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Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:J-a:Journal of Computational And Applied Mathematics:Vol99.Issue1-2.1998:


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Convergence rate of Pade-type approximants for Stieltjes


M. Bello Hernandeza;∗;1, F. Cala Rodrguezb, J.J. Guadalupea;1, G. Lopez Lagomasinoc;2


Dpto. de Matematicas y Computacion, Univ. de La Rioja, Logron˜o, Spain

bDpto. de Analisis Matematico, Univ. de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain c

Dpto. de Matematicas, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Received 30 October 1997; received in revised form 20 March 1998


For a wide class of Stieltjes functions we estimate the rate of convergence of Pade-type approximants when the number of xed poles represents a xed proportion with respect to the order of the rational approximant. c1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Orthogonal polynomials; Pade-type approximation

1. Introduction

Let ¿1, by f we denote a continuous almost everywhere positive function on the real line such that



= 1: (1)

In [9], Rakhmanov studied the asymptotic behavior of the sequence hn(d;:) of orthonormal polynomials with respect to

d(x) = exp{−f(x)}dx; x ∈R: (2)

(Within this class of measures, of particular interest are the so-called Freud weights

dw(x) = exp{−|x|}dx

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and their orthogonal polynomials.) He proved that

lim n→∞


n1−−1 =D()|Imz|; (3)

where this limit is uniform on compact subsets of C\R,

D() =

and (:) denotes the Gamma function. Set

ˆ (z) =

Z d

(x) z−x :

Let n denote the nth diagonal Pade approximant with respect to ˆ. From Rakhmanov’s result it is not hard to deduce that

lim n→∞


n1−−1 6−2D()|Imz|; (4)

uniformly on compact subsets of C\R. We aim to obtain similar results when instead of Pade approximants, Pade-type approximants are used.

Let l2

n be a polynomial of degree m(n) and 06m(n)6n. We dene the nth Pade-type approxi-mants of ˆ with xed poles at the zeros of l2

n as the unique rational function

rn= pn qnl2n


where pn and qn are polynomials which satisfy

• degpn6n−1; degqn6n−m(n); qn6≡0, poles of the rational approximant are xed.


We prove

Theorem 1. Let ln denote the orthonormal polynomial of degree m(n)=2 with respect to the Freud

measure dw(x) where 1¡¡. Let rn denote the nth Pade-type approximant of ˆ with xed

poles at the zeros of l2

n and assume that

lim n→∞


n = ∈[0;1):


lim sup n→∞


n1−−1 6−2(1−)


D()|Imz|; (7)

where convergence takes place uniformly on each compact subset of C\R.

The paper is divided as follows. In Section 2, we give some auxiliary results. Section 3 is devoted to the proof of the theorem stated above and some comments.

2. Auxiliary results

Let d be a nite positive Borel measure on R, with an innite number of points in its support and nite moments. Denote

Kj(d; z) = sup p∈j; p6≡0



|p2(x)|d(x); (8)

where j is the set of all polynomials of degree 6j. If d=l2

nd we denote

Kn; j(z) =Kj(d; z):

Lemma 2.1. There exist constants D¿0 and ∈R such that

DnKj(d ˜; z)6Kn; j(z)6Kj(l2nd|(−n1=; n1=); z); (9)

where d ˜(x) = exp{−(f(x)− |x|)}dx; 1¡¡; andl2

nd|(−n1=; n1=) is the restriction of the mea-sure l2

nd to (−n1=; n1=).

Proof. From (8) the inequality on the right side of (9) follows directly. On the other hand from Corollary 1.4 in [7] there exist constants D1¿0 and 1∈R such that

l2n(x) exp{−|x|}6D

1(m(n) + 1)1; x∈R:

Since 06m(n)6n; we obtain


n(x) exp(−|x| )6D


Thus, if p∈j and p6≡0, we get

and the proof is concluded.

Lemma 2.2. Let K be a compact subset of C\R; 1¡¡; and lim(m(n)=n) =. Then

and ln denotes the orthonormal polynomial of degree m(n)=2 with respect to the Freud measure dw(x).

Proof. Let tk be the kth orthonormal polynomial with respect to d. From the general theory of orthogonal polynomials, we know (see [5]) that


On the other hand,

or what is the same

2 have (see Theorem 2.6 in [8])

Z Using (3), (10), (12), and (13) one obtains

lim n→∞

logKn(d ˜; z)

n1−1= = 2D()|Im(z)|: (14) This result appears in [9], Lemma 4.

For d(x) =l2

coecient. Notice that, innite–nite range L2 estimates give as above





6D4n2=: (16)

From the rst inequality in (9), (14)–(16), we obtain

lim inf


3. Proof of Theorem 1

Let K be a compact subset of C\R, then there exists D1=D1(K)¿0 such that

|z−x|¿D1; z∈K; x∈R:

Using (6) and the orthonormality of qn, we get

|( ˆ−rn)(z)|=

1 (qnln)2(z)

Z (q

nln)2(x) z−x d

6 1

D1|(qnln)2(z)| :

Now, from Lemma 2.2 and (3) as applied to the sequence {ln}, we obtain (7).

Corollary 1. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1

rn →ˆ;

uniformly on each compact set of C\R.

Proof. It is immediate from the fact that the right-hand side of (7) is continuous and negative on


Remark 1. In the case when = 1 and 1¡= it is possible to construct examples where there is divergence. For example, taking m(n) =n and f(x) =|x|− |x|

with ′¡ suciently close to .

For this reason we do not discuss this limiting situation.

Remark 2. When 1¡¡ and m(n) =n there is always divergence.


[1] A. Ambroladze, H. Wallin, Pade type approximants of Markov and meromorphic functions, J. Approx. Theory 88 (1997) 354 –369.

[2] A. Ambroladze, H. Wallin, Convergence of rational interpolants with preassingned poles, J. Approx. Theory 89 (1997) 238 –256.

[3] F. Cala, G. Lopez, From Pade to Pade-type approximants. Exact rate of convergence, in: M. Florenzano et al. (Eds.), Proc. 2nd Internat. Conf. on Approx. and Opt. in the Caribbean, Peter Series in Approx. and Optimization, vol. 8, 1995, pp. 155–163.

[4] F. Cala, G. Lopez, Multipoint Pade-type approximants. Exact rate of convergence, Constr. Approx. 14 (2) (1998) 259 –272.

[5] G. Freud, Orthogonal Polynomials, Pergamon Press, Budapest, 1966.


[7] A.L. Levin, D.S. Lubinsky, Christoel functions, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Nevai’s Conjecture for Freud Weights, Constr. Approx. 8 (1992) 463–535.

[8] H.N. Mhaskar, E.B. Sa, Where does the Lp norm of a weighted polynomial live?, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 303

(1987) 109 –124.


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