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The meaning of the metamorphosis as expericenced by Gregor Samsa, the main character of Frans Kafka`s The Metamorphosis - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Joachem Renrusun

Student number: 091214001










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Joachem Renrusun Student number: 091214001





“In the struggle between yourself and the world,

second the world”

Franz Kafka






I have to admit that this thesis can be finished because of others’ support and prayer. I also can complete this thesis because a lot of people around me have helped me especially in giving me the support and motivation. Therefore, I present my greatest gratitude to all people who have given their support, prayer, and motivation to me to finish this thesis.

First of all, I would like to give my greatest gratitude to my Savior Jesus Christ, who always guides me. He never feels tired to guide me to pass every single day without any obstacle. I also present my special gratitude to MSC Congregationthat gives me the financial support during the study in this college. I want to thank myparents, myfamilyand my brothers in Palagan MSC study housewhich always supports me with their warmth and prayer.

I would like to thank my advisor, Drs. A. Herujiyanto, M.A.,Ph.D. who has given me his time to go through the completion of this thesis. I thank him for his willingness to check, to read and to give feedback that I can finish this thesis. I also thankall PBI lecturers who have taught me a lot of experiences. I also thank Sr. Margaret O’Donohue FCJ and Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. for becoming my proof readers.

I would like to thank my classmates in PBI 2009. I thank them for becoming my classmates and supporting each other. I also thank the others that I cannot mention one by one especially for their support to me.



Renrusun, Joachem. 2013. The Meaning of The Metamorphosis as experienced by Gregor, the main character of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis discusses The Metamorphosis, a novel written by Franz Kafka. The novel is about the life of Gregor Samsa, an obedient and diligent young travelling salesman. One day, he experiences a physical transformation into a monstrous verminous bug which shocks his family and circumstance. The transformation brings the confusion to them and changes everything. He is isolated and dies after suffering from depression.

The reason for writing this thesis is derived from the writer’s curiosity to understand more about the meaning of The Metamorphosis as experienced by Gregeor himself. Because of the reason the writer formulates two problems that become the bases of this thesis. They are: (1) “How is the main character of the novel, Gregor Samsa depicted in the novel?” and (2) “What is the meaning of The Metamorphosisas experienced by Gregor?”

This study applies library research. The novel itself becomes the primary source for the analysis. The books about literature and psychology become the secondary sources. The other secondary source also comes from the internet which is related to the analysis. In answering the problems, several theories on the literature are applied. The theory of character is applied to analyze Gregor’s character. The theory of psychology assisted by theory of motivation is applied to analyze the true meaning of The Metamorphosis.

The findings in this study reveal that Gregor Samsa is an obedient, lovable, hardworking and isolated person. The other finding is about the literal and the true meaning of The Metamorphosis. There are three literal meanings. Firstly, Metamorphosis is a change of physical form; from ability to inability to live. Second, it is a tragic change of life of Gregor; from a hero to a loser. Third, Metamorphosis is the change of a family when facing a difficult situation. While the true meaning is that, The Metamorphosis is a symbolic language used to describe Gregor’s failure to gain his individual needs and to describe his physical and mental sufferings during his life. The judgment and expression as an insect comes from Gregor’s awareness that he is trapped in a difficult condition and fails to be an independent person. He is aware that he has tried to be what his family and society expected him to be and not his own needs. In Gregor’s view, he is the same with a disgusting bug in front of his family and acquaintances. The character of Gregor in the novel is a duplication of what is experienced by Kafka in his real life.

Finally, besides making suggestions for future researchers, this study also provides a suggestion for the implementation on The Metamorphosis in teaching English. The lesson plan and material are designed as the implementation of the novel in teaching reading skill.



Renrusun, Joachem. 2013. The Meaning of The Metamorphosis as experienced by Gregor, the main character of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini membahas sebuah novel karya Franz Kafka yang berjudul The Metamorphosis. Novel berkisah tentang hidup Gregor Samsa, seorang wiraniaga muda yang berdedikasi serta menjadi tulang punggung keluarga. Suatu ketika, secara tiba-tiba, dia berubah menjadi seekor kutu yang menjijikan serta mengagetkan keluarga dan lingkungannya. Perubahan fisik ini menimbulkan kebingungan diantara mereka dan merubah segalanya. Dia terisolasi hingga akhirnya meninggal karena depresi.

Alasan penulisan Skripsi ini berangkat dari keingintahuan penulis untuk memahami lebih dalam arti dari metamorphosis seperti yang dialami Gregor. Berangkat dari alasan ini, penulis merumuskan dua permasalahan yang menjadi dasar penulisan; 1) Bagaimana Gregor Samasa, tokoh utama novel digambarkan? 2) Apa arti metamorphosisseperti yang dialami oleh Gregor?

Studi ini menggunakan penilitian kepustakaan. Novel itu sendiri menjadi sumber utama, sementara buku-buku tentang literatur dan psikologi menjadi sumber sekunder. Sumber sekunder lain diambil dari internet yang berhubungan dengan topik pembahasan. Dalam menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan, beberapa teori literatur digunakan. Teori karakter digunakan untuk menganalisa karakter Gregor. Sementara teori psikologi yang didukung teori motivasi digunakan untuk menganalisa makna sesungguhnya dariThe Metamorphosis.

Hasil studi mengungkapkan bahwa Gregor Samsa adalah pribadi yang taat, penyayang, pekerja keras dan terisolir. Penemuan lain ialah tentang arti literer dan arti sesungguhnya dari metamorphosis. Terdapat tiga arti literer: pertama, metamorfosis adalah perubahan bentuk fisik; dari kemampuan menuju ketidakmampuan untuk hidup. Kedua, metamorfosis adalah perubahan hidup Gregor yang tragis; dari pahlawan menjadi pecundang. Ketiga, metamorfosis adalah berubahnya sebuah keluarga saat berhadapan dengan situasi sulit. Sementara berdasarkan arti sesungguhnya,The metamorphosismerupakan bahasa symbol yang menggambarkan kegagalan Gregor untuk menjadi dirinya dan merupakan gambaran atas penderitaan fisik-mental selama hidupnya. Pernyataan diri Gregor yang tak ubahnya seperti serangga muncul dari kesadaran bahwa dia telah terjebak dalam kondisi sulit dan gagal menjadi pribadi independen. Dia sadar bahwa dia hanya menjadi apa yang diinginkan keluarga dan bukan karena keinginan dirinya. Dalam pandangannya, dia tidak berbeda dari seekor kutu yang menjijikan di hadapan mereka. Karakter dari Gregor dalam novel sesungguhnya hanyalah duplikat dari apa yang dialami Kafka dalam kehidupan nyata.

Akhirnya, disamping mengemukakan saran untuk para peneliti lain, studi ini juga menegaskan pentingnya penerapan novel The Metamorphosis dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Rencana pengajaran dan materi disusun sebagai bentuk implementasi terhadap novel untuk pelajaran membaca.



2. 2. 1. Theory of Character and Characterization……… 10

2. 2. 1.1. Character.………. 10



2. 2. 2. Theory of Motivation………….………. 13

2. 2. 3. Theory of Psychology and Psychological Approach……. 14

2. 3. Theoretical Framework……….. 17 4. 1. An Analysis on Gregor Samsa’s Character ….……….. 23

4. 1.1. Obedient………..………. 24

4. 1.2. Hard working……… 25

4. 1.3. Lovable………. 26

4. 1.4. Isolated…………...……….. 27

4. 2. The Meaning of The Metamorphosis……….29

4. 2.1. The Literal Meaning……….. 30

4. 2.1.1. A change of physical; from ability to inability to live …… 30

4. 2.1.2. A tragic change in life of a misfortune person; from

5. 2.1. Suggestions for Future Researchers……….. 43

5. 2.2. Suggestions for English Teachers………..………….. 44





Appendix 1. Summary of The Metamorphosis ……….. Appendix 2. Biography of Franz Kafka ………. Appendix 3. Lesson Plan for Teaching Reading. ……….. Appendix 4. Materials (students’ handout and worksheet) ……….. Appendix 5. The Metamorphosis, part I, pp. 9-30 ……….





This chapter consists of five parts. The first part is the background of the study, which explains the reason why the researcher chose The Metamorphosis

novel. The second is the problem formulation, which gives the general information about what is discussed in this study. The third part is the objectives

of the study, which answers the problems stated in this study. The fourth is the benefit of the study, and the last one is the definition of terms used in this study.

1. 1. Background of Study

Human existence has been considered as one of the important things in

human life. The core of human existence is the appreciation of human rights and freedom. There are a lot of writings that have been produced to appreciate such a recognition. One of them is The Metamorphosis, a novel written by Franz Kafka,

a German-language writer who lives from 1883 till 1924.

The novel itself describes a man named Gregor Samsa who transforms to a

bug. Before the transformation, his family respects him because of his loyalty and obedience. He takes care of his family by working in a travelling company in order to repay his father’s debt. Shortly, he fulfills his family especially his

father’s expectation and becomes the important member to his family. But after the transformation everything changes. No people comes and talkes to him


biggest action which hurts him the most is the attack from his father who throws apples at his back and one of the apples caused the illness until his death. He is

isolated from all people even his family and finally died after suffering from depression.

In this novel we can find some interesting themes such as alienation, the

misfortune workingman, suffering and some other themes that can be found easily by the readers. All of these made this novel recognized as one of the best that has

ever been written by a great writer.

The writer is not only interested in the themes conveyed in the novel but also interested in the title of the novel itself. The questions that arise in the

writer’s mind are why Kafka used The Metamorphosis as the title of his novel? What is it all about? The metamorphosis itself means a change of the form or

nature of a thing or person into a completely different one but this novel must have a deeper meaning and not only about physical changes.

The Metamorphosis of course has been significant not only as the title but

also as the keyword to understand the purpose of the story. There are some possibilities to understand the using of The Metamorphosis as the title. The first

one is that The Metamorphosis maybe used to describe a change in physical form or structure. The structure of human life has been changed to the materialistic and hedonistic society. The success of life is measured with the position in social


Gregor's "innermost self". The last, the metamorphosis can describe the changes in the members of Gregor’s family before and after his transformation.

This study is meant to explain the meaning of The Metamorphosis in Gregor Samsa the main character of the novel. This can be achieved by studying the novel itself in order to find out a complete understanding about the right

meaning of The Metamorphosis.

This proposed study will outline the underlying idea that Franz Kafka’s

The Metamorphosis must be read in the context of Kafka’s life background and the society where he lived. In fact, Franz Kafka wrote this novel based on his own experiences and memories of his childhood and his bitter life. By studying this

background, the writer of this thesis will understand more deeply about this novel and will know the true meaning of The Metamorphosis.

1. 2. Problem Formulation

The problem of this study can be formulated as follows:

1) “How is the main character of the novel, Gregor Samsa depicted in the novel?”

2) “What is the meaning of The Metamorphosisas experienced by Gregor?”

1. 3. Objective of the Study

The aim of the study is to find out the true meaning of The Metamorphosis as experienced by Gregor, one of the main characters of Franz Kafka’s The


1. 4. Benefits of the Study

This study is conducted to give a complete understanding about the meaning of The Metamorphosis to the writer himself, the readers, the lecturers and the students of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata

Dharma University. The first benefit is intended for the writer and the readers. The writer finds that by conducting this study, the writer sharpens an analytical

thinking to reveal literary works. The writer also finds some moral values and tries to live from these moral values. For the readers, this study is conducted to give a complete understanding about the meaning of The Metamorphosis and to

help the readers in finding the moral values for their life. The second benefit is for the lecturers and the students. For lecturers, this study can be used as one of

their materials in teaching-learning activity. For the students who want to work in literary, this study can be used as one of their references. This study can be their guide to conduct a literature study.

1. 5. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid some misunderstanding about the terms used, in the beginning of this thesis some difficult terms will be defined.

1. 5.1. Metamorphosis

The word “metamorphosis” means “to transform.” It is defined in two


substance. Second, metamorphosis is a change of nature, a thing or a person into a completely different one (Merriam-Webster, An Encyclopedia Britanica


In this study, the “metamorphosis” means the change in physical form and the change of a person. It is a symbolic language used to describe Gregor’s failure

to gain his individual needs and to describe his physical and mental sufferings during his life. The story of Gregor’s life honestly is the duplication of Franz

Kafka’s life which is full of physical and mental sufferings. The transformation experienced by Gregor can also be understood as a declaration of Kafka’s needs that are not fulfilled. These experiences encourage him to use a verminous bug, a

disgusting animal as a symbol of his The Metamorphosis novel.

1. 5.2. Transformation

Transformation is a change in form, nature, or appearance. Marcia Daszko and Sheila Sheinberg (2005) in Survival is Optional define transformation as the

change of a whole new form function or structure. Transformation can be understood as a sudden dramatic change of scenery on stage (p. 1). In this study,

transformation means the change in appearance and in quality of life. But the main thing that must be understood is the transformation needs process.

1. 5.3. Literal Meaning

Literal means following the original words exactly or lacking imagination.


words the literal meaning is the meaning which appears or can be seen or noticed and it is not hidden. Jennifer Case & Delia Marshall in Deep and Surface

Approaches to Learning (2009) adds that a literal approach in learning is the tacit acceptance of information and memorization and does not promote understanding for long-term retention of knowledge (pp. 9-18).

In this study the literal meaning means the meaning which can be seen or noticed in the surface of the novel. After reading the novel, the writer directly

concludes about the meaning of The Metamorphosis based on what is seen and noticed.

1. 5.4. True Meaning

True means being accurate, real or exact which connected with the fact

rather than things that have been guessed. Sylvan Barnet and friends in An Introduction to the Literature(1994) says that true meaning is the meaning which is told for our sake because it is implicit (p. 28). John T. Fredrick in Adventures in

Fiction (1964) has the same opinion with Barnet. He says that the deeper meaning

of the story is a meaning which has value for every reader (p. 75). Jennifer Case &

Delia Marshall in Deep and Surface Approaches to Learning (2009) adds that a deep learning involves the critical analysis of new idea and promotes the application for life (pp. 9-18). From the statements above, it can be concluded that


In this study the true meaning means the meaning which can be seen behind the symbols or utterances that are used in novel. The true meaning usually

does not appear or cannot be seen directly because it is hidden. By reading the novel many times, the writer tries to find the true meaning that is meant by Kafka in his The Metamorphosis.

1. 5.5. Character

Character is all qualities and features that make a person or group of people different from others. In A Handbook to Literature, Holman and Harmon (1986) state that the character can be main or minor and it can be static and

dynamic (p. 83). Robert Santon in An Introduction to Fiction (1965) says that character can be understood as a person or a mixture of all mental qualities that

build each of an individual’s personality (p. 17).

In this study, character deals to a person that appears or mental qualities of a person that build an individual’s personality. Gregor Samsa as the main

character in this novel is dominantly known by his speech especially when he speaks to himself, the conversation of the family members and the comment of




This chapter is divided into four parts. The first part is review of related

studies which includes criticism of the novel and the author itself. The second is

the review of related theory. It discusses about the theories in which the subject of

discussion is based. The third part of the theoretical review presents the

theoretical framework of this study which becomes a guidance for the writer to

focus on analyzing the subject of the study. The last is the context of the novel.

2. 1. Review of Related Studies

The Metamorphosis (1915), a novel about a young man named Gregor Samsa, is a literary work which is considered as the best writing of Franz Kafka.

Since Kafka's death, critical interest in the novel has been considerable. Some

critics argue that this novel is difficult to be understood due to the language used.

Moreover, the novel is considered a dream only. If the readers read the novel only

once or twice, they will find some difficulties in understanding the story, because

it uses lots of symbols that are not easy to grasp.

Although it is difficult, some critics realize that the novel is very

interesting and challenging. James Byrne, a professor of Religious studies in

Comment Kafka’s Die Verwandlung(2010) writes;


fiction on TV and thought: “guy turns into insect (or something), what’s the big deal?” I read it again in my mid-20s and I both understood and liked it much more, as I now had some experience of life that gave me more compassion for Gregor Samsa (p. 1).

Byrne then adds that in his view there are two factors which make this story so

compelling and of such enduring interest to later generations. First, a person has

freedom from family duty. Secondly is to free oneself from bourgeois obligation

and convention (p. 1).

From Byrne’s comment, it can be stated that although the story is difficult

to read, it endures and compels interest of the young generation for their better

life. The great Russian novelist Vladimir Nebokov in his Lecture on The Metamorphosis (2012), also once remarked, "If Kafka's The Metamorphosis strikes anyone as something more than an entomological fantasy, then I

congratulate him on having joined the ranks of good and great readers" (p. 1).

Nicole Smith in Character Analysis of Gregor in “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka(2011) argues that Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is an exaggerated symbolic tale that tackles a number of themes. One of the most important is the

collapse of justice and mercy, even among those people who are expected to be

most fair and compassionate. The story brings the readers to understand others

and to honor the justice. This elusive story, which chronicles the transformation of

Gregor Samsa from a human being into an enormous insect, is renowned for its

ability to inspire diverse (p. 2). For this reason The Metamorphosis has come to be

considered one of the central enigmas of the modern literary imagination.

Harold Bloom in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (1988), contended in


symbolically speaking, Gregor’s metamorphosis from man to an insect represents

his “judgment on himself by his defeated humanity” because he cannot find a way

to leave his job behind and assert his own needs and identity because of his

loyalty and sense of obligation to his family (p. 21).

In correlation with the theme of transformation, Nicholas van Vector in

The Transformation of Kafka (2011) says that in The Metamorphosis, the transformation depicts more powerful than any fiction he has read, a

consciousness tortured by the anxiety. The subject of this study is reflexivity or

self-consciousness. It is about a character who incapable of action or someone in

the last stages of a terminal illness whose only activity is thinking about himself

and remembering his former life (p. 2).

Some comments from the experts have been taken previously to

understand the topic of the metamorphosis. According to the writer of this thesis

the work of Kafka especiallyThe Metamorphosis is a fabulous story which needs a deep understanding. The story is not only a dream but in fact it describes

someone’s true life and it is Kafka, the writer’s personal life.

2. 2. Review of Related Theories

2. 2. 1. Theory of Character and Characterization 2. 2. 1.1. Character

There are many discussions on the term characters purposed by many

writers. On the literal level, character is described as all qualities and features that


Introduction to Fiction (1965) says that the term character in a novel particularly used in two ways; firstly, as person or an individual that appears or is created by

an author in a story of a novel, play, drama, etc. Secondly, it refers to a mixture of

all the mental or moral qualities such as principles, value, desires, emotions and

interests that build each of an individual’s personality. An alternative way to

understand a character in a novel is by interpreting the name of the character

himself (p.17). From this definition, it can be said that character is not only about

a person but also the personal qualities. Likewise Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms (1981) says “the characters are persons, in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what

they say – dialog – and what they do – action.” (p. 21).

Basically, character can be divided into two categories, the main and the

minor characters. A major character usually appears in the whole story and

become the focus of the story. On the contrary, a minor character is the character

which is functioned to support the major character (Abrams, p. 20).

In A Handbook to Literature, Holman and Harmon (1986) stated that a character can be either static or dynamic. A static character is one who changes

little. It does not perform in the whole segment. Dynamic character is modified by

actions and experiences and one objective of the work in which the character

appears is to reveal the consequences of this action (p. 83).

Shortly, character can be understood as person or mental quality of the

person in a literary works. It can be main or minor and it can be static or dynamic


2. 2. 1.2. Characterization

The existence of the character in a work of literature is very important to

make the story seem to be the real one. Joseph H. Trimmer in his book Writing

with a Purpose (1992) says that the method by which an author creates, reveals and develops changes is called characterization. An author may describe

characters by suggesting their appearance, personality and values through their

words (p. 335). The same statement about the meaning of characterization is said

by Holman & Harmon (1986). They say that in fiction such as novel, drama or short story, the author tries to reveal or create the imaginary person so that they

exist for the readers as life is called characterization (A Handbook to the

Literature p. 81). This method includes the direct methods like the attribution of the qualities in description or commentary and indirect methods like inventing the

readers to infer qualities from characters’ actions, speech, or appearance.

In order to make the characters understandable to the readers, M.J.

Murphy (1972) in Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English Poetry and

Novel, proposes some ways. They are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment and

thought. Personal description means the author can directly describe appearance

of the characters. Characters as seen by others mean that the author can describe

the character through the eyes of others. Speech means that the author gives the

reader clues to his characters through what they say. Past life means that the

author lets the readers learn something about the person’s past life by giving them


person’s character through his reaction to various situations. Conversation of

others means the author can give the readers clues to a person’s character through

the conversations of other characters and things they say about him. Thought

means the author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person thinking

about (pp. 161-172).

2. 2. 2. Theory of Motivation

Based on The Oxford Paperback Dictionary and Thesaurus, Motivation is

the reason for the action or behavior. Kendra Cherry in Theories of Motivation says that motivation is the desire that fuels a person to do certain things based on

the wants and needs of a person. If a person wishes to meet these wants and needs,

then it necessitates him to motivate himself so that he can make certain moves (p.

1). From this definition, it can be concluded that motivation is the driving force of

the heart of a person to do or to achieve the objectives.

Many psychologists have tried to explain the meaning and the essence of

motivation, but in this thesis only two of the experts that will be discussed. They

are Abraham Maslow (1890-1970) and Frederick Herzberg (1923-2000). Joseph

Gawel (1997) in Hezberg’s Theory of Motivation and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs says that in 1954, Maslow introduced theory of Hierarchy of Needs in his book Motivation and Personality. In the theory of Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow says that people have different motivations at different levels. The needs are

biological needs (thirst, sex); safety needs (security, stability, protection);


and respect others); and self actualization needs (to fulfill one’s potentialities).

The first level is biological needs. He states that a person could not recognize or

pursue the next higher need in the hierarchy until her or his currently recognized

need was substantially or completely satisfied. A lower need took priority and it

might be fulfilled before the others are activated (pp. 1-2).

While Herzberg who has close links with Maslow believes that there are

certain factors that will directly motivate employees to work harder. These factors

are called Hygiene (extrinsic factors) and Motivators factor (intrinsic factor).

Hygiene factors motivate a person to get out of dissatisfaction, which includes

relationships, benefits and environmental conditions while motivator factors

motivate a person to strive for satisfaction, which shall include achievement,

recognition, advancement of living standards (Jim Riley, Theories of Motivation,


From the theories of hierarchy needs by Maslow and the factors influence

in doing something by Herzberg, it can be concluded that people act based on the

specific need and the factors from inside and outside their life.

2. 2. 3. Theory of Psychology and Psychological Approach

Psychology is a branch of science that discusses about the state of the

human soul. It tries to understand human behavior, why and how they do and

think as the creatures. There are various approaches in the literature, and one of

the approaches here is psychological approach to literature. The approach is one


Approach to psychology literature can be interpreted as a way of analysis

based on psychological point of view. It begins from the assumption that literature

is always talking about the events of human life which is emitted in the lives.

David Daiches in Critical Approaches to Literature says that psychology comes into criticism in two ways, in investigation of the act of creation and in the

psychological study of particular authors (p. 329). He then adds that by

psychological investigation of individual authors can help us to see why those

authors displayed certain characteristic qualities in their work and help us to

explain how literature comes into being (p. 330). Here the function of psychology

itself is doing the exploration into the inner soul that made the figures contained in

the literature and to learn more about their actions to other measures.

There are several prominent figures of psychology who have inspired the

mystery of human behavior through psychological theories. But in this thesis

Sigmund Freud will be discussed more, because of his contributions to the

psychology literature through the psychoanalytic theory. He directly speaks about

the process of art creation as a result of pressure in the subconscious which is then

poured into the form of the creation of works of art (p. 332).

Jess and Gregory Feist in Theories of Personality(2006) share that in his Psychoanalytic theory, Freud introduces the terms of unconscious and conscious in the level of mental life. They say:


Sigmund Freud believes that every individual has a conscious and an unconscious

mind. Moreover, he believes that it was the unconscious mind that plays the

largest role in shaping someone's personality. Freud then thinks that the work of

creative literature is the symptoms of the author. Psychological conflict

experienced by the characters is a reflection or representation of the author's own

psychological conflict, and this goes unnoticed by both the author. In other words,

the unconscious author works through the creation of novel activities. So,

literature is actually a hidden enjoyment over the author desires in the

unconscious (Daices,pp. 332-333).

In his further explanation, Freud states that the human soul has three

components; firstly is Id. It is a natural human spirit to think and act in accordance

with whatever his own, without control, and without the desire for self-limiting.

Secondly is Superego, which represents the moral and ideal aspect of personality

guided by the moralistic and idealistic principles. The third one is Ego which contacts to the reality. It is the balance between the demands of self-control and

self-limiting property superego, and the encouragement of control and Id's infinity. In his capacity as a counterweight, the ego is an extension of the mind

awareness. This awareness controls the words, actions, and thoughts of a person

in the face of society (Feist,pp. 27-30).

If all of these compartments work in balance, then people will show

reasonable character, but if the elements are not working in balance and one of

them is more dominant, there will be a war in the mind or soul of a man. It will


distribution. In his description of the author in creating literary works, Freud says

that the author is attacked by neurosis.

2. 3. Theoretical Framework

In this study, the writer aims to analyze Gregor Samsa, the main character

of the novel and find out the meaning of Gregor’s transformation. To accomplish

the analysis, the writer uses some theories on character, characterization, theory of

motivation, theory of psychology and other information related to the novel.

The analysis deals with Gregor Samsa, the main character of the novel.

Therefore the writer attempts to analyze the character of Gregor first by using

theories of character and characterization before finding the meaning of

metamorphosis itself. The theories of motivation are taken to check the

motivations of Gregor Samsa in his transformation. The last, theories of

psychology and psychological approach are used to understand what has

happened in Gregor’s metamorphosis and what is the psychological conflict faced

by Gregor and Kafka, the writer of this novel. After knowing the personality of

Gregor, by using theories of psychology and psychological approach, the writer

will try to find the meaning of the metamorphosis.

2. 4. Context of the Novel

Jonathan Culler in Literary Theory (1997) said, “Context is what determines meaning. To know the particular utterance means, you have to look at


this argument, it can be stated that the meaning of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis can be understood by looking back to the times and the circumstances it is written.

The Metamorphosis can be seen and understood as an autobiographical writing of Kafka’s own life. The first indication is the place where the story

begins. The story takes place in the early years of the twentieth century in an

apartment in which a textile salesman lives with his father, mother, and sister. The

narrator does not say in what city or country the action takes place. But Kafka

probably had in mind the city of his birth, Prague, in the Austro-Hungarian

Empire. Today, Prague is in the Czech Republic.

Michael Frank in A City Reimagined: The Metamorphosis of Kafka and His Context (2002) wrote that in his writing to Gustav Janouch his friend in life, Kafka commented of the place where he was born and lived most of his 41 years:

''This is not a city. It is a fissure in the ocean bed of time, covered with the stony

rubble of burned-out dreams and passions, through which we - as if in a diving

bell -take a walk. It's interesting, but after a time one loses one's breath'' (p. 1).

The city of Prague in 1883, when Kafka was born, is a city where three cultures

-Czech, German and German-speaking Jewish - coexisted in often anxious

harmony. At the time Czechs had not yet won their independence, and despite its

Czech majority, Prague was dominated by a German-speaking elite. The Jews of

Prague tended to identify with the German minority rather than with the Czech

majority; the Czechs therefore considered the Jews to be part of the German

community, but the Germans themselves did not. As a result, it was easy for the


The Metamorphosis is an autobiographical piece of writing of Kafka’s own family. In The Metamorphosis Background (1999) written by the Harvard University Students it is said that Kafka felt like an insect in his father's

authoritative presence and even developed a stammer while speaking to him.

Gregor, likewise, cowers in fear of his father, who finds him repulsive and attacks

him at every turn. Kafka had been very close to his sister, Ottla, and she usually

understood him. In this dispute, however, even she turned against him in insisting

he stay at the office in the afternoons. Kafka felt that she had betrayed him, and

that night he actually contemplated suicide. This happened in November 1912.

Shortly, there are many accidents in Kafka’s family which depressed him much

(p. 3).

Finally, The Metamorphosis must be read as Kafka's own expression of self-alienation. Kafka also felt enormous pressure to become a successful

businessman like his father but he failed because of the situation at that time.

Gregor’s transformation to an insect is a protest against the dehumanizing and




3. 1. Object of the Study

The work that will be analyzed here is Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. The original title is Die Verwandlung which is written in German. Kafka wrote

this story in the fall of 1912, the year he felt his creativity finally taking a definite form. He needed three weeks from November to December to finish this story.

The Metamorphosis was first published in 1915 by Kurt Wolf in forty two pages. Kafka’s friend Max Brod undertook the job of editing and distributing Kafka’s work after his death defying Kafka’s wish that all of his writing be burned.

The Metamorphosis is divided into three parts and talks about a man named Gregore Samsa who finds himself turned into a gigantic insect one

morning. Since he transforms into the insect, his life has changed. He cannot work anymore and his family does not care for him even though they use him as the breadwinner of the family. He cannot make a harmonious relationship with his

family until he dies by suffering. The version used in this study is English version which is translated by Ian Johnston published by Tribeca Books, USA in 1999.

3. 2. Approach of the Study

According to Wilfred Guerin and friends in A Handbook of Critical

Approach to Literature (1979), there are five theories of approaches to analyze a literary work. They are historical-biographical, the moral-biographical, the


In this study the writer uses the psychological approach. The psychological approach is used in order to analyze the personalities of Gregor Samsa.

Psychological approach used because it needs to find out the psychological conflict in Gregor’s mind, the main character of the Metamorphosis. The theory of psychology assisted by theory of motivation is applied to analyze the true

meaning of The Metamorphosis as experienced by Gregor, the main character.

3. 3. Method of the Study

The method used in this study was library research. Before starting analysis, the first step, the writer tried to find as much data and sources as posible.

The sources of the data that the writer used in his research were divided into two primary and secondary sources. The primary source was the story itself entitled

The Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka. The secondary data was the supporting data that were gathered from some books and the information from the internet.

In the analysis the writer makes an objective and reasonable analysis on the work. Therefore, the writer should understand the whole context of the work

of the novel itself. In order to get the right information of the theory about characters and meaning, the writer used some books entitled A glossary of the Literary Terms, Literature for Composition and Literature: Structure, Sound and

Senses. In order to get the information about some theories of psychology and psychological approach, the books needed were Theory of Personality and


Since the psychological approach was employed in this study, many essays on Kafka’s personal character would be studied. By psychological




In this chapter, the writer presents the analysis of the novel in order to look

for the answers to the problem formulated in the first chapter. First, the character

and the personality of Gregor Samsa, the main character of the novel is analyzed

based on the novel. Second, the writer will find out the meaning of The

Metamorphosis as experienced by Gregor Samsa. In this part the literal and the

true meanings will be revealed based on the story.

4. 1. An Analysis on Gregor Samsa’s Character

Before discussing the detail about the meaning of The Metamorphosis, a

brief description of Gregor’s characters is given. In order to get a complete

understanding about Gregor’s characters, the theory of the character shown in the

first chapter will be mentioned again in this discussion.

Robert Santon in An Introduction to Fiction (1965) says that the term

character in a novel particularly is used for a person that is created by an author in

the story of a novel, play or drama. The character also refers to a mixture of all the

mental qualities such as principles, value, desires, emotions and interests that

build each of an individual’s personality (p.17). The same opinion is conveyed by

Abrams in A Glosary of Literary Terms (1981). He argues that the characters are

persons, in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral and dispositional


Murphy (1972) in Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English Poetry and

Novel, proposes nine ways to understand the character. They are personal

description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others,

reaction, direct comment and thought (pp. 161-173).

Gregor Samsa in this novel is portrayed as a complex human being. His

character is dominantly known by his speech especially when he speaks to

himself, the conversation of the family members and the comment of people

around him. From all of these, Gregor is known as an obedient, diligent and a

lovable person. He is also a lonely and isolated person.

4. 1.1. Obedient

A special character of Gregor is his obedience as a son. Before his

metamorphosis to a verminous bug, his family respects him because he takes care

of his family by working in a travelling company which his father fails to work in.

As a son, he has to find the money to pay off his father’s debt to the boss of the

company. “Anyway, I haven’t completely given up that hope yet. Once I’ve got

together the money to pay off the parents’ debt to him—that should take another

five or six years—I’ll do it for sure.”(Franz Kafka,The Metamorphosis, p. 11).

Though he hates his job, he believes that his family depends entirely on

him for a living. For this reason he has to sacrifice all of his time whatever it

takes, even his life, helping the family to survive.


temporary and constantly changing human relationships which never come from the heart. To hell with it all! (p. 10).

The quotation above tells that Gregor has been working under pressure both

mental and physical. Being a travelling salesman of course is a difficult work

because Gregor has to go around to different palaces to find customers to whom

he can sell his product. Travelling around these different places wastes Gregor’s

energy but he has never skipped his work. He always goes to his office without

being absent even for a day. Although it is difficult and the work does not come

from his heart, he has to do the job for the sake of the responsibility to his family.

Gregor knows that a travelling salesman who is outside the office almost

the entire year can become so easily a victim of gossip, coincidences and

groundless complaints but he cannot live without it. On the other hand his concern

is for his parents and their life, so he has to do all of these things as a

responsibility to his family as a son.

Travelling is exhausting, but I couldn’t live without it. I am really indebted to Mr. Chief. On the other hand, I am concerned about my parents and my sister. I’m in fix, but I’ll work myself out of it again. Don’t make things more difficult for me then they already are. Speak up on my behalf in the office! People don’t like travelling salesman. I know that (p. 26).

Shortly, he makes this as an obedient son. He does not care whatever it takes only

the family is in his mind.

4. 1.2. Hard working

Gregor is truly a hard working son. He is very responsible in his job and

for his family. Gregor always spends his time working and his family also admits


“The young man has nothing in his head except business. I am almost angry that he never goes out in the evening. Right now he’s been in the city eight days, but he’s been at home every evening. He sits here with us at the table and reads the newspaper quietly or studies his travel schedules.” (p. 18).

He does not go out in the evening in order to study his travel schedule. In his head

only business and business. He has tried his best to do his work and as the result

he earns a lot of money for his family. “Gregor later earned so much money that

he was in a position to bear the expenses of the entire family, costs which he, in

fact, did bear. They had become quite accustomed to it, both the family and

Gregor as well.” (p. 38).

Gregor’s spirit in work is seen when Mr. Manager accuses him as a lazy, a

pig headed and a stubborn person. Gregor says that he is not like what his

manager thinks he is. He always does his job with a great responsibility.

Mr. Manager! Take it easy on my parents! There is really no basis for the criticisms which you are making against me. Nobody has said a word to me about that. Perhaps you have not read the latest orders which I sent in. Besides, now I’m setting out on my trip on the eight o’clock train; the few hours rest have made me stronger (p. 21).

He wants the manager to appreciate what he has done because he has worked

harder than others in the office. He does not want the manager to say things like

that in front of his family who does not know how hard he has worked. When the

other workers work with a relaxed manner, Gregor goes to work even harder.

4. 1.3. Lovable

It is stated previously that Gregor works hard not only for paying his

father’s debt but also for his family’s income. He does the work because he loves


is willing to sacrifice his happiness and dream. He loves his family so much even

though they do not understand him and treat him badly.

After the transformation to a giant bug and after the attack of his father, he

still shows his love to the family. Even though he is in agony he still remembers

and loves his family.

The rotten apple in his back and the inflamed surrounding area, entirely covered with white dust, he hardly noticed. He remembered his family with deep feeling and love…He remained in this state of empty and peaceful reflection until the tower clock struck three o’clock in the morning (p. 72).

We can imagine how great the love is for his family. Even though he has a big

problem, in fact he always thinks about and loves his family.

4. 1.4. Isolated

From the beginning of the story, we see that Gregor does not like his job.

We can see also that Gregor’s whole life is spent in the street and when he comes

back home, he does not go out of the house. He stays at home and finishes his

work. “The young man has nothing in his head except business…but he has been

at home every evening and reads the newspaper quietly or studies his travel

schedules.”(p.18). There is nothing he can do except his business. But the

question is why he does not go out in the evening? The answer is he does not

build a good relationship with his society, even his family. He does not have

enough time to build this relationship because every day he just thinks about

work. He does not have enough time to find a girl friend although he has a dream


Above the table…hung the picture which he had cut out of an illustrated magazine a little while ago and set in a pretty gilt frame. It was a picture of a woman with a fur hat and a fur boa. She sat erect there, lifting up in the direction of the viewer a solid fur muff into which her entire forearm had disappeared (p. 9).

The people who always talk to him like Mr. Manager and the employees

do not have special relationship with him. What they do just between the boss and

the worker and between the employer and employee. There is no close

relationship between them. “I still have to cope with the problem of

travelling…constantly changing human relationships which never comes from the

heart.” (p. 10). Gregor does not have a good relationship with his father and

mother. He just has a close relationship with his sister Grete but it comes bad after

his metamorphosis.

The fact about his isolation can be seen after his body transforms to a

verminous bug. After the transformation, he feels imprisoned (p. 38). He is in

despair for everything has happened (p. 51). There is no one talk to him including

his family which is moving away slowly from him. They do not want to visit and

see him. He is lonely to do all things and feels empty in his loneliness (p. 72).

But now the door was not opened any more, and Gregor waited in vain. Earlier, when the door had been barred, they had all wanted to come in to him; now, when he had opened one door and when the others had obviously been opened during the day, no one came any more, and the keys were stuck in the locks on the outside (p. 32).

They do not come to see him because they are afraid of being attacked by him.

They are assuming that Gregor has committed some violent crime or other (p. 51).

He then realizes that no one would come in to him anymore. The father and


and as soon as she comes out, she has to explain in great detail how things looked

in the room, what Gregor has eaten and how he has behaved this time. (p. 43).

This action tells us slightly how Gregor is imprisoned and separated from his


4. 2. The Meaning of The Metamorphosisas Experienced by Gregor

The title of this story arouses a big question in the readers’ mind. What is

it all about? The Metamorphosisof course has been significant not only as the title

but also as the key word to serve the purpose in clarifying the point of the story.

Before we go further to the discussion, the important question is what is

the basic distinction between a literal approach and a deep approach in learning a

novel? Case & Marshall in Deep and Surface Approaches to Learning(2009) say

that a literal approach in learning is the tacit acceptance of information and

memorization and does not promote understanding for long-term retention of

knowledge. In contrast, a deep learning involves the critical analysis of new idea

and promotes the application for life (pp. 9-18).

In this study the literal meaning means the meaning which can be seen or

noticed by the reader in the surface of the novel. After reading the novel, the

writer directly concludes about the meaning of The Metamorphosisbased on what

is seen and noticed. While the true meaning means the meaning which can be seen

behind the symbols or utterances that are used in novel. The true meaning usually

does not appear or cannot be seen directly because it is hidden. So, the writer has


4. 2.1. The Literal Meaning

4. 2.1.1. A change of physical form; from ability to inability to live

In the surface, the metamorphosis is a change of physical form of a human

being from the ability to the inability to work and live. In this story,

metamorphosis describes the physical change of a human being named Gregor

Samsa to a verminous bug. This change forces him to adapt to his new body.

Gregor discovers that he has changed into a monstrous verminous bug. His

arched abdomen divides into rigid bow like sections. His legs turns to numerous

and many small limbs are incessantly moving with very different motions.

He lay on his armour-hard back and saw, as he lifted his heads up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into rigid bow-like sections…His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison to the rest of his circumference, flickered helplessly before his eyes (Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis, p. 9).

The changing of the lower part of his body causes him to suffer when moving. His

voice turns to the animal voice and he has no real teeth anymore. “Then he made

an effort to turn the key in the lock with his mouth. Unfortunately it seemed that

he had no real teeth (p. 23).

The physical change brings him to the awareness that he now has some

new habits as the consequences of these natural changes. The first change is that

he does not like the fresh food anymore and he feels that he is going to be less

sensitive. When his sister brings him the milk which he loved but he does not

drink it. Testing his taste, she brought him an entire selection such as old

half-rotten vegetables, bones from the evening meal, some raisins and almond, cheese,


strongly attracted to him and with his eyes watering with satisfaction he eats one

after the other the cheese, the vegetables and the sauce.

“Am I now going to be less sensitive?” he thought, already sucking greedily on the cheese, which had strongly attracted him right away, more than all the other foods. Quickly and with eyes watering with satisfaction, he ate one after the other the cheese, the vegetables, and the sauce. The fresh food, by contrast, did not taste good to him (p. 35).

The other change is that he becomes usual with creeping on the wall and crawling

about all over the place. This action is done to follow the changing of his body

and to make him more comfortable with his new appearance.

Even though Gregor has tried his best to adapt his new body, he cannot

deny that his ability to live as a human being decreases slowly. He still lives

because of the spirit from his soul but it will not stay longer because this physical

change causes too much pain for him.

4. 2.1.2. A tragic change in life of a misfortunate person; from a hero to a loser

The second literal meaning that can be seen in the surface of the story is a

tragic change of life of a misfortune human being named Gregor Samsa, who is in

the beginning called a hero then becomes a loser for others. Gregor who is

breadwinner of the family in the beginning then becomes a loser at the end.

Before his transformation, Gregor is a strong and obedient son. He works

very hard as a travelling salesman for his family to live. He is outside the office


get a trip that makes him exhausted. In his work he has to cope with all problems

but he did it well although all of these have never come from the heart.

But after his transformation, everything changes drastically. With this

change emerges the confusion of his family. Their acceptance is hardly

compassionate. His mother rarely goes into his room. His father tries to ignore the

whole situation, and his sister can barely stand to look at him. For several months,

the family lives with this vermin bug that they believed to be Gregor because they

feel obligated to take care of him. Their obligation turned into resentment, and

their resentment turned into indifference.

The action of his mother and sister moving out the furniture from his room

makes him despair.

They were cleaning out his room, taking away from him everything he cherished; they had already dragged out the chest of drawers in which the fretsaw and other tools were kept, and they were now loosening the writing desk which was fixed tight to the floor…At that moment he really did not have anymore time to check the good intentions of the two women, whose existence he had in any case almost forgotten, because in their exhaustion they were working really silently, and the heavy stumbling of their feet was the only sound to be heard (p. 49).

Moreover, the biggest action which hurt him the most is the attack from his father

who throws an apple at his back. “The father was throwing apple after apple and

one drove into Gregor’s back really hard.” (p. 54). The action to throw apples

creates a serious wound in Gregor’s back and makes him suffer for over a month.

Finally, this condition alienates Gregor from his humanity and his

circumstances. The situation in the house is quite different from before and the

refusal of the family causes his death. He dies tragically because they treat him as


4. 2.1.3. The change of a family’s respect to its member when facing a difficult situation

The last, The Metamorphosis means a change of Gregor’s family members

in facing a difficult situation in their life. Before Gregor’s transformation, the

family depends on Gregor’s work. So, when he is sick and cannot work again, the

family recognizes him as a useless man.

In his new state, Gregor is particularly vulnerable to his family member’s

abuses. The climax of Gregor’s suffering is when his father chases him around the

room and then throws apples at him and one of the apples sinks into his back,

causing him such paint that he cannot move (p. 72). Gregor remains undeterred.

Though wounded, he repeatedly attempts to connect with his family, and he

remains capable of being moved by beauty and human expression. He cannot hate

them. “He remembered his family with deep feeling of love.”(p. 72).

Their inability to adapt to the changes that have occurred signal a total

breakdown in the family structure, and offer a cautionary tale about the fragility of

justice and mercy. But life must go on and the family has to keep on living.

Before Gregor’s death, the members of the family realize that they have to get rid

of the difficult situation and from Gregor who is in agony. They have to build

their new life. His sister says,


When Gregor’s sister says this, the father in a semi-questioning tone says that he

agrees with her daughter but what if Gregor understood them. While the mother is

still incapable of breathing properly, his sister says again, “It has to go. This is the

only way father. You must try to get rid of the idea that it is Gregor.” (p. 70).

When the cleaning woman tells that Gregor has died, the family

spontaneously gives thank to God. It is of course a disgusting act but they feel

free. Free from Gregor who is recognized as a loser and free from their real

misfortune. “In fact that we have believed this for so long, that is truly our

misfortune.” (p. 70). Finally, after Gregor’s death, Mr. Samsa calls them out and

says, “All right, come here then. Let’s finally get rid of old things. And have a

little consideration for me.” (p.77). They finish their letter and leave the apartment

together. On their way, they talk about their future prospects and how they have to

work. They are free now.

We can see that a house must be a safe place for every member of the

family. But in this story, the parents and sister who should accept him

unconditionally and protect him according to the traditional code of family

relationships, are those who abuse him the most. They cannot show their love

because of the difficult situation.

From this literal meaning, we can see that The Metamorphosisis a change

of physical form, a tragic change in life of a misfortunate man and the change of a

family when facing a difficult situation in their life. If we dive into the soul of this

novel, we can find that this novel is not only about physical change or about a


judgment on someone who fails to gain his individual needs and a expression of

his mental suffering.

4. 2.2. The True Meaning

The true meaning is that, The Metamorphosis is a symbolic language used

to describe Gregor Samsa’s failure to gain his individual needs. Metamorphosis is

also a symbolical language used to describe Gregor’s physical and mental

sufferings after experiencing much pain from his family and acquaintances. The

judgment and expression of Gregor comes from his awareness that he has failed to

be an independent person. As a normal person he has to think about his personal

life, dream and willingness. But in fact he has found that he is a weak person who

just considers what the family and his boss have told him to do. He is aware that

he has just tried to be what his family and society expect him to be and not his

own needs. Along his life he has just let them to make the decisions for him and

followed their order.

Gregor’s judgment on his failure and the expression of suffering can be

seen by the using of a disgusting animal in his transformation. “One morning, as

Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered in his bed he

had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug.” (p. 9). A bug is a disgusting

insect. No one wants to contact with this repulsive insect because it is recognized

as one of a dirtiest animals. Gregor has clearly been transformed into something

that his family and acquaintances perceive as dirty and contaminating. He feels


He is nothing in front of his family and acquaintances. He is not different from a

disgusting bug in front of them. A moment after he died, the cleaning woman

smiled and said to the family, “You must not worry about throwing out that

rubbish from the next room. It’s all taken cake of”. (p. 76).

In the background of the study and the context of the novel, it has been

stated that the novel of The Metamorphosisbecomes very interesting because it is

truly an autobiography of Franz Kafka, the writer himself. The story of Gregor’s

life honestly is the duplication or a shadow of Kafka’s life which is full of

physical and mental sufferings. In The Metamorphosis Backgroundwritten by the

Harvard University Students, it is stated that Kafka feels like an insect in his

father's authoritative presence. Kafka is afraid of his father who always attacks

him at every turn. He feels enormous pressure to become a successful

businessman like his father but he fails because of the situation at that time (The

Metamorphosis Background, p. 3).

If we look back to the theory of motivation by Maslow and Herzberg that

is stated in the second chapter, we understand why Gregor is not happy along his

life and fails to be an independent person. What is done by Gregor is only based

on the safety needs and hygiene factors. In the theory of hierarchy of needs,

Maslow says that people have different motivations at different levels. The needs

are biological needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs and self

actualization needs. Herzberg who has close links with Maslow believes that there

are certain factors that will directly motivate someone to work harder. These


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