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The Alternative Way To Combat Your Anxiety


Academic year: 2017

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Do you break out into a cold sweat when you have to deliver a talk before a group of people? Perhaps you become nervous when you have to take a test...

There are certainly numerous causes for anxiety.

Similarly, there are a number of treatment options for those afflicted with the illness.

If you don´t like the idea of medication, you might try an alternative approach to battling your anxiety. It is estimated that nearly seven percent of Americans suffer from...


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Do you break out into a cold sweat when you have to deliver a talk before a group of people? Perhaps you become nervous when you have to take a test...

There are certainly numerous causes for anxiety.

Similarly, there are a number of treatment options for those afflicted with the illness.

If you don´t like the idea of medication, you might try an alternative approach to battling your anxiety.

It is estimated that nearly seven percent of Americans suffer from anxiety and panic disorders. While prescription drugs are routinely offered as a remedy for such illnesses, they can be dangerous if administered over a long period of time. Some of the more popular anxiety drugs include Diazepam and Wellbutrin. However, increasingly, Americans are turning to alternative medicines in an effort to soothe their anxious feelings.

In just the last decade, the demand for alternative medicine has skyrocketed 300 percent. This is partially the result of the fact that many alternative medicines offer relief from symptoms without the side-effects linked to prescription drugs. It should be noted, however, that natural remedies are not meant to be long-term treatments, although they can offer relief in the short-term.

Before you buy a natural remedy, it is important that you do your homework as far as your knowledge of herbs and vitamins is concerned. It is also imperative that you consult your family physician in order to ensure that the alternative treatment is safe for you. A number of herbs offer relief from the symptoms of anxiety. For instance, St. Johns Wort is one of the most popular anti-anxiety herbs on the market.

After taking St. Johns Wort for as little as two weeks, you should notice a difference in your anxiety level.

Valerian Root is another alternative option you might try. It is especially helpful in combating insomnia because of its sedative quality.

In other words, it helps to lull the central nervous system to sleep. Research indicates that Valerian Root is effective in improving sleep 90 percent of the time. This is important, since much of anxiety is linked to sleep disorders.

Vitamins can also provide an effective treatment for anxiety. They can be quite important in enabling neurotransmitter synthesis and maintenance. For instance, B-complex can help produce neurochemicals, which in turn assists in the synthesis of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Yet another aid to combating anxiety is Passion Flower. It helps to calm the central nervous system, leading to feelings of peace. Meanwhile, Ashwaghanda Root can make you feel stronger so that you are better able to handle the effects of anxiety.

But perhaps no herbal remedy is quite as effective as Kava Kava. This is considered to be one of the strongest anti-anxiety remedies in the world.


An herbal remedy called PureCalm is being marketed as a safe way to deal with general nervousness and worry.

You may feel relaxed after taking only a few drops of this natural substance. However, if you suffer from severe anxiety, including panic attacks, you might consider a remedy called MindSoothe, which combines St. Johns Wort with Passiflora. Mindsoothe has been linked to good sleep, greater concentration, and better memory. Therefore, it is particularly effective in treating the symptoms of anxiety. We all have feelings of anxiety from time to time. But how can you tell if your anxiety is out of control? If you experience racing thoughts, rapid heartbeat, extreme difficulty resting or concentrating, you probably need to get help. If you do not like dealing with the side-effects of prescription drugs, an herbal remedy may be in order.

You should know in advance, however, that some herbal remedies carry their own risks and lead to significant side-effects. The more you know about herbal remedies, the better consumer you´ll be. Don´t allow yourself to be a human guinea pig. Take herbal medication only after you have thoroughly studied its effects upon the human body.

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