. In completing this thesis, the writer also received help and guidance from many people. The writer would like to thank to her beloved parents for their moral and material supports to the writer.

Specifically, the writer would like to thank to her head of Diploma-III Bahasa Inggris Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A, Dr. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as her supervisor and the last Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M. Hum as her reader who always supports her and give so many guidance and advices to the writer in completing this thesis.

Medan, July 2015

The writer,

Hanni Angelia S






ABSTRACT ..……….………... iii

ABSTRAK ...………... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....………...……… v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...………... vi


1.1 Background of the Study …………...…...………... 1

1.2 Problem of the study .………...………...……...………. 2

1.3 Scope of the Study ....………...…...……… 3

1.4 Purposes of the Study ... 3

1.5 The Method of Study ………...…... 3

1.5.1 Chart of Method of Research ... 5

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 6 2.1 Literature ………...…...………... 6

2.2 Play ...…...……... 7

2.3 Gender ... 8

2.4 Gender Equality ... 11


3.1 Gender Role .………...………... 15

3.2 Gender Stratification .………... 17

3.3 Gender Equality ... 19


4.1 Conclusions ... 24

4.2 Suggestions ... 25


APPENDICES ………...………….……... 27








1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, “literature” used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works or poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction. Taylor (1981:1) states, “Literature, like the other arts, is essentially an imaginative act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life-experience”.

One of the most phenomenal literary works is play. A play is a form of literature written by a playwright, usually consisting of scripted dialogue between characters, intended for theatrical performance rather than just reading. According to Wikipedia (the free Encyclopedia, internet research), plays are performed at a variety of levels, from Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theater, to Community theatre, as well as University or school productions.

Play is general and the subject of tragedy, comedy, and also social problems. One of the social issues that are often discussed in a play is gender equality. Some of plays that discuss gender issues are The Glass Menagerie, My Antonia and Riders to the Sea.



finally, her daughters successfully make her proud. This play raises questions of duty and responsibility to your other family members, and for the most part in gender specific roles.

Gender is a social construction with important consequences in everybody life. Social role theory proposes that the social structure is the underlying force for the gender differences. Social role theory proposes that the sex-differentiated behavior is driven by the division of labor between two sexes within a society. Division of labor creates gender roles, which in turn, lead to gendered social behavior.

Gender equality is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender. It refers to the equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities women and men and girls and boys. Gender equality is not a woman’s issue but should concern and fully men as well as women. Equality between women and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sustainable people – centered development.

Based on the description above, the writer feels interested to make a paper entitled A Description of Gender Found in John Mellington’s Play Riders to the Sea.

1.2 Problems of the Study

1. What is gender role issue found in John Mellington’s play Riders to the Sea?



3. What is gender equality issue found in John Mellington’s play Riders to the Sea?

1.3 Scope of the Study

The scope of this paper is gender role, gender stratification and gender equality. The portrayal of the gender issues is based on interpretation of the text in the form of selected quotations.

1.4 The Purposes of Study The purpose of the study are :

1. To explain gender role as expressed in John Mellington’s play Riders to the Sea.

2. To describe gender stratification in John Mellington’s play Riders to the Sea.

3. To describe gender equality in John Mellington’s play Riders to the Sea.

1.5 Method of the Study



research to the main data source which is the playscript of Riders to the Sea. Besides, the writer also uses internet to search more information to support this paper.


5 1.5.1 Chart of the Method of Research

To make the readers understand about it, the writer makes a chart of the method of the study. Look at the chart below:


Sources of data

1. Drama Riders to the Sea by John Mellington

2. Some books: literary book 3. Internet

Read the drama text, classified the data and analyze.




Descriptive Qualitatif

Select the text –

Interpreting - Analyzing




2.1 Literature

Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, “literature” is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. The word “literature” has different meanings depending on who is using it and in what context. It could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record, encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letters. In a more narrow sense the term could mean only text composed of letters, or other examples of symbolic written languagwe. An even more narrow interpretation is that text have a physical form, such as on paper or some other portable form, to te exclusion of inscriptions or digital media.



definition of literature as that body of works which, deserves to be preserved as part of the current reproduction of meanings within a given culture. This sense seems more tenable than the later attempts to divide literature as creative, imaginative, fictional, or non-practical from factual writings or practically effective works of propaganda, rhetoric, or didactic writing.

According to Simon and Delyse Ryan in Wikipedia, literature is a road that is much travelled, though the point of arrival, if ever reached, is seldom satisfactory. Most attempted definitions are broad and vague, and they inevitably change overtime. In fact, the only thing that is certain about defining literature is that the definition will change. Concepts of what is literature change over time as well.

2.2 Play



An older meaning of ‘drama’ was the spesific mode of fiction represented in performance. Drama is often combined with music and dance: the drama in opera is generally sung throughout; musicals generally include both spoken dialogue and songs; and some forms of drama have incidental music or musical accompaniment underscoring the dialogue. And drama is similar to it, its not acting out from something, but doing a play is drama.

2.3 Gender

Gender is often associated with gender (sex), whereas gender is different from sex. Gender is often understood as a gift from God or kodrat Ilahi, whereas gender is not solely so. In terminology, ‘gender’ can be defined as the cultural expectations of men and women (Lips, 1993: 4). Another definition of gender put forward by Elaine Showalter. According to him ‘gender’ is a distinction of men and women seen from the socio-cultural construction (Showalter, 1989: 3). Gender can also be used as an analytical concept that can be used to describe something (Umar, 1999: 9).



gender studies more emphasis on development aspects of a person’s masculinity and feminity.

History of gender differences between a man occurs through a very lengthy process and is formed by several reasons, such as socio-cultural conditions, religious condition of statehood. With this long process, the gender defference is often considered to be a provision ultimately God is as if the natural or biological nature can not be changed anymore. This is exactly what causes the onset of gender inequality in the society.

Gender has a significant position in one’s life and can determine the life experience that will be gone. Gender can determine a person’s access to education, work, and other public sectors. Gender can also determine the health, life ecpectancy, and a person’s freedom of movement. Clearly, gender will determine sexuality, relationships, and ability to make decisions and act autonomously. Finally, gender determines a person who many will be what it will be.



shaping people’s self image and social identities. Gender is learned through the socializations process and thus is and achieved status.

Scott (1990:535) states that gender, which is defined as a social construction rather than an essential biological trait, comes in many forms: in languages that assign genders to nouns and pronouns; in what sociologist describe as “sex roles,” which divide and limit what persons of one sex or the other can do in private and public spheres; in efforts to recuperate the culture or traditions of women, as neglected and marginal when compared to those of gender.

Gender roles are sets of societal norms dictating what types of behaviours are generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex. These are usually centered around masculinity, although there are myriad exceptions and variations. The spesifics regarding these gendered expectations may vary substantially among cultures, write other characteristics may be common throughout a range of cultures.

There is ongoing debate as what extent gender roles and their variations are biologically determined, and to what extent they are socially constructed. Gender roles may be a means through which one may express their gender identity, but they may also be employed as a means of exerting social control, and individuals may experience negative social consequencesfor violating them.Vario us groups have led efforts to change aspects of prevailing gender roles that they believe are oppressive or inaccurate, most notably the feminist movement.



express their status as a male or female, in a situation where no clear biological assignment exists.

And gender is an important are of study in many disciplines, such as literary theory, drama studies, film theory, performance theory, contemporary art history, anthropology, sociology, psychology and psychoanalysis. These disciplines sometimes differ in their ap is aproaches to how and why they study gender. For instance in anthropology, sociology and psychology, gender is often studied as practice, whereas in cultural studies representations of gender are more often examined. Gender studies also a discipline in itself, an interdisciplinary are of study that incorporates methods and approaches from a wide range of disciplines.

2.4 Gender Equality



than 16 percent of the world’s parliamentarians are women, two thirds of all children shut outside the school gates are girls and, both in times of armed conflict and behind closed doors at home, women are still systematically subjected to violence. Rossi (1964: 261) states that:

The traditional conception of masculine and feminine are inappropriate to the kind of world we can live in during the second half of the twentieth century. An androgynous conception of sex role means that each sex will cultivate some of the characteristics usually associated with the other in traditional sex role difinition.

Rossi proposed that boys in socialized to be tender and expressive so they will later feel free express these equalities in their social relationships. He also recommends that girls be inculcated with achievement need, workmanship, and assertiveness so they will feel free to express these equalities in their adult life. This socialization strategy is assumed to ultimately enable both men and women to develop the full range of human equalities regardless of their gender. The movement towards gender equality, especially in Western countries, began with the suffragette movement of the late- 19th century. Then there was a change in relation to a woman’s property rights in marriage. This situation has begun to change in recent years. As more and more woman have entered the job market, husbands have begun to share responsibilities of home with their wives. It is also easy for a working wife to feel responsible for any problems her children might have. Whereas she may feel guilty for not staying at home, her husband is likely to assume that it is normal, and he will be take care their home.



working women have participated in the building to be porters. That is what a woman can do to meet the needs of his family and himself.

Gender equality began to influence society since the 15th century. On the European continent it started to effect society in 1602. In America, it is beginning to happen in 1774. Meanwhile, in Asia, it started in the latest of 19th century. In Indonesia, gender equality began to be known since the emancipation of women pioneered by RA. Kartini, in 1899.

There are also countries that have a history of a high level of gender equality in certain areas of life, but not in other aremas. An example is Finland which has offered very high opportinities to women in public/professional life, but has had a weak legal approach to the issue of violence against women, with the situation in this country having been called a paradox.

Gender equality is a achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of whether they are a woman or a man. Many countries worldwide, including Australia, have made significant progress towards gender equality in recent decades, particularly in areas such as education. However, women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to advance their careers as far as men, and are more likely to spend their final years in poverty. At the same time, some men find it more difficult to access family-friendly pilicies or flexible working arrangements than women.


14 To achieve this requires:

• Workplaces to provide equal remuneration for women and men for work of equal or comparable value.

• The removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of women in

the workforce.

• Full and genuine access to all occupations and industries, including to

leadership roles for women and men.

• Elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender particularly in




3.1 Gender Role

Gender term is always related to feminism that culturally offers different perspective between man and woman. Man is suppossed to be stronger and rational than woman is. On the contrary, the woman is weak and an emotional creature that appears the differences ever be until now. The discussion of woman and man will never come to an end when patriarchal system is still dominant.

The patriarchal system culturally has made the gap between the position of man and woman. The concept of such separation is basically affected by cultural sense for man is “out home” species, while woman is “domestic” that cares the home and home works. Man is culturally accepted to earn life for family outside home. Woman is waiting at home, raising the children and serving the husband.

In the beginning of the play Riders to the sea, the role of women is represented by the characters Nora, Cathleen, the girls, and Maurya, the mother are all at home. They are waiting for Bartley, the only son, to come home. Such a portrayal emphasizes how woman role is surrounded by domestic matters. It can be seen from the dialogue below :

Nora: (a young girl) : where is she ?

Cathleen (a girl about twenty) : she’s lying down, God help her, and may be sleeping, if she is able.

(Riders to the sea, 1904:39)



found yet. The only thing left is a shirt which is put inside the bundle. It troubles the family because the shirt is not enough to be proof for Michael’s death. Thus, the death for Michael is still a mystery in which Nora and Cathleen are afraid to open it.

Nora : The young priest is after bringing them ... It’s a shirt and a plain stocking were got off a drowned man in Donegal. Nora whispers we’re to find out if it’s Micheal’s they are, some time herself will be down looking by the sea. (Riders to the sea, 1904:39)

It’s clearly seen how woman is not brave enough to decide directly about what has happened. Both Nora and Cathleen are full with consideration to open the bundle if it belongs to their brother Michael. Their weak manner has directed their emotion to keep the fact as a secret. They are not playing with their logical though the situation is quite urgent. It happens so because they think their mother has been old enough to hear the bad news. They are afraid if their mother finally knows what has taken place to her son Michael.

What has been shown from the context above is the portrait of woman perspective as a weak creature. Woman is not transparant to look at complicated things rationally. They tend to put forward emotion in advance than rationality. It is then leading the conflict of the family left unanswered. It does not suggest that woman brings conflict higher, but the response which is based on emotion is not proper for understanding the fact.



notion of woman as a weak person is based on different perspective. Area of home that belongs to woman seems not to use energy physically. But, hunting for food that directs to man is full with strength and bravery. Woman is lack of such characteristic culturally.

Cathleen : There’s a cake baking at fire for a short space—throwing down turf—Bartley will want it when the tide

turns if he goes to Conemara. (Riders to the sea, 1904:40)

The work of Cathleen in the play is to make cake for Bartley. Cathleen represents woman for all and Bartley represent man otherwise. He goes to the sea for earning money and his sisters and mother are waiting at home. Sea is a symbol of place to fight for life with full risk. In addition, the risk is addressed to man authority. In short, man is suppossed to be responsible on what is needed at home.

3.2 Gender Stratification

Gender stratification also is linked to descent and residence. Women’s status in matrilineal societies tends to be high because descent-group membership, political succession, land allocation, and overall social identity come through female links. Although, there are no matriarchies, women in many societies wield power and make decisions. Scarcity of resources promotes intervillage warfare, patriliny, and patrilocality. The localization of related males is adaptive for military solidarity. Men may use their warrior role to symbolize and reinforce the social devaluation and oppresion of women. Gender stratification refers to the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between the sexes.



stratification increases, so does the level of gender inequality, refelecting greater differences between men’s and women’s access to power. Because historically men have garnered greater social power, gender inequality has systematically disadvantaged women.

Bartley (getting his purse and tobacco): I’ll have half an hour to go down and you will see me coming again, in two days, or I three days, or maybe in four days if the wind is bad. Maura (turning round to the fire, and putting her shawl over her head): Is not it hard and cruel man, won’t hear a word from an old woman, and she holding him from the sea?

Cathleen:It is the life of a young man to be going on the sea, and who would listen to an old woman with one thing andshe saying it over?

Bartley (taking the halter): I must go now quickly, I will ride on the red mare, and the grey pony will run behind me. . .

The blessing on God on you—he goes out— (Riders to the Sea, 1904:42)

Based on the example above, it can be found that Bartley as a young man has a higher power level than Maurya, his mother. Obviously, however Maurya prohibit Bartley away, Bartley still remain ignored. And Maurya also in the end did not make this Bartley’s attitude.

For Bartley is a man, Maurya concerns rejection of the attitude is not considered wrong by society on the story. Despite the fact Maurya is a mother, and Bartley is the son, status of mothers and children not becoming more important things in the community, but the gender differences between them.

Gender gaps what are very often happen are those men often governing women as they wish. Men like to send or give orders to the woman, even though it is between husband and wife, brother and women, or among friends.



speaking sadly): Where is the bit of new rope, Cathleen, was bought in Connemara?

Cathleen (coming down): Give it to him, Nora, It is on a nail by the white boards. I hung it up this morning for the pig with the black feet was eating it.

Nora (giving him a rope): Is that it, Bartley? —Bartley takes the rope—

(Riders to the Sea, 1904:41)

Cathleen: There is a cake baking at the fire for a short space—throwing down turf— Bartley will want it when the tide turns if he goes to Connemara—Nora picks up the turf and puts it round the pot—oven—

(Riders to the Sea, 1904:40)

Through these dialogues, it is clear that Bartley likes to give orders to her mother, especially his sister. Bartley, who was the only man in their family, felt more powerful than his sister.

However, the gender stratification that occurs in families sometimes is caused by Maurya, Maurya herself, as the following example;

Bartley (working at the halter, to Cathleen): Let you go down each day, and see the sheep are not jumping in on the rye, and there is a good price going.

Maurya: How would the like of her get a good price for a pig?

(Riders to the Sea, 1904:42)

Maurya’s attitude illustrates disbelief on Cathleen, her own daughter. She was not sure Cathleen can do the job just because Bartley said that Cathleen is a woman.

3.3 Gender Equality



and make choices without being restricted by stereotypes, rigid gender roles. This does not mean that women and men should always be the same, but the rights, responsibilities and opportunities are not affected by whether they are born male or female (UNESCO, 2002).

Gender equality is the absence of discrimination based on sex of a person in obtaining opportunities and the allocation of resources, benefits or in accessing services.

Seen in the drama Riders to the Sea, where girls Maurya’s is Cathleen and Nora want to be treated equally with Bartley. Both feel like not considered by the Maurya, because Maurya just looked at Bartley and considers her son could do anything beyond his daughter. After Maurya know the news that Bartley has gone, she was very sad as if the world has ended. And he thinks that nothing can replace Bartley. Meanwhile she also has two daughters. She ignored Cathleen and Nora. And finally Cathleen and Nora ask the same rights to Bartley and both want Maurya to treat them equally with Bartley.

Cathleen (trying to open the bundle): Give me a knife, Nora, the string’s perished with the salt water, and there is a black knot on it you would not loosen in a week. Nora (giving her a knife): I have heard tell it was a long way to Donegal,

Cathleen (cutting the string):It is surely. There was a man I here a while ago—the man sold us that knife— and he said if you set off walking from the rocks beyond it would be in nine days you would be in Donegal.

Nora: And what time would a man take and he floating . . . ? (Cathleen opens the bundle and takes out a bit of a shirt and stocking. They look at them eagerly).

Cathleen (in a low voice): The Lord spare us, Nora! Is not it a queer hard thing to say if it is his they are surely?



clothes hanging in the corner). It is not with them, Cathleen, and where will it be?

Cathleen: I’m thinking Bartley put it on him in the morning, for his own shirt was heavy with the salt in it—pointing to the corner—there is a bit of a sleeve was of the same stuff. Give me that and it will do.

(Riders to the Sea, 1904:45)

Based on the dialogues above, it can be seen that Cathleen is trying to do the best for his family. Cathleen does something that can improve the condition of his family. Although, initially unsure Nora and Cathleen. However, in the end Nora also wants to help. Both girls want to prove to their mother that they could also be relied on in the family.

Another situation is when Cathleen shows her jealousy to Maurya indirectly;

Maurya (crying out as he is in the doorway): He is gone now, God spare us, and we will not see him again. He is gone now, and when the black night is in it, I will have no son living in the world.

Cathleen: Why would not you give him your blessing and he looking back in the door? Is not it sorrow enough is on everyone in this house without your sending him out with an unlucky word behind him, and a hard word in his car?

(Riders to the Sea, 1904:44)

At first glance, looks Cathleen wants Maurya said goodbye and dispatched Bartley with the full blessing and a happy smile. However, indirectly, Cathleen shows jealousy. She was jealous because Maurya dote Bartley. He also wants to see it Maurya . He wants Maurya also rely Cathleen in everyday life. Cathleen want status is considered equal to Bartley and not be discriminated because of gender issues.



enough for another stack for the kelp. . . . It is hard set we will be from this day, with no one in it but one man to work.

Maurya: It is hard set we will be surely the day you are drowned with the rest what way will I live and the girls with me and I an old woman looking for the grave— Bartley lays down the halter; takes off his coat and puts on a newer one of the same flannel—

(Riders to the Sea,1904:42).

Bartley had a similar feeling with Cathleen. Indirectly, in the words of Cathleen above Bartley, Bartley expressed a desire that Cathleen and Nora also can to do work and help supplement the needs of the house after he went to sea.

Maurya seemed unsure to her daughters. However, Bartley still allowed and ordered Cathleen and Nora to do homework. Bartley confident because the two sisters can he rely on while Bartley left the house.

Cathleen (slowly and clearly): An old woman will be soon tired with anything she will do, and is not it nine days herself is after crying and keening and making great sorrow in the house?

Maura (puts the empty cup mouth-downwards on the table and lays her hands together on Bartley’s feet). They are all together this time, and the end is come . . . May the Almighty God have mercy on Bartley’s soul and Micheal’s soul, and on the souls of Sheamus and Patch, and Stephen and Shawn . . . (bending her head)— and may. He have mercy on my soul, Nora, and on the soul of every one is left living in the world—she pauses, and the keen rises little more loudly from women, then sinks away—

Maurya (continuing): Michael has a clean burial in the far north by the grace of the Almighty God . . . Bartley will have a fine coffin out of the white boards, and a deep grave surely . . . What more can we want than that? No man at all can be living for ever, and we must be satisfied—she kneels down again, and the curtain falls slowly—

(Riders to the Sea, 1904:54)






5.1 Conclusions

In John Mellington’s play Riders to the Sea, can be found three gender issues; they are gender roles,gender stratification and gender equality. Gender phenomena happen because of cultural dominance of patriarchal system. Man is supposed to have more quality compared to woman. Gender role specifies the role of woman is domestic in terms of looking after children and cleaning the house. Gender stratification emphasizes the limited power of woman. Gender equality is echoing the voice of fair treatment that all man is equal in front of God.

In the play, the portrait of women are clearly stated that Nora, Cathleen and Maurya are all busy organising home matters. The man, represented by Bartley, is going outside to earn living. The portrait of cultural product in terms of history has been clearly found in the play. Man goes hunting to earn living and woman is waiting at home. This perspective takes place because of patriarchal system that places man is more powerful than woman.


25 5.2 Suggestions




Benson, Eugene. 1983. J. M. Synge..: Hongkong: Grove Press Inc.

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Kurath, Hans. 1972. Studies in Area Linguistics. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press.

Lips, Hilary M. 1993. Sex and Gender: An Introduction. London: Myfield Publishing Company.

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Penguin books.

Sembiring, Matius C.A. 2014. Kompiklasi Bahan Kuliah: Metode Penelitian. Medan: Unpublished

Showalter, Elaine. 1989. Speaking of Gender. New York : Routledge.

Sudaryanto. 1993. Metode dan Aneka Teknik Analisis Bahasa Yogyakarta: Wacana University Press.

Surachmad, Winarno. 1982. Pengantar Penelitian Ilmiah. Bandung: Tarsito. Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Tarigan, H.G. 1984. Psikolinguistik. Bandung: Angkasa.

Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding the Elements of Literature. London: MacMillan International College Edition.



A. Biography of John Mellington

Jhon Mellington Synge was born on April 16, 1871 to a middle class Protestant family. He was educated at private schools in Dublin and studied piano, flute, violin, music theory and counterpoint at the Royal Irish Academy of Music. He was a talented student and attended Trinity College where he studied Irish and Hebrew. During this time Synge encountered the writings of Darwin and developed and interest in the Aran Islands. Reading Darwin coincided with a crisis of faith and Synge abandoned the Protestant religion of his upbringing.

Post college he went to Germany to pursue a career in music but found that he was too shy to perfotm so he quit and began pursuing writing. In 1894 Synge moved back to Ireland for a short time and then to Paris to study literature and language at the Sorbonne. In 1896, Synge visited Italy to study language before returning to Paris. Later that year he met William Butler Yeats who recognized his talent and encouraged him to live in the Aran Islands for a while and then return to Dublin to devote himself to creative work. Beginning in 1898, Synge spent five consecutive summers on the islands collecting stories and folklore. It was this same year that he wrote his first play When the Moon Hat Set.



the Abbey Theatre and produce Riders to the Sea. Synge was appointed Literary advisor to the theatre and became one of the directors of the company.

In 1907 Synge’s book length journal The Aran Islands was published. It is slow paced reflection of life on the islands and reflects Synge’s belief that beneath the Catholicism of the islanders there were older pagan beliefs of the people’s ancestors. In the same year, Playboy of the Western World, perhaps Synge’s most well known play was produced at the Abbey and was met with an uproar from Irish Nationalists.March 24, 1909, at age 38, Synge died of Hodgkin’s disease leaving behind an important legacy as a key figure in the Irish Litarary Revival.

Other WorksThe Well of the Saints (1905), The Tinker’s Wedding (1908), Poems and Translations (1909), Deirdre of the Sorrows (completed by W.B. Yeats and Molly Allgood in (1910), In Wicklow and West Kerry (completed in 1912).

B. Summary of Riders to the Sea

After Nine days of constant grieving for her missing son, Michael, old Maurya is fallen into a restless sleep. Her daughter, Cathleen, is busy with house hold tasks, when another daughter, Nora, slips quietly in to the kitchen with a bundle given her by the young priest. It contains part of the clothes taken from the body of a drowned man far in the north. They have been sent to the family for identification, since the clothes may belong to her missing brother.The girls go to open the package but then decide to hide it in case their mother, who is waking up, should come in and see them crying Maurya enters.



to sell a horse, which was the trip Micheal took when he died. But Bartley insists that he will crossthe main land in spite of winds and high seas. Mad and aggravated at Bartley for not listening to her please, Maurya allows him to go, however, without her blessing. Cathleen and Nora persuade their mother to chase Bartley with the food they forgot togive him and to give him her blessing regardless of her fears. While she is gone the girls open the package.

Nora recognizes her own stitching in one of the socks, and immediately knows that the owner of the clothes was indeed her brother, Michael. Their only comfort isthe hope that his body has been given a good Christian burial where it was washed up. Maurya returns horrified with a vision she has seen of Michael riding on the horse behind Bartley. She claims that the vision proves that her fear of Bartley’s death is being realized.

When her daughters show Maurya the clothes her only response is that the boards she bought for Michael’s coffin will serve for Bartley instead. As Maurya speaks the neighboring women enter keening. The Men follow shortly, carrying the body of Bartley who has been knocked off a cliff into the waves by the horse he was intending to sell. The play closes on the note of Maurya’s accepting surrender to the sea, and to the course of life: “They’re all gone now and there isn’t anything mire the sea can do to me… No man at all can be living forever and we must be satisfied.”

C. The characteristics Riders to the Sea



were got off an unknown drowned man in Donegal, a place far north. They are to find out whether or not these clothes belong to their brother Michael who was lost at sea nine days before. They hear the mother moving about in the inner room and quickly hide the bundle in the turf-loft because they do not want to upset her. Maurya has been going to the sea the last nine days in case Michael’s body was washed up and she is nearly ‘getting her death… with crying and lamenting’. Bartley’s Departure: Maurya hopes that Bartley will be prevented from going with the horses to the Galway fair today. The weather is threatening and Maurya fears for him. The young priest fails to stop him but he believes that ‘the Almighty God won’t leave her destitute... with no son living’. Bartley hurriedly enters the kitchen to get ready for the trip. He gives Cathleen instructions as to what to do during his absence. Meanwhile his mother goes on talking, trying to persuade him not to go. Bartley must go the fair to sell the horses, but Maurya laments: ‘If it was a hundred horses, or a thousand horses you had itself, what is the price of a thousand horses against a son where there is one son only?’ Nobody seems to pay any attention to Maurya’s desperate pleads:

MAURYA: Isn’t it a hard and cruel man won’t hear a word from an old woman, and she holding him from the sea?





Stephen and Shawn in a great wind, their bodies were found and carried to the house on one plank. She lost her son Sheamus, her husband and her father-in-law in a dark night, their bodies were never found. She lost her son Patch who drowned when his curagh turned over, his body was carried to the house wrapped in a red sail from which water was dripping and leaving a track to the door. The men with the body were preceded byseveral women who came in, crossed themselves and did not say a word.

Bartley’s Body: Nora and Cathleen hear someone crying out by the seashore. Maurya continues her soliloquy without hearing anything. Several old women come in, cross themselves and kneel down without saying a word. Half in a dream, Maurya wonders whose body is going to follow, Patch’s or Michael’s? Cathleen says that it cannot be Michael’s and hands Maurya the bundle with Michael’s clothes. Several men come in, carrying Bartley’s body laid on a plank and covered with a piece of sail. The grey pony knocked him into the sea, and his body was washed out. The men kneel down, and so does Maurya and her daughters.



crying and keening, and making great sorrow in the house’? Maurya, resigned, prays for the deceased and the living ones and concludes:


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