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WINRIP DOC CRO Laporan Pengamatan Pre Bid Meeting Paket 15 20150131 00255


Academic year: 2017

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Nama WPM

: Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT

Nama Paket : 15, Sibolga – Batas Tapsel







Nama WPM


Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT

Nomor Paket



Nama Paket


Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel



Sumatera Utara





Laporan Hasil Pengamatan Proses Pengadaan Jasa Pekerjaan Konstruksi













1. Pelaksanaan Rapat Penjelasan Awal/

Pre-Bid Meeting


2. Kunjungan Lapangan/

Site Visit











Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Bank Dunia telah menandatangani Naskah Perjanjian Pinjaman (Loan Agreemnet) untuk Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP) IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID pada tanggal 14 Desember 2011. Loan efektif 12 Maret 2012 dan akan berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2017, senilai USD250 juta. Porsi sharing Loan dan GOI adalah 70:30 untuk Civil Works, dimana Pemerintah Indonesia menyediakan Dana USD 100 juta, sehingga total nilai proyek adalah USD 350 juta. Pinjaman tersebut akan digunakan untuk mendukung penguatan berkelanjutan Sistem Jaringan Jalan Nasional di wilayah Indonesia Barat,yaitu untuk pekerjaan jalan dan jembatan.

Tujuan utama proyek WINRIP adalah untuk meningkatkan status jaringan yang sebelumnya berfungsi sebagai jalan provinsi atau jalan non status agar sesuai dengan standar yang baru yaitu jalan nasional; memastikan bahwa jaringan jalan nasional tersebut menjadi lebih lancar dan berkeamanan; dan mampu mendukung peningkatan ekonomi daerah. Sesuai dengan Schedule 2 Section IC Naskah Perjanjian Pinjaman WINRIP,dan Bab 11 Project Management Manual (PMM) WINRIP, Pemerintah Indonesia dan Bank Dunia menyepakati pelaksanaan Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)atau Rencana Tindak Anti Korupsi (RTAK) dalam pelaksanaan proyek.

Adapun tujuan RTAK adalah untuk;

1. Mengidentifikasi resiko bagi pemerintah dan langkah-langkah pencegahan sehingga mencapai standard sistem kendali yang lebih baik dari yang telah dilakukan pada program-program sebelumnya.

2. Mengatasi semua resiko dalam bentuk rencana tindak yang dikendalikan oleh Ditjen. Bina Marga.

3. Mencapai pelaksanaan RTAK WINRIP yang sejalan dengan Pedoman Bank Dunia tentang Pencegahan dan Upaya Memerangi Penipuan dan Tindak Korupsi pada program-program yang didanai oleh Bank Dunia.


kuat dan efektif, dengan melakukan langkah-langkah pencegahan dan meningkatkannya pada pelaksanaan rencana tindak-nya. Berdasarkan pelajaran dan pengalaman pada proyek sebelumnya, maka RTAK yang akan dilakukan meliputi lima area sebagaimana diformulasikan dalam Matrik Pemetaan Resiko Korupsi dan Rencana Tindak yaitu:

a. Meningkatkan Penyebarluasan Informasi dan Transparansi

b. Meningkatkan Pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh Masyarakat Madani c. Meningkatkan Mekanisme Penanganan Pengaduan

d. Pencegahan Kolusi serta Pemalsuan dan Resiko Penipuan, dan e. Penerapan Sanksi dan Tindakan Hukum

Sedangkan ruang linkup pelaksanaan RTAK atau ACAP meliputi komponen-komponen berikut:

1. Pelibatan Wakil Pengamat dari Masyarakat (WPM) / Community Representative Observers (CROs) dalam pemantauan atau pengamatan terhadap proses pelelangan / pengadaan jasa konstruksi.

2. Keterbukaan informasi kepada public /Public Disclosure.

3. Penanganan dan pengelolaan Pengaduan dari Masyarakat / Complaint Handling Mechanism System (CHS).

4. Pelibatan Pemantauan oleh Pihak Ketiga / Third Party Monitoring (TPM) dalam pemantauan proses konstruksi.





No Paket : 15

Nama Paket : Sibolga – Batas Tapsel Provinsi : Sumatera Utara

Satuan Kerja : Satuan Kerja Pelaksanaan Jalan Wilayah II Provinsi Sumatera Utara


Apakah diumumkan di Website? Ya Tidak Bila ‘Ya’ sebutkan website institusi: http://www.pu.go.id Tanggal dimuat: 9 Januari 2015.

Apakah pengumuman di website tersebut lengkap dan jelas? Ya kurang lengkap

Apakah informasi pelelangan diumumkan pada papan pengumuman? Ya Tidak

Apakah ada pihak (calon peserta) yang mengalami kesulitan mendapatkan dokumen pelelangan? Ya Tidak

Apakah ada pemungutan biaya diluar ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan di dalam dokumen lelang, bila ada mohon dijelaskan disini


Apakah ada proses registrasi untuk bisa mengikuti pelelangan ini? Bila ada, harap dijelaskan disini?


- Para penyedia jasa dapat mendownload file surat-surat dan dokumen untuk lelang,

serta mendaftarkan diri melalui website Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat www.pu.go.id.

- Pendaftaran dapat dilaksanakan dari tanggal 9 Januari 2015 sampai 22 Februari 2015. - Batas akhir pemasukan dokumen adalah tanggal 23 Februari 2015 sebelum pukul

10.00 WIB.








Rapat Penpenjelasan Awal /Pre-Bid Meeting (aanwijzing) dilaksanakan pada hari Senin tanggal 26 Januari 2015 dibuka pada jam 10.00 s.d jam 13.00, bertempat di Kantor Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional II Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Jl. Sakti Lubis No. 1 Medan, Kota Medan.

Pembukaan rapat oleh Bapak Ir. Irwan, MT sebagai Ketua Pokja Unit Layanan Pengadaan Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional I, Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II Provinsi Sumatera Utara.

Rapat dihadiri unsur-unsur instansi terkait yaitu: 1. Pokja:

a. Ir. Irwan, MT (Ketua)

b. Albed Eko Limbong, ST., M.Si (Sekretaris) c. Ir. Parlindungan Sibuea, MT (Anggota) d. Luisa Kristina Lumbantobing, ST (Anggota) e. Bonar Lumsa Mungkur, Amd (Anggota) f. M. Fauzan ‘Azima Lubisa, ST (Anggota) g. Marontang Pasaribu, ST (Anggota)

2. Dit. Bina Pelaksanaan Wilayah I: Ir. Synta Febria, MT (Kasi Penyiapan Subdit IB) 3. PMU WINRIP:


a. Ir. M. Edhi Fachri (Procurement Specialist) b. Ir. Mardiansyah (Procurement Specialist) 5. PPK 12: Ir. Siduhu Aro Dakhi, MM

6. WPM : M. Koster Silaen, MT

Rapat Pre-Bid Meeting Paket 15 dihadiri oleh 14 calon peserta lelang.

Ringkasan penjelasan:

1. Rapat Pre-Bid Meeting dibuka oleh Ketua Pokja Pengadaan Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Rapat ini dilaksanakan untuk menginformasikan kepada para peserta lelang mengenai persyaratan lengkap yang harus dipenuhi dalam pelelangan ini agar tidak ada kesalahpahaman di kemudian hari. 2. Ketua Pokja menyampaikan:


 Paket nomor 15 (Sibolga – Batas Tapsel)

 Panjang efektif 36.00 km.

 Tata cara dan persyaratan mengikuti pelelangan.  Dan lain-lain

3. Procurement Specialist 2 dari CTC WINRIP menjelaskan prosedur pelelangan dengan menekankan pada persyaratan bidding document.

Ringkasan tanya jawab selama Pre-Bid Meeting:

Questions Response

1. Which ones financial resources used, 2009-2013 or 2010-2014?

Finansial resources data 2009-2013

2. How about APBN portion of Loan? Portion of APBN is 30%

3. Do you have detail for analysis of provisional sums?

No detail analisys for Provisional Sum. Please refer to Bid Document Section VIII. General Conditions Sub-Clause 13.5 and Section VII General Specification sub clause 1.7 4. How is procedure of relocation for


Relocation of utilities will be arrange between PPK and utility owner companies.

5. Who is responsible to cost of relocation for utilities?

The responsibility for relocation of utility is utility owned company, if location of utilities in the right of way (ROW)

6. How is procedure to withdraw provisional sums?

Please refer to Section VII General Specification sub clause 1.7.2

7. Based on document, the equipment example : AMP capacity is 120 tons/hour, is it allowed to use 2 unit of AMP with capacity of 60 tons rather than that as required ?

And how about for the others equipment?

The major equipment must meet the type and minimal capacity as describe in Bidding Document Section III of Evaluation and Qualification Criteria in sub clause 3.6 major requirement of equipment. For other Equipment based on proposed method of work and as specification needed.

8. Which ones form of bid security used, option 1 : with following the rules of ICC No. 758 or option 2: with relinquishing the clause 1832 of Indonesian Civil Law ?

Please select only one option. For Option No.1 the commercial bank who issued the bid security should be member of ICC and ratified ICC URDG No. 758.

9. How is the status of land acquisition? Status of land acquisition is on going and it is completed before or on October 2015

10. Who is responsible of maintenance for road the end of link from the end of project?


11. Please explain any pay item in BOQ which could be expendable for utility work ?

Please refer to answer of question no 4 and 5 above

12. Please explain, is there a partially site handover liable by employer to allow commencement of work started at location which land acquisition is completed ?

Partial site handover maybe considered as long as the World Bank interpose no objection.

13. Please explain How much is value of advance payment in percentage deserve for contractor ?

Please see section IX of Particular Condition sub clause 14.2 of Total Advance Payment

14. Please explain the address of employer to submit bid validity?

The Employer:

Directorate General Of Highways, Ministry of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia.


Procurement Committee (Pokja) of the Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Projects (WINRIP) Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II, Province North Sumatra, ULP Wilayah Sumatera Utara Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum Dan Perumahan rakyat.

15. Please explain the address of employer to submit the bid security ?

The same answer as above. Address:

Jalan Busi Dalam No. 7D Medan

Kode Pos: 16. What criteria of similar contract in To

meet requirements of 4.2 (a) page 46

Definition of similar contract please refer to page 46 foot note no.5 of bidding document. The requirement is clear. For JV/JO, must meet this requirement.

17. To meet the requiremants of 4.2 (b) page 47 we proposed contract owned Member B with production

a) Asphalt Concrete : 8000 Ton/month

b) Aggregate Base : 10,500 cu.m/month

Does it meet the requirements? What is the total contract for the requirements 4.2 (b) must be USD $ 24,300,000,- ?

Please see page 47 of Section III of Bidding Document. The criteria and requirements are clearly specified.

18. If the requirements of 4.2 (a) page 46 without work asphalting and work aggregate base has fulfilled by Lead Partner and to the requirements of 4.2 (b) page 47 have been complied with company member B

Is the company a member C must meet the qualification requirements ?


19. If the terms “Average Annual Construction Turnover” Section III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria page 45 have been met by the leader (100%)

If each member of B and C must meet the members of USD $ 6,075,000 (25%) ?

Each member must have minimal 25% of AACTO requirements (USD 6,075,000.00)

20. To need for personnel and equipment if it is met by the leader, whether members must be completed by the member B and the member C ?

Not necessary

21. Is the Form Joint Operating provided by Committee ?

Form of Joint attached.

22. Please confirm the official to whom the letter of Bid is quoted ?

The Employer:

Directorate General Of Highways, Ministry of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia.


Procurement Committee (Pokja) of the Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Projects (WINRIP) Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II, Province North Sumatra, ULP Wilayah Sumatera Utara Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum Dan Perumahan rakyat.

23. Related to question 22, bid security validity period ?

Please see refer of section 1 ITB sub clause 19.3

24. With regard to the requirements of the equipment :

a. Minimum capacity production of AMP 120 tons/hour

b. Minimum capacity production of Stone Crusher 175 tons/hour c. Minimum Track Asphalt Finisher

with automatic sensor at minimum capacity 120 tons/hour

Please advise whether the bidder can provide more than one unit equipment of smaller capacity to reach the minimum capacity requirements as defined above ?

Please refer to answer of question no. 7 above.

25. Since the quantity of excavation is huge enough, is there a designated location for disposal or it is the responsibility of providers (contractors) to provide the disposal sites?

Designated disposal location not determined yet. The award bidder will be provide the disposal site.

26. Since there are a huge number of housing sites/land subject to road widening in scatter location, please give us the latest progress of land acquisition and its scheme which


showing us location that is already free (within the road right of way ROW ) and please advise when the land acquisition target 100% could be accomplished ?

27. Please give us prediction when signing contract of the package 15 could be upheld ? this question is necessary since calculation of price escalation is started at the month 13 from the date of submission the bid proposal.

Signing contract is estimated on or before August 2015.

28. Who take responsibility for the relocation of utilities (water pipe, PLN, PJU, etc ) and which payment item available in BOQ to finance the cost of relocation ?

Please refer to answer of question no 4 and 5 above

29. Related to question No. 28 How is the payment system ?

Please refer to answer of question no 4 and 5 above

30. What is the minimum quantity of working progress that can be reimbursed (through Interim Payment Cerificate ) ?

Please refer to Section IX Particular Conditions sub-clause 14.6

31. How long is the period of validity of performance bond?

Please see refer to Section VIII of General Condition sub-clause and sub clause 4.2 (Performance Security).

32. Is there any facilities necessary to be provided for the employer by contractor?


33. Which is subject to priority if there is a difference between BOQ and drawings?

Please see refer to Section VIII of General Condition clause 1.5

34. Have all land acquisition been tackled? Please refer to answer question No. 9 and No. 26 above.

35. Where are the disposal areas for excavation and cut trees?

Please refer to answer of question no. 25 above.

36. Please details down scope of work of trees?

Please refer to Section VII General Specification.

37. Is removal of public utility included in this scope of work?

Please refer answer of question no. 4 and no. 5 above.

38. Is it possible, later after the contract based on MC-0, to have review design so that additional item that are not indicate in current bid could be included?

Please refer to Section VIII General Condition clause 13 variations and Adjustments

39. Is it possible to have alternative material source from out side the project?

Yes it is. But with no additional cost.

40. Relocating existing facilities need coordination with related authority, which might takes time. In the case,


will contractor get tolerance for delay arising from that matter ?

41. Could we have minute of pre-bid meeting and additional data of existing sea surface for volume control ?

Will be upload before date of submission. The bidder should use the existing benchmark available anywhere in site.

42. Could we have minute of pre-bid meeting with location lay out additional data-location and size area that are needed for repair before overlay ?

The bidder suggested to do site survey to recognize the recent condition before submit the bids.

43. In case of JO, is the experience of point 4.2 (b) asphalt concrete and aggregate base shoulde be full filled by one member or combined together?

Requirement of criteria 4.2 (b) should be fulfilled by lead partner or member but cannot


44. What is the minimum credit line There’s no minimum limit of credit line as long as it meet requirement of financial resources. 45. Please explain for experience

requirements is the value of contract (in rupiah) within the last five year could be adjusted to the value at present time subject to instruction in BPS book?

The value of contract (in rupiah) for evaluation will exchange to US$ with no adjusted. The exchange rate to be used for determining the equivalent US$ value shall be the transaction selling rate published by the Bank of Indonesia applicable at the date when Taking-Over Certificate for the Works was issued. The exchange rates shall be obtained from the BI website at the following address:

http://www.bi.go.id/web/en/Moneter/Kurs+Ba nk+Indonesia/Kurs+Transaksi/






Selama kegiatan Pre-Bid Meeting tidak ada pelanggaran yang terjadi. Kegiatan Pre Bis Meeting berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan.


Lampiran 1 Pengumuman Undangan Lelang

Lampiran 2. Surat Undangan Pre-Bid Meeting + Site Visit

Lampiran 3. Berita Acara Aanwijzing / Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting + Site Visit


Laporan Hasil Pengamatan Proses Pengadaan Jasa Pekerjaan Konstruksi




Lampiran 1. Pengumuan Undangan Lelang

Lampiran 2. Undangan Pre-Bid Meeting dan Site Visit





Alamat : Jln. Busi Dalam No. 7 Medan, Telp. 061-7866804, Fax. 061-7866804, e-mail : winrip.pc2@gmail.com


HELD ON January 26, 2015

For Civil Works Packages 15 : Sibolga – Batas Tapsel WINRIP IBRD Loan No. 8043 – ID

IFB: 65/ POKJA/ WINRIP/ Br.S3/ 2015

Description of Works : The Carriageway of 36 km is being widening t o 7 m plus 1. 0 – 2. 0 m hard shoulders on bot h sides. Drainage is being provide along t he ent ire lenght of t he proj ect road. The proj ect st art s at Km. 03+814 f rom Sibolga at Cit y border of Sibolga and ends at Km. 39+814 f rom Sibolga at Sout h Tapanuli Dist rict Border (Link N 03. 044), Nort h Sumat ra Province. The road works consist of road bet t erment , asphalt overlay, drainage improvement and road widening.

Work Unit : Sat ker Pel aksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II Prov. Sumat era Ut ara Act ivit y : PPK. 12 Sibolga Cs.

Locat ion : Sibolga – Bat as Tapsel.


1. Place and Time of the Pre – Bid Meeting

Place : Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jal an Nasional I Jal an Sakt i Lubis No. 1 Medan

Time : 10. 00 t o 13. 00 local t ime Dat e : January, 26, 2015

2. Attendance

A. From Employer : Procurement Commitee

- Ir. Irwan, MT / Chairman

- Albed Eko Limbong, ST, MSi/ Secret ary - Ir. Parlindungan Sibuea, MT / Member - Luisa Krist ina Lumbant obing, ST / Member - Bonar Lumsa Mungkur, AMd. / Member - M. Fauzan ‘ Azima Lubis, ST / Member - Maront ang Pasaribu, ST / Member

B. From DGH:

- Ir. Synt a Febria, MT / Kasi Penyiapan Subdit IB.

- Ir. Siduhu Aro Dakhi, MM / Pej abat Pembuat Komit men 12 (Sibolga Cs)

C. Other Participants :


D. Òbserver:

M. Kost er Silaen, ST, MT

E. From Prospective Bidders:

14 (Fourt een) Bidders


Opening on 10. 00 a. m local t ime

- The pre bid meet ing was opened by Head of Procurement services Unit (ULP) area of Nort h Sumat era.

- And Opening remarks was conduct ed by Ir. Irwan, MT. Chairman of Procurement Comit ee Team ULP Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional I of Sat ker Pel aksanaan Jal an Nasional Wilayah II Prov. Sumat era Ut ara, t o examine t he Technical requirement t hat bidders must consider in t heir bids f or package 15 : Sibolga – Bat as Tapsel. He st at e t hat t he purpose of t he pre-bid meet ing is t o inf orm t he bidder t he complet e requirement of t he work t o avoid any mis- int erpret at ion.

- Present at ion of t he bidding procedures of WINRIP as wel l as emphasis were highlight ed on t he requirement of t he bid document by Ir. M. Edi Fachri (Procurement Specialist 2 CTC WINRIP)

- Open discussion and Q&A session (at t ached).

- The import ance of clarif icat ion period prior t o bid submission and opening where all bidders may request clarif icat ion during t heir review of bid document and t he sit e and provide correct inf ormat ion t o any clarif icat ion made by Procurement Comit t ee f or purposes of evaluat ion.

- A Prospect ive Bidder requiring clarif icat ion shall cont act t he comit t ee in writ ing at t he comit t ee’ s email address st at ed in t he bid document t o be submit t ed no lat er t han 21 days prior t o t he deadline of bid submission

- Deadline of Bid submission will be at 10. 00 a. m on dat e February 23 monday, 2015 . Lat e bids will be aut omat ically rej ect ed by LPSE syst em (t he bidder cannot upload t he bids af t er t he deadline).

- Explanat ion of t he Of f icial Commit ment Maker (PPK 12 Sibolga Cs) regarding t he locat ion of t he work done.

- For an expl anat ion of t he f ield will be conduct ed on Wednesday dat ed January 28, 2015 wit h t he rall ying point in at 10: 00 a. m l ocal t ime.


Time : 10. 00 a. m local t ime

1. Place and time of the site visit

Meet ing point :

Time : 10. 00 a. m local t ime

Dat e : Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2. Attendance


- Albed Eko Limbong, ST. MSi/ Secret ary - Ir. Parlindungan Sibuea, MT / Member - Luisa Krist ina Lumbant obing, ST / Member - Bonar Lumsa Mungkur, AMd. / Member - M. Fauzan ‘ Azima Lubis, ST / Member - Maront ang Pasaribu, ST / Member

B. From DGH :

- Ir. Siduhu Aro Dakhi, MM / Of f icial Commit ment Maker (PPK 12 Sibolga Cs) - Ir. Syint a Febria, MT. Kasi Penyiapan Subdit IB.


C. Observer:

M. Kost er Silaen, ST. MT cannot go t o sit e visit because his of f ice has anot her t ask t hat can not be abandoned.

D. From Prospective Bidders: 9 (Nine) bidders

The Procurement Team declared t hat minut es of pre bid meet ing of Package 15 Sibolga – Bat as Tapsel. AWP-2 WINRIP IBRD loan No. 8043 – ID made and provided in t he duly complet ed are complet e, t rue, and correct .


1. Ir. Irwan, MT Chairman 1. . .

2. Albed Eko Limbong, ST. MSi Secret ary 2. . .

3. Ir. Parlindungan Sibuea, MT Member 3. . .

4. Luisa Krist ina Lumbant obing, ST Member 4. . .

5. Bonar Lumsa Mungkur, AMd. Member 5. . .

6. M. Fauzan ‘ Azima Lubis, ST Member 6. . .


Queries (during Pre-Bid Meet ing and received in writ ing by POKJA)



1. Which ones f inancial resources used, 2009-2013 or 2010-2014?

Finansial resources dat a 2009-2013

2. How about APBN port ion of Loan? Port ion of APBN is 30%

3. Do you have det ail f or anal ysis of provisional sums?

No det ail analisys f or Provisional Sum. Please ref er t o Bid Document Sect ion VIII. General Condit ions Sub-Cl ause 13. 5 and Sect ion VII General Specif icat ion sub clause 1. 7

4. How is procedure of rel ocat ion f or ut ilit ies? Relocat ion of ut ilit ies will be arrange bet ween PPK and ut il it y owner companies.

5. Who is responsible t o cost of relocat ion f or ut ilit ies?

The responsibilit y f or relocat ion of ut ilit y is ut ilit y owned company, if locat ion of ut ilit ies in t he right of way (ROW)

6. How is procedure t o wit hdraw provisional sums?

Please ref er t o Sect ion VII General Specif icat ion sub clause 1. 7. 2

7. Based on document , t he equipment example : AMP capacit y is 120 t ons/ hour, is it allowed t o use 2 unit of AMP wit h capacit y of 60 t ons rat her t han t hat as required ?

And how about f or t he ot hers equipment ?

The maj or equipment must meet t he t ype and minimal capacit y as describe in Bidding

Document Sect ion III of Evaluat ion and Qualif icat ion Crit eria in sub clause 3. 6 maj or requirement of equipment . For ot her Equipment based on proposed met hod of work and as specif icat ion needed.

8. Which ones f orm of bid securit y used, opt ion 1 : wit h f ollowing t he rules of ICC No. 758 or opt ion 2: wit h relinquishing t he clause 1832 of Indonesian Civil Law ?

Please select only one opt ion. For Opt ion No. 1 t he commercial bank who issued t he bid securit y should be member of ICC and rat if ied ICC URDG No. 758.

9. How is t he st at us of land acquisit ion? St at us of land acquisit ion is on going and it is complet ed bef ore or on Oct ober 2015

10.Who is responsible of maint enance f or road t he end of link f rom t he end of proj ect ?

The cont ract or is responsible t o maint ain t he road wit hin t he const ruct ion limit s.

11.Please expl ain any pay it em in BOQ which could be expendable f or ut ilit y work ?

Please ref er t o answer of quest ion no 4 and 5 above

12.Please expl ain, is t here a part ially sit e handover l iable by employer t o allow commencement of work st art ed at locat ion which land acquisit ion is complet ed ?


f or cont ract or ?

14. Please explain t he address of employer t o submit bid validit y?

The Empl oyer:

Direct orat e General Of Highways, Minist ry of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia.

At t :

Procurement Commit t ee (Pokj a) of t he West ern Indonesia Nat ional Roads Improvement Proj ect s (WINRIP) Sat ker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II, Province Nort h Sumat ra, ULP Wil ayah Sumat era Ut ara Kement rian Pekerj aan Umum Dan Perumahan rakyat .

15.Please expl ain t he address of employer t o submit t he bid securit y ?

The same answer as above. Address:

Jalan Busi Dalam No. 7D Medan

Kode Pos: 16.What crit eria of simil ar cont ract in To

meet requirement s of 4. 2 (a) page 46

Def init ion of similar cont ract please ref er t o page 46 f oot not e no. 5 of bidding document . The crit eria and requirement s are clearly specif ied.

17.To meet t he requiremant s of 4. 2 (b) page 47 we proposed cont ract owned Member B wit h product ion

a) Asphalt Concret e : 8000 Ton/ mont h

b) Aggregat e Base : 10, 500

cu. m/ mont h

Does it meet t he requirement s? What is t he t ot al cont ract f or t he

requirement s 4. 2 (b) must be USD $ 24, 300, 000, - ?

Please see page 47 of Sect ion III of Bidding Document . The crit eria and requirement s are clearly specif ied.

For JV/ JO, must meet t his requirement .

18.If t he requirement s of 4. 2 (a) page 46 wit hout work asphalt ing and work aggregat e base has f ulf illed by Lead Part ner and t o t he requirement s of 4. 2 (b) page 47 have been complied wit h company member B

Is t he company a member C must meet t he qualif icat ion requirement s ?

Please ref er t o answer of quest ion No. 16 and 17 above

19.If t he t erms “ Average Annual Const ruct ion Turnover” Sect ion III Evaluat ion and Qualif icat ion Crit eria page 45 have been met by t he l eader (100%)

If each member of B and C must meet t he members of USD $ 6, 075, 000 (25%) ?

Each member also must have minimum 25% of AACTO requirement s (USD 6, 075, 000. 00).

20. To need f or personnel and equipment if it is met by t he leader, whet her members must be complet ed by t he member B and t he member C ?

Not necessary

21.Is t he Form Joint Operat ing provided by Commit t ee ?


22.Please conf irm t he of f icial t o whom t he let t er of Bid is quot ed ?

The Empl oyer:

Direct orat e General Of Highways, Minist ry of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia.

At t :

Procurement Commit t ee (Pokj a) of t he West ern Indonesia Nat ional Roads Improvement Proj ect s (WINRIP) Sat ker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II, Province Nort h Sumat ra, ULP Wil ayah Sumat era Ut ara Kement rian Pekerj aan Umum Dan Perumahan rakyat .

23.Relat ed t o quest ion 22, bid securit y validit y period ?

Please see ref er of sect ion 1 ITB sub clause 19. 3

24.Wit h regard t o t he requirement s of t he equipment :

a. Minimum capacit y product ion of AMP 120 t ons/ hour

b. Minimum capacit y product ion of St one Crusher 175 t ons/ hour

c. Minimum Track Asphal t Finisher wit h aut omat ic sensor at minimum capacit y 120 t ons/ hour

Please advise whet her t he bidder can provide more t han one unit equipment of smaller capacit y t o reach t he minimum capacit y requirement s as def ined above ?

Please ref er t o answer of quest ion no. 7 above.

25.Since t he quant it y of excavat ion is huge enough, is t here a designat ed locat ion f or disposal or it is t he responsibilit y of providers (cont ract ors) t o provide t he disposal sit es?

Designat ed disposal locat ion not det ermined yet . The award bidder will be provide t he disposal sit e.

26. Since t here are a huge number of housing sit es/ land subj ect t o road widening in scat t er locat ion, please give us t he lat est progress of land acquisit ion and it s scheme which showing us locat ion t hat is already f ree (wit hin t he road right of way ROW ) and please advise when t he land acquisit ion t arget 100% could be accomplished ?

The process of land acquisit ion is st ill ongoing. The process will be complet e bef ore sit e t ake over.

27.Please give us predict ion when signing cont ract of t he package 15 could be upheld ? t his quest ion is necessary since calculat ion of price escalat ion is st art ed at t he mont h 13 f rom t he dat e of submission t he bid proposal.

Signing cont ract is est imat ed on or bef ore August 2015.

28.Who t ake responsibilit y f or t he relocat ion of ut ilit ies (wat er pipe, PLN, PJU, et c ) and which payment it em avail able in BOQ t o f inance t he cost of relocat ion ?


30.What is t he minimum quant it y of working progress t hat can be reimbursed (t hrough Int erim Payment Cerif icat e ) ?

Please ref er t o Sect ion IX Part icular Condit ions sub-clause 14. 6

31.How l ong is t he period of validit y of perf ormance bond?

Please see ref er t o Sect ion VIII of General Condit ion sub-clause 1. 1. 6. 6 and sub clause 4. 2 (Perf ormance Securit y).

32.Is t here any f acilit ies necessary t o be provided f or t he employer by cont ract or ?


33.Which is subj ect t o priorit y if t here is a dif f erence bet ween BOQ and drawings ?

Please see ref er t o Sect ion VIII of General Condit ion cl ause 1. 5

34.Have all land acquisit ion been t ackl ed ? Please ref er t o answer quest ion No. 9 and No. 26 above.

35.Where are t he disposal areas f or

excavat ion and cut t rees ?

Please ref er t o answer of quest ion no. 25 above.

36.Please det ails down scope of work of t rees ?

Please ref er t o Sect ion VII General Specif icat ion.

37.Is removal of public ut ilit y included in t his scope of work ?

Please ref er answer of quest ion no. 4 and no. 5 above.

38. Is it possible, lat er af t er t he cont ract based on MC-0, t o have review design so t hat addit ional it em t hat are not indicat e in current bid could be included ?

Please ref er t o Sect ion VIII General Condit ion clause 13 variat ions and Adj ust ment s

39.Is it possibl e t o have alt ernat ive mat erial source f rom out side t he proj ect ?

Yes it is. But wit h no addit ional cost .

40.Relocat ing exist ing f acilit ies need coordinat ion wit h relat ed aut horit y, which might t akes t ime. In t he case, will cont ract or get t olerance f or delay arising f rom t hat mat t er ?

No. Please ref er answer of quest ion no. 4 and no. 5 above.

41.Could we have minut e of pre-bid meet ing and addit ional dat a of exist ing sea surf ace f or volume cont rol ?

Will be upload bef ore dat e of submission. The bidder should use t he exist ing benchmark available anywhere in sit e.

42.Could we have minut e of pre-bid meet ing wit h locat ion lay out addit ional dat a-locat ion and size area t hat are needed f or repair bef ore overlay ?

The bidder suggest ed t o do sit e survey t o

recognize t he recent condit ion bef ore submit t he bids.

43.In case of JO, is t he experience of point 4. 2 (b) asphalt concret e and aggregat e base shoulde be f ull f ill ed by one member or combined t oget her?

Requirement of crit eria 4. 2 (b) should be

f ulf illed by l ead part ner or by one member, and cannot combined.


45.Please explain f or experience requirement s is t he val ue of cont ract (in rupiah) wit hin t he last f ive year could be adj ust ed t o t he value at present t ime subj ect t o inst ruct ion in BPS book?

The value of cont ract (in rupiah) f or evaluat ion will exchange t o US$ wit h no adj ust ed. The exchange rat e t o be used f or det ermining t he equivalent US$ value shall be t he t ransact ion selling rat e published by t he Bank of Indonesia applicable at the date when Taking-Over Certificate for the Works was issued. The exchange rat es shall be obt ained f rom t he BI websit e at t he f ollowing address:



[This Form is optional, not mandatory. Bidder has his option to use other similar form]


The issuance of the Bidding Documents for the... 1) due for submission to the Ministry of Public Works,

Directorate General of Highways on... 2) and

THAT ... 3)


... 4)


... 5)

desire to participate jointly as a Joint Venture/Joint Operation* in the bidding and construction, completion and remedy of defects in the above Project


1. To appoint...3), for this Project as Sponsoring Member/Leading Company to represent and to act

for and on behalf of the Joint Venture/Joint Operation* and to sign in its name all documents including the Bid and the Contract Agreement.

2. That ...3)





hereby agree that in case of Award, they are and shall remain jointly and severally liable for their obligations under the Contract Documents.

3. That the interest of each Company in the Joint Venture/Joint Operation* shall be as stated in the Bidding Documents being:-

... 6) (percent)

... 7) (percent)

... 8) (percent)

4. Each Company will participate in these same proportions in the expense and in the profit and loss of Joint Venture/Joint Operation*. These partnership proportions will not be modified either during the Bidding period or throughout the whole period of the Contract except with the prior written approval of the Employer and the joint written agreement of the participating Companies.


5. The power to sign for and on behalf of the Joint Venture/Joint Operation *shall vest in...9) in his capacity

as President/Managing Director of...3), subject to the prior written approval of...4) and

... 5) regarding the contents of the documents to be signed and the conditions thereof.

6. That this Agreement will become operative with immediate effect on receipt of the Letter of Acceptance for the Project issued by the Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Public Works.

7. That this Agreement shall automatically become null and void if the Contract is not awarded to the Joint Operation.

8. That this Agreement has been prepared in... 10) copies of which all copies having equal legal status and


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures and seals at... 11) on this...

12) day of...13) .

(...)14) (...)15) (...) 16)

Certificate by Public Notary.

( ... )



1) = Name of Project and Name of Package to be bid

2) = Date of Bidding Documents issued

3) = Name of Firm 1

4) = Name of Firm 2

5) = Name of Firm 3 (if any)

6), 7), 8) = Joint Venture/Joint Operation*Sharing Portion

9) = Name of Authorised Representative

10) = Number of copies

11), 12),13) = Place, date, month and year when the Agreement Signed.

14),15),16) = Signature and Seals of each Authorized Representative

*Bidders shall use applicable term as intended, choose one and delete other.

Joint venture is as an ad hoc association of firms that pool their resources and skills to undertake a large or complex



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