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Salsa Dancing Burns Calories


Academic year: 2017

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Experts agree that dancing salsa can burn up to 10 calories per minute. But best of all, salsa dancing is easy to do. It´s an excellent workout exercise that combines aerobic and anaerobic training.


salsa, salsa dance, dance, salsa dancing, dancing, dance instruction

Article Body:

Experts agree that dancing salsa can burn up to 10 calories per minute. But best of all, salsa dancing is easy to do. It´s an excellent workout exercise that combines aerobic and anaerobic training. Let me explain the difference between the two

Aerobic ˘ Specifically refers to the use of the same large muscle group, rhythmically, for a period of 15 to 20 minutes or longer while maintaining 60-80% of your maximum heart rate. Basically it´s doing an activity for a long period of time at low intensity. Activities using aerobic exercise include jogging, swimming, walking, biking and cross-country skiing. Anaerobic - Anaerobic activity refers to activities that are short in duration and high in intensity. Some anaerobic activities include: weight lifting, sprinting, racquetball, downhill skiing, softball, soccer and football. Its high intensity and works the muscles quickly and rigorously.

Aerobic refers to air or oxygen. To easily remember the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise just think that since aerobic is air or oxygen, that these types of activities should allow you to speak while performing the activity without gasping for air. If you are gasping for air during your activity you are most likely working anaerobically ˘ which means faster, harder and at a higher intensity. The continual movement of the salsa dance style steadily burns calories but also tones the body ˘ most specifically the legs. But not only does it tone the body but it also adds strength to muscles without the high impact of most other exercises like weight training or running.

Salsa is also an excellent exercise choice because it combines individual dance routines that can also be paired up with a partner. Actually, salsa dancing can be practiced alone and then adding a partner for added excitement. The social charm that partnered salsa dancing has is very appealing.

A night of dancing is an excellent workout. If you are just learning to salsa dance you most likely will be working anaerobically. But as you advance to quicker salsa movements that are more complex like the professional salsa dancers twirling through the air with jumps and intense spins requiring strength, you will most likely be working your body anaerobically. This means that your muscles are working at a high intensity level. In general, salsa dancing is an excellent workout. You´ll get fit, more toned and look better but also have fun while you´re doing it! Start joining the salsa craze now by visiting www.salsadancedvd.com

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