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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Chemlab MANAGTOOL SUSI"


Teks penuh



LABORATORY (2x meet ing)


Susila Kristianingrum








The technique uses laboratory




treated, serviced, maintained, calibrated, to prevent rapid


Laboratory equipment will be works well

1. Have Been registered (already registered)

2. Ready-made, calibrated with accurate and can work well 3. Available infrastructure that supports (power supply, water,

or gas)

4. There are experts / skilled for a special instrument (AAS, UV-VI S, HPLC, GC)

5. There are spare parts (spare parts) 6. There tooling equipment (tools kits)

7. There consumables (material support for specialized equipment such as a solution of reagents)

8. Routine inspection and regular


Laboratory Equipment

Props education

Equipment lab / research




Props education

(Alat peraga pendidikan)


Equipment of practicum/


• Glassware

• Instrument



Support equipment laboratory activities:

table practicum

table demonstration







The tools used for making or repairing other tools:

Screwdriver (obeng)

Scissors (gunting)

Pliers (catut)

Hammer (martil)

Miserly (kikir)

Saws wood and iron (gergaji kayu dan besi)


Measuring tools and specialized tools

• pHmeter

• chromatography Equipment • Polarograf


• Refractometer

• technical Balance • Polarimeter

• analytical balance • Spectrophotometer • Dryng oven


Support equipment (tools) required for working in a laboratory

• Fire extinguishers

• P3K box complete with



Chemical Laboratory Equipment








Chemical Laboratory Equipment

1. Properties

2. The situation (shape)

3. Functions



• Erlenmeyer

• Flask

• distillation flask

• Round-bottom


• measuring glass

• Beaker glass

• watch glasses

• funnel glass

• Burette

• cooling Liebig

• glass stirrer

• test tube


The tools of metal

t ripod

stat ive

buret clamp

Three finger clamp

crucible t ongs


The tools of wood

Test tube rack

Test tube clamp


Setting glassware

 heavier equipment on the bottom and the lighter in the higher

 tool size is higher in the back and a low or short in front

 tool length lying position / lie down

 tools that do not have a backrest (round-bottom flask) are stored in


Setting glassware

All equipment is inventoried in the

book inventory records

Each device is placed in

accordance with the kind of tools

and size

Use of the tool should be

recorded in the log book out tools

All the tools were kept back


Settings tool instrument

In a special room with specific requirements

For example: GC, UV-VIS and FTIR have AC

Placed electrodes

immersed in the solution

The use by people who are experts, appropriate manual tool


Safety Equipment

• Hydrant

• Eye washer • Water shower

• Lab coats should be arm's length • Gloves

• Gogle • Mask


23 23

Personal Protective Equipment

Eye protection


24 24

Personal Protective Equipment

Respiratory Protection


training &


Can provide a


Care and M aintenance

1. Prevent ion is bet t er t han cure (prevent ion is bet t er t han cure)

2. Reading t he fine manual t ools

3. Learn t he basic principles of equipment , inst allat ion met hod (inst allat ion),


Care and M aintenance

1. The problem is usually caused by:

neglect , abuse t ool

2. The problem is usually caused by a mechanical problem and not an elect ronic problem

3. In pHmet er caused by t he

elect rodes and bat t eries, t he


Tools t hat use elect ricit y

– Source volt age

– The t ool is t urned on

– Fuse (fuse) unbroken

– Elect ricit y reaches t ool

– pow er cable

– Out let

– Arde


Sample Care and M aintenance

Troubleshooting spectrometer:

1. Det ermining t he det ails of int erference

2. Reading t he manual t ool

3. Check for elect rical equipment 4. Observing t he t able

" Troubleshoot ing

in t he manual: t he radiat ion source

(light ) can not be set at 100% radiat ion reaching t he sample, t he det ect or


In the machine tool

Check engine oil

Bat t ery / power source

St abilit y

Safet y (safet y use)


dangers round

M aintenance of Balance

f not reached equilibrium there are 2 ways:

Small-scale shear load at the front to the right until it reaches equilibrium and mark shows what number of small loads that have shifted it. When used for weighing, then the value / number is later as a deduction. The mass of the load that weighed less number / scale of small loads that have shifted it.

Remove the mounting plate portion hanging weights, and go to the bottom using a screwdriver and

complete or subtract expenses (such as buckshot, nails, small metal / powder).

Balance is often

damaged due to these factors:

a. Failure to use b. storage

c. The process of


How to Bring a M icroscope

• Hold t he handle w it h your right hand and place your left hand t o support him

• Do not sw ing, t oss, or vibrat es w hen putt ing a microscope

• Do not lift t he body of t he microscope in t he t ube, as


M aintenance of M icroscope


dust cover

Put it in a box to avoid dust

Store in dry place

In t he cupboard+

lamp (15-20) watt


Source of damage to the equipment /

materials due to environmental


Wat er, Acids, Bases, and Ot her Fluids

Heat or t emperat ure

M echanical



A variety of laboratory equipment in the form of assemblies, commonly used in physics laboratories or


What to know before making

arrangement s equipment

• Ident ifying t ools and funct ions

• Ident ifying t he propert ies of mat erials

• Qualit y t ools including t he sophist icat ion and t horoughness

• Value / price of t he t ool

• The qualit y and rarit y of t hese t ools

• The basic ingredient s compiler t ools

• The shape and size of t he t ools


Maintenance of Glassware



St orage


st ringing t ools (merangkai alat )


How to remove dirt remnants of


Remove as much mat erial

Do not t hrow dirt remnant s subst ances, paper, or solid wast e int o t he sink.

Analysis of t ypes of impurit ies and equipment t o be cleaned

Eliminat e inorganic impurit ies w it h dust

How to Clean tools based pollutants

1. Can be removed using abrasive ash or soap, brush and warm wat er.

2. The use of acid - a st rong acid such as sulfuric acid or chromic sulfuric acid cleaning solut ion is


3. Vigreux and spiral coolers, w it h soapy wat er

soaking, aft er washing w it h wat er and t hen rinsed w it h a solvent


Eliminat e inorganic impurit ies w it h ash

scouring powder or soap, wat er, and brush, if hard t o dilut e HNO3

B. I norganic matter impurities


C. Fat impurities

The equipment w ashed w it h hot w at er (w arm) and det ergent t o remove oil and grease

Rinsed w it h w at er t o remove det ergent If st ubborn as pipett e measuring can be

done by soaking in a solut ion of sulfuric acid chromat e (if I had t o, because it is



Leave it overnight in t he lab workbench (drying rack)

Beaker and flask placed upside dow n on drying t ime

Test t ube, a small funnel, and so placed on filt er paper scrap st ored at t he bot t om of t he beaker


Drying buret t e, pipet t e, measuring

inst rument s, chromat ography columns, is

done by st oring it upright w it h t he t ip upside dow n.


Glassware st orage

Not t o be combined w it h iron or wooden

Equipment w it h a glass connect ion (eg separat or funnel, buret t e, and Soxhlet ) connect ions must be removed or

covered w it h vaseline

To open a jammed joint glassware made


dg heat t he connect ion w it h a small fire w hile playing.

Avoid connect ion at mospheric alkaline glasses

Effort s t o prevent possible damage

• Given a dust cover

Arranged according t o t he exist ing t able and layout available

Opt ic equipment arranged in a special place / in t he closet , given lamp (15-20) w att s

Arranged according t o t he funct ion and charact erist ics


The room temperat ure

For t he subt ropical t emperat ures are suit able (10-25 C)

In Indonesia (t ropical regions are operat ing t emperat ure 310C).

Ot her aspect s t hat cont ribut e t o t he damage are: Rarely or lit t le used

Placement s are not suit able / bad (poor of accommodat ion)


St ruct uring and storage based on:

Det ermined by t he st at e laborat ory facilit ies, laborat ory layout , and t he st at e of equipment / mat erials.

User int erest is det ermined based on t he ease sought and achieved,

Various laborat ory equipment st ored in wardrobes t ool

• Using t he

appropriat e t ool usage inst ruct ions.

• M aint ain cleanliness of equipment


50 50

Kebijakan Keselamatan Lab

• Tidak boleh makan, minum, merokok di lab

• Beri Label semua wadah bahan kimia

• Beri Label “ No Food” pd refrigerat or

• Beri Label “explosion safe” pd refrigerat or

• Kont rol secara rut in pd APK


51 51

Cont rol

How are t he risks cont rolled?

Engineering controls:

– isolation – ventilation --hood

Emergency Plan


Less cont r ol of t he super visor The

condit ion ar e not

saf e


53 53

Recognit ion

Types of lab hazards:

chemical t oxicit y fire / explosion physical hazards

biohazards radiat ion


54 54

Physical and Ergonomic Hazards

• M oving unguarded part s, pinches vacuum pump belt s

• Broken glassw are and sharps, cut s

• Pressure apparat us

• Vacuum cont ainers

• Dew ar flasks

• High volt age equipment

• Comput er w orkst at ions





Asbest os-Containing M aterials


Lab hoods



Cent rifuge Equipment

• Uses

• Hazards

• Cont rol of hazards

– Only aut horized users can use equipment

– Users must be t rained

– Assign responsibilit y t o lab t ech



• Rotor

• Drive Shaft • Motor



Centrifuge Safety

Don’t overload … Check rotor for cracks







Don’t block hood

air flow .

Place large

equipment in a

hood on 5 cm

blocks to allow

air flow around

and under





Access to


equipment is


Alw ays check




Food is never

allow ed in





Open-toed shoes

are not allow ed in


Employees are not

allow ed to w ear




80 5 point base



Workstation Design Rules

Chairs: 5 cm and 110 degree rule - Adequate lumbar support

Neutral w rist position

Elbow 90 degree at “keyboard home row ”

Screen below eye level - Copy at same height

I llumination: prevention of glare



Anonim. (2012). Peraw atan& Perbaikan Alat Lab.Biologi, Fisika, Kimia. Jakarta: Direktorat P2TK Dikmen.

Ensiklopedi Indonesia. (1991).Petunjuk Pemeriksaan

Laboratorium Puskesmas, Depkes RI.

Lehman, J.W. (2008). The Student ’s Lab. Companion. Laboratory

Techniques for Organic Chemistry. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

M asmei Siallagan. (2011). Cara Pengelolaan & Penyimpanan

Peralatan Lab. Kimia yang Baik & Benar. M edan: Chemistry


M oran, L. and M asciangioli, T. (2010). Chemical Laboratory

Safety and Security A Guide to Prudent Chemical M anagement. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Regina Tutik P dan Susila Kristianingrum. (2007). Diktat Kuliah


table and layout available


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