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Managing Those After Birth Woes


Academic year: 2017

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Experiencing depression after childbirth isn’t a character flaw or a weakness, sometimes it’s simply part of giving birth. However, if a woman’s depression takes a while, it should be properly treated. This article identifies three types of postpartum depression: baby blues,postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.


postpartum depression , depression, melancholy, anxiety

Article Body:

All expecting mothers are scared stiff by the thought of giving birth, even those who don´t admit it, During the nine months of waiting, expectant mothers have their regular check ups, and their physicians really do their best to calm and motivate the mothers-to-be. Expectant mothers usually buy tons of books and magazines about childbirth, pregnancy and health in preparation for their upcoming baby. They read every detail about pregnancy and child care.

Giving birth is a magical moment in most mothers’ lives, yet many fear it the first time it happens to them. Questions run through their minds like what will happen to them, what should they prepare for, is the baby going to be fine, and a long list of other nagging questions about pregnancy and childbirth. Every woman will experience something different and unique during birth. In the United States and other western countries, the risk of complications is low. But after giving birth, there are changes, both expected and unexpected, such as postpartum depression.

After childbirth, a dramatic drop in estrogen and progesterone may trigger depression. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland may also drop sharply and leave the woman who recently gave birth feeling tired, sluggish, and depressed. Changes in a woman’s blood volume, blood pressure, immune system, and metabolism can lead to fatigue and mood swings. However, some women may experience a deep and ongoing depression which lasts much longer. This is called postpartum depression. Researchers have identified three types of postpartum depression: baby blues, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. The ˆbaby blues˜ is the most minor form of postpartum depression, Several major rapid changes are brought about by this form of depression including a drop in hormone levels, breast engorgement, and reluctance to return home from the hospital after the delivery. ˆBaby Blues˜ usually start one to three days after delivery. It is characterized by weeping, irritability, lack of sleep, mood changes, and a feeling of vulnerability. The baby blues are not an illness, as they will go away on their own. There is no treatment necessary other than sufficient rest, reassurance, and support from family and friends. People often confuse the baby blues with postpartum depression because they have common symptoms. Postpartum depression may appear to be the baby blues at first, but the signs and symptoms are more intense and longer lasting, eventually interfering with a woman’s ability to function as a mother. Moreover, some women do not tell anyone about their symptoms because they feel embarrassed, ashamed or guilty about being depressed when they’re supposed to be happy about having given birth to a healthy baby.

Postpartum depression is more debilitating than the baby blues. Women with this condition suffer from melancholy, feelings of inadequacy, guilt, anxiety, irritability, and fatigue. Physical symptoms include headaches, numbness, chest pain and hyperventilation. A woman with postpartum depression may regard her child with negativity or disinterest. An adverse effect on the bonding between mother and child may result because of this particular pregnancy and childbirth-related mental and emotional distress. Because this syndrome is still poorly defined and under studied, it tends to be under reported. Estimates of its occurrence range from 3% to 20% of births. The depression can begin at any time between delivery and 6 months post-birth, and may last up to several months or even a year. Postpartum psychosis is a relatively rare disorder. The symptoms include extreme confusion, fatigue, agitation, alterations in mood, feelings of hopelessness and shame, hallucinations, and rapid speech or mania. Studies indicate that it affects only one in 1,000 births. Postpartum psychosis requires immediate treatment, often in the hospital. When a woman’s safety is assured, treatment may begin with antidepressant medications or hormone therapy.

Experiencing depression after childbirth isn’t a character flaw or a weakness. Sometimes it’s simply part of giving birth. If a woman is depressed, prompt treatment can help manage her symptoms and enjoy the baby and the rest of her new life as a mother.

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