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How profitable is the Internet e currency exchanging business


Academic year: 2017

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How profitable is the Internet e-currency exchanging business? Word Count:

606 Summary:

There are two kinds of currency exchanging businesses today on the Internet. The most widely known is the Forex market where you can trade one world currency for another. The less widely known is the e-currency exchange market, where some companies and individuals make money by exchanging one e-currency for another.


online business, Internet business, make money online

Article Body:

There are two kinds of currency exchanging businesses today on the Internet. The most widely known is the Forex market where you can trade one world currency for another. The less widely known is the e-currency exchange market, where some companies and individuals make money by exchanging one e-currency for another.

Notice the difference. On the Forex market people make money speculating on the future price of currencies like Euros and Dollars. On the e-currencies exchanging business people make money directly when they exchange the e-currencies. Based on this fact it can be said that Forex is more risky but also more profitable than e-currency exchanges. We will refer on this article to the e-currency exchanging business alone. Let’s start by describing what e-currencies are. There are many different kinds of e-currencies today on the Internet. Some of the most widely known include www.paypal.com, www.e-gold.com, www.e-bullion.com and www.netpay.tv.

So, how does his market works? Simple. Let’s say that you have e-gold and you want e-bullion. You visit the website of an online exchanger and request to exchange the funds. The exchanger keeps a percentage of the money to be exchanged. For example let’s say that he keeps 5%. So, if you give the exchanger $1,000 in e-Gold he will keep $50 plus the amount e-Gold charges him to receive the funds. Then he will give you a little less than $950 of e-Bullion. This happens every day. There are thousands, millions of transactions going on.

How much money you make on this business depends of a few factors. First if you plan to receive large transactions or a large number of transactions per day then you will need lots of funds ready to stand the demand. Second, how many people know about you and your website. You will need to invest on advertisement and promote your business. Third how reasonable are your exchanging rates compared to those of other exchanger. If you charge 10% per transaction that’s almost thievery.

Also keep in mind that you will have to comply with the rules and regulations of the jurisdiction you live in. These rules may change from place to place. Make sure you understand well the regulations about this business where you live. The demand for world currencies like Euros and Dollars is Enormous. The demand for e-currencies exchanges is fairly high. In my opinion this business can be quiet profitable.

Think about it, when you are the e-currency exchanger you act like the bank. You are the market maker, the broker. These parties are the ones who make the money and almost never lose. You have the chance to do this on the e-currency market, but you need to take it as a business and not as a get rich quick scheme. All businesses require planning, investing, marketing, etc. You can watch what other exchangers are doing and learn from them. Visit their websites and get an idea of what this business requires.

DXGold once seemed it would become the leader on this market. It allowed people to be merchants through their system and exchange e-currencies for others. Unfortunately it seems that they had problems with their system. They have recently moved into other areas of Internet marketing.

Anyway there is still hope for people that wants to make money on this business. The demand for e-currency exchanges is still fairly high. I think that this business could be profitable as many other businesses that you could start online. It all depends on how knowledgeable you are on this field and your dedication and motivation to make it work.

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