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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2103121049






Simanjuntak, Viviana Melina. 2103121049. The Effect of Applying Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on Students’ Achievement in Reading Narrative Text. A Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2015.

This study deals with the effect of applying Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on Students’ Achievement in Reading Narrative Text. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this study was the grade eight (VIII) students of SMP Negeri 10 Medan with eleven parallel classes. The samples of the study were two classes divided into two groups, experimental and control group which were chosen by using random sampling. Sixty students were taken as the samples. The experimental group was taught by using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), while the control group was taught by using Lecturing Method. The instrument for collecting the data was a multiple choice test. The data of this study were taken from the students’ score of reading test. Kuder Richardson (KR21) formula was applied to obtain the reliability of the test. Based on the calculation, it showed that the reliability of the test was 0.78 categorized as high reliability. There were two data used in this research. They were pre-test and post-test. Then, after analyzing the data, it was found that the value of tobserved was 2.45 with the degree of freedom (df)=58 at the level of significance p(0.05) = 2.00. It means that tobserved is higher than ttable (2.45 > 2.00). The result of this study shows that Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) has a significant effect on students’ achievement in reading narrative text. It means that the hypothesis is accepted.




First of all, the writer would like to express her praises to Almightily

Jesus Christ who has blessed and given the ability to the writer to complete this

thesis as a partial fulfillment for the requirement for the degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan (S-1) at the English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts,

State University of Medan.

This thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and the

help of several individuals who always contributed and extended their valuable

assistances in the preparation and completion of this thesis. The writer’s special

appreciation goes to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature Department and as her Thesis Examiner, Dra. Meisuri, MA., the

Secretary of English Department, Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed.,

the Head of English Education Program and Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., the

Head of English Non-Educational Program, Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl. Appl., M. Pd., as her Thesis Supervisor. Dr. Zainuddin, DIP. TEFL. M. Hum., Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M.

Hum., as her Thesis Examiners.

Eis Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd., M. Hum as an Administration Staff of English Department.

The deepest thanks are expressed to her beloved parents, St. T. Simanjuntak and R. Br. Hutabarat for the patience, affection, prayer and everything that have given in order to finish her study. Thanks also

given to her brothers: Franky Parulian Simanjuntak, S.T., Kapt. Inf.



Andres Willy Simanjuntak, S.H., Mardi Ulises Simanjuntak, Adriana Christine Simanjuntak. And her sisters in law: Chyka

Her best therapists, Dian Werdhyati br. Bangun, S. Pd., Melda Ratna Sari Sibarani, Ingrid Laurensia Simanungkalit, S.Pd., Rizky Atika Sari, S.Pd.,

Abang Randy Adhitya Hutabarat, S.Pd., Bintang Purnama Sari, S.Pd.,

Kak Ledianti S, Yohana, S. Pd for the friendship, helps, laugh ,tears,

having special time and for all the sweet and happy memories.

Her best friends in Senior High School (Foura Girls), Asrida Manullang, S.Si., Debora Manullang, S.H., Lia Susanti Simanjuntak, S.Psi., and also

her beloved friends Erikka Magdalena Panjaitan, SKM., Bona Juandi

Sihombing, S.Pi for their support, love, and care.

 The writer’s best colleague’s friends especially for ReAction 2010, PPLT GBKP KABANJAHE 2013, PPWS Community for the sharing, caring,

having stupid laughs, and supporting each other.



E. The Significances of the Study ... 7


A.Theoretical Framework ... 8

1. Student Achievement in Reading ... 8

2. Reading ... 9

3. Reading Comprehension ... 10

a. Process of Reading Comprehension ... 12

b. Level of Reading Comprehension ... 13

c. Assessment of Reading Comprehension ... 14

4. Teaching Reading Based Genre... 15

5. Narrative Text ... 16

6. Method of Language Teaching ... 20

7. Cooperative Learning Strategy ... 21

8. Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) ... 21

a. The Definition of CSR ... 21

b. The Purpose of CSR ... 22

c. The Procedure of CSR ... 23

9. The Advantages and Disadvantages of CSR ... 27

10.The Application of CSR on Reading Narrative Text ... 28

B.Conceptual Framework ... 30

C.Hypothesis ... 32


A. Research Design ... 33



C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 34

D. The Procedure of the Study ... 36

E. Scoring System ... 39

F. The Validity and Realibility of the Test ... 40

G. Technique for Analyzing Data ... 41


A. Data ... 43

B. Data Analysis ... 46

1. Testing Reliability of the Test ... 47

2. Test for Homogeneity of Variance ... 47

3. Data Analysis by Using T-Test Formula ... 47

C. Testing Hypothesis ... 48

D. Research Findings ... 48


A. Conclusion ... 49

B. Suggestion ... 49




Tables Page

1.1 Students’ Reading Comprehension Score ... 2

3.1 Research Design ... 33

3.2 Table of Specification ... 35

3.3 Treatment in Experimental Group ... 37

3.4 Lecturing Method in Control Group ... 38




Figures Page




APPENDIX A The Score of Pre Test and Post Test by Students of

Experimental Group ... 53

APPENDIX B The Score of Pre Test and Post Test by Students of Control Group ... 54

APPENDIX C The Score of the Reliability of T-Test ... 55

APPENDIX D Test for Homogeneity of Variance ... 57

APPENDIX E The Calculation of T-Test ... 61

APPENDIX F Precentage Points of The T Distribution ... 64

APPENDIX G Lesson Plan ... 65

APPENDIX H Reading Text ... 104





A. Background of The Study

There are four skills that must be mastered in English. They are speaking,

listening, reading and writing. In learning English, students can be a versatile

learner by mastering every language skills. One of the important skills that should

be mastered by the students is reading. Reading is a process of bringing the

meaning to and getting meaning from printed material and visual information. By

reading, the readers are able to collect, take, and get the information. The

information can be a text and knowledge which have the main role in forming the


The essense of reading is comprehension. Reading comprehension is

process of readers combining information from a text and their own prior

knowledge to build meaning. Without comprehending the text, it means the

readers do not understand the text well and the readers are not able to get the

meaning from the text. The readers must have a good comprehension in reading.

Mc. Neil (1992:16) states that reading comprehension is acquiring information

from the context and combining different elements into a new whole. It means that

reading comprehension can be described as consisting of parsing sentence and

understanding the sentence.

Every student absolutely has the prior knowledge before reading the text.



all students. But, in the fact most of the students still get a lack in activating their

prior knowledge during the reading process, specifically in reading

comprehension. Whereas, the activation of prior knowledge makes up a great

amount of the process of reading comprehension.

Based on the writer’s preliminary observation in SMP Negeri 10 Medan,

most of the students have any problems to comprehend the text. The students can

not find the ideas and the informations icluded in a text. It is proved that not all of

the students were able to achieve the standard score of Minimum Standard

Competence (KKM) of reading comprehension test. The standard score of KKM

was 70. From 30 students, it found that there were 20 students who did not pass

the Minimum Standard Competence (KKM) and the amount were decrease in the

second semester into 16 students. The following table shows the recapitulation of

students score during the final examination in recent year.

Table 1.1. Students’ Reading Comprehension Score Semester

(Year) KKM Score

Number of

students Percentage Mean Score 1st semester

comprehension. The factors are classified into two factors, internal and external

factors. The internal factors come from student themselves. The students have



come from teacher. The problem is the lack of the teacher skill and method in

teaching reading. The teachers in giving the material still used lecturing method

in teaching reading. The teacher introduced the lesson by giving an example of the

text that related to the subject. After that, explained the topic, asked the student to

read the text, translated it into Indonesian, discussed the content, answered the

question based on the text and then, made a conclusion or summarize of the topic.

This situation makes the students felt that the teaching learning process in reading

a text was monotonous and uninterested. It makes the students are lazy to study


Considering the condition above, the writer offers to use the Collaborative

Strategic Reading (CSR) as a strategy in teaching learning to overcome the

problems. Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) is expect to solve the problem

and to bring good improvement in students’ reading achievement. CSR is

excellent strategy for teaching students’ reading comprehension, building

vocabulary and working together cooperatively. Klinger and Vaughn (1998)

pointed out that making the students in a group to comprehend the reading text

collaboratively is a good way in teaching reading. By applying Collaborative

Strategic Reading (CSR), teachers and students work cooperatively on a reading

assignment to promote better comprehension. Collaborative Strategic Reading

(CSR) engages students to work in a small group cooperatively, so they have

opportunity to discuss and share the ideas among the members of the groups as

well as develop their social skills (Johnson&Johnson,1987.,Slavin1995). Work



The students do not feel bored when they are comprehending the text. It becomes

more simple, easy for the student and makes the students more active in reading.

The goals of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) are to improve

reading comprehension and increase conceptual learning in ways to maximize

students’ participation. Originally, this strategy helps English language learner

become more confident, competent in heterogeneous group. Furthermore,

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) has also proven to be a valuable approach

for the students at varying achievement levels because it provides students with a

more independent way to learn.

Previous researchers have investigated this strategy in order to improve

students’ reading comprehension, for example Renta and Ginting. Renta (2011) in

Improving Students’ Achievement on Reading Comprehension through

Collaborative Strategic Reading had investigated this strategy on eleventh grade

students of SMA Negeri 3 Rantau Utara. Ginting (2010) in The Effect of

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on the Students’ Reading Comprehension

had also investigated this strategy on tenth grade students’ of SMK Swasta

Teladan Sumatra Utara 2 Medan. Renta and Ginting found that Collaborative

Strategic Reading (CSR) can improve students’ achievement on reading

comprehension especially in the first level of reading comprehension, which is the

literal level.

In this study, the writer reuses this strategy. Here, the writer will research

whether there is a contribution of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) to



compared with previous researchers as the writer mentioned above, it is very clear

that there are some differences between the study of the writer and the previous

researchers. The differences are genre of text that is used and the sample or

students that will be researched. In this study, the writer uses a narrative text for

second grade of junior high school students. Based on syllabus of Junior High

School, narrative text is used for the second grade of Junior High School students

whether in the first semester and second semester in improving students' reading

comprehension. Renta (2011) had researched the second grade of senior high

school students and only focused on hortatory exposition text. Ginting (2010)

applied this strategy for tenth grade of Vocational School students and focused on

narrative text.

In this case, it is very clear that the levels of comprehension among

students of junior high school, senior high school and vocational school are

different. The previous researchers had successfully conducted a study of senior

high school and vocational school students by using the same strategy but

different genre of the text and it has been proven that there is a contribution of

CSR in improving students' reading comprehension. Hence, the writer wants to

prove whether Collaborative Strategic Reading can provide a significant

improvement especially in reading comprehension of narrative text of second

grade junior high school students.

In this study, the writer chooses narrative text as a genre of the text that

will be researched. Reading a narrative text is a boring activity for the students.



feel confused. They have to depend on the dictionary to know the meaning of

words. It seemed to be boring for them. As the result, they stop finding the

meaning in the dictionary and start talking to others. They spend most of their

time to find the meaning of the words than understand what the text talks about. It

becomes a tedious activity for the students. In this case, Collaborative Strategic

Reading (CSR) can help the students to comprehend the text easily, build

vocabulary or unfamiliar word while working cooperatively (Klingner,1998).

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) can be used to help students in

comprehending the narrative text. Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) serves

as a way to develop the topic of the text through active students’ prior

knowledge’s students that related to the topic.

In relation to the problem, the writer would like to conduct a research to

find the effect of applying Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on students’

achievement in reading narrative text. This is a reason to use CSR in teaching and

learning process in improving students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the previous discussion in background of the study, the research

problem is formulated as follows :”Is there any significant effect of applying

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on students’ achievement in reading

narrative text?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the significant effect of applying

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on students’ achievement in reading



D. The Scope of the Study

The study is focused on students’ achievement in reading comprehension

on the narrative text. The writer uses Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) as a

strategy of reading comprehension.

E. The Significances of the Study

The study is conducted in order to know about Collaborative Strategic

Reading (CSR) and the findings are expected to have both theoretical and

practical importance to the English teacher, student and the next reseachers.

1. Theoretically, this study is to increase and expand the knowledge for

teaching reading, especially for Junior High School level.

2. Practically, this study is expected to:

a. help the students to increase their achievement in comprehending when

they are reading a text and allow them to involve actively in the learning


b. make students more active in managing their lesson in their teaching

learning process.

c. provide the English teachers to plan and conduct a better and interesting

strategy in learning process.

d. make the teacher know and understand the characteristics of his students,

so he can handle during teaching learning process well.

e. the next researchers as a candidate of the teacher can help to apply a model





A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings, the writer concludes that there is a

significant effect of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) in students’

achievement in reading narrative text. This strategy is proved statistically as an

effective strategy because it gives better result than lecturing method. As can be

seen from the calculation of T-test that the t-observed (2.45) is higher than the t-table

(2.00). It means applying Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) significantly

affects students’ achievement in reading narrative text.

English teachers in teaching reading lesson could provide students a visual

representation to help students comprehending the reading material and improve

their reading achievement. Therefore, this study proved that teaching reading by

applying Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) was more effective than teaching

reading by applying lecturing method.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, some suggestions are offered as follows :

1. It is suggested that English teachers apply Collaborative Strategic Reading

(CSR) in teaching reading comprehension because it has been proved that

the strategy gave the better score to students’ achievement.

2. The students is suggested to apply this learning strategy in comprehending



relate their background knowledge with reading text. Therefore, the

students will find by applying Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) is

easier to comprehend the text and get the unfamiliar words.

3. For a better result, the future researcher had better involve more classroom




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Tables   1.1
Figures  2.1  Procedure of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) ..............................
Table 1.1. Students’ Reading Comprehension Score


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