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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh




A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8136112066







Rizki, Nurwidya. The realization of Metaphor of modality in Mario Teguh Golden Ways Program. A thesis: English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School, State University of Medan 2015.

This study investigate the realization of metaphor of modality in “Mario Teguh Golden Ways Program (MTGW)” on Metro TV based on SLF approach. The objectives of this study are to identify what types of orientation of modality used in “MTGW Program”, to describe the way those metaphors of modality are used, and to explain in what context of situation those metaphor of modality are used. The research was designed with qualitative descriptive method. the data were taken from the episodes of 2013-2014. The data were collected by downloading the video of Mario Teguh golden ways program from www.you tube. The utterances of Mario Teguh were transcribed into written text, classifying the data into types of orientations of metaphor of modality, and then drawing conclusion feom the text. The analysis of this research was by applying Bokdan and Biklen approach. The finding shows that in every episode all the types of orientations are found namely subjective implicit, objective implicit, subjective explicit and objective implicit. The way the speaker used in MTGW is by using projecting clause and nominalization of modality. In context of situation, tenor is the dominant one to influence the use of metaphor of modality by the speaker.




Rizki, Nurwidya. Realisasi metafor modalitas dalam Program Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Tesis: Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan 2015.

Penelitian ini menjejaki realisasi metafora modalitas dalam “Program Mario Teguh Golden Ways (MTGW)” di Metro TV dengan pendekatan SLF. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi jenis orientasi modalitas yang digunakan Mario Teguh dalam “Program MTGW”, untuk menggambarkan cara penggunaan metafora modalitas oleh Mario Teguh dan penggunaan metafora modalitas yang digunakan dalam konteks situasi yang bagaimana. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari episode-episode MTGW dari tahun 2013-2014 yang dipilih secara acak. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara mengunduh video “Program MTGW” dari www.youtube.com. Kemudian mentranskrip ujaran Mario Teguh kedalam teks tertulis, lalu mengkasifikasikan data sesuai dengan jenis orientasi modalitas, dan kemudian menarik kesimpulan dari data tersebut. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis orientasi modalitas ditemukan pada setiap episode, yaitu subjective implicit, objective explicit, subjective explicit dan objective explicit. Cara penggunaan metafora modalitas oleh Mario Teguh dalam “MTGW” yaitu dengan penggunaan yang tidak kongruen/ lazim dalam mengekspresikan modalitas, dengan mengekspresikan modalitas dengan klausa dan nominalisasi modalitas. Ditemukan juga bahwa konteks situasi penggunaan metafora modalitas oleh Mario Teguh erat kaitannya dengan tenor yaitu hubungan sosial.




In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful whom she would like to express her sincere gratitude, Allah the almighty who has given her blessing health, strength and patience in the process of completing this thesis in the title the realization of metaphor of modality in Mario Teguh Golden Ways Program as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora at the Postgraduate of English Applied Linguistics Program, State University of Medan.

This thesis would not also have been possible brought into existence without the help of a great many people. The writer would like to express her gratitude to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D and Prof. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D, her first and second adviser for their so generous assistance, guidance, advice, and precious time they spent on supervising and guiding this thesis.

The writer would also like to express her gratitude to the head of English Applied Linguistics Program, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd., her secretary, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S and Farid who have assisted her in the process of administration requirement during the process of her study in the postgraduate program. Special thanks to the all lecturers of the English Applied Linguistics Program, State University of Medan who have given their valuable knowledge to her in their lectures.

Thanks are due to her proposal reviewers and examiners, Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed.TESP, Dr.Zainuddin, M.Hum, and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, for their appropriate and helpful commentaries and constructive suggestions.

An un-expressible gratitude to her beloved parents, Yusnidar and Edi Irianto Siregar, for their love, patience, prays, and supports in keeping encouraging the writer to finish her study. This thesis is for you Ammy, Aby. Her sisters Dita Shopia Nur and Amalia Putri for their sincere and most reliable comfort, and above all, their love and support.



And the last, it is honor for her to convey thanks to her colleagues for their helps and supports. Special thanks to her beloved friends Wahyudianto, Khairul Anwar Rambe, Sri Minda Nasution, Asriani Hasibuan, Lisa Fitri Meidipa and all my classmates B 1 LTBI 2013 for their motivation and support. Lastly, the writer offers her regards and blessings to all of those who supported her in any respect during the completion of this thesis. Thank you very much.

Medan, August 2015 The writer

Nurwidya Rizki



2.1.1 Grammatical metaphor ... 10 metaphor ... 11 metaphor ... 12 Metaphor of mood ... 12 Metaphor of modality ... 13 types of modality... 15 The value of modality ... 18 The orientation of modality... 20

2.1.2 The Way of Using Metaphor of Modality... 23

2.1.3 Metaphor in context of situation... 24

2.2 Television program ... 26

2.2.1 Mario Teguh Golden Ways and His Discourse...………... 27

2.3 Relevant study... 28


4.1 Data Analysis... 38

4.1.1 Orientations of modality on MTGW Program... 38 Subjective Implicit... 38 Objective Implicit...41 Subjective Explicit... 43 Objective Explicit... 45

4.1.2 The Way of Using Metaphor of Modality in MTGW Program... 52 Projecting Clause...53


vi Nominalization...54

4. 1.3 The Context of Situation in Which Metaphor of Modality Are Used...54 Field in Which Metaphor of Modality Are Used on MTGW Program...54 Tenor in Which Metaphor of Modality Are Used on MTGW Program...57 Mode in Which Metaphor of Modality Are Used on MTGW Program...57

4.2 Findings...59

4.3 Discussion...59

4.3.1 The orientations of metaphors of modality are found in “MTGW”...59

4.3.2 The Way The Metaphors of Modality Used In “MTGW”... 60

4.3.3 The Context of Situation of Metaphors of Modality in “MTGW”... 61


5.1 Conclusions...62

5.2 Suggestions...62






1.1 The Background of the Study

Language is a tool to convey opinions, messages, to express thoughts and

feelings and to clarify matters for the goal of attracting listeners as well as kind of

instructing knowledge and social communication. It has been developed into an

important means for describing interpersonal relationships with the development

of human society, how to affect and make audiences understand what the speaker

is going to say.

As an outcome of human social activities, language plays a variety of

functions in human communication. Halliday claims that interpersonal

metafunction pays more attention to the interactive relationship between the

speaker and listener (Li, 2000:8).

Kreidler (1999: 299) states that people talk about factual matters, what is

true and what is not true, what has happened and what has no happened but we

also talk about what may be true or not, what ought to be, what certain individual

are capable of and what is impossible for them, what obligations we have to do or

to refrain from doing. All these notions together constitute modality.

Huang (2001: 79) states that modality is significant part in the

interpersonal function with the former expressing the speaker’s purpose to be

achieved with his speech and being a semantic system expressing the speaker’s

judgment or evaluation which covers the field between “yes” and “no”. In the

framework of systemic functional linguistics, modality is important since



modality pay significant attention to generating utterances to convey the desired

meanings by speakers, expressing the ideas, intentions, attitudes, and positions to

the addresses. Modality can tell us how a person feels about what they are telling

us, their stance or attitude, whether they are assertive or tentative, how committed

or how detached they are and other crucial aspects of interpersonal meaning.

In communication sometimes people use metaphor in conveying their

judgments and attitudes. Sometimes people use metaphor to express something

indirectly. Aristotle, the great ancient Greece thinker, who began the study of

metaphors as early as more than two thousand years ago. The real beginning of

the conscious study of grammatical metaphors began with Halliday. He put

forward two types of realization relationship between grammar and semantics,

respectively named “congruent” and “incongruent”. Congruent realization or un

metaphorical form just means the natural relation between semantics categories

and grammatical categories. On the other hand, incongruent realization or

metaphorical form refers to the unnatural relation between semantics and

grammatical categories. In fact, Halliday’s (1994:343) study on grammatical

categories is that of incongruent realization, and his theory of grammatical

metaphor includes ideational metaphor, interpersonal metaphor and textual

metaphor. This study can be found in many discourses.

Sinar (2008: 7) states that discourse is related to the social context since

the discourse is used in communication. The use of metaphor of modality is

motivated by social context which covers the context of situation. It means that

social context play a role in the production of interpersonal metaphor in discourse.



Nowadays, many research that have been done in media discourse since

media are the important thing in this Era. Media are used as the tools to store and

deliver information or data through broadcasting (television). The television as the

source of information than other printed media because television is audio-lingual

so that it is more interesting for people. Television presents many TV programs

that can be watched by people. People can learn much from that. People can get

knowledge, advices, or motivations from them. So that most of the analysis is

about the vocabulary features, rhetorical features and grammatical features of the

TV program from the linguistic point of view. One the example of TV program is

Mario Teguh Golden Ways.

TV program is an important role in influence good or bad mindset towards

people. It discusses the problem to be clear for societies from different

background. TV programs are oriented to provide information, entertain and

motivate the viewers. One of the popular programs of Metro TV is Mario Teguh

Golden Ways. The researcher chooses Mario Teguh Golden Ways because in this

program the speaker (Mario Teguh) definitely use modality while speak to

audience since he need to convey his judgment about the audience questions and

about the topic that talk about. Beside that the program is interesting and educated

to be watched. This program is very useful for the viewers because in this

program Mario Teguh always give motivation and give suggestion in order to face

problems and life to the viewers. This program can give the viewers new

knowledge and ways how to be wise and smart to overcome everything in life.



Teguh as a motivator who has the greatest number of facebook’s fans that is more

than one million.

It is significant to analyze interpersonal metaphors, namely metaphor of

modality in this program since metaphor of modality can help the speaker to

express his judgment in polite way. Jian Xu (2009) states that subjective and

objective explicit play an important coordinating role of the politeness in verbal


This research concern to the metaphorical modality in social context

because a discourse cannot be separated from context. The research is done to

investigate the realization of metaphorical modality in interactive situation which

occured in MTGW.

The relevance of Halliday’s theory (SFL) can be realized in this kind of

program since the speaker can use metaphor of modality to influence the people

with his language. Metaphor of modality can help the speaker to establish

interpersonal relationship indirectly to the audience and to achieve the goal to

motivate them since the choice of different modality give others different

impression, which influences the chance of a successful communication. The

types of orientation of modality are the way the speaker to express the modality

that can be subjective or objective, implicit or explicit. Modal clearly serve to

encode a position of the speaker with respect to the propositional content of the

clause either in terms of commitment to probability or possibility, or in terms of

commitment to obligation or permission.

To make the source of “modal responsibility” explicitly subjective



metaphorically to convey one’s attitude toward the proposition in the subordinate

clause. These forms are metaphorical because a modality that would usually be

realized either as a finite modal operator or as an adjunct (i.e., “congruent”

realizations) in fact gets realized as a clause (Eggins, 1994: 181).

The example of this phenomenon can be found on Mario Teguh Golden

Ways Program (episode: “UN Cool Aja” 13 oktober 2013).

“Tadi saya harapkan Anda mengatakan enjoy saja itu karena Anda

sudah siap”.

In the expression “saya harapkan“is realized as the metaphor of modality

since the speaker embodies modality into a projecting clause by employing

subjective explicit to express the obligation indirectly.

The researcher chooses episodes which are broadcasted from 2013-2014,

they are “True Love” (3rdFebruary 2013), “UN, Cool Aja” (14th February 2013),

“Memperbaiki Rezeki” (8th

June 2014 and “Diambang Jawaban Doa” (6th July

2014), since the four episodes have different topics. Through this research the

researcher wants to know the realization of metaphor of modality in this program.

Especially the orientation that speaker used to convey his judgments and attitudes.

So that we can see how he use metaphor of modality towards what he expressed,

and enable us to have a better understanding of how metaphor of modality work in

MTGW Program.

Many researchers have been done on metaphor of modality. These

following researches are the example; Ahmed and Hasan (2014) investigate

Metaphorical Modality in Barack Obama' Speeches from Systemic Functional



Advertising. Jiezhen Dong (2013) investigates Interpersonal Metaphor in legal

discourse modality in cross-examination.

From the previous studies it can be drawn an inference that metaphor of

modality can be realized in variety discourse, whether it is political discourse,

courtroom discourse, advertising discourse, etc.

This study is focused on the realization of the metaphor of modality which

is different discourse from the previous researches. This study is conducted to

show the realization of metaphor of modality in TV program discourse. This study

is aimed to investigate the metaphor of modality of Mario Teguh’s discourse on

MTGW program.

Theoretically, modality is made up some subsystems: type, orientation,

value and polarity. Modalization and modulation are the types of modality. The

orientation is the distinction between subjective and objective modality, and

between the explicit and implicit variants. The values of modality are low,

medium and high and the polarity consists of positive and negative, where the

negative consist of direct negative and transferred negative.

From the elaboration above, it is significant to analyze the realization of

metaphor of modality in Mario Teguh Golden Ways.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the following questions were forwarded

as the research problems.



(2) How are those metaphors of modality used in “MTGW”?

(3) In what contexts of situation are metaphors of modality used?

1.3The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study are

(1) to identify the orientations of metaphors of modality are found in


(2) to describe the theory how the metaphors of modality used in “MTGW”,


(3) to explain in what context of situation metaphors of modality in

“MTGW” used.

1.4The Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is limited into the metaphor of modality on

MTGW program.

There are three aspects which observed in this study. The types of

orientations of modality are found in “MTGW”, the way of using metaphors of

modality in “MTGW” and the context of situation in which metaphors of modality

used in “MTGW”.

This study applies the concept theories of the systemic functional



orientations of modality realized in “MTGW” that he uses to express his

judgment. The types of orientations are subjective implicit, objective implicit,

subjective explicit, and objective explicit.

1.5The Significance of the Study

A study which is designed to cover some intended result should have the


a. Theoretically

The objective of this study is to show how the kinds of metaphors of

modality are existed in the MTGW Program. Thus, theoretically the results of the

study are expected to display the relationship between systems of metaphor of

modality as the context of interpersonal metaphor is applied.

b. Practically

The objectives of this study are

(1) Expanding the insights in terms of metaphor of modality and its

application in the TV program.

(2) Introducing to the readers the result of metaphor of modality and its

application in the TV program.





5.1 Conclusions

Having analyzed the data, the conclusions are drawn as the following.

(1) There are four orientations of modality found in MTGW program,

namely subjective implicit, objective implicit, subjective explicit and

objective explicit. The speaker uses metaphor of modality to express

his modality politely and to make his joke to be more polite.

(2) The metaphor of modality in MTGW program used not only by using

projecting clause and nominalizing the modality but also be^ Verb-en.

(3) The context of situation of metaphor of modality in MTGW is highly

dependent on the tenor.

5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions above, suggestions are staged as the following.

(1) It is suggested that the students of English Department should be

careful in choosing modality if they want to be more persuasive for

the audience. As for the ordinary people in communications, the choice

of different modality will give others different impression, which

influences the chance of a successful communication.

(2) It is suggested that other researcher do further research about metaphor

of modality in different discourse in order to know the different

significant from the previous discourses and it can be more intensively




(3) The other findings from the research that the metaphor of modality in

this discourse not only be used to express modality politely but also be

used to express the humorous attitude but it needs further research to




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