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A STUDY ON THE PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS: A CASE STUDY OF JAVANESE LEARNERS OF ENGLISH A Study on the Pronunciation of Consonant: A Case Study of Javanese learners of English.


Academic year: 2017

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A Thesis


Disusun sebagai salah satu syarat menyelesaikan Program Study Strata II pada Jurusan Pengkajian Bahasa Inggris

Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Mukhamad Luthfi Ali

ID No. S 200110068








Mukhamad Luthfi Ali



The present research is to investigate the characteristic pronunciation of consonant difficulties encountered by Javanese learners of English. The idea for this study has risen out when the researcher teaching English at one of senior high school in central Java. The researcher often found the lack of systematic of sound system produced by Indonesian EFL learners, especially on consonant sounds. In this research, the researcher used descriptive method, which is appropriate to the research. In collecting the data, the present study applied direct observation. Subject of the research are 20 Javanese learners of English which have gotten the material of English pronunciation. From 21 consonants that studied, the researcher found 12 sound shifts done by JLE, they are; /f/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /b/, /g/, /d/, /ʃ/,

/θ/, /ð/, /ʒ/, /z/, and /v/. The most difficult sound that found by the researcher was /ʒ/. JLE could only pronounce 9.28% correctly. This

phoneme also has 7 sound changes. Most of them change it into /dʒ/ in

initial position, /ʃ/ in medial position, and /dʒ/ in final position. The researcher also found that the position of sounds in initial, medial, and final influences the sound shift. Those difficulties appear because of three major problems; the differences in the phonemic systems between English and Javanese, the non-existence of consonant clusters in Javanese, and a systematic deviation.

Key words: Pronunciation, Consonants, Sound Shift, Javanese Learners of English



konsonan yang diteliti, peneliti menemukan 12 perubahan bunyi yang dilakukan oleh pembelajar Bahasa Inggris berlatar belakang Jawa, antara lain bunyi /f/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /b/, /g/, /d/, /ʃ/, /θ/, /ð/, /ʒ/, /z/, and /v/. Bunyi yang paling sulit yang ditemukan oleh peneliti adalah bunyi /ʒ/. Hanya 9,28% yang diucapkan dengan benar oleh para pembelajar Bahasa Inggris berlatar belakang Jawa. Bunyi ini juga mengalami 7 perubuhan bunyi. Kebanyakan para pembelajar Bahasa Inggris berlatar belakang Jawa mengubahnya menjadi bunyi /dʒ/ di depan, bunyi /ʃ/ di tengah, dan bunyi

/dʒ/ di belakang. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa posisi bunyi di depan, tengah, dan belakang mempengaruhi perubahan bunyi. Kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut muncul karena tiga masalah utama; perbedaan system fonemis antara Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Jawa, tidak adanya konsonan kluster dalam Bahasa Jawa, dan penyimpangan yang sistematis.

Kata Kunci: Bunyi, Konsonan, Perubahan Bunyi, Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris berlatar belakang Jawa.


The idea for this study has grown out of my teaching English at one of senior high school in central Java. As an English teacher in Java, the researcher has noticed the lack of studying pronunciation by Javanese students, especially on consonant sounds. Java language is the one of the language that used by the people in Indonesia. The accents of Javanese are so different from English accents. Macdonald and Soenjono (1967) predict where errors will be found for Indonesians in EFL. For Javanese learners of English, or many other learners with different mother tongue, their accent can be the problems. One of the reasons why it is difficult to have a conversation at natural speed with native speakers is because the differences of the sounds in English and the learners’ mother tongue.

The problems of pronouncing of consonant sounds may not only occur in students, but also almost all Javanese learners of English, including English teachers and students of English Department. Baso (2012) concluded that from 6 phonetics, there were 2 phonetics that are difficult to be lost by Java students, such as: /d/ and /ð/. As we know, in Java people do not use English in daily communication. The Javanese learners of English often pronounce the word "they" -read /ðeI/-, the sound maybe often changing into /ndeI/. The sound shift maybe occurs because of the habit of Javanese giving infix sound "m" in consonant /ð/. For example, the word [Demak] changed into [nDemak], [Desa] changed into [nDesa], [Delok] changed into [nDelok], and many others.


find out which sounds are difficult to pronounce and which sounds are actually used.


The researcher took twenty Javanese native speakers as the subject of the study. The participants consist of seven males and thirteen females. Ten of the participants are the students of English department; eight of them are English teachers, and two of them are English students of post-graduate. The participants have never been to any of the English speaking countries, so they do not have any kind of experience to a native English environment. The researcher limits the age of the participants more than 19 years old. Some of them are the students of English department, English teachers, and English students of post-graduate. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The qualitative method is used by the researcher because the research is closely related to the direct source of data, which constituted sounds and not numerical data. By using this method, the researcher analyzed data and give description and explanation in detail to study the consonant sounds pronounced by Javanese learners of English.

In collecting the data, the present study applied direct observation. The first step of collecting data is that the researcher asked the Javanese learners of English to produce their sounds by reading the text and then the researcher recorded their sounds in producing English. The steps in collecting the data are as follows:

1. The researcher took 181 English words randomly in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2010) which words are frequently used in daily activity. The 181 words contain 21 consonant sounds in three different positions; initial, medial, and final position.

2. The selected 181 words were made up into 181 sentences. The test was given to 20 participants by reading all the sentences.

3. Before recording process, the researcher asked the respondents about their background to prove that they were appropriate with the subject of the study.

4. While the participants were reading the sentences, the researcher was recording them. The output of the recording file for each student is saved in the form of digital files.

Here were the steps of the analysis data:


Secondly, the styles were written out and consonant sounds mispronounced in the speech styles were underlined and rewritten by the researcher in the way they actually sounded. For example if the word /that/ sounded like /dat/, the researcher would write /d/ on the top of the /th/ on the paper where the styles were transcribed. After that, the researcher phonetically transcribed all words which contained consonants mispronounced by the participants. Then, the researcher

compared the participants’ pronunciation according to International Phonetic

Alphabet (IPA) in Oxford Dictionary.

Finally, the researcher discussed about the data which contained consonants mispronounced by the participants. The conclusion can be drawn and it gave the description and explanation completely about the sound shifts of English pronunciation, sound variations, and the most difficult consonant sounds spoken done by Javanese learners of English.


1. The Consonants Sound Shifts of English Pronunciation Done by

Javanese Learners of English

1.1. Phoneme /p/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /p/. Each word consists of phoneme /p/ in initial, medial, and final position. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English in sentences. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /p/ that pronounced by the participants were acceptably intelligible.

1.2. Phoneme /b/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /b/. Each word consists of phoneme /b/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that out of 180 phoneme /b/ pronounced by the participants, there were 26 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 2 positions; in the medial and final positions.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘ablaze’, ‘obvious’, and ‘abroad’. The result of these analyses showed only 2 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 1 participant made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘rib’, ‘rob’, and ‘job’. The result of these analyses showed 24 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 8 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

1.3. Phoneme /t/


1.4. Phoneme /d/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /d/. Each word consists of phoneme /d/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /d/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 26 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 2 positions; in the medial and final positions.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘ladder’, ‘widow’, and ‘shadow’. The result of these analyses showed only 2 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 2 participants made 1 sound shift in medial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘bid’, ‘slide’, and ‘lead’. The result of these analyses showed 37 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 10 participants made all sound shifts in final position.

 3 participants made 2 sound shifts in final position.

 1 participant made a sound shift in final position.

1.5. Phoneme /k/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /k/. Each word consists of phoneme /k/ in initial, medial, and final position. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /k/ that pronounced by the participants were clear.

1.6. Phoneme /g/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /g/. Each word consists of phoneme /g/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /g/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 43 sound shifts. These sound shifts were located in final positions.

In initial and medial positions are clear. In the final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘dog’, ‘bag’, and ‘pig’. The result of these analyses showed 35 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 9 participants made all sound shifts in final position.

 5 participants made 2 sound shifts in final position.

 6 participants made a sound shift in final position.

1.7. Phoneme /tʃ/


In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher.

The words are ‘watching’, ‘matching’, and ‘searching’. The result of these analyses showed only 2 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 2 participants made 1 sound shift in medial position.

In the final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘beach’, ‘peach’, and ‘reach’. The result of these analyses showed four sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 4 participants made a sound shift in final position.

1.8. Phoneme /dʒ/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /dʒ/. Each word consists of phoneme /dʒ/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /dʒ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 34 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘job’, ‘joke’, and ‘general’. The result of these analyses showed 2 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 2 participants made a sound shift in initial position.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘graduate’, ‘budget’, and ‘projector’. The result of these analyses showed only 19 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 1 participant made all sound shifts in initial position.

 4 participants made 2 sound shifts in initial position.

 7 participants made a sound shift in initial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘knowledge’, ‘large’, and ‘pledge’. The result of these analyses showed only 14 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 3 participants made all sound shifts in initial position.

 1 participant made 2 sound shifts in initial position.

 2 participants made a sound shift in initial position.

1.9. Phoneme /f/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /f/. Each word consists of phoneme /f/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /f/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 11 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.


 5 participants made 1 sound shift in initial position.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘differ’, ‘coffee’, and‘effort’. The result of these analyses showed only 1 sound shift. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 1 participant made 1 sound shift in medial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘laugh’, ‘enough’, and ‘life’. The result of these analyse showed 5 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 5 participants made 1 sound shift in initial position.

1.10. Phoneme /v/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /v/. Each word consists of phoneme /v/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /v/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 113 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final position.

In initial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘video’, ‘very’, and ‘vast’. The result of these analyses showed 33 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 9 participants made all sound shifts in initial position.

 A participant made 2 sound shifts in initial position.

 4 participants made a sound shift in initial position.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘advice’, ‘heavy’, and ‘navigator’. The result of these analyses showed 34 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 8 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 4 participants made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

 2 participants made a sound shift in medial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher.

The words are ‘save’, ‘believe’, and‘nave’. The result of these analyses showed 46 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 14 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 A participant made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

 2 participants made a sound shift in medial position.

1.11. Phoneme /ð/


In initial position, there were three words used by the researcher.

The words are ‘them’, ‘they’, and ‘that’. The result of these analyses showed 14 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 Two participants made all sound shifts in initial position.

 Three participants made two sound shifts in initial position.

 Two participants made a sound shift in initial position.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher.

The words are ‘other’, ‘lather’, and ‘rather’. The result of these analyses showed 16 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellows:

 Two participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 Two participants made two sound shifts in medial position.

 Six participants made a sound shift in medial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘breathe’, ‘loathe’, and ‘clothe’. The result of these analyses showed 34 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 Nine participants made all sound shifts in final position.

 A participant made two sound shifts in final position.

 Four participants made a sound shift in final position.

1.12. Phoneme /θ/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /θ/. Each word consists of phoneme /θ/ in initial, medial, and final

positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /θ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 67 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there were three words used by the researcher.

The words are ‘thank’, ‘thin’, and‘thumb’. The result of these analyses showed 14 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 4 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 2 participants made a sound shift in medial position.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘author’, ‘athlete’, and ‘antheme’. The result of these analyses showed 18 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 5 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 3 participants made a sound shift in medial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘path’, ‘growth’, and‘cloth’. The result of these analyses showed 35 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 10 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 A participant made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

 3 participants made a sound shift in medial position.


There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /s/. Each word consists of phoneme /s/ in initial, medial, and final position. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /s/ that pronounced by the participants were clear.

1.14. Phoneme /z/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /z/. Each word consists of phoneme /z/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /z/ that pronounced by the participants, there were a lot of sound shifts. Totally 110 sound shifts, but only in medial and final position, because the participants pronounced phoneme /z/ clearly when it located in initial.

In initial position, there was no problem. The participants have

pronounced the words of ‘zero’, ‘zinc’, and ‘zeal’ clearly. But in the medial position, from totally 60 sounds that pronounced by the participants, there were 50 sound shifts. There were three words used

by the researcher. The words are ‘resign’, ‘reservation’, and‘positive’. For more information, looked the data bellow:

 Twelve participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 Six participants made two sound shifts in medial position.

 Two participants made a sound shift in medial position. In final position, there were three words used by the researcher.

The words are ‘excuse’, ‘abuse’, and ‘please’. The result of these analyse showed 60 sound shifts, it means that there were no participants that pronounced clearly.

1.15. Phoneme /ʃ/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /ʃ/. Each word consists of phoneme /ʃ/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /ʃ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 66 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘shower’, ‘she’, and ‘shell’. The result of these analyses showed 21 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 3 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 2 participants made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

 8 participants made a sound shift in medial position.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘national’, ‘negotiable’, and ‘squishy’. The result of these analyses showed 19 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 5 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.


In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘push’, ‘mash’, and‘smash’. The result of these analyses showed 27 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 7 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 2 participants made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

 2 participants made a sound shift in medial position.

1.16. Phoneme /ʒ/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /ʒ/. Each word consists of phoneme /ʒ/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 140 phoneme /ʒ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 127 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there is a word used by the researcher. The word is ‘genre’. The result of these analyses showed 13 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 13 participants made sound shift in initial position.

In medial position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘fusion’, ‘pleasure’, and ‘vision’. The result of these analyses showed 55 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 17 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 2 participants made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

 1 participant made 1 sound shifts in medial position.

In final position, there were three words used by the researcher. The words are ‘mirage’, ‘garage’, and ‘beige’. The result of these analyses showed 59 sound shifts. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 19 participants made all sound shifts in medial position.

 1 participant made 2 sound shifts in medial position.

1.17. Phoneme /h/

There are six words used by this research to study phoneme /s/. Each word consists of phoneme /h/ in initial, medial, and final position. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 120 phoneme /h/ that pronounced by the participants were clear.

1.18. Phoneme /m/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /m/. Each word consists of phoneme /m/ in initial, medial, and final position. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /m/ that pronounced by the participants were clear.

1.19. Phoneme /n/


All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /n/ that pronounced by the participants were clear.

1.20. Phoneme /ŋ/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /ŋ/. Each word consists of phoneme /ŋ/ in initial, medial, and final position.

All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 120 phoneme /ŋ/ that pronounced by the participants were clear.

1.21. Phoneme /l/

There are nine words used by this research to study phoneme /l/. Each word consists of phoneme /l/ in initial, medial, and final position. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /l/ that pronounced by the participants were clear.

2. The Variations of English Pronunciation Done by Javanese Learners of English

To observe the consonants sound shifts of English by Javanese learners of English, the writer asked 20 Javanese learners of English to read 181 sentences. While they were reading the sentences, the writer recorded them. After that, the writer verified the data below:

2.1. Phoneme /p/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced them intelligibly acceptable.

2.2. Phoneme /b/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /b/. Each word consists of phoneme /b/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /b/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 26 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 2 positions; in the medial and final positions.

In medial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘ablaze’, ‘obvious’, and ‘abroad’. The result of these analyses showed only 2 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /b/ into phoneme /p/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘ablaze’ /ə’bleIz/, the participant changed

phoneme /b/ into phoneme /p/. /ə’bleIz/ → /ə’pleIz/

 In the word of ‘obvious’ /’ bviəs/, the participant changed phoneme /b/ into phoneme /p/.

/’ bviəs/ → /’ pviəs/


 In the word of ‘rib’ /rIb/, they changed phoneme /b/ into

phoneme /p/.

/rIb/ → /rIb/

 In the word of ‘rob’ /r b/, they changed phoneme /b/ into phoneme /p/.

/r b/ → /r b/

 In the word of ‘job’ /dʒ b/, they changed phoneme /b/ into phoneme /p/.

/dʒ b/ → /dʒ p/

2.3. Phoneme /t/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

2.4. Phoneme /d/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /d/. Each word consists of phoneme /d/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /d/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 26 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 2 positions; in the medial and final positions.

In medial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher.

The words are ‘ladder’, ‘widow’, and ‘shadow’. The result of these analyses showed only 2 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /d/ into phoneme /ð/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘ladder’ /’lædə(r)/, the participant changed phoneme /d/ into phoneme /ð/.

/’lædə(r)/ → /’læðə(r)/

In final position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘bid’, ‘slide’, and ‘lead’. The result of these analyses showed 37 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /d/ into phoneme /t/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘bid’ /bId/, they changed phoneme /d/ into phoneme /t/.

/bId/ → /bIt/

 In the word of ‘slide’ /slaId/, they changed phoneme /d/ into

phoneme /t/.

/slaId/ → /slaIt/

 In the word of ‘lead’ /li:d/, they changed phoneme /d/ into

phoneme /t/.

/li:d/ → /li:t/

2.5. Phoneme /k/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

2.6. Phoneme /g/


positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /g/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 43 sound shifts. These sound shifts were located in final positions.

In initial and medial positions are clear. In the final position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘dog’, ‘bag’, and ‘pig’. The result of these analyses showed 35 sound shifts. The sound shifts that often appear were the change of phoneme /g/ into phoneme /k/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘dog’ /d g/, they changed phoneme /g/ into phoneme /k/.

/d g/ → /d k/

 In the word of ‘bag’ /bæg/, they changed phoneme /g/ into

phoneme /k/.

/bæg/ → /bæk/

 In the word of ‘pig’ /pIg/, they changed phoneme /g/ into

phoneme /k/.

/pIg/ → /pIk/

2.7. Phoneme /tʃ/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /tʃ/. Each word consists of phoneme /tʃ/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /tʃ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 6 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 2 positions; medial and final positions.

In medial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher.

The words are ‘watching’, ‘matching’, and ‘searching’. The result of

these analyses showed only 2 sound shifts. The sound shifts that often appear were the change of phoneme /tʃ/ into phoneme /s/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘watching’ /wotʃIɧ/, the participant changed phoneme /tʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/wotʃIɧ/ → /wosIɧ/

 In the word of ‘searching’ /'sɜ:tʃIɧ/, the participant changed phoneme /tʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/'sɜ:tʃIɧ/ → /'sɜ:sIɧ/

In the final position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘beach’, ‘peach’, and ‘reach’. The result of these analyses showed 4 sound shifts. The sound shifts that appear were the change of phoneme /tʃ/ into phoneme /t/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘rich’ /rItʃ/, they changed phoneme /tʃ/ into phoneme /t/.


2.8. Phoneme /dʒ/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /dʒ/. Each word consists of phoneme /dʒ/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /dʒ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 34 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher.

The words are ‘job’, ‘joke’, and ‘general’. The result of these analyses showed 2 sound shifts. The sound shifts that appear were the change of phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /tʃ/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘joke’ /dʒəuk/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /tʃ/.

/dʒəuk/ → /tʃəuk/

In medial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘graduate’, ‘budget’, and‘projector’. The result of these analyses showed only 19 sound shifts. The sound shifts that often appear were the change of phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /d/, /g/, and /y/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘graduate’ /grædʒueIt/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /d/.

/grædʒueIt/ → /grædueIt/

 In the word of ‘budget’ /bΛdʒIt/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /g/.

/bΛdʒIt/ → /bΛget/

 In the word of ‘projector’ /prə'dʒektə(r)/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /y/.

/prə'dʒektə(r)/ → /prə'yektə(r)/

In final position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘knowledge’, ‘large’, and ‘pledge’. The result of these analyses showed only 14 sound shifts. The sound shifts that often appear were the change of phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /d/ and /t/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘knowledge’ /nolIdʒ/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /t/.

/nolIdʒ/ → /nolIt/

 In the word of ‘large’ /la:dʒ/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /t/.

/la:dʒ/ → /la:t/

 In the word of ‘large’ /la:dʒ/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /d/.

/la:dʒ/ → /la:d/


/pledʒ/ → /plet/

 In the word of ‘pledge’ /pledʒ/, they changed phoneme /dʒ/ into phoneme /d/.

/pledʒ/ → /pled/

2.9. Phoneme /f/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /f/. Each word consists of phoneme /f/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /f/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 11 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher.

The words are ‘fresh’, ‘four’, and‘phrase’. The result of these analyses showed 5 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /f/ into /p/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘phrase’ /freIz/, they changed phoneme /f/ into

phoneme /p/.

/freIz/ → /preIz/

In medial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘differ’, ‘coffee’, and ‘effort’. The result of these analyses showed only 1 sound shift. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /f/ into /v/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘effort’ /'efət/, the participant changed phoneme /f/ into phoneme /v/.

/'efət/ → /'evət/

In final position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘laugh’, ‘enough’, and ‘life’. The result of these analyse showed 5 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the change of phoneme /f/ into /g/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘enough’ /Inʌf/, they changed phoneme /f/ into phoneme /g/.

/Inʌf/ → /Inʌg/

2.10. Phoneme /v/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /v/. Each word consists of phoneme /v/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /v/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 113 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final position.


showed 33 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the change of phoneme /v/ into /f/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘video’ /'vIdiəʊ/, they changed phoneme /v/ into phoneme /f/.

/'vIdiəʊ/ → /'fIdiəʊ/

 In the word of ‘very’ /’verI:/, they changed phoneme /v/ into

phoneme /f/.

/’verI:/ → /’ferI:/

 In the word of ‘vast’ /va:st/, they changed phoneme /v/ into

phoneme /f/.

/va:st/ → /fa:st/

In medial position, there were three words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘advice’, ‘heavy’, and ‘navigator’. The result of these analyses showed 34 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the change of phoneme /v/ into /f/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘advice’ /əd’vaIz/, they changed phoneme /v/ into

phoneme /f/.

/əd’vaIz/ → /əd’faIz/

 In the word of ‘heavy’ /’hevi/, they changed phoneme /v/ into phoneme /f/. /’hevi/ → /’hefi/

 In the word of ‘navigator’ /'nævIgeItə(r)/, they changed phoneme /v/ into phoneme /f/.

/'nævIgeItə(r)/ → /'næfIgeItə(r)/

In final position, there were three words that used by the

researcher. The words are ‘save’, ‘believe’, and ‘nave’. The result of these analyses showed 46 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the change of phoneme /v/ into /f/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘save’ /seiv/, they changed phoneme /v/ into

phoneme /f/.

/seiv/ → /seif/

 In the word of ‘belive’ /bI’li:v/, they changed phoneme /v/ into phoneme /f/.

/bI’li:v/ → /bI’li:f/

 In the word of ‘nave’ /neIv/, they changed phoneme /v/ into

phoneme /f/.

/neIv/ → /neIf/

2.11. Phoneme /ð/


In initial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘them’, ‘they’, and ‘that’. The result of these analyses showed 14 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the change of phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘them’ /ðem/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/ðem/ → /dem/

 In the word of ‘they’ /ðeI/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/ðeI/ → /deI/

 In the word of ‘that’ /ðæt/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/ðæt/ → /dæt/

Then, four of them pronounced phoneme /ð/ into /nd/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘they’ /ðeI/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /nd/.

/ðeI/ → /ndeI/

 In the word of ‘that’ /ðæt/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /nd/.

/ðæt/ → /ndæt/

In medial position, there were three words that used by the

researcher. The words are ‘other’, ‘lather’, and ‘rather’. The result of these analyses showed 16 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the change of phoneme /ð/ into /d/. The researcher found the data as bellows:

 In the word of ‘other’ /’ʌðə(r)/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/’ʌðə(r)/ → /’ʌdə(r)/

 In the word of ‘lather’ /’l ːðə(r)/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/’l ːðə(r)/ → /’l ːdə(r)/

 In the word of ‘rather’ /'ra:ðə(r)/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/'ra:ðə(r)/ → /'ra:də(r)/

Besides the alteration phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/, there was another sound shift.

 In the word of ‘lather’ /’l ːðə(r)/, they changed phoneme /ð/

into phoneme /θ/

/’l ːðə(r)/ → /’l ːθə(r)/

In final position, there were three words that used by the


 In the word of ‘breathe’ /bri:ð/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/bri:ð/ → /bri:d/

 In the word of clothe’ /kləʊð/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /d/.

/kləʊð/ → /kləʊd/

 In the word of ‘breathe’ /bri:ð/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /t/.

/bri:ð/ → /bri:t/

 In the word of ‘loathe’ /ləʊð/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /t/.

/ləʊð/ → /ləʊt/

 In the word of ‘clothe’ /kləʊð/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into phoneme /t/.

/kləʊð/ → /kləʊt/

 In the word of ‘breathe’ /bri:ð/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into

phoneme /θ/.

/bri:ð/ → /bri:θ/

 In the word of ‘loathe’ /ləʊð/, they changed phoneme /ð/ into

phoneme /θ/.

/ləʊð/ → /ləʊθ/

 In the word of ‘clothe’ /kləʊð/, they changed phoneme/ð/ into

phoneme /θ/.

/kləʊð/ → /kləʊθ/

2.12. Phoneme /θ/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /θ/.

Each word consists of phoneme /θ/ in initial, medial, and final

positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /θ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 67 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘thank’, ‘thin’, and‘thumb’. The result of these analyses showed 14 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the

change of phoneme /θ/ into phoneme /t/. The researcher found the data

as bellow:

 In the word of ‘thank’ /θæŋk/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into

phoneme /t/.

/θæŋk/ → /tæŋk/

 In the word of ‘thin’ /θIn/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into

phoneme /t/.

/θIn/ → /tIn/

 In the word of ‘thumb’ /θʌm/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into phoneme /t/.


In medial position, there were three words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘author’, ‘athlete’, and ‘antheme’. The result of these analyses showed 18 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears

was the change of phoneme /θ/ into /t/ and /d/. The researcher found the

data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘author’ /’ɔːθə(r)/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into

phoneme /t/.

/’ɔːθə(r)/ → /’ɔːtə(r)/

 In the word of ‘athlete’ /’æθli:t/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into

phoneme /t/.

/’æθli:t/ → /’ætli:t/

 In the word of ‘antheme’ /æn'θəm/, they changed phoneme /θ/

into phoneme /t/.

/æn'θəm/ → /æn'təm/

 In the word of ‘antheme’ /æn'θəm/, they changed phoneme /θ/

into phoneme /d/.

/æn'θəm/ → /æn'dəm/

In final position, there were three words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘path’, ‘growth’, and ‘cloth’. The result of these analyses showed 35 sound shifts. The sound shift that often

appears was the change of phoneme /θ/ into phoneme /t/. The researcher

found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘path’ /p ːθ/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into

phoneme /t/.

/p ːθ/ → /p ːt/

 In the word of ‘growth’ /grəʊθ/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into

phoneme /t/.

/grəʊθ/ → /grəʊt/

 In the word of ‘cloth’ /kl θ/, they changed phoneme /θ/ into

phoneme /t/.

/kl θ/ → /kl t/

2.13. Phoneme /s/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

2.14. Phoneme /z/

There are nine words that used to this research to study phoneme /z/. Each word consists of phoneme /z/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /z/ that pronounced by the participants, there were a lot of sound shifts. Totally 110 sound shifts, but only in medial and final position, because the participants pronounced phoneme /z/ clearly when it located in initial.

In initial position, there was no problem. The participants have

pronounced the words of ‘zero’, ‘zinc’, and ‘zeal’ clearly. ɒut in the


used by the researcher. The words are ‘resign’, ‘reservation’, and

‘positive’. The participants should pronounced phoneme /z/, but most of them changed it into /s/. For more informations, looked the data bellow:

 In the word of ‘zero’ /'zIərəʊ/, they changed phoneme /z/ into phoneme /s/.

/'zIərəʊ/ → /'sIərəʊ/

 In the word of ‘zinc’ /zIŋk/, they changed phoneme /z/ into

phoneme /s/.

/zIŋk/ → /sIŋk/

 In the word of ‘zeal’ /zi:l/, they changed phoneme /z/ into phoneme /s/.

/zi:l/ → /si:l/

In final position, there were three words that used by the

researcher. The words are ‘excuse’, ‘abuse’, and‘please’. The result of these analyse showed 60 sound shifts, it means that there were no participants that pronounced clearly. All of them changed phoneme /z/ into phoneme /s/.

2.15. Phoneme /ʃ/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /ʃ/. Each word consists of phoneme /ʃ/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 180 phoneme /ʃ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 66 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher.

The words are ‘shower’, ‘she’, and ‘shell’. The result of these analyses

showed 21 sound shifts. The sound shift that often appears was the change of phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘shower’ /'ʃaʊə(r)/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/'ʃaʊə(r)/ → /'saʊə(r)/

 In the word of ‘she’ /ʃi:/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/ʃi:/ → /si:/

 In the word of ‘shell’ /ʃel/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/ʃel/ → /sel/

In medial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘national’, ‘negotiable’, and ‘squishy’. The result of these analyses showed 19 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/ and /t/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘national’ /’næʃnəl/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.


 In the word of ‘negotiable’ /nI’gəʊʃiəbl/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/nI’gəʊʃiəbl/ → /nI’gəʊsiəbl/

 In the word of ‘negotiable’ /nI’gəʊʃiəbl/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /t/.

/nI’gəʊʃiəbl/ → /nI’gəʊtiəbl/

 In the word of ‘squishy’ /'skwIʃi/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/'skwIʃi/ → /'skwIsi/

In final position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘push’, ‘mash’, and‘smash’. The result of these analyses showed 27 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/ and /t/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘push’ /pʊʃ/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/pʊʃ/ → /pʊs/

 In the word of ‘mash’ /mæʃ/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/mæʃ/ → /mæs/

 In the word of ‘smash’ /smæʃ/, they changed phoneme /ʃ/ into phoneme /s/.

/smæʃ/ → /smæs/

2.16. Phoneme /ʒ/

There are 9 words that used to this research to study phoneme /ʒ/. Each word consists of phoneme /ʒ/ in initial, medial, and final positions. All the words read by 20 Javanese learners of English. The result of the collected the data showed that totally 140 phoneme /ʒ/ that pronounced by the participants, there were 127 sound shifts. These sound shifts were divided into 3 positions; initial, medial, and final positions.

In initial position, there is a word that used by the researcher. The word is ‘genre’. The result of these analyses showed 13 sound shifts. The sound shifts that often appears were the change of phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /dʒ/, /ʃ/, /s/, /g/, /y/, /z/ and /un-identified/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘genre’ /’ʒ ːnrə/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /dʒ/.

/’ʒ ːnrə/ → /’dʒ ːnrə/

 In the word of ‘genre’ /’ʒ ːnrə/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /y/.

/’ʒ ːnrə/ → /’y ːnrə/

 In the word of ‘genre’ /’ʒ ːnrə/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /z/.


In medial position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘fusion’, ‘pleasure’, and ‘vision’. The result of these analyses showed 55 sound shifts. The sound shift that appears was the change of phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /ʃ/ and /s/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘fusion’ /’fju:ʒn/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /ʃ/.

/’fju:ʒn/ → /’fju:ʃn/

 In the word of ‘fusion’ /’fju:ʒn/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /s/.

/’fju:ʒn/ → /’fju:sn/

 In the word of ‘pleasure’ /’pleʒə(r)/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /ʃ/.

/’pleʒə(r)/ → /’pleʃə(r)/

 In the word of ‘pleasure’ /’pleʒə(r)/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /s/.

/’pleʒə(r)/ → /’plesə(r)/

 In the word of ‘vision’ /’vIʒn/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /ʃ/.

/’vIʒn/ → /’vIʃn/

 In the word of ‘vision’ /’vIʒn/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /s/.

/’vIʒn/ → /’vIsn/

In final position, there were 3 words that used by the researcher. The words are ‘mirage’, ‘garage’, and ‘beige’. The result of these analyses showed 59 sound shifts. The sound shifts that appears were the change of phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /dʒ/, /ʃ/, /s/, /g/, and /un-identified/. The researcher found the data as bellow:

 In the word of ‘mirage’ /’mIra:ʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /dʒ/.

/’mIra:ʒ/ → /’mIra:dʒ/

 In the word of ‘mirage’ /’mIra:ʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /ʃ/.

/’mIra:ʒ/ → /’mIra:ʃ/

 In the word of ‘mirage’ /’mIra:ʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /g/.

/’mIra:ʒ/ → /’mIra:g/

 In the word of ‘garage’ /’gær ːʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /dʒ/.

/’gær ːʒ/ → /’gær ːʒ/

 In the word of ‘garage’ /’gær ːʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into

phoneme /g/.

/’gær ːʒ/ → /’gær ːg/


/’gær ːʒ/ → /’gær ːs/

 In the word of ‘garage’ /’gær ːʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /ʃ/.

/’gær ːʒ/ → /’gær ːʃ/

 In the word of ‘beige’ /beIʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /dʒ/.

/beIʒ/ → /beIdʒ/

 In the word of ‘beige’ /beIʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /g/.

/beIʒ/ → /beIg/

 In the word of ‘beige’ /beIʒ/, they changed phoneme /ʒ/ into phoneme /unidentified/.

/beIʒ/ → /beI-/

2.17. Phoneme /h/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

2.18. Phoneme /m/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

2.19. Phoneme /n/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

2.20. Phoneme /ŋ/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

2.21. Phoneme /l/

There is no variation of English pronunciation found by the researcher. All participants pronounced clearly.

3. The most difficult sounds pronounced by Javanese learners of English

This part describes the most difficult sounds pronounced by Javanese learners of English. The data listed into the table, then the researcher calculating the correct and incorrect sounds that is spoken by the students.

The indicator that is used by the researcher is the percentage of the

correctness. If the errors’ made by the informants were high, so the

percentage was low. Here is the result of the most difficult sounds completely:

3.1. Phoneme /ʒ/

The percentage of correctness is only 9.28%. The incorrectness happened in initial position (13 incorrect of 20 sounds), medial position (55 of 60), and final position (59 of 60).

3.2. Phoneme /v/


3.3. Phoneme /z/

The percentage of correctness is 38.88%. The incorrectness happened in medial position (50 of 60) and final position (60 of 60). But, in initial position the participants pronounced this sound clearly. 3.4. Phoneme /ʃ/

The percentage of correctness is 62.77%. The incorrectness happened in initial position (21 of 60), medial position (19 of 60), and final position (27 of 60).

3.5. Phoneme /θ/

The percentage of correctness is 62.77%. The incorrectness happened in initial position (14 of 60), medial position (18 of 60), and final position (35 of 60).

3.6. Phoneme /ð/

The percentage of correctness is 65%. The incorrectness happened in initial position (13 of 60), medial position (16 of 60), and final position (34 of 60).

3.7. Phoneme /g/

The percentage of correctness is 76.11%. The incorrectness happened only in final position (43 of 60). But, in initial and medial position the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.8. Phoneme /d/

The percentage of correctness is 78.33%. The incorrectness happened in medial position (2 of 60) and final position (37 of 60). But, in initial position the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.9. Phoneme /dʒ/

The percentage of correctness is 81.11%. The incorrectness happened in initial position (2 of 60), medial position (19 of 60), and final position (13 of 60).

3.10. Phoneme /b/

The percentage of correctness is 85.55%. The incorrectness happened in medial position (2 of 60) and final position (24 of 60). But, in initial position the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.11. Phoneme /f/

The percentage of correctness is 93.88%. The incorrectness happened in initial position (5 of 60), medial position (1 of 60), and final position (5 of 60).

3.12. Phoneme /tʃ/

The percentage of correctness is 96.66%. The incorrectness happened in medial position (2 of 60) and final position (4 of 60). But, in initial position the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.13. Phoneme /k/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.14. Phoneme /t/


3.15. Phoneme /p/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.16. Phoneme /s/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.17. Phoneme /h/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.18. Phoneme /m/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.19. Phoneme /n/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.20. Phoneme /ŋ/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.

3.21. Phoneme /l/

The percentage of correctness is 100%. It means that all the participants pronounced this sound clearly.


The purpose of this study was to analyze 21 consonants. As already analyzed on the previous pages, the researcher found 12 sound shifts done by JLE, they are; /f/,

/tʃ/, /dʒ/, /b/, /g/, /d/, /ʃ/, /θ/, /ð/, /ʒ/, /z/, and /v/. It means that there were 9 consonant sounds that pronounced excellently by JLE, they are /p/, /t/, /k/, /s/, /h/,

/m/, /n/, /ŋ/, and /l/. The researcher also found the most difficult sound, which is /ʒ/. JLE could only pronounce 9.28% correctly. This phoneme has 7 sound

changes. Most of them change it into /dʒ/ in initial position, /ʃ/ in medial position,

and /dʒ/ in final position. Those difficulties appear because of three major problems; the differences in the phonemic systems between English and Javanese, the non-existence of consonant clusters in Javanese, and a systematic deviation.


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