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Academic year: 2019



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In this chapter, there are 5 items to support this final report theoretically.

There are 1. Design, 2. Tourism, 3. Agri-Tourism, 4. Tour Package and Travel Agent,

5. Tour Itinerary.

2.1 Design

People make a design to make something more interesting. Good design

should be about solving a problem and delivering a message. Truly great design, used

in the right way, can go beyond that and influence people's opinions and actions, the

way they interpret the world, and even the way they live their lives. There are many

different definitions of design from experts and these are some of them. Sachari

(2005, p. 5) expressed his opinion on the definition of the design in the early 20th

century as "Suatu kreasi seniman untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tertentu dan cara

tertentu pula.” This means that design is a creation of artists to meet the specific needs. Design is also defined as “The process of composing a desired figure toward the future.” (Taura and Nagai, 2009. p. 1). Taura and Nagai classified design into three categories: drawing, problem solving, and ideal pursuing.

1. Drawing

Design is widely thought as the expression of images in the form of

pictures or sketches. In other words, it is strongly associated with art or

drawing. This is the category of the term on the basis of its most popular

and generalized use. Although drawing seems to be creative, the drawing

process itself cannot create a truly new output, since drawing itself is a

process that involves only transforming an abstract image into a concrete

figure or shape. It is creative only in that it entails imagining a nonexistent


6 2. Problem solving

On the other hand, the notion of design comes to the fore when

attention is paid to the procedural aspect of designing rather than to its

results in the form of sketches and drawings. In this case, the design

process is mainly considered within the framework of problem solving.

The proposed design process models that have so far been introduced in

previous studies have discussed the notion of design within the framework

of problem solving. Within this framework, a problem is defined as the

difference between the current state and the desired goal. Thus, the process

of developing a solution toward the desired goal is synonymous with the

design process.

3. Ideal pursuing

The term “design” means the pursuit of certain ideals; such an

explanation would differ in meaning from the other definition of design,

i.e., the solving of obvious problems. For example, from a social

perspective, designing involves the notion of ideal pursuing. Moreover, the term “ideal pursuing” contains within it the notion of the future. In comparison with the problem-solving category, which is usually used in the

context of current problems, ideal pursuing refers to looking ahead at the

future. In this model, we can identify a distinct feature of design as

something that is aroused within us and is supported by the requisite

criteria of our ideals. It involves the presence of the abstraction process in



Based on the definition stated by experts above, the writer concluded the word “design” as the process to create something with the specific purpose by using the specific way to solve a problem and deliver a message.

2.2 Tourism

2.2.1 Definition of Tourism

According to Law No. 10 of 2009 about Tourism, pariwisata adalah berbagai

macam kegiatan wisata dan didukung berbagai fasilitas serta layanan yang disediakan oleh masyarakat, pengusaha, pemerintah, dan Pemerintah Daerah. This means that tourism has wide varieties of tourist activities and supported facilities and

services that can be provided by many people, such as local communities, fellow

travelers, government, local government and entrepreneur. According to the WTO or

the World Tourism Organization, tourism is a human activity that travel to and stay in

the area a destination outside their everyday environment. While Suwantoro (2002)

told that “Pariwisata adalah suatu susunan organisasi, baik pemerintah maupun swasta yang terkait dalam pengembangan, produksi dan pemasaran produk suatu layanan yang memenuhi kebutuhan dari orang yang sedang bepergian.” According to Richardson and Fluker (2004), tourism comprise the ideas and opinions people

hold which shape their decisions about going in trips, about where to go (and where

not to go) and what to do or not to do, about how to relate to other tourist, locals and

service personnel. And it is all the behavioral manifestations of those ideas and


From the definition above, the writer concluded that tourism is the kind of

activity that people do to travel the area outside their living environment with

different purposes, such as to spend the holiday, to refresh their minds, to visit family


8 2.2.2 Definition of Tourist

According to the National Tourism Resources Review Commission in

Goeldner and Ritchie (2003, p. 8), the definition of tourist is "One who travels from

home for a distance of at least 50 miles (one way) for business, pleasure, personal

affairs, or any other purpose except to commute to work, whether he stays overnight

or returns the same day. " The above opinion explains that a traveler is someone who

travels from his or her place at least 50 miles away from business, fun, personal

relationships, or other purposes except for work. Meanwhile, according to Smith in

Pitana and Gayatri (2005) that people who are not working, or are on vacation, and

volunteer to visit other areas to get something else.

From some of the definitions mentioned above about tourists, it can be

concluded that tourists are the people who travel to tourism attractions either to stay

overnight or back on the same day for a vacation, have fun and even for business.

2.2.3 Tourism Components

According Ariyanto (2003), there are four aspects that must be considered in

tourism offerings. These aspects are as follow:

1. Daya Tarik

To attract tourists, tourism destination must have a tourism attraction,

it can be the natural attractions, the society and the culture.

2. Akses

The ease of accessibility in obtaining or achieving the tourism

destinations is needed in a tourism. Tourism organizations (travel agents)

is intended that the relative and foreign tourists can be easily in achieving

the destination to the tourist attractions.

3. Fasilitas

The facilities are needed in a tourism destination to get pleasure. This



of the requirements of the tourist destination area so that tourists can stay

longer at the tourism area.

4. Lembaga

A network of institution that is related to the products offered both

locally, nationally and internationally. The presence of tourism institutions

will be helpful in the area because tourists can feel secured and protected.

2.3 Agri-Tourism

Agri-tourism is a business venture located on a working farm, ranch, or

agricultural enterprise that provides an “experience” for visitors while generating supplemental income for the owner (Hatch, 2008). Experience means that, there is an

activities that tourist can do in one place whether it is to learn or just to have fun.

While according to Maetzold, (2003, p. 1), Agritourism is an alternative enterprise

where you invite the public onto your farm or ranch. It can also be defined as a set of

activities that occur when people link travel with the products, services, and

experiences of agriculture. The product itself can be an "Experience." There are three

agri-tourism basics: have something for visitors to see, something for them to do, and

something for them to buy. How well you relate the various components (through a

theme or otherwise) will determine how successful your entertainment enterprise will

be. (Adam, 2004). The basic components stated by Adam above can make a visitor’s experience in doing agri-tourism be better and more meaningful.

From the definition above about tourism, the writer defines the

agri-tourism as the kind of agri-tourism that is done in the nature, including farm, ranch,

plantation, forest, etc. with the specific activities to learn and experience about

something in nature.

2.4 Tour Package and Travel Agent

In this part, the writer discussed about tour package and travel agent because



provided by a travel agent and travel agent usually be the one who create a tour

package and provides what it needs in a tour package.

2.4.1 Tour Package

According to Desky (2001), “Paket wisata merupakan perpaduan beberapa produk wisata, minimal dua produk, yang dikenal menjadi satu kesatuan harga yang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain.” The tour package defined by Desky means that tour package is a combination of at least two different tourism products, e.g.

tourism destination, transportation, accommodation, food and beverage and the tour

guide. Meanwhile, tourism products have a sense of the totality of a tourist's

experience since he left somewhere until returning to where he left. According to Ismayanti (2010), “Paket wisata adalah perjalanan yang dibuat oleh biro perjalanan wisata yang meliputi transportasi, akomodasi, serta konsumsi dalam satu harga.” According to Damardjati in Suyitno (2001), “Paket wisata adalah suatu rencana atau acara perjalanan wisata yang telah tersusun secara tetap, dengan harga tertentu yang telah termasuk pula biaya-biaya untuk transfer/ pengangkutan, fasilitas akomodasi/hotel, serta darmawisata/ jalan-jalan dikota/kota-kota, objek-objek wisata dan atraksi-atraksi yang telah tercantum dalam acara itu.” This definition from Damardjati is almost similar to the definition from Ismayanti, they told that tour

package is a tour that made by a travel agent including the transportation,

accommodation, consumption in one price. Usually the price will be cheaper

compared to the planned tour specifically on request. Tour packages usually have a

package of behavior/ duration of use.

The writer concluded the definition of tour package is a plan of tour that has

been organized systematically by the tour agent or individual tour guide including the

tourism destinations, tourism attraction, tour itinerary, facilities, tour price and other

related information about the tour. This tour package used to make the visitors easier



According to Afrizal (2014), this tour package is a tourism industry product.

The characteristics of tour package are:

1. Hasil produksi industri pariwisata ini tidak dapat dipindahklan. Konsumen harus datang pada tempat produk tersebut dihasilkan. The production of this tourism industry can not be transferred. Consumers should come to the place

where the product is produced.

2. Peran perantara tidak diperlukan hanya melalu\i saluran dalam penjualan jasa-jasa produk industry pariwisata yaitu travel agent atau tour operator. The role of intermediary is not required only through the channels in the sale

of tourism industry product services such as travel agents or tour operators.

3. Tidak dapat ditimbun seperti: industri barang memiliki ukuran, panjang, lebar, dan lain-lain. It can not be dumped like: its industry has size, length, width, and others.

4. Permintaan atas produk industry pariwisata ini tidak tetap dan sangat

dipengaruhi faktor non-ekonomis. Permintaan akan berkurang jika ada bencana alam, kekacauan atau peperangan. The demand for tourism industry products is not fixed and strongly influenced by non-economic factors.

Demand will be reduced if there is a natural disaster, chaos or war.

5. Calon konsumen tidak dapat mencoba atau mencicipi produk yang dibelinya. Konsumen hanya dapat melihatnya lewat brosur (leaflet, booklet,

poster) atau melalui slides, TV atau film yang khusus dibuat untuk prosuk ini. Prospective customers can not try or taste the products they buy. Consumers

can only see it through brochures (leaflets, booklets, posters) or through

slides, TVs or movies specially made for this product.



7. Penyedian produk wisata ini dengan membangun sarana-sarana pariwisata. Perubahan elastisitas permintaan yang sangat kuat. Provision of this tourism product by building tourism facilities.

2.4.2 Travel Agent

According to Ismayanti (2010), Biro Perjalanan Wisata (BPW) adalah

perusahaan yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan wisata dan jasa yang terkait dengan penyelenggaraan perjalanan wisata baik dari dalam ke luar negeri maupun sebaliknya. She defined a travel agent or travel bureau is a company that organizes tourism activities and services related to the conduct of travel tours either from the

inside to abroad and vice versa. Meanwhile, according to Kesrul (2003), BPW adalah perusahaan jasa yang bergerak dalam bidang perjalanan wisata, dimana perusahaan tersebut yang mengelola, memesan merencanakan, membuat, dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan perjalanan wisata, baik unutk kepentingan bisnis, berlibur, sosial, dan budaya. Travel Bureu is a service company engaged in the field of travel, where the company is managing, ordering plans, create, and organize travel activities, both for

business interests, vacation, social, and culture. In organizing a travel package,

tourism, a travel bureu must coordinate with some parties so that the program is made

to run smoothly. Pendit in Yoeti (2006, p. 28) gives understanding about travel

company or Travel Agent as follows, "Biro perjalanan wisata adalah sebuah perusahaan yang mempunyai tujuan untuk menyiapkan perjalanan untuk seseorang yang berencana melakukannya." This means that tour agent has a duty to plan for someone’s traveling journey.

The parties are as follows:

1. Maskapai Penerbangan

Maskapai Penerbangan or Airlines are air transport service providers, where their services will be very helpful to the very far distance and will take


13 2. Penginapan

Penginapan can be Lodging/ Hotel is a place used for transit as well as for staying some time which aims to provide comfort on a tour. This lodging

can be classified to some parts based on the star, such as : a. Melati / Jasmine (Guest House, Losmen, Wisma ) b. One Star Hotel

c. Two Stars Hotel

d. Three Stars Hotel

e. Four Stars Hotel

f. Five Stars Hotel

g. Five Stars Hotel Plus

h. Six Stars Hotel

i. Seven Stars Hotel

3. Penyedia Jasa Transportasi Darat.

Penyedia Jasa Transportasi Darat means land transportation service provider is a company or individual who provide vehicles facilities that can be

rented in some time. Some examples of land transportations are:

A. Motorcycles and non-motorized bicycles

B. General sequence (Pedicab, Andong, Bajaj, Taxi, Bus, etc)

C. Car & bus rental.

4. Restoran

Restoran or Restaurant is a food and beverage providers and will be very necessary because in every tour must be guaranteed the needs to eat

and drink.

5. Pemandu Wisata

Pemandu Wisata is a tour guide, the role of the guide is very important in a travel tour because it has a duty to explain which is related to the tour



6. Dinas/ perusahaan yang terkait dengan dokumen perjalanan

Penyedia Jasa Transportasi Darat is an agency/ company that has the function to issue the travel documents needed in a tour.

A. Flights of attractions

B. Passport

C. Fiscal

D. Visa, etc.

7. Tour leader

Tour leader is the leader of entourage who is responsible for arranging

every schedule listed in the itinerary so that the travel tours run smoothly

without a hitch.

8. Porter

Porter is assigned to move participants' luggage from one place to

another. Usually the porter can be found at the Airport, Ports, Stations,

Tourism Destination or in Terminal bus.

9. Art shop

Art shop is a provider of goods or souvenirs that exist in a travel


2.5 Tour Itinerary

In creating a tour package, it needed to make a tour itinerary to maintain the

tour schedule. It is also can be a reference that the visitors can see when choosing a

tour package they want.

2.5.1 Definition of Tour Itinerary



dapat juga dikatakan sebagai produk bayangan, karena memberi bayangan atau gambaran tentang sebuah wisata.” Suyitno stated that a tourist event is a document that can be used to illustrate the conduct of a tour. Tourist events can also be said as a

shadow product, because it gives a shadow or a picture of a tour.” According to Robert in Suyitno (2001) adding the understanding of the tour event that is suatu daftar dan jadwal acara tours dengan data-data yang lengkap mengenai, jam, tempat-tempat (objek-objek wisata), hotel tempat menginap, tempat peberangkatan, tempat tiba, acara-acara yang disuguhkan, sehingga dalam keseluruhannya akan menggambarkan jadwal pelaksanaan maupun waktu-waktu dari keseluruhan acara tour (dari awal sampai akhir). Robert mentioned his opinion that the tour itinerary is a list and schedule of events tours with complete data about hour, places (tourism objects), hotel where to

stay, where it arrives, the events are presented, so in its entirety it will describe the

execution schedule and the times of the whole tour event.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the tour event is a

document that includes everything: about a journey. From starting the process of

departure until the end of a journey which appears in the document that include time

of operation, place of visit object and place to eat.

2.5.2 Benefits of Tourism Planning

According to Suyitno (2001), the benefits of tour planning are:

1. Sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan wisata. The tour planning can be used as a guide for conducting the tourism.

2. Sebagai sarana untuk memprediksi kemungkinan timbulnya hal di luar dugaan sekaligus alternatif pemecahannya. This can be used to predict the likelihood of occurrence beyond expectations as well as alternative solutions.

3. Sebagai sarana untuk mengarahkan penyelenggaraan wisata sehingga



of the tour to achieve its goal which realize the tourism effectively and


4. Sebagai alat ukur tingkat keberhasilan wisata. Sebagai upaya pengawasan atau evaluasi dalam rangka memberikan umpan balik bagi penyelenggaraan wisata berikutnya. And the last, it can be used as a measure of the success rate of tourism. As an effort of supervision or evaluation in order to provide

feedback for the implementation of the next tour.

2.5.3 Tourism Price Calculation

Suyitno (2001) defined that biaya wisata adalah semua pengeluaran yang dapat dinilai dengan uang untuk mengelola wisata. Sebagai faktor pembentuk harga wisata, biaya wisata harus secara maksimal mencerminkan seluruh pengeluaran dalam pengelolaan wisata. He defined the cost of tourism is all expenditure that can be assessed with money to manage the tour. As a factor in forming tourist prices,

tourism costs should maximally reflect all expenditures in tourism management.

1. Types of Cost

In order to solve the costs incurred thoroughly, it is necessary to

understand the type of cost. Suyitno (2001) classified the types of costs,


1. Biaya Induk

Biaya induk or master fee is the cost that originally emerged as a reflection of the use of tourism components.

2. Biaya Ikutan

Biaya ikutan or follow up fee is the cost that appears as a

cost-sharing factor. To calculate the amount of cost needed in a tourism

activity, it is necessary a good and correct tourist price calculation



Table 2.1 Tour Package Price Calculation

Table above describes the procedure of calculating a package tour

price, which includes:

1. Detailing and adding up fixed costs and non-fixed costs.

2. Calculating the amount of cost per person.

3. Calculating the surcharge.

4. Calculating the price of tours per person by increasing the cost per

person with the surcharge.

5. Doing rounding. Rounding may vary depends on the tourism

manager policy.

According to Mulyadi (2005, p. 13), costs are divided into 4 types as


1. Biaya Tetap

Biaya tetap or fixed costs expense whose numbers remain constant are not affected by changes in the volume of activities to a

certain level of activity, for example; Salary production director.



Biaya variabel or variable costs, costs whose totals change in proportion to changes in activity or activity volume, for example; Cost

of raw materials, direct labor costs.

3. Biaya Semi Variabel

Biaya semi variable or variable semi cost, the cost of which the total amount changed is not proportional to the volume change of

activity. The semi-variable cost contains both fixed and variable cost

elements, for example; The cost of electricity used.

4. Biaya Semi Tetap

Biaya semi tetap or semi fixed fee, a fixed cost for a certain volume of activity and changes with a constant amount on a given

volume of production

2. Tour Price Calculation Formula

In calculation the tour price, there is the formula that needed to be completed,

such as:

1. Total cost per person

Total cost per person is the price that must be paid by each person who

participated in the tour package.

TCP = Total cost per person

TFC = Total fixed cost

TVC = Total variable cost

n = Number of participants

2. Agency Commission

Agency Commission is the total percentage of commission

which calculated in the tour price and reserved for the other agents



percentage of commission is made by tour operator/ travel agent as the

owner of products.

TP = Total price

TCP = Total cost per person

SC = Markup / surcharge (%)

3. Price on CAT

Confedental Agent’s Tarif is the price of the tour which is organized by the tour operator and it is used for agents who sell its

products and used as a guide in determining the price of the tour sell

to consumers.

TP = Tour price

CAT = Price from CAT

HF = Handling fee TP = TCP + SC


Table 2.1 Tour Package Price Calculation


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