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A STUDY OF THE MEANING OF LAURA WINGFIELD’S ACTIONS IN TENNESSEE WILLIAMS’ THE GLASS MENAGERIE A Thesis Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education












A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education









As pur e as wat er of Heaven , I l ove y ou!

Gr eat er t han t he bl ue sky y ou ar e i n my i magi n at i on

I even doubt t he t r ue, but n ot my l ove

D’ y ou bel i eve me?

Don ’t !

I f ool y ou

That ’s fake

However , what coul d be r eveal ed mor e?

Un l ess I pr et en d t o be cr azy j ust t o con vey a fake?

Even st ar s ar e mesmer i zed by suffer s when t he r i ght must be j udged as t he

wr on g?

But i f y ou l ove me, t he n ever en di n g l on el i n ess wi l l be en ded

Li ke a n ucl ear boast t hat dest r oy t he wor l d

Al t hough I kn ow fai t h an d wi sh ar e n ot t he same

My can dl e l ove i s for y ou

To feel t he cal m soul

To j oy t he r ed r ose i n t he hear t , mi n d, an d dr eams of my sl eepi n g

Though j ust a fake fr om y ou

My Bl ue….




First, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Almighty God, the

greatest energy in the world, for the blessing, strength, mercy, and never-ending

love during my life, especially during the completion of the thesis. They power

me up to overcome any problems in my whole life.

I also would like to express my greatest gratitude from the bottom of my

heart to those who helped me in the process of finishing the thesis. Without their

helping hands, I am probably not finished it yet now.

My deepest gratitude goes to Drs. A. Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D., my major sponsor for the patience, times, and willingness to help me completing my

thesis. The same gratitude also goes to Ms. Agnes Dwina Hardiasti S.Pd., M.A.

and Ms. Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., my co-sponsors who

helped me with the patience, time, and encouragement until the end of my thesis


I would like to thank to all lecturers of English Language Education

Study Program, Sanata Dharma University for their guidance during my study. I

also thank secretariat staffs, Ms. Dhani and Ms. Tari for being so helpful. I also

thank the library staffs for their help during the completion of my thesis.

My deep gratitude is extended to my grand mommy, Ny. Tulasih Hadi

Sutjipto, my mom, Emerita Sri Endangningsih, and aunt, Istiyati, for their

everlasting love, attention, prayers, and also financial support since the first time I

opened my beautiful eyes up to this moment. I also thank my brother, Heru



I would like to thank to my friends in my life. First, it goes to my

elementary schoolfriends: Daning, Dita, Nyinyok, and of course, Ajeng andeng. I

thank them all for being my friends up to this moment and support me doing the

study. Then, my gratitude goes to my brothers and sisters in SMP 16 Jogjakarta:

Sari (I thank her for the psychological consultation), Ery ,Veni , Etika, Irawan,

Roni, Rosi, and Naslek. Next, my gratefulness is also extended to my high school

friends: Juned (We were one, one laugh and one cry), Farish, Victor (He is the

best one, friend and lover), Anjar, Bowo, Dexter, Emsa, Galuh, Nug, Miko, and of

course Lintanx. I thank them for peering my teenage time. With love, I would

express my gratitude to all my beloved friends in English Language Education

Study Program, Sanata Dharma University: Liol, Betha (I thank her for the ideas),

Cempluk ,Petra, Krisna, Nina, Anas, Utik, Linda, Shanty, Reta, Leli, Uci, Dudi,

Datu, Ardi, Vendi, Niko, Toni, Wiwid, Yoyok, Haryo, and Indri. I thank them for

their nice attentions, advices, and supports during my sweet and bitter moment. I

also thank to Rere, Kris, Whini, and Adhi (I thank him very much for every help).

I also thank those who come in my life so far. I thank them for giving me

lesson that life can be beautiful or bitter. Life can always go wrong.

Last, but not least, to my beloved boyfriend, Agung “Penceng” Hartanto,

who has shared his time, love, affection, caring, help and support to me. I thank

him for being my real man who always supports me when I am down. He is my














A. Background of the Study...1

B. Objectives of the Study...4

C. Problem Formulation...4

D. Benefits of the Study...4

E. Definition of Terms...5


A. Review of Related Theories...7

1. Character and Characterization...7



b. Characterization...9

2. Psychology...10

a. Psychoanalysis...10

b. Motivation...16

c. Conflict...16

3. Post-colonialism...17

B. Theoretical Framework...19


A. Object of the Study...20

B. Approach of the Study...21

C. Method of the Study...22


A. The Characteristic of Laura Wingfield...23

1. Laura Wingfield as the major and round character...23

2. The Physical Appearance of Laura Wingfiald...24

a. Exotic...25

b. Old Fashioned...26

c. Foot Defected...26

d. Pretty...28

e. Weak/ Fragile...29



a. Shy...30

b. Peculiar/ Different...31

c. Sensitive...32

d. Unconfident...33

e. Dependent...34

f. Obedient...34

g. Living in herworld/ illusion...36

h. Lonesome...37

B. The meaning of actions conducted by Laura using psychological approach...38

1. Collecting the glass menagerie and playing old phonograph record frequently...40

2. Pretending to go to the course...46

3. Kissing Jim after dinner...51

C. The meaning of actions conducted by Laura Wingfield using Katresnanism... ...55


A. Conclusions...58

B. Suggestions...60

1. Suggestions for the next researchers...60




APPENDICES Summary of The Drama...67

Biography of Tenneessee Williams...69

Lesson Plan...72

The Handout for Teaching Drama...74

The Picture of Tennessee Williams...77

The Picture of Tennessee Williams’ First home in Columbus, Mississippi.………78

The U.S. Postal Service honored Williams on a stamp in 1994………79 The First Scene of The Glass Menagerie as the Teaching Material




Fitrianingsih. 2008. A Study of the Meaning of Laura Wingfield’s Actions in

Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, Yogyakarta: English Language

Education Study Program, Departments of Language and Arts and Education, The Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes a play entitled The Glass Menagerie written by Tennessee Williams. The play tells about conflicts in a family which consists of a mother (Amanda), an older sister (Laura), and a younger brother (Tom). Laura has foot defect that makes her become terribly shy, dependent, and peculiar. Tom as the bread winner has to work although actually he hates the job. Amanda keeps on dreaming of Laura’s marriage. The centre of the family problem is Laura. She is very dependent and fails to establish her social world.

The aims of this study are to find the characteristics of Laura Wingfield as one of the main characters in Tennessee Williams’The Glass Menagerie and to analyze the meaning of her actions. In order to do so, the problems to be discussed are: (1) “How is Laura portrayed in the play?” (2) “What are the meanings of Laura’s actions in the play?”

Library research was applied to gather the data. The primary source was taken from the text of the play itself, while the secondary sources were taken from several books on literature such as journals and papers as well as some articles from the internet. The psychological approach was applied to get the understanding of the motivations and meaning behind Laura’s actions based on psychological theories. The post-colonial approach was also applied to get deeper understanding of Laura’s actions based on post-colonial literature, in this study called Katresnanism.

Based on the analysis, Laura Wingfield is young, pretty, exotic and obedient. On the other hand, she is shy, lonesome, peculiar, sensitive, dependent, old fashioned and weak. On top of that, Laura has foot defect and lives in her own world. There are three main actions of Laura found in this study. They are collecting the glass menagerie and playing old phonograph record; pretending to go to the course; and kissing Jim. The first action means that she needs some friends and needs to actualize herself. The second action means that she needs love and wants to enjoy both physical and psychological freedom. The last action means that she has natural desires as a mature woman, they are love and sex.




Fitrianingsih. (2008). A Study of the Meaning of Laura’s Actions in Tennessee

Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, Yogyakarta: Program Study Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini menganalisa sebuah drama berjudul The Glass Menagerie karya Tennessee Williams. Drama ini mengisahkan tentang konflik dalam sebuah keluarga yang terdiri dari ibu (Amanda), kakak perempuan (Laura), dan adik laki-laki (Tom). Laura memiliki cacat di kaki yang membuatnya sangat pemalu,kurang percaya diri, sangat bergantung, dan aneh. Tom adalah tulang punggung keluarga meskipun sebenarnya dia membenci pekerjaannya. Amanda senantiasa berharap akan pernikahan Laura. Inti dari permasalahan di keluarga ini adalah Laura. Dia sangat bergantung dan gagal dalam membangun kehidupan sosial bermasyarakat.

Skripsi ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menemukan karakteristik dari Laura Wingfield, salah satu dari tokoh utama drama karya Tennessee Williams yang berjudul The Glass Menagerie dan menganalisa arti dari tindakan-tindakannya. Untuk itu ada dua masalah yang akan didiskusikan: (1) “Bagaimanakah Laura digambarkan dalam drama tersebut?” (2) “Apakah arti dari tindakan-tindakan Laura dalam drama tersebut?”

Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian pustaka. Sumber primernya adalah teks drama itu sendiri, sedangkan sumber-sumber sekundernya adalah buku-buku tentang kesusastraan dan psikologi seperti jurnal dan paper serta artikel dari internet. Pendekatan Psikologis diterapkan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai motivasi dan arti dibalik tindakan Laura berdasarkan teori psikologi. Pendekatan post-colonial juga diterapkan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dari tindakan Laura berdasarkan teori post-colonial, dalam studi ini bernama katresnanisme.

Berdasarkan analisa, karakteristik Laura Wingfield adalah muda, cantik, eksotik, dan patuh/ penurut. Di lain pihak, ia pemalu, kesepian, sensitif, bergantung, kuno dan lemah. Di atas semua itu, Laura memiliki cacat kaki dan hidup dalam dunianya sendiri. Ada tiga tindakan utama yang ditemukan di dalam skripsi ini. Tindakan-tindakan tersebut adalah mengkoleksi hewan-hewan kaca dan memainkan pemutar fonograf kuno; berpura-pura berangkat kursus bisnis; dan mencium Jim. Tindakan pertama berarti dia membutuhkan teman dan tindakan untuk mengaktualisasikan diri. Yang kedua berarti dia membutuhkan cinta dan ingin menikmati kebebasan fisik dan psikologis. Tindakan yang terakhir berarti dia memiliki hasrat alamiah sebagai wanita dewasa yaitu cinta dan seks.



This chapter is divided into five parts. The first part is background of the

study which clarifies the reason why this study is conducted. The second part is

objective of the study. The third one is problem formulation. It deals with the

questions to answer in this study. The fourth part is benefit of the study. It

explains some benefits of the thesis. The last part is definition of term which

explains some important words and expressions used in the study.

A. Background of the Study

Lazar in his book entitled Literature and Language Teaching says that

literature is a world of fantasy, horror, feelings, visions put into words (1).

Literary works are interesting for people especially those who have a great sense

of art. The readers, audiences, or listeners may feel the fantasy, horror, or vision

that can fly away their feeling and imagination. The works also enable the readers

to enjoy every heart beat of the conflict, the rise and down of the emotion of the

story and the life journey of the characters in the texts. In this way, literary works

function for pleasure and enjoyment.

Literary works include prose, poetry, and drama or play. According to

Kennedy in Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama (1195-1196),

play is a work of storytelling in which actors represent characters. Play is a written


progression of the plot connects the readers or the audiences with their humanity


The reason of choosing the drama as the subject of the study in the thesis

is because the play was written by one of the American greatest playwrights,

Tennessee Williams. The Glass Menagerie is one of successful plays written by

Williams. His other successful plays are The Rose Tattoo, A Streetcar Named

Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and Summer and Smoke. After conducting the first

performance of The Glass Menagerie in Chicago in 1944, he won New York

Drama Critics Circle Award in 1945. Williams considered as a highly regarded

playwright in America because of the success of the play. The success of the play

has triggered me to conduct the study. Besides, the unpredictable ending of the

play has touched me to select it as the subject of the thesis. Through The Glass

Menagerie, Williams also tries to convey moral values of human life. The readers

or audiences do not only enjoy each exciting scene of this story but also discover

and learn the valuable messages from the play such as how we should really

understand others sincerely by viewing deeper from their motivation rather than

our own perception. In other words, we can get a precious life value that if we

want to be understood, we should understand people first. One way to understand

others is to know the motivations and reasons behind their actions.

The study is conducted because analyzing Laura Wingfield’s from

psychological point of view is exciting. Studying the struggle within the mind of

Laura is interesting. By knowing the motivation and the real meaning behind


her action are keeping the glass menagerie and dropping out from the course. In

general, people would judge her as a peculiar woman. However, in fact, we need

to understand her deeply. She probably has her own reason that we need to

consider. Hence people have to know the real meaning inside Laura.

The study is also conducted because it builds the readers to view one

action through different paradigm which coaches us to understand/help others

who are psychologically ill. In general, most of Laura’s actions are not reasonable.

For example, she chooses to keep collecting her glass animals rather than live

with others and plan her future. It is possible that common people may judge her

odd or silly. Therefore, this study tries to reveal the truth of Laura by viewing

from psychoanalysis theory. Others should help a person who is emotionally

crippled like her because every action she takes has one or more basic motivation.

So, it is important to come close to those kinds of people like what Jim has done

to Laura.

The other reason is the story itself: the three main characters face many

complicated problems and conflicts. Although the three of them painfully suffer

from the great depression, the study focuses on Laura Wingfield since she is the

centre of the problems faced by other main characters. Laura’s foot defect and her

hopelessness construct immense conflicts between Amanda and Tom. The study

concerns with the actions taken by Laura and the reasons why she conducts each


B. Objectives of the Study

The aims of the study are to find the characteristics of Laura Wingfield

as one of the main characters in Tennessee Williams’The Glass Menagerie and to

analyze the meaning of her actions.

C. Problem Formulation

The problems to be discussed in the study are:

1. How is Laura Wingfield portrayed in the play?

2. What are the meanings of Laura’s actions in the play?

D. Benefits of the study

The study may give several benefits to the readers, students, and English

Literature teachers. Conducting the study provides richer knowledge about

literature and the structure of literary sentences written by the playwright.

Furthermore, finding appropriate approaches and theories to analyze the work is

important to reveal the way an author conveys the ideas and messages through the


For common readers and students, the study will be a short introduction

before reading the play The Glass Menagerie. Hopefully, the readers will

understand better about the meaning of this interesting play. It is also hoped that

the common readers and the students may recognize the depth of real life

experience reflected in the drama. For teachers, particularly English teachers, the


E. Definition of Terms

This part explains the definition of terms used in the title. The terms

presented here are action, character, personality and menagerie. They have broad

and various meanings. In order to avoid misconception, some terms used in the

study are explained in this section.

The first term is “action”. According to Hornby in Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, action means process of doing things. It

is also defined as an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized

by physical or mental activity (Dictionary.com Unabridged, 2006). Therefore, the

actions discussed in the study are restricted to Laura.

The next term is “character”. Barnett (71) states two definition of

character. The first one is a figure in a literary work and the second one is the

mental and moral qualities of a figure. Meanwhile, Abrams (20) defines character

in a play as a person presented in dramatic situation and interpreted by the readers

as a being given with moral and mental qualities that are expected in what he says

-the dialogue- and by what he does -the actions- (23). Thus, character in a play is

an imagined person or psychological condition in the story that is different from

one to another. In the study, the analysis is restricted to the character of Laura


The word “characterization” means the way to create imaginary person

so that they exist for the reader as life like (Holman and Harmon 81). The use of


The next one is “personality”. Allport as quoted by Hjelle and Ziegler in

Personality Theories: Basic Assumption, Research,and Applications defines it as

the dynamic of organization within the individual of those psychophysical

systems that determine his characteristics behavior and thought (284).

The last term is “menagerie”. Encarta Webster’s College Dictionary

defines menagerie as a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for the

curiosity and entertainment for the public. In the drama, Laura Wingfield has a




This chapter provides theories related to the study. The two parts

included in this chapter are review of related theories and theoretical framework.

Review of related theories deals with the theories applied in conducting the study.

Theoretical Framework explains the contribution of the theory in solving the


A. Review of Related Theories 1. Character and Characterization a. Character

Character is one of several elements of drama that plays a very important

role. Guth, in his book entitled Discovering Literature Stories, Stories, Poems, and

Plays, states that character is about the people in the play, their motivation and

wish, and also explanation of the way they take action (6). This definition views

the meaning of character as the trait. For example, Griet’s character in Girl with a

Pearl Earrings is smart. Abrams defines character as the person appeared in a

narrative work that is interpreted by the readers as being endowed with expressive

ethical and emotional qualities performed in the way he takes action and speaks

(23). The second definition above views the meaning of character as the player or


There are two kinds of character according to Guth, they are flat

character and round character (70). A flat character is a character that has

one-track personality such as Mr. Nice Guy is always kind to other people or a madcap

man who is always angry to everybody. A round character is a character that has

blended traits that cause him/ her to become complicated, for example the

character of King Lear in A Shakespeare Tragedy. King Lear at the beginning is a

very loving father. Because of his disappointment to his daughter, he suddenly

breaks off his paternal relation to her.

Milligan, in The Novel in English: An Introduction, says that there are

two kinds of character. The first one is major character and the second one is

secondary character. Major character is the character that appears more often in

the narrative. Secondary character is the character that appears less in the storyline

(195). In the story of Cinderella, the character said as the major character is

Cinderella and the example of secondary character is the father of the prince.

Some points are stated by Guth when the readers or audiences study the

character. Two of them are action and motivation. When people focus on a

character, they will find a figure from what the character has done and reason why

he does so or the motives beyond the actions (69). The reader will see clearly

what kind of action that a certain character has shown and understand the

motivation why certain character does the action. For example, a character is

crying and the motive behind his action is because his little brother has just passed


b. Characterization

Beaty in Literature and Language Teaching A Guide for Teachers and

Trainers defines characterization as the process the writer depicts the character

with definite characteristic that are diverse from others (231). Meanwhile, Murphy

states that characterization is a means to tell the readers and the audiences about

the personality of a character and to make the character look alive (87).

Characterization has an important meaning. It will help the reader and audience to

understand the personality and the motivation of each action taken by the


Barranger says that in a play, a character is identified by his/her physical

characteristics, verbal communication, and costume; his socioeconomic status;

his/her makeup; and his moral choice (339). She also describes three methods to

understand the characters.

1. Observe the author say about certain character in stage directions. In the

stage directions, the playwright defines the feeling, thought, actions and

motivations of the character to do something. The playwright also defines

the character physical movement or psychological condition based on his


2. See the characteristics through what the characters say about them and

through what other characters say about him/her. The dialogue of the

characters may reveal the emotional feeling, the information about the


3. Note general types or specific features of the character’s physical and

psychological condition, which differentiate one to another. The physical

features can be seen through characters’ appearance, the costume, the face,

and the socioeconomic status. The character’s psychological condition is

the inside feeling and thought of the character, which arise as a result of

how a character copes with the problems. The reader or audience can

recognize some differences, which indirectly show the characteristic of a

character or others.

2. Psychology a. Psychoanalysis

In order to understand deeply certain literary works, one needs to view

from the psychological which then becomes psychoanalytic criticism. Abrams

explains psychological criticism deals with a literary work principally function as

an expression, in a form of imaginary story, of the mind and structure of the

author’s personality. While psychoanalytic criticism deals with the literature and

other art works consist of the imagined, desired, satisfaction of hopes that is

rejected by the reality, social standard, of life (263-264).

Bressler says that this criticism is an approach with the aim of is to

explain the hows and whys human done certain actions (148). Freud as quoted in

Bressler (148) states that applying psychoanalysis to the text or literary work is to


psychoanalytic theory mainly concerns on the author. Afterward, it is employed in

analyzing the character of the text made by an author.

Freud in Bootzin (412-413) states that psychoanalysis is to illustrate the

process in bringing the unconscious material into one’s awareness that could be

observed rationally. Freud’s psychoanalysis cannot be separated from the three

major systems of personality structure; they are id, ego and superego. Freud in

Hall and Lindzey’s Teori-Teori Psikodinamik (Klinis) (63-68) elaborates the

major systems above.

a. The Id

The Id is the original personality system. It consists of all psychological

substances that are inherited and exist since one’s birth. It works to stop the

tension and return to the low energy level when a person experiences an

increasing of energy or tension. The id is actually the unconscious part of the

personality of a person. Freud in Baron (464) says that id consists of body needs,

sexual desires, and aggressive impulses. They include in basic instinct of human

being. Id is a part that can be called pleasure principle.

b. The Ego

The ego appears as the results of the organism needs for appropriate

transactions with the objective world of reality. It is considered as the conscious

part of one’s personality. It differentiates between things in the mind and things in

the external world. Freud in Baron (464) states that its’ task is to hold the id in

check until conditions appropriate for satisfaction of its impulses exist. So, ego


pleasure and minimize pain. Braun also states that through remembering,

reasoning, and evaluating, the ego try to satisfy the desire of id (408).

c. The Superego

It is the moral part of personality that represents the ideal which strives

for perfection rather than real. It is for deciding whether something is right or

wrong. The superego is the conscience. The conscience is built based on the basic

environment of a person. Braun (209) therefore implicitly says that a boy

internalizes moral standard he learns from his father.

The three systems above work together like a team in running a

personality. They are not separated but a unity. An action is the product by the

interaction of the id, ego, and superego.

Freud in Baron’s Psychology introduces anxiety and defense mechanism

(464-465). Anxiety is a sense of unpleasant because of tension occurs in an

individual in reaction to unacceptable impulses. On the other hand, defense

mechanisms defines as the techniques applied by the ego to keep threatening

material out of consciousness to reduce anxiety. There are several defense

mechanisms commonly discussed so far. They are:

1. Repression

Braun in Psychology Today states that repression is a defense mechanism that

keeps unacceptable thoughts from consciousness and pushes them back into the

unconsciousness (411). For example, a woman fails to recognize her attraction to


2. Fixation

It is a momentary or permanent halt in development, occurring as a response to

anxiety in associated with the next stage of development (Braun, 411). For

example, a child who is too much dependent to others includes in fixation.

Anxiety hinders him to learn to be independent.

3. Regression

It happens in response to threatening situation in a way appropriate to an earlier

age or level of development (Baron, 465). For example, a woman who has just

married that faces problems in her new family chooses to go back to the parents.

4. Rationalization

Baron explains rationalization as a defense mechanism that conjures up socially

acceptable reasons for thoughts or actions based on unacceptable motives (465).

One example is a young woman explains that she ate an entire chocolate cake so

that it wouldn’t spoil in the summer heat.

5. Displacement

It is a defense mechanism that redirects an emotional response from a dangerous

object to safe one (Baron, 465). For example, anger is redirected from one’s boss

to one’s child.

6. Reaction formation

Baron states that reaction formation is a defense mechanism in which a person

acts in a manner directly opposite to their unconscious wishes (465). For example,

instead of acknowledging that she hates her child, she shows a lot of expression of


From the six defense mechanisms above, one is chosen to analyze the

meaning of Laura’s action. It is repression. Repression is the most appropriate one

to use.

The defense mechanisms stated above are tactics to relieve anxiety.

However, Baron says that when anxiety is getting sharp, the ego resorts to those

mechanisms which are actually have two characteristics (411). First is denying,

falsifying, or distorting reality. Second is operating unconsciously, so that the

person is unaware of what is taking place.

Jung as quoted in Braun introduces an aspect about one’s tendencies to

be concerned primarily with himself or with outside world (412). The first

category is introvert that means people who are quiet, hesitant, cautious, and

reclusive. They have difficulty in making friends and choose to observe the world

rather than involved himself in many activities. They also generally inhibit

expression of their impulse and feelings. The other is extrovert which means

people who are talkative, open, confident, and sociable. They are easy to make

friends and take a part in a lot of activities.

Social psychology theories rooted from Psychoanalysis are discovered

by Adler and Horney. Adler as quoted in Braun says a sense of imperfectness

originates in childhood and the inability to overcome it rise feeling of inferiority

(414). The word to call this situation is inferiority complex. Adler also says in

Baron that attempting to overcome feelings of inferiority is Striving for


engages in compensation. One tries to overcome feelings of inferiority by

developing the abilities he has.

Horney in Braun describes three ineffective styles of interacting with

others (415. They are moving toward others, moving against others, and moving

away from others. The explanations of each are elaborated as follows.

1. Moving toward others

These people usually become compliant, a kind of doormat. They need

desperately to be liked but cannot return true affection to those who feel these


2. Moving against others

These people are attempting to find security by dominating others. They

avoid anything that may bring helplessness. They assume that it is appropriate to

manipulate others.

3. Moving away from others

They try to find security by withdrawing themselves from others, never

allowing close relationships with others. They need privacy and isolation to social

contact. These people avoid themselves from harm, but to do that, they give up the

probability of growth and change.

Looking at the main problem of the study, which concerns on Laura, the

third ineffective styles of interacting with others is used. In the drama, Laura tends

to be alone and she is also unable to affiliate with people. Thus, Horney’s theory


b. Motivation

Bootzin implicitly defines motivation as the dynamic property of

behavior that is directed by a number of intentions and that leads to some

objectives or the fulfillment of some need (367). It means that each action

performed by every human being is based on a certain motive.

Maslow (1954), as quoted in Aiken in General Psychology states the

basic hierarchy of needs (115). The first is physiological need, such as hunger,

fatigue, elimination pressure, sex, exploration, pain avoidance, and thirst. The

second is safety need, for example needs to feel protected and safe from danger.

The third is love/belonging need. This is a need to go along with and accepted by

others. The fourth is esteem need. It includes the desire for achievement, for

independence, for competence, and for strength. The fifth is self-actualization

needs. It refers to the need to develop one’s potentials and talents. The sixth is

cognitive need for instance desire to understand. The last one is aesthetic need

which includes need for beauty, symmetry and structure.

c. Conflict

Kalish states that conflict occurs when a person is motivated by two or

more needs and the fulfillment of one causes the contradiction of the other (137).

Four types of conflict are stated by Kalish in The Psychology of Human Behavior.

They are approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, and


The first type refers to two profitable and mutually exclusive goals. It is

about deciding two beneficial things. The second is avoidance-avoidance. It

happens when an individual is required to select one of two unpleasant choices.

The third one is approach- avoidance. It refers to decide a goal involves satisfying

and disappointing things. The fourth is multiple approach-avoidance. This type

occurs when a situation involves a complicated combination of pleasant and

unpleasant features.

3. Post-colonialism

Ashcroft in The Empire Writes Back defines post-colonialism as all the

culture affected by the colonial process from the colonization time to this time

commenced by European imperial aggression (2). So, it was created since the

colonial countries became independent. Several countries in Africa, South and

Southeast Asia, South America and Australia were colonized by European. So, the

literatures of these countries could be said as post-colonial literatures.

Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia which was colonized

also by European. In this case, Indonesian literature is also included in

post-colonial literatures. There are so many literary theory come up from Indonesia, an

example is theory of katresnanism.

Herujiyanto in his paper introduces katresnan criticism to the world.

Katresnan is a Javanese word which means divine love. Theory of Katresnanism


Theory of katresnanism (divine love) is a term which refers to the result

of an inductive work functioning as a reminder and invitation (eling-kelingan) of

one’s true self (jati diri) and one’s existence which was granted due to katresnan

(divine love) as soon as one was born (2). In his paper, Herujiyanto also states that

katresnanism is as a discipline of thought that means to enquire into one’s work

(including that of one’s own): thinking about the work involving some problem

like: why the work done as it is, why the doer is the way that he/she is (3). That is

the significant point applying this theory to conduct the study. Thus, this

discipline aims to dig and find out the real meaning of certain work and to view

that one is himself through doing identification to certain person.


There are 99 aoskatresnanism representing the hypothesis of this theory.

The table above shows us that there are 33 aos (aos means cores, disciplines,

principles) katresnanism that have been discussed so far (5). One of them is pas.

Pas is selected to conduct the study. Pas itself means just right. It endorse having

thing matched and fitted; not less, not too much either; just right.

B. Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework is used as the basic guidance of the analysis of the

novel. Several theories are applied to support the study; they are theory of

character, characterization, psychoanalysis, motivation, conflict, and


At first, the writer uses theories of character and characterization to

analyze the main characters, especially Laura. In order to understand deeply the

main character, the writer needs to apply the theories above. It is helpful to reveal

the characteristics of Laura so that the first problem could be answered.

To answer the second question, theories of psychology are applied. They

are psychoanalysis, motivation, and conflict. From another paradigm,

post-colonial literature, in this case katresnanism, is applied to answer the question in

Laura’s case. The theories above are useful to find out and reveal the meaning

behind Laura’s action. They will help the writer to discover the hidden motivation



This chapter consists of three parts. The first part is object of the study.

The second one is approach of the study. The last part is method of the study.

Object of the study describes the work to be studied along with the physical

description. Approach of the study presents the approaches employed in the

analysis. Method of the study describes the steps taken in analyzing the work.

A. Object of the Study

The drama discussed in the study is written by Tennessee Williams

entitled The Glass Menagerie. It is Williams’ successful play performed for the

first time in Chicago in 1944. The drama text used in the study is taken from

Barranger’s Understanding Plays (348-385).

The setting of the story is in the Wingfield house in St. Louis, Missouri,

United States. It is a memory play that the time used is past and now. Tom, in

1945, as the narrator tells the audiences his memory life about Wingfield’s

sophisticated problems years ago. The time moves freely from the present (1945)

to the past (1930) or vice versa.

Tom Wingfield is the narrator of the play. Tom is such a reflection of

Williams who tells a story about himself. Many critics also say that The Glass

Menagerie is a biographical play about Williams’ life. The characters of the play


represents himself. The other two characters in the play are Jim O’Connor as the

gentleman caller and Mr. Wingfield, Laura’s father, whose appearance on the

stage is represented only by his picture/ portrait.

The study focuses on Laura’s character and her actions. This major

character is the centre of the problem in the play. Laura has her own problem that

she is difficult to make friends because she has feeling of inferior. As the result,

her mother worries about her future Laura’s economic problem depends on Tom

only. Consequently, Amanda keeps pressing Tom who actually wants to leave the

house and has a dream to go adventure. If Laura can be independent, Amanda will

not force Tom to stay and work hard. The study itself is intended to find the

significant meanings of Laura’s actions or her motivations.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to conduct the study, the psychological approach and

post-colonial approach were applied. The two approaches are the most appropriate

ones to answer the problem formulations. The first approach explains about the

main character’s personality and behavior based on theory of psychology. It is

used to analyze the hidden motivation that directs Laura’s actions so that the

significant meaning of each action can be revealed. The post-colonial approach

explains about the main character’s motives towards her actions based on

post-colonial theory, in this study I apply Katresnanism. It is also utilized to analyze

the meaning behind Laura’s actions. It is used in efforts to see the subject matter


C. Method of the Study

There were some steps to be taken in the process of conducting the study.

First, I decided to take Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie as the primary

source of the data. After that, I tried to understand details of the play by reading it

many times. Then, all the investigation was done through reading the references.

It was called library research. Second, the problem formulation was chosen. Then,

she took some references related to the topic to be analyzed. The next was to find

the theories and understand them. The third step was to find the data from the

internet as additional references. The fourth step was to analyze the problem

formulation included the character of Laura, who became the focus of the study.

Theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of psychoanalysis, theory

of motivation, theory of conflict, and theory of post-colonialism were applied. The

sixth or the last step was to draw conclusions of the thesis. It consists of the

summary of the answers to the problem formulation and suggestions for future



This chapter aims to answer the questions that are stated in the problem

formulation. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first section elaborates the

analysis of Laura Wingfield’s characteristics. The next section is about the

analysis of the meaning behind Laura Wingfield’s actions in the story.

A. The Characteristics of Laura Wingfield

1. Laura Wingfield as the major character and as the round character

Laura Wingfield is one of the five characters in the drama. The title itself

is The Glass Menagerie. It deals with the collection of glass animals that belongs

to Laura. The collection makes her live in her own world.

Laura’s physical and emotional defect is not only a huge problem for her

but also for her brother, Tom, and her mother, Amanda. Her condition of being

unable to be autonomous becomes the center of the main problem arises in the

story. Laura’s actions and utterances have a strong influence on Tom and

Amanda. Problems and conflicts faced by them are also getting bigger mainly

because of Laura’s condition. If Laura can solve her own problems, the conflicts

of her family will be decreased.

This character also appears in most of the scenes. Although the length of

Laura’s dialogue is less than the other characters, the conversations by Tom and

Amanda mostly concern Laura. It proves that Laura is one of the major characters


major characters are those who appear more often in the story than other


Laura is a round character. Guth states that a round character is a

character that has blended traits that cause him/ her to become complicated. One

characteristic of Laura is that she always obeys what her mother asks to her. She

does not want to make Amanda sad and angry. She can be categorized as a docile

person. Although Laura is obedient, she does not obey Amanda by dropping out

from business course. Her mother wishes that Laura can be independent and be

able to gain bright future. The way to get job is to enter a business course.

Unfortunately, she chooses to cheat Amanda by going around the street and

visiting the zoo or museum. One more proof is at the time she cries loudly

because of Tom’s accidentally breaking her collection. This is totally contrasted

with her daily behavior. She is usually shy and silent. Therefore, it is clear that

round character is fit to this figure.

2. The Physical Appearance of Laura Wingfield

In order to find Laura Wingfield’s physical appearance, it is applied

Barranger theory of characterization. According to Barranger, some methods to

understand a character are observe what the author says; identify through what

other characters say; and note the general types or specific features of certain

character (339).Laura Wingfield as the major character in the play also has some


characters’ conversation about her, and also how the author describes her directly.

In this part, her characteristics are elaborated.

a. Exotic

Laura Wingfield is an exotic girl behind her perspective that she herself

is crippled. This characteristic is uttered by Jim. Jim says to Laura:

…. I’m glad to see that you have a sense of humor. You know – you’re – well – very different! Surprisingly different from anyone else I know! I mean it in a nice way. You make me feel sort of – I don’t know how to put it! I’m usually pretty good at expressing things, but this is something that I don’t know how to say! Has anyone ever told you that you were pretty? Well, you are! In a different way from anyone else. And all the nicer because of the difference, too.

(Page 380-381; scene 7)

From utterances stated by Jim above, it can be concluded that Jim is

mesmerized by Laura. Her condition of being a different girl makes her become

interesting and exotic. At that moment, they are very close each other. Jim sees

her deeply and then realizes how exotic she is. He is finally stunned and can not

control himself to kiss her on lips. It proves that Laura is an exotic woman.

The different people are not like other people, but being different is nothing to be ashamed of. Because other people are not such wonderful people. They’re one hundred times one thousand . you’re one times one! They walk over the earth. You just stay here. The’y commom as – weeds, but you well, you’re blue roses.

(Page 380-381; scene 7)

Jim also calls Laura Blue Roses because he has his own reason. Jim calls

her Blue Roses because when they are in high school Laura says to him she

suffers from pleurosis. Unfortunately, Jim hears Blue Roses. From the quotation


any rose which the color is blue. Thus, Blue Roses is chosen by Williams to show

the readers or audiences that Laura as an exotic woman.

b. Old Fashioned

Laura is old fashioned. It is proven on the quotation below.

She wears a dress of soft violet material for a kimono – her hair is tied back from her forehead with a ribbon. (Page 352; scene 2)

The author describes Laura as an old fashioned woman. She is not

dressing fashionably in that time. It is not only on her physical look but also on

her ways of thinking. It is proven from the sentences uttered by Jim O’ Connor:

I judge you to be an old fashion type of girl. Well, I think that’s a pretty good type to be. Hope you don’t think I’m too personal – do you? (Page 375; scene 7)

The night he says that is the first meeting between Jim and Laura since

high school. They get closer and have a personal conversation. Mother and Tom

are in the kitchen let the couple alone in the dining room. After watching and

talking to Laura for a couple of second, Jim judges that the girl is old fashioned.

c. Foot defected

This is the most significant characteristic of this main character. It is also

the core of her lack of confidence. She has defect in her left leg. It is not only

described by the author but also admitted by Laura:


Amanda : Yes?

Laura : I’m crippled! (Page 354; scene 2)

Her younger brother also says the same thing when having a

conversation with Amanda. Tom realizes his sister’s defect but does not have any

problem with it because he loves her and they have been together as sibling since

they were born.

Laura seems all those things to you and me because she’s ours and we love her. We don’t even notice she’s crippled any more.

(Page 366; scene 5)

The statements above prove her defect. The first one is the conversation

between Laura and Amanda. She desperately convinces her cripple ness when

Amanda asks about a nice man to be her husband. She believes that no gentlemen

will come to her or even ask her to marry because of her defect. The second one is

the time when Amanda and Tom discuss her wish to have a nice gentleman caller

for Laura. She expects Tom to invite a perfect man for Laura. Tom finally agrees

on it but he just wants her mother to be more realistic. In the quotation on page

366, Tom says that he does not notice Laura’s defect. However, he wants to see

Laura from others’ perspective. Implicitly, he is also worried if his sister will be

single forever because of Laura’s physical and emotional defect.

“…. A childhood illness has left her crippled, one leg slightly shorter than the other, and held in a brace.” (348)

The quotation above is stated at the beginning of the play where Tennessee

Williams depicts the character. From the author’s description the readers can take


playwright himself has shown that Laura is rather different with other people. One

of her leg is a little shorter than the other one. Her physical condition makes her

difficult to walk appropriately. For example, when she is in Junior High School,

she is difficult to walk upstairs. It makes her become more and more inferior.

d. Pretty

Laura’s physical look is pretty and sweet. Although she does not realize

it but Amanda and Jim say that. These two characters explicitly affirm the

prettiness of Laura. Amanda states:

When he sees how lovely and sweet and pretty she is, he’ll thank his lucky stars he was asked to dinner .

(Page 365; scene 5).

From the statement above it is clear that Amanda realize the beauty of

her daughter. Laura’s sickness does not make Amanda think that her daughter is

imperfect. We may find several conversations saying by Amanda which affirm the

beauty of Laura.

The prettiness of Tom’s sister is also stated by Jim O’Connor, the only

one gentleman caller that Laura loves. Jim says her beauty in the conversation


Jim : It’s right for you! You’re – pretty! Laura : In what respect am I pretty?

Jim : In all respects – believe me! Your eyes – your hair – are pretty! (Page 381; scene 7)

Laura’s prettiness is not only stated by her mother who loves her so much


for many times. He says it from his heart because he is enthralled by Laura

Wingfield. It does not only have an aim to say the truth to her but also to raise

Laura’s self-confidence.

e. Weak/ Fragile

Physically, Amanda’s daughter is weak. It is proven on scene two spoken

by the typing instructor.

“No, I remember her perfectly now. Her hands shook so that she couldn’t/t hit the right keys! The first time we gave a speed test, she broke down completely --- was sick at stomach and almost had to be carried into wash room! (Page 353; scene 2)

One of her physical weakness can be seen when Laura suddenly gets sick

at the first speed test in the business course. She gets nervous, feels pain and even

throws up to the floor. Haunted by that incident, she never comes to the course

later on.

The fragility of Laura is not only stated by other characters but also the

playwright. Tennessee Williams figures Laura as a fragile person. She is easily

injured both the physic and the psychic. She is unable to receive a harsh thing in

life. The quotation by the author is stated as follows.

… Stemming from this, Laura’s separation increases till she is like a piece of her own glass collection. Too exquisitely fragile to move from the self.

(Page 348; character description)

The quotation above is evidence which proves that the collection of glass


So is Laura, she is pretty, inimitable and fragile. It is proven in scene seven. In

that scene Jim accidentally breaks one of Laura’s most favorite collection.

Other quotation that is proven her weakness is:

Laura comes in. She obviously quite faint, her lips trembling, her eyes wide and staring. She moves unsteadily.

Laura suddenly stumbles; she catches at a chair with a faint moan.

Laura stretches on the sofa, clenches her hand to her lips, to hold back a shuddering sob.

(Page 373; scene 6)

The sickness happens when she meets Jim at the first time at the dinner.

She is nervous and finally gets sick. From the quotation above it is evidently clear

that Laura is weak. Her nervousness creates sickness of the body. It means that the

weak body or the sickness is caused by unstable emotion.

3. The Personality of Laura Wingfield

Besides the physical appearance, this character also has several main

personalities. The personalities of Laura are elaborated below.

a. Shy

One word frequently stated to depict Laura is shy full. The typing

instructor says the following statement to Amanda:


Jim O’ Connor utters to Laura directly about her shyness:

Jim : You were shy with people. Laura: I try not to be but never could – Jim : Overcome it?

(Page 376; scene 7)

It is not only Amanda and Jim who state so but also the typing instructor.

Laura joins a business course but she drops herself out at the first speed test. She

is dreadfully shy to people so that she can not manage herself to talk to them.

b. Peculiar/ Different

From other women, Laura is rather different. She is peculiar. The

utterances by Tom below proof her peculiarity:

Tom : Laura is very different from other girls. Amanda : I think the difference is all to her advantage.

Tom : Not quite all – in the eyes of others – strangers – she’s

Her feeling of inferior hinders her to make friends. She is very introvert

to people. As a 24-year-old-woman, she must prepare the future, by building a

family or working to get the carrier. However, being a shy full and unconfident

creates her to be peculiar or different. For that reason she chooses to be with the

animal collections or to play the phonograph record. She feels safe by collecting

and keeping them. She does not need to feel threatened to meet others. By

building her own world with the collection, others may judge her peculiar. A


social creature. As we know, a human being needs somebody else to fulfill his/

her need, to share his/her burden with, and to love or to be loved.

c. Sensitive

Sensitive is also one character that belongs to Laura Wingfield. She

knows her family feelings. It is proven in the following conversation.

Amanda : You know how Laura is. So quiet but – still water runs deep! She notices things and I think she – broods about them. Tom : What about? out nights to get away from it! Is that true, Tom?

(Page 360; scene 4)

She is very sensitive to her brother unhappiness of staying at home. She

understands that Tom actually does not like living there and does have a dream to

leave the house and reach his dream. She then cries and says her feeling to her


Laura is very sensitive so that she easily realizes her brother’s feeling.

Tom has a desire to run away and get his own future, to be a successful poet, to be

himself, and to be free from a sense of slavery. Laura knows that he does not

enjoy his job as a shoe warehouse worker. He hates working there and is tired to

support the financial for the family.

Her sensitive ness is also proven in Tom and Laura’s conversation below.


Tom : She won’t to me. It’s her that started not speaking. Laura : If you just say you’re sorry she’ll start speaking. Tom : Her not speaking – is that such a tragedy? Laura : Please – please!

(Page 358; scene 4)

The conversation above happens in the morning after Tom and Amanda

had a quarrel a day before. It is a usual morning that they will have the breakfast.

Tom just arrives home after going out one whole night. Being asked by her

mother, Laura invites Tom to drink coffee. She also requests Tom to apologize to

mother. She notices Amanda’s anger, anxiety, and sadness after the quarrel. The

foot defect girl clearly understands Amanda’s feeling. As a mother, she wants her

son and daughter respect her and obey what she says. Laura knows that and tries

to make the situation as normal as possible. That morning, she asks Tom to

apologize and admit his mistakes to Amanda.

d. Unconfident

Laura is lack of confidence. Jim is the one who bravely and straightly

says that in scene seven. The purpose is to build up Laura’s confidence so that she

can be more superior of herself. Jim says:

Yep – that’s what I judge you to be your principal trouble. A lack of confident in yourself as a person. You don’t have a proper amount of faith in yourself. I’m basing that fact on a number of your remarks and also on certain observation I’ve made.

(Page 378; scene 7)

Mostly she is not confident when she meets people. She is too frightened

to join them because she views herself lower than the fact. At the time meeting


Although she tries to hide it, the new-comer can recognize her awkward action.

Looking at Laura’s condition, Jim is touched to motivate Laura to be superior by

saying the statement above. He does it in order to raise her self-confidence.

e. Dependent

As a 24-year-old-woman, she is very dependent to her mother and

brother. Since Laura has no job to do she does not have financial income for her

own life. This condition is explicitly stated by the mother.

I say for your sister because she is young and dependent. (Page 361; scene 4)

It happens when Amanda desperately asks Tom to get a gentleman caller

for Laura. Amanda finally does that because her plan of settling Laura’s future

through business course is failed. She knows that her daughter is very dependent.

This aging mother also realizes that she can not live forever to take care of Laura.

Meanwhile, it seems that Laura does not have any prospect to marry with or to

work to support her life in the future since right now she is single and jobless.

Both Tom and Amanda are worried about it because in age 24 Laura still depends

economically on her family. Women in general have already married or worked.

f. Obedient

Laura is an obedient daughter. In the play, there are only two actions


and the second one is rejecting to open the door at the night Jim comes although

finally she does it. These are several quotations proving her obedience.

Amanda : Laura, are you going to do what I asked you to do, or do I have to get dressed and go out myself?

Laura : Going, going – soon as I get on my coat! Butter and what else?

Amanda : Just butter. Tell them to charge it.

Laura : Mother, they make such faces when I do that.

Amanda : Sticks and stones can break our bones, but the expression on Mr. Garfinkel’s face won’t harm us. Tell your brother his

The other proof is stated in scene five as follows:

Amanda : Laura! Laura!

her mother says sincerely. The quotation from page 358-359 above occurs in the

morning when they are going to have breakfast. Amanda asks her to get butter but

not to pay it in cash in Mr. Garfinkel’s store. Even though this poor daughter does

not feel good to owe again and again in that store, she goes there and gets the

butter. The second one is a conversation between Amanda and Laura. The strict


Laura is washing dishes in the kitchen at that night. Nevertheless, she leaves the

dirty plates and goes to her mother. She never complains to Amanda as a form of

her love. She always says “Yes, I’ll do that and yes, I’m going” for every order

from Amanda happily.

g. Living in her world/ illusion

The author describes Laura as a girl who lives in her own world.

Having failed to establish contact with reality, continues to live vitally in her illusion, …

(Page 348; character description)

The only one brother of this poor woman also thinks that Laura is living

in her own world. As a brother who has lives together since their childhood, he

knows his sister well. In the quotation below Tom or Thomas Wingfield takes a

conclusion about Laura’s life.

Tom : Not quite all – in the eyes of others – strangers – she’s terribly shy and lives in a world of her own and those things make her seem a little peculiar to people outside the house.

(Page 366; Scene 5)

Instead of living sociable with others, Laura chooses to live in her

illusion. After finishing high school, Laura makes herself busy with the glass

menagerie. It means that she spends six years to keep them. Here, she builds her

own fantasy with the glass animals and enjoys it. Therefore, the reality that she

must be more independent, confident, brave and powerful is thrown away. She is


h. Lonesome

From the whole story, it can be concluded that Laura does not have any


I took her over to the Young People’s Leagueat the church. She spoke to nobody and nobody spoke to her. Now all she does is fool with those pieces of glass and play those worn-out records. …

(Page 361; scene 4)

She is always alone without her peer companions. She never talks to

anyone and nobody talks to her. The conversation she usually has is only with her

family and also with Jim at the end of the story. From the quotation above,

Amanda states that Laura has no one as her friends as the fellows to share her

problem with. Laura is lonesome because there is no body around her. In scene

two page 353 it is shown from her conversation with Amanda implicitly that she

always pretends to attend the course by going to the park alone no one

accompanies her.

She does not have any friend and always be alone every where because

she is very introvert. According to Jung, introverts people are those who are quiet,

hesitant, cautious, and reclusive. Laura has difficulty in making friend as those

kinds of people. She also chooses to observe the world rather than to join many

activities. At the speed test, she is very nervous and throws up to the floor. It

happens when others watch her. On the other hand, she enjoys going to the park,

looking and visiting museum, and other activities which she could watch the


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