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Bank Soal Inggris SMP


Academic year: 2021

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Berdasarkan SKL Permendiknas No.46

Tahun 2010

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NIP 19810730 201101 1 001


Kudadepa – Sukahening - Tasikmalaya 2011 KAB. TASIKMALAYA S U K A PU RA NGADAUN N GO RA


Sukahening, Pebruari 2011 Kepala Sekolah, NIP. 19610911 198902 1 001 A. RAHMAT, BA GMP Bahasa Inggris, NIP. 19810730 201101 1 002 CEPIANA ABAS, S.Pd.




































































































































Dokumen ini telah disupervisi oleh Kepala Sekolah pada : Hari : _________________________ Tanggal : _________________________

NIP. 19610911 198902 1 001 A. RAHMAT, BA

Dokumen ini telah disupervisi oleh Pengawas pada : Hari : _________________________ Tanggal : _________________________

NIP. 19520712 197106 1 001 Drs. H. CACA SLAMET, M.Pd.






Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi tersirat/makna kata/frasa dalam teks berbentuk caution/notice/warning.

Caution, Notice, Warning Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata makna kata/frasa dalam teks berbentuk kartu ucapan (greeting card).

Greeting Card Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk (recount).

Recount Text Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/tujuan komunikatif/makna

kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk surat (letter).

Letter Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi

tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan

kata/makna kata/frasa dalam teks berbentuk (label).

Label Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/tujuan komunikatif/makna kata/frasa/kalimat dari teks deskriptif (descriptive).

Descriptive Text Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan

kata/makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk pesan pendek (short message).

Short Message Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks iklan (advertisement).

Advertisement Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/pesan moral/makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk naratif (narrative).

Narrative Text Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/ makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk pengumuman (announcement).

Announcement Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/tujuan komunikatif/makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk laporan (report).


utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan kata/makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk prosedur (procedure).

Procedure Text Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran

utama/informasi rinci tersurat/informasi tersirat/informasi tertentu/rujukan

kata/makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk undangan (invitation).

Invitation Card 2 Menulis

Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks bentuk deskriptif /recount/procedure sederhana.

Close Passage : Descriptive text

Recount Text Procedure Text Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk

membuat kalimat yang bermakna. Jumble Words Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat

untuk membuat paragraph yang padu dan



Read the following texts to answer the questions bellow!

1. Where do you usually find the sign above? a. At railway station

b. At a bus station c. At a station wagon d. At a petrol station


2. Where will you mostly find the text? a. At an airport

b. At a gas station c. At a bus station d. At a railway station

(P70.1.UN.0809) 3. You find the notice above at the gate of housing complex

It means that only … who own the houses at the housing complex can go there. a. Security Guards

b. Participant c. People d. Guests

(P12.1.UN.0708) 4. What is the content of the text?

a. Warning c. News

b. Information d. Advertisement

(TO.UN-1.0910) 5. What does the text mean? We … the dog.

a. have c. need to be careful with

b. are aware of d. like

6. Where do you usually see the text?

a. In the zoo c. On the gate

b. In the laboratory d. In the pet shop 7. You find the text above at …

a. School c. Zoo

b. Restaurant d. Airport

(TO.UN-1.0809) 8. The text above tells us that …

a. We can give peanut to the monkey c. We should the animals

b. We don’t pet the animals d. We can’t give food to the animals

(TO.UN-1.0708) 9. What does the notice above mean?

a. Do not disturb the children c. Do not put the thing in the place that children can reach b. Do not play with children d. Do not reach the thing






Turn off the cell phone



Beware of the dog!

Keep out of the reach of children

Please do not

Feed the animal


10.Look at the picture! It means …

a. Don’t park here c. Do not stop here b. No smoking area d. Do not enter

(TO.UN-1.0607) 11.The notice mean that … the grass.

a. We are allowed to cut b. We are allowed to pick up c. We must not walk on d. We must not clean

(UN.7.0607) (UN.21.0607) 12.The notice above means …

a. Throw the rubbish here c. Do not throw rubbish here b. Bring your own rubbish d. Do not pick up the rubbish 13.Where do you usually find the sign?

a. In the classroom c. In the garden

b. On the bus d. On the train (UN.42.0607)

(UN.43.0607) 14.What does the sentence mean?

a. Turtle is one of the protected animals. b. We must save protected animals.

c. Protected animals may be made into products, d. We can make use of protected

15.The following sign means that …

a. We should get in the room b. The room is only for the staff. c. We can meet a director in this room d. The staff cannot get in

(Pred.UN.5.2009) 16.Look at the sign above and choose what it means!

a. Return your books before you leave the library b. The librarian needs to see your books before you go c. Make sure you take all your books with you.

d. The librarian will show you where you have to put your books.

17.The notice means?

a. All security staffs must give a report to the receptionist before entering the office b. All guests must give a security report to the

receptionist before entering the office c. All security staff must bring visitors to the

receptionists for a report

d. All guests must meet the receptionist and leave their identity before entering the office.

18.Where can you see the notice bellow?

a. In a supermarket.. b. In a restaurant c. In a bank d. In an airport.


Don’t use

product made

of protected











































































19.The notice above mean … a. You must pay in cash here

b. Customers must buy not more than 12 items here c. Any buyers pay less than the normal price here d. Children pay less than adults here.

20.You often find this notice in the zoo. What does it mean?

a. Do not buy any bananas b. Do not eat any bananas c. Do not peel any bananas d. Don’t feed animals.


UN_C2_P17_2003/2004 21.What is Edward Teach?

a. A sailor. b. A pirate. c. A thief. d. A king. 22.The notice is about ....

a. a man dressing in black and unarmed c. striking features of Edward Teach b. seeking a robber and murderer d. a reward from Edward Teach 23.Which sentence is NOT TRUE according to the notice?

a. The pirate’s name is Edward Teach.

b. Besides a robber, the pirate ia also a murderer. c. One who can catch him will get £1000.

d. If you can catch the pirate, you must immediately kill him.

(UN-12-2009/2010) 24.What does the notice mean?

a. You cannot return the borrowed book if the library is closed. b. The book return service is available after hours only.

c. You should put the books here if you return them after the closing time. d. You can borrow books from this counter even if the library is closed. 25.The text above means that we ... turn off

the laser in emergency.

a. are not allowed to c. have to b. are forbidden to d. may (UN-12-2009/2010)












(P12.7.UN.0708) 26.The warning means...

a. it will be good if we take the picture of the sun

b. it will be better if we take the picture of other intense light sources c. if we aim the camera directly into the sun, the sun will have problem

d. our eyes might be in danger if the camera is aimed into the sun or intense light resources 27.Where do you usually find this notice!

a. Bank b. School c. Library d. Theatre

www.ujiannasional.org 28.You read a notice in front of a house like the one the right. What does it mean?

a. People must not stop in front of it. b. Visitor cannot drop by there now c. Pedestrian may not cross there d. Other People must not enter it

www.sma8.com 29.The notice on the right is on the wall of “SMP Taruna”. What does it mean?

a. Students may not have rubbish in the school. b. Students should throw the rubbish into the dustbin. c. The rubbish in the dustbin must be throw away everyday. d. The dustbin is a place where students can throw the rubbish.






Read the following texts to answer the questions bellow!

(P12.2.UN.0809) 1. Why does Joshua send the card? Because …

a. he wants to tell Ratih about his exam. c. his exam is difficult to do. b. he wants to congratulate Ratih. d. he wants to be successful. 2. Who is the writer of the text?

a. Ratih. b. Joshua. c. The reader. d. Someone.

3. The text above is …

a. Greeting Card b. Announcement c. Advertisement d. Shopping list 4. Why did Ramadhan send greeting card to Maya?

Because …

a. she won the semi final story telling contest. b. she represents the students of SMP Global. c. She will keep on practising the story telling d. she joined the story telling contest.

5. Who is Ramadhan?

a. The teacher of SMP Global

b. The contestant of Story Telling Contest c. The winner of Story Telling Contest d. Chair person of Students Union

(P70.2.UN.0809) 6. When will the final story telling contest held?

a. Student Organization c. in the SMP Global

b. next week d. before semi final story telling contest

7. “Keep on

The same meaning of the underlined word is …

a. never b. always c. stop d. come back

Practising Maya!”

8. What kind of text is it? a. Greeting Card b. Invitation c. Short Message d. Advertisement

9. Who the winner of the Speech Contest? a. Shinta c. The readers b. Dedi d. The writer

(TO.UN-1.0910) To: Ratih

I’d like to congratulate you on passing your exam. I do hope you are always


Loves, Joshua

Representing the students of SMP Global, we would like to congratulate you on winning the semi final story telling contest. Keep on practicing Maya! You will win the final story telling contest next week. May god always guide you.

Chair person of Students Union, Ramadhan

Dear Dedi,

Congratulation on your success as the first prize in the speech contest. Happy to hear that.

Yours, Shinta


10.Is the receiver of card the winner of the story telling contest?

a. Yes, he does b. No, he doesn’t c. Yes, he is d. No, he isn’t 11.“Congratulation on your success

The opposite word of the underlined word is … …”

a. Fail b. Well done c. Lucky d. The winner

(UAS-1.VII.0910) 12.What is the main idea of the text above?

a. Deny congratulates Shinta c. Deny invites Shinta b. Shinta congratulates Deny d. Shinta invites Deny 13.“… as the best student in your class.”

What is the antonym of “best

a. clever b. good c. Smart d. worst

14.Which one of the statements is true?

a. Shinta is very smart c. Shinta is Deny’s mother b. Deny is Shinta’s father d. Deny is very smart in his class 15.How is Shinta on knowing that Deny is the best student in his class?

a. She is angry to him c. She likes it

b. She is very disappointed to him d. She is sad 16.Who has just received a promotion?

a. Dana b. You c. Raushana d. My Sweetheart (P12.UN.0910)

17.Student Union organizer congratulates Juliette on …

a. her sacrifice to be a junior high school student c. her winning the speech

b. her hard work to join the contest d. her final goal to have a high level Dear Deny,

Congratulation on Your Success as the best student in your class. Happy to hear that.

Yours, Shinta

Congratulation on your new position, my sweetheart, Dana

Always believe in you. Listen to your heart. Trust your instinct. Know you can …

Love, Raushana Dear Juliette,

All the hard work you have put, all the sacrifice you have made, has finally paid off.

Congratulation on your success to be the winner of the speech contest for Junior High School level 2010. We are proud of you.



Hexa and I camped in the mountain last weekend. It was very beautiful and very quiet there. The air was fresh. The location of our camp site was on the top of a hill, so we could see the scenery around us. It was amazing. It was green everywhere. It was also easy to get water as it was near a small river. You see the water is as clear as a crystal. We brought a lot of food from home. There were some noodles, cans of sardines, soft drink, and biscuit. Hexa brought cooking utensils for cooking noodle.

On the first day, we spent our time setting up tent and exploring the surrounding area. I was happy to find that there were many campers there. At night, after we had dinner, we met other campers even danced. We went to bed almost dawn. No wonder we got up late at the following day. We hiked with others campers until afternoon. We did not realize that it was almost 5 in the afternoon and we had to go back home soon. It was really nice. I planned to go there again on the next long holiday. I would ask other friends to join.

(P12.13-15.UN.0809) 1. What was amazing according to the writer of the text?

a. The location of the campsite c. The scenery around the campsite. b. The fresh air of the mountain d. The small river in the mountain 2. What did the writer do on the second day of their Camping activity?

a. They chatted and played guitar c. They hiked with the other campers. b. They had a greet and meet activity d. They laughed and sang songs together 3. “…we spent our time setting up tent exploring

What does the underlined mean?

the surrounding area” a. Traveling through to learn about it

b. Going backward and forward to watch something c. Observing carefully to examine something

d. Looking for something in surrounding area.

Last Sunday Jenny went to the circus with Eddy and Willy to spend their school holiday. First, they saw the seals performance. The seals balanced themselves on tires and rolled round the ring. A seal balanced on a stool with an umbrella on its nose. After that, the trainer fed them fish.

The next item was knife-throwing act. Jenny was afraid to watch it, so she covered her eyes with her hand. Not long after, it was the lion’s act. It was the most exciting performance. The lion jumped through the burning hoops. Everyone held their breath when the lion trainer put his head into the lion’s mouth.

Finally, it was the clown’s act. Jenny and her brother liked the clown’s act best. They looked funny with their painted faces and baggy costumes. One of them swung a pail at Jenny. She screamed! Scraps of paper flew out of the pail and audience laughed.

At the end of show, everyone clapped loudly.

(P70.13-15.UN.0809) 4. What was the last performance that Jenny saw?

a. The best costumes c. The magic pail

b. The clown’s act. d. The lion’s act

5. What did one of the clowns do to Jenny?

a. He swung a pail of paper scrap. c. He painted her faces b. He clapped his hands d. He laughed at her 6. “The lion jumped through the burning hoops

The word “hoops” means …

a. Strong cages c. Flat wood boards

b. Newly built den d. Circular piece of metal or wood. ” (Paragraph 2)


Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour in Europe. They were traveling on a guide tour to five countries. They were going to travel through the Netherland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France for two week.

The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the day 1st

7. The text about …

of the travel the guide told them to check their passports, their traveler cheques and their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely.

They traveled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and video. The guide stopped the coach at many famous places. He explained the culture importance of the place. They stay in a big hotel for the night and ate in the restaurants.

On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In big towns, they went for shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed the two-week tour.

(P12.20-24.UN.0708) a. Traveling. b. Shopping c. Tracking d. Visiting

8. When were Mr. and Mrs. Charly touring?

a. Africa b. Europe. c. America d. Australia

9. The guide told them to check their immigration…, such as passport, visa, and exit permit.

a. Papers b. Letters c. Records d. Documents.

10.What is paragraph three about?

a. Shopping in big town c. Visiting in interesting places. b. Staying in famous place d. Eating in big restaurant 11.“They enjoyed

The underlined word has the same meaning as…

a. got bored with c. became addicted to

b. got pleasure from. d. planned well became amazed at

Last week my parents, sister, brother and I went to the zoo. We went there for recreation. We left at 6.00 a.m. and arrived (here at 8.00 a.m. It is about a hundred kilometers to go to the zoo from my house.

There were a lot of people watching a giant snake. The snake was there for about a week. It was 9 meters long. I thought it was the biggest snake I had ever seen. After going around and watching various animals, we went home. On the way home, we stopped at the Borobudur temple for half an hour.

(22-25.Ujian Nasional.2006) the two-week tour”

12.Which is the most suitable title for the text above?

a. Going to the zoo c. Going to Borobudur

b. Having recreation. d. Watching a giant snake 13.How many people were looking at a giant snake?

a. Several b. some c. a few d. many.

14.How many persons did the writer go to the zoo with?

a. Two b. Three c. Four. d. Five

15.“After going around and watching various animals, we went home.” (Paragraph 2) The italic word has the same meaning as …

a. different. b. similar c. wild d. mean

Mr. and Mrs. Gunawarman were on a tour of Europe. They were traveling on; a guided tour of five countries. They were going to travel through Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and France for two weeks.

The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the day of the travel, the guide told them to check their passports, their traveler’s checks their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely.

They traveled in a comfortable poach with a toilet, music, and video. The guide stopped the coach at many famous places. He explained the cultural importance of the places. They stayed


in big hotels for the night and ate in the restaurants. On the way, they stopped at small inns to eats lunch. In the big towns they went shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed the two week tour.

(26-30.Ujian Nasional.2004) 16.What is the text about?

a. Guided tour in Europe c. The sightseeing in Europe countries

b. Tour guide from Switzerland d. Mr. & Mrs. Gunawarman’s tour to Europe. 17.Where was Mr. & Mrs. Gunawarman’s guide from?

a. Belgium b. Germany c. Holland d. Switzerland. 18.What Mr. & Mrs. Gunawarman did during the tour is found in…

a. Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 2 c. Paragraph 3 d. Paragraph 4 19.The incorrect statement according to the text is ...

a. Mr. and Mrs. Gunawarman were traveling to five countries b. All tourists should bring and keep their foreign cash

c. The guide slops the coach at every famous place

d. The guide bought souvenirs and gave Diem to the tourists. 20."The guide stopped the coach

a. The bus that carries tourists on long journey.

b. Someone who shows interesting places to the tourists c. An enclosed four-wheeled vehicle pulled by horses d. Someone who trains traveling athletes

Last month SLTP Utama team entered for a tug-of-war (tarik tambang) contest with SLTP Bangsa. Two weeks before the contest the boys of "SLTP Utama team" started practicing hard. "We must learn to pull the rope together at her same time." said Amin, their team leader. ''Only then will our team be strong".

On the day of the contest the team from SLTP Bangsa arrived at SLTP Utama in a bus. Everyone was surprised to see, that these boys were much taller and bigger than the boys of SLTP Utama. "We'll surely lose," said Rano, a member of SLTP Utama.

"Don't give up so easily," said Amin. "We must try our best".

Soon the contest began. Which team do you think won the contest? It was SLTP Utama. It was too strong for the SLTP Bangsa team. Why was that so? You see the SLTP Utama boys pulled the rope together at the same time. SLTP Bangsa boys, on the other hand, were not united at all.

(13-15.Ujian Nasional.2002) ..." (Paragraph 3). The underlined word means ...

21.When did SLTP Utama team enter for the tug-of-war contest with SLTP Bangsa? a. Two weeks before the contest c. At the same time

b. On the day of the contest d. Last month. 22.Which is the best title for the text above?

a. The strong boys c. The students' competition

b. The winner of the contest d. The tug-of-war contest. 23.Why did the SLTP Bangsa team lose the contest?

a. They pulled the rope at the same time c. They were not united b. They were taller and bigger d. They gave up easily

Last year my family had a trip to Bali. My parents, my elder sister and I spent three days. We had a flight to Bali. We arrived there at 9 a.m. Then, we checked in the hotel. It was not big, but comfortable. After taking a rest and having a shower, we had a lunch in the restaurant of the hotel. In the afternoon, we went to Sanur beach. There were a lot of tourists enjoying the beautiful beach. Some of domestic and foreign tourists surfed on the beach. They really enjoyed it. My sister and I played the sand. We built a castle from the sand.


On the second day, we had a shopping in the traditional market near the hotel. My mother bought a new dress, while my father chose a leather jacket. My sister bought a pair of unique glasses and a cap while I liked having T-shirts.

On the last day, we checked out the hotel. We left the hotel at 8 a.m. It was really an amazing holiday.

(TO.UN.29-34.0910) 24.What is the text about?

a. Amazing Bali c. Shopping in Bali

b. Surfing on the Beach d. The writer’s amazing holiday in Bali. 25.How did they go to Bali?

a. By ship b. By car c. By plane. d. By train

26.“The family did shopping” The idea found in paragraph …

a. One b. Two c. Three. d. Four

27.How was the hotel?

a. Small and comfortable. c. Big and comfortable b. Small but not comfortable d. Big and not comfortable 28.“They really enjoyed it.

a. The beach b. Surfing on the beach. c. The sand d. A castle

Cassius Clay (born 1942) was also known as Mohammed Ali. He changed his name when he joined the black Moslem. In 1960, he won a gold medal at the Olympic Games. Four years later, he took the professional world championship from Sony Liston. Lighter and faster than any other heavyweight boxer of his time, he liked to boast as he could “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

(TO.UN.5-6.0607) ” (Paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to …

29.When did Cassius Clay change his name?

a. When he joined the black Moslem. c. When he won the gold medal

b. Four years later after he won the medal d. Four years later after he beat Sony Liston 30.How old was Mohammed Ali when he won the Professional World Championship?

a. 14 years old b. 22 years old. c. 18 years old d. 26 years old

It was a man who lived before the time of Christopher Columbus. He was the world's first great traveler. His name was Marco Polo. With his father and his uncle, he traveled from Italy to China, crossing mountains and deserts togethere. In China a king, Kublai Khan, was pleased to see the Polos and asked them to live near to him. They stayed for twenty-three years. Kublai Khan sent Marco to other countries to do business for him. When Marco finally returned to Italy, he wrote all about his adventures in a book. Then Columbus and many other people read it and he also became interested in traveling to strange countries.

(2009-hermiyanto_i@yahoo.co.id) 31.The main idea of the story is….

a. The world's first great traveler. c. The Polo family.

b. Traveling from Italy to China d. Marco Polo and Kublai Khan 32.Why was Marco Polo called as a great traveler?

a. Because he traveled very far to reach China.

b. Because he wrote about his adventures in a book, which many people read c. Because he was loved by the king of China

d. Because he met Columbus to travel around the world

33.“…he also became interested in traveling to strange countries.” (lines 7 and 8 ) What does the word “he” refers to?


a. Kublai Khan b. Marco Polo c. Other people d. Columbus.

Alexander Graham Bell is famous for his invention of the telephone, one of the important devices that have helped build modern life. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847 Bell was educated in Edinburgh high School and at the university Edinburgh and London. He was the son of Mileville Bell, who devoted his time to teaching deaf people. At the age of 23, being threatened with tuberculosis, Alexander moved to Canada with his family in 1870. The following year, following his father’s profession, he started teaching deaf people in Boston. Teaching deaf people was the Bell family’s profession. His grandfather also taught deaf people in Scotland. Alexander Graham Bell taught not only the deaf, he did even more than that. He opened a private school to train teachers for the deaf.

(2009-hermiyanto_i@yahoo.co.id) 34.Why did Alexander move to Canada with his family? Because…

a. he taught the deaf there c. he followed his father to teach the deaf b. he wanted to invent a device to help the deaf d. he was threatened with


35.When did Alexander start to teach the deaf in Canada?

a. 1847 b. 1870 c. 1871 d. 1875

36. “Alexander Graham Bell is famous for his invention of the telephone.” The word famoushas the same meaning with…

a. Very good b. Well-known. c. Surprised d. Extraordinary

The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The games were also called the ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the game were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were held, for example, long jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of the game just received a crown of leaves, but it was a great honor.

The Olympic Games were then stopped. However, a Frenchman, Barron Pierre Coubertin, revived them in 1896. They were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern Olympic Games. There were thirteen countries joining these games and nine sports were on the agenda.

The purpose of joining the game was not merely to be the winner but to take part. The winners of the competition do not get crown of leaves but they get medal instead.

37.The information about when the first Olympic Games took place is found in…

a. Paragraph 1. b. Paragraph 2 c. Paragraph 3 d. Paragraph 4 38.In the modern Olympic Games, the first winners receive…

a. A crown of leaves b. Silver medals c. Gold medals. d. Bronze medals 39.‘_____but it was a great honor.(paragraph.1)

The underlined word means a feeling of…

a. Disappointment b. Satisfaction c. Happiness d. Pride. 40.‘_____a Frenchman, Barron Pierre Coubertin, revived

The opposite meaning of the underlined word is…

a. Stopped b. Generated c. Started d. Continued.


A man had a parrot. It was a very beautiful bird and every day the man talked to it. "Pretty Polly," he said. "You are a pretty Polly."

"Pretty Polly," the parrot said. "You are Pretty Polly."

Every day the man spoke new words to the parrot "Hallo" he said, and "Goodbye."

One day the parrot was not in its cage. It was flying about the room. The man came into the room and saw the parrot. "What are you doing?" he said.

"What are you doing?" the parrot said.

The man laughed. Then he went out to visit his friends.

That evening a thief came to the house. He walked round the house and looked into the windows. There was no one at home. The thief broke open the door and entered the house. First he went into the sitting room. In the sitting room he found some bowls and vases. He put them into a sack. Then he went into the bedroom. In the bedroom he found a gold watch and some money. He put these into the sack, too. He stole many things from the house and put them into his sack.

The sack was soon full. The thief put it over his shoulder and walked to the door. He opened the door and looked out. There was no one there.

"What are you doing?" a voice said.

The thief jumped high into the air and dropped his sack. Then he ran out of the house and down the road.

"What are you doing?" the voice said again: "Pretty Polly. Hallo, Goodbye. What are you doing?"

__EBTANAS 1985 41.To whom did the parrot belong?

a. Pretty Polly c. A man

b. A thief d. A beautiful bird

42.What did the parrot do one day?

a. It saw the man's friends. c. It taught the man some words. b. It refused to talk. d. It flew about the room.

43.What did the parrot do when the man spoke new words to it?

a. It understood the new words. c. It spoke the new words. b. It said "Hallo" and "Goodbye". d. It flew about the room. 44.Why did the man laugh?

a. He saw the parrot flying. c. A thief came into his house b. The parrot was not in its cage. d. It could imitate him.

45.Who did the man visit?

a. A thief c. A funny man

b. His friends d. No one

46.Who did the thief see at home?

a. The man's friends c. The owner of the parrot.

b. The man d. No one.

47.What did the thief try to steal in the bedroom?

a. A gold watch and some money. c. The key to the door.

b. The parrot. d. Some bowls and vases.

48.What did the thief put into his sack?

a. The parrot and many things. c. Some bowls and vases.

b. A lot of things. d. A gold watch and some money. 49.Who did the thief hear?

a. A policeman. c. The parrot.


50.Why did the thief run out of the house?

a. Someone saw him. c. He heard a policeman. b. He made a loud noise. d. The parrot frightened him.

One day Tomy was walking home from school. He saw a man coming out of a shop. The man was carrying a lot of things. He was walking toward his car. Suddenly something fell from his pocket. Tomy saw it, but the man did not.

Tomy ran and picked up the thing. It was a wallet. "Sir! You dropped your wallet". Tomy called. The man stopped and turned round.

"You dropped your wallet," Tomy repeated. "Here it is. It fell from your pocket when you were walking."

Tomy gave him the wallet.

"Oh, thank you very much," the man said. "It's all right." Tomy answered.

The man opened the wallet and took out some money. "Here, this is for you," he said.

Tomy refused saying "I don't want the money, I just wanted to help you."

The man smiled and said, "All right, I'm not going to five you any money, but please, let me take you home."

"All right," Tomy said, and got into the car. In the car they talked about Tomy's school. Tomy was telling him about his friends when they arrived.

"This is my house," Tomy said. "Won't you come in?"

The man went with Tomy into the house. He met Tomy's parents and told them what had happened, Tomy's parents were very proud of their son.

__EBTANAS 1990 51.What did the man do after receiving something from Tomy? He…

a. dropped the wallet c. stopped and turned round b. opened it and took out some money d. gave Tomy the wallet 52.What is the main idea in the first paragraph? The boy …

a. always walked home slowly c. saw something fall b. didn't know what had happened d coming out from a shop 53.The best title of the text above is ...

A. A careless Boy B. An honest Boy C. A naughty Boy D. An Unkind Boy 54.Suddenly something fell. Tomy saw it.

"it" here refers to a ...

a. Boy b. Wallet c. bag d. purse

55.He met Tomy's parents and told them what had happened, "them" here refers to ...

a. The man and his parents c. Tomy and the man b. Tomy and his parents d. Mother and father THE TWO SEASONS IN INDONESIA

It was a hot afternoon. Ram and Her friend Janet were on a bus on their way to the swimming pool. "It's a lovely day. Just light for swimming.

I'm glad we decided to go for a swim," Janet said.

"I am too. But perhaps there’re a lot of people at the swimming pool. I hope (= mengharap) the weather stays this way the whole afternoon. This is the beginning of the wet season and it's difficult to predict the weather. Sometimes it's nice and sunny, the suddenly it rains heavily."


"The wet season it from November to April and it is followed by the dry season, which lasts from May to October. You know we have only two seasons in Indonesia," Rani answered.

"Does it rain very hard during the wet season?"

"Yes, it does. But the heavy downpours are interspersed with periods of sunshine. It seldom happens that it rains or that the sky is overcast for days on end. Thunderstorms are frequent during the rainy season, and so are floods. And the heaviest rainfall is in December and January," Rani explained to her friend.

"What's the average rainfall for the whole country?" Janet wanted to know.

'It's about 102 cm or 40 inches. But even in the middle of the rainy season the temperature ranges from 21 °C. to 60°C. or 70°F to 90°F in the coastal regions. In the highlands it is cooler, of course." Just then the bus shopped and the two girls got off and walked to the swimming pool.

_EBTANAS 1992 56.When does it rain most heavily?

a. May and October c. December and January

b. November and April d. October and December 57.The main idea of the third paragraph is about the ...

a. nice and sunny day c. beginning of the wet season b. the heavy rainfall d. weather which is difficult to predict

58.It was a hot afternoon. Rani and her friend were on a bus on their way to the swimming pool, The word "it" in the statement above refers to ...

a. season b. weather c. sun d. moon

59.The heavy downpours are interspersed with periods of sunshine. It seldom happens that it rains or that the sky is overcast for days on end.

The word "overcast" Here means ...

a. sunshine c. not cold c. cloudy d. frequent COLLECTING STAMPS

It was five o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Irwan and Mira wanted to go to Andi's house. Andi is their cousin. Irwan wore his brown trousers and white shirt. Mira wore her green dress. They rode their bikes to Andi's house.

"Hello, Aunt Tina," they said when they arrived

"Hello," Mrs. Wijaya said, "I think Andi's expecting you. He's in the living-room working on his stamps."

Irwan and Mira went into the living-room. "Hi, Andi," they said.

"Hi, Irwan. Hello Mira. Come in. Sit down and look at my stamps. I have some new ones," said Andi. He showed his stamps to his cousins. "Oh," said Irwan. "You have some good ones. How long have you collected them?"

"I've collected them since last year. My father's office receives letters from other towns, and from other countries. So he often gives me stamps," said Andi.

"I like this one, Andi," said Mira, "It’s from India."

"Yes," said Andi. "Uncle Ahmad has given stamps to me. He's in New Delhi now. He has been there for two years.

"Have you had stamps from Africa yet?" asked Irwan. "No, I haven't had any yet. But I'd like to get some." "I can give you some," said Irwan.

"Thanks, and I can give you some stamps from India," said Andi "That's fine," said Irwan," Then we can trade some stamps."

The children talked about their stamps for a while Irwan and Mira went home at 5.30 p.m. __EBTANAS 1993


60.Who visited Andi on Sunday afternoon?

A. Iwan and Ina B. Mirna and Iwan C. Irwan and Mira D. Mira and Andi 61.Andi received Indian stamps from his ...

A. aunt B. cousin C. father D. uncle 62."I think Andi expecting you,"

The word "you" here refers to ...

A. Irwan and Mira B. Irma and Marni C. Maman and Mimin D. Tina and Tono 63.How long has Andi collected the stamps?

A. one year B. two years C. three years D. years 64."Then we can trade some stamps."

The word "trade" here means ...

A. buy B. give C. sell D. swap

Dr. Muhammad Hatta

Every country has its great men and Women who are remembered for what they have done for their country. One of the Indonesia's great men is Dr. Mohammad Hatta. He was a man with a deep love of his country and his people. Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on 12th August 1902. While still in. Junior High School in Bukittinggi he became interested in politics and joined the, League of Young Sumatrans.

He left Bukittinggi to study in Batavia. Then he went to the Netherlands, where he studied economics and gained a doctorate. During his stay there he was active in the Nationalist Movement Because of his activities he was arrested. At his trial he presented a brilliant (= cemerlang) defense and was acquitted.

In 1932 Hatta returned to Indonesia. He joined a political organization called "Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia". One of its goals (= tujuan) was to develop political awareness among the Indonesian people. His activities again led to his arrest. The colonial government exiled him to Boven Digul and later to Banda Neira: Shortly before Japanese invasion he was brought back to Java.

When the Japanese surrendered in August 1945, Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's Independence. Hatta became the first Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia.

In 1956 Hatta resigned as Vice-President, and devoted himself to writing. On 14th

65.Where did Dr. Mohammad Hatta receive his early education?

March, 1981 Dr. Mohammad Hatta died in Jakarta. But people will always remember him as a great statesman of Indonesia.

__EBTANAS 1993 A. Banda Neira B. Batavia C. Boven Digul D. Bukittinggi

66.At his trial Dr. Mohammad Hatta was found ...

A. acquitted B. guilty C. not guilty D. not true 67.In the sentence "During his stay there he was active in the Nationalist Movement."

The word "there" here refers to ...

A. Batavia B. Bukittinggi C. England D. Holland 68.How long was Dr. Mohammad Hatta Vice-President of Indonesia?

A. eleven B. twelve C. fifteen D. forty-three

69.In the sentence "The colonial government exiled him to Boven Digul and later to Banda Neira." The word "later" here has the same meaning as ...

A. from B. soon C. than D. then

"Tomorrow is our National Heroes" Day. Therefore in our history lesson today I want to discuss its background." Mr. Suhita said at beginning of the lesson.

"This takes us back to bloody battle in Surabaya on I0m November, 1945. After Japanese surrendered the Allied (= sekutu) forces landed in Indonesia to disarm the Japanese troops. They


agreed not to interfere in the internal affairs (= urusan dalam negeri) of our new republic. But they did not keep their promise, and fight between the Indonesians and the Allies in different parts of the country were inevitable One of the battles broke out in Surabaya where Brigadier-General Mallaby of the Allied forces was killed. This made the Allies very angry. The commander of the Allied forces for East Java, Major-General Mansergh, issued (= mengeluarkan) an ultimatum. It said that the authority and the people of Surabaya had to hand over any weapons the possessed. The deadline was 6 a.m. on 10th November.

"The ultimatum was ignored. Therefore, the Allied forces attacked Surabaya on 10th November 1945. They were much better armed than the Indonesian fighters. The kampongs were in flames. The Indonesians fought the enemy very bravely. The Allies won the battle but they suffered a great loss.

"So you see that November 10th

70.When did the battle of Surabaya take place?

is an important date in the history of the Indonesia struggle for independence. That is why we commemorate the day every year. It reminds us of our heroes' courage in the battle and their dedication to the country."

__EBTANAS 1993 A. 5th November 1945 C. 20th December 1950

B. 10th November 1945 D. 25th 71.The Allied Forces became very angry because ...

December 1950

A. their general was killed C. they won the battle but they suffered a great loss B. the fighter fought the enemy bravely D. Indonesian fighters also used sharpened bamboo's 72.The suitable title of the text above is ...

A. The Bloody battle C. The Freedom of Indonesia B. The Indonesian's Struggle D. The Battle of Surabaya

73.It said that the authority and the people of Surabaya had to hand over any weapons the possessed. The deadline was 6 a.m. on 10th

"It" in line refers to ...

A. weapon B. deadline C. ultimatum D. authority November.

74.They were armed much better than the Indonesian fighters. The underlined word means ...

A. force B. enemies C. soldiers D. authority BOROBUDUR

The Borobudur temple, with its seven terraces and its stupas, is the world's largest Buddhist temple. The Sailendra dynasty built Borobudur in the ninth century. Not long after that people left the area but no one knows why they left. For the next 800 years people almost forgot the temple because it was buried under earth and trees, this caused a lot of damage.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, first the British government, and then the Dutch Government attempted to uncover the temple. They thought "If we don't try to save this temple, we will lose it".

Later on, the Indonesian government also made efforts to preserve the

temple. So several years ago they asked UNESCO to help restore it. Then helps came from many countries.

In 1973 the restoration work began. A team of Indonesia and foreign expert and hundreds of Indonesian workers tried to rebuild the temple. It was a big job. First they took down more than two million stones of the temple


piece by piece. Then they cleaned, repaired and treated them. After that they returned each stones to its proper place. They also strengthened the inside of the temple.

At the beginning of 1983 the work was completed. Experts believe that temple will last for another thousand years or more if nothing serious happens. Unfortunately, however, some people do not realize how valuable this monument is, and recently caused serious damage to it. We hope that this will never happen again.

75.Who though that if we don't try to save Borobudur temple, we will lose it? A. Indonesian, the British and the Dutch C. Dutch and the Indonesia B. British and the Indonesia D. British and the Dutch 76.After ... they returned each stone to its proper place.

A. taking down more than two million stones B. cleaning, repairing and. treating them C. strengthening the inside of the temple D. trying to rebuild the temple strengthening 77.Then they cleaned, repaired and treated them.

The underlined word "them" refers to ...

A. workers B. experts C. stones D. temples 78.What does the letter "E" in UNESCO stand for?

A. economical B. educational C. elemental D. ecological 79.A team of Indonesian and foreign experts tried to rebuild the temple,

"experts" means: persons ...

A. with special knowledge C. who know a lot of knowledge

B. in special science D. who get a small amount of knowledge

One day Tomy was walking home from school. He saw a man coming put of a shop. The man was carrying a lot of things. He was walking toward his car. Suddenly something feel from his pocket. Tomy saw it, but the man did not.

Tomy ran and picked up the thing. It was a wallet. "Sir!, you dropped your wallet," Tomy called. The man stopped and turned round.

"You dropped your wallet," Tomy repeated.

"Here it is. It fell from your pocket when you were walking." Tomy gave him the wallet. "Oh, thank you very much," the man said.

"It's all right," Tomy answered. The man opened the wallet and took out some money. "Here, this is for you," he said. Tomy refused saying "I don't want the money; I just wanted to help you."

The man smiled and said, All right, I am not going to give you away any money, but please, let me take you home. "All right," Tomy said and got into the car. In the car they talked about Tomy's school. Tomy was telling him about his friends when they arrived.

"This is my house," Tomy said. "Won't you come in?" The man went with Tomy into the house. He met Tomy's parents and told them what happened. Tomy's parents were very proud of their son.

__EBTANAS 1995 80.What was Tomy doing at the beginning?

A. He was-taking a wallet. C. He was coming out of a shop. B. He was carrying a lot of things. D. He was walking home from school. 81.'Tomy was telling him about his friends when they arrived."

The word "they" refers to ...

A. the man and Tomy's father C. Tomy arid his friends B. the man and Tomy D. Tomy and his parents


82.Who told Tomy's parents what had happened?

A. Tomy B. The man C. Tomy's friend D. The man's friend Last weekend the girl scouts and the boy scouts had a 'Persami' activity outside their school. They left for the woods at five in the morning. After a long drive they arrived at the woods and found a good camping site.

"Let's set up our tents here," said the leader. Then they started to work, They needed a pole, some rope and nails for each tent. In a short time the tents are ready and they put a small flag on top of each tent.

The girls made a fire and cooked their lunch while the boys were busy working. As soon as the lunch was ready, they immediately started to eat. Of course it was a very simple dish but a very good lunch for them.

After a little rest the leader blew his whistle and all the girl scouts and the boy scouts gathered around to start their 'Persami' program.

__EBTANAS 1998 83.What are needed to set up the tents?

A. Some poles rope and nails. C. The tents and the place. B. Some poles and flags. D. The fire, the tents, and the meals. 84.Let set up our tents here, 'said the leader, (paragraph 2)

The italic phrase means ...

A. make B. build C. stand up D. get ready

Since 1978 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has been working to conserve endangered and other species of wildlife in captivity. It works together with international agencies, government organizations, and other institutions. The breeding of wildlife is to maintain their existence and to keep them from extinction. The breeding of Sumatran rhinos is at Torgamba area, and the Komodo dragon is successfully bred in Surabaya Zoo. Since 1979 the zoo has produced at least 40 animals. The zoo has also been successful in breeding the Bawean deer. Some of the zoo-bred animals have been distributed to ether zoos and released to their wild habitats. Two species of non-protected marine turtle are hawksbill and green turtle. This is done to solve and to control the problem of their eggs consumed by local people^ The hatcheries are developed in Bali and in West Java.

__ EBTANAS 2000 85.When did the government of Indonesia start conserving wildlife?

A. In 1931 B. In 1980 C. In 1979 D. In 1978 , 86.The last paragraph is about ...

A. the joint efforts to conserve endangered wildlife B. the successful breeding of the Komodo dragon C. the successful breeding of Bawean deer in the

D. the measures taken to prevent hawksbill green turtle from extinction 87.What wildlife does our Government conserve?

A. Domestic animals C. All the mammalian species B. Organism found in the sea D. Endangered and other species

Johan promised to pickup his girl friend from the office at 5 yesterday. As he had urgent work to finish he just stopped working at 5 pm. He ran all the way to the bus stop but he missed it. He decided to take a taxi and arrived at his girl friend’s office at 5.10 but she was not there. 88.How long was he late?

A. He was a few minutes late C. Only a little time B. He was a few hours late D. More than ten minutes


The bell was ringing. It was time for Adi's class to have Physics in the laboratory. They enjoy studying Physics in the laboratory. They have chances to use the apparatus like flashs, pipettes, test tubes, etc and to make simple experiments.

Adi was in the same group as Rita. They also wore white uniform called a lab coat like the 'others. They prepared the apparatus very carefully since they were; made of glass. The teacher was distributing the worksheet when suddenly she heard a little scream. It was from Adi. He was not so careful that the test tube knocked on the table, broke a little and cut his finger. The teacher took care of him soon.

_ UN 2002 89.Who is preparing the instruments for the experiment?

A. Girls B. Boys C. The teacher D. Every student 90.What happened to Adi's finger?

A. It was cut by the glass apparatus C. It was cut by a knife B. It broke an apparatus D. It knocked the apparatus 91.What does the second paragraph tell about?

A. How to operate the apparatus C. The activities in the laboratory

B. The instruments for the experiment D. The Physics class in the second period Last month SLTP Utama team entered for a tug-of-war (tarik tambang) contest with SLTP Bangsa. Two weeks before the contest the boys of "SLTP Utama team" started practicing hard. "We must learn to pull the rope together at she same time." said Amin, their team leader. ''Only then will our team be strong".

On the day of the contest the team from SLTP Bangsa arrived at SLTP Utama in a bus. Everyone was surprised to see, that these boys were much taller and bigger than the boys of SLTP Utama. "We'll surely lose," said Rano, a member of SLTP Utama "Don't give up so easily," said Amin. "We must try our best".

Soon the contest began. Which team do you think won the contest? It was SLTP Utama. It was too strong for the SLTP Bangsa team. Why was that so? You .see the SLTP Utama boys pulled the rope together at the same time. SLTP Bangsa boys, on the other hand, were not united at all.

__ EBTANAS 2002 92.When did SLTP Utama team enter for the tug-of-war contest with SLTP Bangsa?

A. Two weeks before the contest C. At the same time B. On the day of the contest D. Last month 93.Which is the best title for the text above?

A. The strong boys C. The students' competition B. The winner of the contest D. The tug-of-war contest^ 94.Why did the SLTP Bangsa team lose the contest?

A. They pulled the rope at the same time C. They were not united B. They were taller and bigger D. They gave up easily

Black Beauty

Farmer Gray was the kindest master in the world. He was proud of me, and called me Black Beauty. I had a white spot on my forehead and one white foot. He trained me to pull a carriage. Then I learn to wear a saddle and carry a rider on my back.

One day, Farmer Gray said. “A good horse like you does not live on a farm. So you will be going to live with Squire Gordon and his family. “I was very sad to leave my mother and my home.”

However, when I saw my masters I knew I would be happy with them. They lived in a big mansion and welcomed me warmly. Mrs. Gordon was pale and ill, but she smiled when she saw me.


The groom who looked after the stables was John Manly. He loved horses. He introduced me to Merrylegs, the children’s pony, Ginger, and old mare. She was not a bad horse, but had been ill-treated in the past.

UN_C2_P1_2003/2004 95.What did Black Beauty learn from Farmer Gray?

a. Working in a farm. b. Running in a farm. c. Carrying a rider. d. Pulling a carriage. 96.Why was the horse sad to leave Farmer Gray?

a. Farmer Gray didn’t love it. c. It couldn’t stand living on a farm. b. It loved Farmer Gray. d. Farmer Gray hated it.

97.“He trained

What does the underlined word mean?

a. Taught. b. Learned. c. Studied. d. Imitated. GOING TO A MOVIE

Josse and Robby decided to go to a film theatre to relax. They were very tired after finishing the exams. They chose to see an adventure film. They didn’t want to see a drama, thriller, or horror film. They wanted to forget studying for one night and fantasize a little.

So they bought two tickets for a movie called Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. They got in the theatre just on time before the movie started.

Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a seat in front of them. He put on a tall hat. Josse and Robby could not see the screen. Josse tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to remove his hat. When the man turned around to say sorry, they recognized him. He was Mr. Samuel, Josse’s Father.

UN_C2_P1_2004/2005 me to pull a rider on my back.” (paragraph 1)

98.Josse and Robby went to a theatre and saw a/an ... film.

a. adventure b. drama c. horror d. thriller 99. What is the most important idea of the first paragraph?

a. Josse purposely met his father in the theatre. b. Josse and Robby were late to get in the movie. c. They bought two tickets for the movie.

d. Josse and Robby went to the theatre for relaxing. 100. Why couldn’t Josse and Robby see the screen?

a. A tall man sat in front of them.

b. The man sitting in front of them wore a tall hat. c. They sat on seats at the back row.

d. They were too short to see the screen clearly.

101. “They didn’t want to see a drama, a thriller or a ...” (Paragraph 1) The word underlined means a film that tells a story about … events. a. amused b. excellent c. romantic d. scary

Last week my parents, sister, brother and I went to the zoo. We went there for recreation. We left at 6.00 a.m. and arrived (here at 8.00 a.m. It is about a hundred kilometers to go to the zoo from my house.

There were a lot of people watching a giant snake. The snake was there for about a week. It was 9 meters long. I thought it was the biggest snake I had ever seen. After going around and watching various animals, we went home. On the way home, we stopped at the Borobudur temple for half an hour.

UN_C2_P1_2005/2006 102. Which is the most suitable title for the text above?

A. Going to the Zoo C. Going to Borobudur B. Having Recreation D. Watching a Giant Snake


103. How many people were looking at the giant snake?

A. several B. some C. a few D. many 104. How many persons did the writer go to the zoo with?

A. two B. three C. four D. five

105. "After going around and watching various animals, we went home." (paragraph 2) The italic word has the same meaning as …

A. different B. similar C. wild D. mean 106.



1. What is the letter about?

a. Sam’s holiday c. The Movie World.

The Gold Coast. d. The Shower of Rain.

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. The weather in Gold Coast. c. Sam’s activities in the Movie World b. Police Academy Show. d. A great holiday in the Movie World. 3. Where did Sam spend his holiday with his family?

a. On the Gold Coast c. In Lethal Weapon.

b. In the Movie World. d. At the Police Academy 4. What did they get at one o’clock?

a. Lunch. b. Shower. c. A little rain d. Batman ride. 5. The word ‘we

a. Sam and Nan b. Sam and Mum c. Mum and Kelly d. Sam, Mum, and Kelly ’ in the text refers to…

6. The word queued

a. went on b. lined up c. sat down d. waited for

in paragraph 3 means ……

7. What is the sender’s e-mail address?

a c.

b d

8. Why does Wright require the brochures today?

a. She needs to fly to Canada. c. Her colleagues need the brochures for the next day b. The career fair has already started. d. Her colleagues are leaving at 12:00 a.m. tomorrow. 9. “…and they

a. my colleagues b. your colleagues c. Wright’s colleagues . d. customer’s colleagues need the package that contains … .” (paragraph 2). The word ‘they ‘ refers to … 10.“Can you please investigate

a. ask b. Find c. Examine. d. look for

and …” (paragraph 3). The underlined word can be replaced by …

Dear Nan,

We are having a great a holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the Movie World.

When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud disappeared. And it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to the Movie World.

The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. After that I hadlunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman ride. About one o’clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then went on all the other rides.

It was a top day. See you when you get back. Love, Sam To : From RE : Delivery status Date: January 6, 2010

On January 4, I sent a package from the U.S. to Canada. Your firm promises overnight delivery but the package sent on January 5 in the morning has still not arrived.

Our trade fair takes place tomorrow morning at 9:10 a.m. My colleagues are setting up our booth this afternoon, and they need the package that contains our brochures and pricing information.

Can you please investigate and get us our package on time (within 24-hours) as your advertisements promise?

Thank you, Candy Wright


11.The letter is meant to … Wirdatul Amimy.

a. entertain b. congratulate c. greet d. invite.

12.The third paragraph of the text tells you about the writer’s …

a. intention to visit her friend. c. plan to continue her study b. family in her new address d. ability to make a good plan 13.Wirdatul asked Aiping to … to inform her anything.

a. email b. phone. c. visit. d. write.

14.The text shows that Aiping lives … now.

a. next to Wirdtul’s parents c. far from Malang b. near Wirdatul’s friend d. around the city 15.“We have shared a lot of ups and downs

The phrase “ups and downs” in the sentence means having … .

a. both good and bad fortune c. great and poor experiences. b. happiness and luck. d. easy and difficult time.

throughout the past years…”

16.“ …. so we can plan to get together.” (paragraph 3) What does the word “we” in the sentence refer to?

a. Aiping and her friends. c. Wirdatul’s parents. b. Wirdatul and her parents. d. Aiping and Wirdatul.

(P70.37-40.0809) 17.How many people will go to Bali?

a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

18.Which of the following statement is TRUE based on the text? a. The writer won’t go to Bali alone

Dear Aiping,

I wanted to write to you today to say that I have moved to Malang. My new address is Taman Malang Indah, Blok A 10 No 17 Malang Jawa Timur and now I go to SMP Perdana the best junior high school in town.

You know that we have shared a lot of ups and downs throughout the past years at school and I am very happy to count you as my friend. I also want to say that I expect to see you quite often in the coming years. I invite you to visit me and my family whenever you have some free time.

I also expect to visit you and your family and I will let you know well in advance so we can plan to get together.

I also wish you a success in your new school, and I hope you keep me up to date on what’s happening through email.

Your friend, Wirdatul Amimy

Ambon, 2009 Dear Esther,

Hi friend, here I’m writing a letter to inform you about our plan for holiday next week.

Merina, Siska and I want to spend our holiday in a place where we can enjoy the fresh air and natural surroundings. So we have decided to go to Bali. It will be the first time for us to go there.

We have made a list of some interesting places that we will visit, like Tanjung Benoa, Tampak Siring, Pura Besakih and Sukowati for Shopping. We won’t visit Tanah Lot.

Well, that’s all for now. Don’t worry we will buy some interesting souvenirs for you. Love,


b. The writer won’t give anything to his friend

c. Esther will accompany the writer to visit the interesting places

d. The writer will visit Tampak Siring, Tanah Lot, Sukowati and Pura Besakih 19.“We will buy an interesting souvenir for you

What does the underlined word refers to?

a. Siska b. Beril c. Esther d. Merina

” (last paragraph) 20.“… for holiday next week.” (paragraph 1)

What does the underlined word means?

a. The best day for doing personal activities c. Special day for visiting relatives b. Day of rest from work and study d. free day from daily activities

(P12.37-40.0809) 21.How many persons will Steve meet at the airport?

a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

22.Steve will pick Catherine with her daughters at the airport because…

a. he is busy c. he works at the airport

b. he is free in the morning d. he wants more information 23.“I can’t wait to see you

What does the word “you” refer to?

a. Catherine b. Steve c. The writer d. Rony !” (Last sentence)

24.“… but luckily my friend Steve can.” What does the underlined word means? a. Accidently b. Actually c. Basically d. Fortunately


Dear Catherine,

I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at the airport but luckily, my friend Steve can (He works at night, so he is free in the morning).

I just want to make sure about the information. Your plane arrives at 11 a.m. on June 25th and your flying on KLN Air #1327. Is that right?

I told Steve to look for a woman with two young girls but he wanted more information. Do you look the same? What about your daughter? You shouldn’t have a problem finding Steve at the airport. He’s very tall and thin. He has curly brown hair, a moustache, and a beard.

I can’t wait to see you!

Love Rony


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