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How Divorce Affects Your Children


Academic year: 2017

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This article is about the effects of divorce on children. It briefly explains the setbacks of the whole divorce process. The article also cites some ways on how to minimize the effects of divorce on the children. This also helps readers understand the importance of a child therapist during the course of the divorce.


divorce, relationship, counseling, stress and anxiety

Article Body:

When a marriage turns into a complete wreck and nothing can ever fix the problem anymore, divorce is the only best option to take. Millions of people prefer to leave their partners when certain aspects of the relationship are no longer smooth sailing as they were before the marriage.

Although divorce may sound and appear easy for some, it actually requires a lot from both parties. Each one needs to get divorce consultations from lawyers and financial specialists to help them in the process. Hence, divorce is not easy, especially for the children. Endless fights for custody are usually the toughest moments not only for the separated couple, but also for their children. The children are generally the ones who suffer most when their parents separated. Effects of divorce on children

According to studies, the children of a divorced couple often take the blame on themselves as the reason why their parents need separation. Some kids tend to think that they are the ones responsible for the failed marriage, thus, resulting to stress and anxiety.

One of the most notable effects of divorce on children is the sudden change of attitude towards activities and friends that they enjoy before. In addition, divorce can also cause detrimental effects to a child´s perspective on relationship and marriage. Some children may regard divorce as a betrayal of their patients, hence, compelling them to be afraid and withdrawn from building or developing future relationships. Also, children of a divorced couple often find it hard to trust anyone as they grow up. Lessening the effects of divorce on children

It is really up to the parents how they want to make the situation easier for their children. For starters, it is important for separated couple to have their children understand that the divorce is not, in any means, their fault. Another important thing is that the children know that they are safe, secured, and loved by their parents even if they are not together as a family anymore. Divorced parents should also always be around or available for their children every time they are needed. When it comes to the welfare of the children, the separated couple should still work together in providing for their kids´ emotional and financial needs

Role of a child specialist

In the process of divorce, collaborative lawyers may suggest to their clients the need for the children to have a child specialist who will basically act as the children´s voice and guide in the entire duration of the divorce process. A child specialist is the one responsible in explicitly explaining the role and rights of the children.

Having a child therapist helps in the sense that the children will not be caught in between their parents during the process of the divorce. Choosing between two adults is hard for any kid. Having a child specialist in the process can also help minimize the emotional difficulties of the children as they cope to accept and try to live a normal life despite having a broken family.

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