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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the Basic Education Study Program

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of Magister Pendidikan

By :


REGISTER NUMBER : 8136182053




Syawaluddin Ketaren. Registration Number 8136182053. Designing English Reading Materials for Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School Students Tebing Tinggi. A Thesis. Basic Education Study Program, State University of Medan 2015



Syawaluddin Ketaren. Registration Number 8136182053. Designing English Reading Materials for Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School Students Tebing Tinggi. A Thesis. Basic Education Study Program, State University of Medan 2015

Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan perancangan materi membaca bahasa inggris untuk kelas delapan MTs Alwashliyah melalui penerapan pendekatan yang berpusat pada otentitas materi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang materi membaca bahasa inggris yang cocok untuk siswa MTs. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan mengaplikasikan tahapan – tahapan penelitian dan pengembangan . Adapun tahapan – tahapan yang dilakukan adalah (1). menganalisis silabus, materi dan kebutuhan siswa untuk mengangkat masalah, (2) menelaah teori atau prinsip dari bahan bacaan yang efektif,(3) merancang silabus dan bahan materi membaca, (4) memvalidasi bahan bacaan tersebut kepada ahli, (5) memperbaiki materi bacaaan sesuai dengan saran para ahli.untuk menilai kualitas produkdan (6) menghasilkan produk materi ajar membaca untuk siswa MTs. Data penelitian ini berasal dari analisis dokumen yang ada seperti materi, silabus yang ada, angket siswa, dan wawancara guru. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa materi yang ada tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa MTs.Oleh sebab itu, materi membaca yang baru dirancang melaui pencekatan yang berpusat pada otentitas meteri agar sesuai dengan kebutuahn siswa MTs.

Materi membaca yang baru berasal dari .




Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamin, giving the deepest

sense of gratitude to Allah (SWT) for a life full of happinest . Because of his

loving, the writer is able to finish this thesis as a partial fulfullment of requirement

for Magister Pendidikan in State University of Medan.

Countless individuals have contributed directly and indirectly to the

research and to the completion of this thesis. First, his extremly grateful is

directed to his first and second advisor, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S and Dr.

Mahriyuni, M.Hum for their patient guides, excellent advices and develop

suggests during completing this study.

Secondly, thanks are also directed to Dr.Deny Setiawan, M.Si as the head

of Basic Education Study Program, Prof. Dr. Anita Yus, M.Pd as the secretary of

the Basic Education Study Program for the encouraging to finish this thesis.

Thanks are also addressed to all of the lecturers of Basic Education Study

Program and very especiall for Dr.Anni H.Pulungan, M.Hum and Dr. Zainuddin,

M.Hum as the experts who have given the excellent suggestion on validating this

thesis product.

Thirdly, a special expressin of gratitude is directed to Drs Abdul Holid as

the principal of MTs Alwashliyah for allowing the writer to do the research in his

school. The English teachers, Mahmud, S.Pd and Arwina Lubis, S.Pd who always



teachers of MTs Alwashliyah for their best coopeartion and warmth and


All time and whole- hearted gratefullnest for his beloved wife, Arrahmi

Husna, S.Pd.I and his two beloved daughters , Khansa Humaira Ketaren and

Kayyisah Mumtazah ketaren as the inspiration on finishing this thesis. This thesis

is dedicated to them.

Overall, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the

language education especially the islamic education.

Medan, Agustus 2015

The writer,



1.5 The Significances of the Study ... 5


2.1 Designing Materials ... 7

2.2 Reading Materials ... 11

2.3 Reading Materials in Islamic Junior High School ... 15

2.3.1 Islamic Junior High School ... 15

2.3.2 ERM in Islamic Junoir High School ... 18

2.4 Integrating Islam into the Reading Curriculum ... 18

2.5. Important Factors in Designing New Reading Materials ... 20

2.5.1 Suitability of the Content ... 22

2.5.2 Autenticity ... 23



2.6 Guidelines for Designing New reading Materials ... 27

2.7 Authentic Material Approach (AMA) ... 29

2.8. Previous Research ... 33

2.9 Conceptual Frameworks ... 34


3.1 The Research Design... 39

3.2. Research Setting ... 40

3.3 Data and Data Source ... 41

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data ... 41

3.5 Technique of Designing Materials ... 41


4.1 Data Analysis ... 44

4.1.1 The Existing Reading Materials ... 44

4.2 Materials Design ... 46

4.2.1 Analizing Existing Syllabus, Existing Reading Materials, and The students’ need to identify problem ... 47

4.2.2 Phase II : Reviewing the theory or principle of effective Reading material using AMA ... 54




5.1. Conclusion ... 66

5.2 Suggestion ... 67




Table Page

2.1 Indicators in Designing New Reading Materials ... 21



Appendix Page

A Existing Syllabus ... 74

B Existing Reading Materials ... 75

C Readability of the existing reading materials ... 81

D Interview result... 84

E New Syllabus ... 86

F Readability of the new english reading material ... 87

F New English Reading Materials ... 91

H Expert validation ... 92





1.1 The Background of the Study

In Indonesia English is the first foreign language, It is used in the English

classroom but not in every communication .This condition makes English difficult

for the students because they seldom practice their English, only in the classroom.

As we know that English is an International language which is used by all the

people in the world as means of communications. Because of that, English

becomes very important for every people.Because of its importance, English is

taught from all grades of education level like from the kindergarten until

university.Unfortunately most students at any level of education get difficulty in

reading the text.Many research results (Syatriana, 1998, Hamra,1993 and 1996,

Mardiana, 1993) indicated that the ability of Indonesian students to read English

text was still very low.

There are four language skills in learning English namely reading,

writing, speaking and listening. Reading is one of the four skills that must be

mastered for all the students. Reading is the ability to draw meaning from the

printed page and interpret the information approximately.The process of drawing

information and interpreting information requires the work of the brain.The

purpose of reading activity is to get information from the text we read.

Reading materials play an important role to the English Teaching

learning process. It is one of the very crucial element that has to exist to conduct



some factors that can promote and also hinder the learning process in the class ,

They are (1) teachers factors, (2) students factors, (3) administrative support, (4)

teaching resources or the materials. The teachers should try to give the relevant

and also interesting materials to promote the students’ learning motivation.

Unfortunately there are so many irrelevant materials that must be learnt by the

students (Wedhaswary, 2002). These materials can make the students become

low motivation to learn. This condition also happens to the grade eight students

of Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School Tebing Tinggi. The reading materials

that they learn are irrelevant and don’t have any islamic messages in it. That’s

why English reading materials must be designed to get improvement of reading

skill for all the students especially the Islamic Junior High School (MTs)

There are four Islamic Junior High Schools in Tebing Tinggi, one of

them is Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School .It is located on Jalan Tiga Belas

Desember no 3 Tebing Tinggi as it is the oldest Islamic School.As the result of

the interview with the principal, he said that he realized that English is very

important for all of his students. That’s why he suggests all of his students to take

English courses in the afternoon after school.As the program of that school, the

school has English course that can develop their English ability.Unfortunately,

not all the students can follow the English course .From the view of the English

teacher, he reveled that it is very difficult to teach the students because there are

so many factors happen.The most important factors is that the students lack of

motivation. This happens because there are many some irrelevant materials from

the text book. When they learn the reading text, they are not any islamic stories



in analyzing the reading materials especially for the narrative text. The narrtaive

text taught by the teacher is taken from the text book which entitles “ English On

Sky 2 for Junior High School. The texts seem irrelevent to the Islamic School

because the existing reading materials do not relate to the Islamic messages. The

irrelevent Reading Materials are Beauty and the Beast, The Deadly Poppy Field

and Cowardly Lion . The texts seem irrelevent to the Islamic School because the

texts are too general and don’t have any Islamic messages in them. Another

problem is that the students are lack of vocabularies. In solving the problem, the

English teacher uses a kind of strategy to increase the students’ vocabulary.

Every week, he gives the students some new vocabularies that have to be

memorized by the students. He gives the time one week for the students to

memorize the new words. After that he will give the students the test about the

vocabulary, that he calls it vocabulary test. By doing this, he tries to incerease the

students vocabulary abilities. Unfortunately, when he was asked about the the

persentage of the students who have good English, he said only fifteen percent of

his students who have good English that can follow his lesson.This condition can

affect their achievement in English. Mr Mahmud also explained that when he

made the formative test, the average score is still far from the Minimum Mastery

Criteria (KKM). The average score that the students got is 63 and the KKM is 72

so Mr Mahmud as the English teacher must work hard to reach the Minimum

Mastery Criteria (KKM).

According to the realities above, we can say that learners’ motivation is

the problem in teaching learning program. The materials that are taught by the



the materials are too general and are not related to the islamic materials. It can

make the students become low motivation to study. In order to solve the problem,

the relevant reading materials are greatly needed to make the students interest in

learning. The interesting materials can also make the students develop their

vocabulary because when the students read the text, they will find many new

vocabularies in the text. Reading texts provide opportunately to study language

like vocabulary, grammar and it can also help the students to show the way to

construct sentences, paragraph and the text (Hammer, 1998).

With references to the finding, the writer would like to conduct a

research on designing new reading materials for the Islamic junior high school .

In the other words, this research would like to analize the existing syllabus and

also the reading materials. The design of the new reading materials will use

Authentic Materials approach (AMA) . According to Mishan (2005), authentic

Materials Approach is materials – centered and upholds the importance of

materials design not only as a proffesional skill applied by course book writers,

but also as on used by individual teacher in individuals teaching context.

Authentic Materials approach (AMA) is defined as a teaching approach

which focuses on the materials. The teacher gives an authentic text to the students

in teaching learning process.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the explanation in backround above, it is identified that the



1. What are the existing English reading materials for students of

Islamic Junior High School ?

2. How is the new design of English reading material ?

3. What is the suitable reading materials for the Islamic Junior high

school ?

1.3 The Objective of the Study

Based on the the previous problem above, the objective of this study are :

1. Evaluating the existing reading comprehension materials for students of

Islamic High School

2.a Investigating English reading comprehension materials which are

suitable with the Islamic High school students

2.b Designing new English reading comprehension materials

3. Validating the new English reading comprehension materials

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study will be focused on designing suitable English Reading

Material which are relevant with the Islamic Junior High school students

particularly Grade VIII of Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School.

In addition, the reading text covered in this research is the narrative text

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected tobe useful theoretically and



comprehension materials for The Islamic Junior High School students, especially

Grade VIII of Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School. The new reading

materials can be used because it has some islamic moral messages that is suitable

for the Islamic school.

Additionally, it is expected to provide a good reference in designing

appropriate English reading comprehension materials for Grade VIII of

Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School.

The practically, it is expected to inspire the English teachers especially

for the Islamic School teachers to select the suitable English reading material for

their students that can increase the students’ motivation to learn with the

interesting materials. Islamic materials are needed to develop the students’

motivation and the students’ needs as the Islamic school students. Moreover,





5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the data, the conclusions were drawn as the following

1. The existing reading materials are too general for the Islamic School

students because there are not any islamic messeges in it. The stories in the

existing reading materials are legend, that will not be used for outside the

class. The messegers in those stories are too general and don’t tend to the

islamic issues.

2. New english reading materials are designed in order to help the students to

gain their needs as the Islamic school students. The new ERM are

designed through AMA in order to find the appropriate materials for the

Islamic school students. In designing the new ERM, there are three

indicators to be used to make the new ERM suitable with the


3. The new ERM were validated by two experts by giving them

questionnaire. The questionaire consists of dementions of linguistics

features, processes, contents, and lay out. The experts checked whether the




1. It is suggested that the english teachers should not give the materials

which are too general and are not suitable with the studemts’ needs

2. It is suggested that the English teacher should teach the students with the

suitable materials for their field.

3. It is suggested that the English teacher should provide the ERM based on

related principles, theories, or criteria of effective instructional that have

been studied.

4. It is suggestion for the English teacher to use AMA principles as an

teaching approach in order to develop suitable ERM for the students





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