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Group Japan Report Silvia Herera


Academic year: 2018

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Humanizing Collaboration Between Indonesia and Japan Tokyoo, 15-19 May 2017



Political Factors

Japan is a country that embraces the constitutional monarchy state system. The emperor, headed by Akihito, governing the constitution as a symbol of the state and the unifying of the people and acts in diplomatic affairs. Later, Crown Price of Japan, Naruhito will replace Emperor Akihito as the next holder of the throne. The current government powers are under Shinzo Abe, as Japanese Prime Minister and sovereignty are under the Japanese people. Unlike the emperor, the prime minister has a strong influence in the country, especially the political and economic laws. Parliamentarians will elect the prime minister, but in fact, the prime minister comes from the majority party existing in parliament. After the election of one party, the election of the new prime minister will begin. There are five parties that have a strong influence in Japan.

Hubatsu or factions influence strongly at the existing political parties in Japan. Each party has a hubatsu or a separate faction to play a role in the election of the party chairman. But, DIET as prime minister, will elect party chairman. After that, then appointed / sworn by the emperor.

In addition, there are also political figures who play an important role and joined in political parties. They not only get into the faction, but also work in big business that exists in Japan. Political figures may have relationships with other countries or between parties, even those not diplomatically connected with Japan. One important factor in the Japanese political system is the political communication media as print media and broadcast media. Print media is one of the important things in policy making by connecting communication between experts, political figures and other members of the community who are not included in any faction. Not only that, the print media became one way to communicate everything including the ugliness that happened to every political figure who would later become input for the Japanese high officials.

Economic Factors

The Japanese economic system embraces the free market economy and is industrated. This system is similar to the economic system adopted by other industrialized countries, like Germany, United States, Britain, and other developed countries.

Although the area is not so large, Japan entered the top five countries with the largest economy in the world. From an early age, they have set up their education system so that everyone can contribute to their country. The government does it to prepare them for the world of work and become an investment. The low natural resources did not make Japan fall because trade is rising well.

Most of Japan's revenue comes from services sectors including banking, transportation and insurance and telecommunications. Call it Japan Airlines is included in the JAL Groups and is one of the largest airlines that carry passengers to all parts of the world.

Japan airlines cooperate with other airlines incorporated in Oneworld making it easier for passengers who want to fly with him.

Japan is also famous for its industry sector where automotive and electronics are the main industries of Japan. We must be familiar with Toyota, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yamaha and many others. These brands are products produced by Japan which are then imported and marketed in Indonesia. In addition, there are many brands of electronic


Although it has a small land area for agriculture, the results are satisfactory. The soil that can be cultivated is small so it can not produce wheat, soybeans or other crops to meet the needs of its inhabitants. The main product of Japanese agriculture is rice which is the staple food for the people. Although it has a few of productive land, but Japan can accommodate the needs of rice for the community. But they must continue to import other food needs because the existing needs are much larger than the resources owned.

Japan still has abundant resources of sea resources. As an archipelagic country, Japan became one of the largest producers of fish. Japanese fisheries are supported by modern fishing gear and vast fishing grounds. One of the biggest catches is tuna. This tuna auction can be seen at Tsukiji Market in Tokyo.

The Tsukiji market is the oldest market among Tokyo's metropolitan wholesale market. Tuna Auctions are one of traditions that are maintained. Tsukiji Market operates at 3 am (closed on every Sunday, holiday and a few days Wednesday). If you want to see a Tuna auction, visitors can register starting at 03.30 am at the information center. The number of visitors is limited to 120 people per day and divided into two groups, each amounting to 60 people.

Fish auction is not much different from the general auction, with the auctioneer who yelled open the price greeted the auction participants who are competing to raise their offer. But given they are fighting fish, and this activity takes place in the middle of the fish market at a very early time, making the experience of watching tuna auctions as one of the uniqueness in Tokyo. Tsukiji Market is divided into two parts the inner market which is a place of fish auctions and outside markets that sell fish, vegetables and fresh fruits. So if you do not have time to watch the Tuna auction, then there are many other things that can be seen in Tsukiji Market. The outdoor market is divided into several aisles that sell a variety of fresh fish. So, besides seeing a variety of fresh seafood, visitors can also taste it at restaurants along the market. It feels incomplete for Tokyo but does not visit Tsukiji Market to just take a walk or taste sushi or other seafood.


1. Ueno

At Ueno there is Ameyoko, a shopping area famous for its food and shopping. Ameyoko presents various types of stores scattered along the way with various types of good items for souvenirs or daily use, such as clothes and bags. In addition, there are many food variations in Ameyoko, both street food and restaurant food. For Muslim visitors, there are several places to eat that have halal certificates.

(Thunder Gate) in front of main gate on it. Asakusa lined with small lanes and twisted alleys that hold the antique artworks of Tokyo Hotaru and noren (curtains in front of the shop). A shopping street, well known as Nakamise, leads the tourist from the outer until the temple’s second gate. They can buy souvenirs like yukata, t-shirts, keychain and try street food like mochi, matcha ice cream, rice crackers and many more.

3. Harajuku

Harajuku is a shopping center with two opposite buyers. Omotesando, known as the Champs-Elysées of Tokyo, is an area of high-end boutiques, cafés and designer shops with renowned brands. While Takeshita Dori is a unique fashion and cultural center of Japanese youth and can be found along a street full of shops and cafes targeting young people. Harajuku is not only for teenage culture and shopping. There is one of Tokyo’s shrine called Meiji Jingu, which also near with the spacious Yoyogi Park.

4. Ginza

Ginza is the famous upmarket and home to the urban luxury boutiques, also expensive department stores which targeting the upper class in Tokyo. Almost all major Japanese and international fashion and cosmetics brands open their stores here, including leading electronics brands such as Apple and Sony. Ginza is one of the most expensive real estat in Japan, so it’s common to get expensive infamous snacks or coffees. Tourist can find some shop building such as Ginza Wako, Ginza Six, Matsuya, Itoya and globally clothing brands, Uniqlo with 12 floor.

5. Akihabara

Akihabara also called Akiba is home to electronics retailers such as Laox, Sofmap, Yodobashi Camera, Yamada Denki, as well as small electronic shops lined the streets of the district and a small alley. Akihabara has gained acknowledgment as a center of Japanese otaku culture development (people who are crazy about something especially anime, manga, etc.). It also provide maid cafes and manga cafes where tourisr

can read comics and watch DVDs in addition to gain internet access. Not only Japanase languange documentation and limited warranties, several stores also feature of international models and offer tax free shopping for foreign tourist.

Social Factors

Japan has 127 million inhabitants with the Yamato tribe as the most dominant tribe. The main minority groups are the Ainu and Ryukyu and Burakumin, a minority socially. Most of the people follow Shinto and Buddhism. However, already many people who embrace Christianity.


family or inheritance value. But in fact, the birth rate in Japan is declining due to the lack of couples who are willing to marry and have a family.

Most people are more concerned with work than personal life. They do not want to marry too young for fear of economic conditions and unable to finance family life. While the women do not want to marry young for fear of not getting the freedom after marriage.

As a result, the Japanese government made policies for women workers. They raise salaries and promotions so that women can still have a career after marriage. In addition, there is a policy in which the right to maternity leave can also be taken by the men so that the obligation to care for children is not only charged to women and women still can keep their work.

In addition, progress has also changed the way people associate with their communities. The suppression by the strong against the weak, as well as the unlimited level of intercourse. For victims of oppression, they will become a quiet person, but still plunge in society or even end his life. There are also people who eventually withdraw from the association, these people are nicknamed the "Hikikomori".

Hikikomori comes from the word pull away. Most hikikomori are male, although there are also women. The cause is not clear, but most publicly blame the family factor, where the loss of a father figure who works from morning until late at night, who finally does not have time to interact with his child, as well as mothers who are considered to spoil their children (probably because the number of children owned by the family Japan is a bit).

Not only Indonesia is still experiencing problems with poverty. It turned out that Japan also has the same problem and there is no right way to fix it. Poverty occurs because of the 'economic crisis' resulting in the economic bubble phenomenon that occurred in 1990. Many companies suffered losses and had to lay off their employees, resulting in many people becoming homeless. However, the cause of being homeless is due to their own desires. People affected by the economic bubble do not want to go back to their families because they are so embrass and be homeless instead.

Unlike in Indonesia, homeless in Japan will be difficult to find, during the day. They are like living in the shadow of a glittering city. Few people know where and where they live if during the day. When the night has come, they can be seen in several corners of the city, just like in Tokyo. But not all homeless can be known even at night. So, it is very difficult to record its existence. Although homeless, they are still the Japanese who hold fast to their ideology. Better to provide jobs than to give alms.

For those who can not survive the pressures of life so heavy, they will take a shortcut by ending his life. They assume that by doing so, they will escape the pressure.

Technological Factor

It can be said Japan is a technology superpower. They have the most advanced telecommunication system, with mobile phones. If Indonesia is still fussed with a difficult mobile network connection, then it will not happen in Japan. They allow each community to enjoy wifi wherever located, as long as the area is populated. So instead of using SMS, they send emails more often for communication via short messages.

Japan always one step ahead from another countries when it comes to breakthrough, especially in technology. They always develop anything related to technology. The development can be seen by the birth of a machine or robot to make people easier with their daily job. ASIMO, humanoid robot (shaped like a human) developed by Honda which can walk and speak human language like there is no difference with ordinary people. Soon, robots will be active in many fields and may co-exist with humans, as in science fiction films.

Legal Factors


It is in this legal culture context that there is a big trend of difference between Indonesia and Japan. Interesting phenomenon that the Japanese will feel the failure if the case must be resolved by the court. This means they can not solve the problem with Japanese legal tradition. For the Japanese who still keep their honor, using modern law is a shame. Shame is a key element in Japanese civilization. Modern law adopted does not necessarily make Japan forget its tradition. In the context of Japanese legal culture, the court is the last resort to solve the case.

This law is used all over the place, not least the Tsujiki Fish Market, where fish auctions are conducted in an open and fair manner. All activities related to the auction are supervised by the inspectors of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. This is done to avoid cheating in the auction system, including the prices that exist outside the fish auction.

Environmental Factors

The population of Japan is centered on Tokyo City and its surroundings. The shape of which is the archipelago caused Japan easily hit by tsunami and earthquake. This leads to a development that is resistant to earthquake shocks and builds

Mentioned above, Japan's large population is concentrated in and around Tokyo. This is not an option,, because most of the island is ruled by mountains and forests. This area is habitable and reduces the development of Japan to smaller and accessible parts of the country.

Being surrounded by water, the soil is vulnerable to tsunamis and earthquakes. With packed housing and developments to accommodate high populations, they face the risk of colossal damage in the event of a natural disaster.


1. The government cooperates with the private sector in enhancing Indonesia's tourism by strengthening the infrastructure network to the countryside to unlock the hidden tourism potential of Indonesia.



Differences in Values, Beliefs and Policies

Tokyo is one of the cities in Japan that became the center of culture. The culture comes from Jomon ethnic mixed with other influences, such as China, Korea, Greece to Europe and America. The cultural uniqueness in Tokyo can be found in its traditional arts. Some examples include ikebana (flower arranging art), onsen (hot water bath), bunraku (puppet theater), origami (paper folding art) and many others.

In addition, there are many other things that are included in Japanese culture, such as festivals, rituals, and celebrations. Tokyo entices tourists to come to the city with a series of festivals that have been planned previously. There is a traditional visit during the new year to the holy places, matsuri (religious festivals) and blooming cherry blossoms in April. In fact, when compared with Japan, Indonesia actually has more culture generated from 34 Provinces. But, Japan continues to explore the potential of its culture to attract the interest of foreigner to come and visit the country. They also inherit the culture from generation to generation to the next so that the culture is not extinct.

Japan is a country attached to its culture so it may not be easy for others to accept it, example on using foreign languages. Japan has a katakana to use English instead of making regular Latin letters and speaking in everyday language rather than having to learn a foreign language. This is due to their love for the culture. They realize that the Japanese have separate groups that are separated from outsiders.

For tourists who come to Japan, should know some simple traditions that are embedded as one of the existing culture. Bending is one of the culture substitutes for handshakes. The bending culture is called Ojigi, which is a tribute to others. Bowing is done when first meeting others, even when saying apologies and thanks. The deeper a person bends, the more he respects the person. If the Japanese have done it, then it is obligatory to retaliate by bowing. If we do not do it, then we are considered rude.

Continuous bending habits are performed in Japan. The way to bow to men and women is essentially different. Women put their hands on their thighs while bowing while the men will put their two cranes next to their thighs. In addition, the social class also plays an important role in determining how deep our bow is against their higher class.

Just like in Indonesia, Japan is also a country that requires not wearing shoes in the house, temple or other places that are respected. Why take off shoes? Cleanliness is the most important thing for the Japanese. So, shoes are removed so that the floor is not dirty and they can sit on the floor or in the tatami. Most traditional Japanese houses are made of wood so that it easily

absorbs odors derived from air humidity. Especially when it is exposed to sweat or rain water. Therefore, they are getting used to remove shoes when entering the house. If a place has a level at the entrance, then let someone take off the shoes used. Sometimes the owner of the place provides the usual slippers in the room. However, there is one striking difference between Japanese and Indonesian culture, namely discipline.


continues to be transmitted to the next generation in order to maintain its sustainability. One example is the culture of shame if the office home faster. Usually, people who leave the office longer (overtime) are the people who have an important and reliable role in the company. The returning workers are regarded as unproductive or unimportant workers. Overtime or not a person even used as a tool to measure the value and status of a person. So, do not be surprised if the Japanese are very loving and focused on his work.

It was the love that made the Japanese very disciplined. When it comes to office hours, there is no chat or joke between employees. They focus on their work until lunch break arrives. Perhaps this is the reason why the streets of Tokyo are so quiet in office hours.


Basically, Jomon culture is the original of Japanesse culture, but China and Korea bring influence into it. These developments actually make the use of China more than Korea. The Japanese think everything that comes from China, especially China, is a beautiful thing. Although receiving well, but they do not apply everything directly into everyday life. They combine it with the culture they have brought before it so happens cultural acculturation. One example is writing and Japanese language. There was a Chinese who came to Japan and then taught them Chinese writing and language. The way of writing that is still famous until now is a kanji script originating from China. In addition there are also Hiragana and Katakana script used as a colloquial language.

Japan is a Shinto believer. Shinto is an optimistic belief, with man as a good being and evil spirit is the bearer of evil on earth. The shinto ritual focuses on removing evil spirits that become the forerunners of a person's evil. However, along with the development of the era and influx of influences from outsiders, so many have embraced Buddhism. Buddhism also developed into various streams and Zen Buddhism is the most famous today. In addition, due to the strong influence of the west, the Japanese open themselves to accept Christianity as one of their religion.

World Brands



At this International Joint Seminar, we had the opportunity to visit Shin-Koto Incineration Factory in Yumenoshima, Koutou-ku. Shin-koto Incineration Factory is one of the existing waste treatment plants in Japan, precisely in Tokyo. There are 21 Incineration Factories in 23 cities in Tokyo and serving inner-city areas. The Shin-Koto Incineration Plant is built on a 61,000 m2 plot, with a total waste of 18,000 tonnes / day. The Japanese government is charging 88 billion yen to build the plant. Shin-Koto Incineration Factory was completed in September 1998 and continues to operate until now.

The 23 Cities and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government had discussed for many years their respective roles and institutional frameworks from viewpoints such as stronger autonomy of the 23 cities and the promotion of mega-city administration by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on an extensive scale.

One result of these discussions 21 incineration plants across the district of Tokyo based on official website of 23 Clean Authority of Tokyo:

No Facilities name Location

1 Chuo Incineration Plant 104-0053 5-2-1, Harumi, Chuo-ku 2 Minato Incineration Plant 108-0075 5-7-1, Kounan, Minato-ku 3 Kita Incineration Plant 115-0042 1-2-36, Shimo, Kita-ku 4 Shinagawa Incineration Plant 140-0003 1-4-1, Yashio, Shinagawa-ku 5 Meguro Incineration Plant (among Plant remodeling)

6 Ota Incineration Plant 143-0003 3-6-1, Keihinjima, Ota-ku 7 Tamagawa Incineration Plant 146-0092 2-33-1, Shimomaruko, Ota-ku 8 Setagaya Incineration Plant 157-0074 1-1-1, Okura, Setagaya-ku

9 Chitose Incineration Plant 156-0056 2-7-1, Hachimanyama, Setagaya-ku 10 Shibuya Incineration Plant 150-0011 1-35-1, Higashi, Shibuya-ku 11 Suginami Incineration Plant (among Plant remodeling)

12 Toshima Incineration Plant 170-0012 2-5-1, Kamiikebukuro, Toshima-ku 13 Itabashi Incineration Plant 175-0082 9-48-1, Takashimadaira, Itabashi-ku 14 Nerima Incineration Plant 177-0032 6-10-11, Yahara, Nerima-ku 15 Hikarigaoka Incineration Plant (among Plant remodeling)


Garbage collection is one of the stages in waste management. This stage is the earliest stage. Each city sets collection days and areas depending on the type of waste and conducts efficient operations drafting operation plans that correspond to seasonal changes and regional trends in waste amount. The waste management process in 23 cities is not charged for household waste (not exceeding 10 kg per day), in addition to waste and waste of large business activities.

The process of waste management from the collection stage to the drainage stage is the collection and classification of waste originating from homes, shops, offices, schools. Then, the waste is entered according to their respective types according to their nature. Waste can be classified into three types, combustible waste, incombustible waste and large-sized waste.

• Combustible waste is loaded onto collection vehicles on collection sites from which it is directly transferred to an incineration plant. Combustible waste is organic waste or garbage derived from vegetable, fruits, eggshells, paper and so on which can be burned or destroyed by burning. Combustible waste will be processed as follows. First, the waste is immediately discharged to the final disposal assigned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government at the New Sea Surface Disposal Site. The remainder of the ash is delivered to landfill disposal. Second, the bottom ash is recycled to cement and then used as a building material and civil engineering material, etc. Third, the bottom ash is melted into slag used as a civil engineering material, and others. Like a slag, the volume is almost half that of ashes, And about a quarter of its original state as waste. Fourth, it is used efficiently to generate thermal energy. Electricity and hot water generated at the plant are used in the facility to operate the plant, thereby reducing the purchase of electricity and fuel costs. Electric surplus sold to power cmpanies.

• Incombustible waste is fire-retardant or indestructible waste by combustion process. Examples of waste in this category are broken glass, broken umbrella, broken pan, and so on. This incombustible waste will be transfered to the Incombustible Waste Processing Center. Incombustible waste is transferred either to Chubo Incombustible Wate Processing Center or Keihinjima Island Incombustible Waste Processing Center. Some cities have established land or boat transfer stations, where waste is reloaded onto container vehicles or vessels for relayed transfer to improved transfer efficiency, reduced traffic congestion and allevation of air pollution due to exhaust.

• Large-sized waste is large-scale of waste, for example broken cabinets, broken mattresses, broken bikes, etc. Large-sized waste is separated into combustible large-sized waste, such as wooden furnitures, and into incombustible large-sized waste, such as bicycles. Large-sized waste is delivered to the Large-sized Waste Pulverization Processing Facility. Cities that have a transfer station conduct relayed transfer by reloading it from smaller collection vehicles onto larger vehicles.

One of the important things in doing waste management is sorting of waste which owned by the community. Tokyo cultivates 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in managing good waste as did the Japanese "choinakai" movement. They are people who started the culture or habit of managing waste properly. The movement continues to grow and is supported by various layers of society in Japan. Although the movement of environmental care in the community is growing rapidly, but the Japanese government does not yet have regulations or laws governing waste processing. At that time, environmental issues have not been a priority for the Japanese government. Japan just issued a law about 20 years later. They see positive developments with great support from the rest of society. The Japanese Parliament issued the Basic Law for the Promotion of the Formation of Recycling Oriented Society. Previously, they had issued Containers and Packaging Recycle Law first in 1997. Based on these, there are at least three secrets of Japanese success in handling household waste.

• First, the high priority of the community in the recycling program. Almost all Japanese understand the importance of recycling waste management. To build that awareness, community groups such as "chonaikai" conduct environmental awareness campaigns in various walks of life. Several volunteers have actively come down to housing to monitor garbage disposal, and dialogue with residents on how to handle the waste.

• Second, the emergence of social pressure from Japanese society if we do not throw garbage in place and kind. Shame is the key to waste effectiveness in Japan.



of the 3Rs



Technology Development IncenXves

InformaXon sharing

waste disposal culture that can be embedded in the subconscious. Disposing of waste by type has become "habit".

Waste sorting can not be separated from the principles that we have often heard, 3R, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. 3R is the keyword to a life of reducing waste and cherishing resources.

• Reduce, means to be careful in using goods to reduce the amount of generated waste. Find a way to avoid producing waste in daily life. This is the most important thing. Waste can become a resource, but that alone does not establish a recycling-oriented society.

• Reuse, means the repetitive use of an item which can still be reused for something else. Do not throw anything away after using it once. So many things can be reused with a few ideas or effort. It consumes less resources and energy than producing something new.

• Recycle, means the use of the waste itself as a resource. What becomes a resource when separated correctly would become waste if simply thrown away. Are you aware of what kind of goods that can be transformed into resources?

The picture show about the 3R (Reduce – Reuse – Recycle) process in Japan. (Source by Ministry of the Environment Japan, 2005).

Focusing on those three things (Reduce – Reuse – Recycling) can be an effective and efficient way to minimize waste The movement continues to grow, supported by various layers of society in Japan. Although the environmental care movement in the community is exploding, the Japanese government does not yet have a law regulating waste management. For the government environmental issues have not been a priority.


1. Awarenes-raising

3R promotion aims to the Japanese people to know how important the 3R in their life. In addition, environmental education makes people aware of the needs. The most important strategy for promoting 3R is to raise public awareness to change their behavior. In addition, the practice against waste disposal also supports 3R promotions. The implementation of 3R practices is highly dependent on behavioral factors. The media also have a profound impact on behavior change and human practice, so the media plays an important role in promoting 3R in daily life.

2. Information sharing

Information sharing is useful for disseminating any activities which related to 3R. Promotion is implemented requires cooperation with several stakeholders to get the product design under the stage disposal. The design product is linked to the existing labeling of household appliances.

3. Incentives

3R promotion has a positive impact on people who implement 3R so well. Incentives can be felt in economic and social ways, example on tax revenue due to 3R promotion.

4. Technology development

The 3R promotion will help technology development to the brighter ways. The existence of supportive research to do 3R on an item will facilitate the sorting of the goods. For example, a vehicle where some parts in it can be recycle or reusable.

5. Partnership

Partnership is needed in promoting 3R. All elements within a country, including central government, local government, private sector, community and NGO. They must know their respective roles in implementing 3R promotion

The objective of the Law on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources is to promote integrated initiatives for the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) which needed for the formation of a sustainable society based on the 3Rs. In particular, it uses cabinet orders to designate the industries and product categories where businesses are required to initiates 3R, and establish by ministerial ordinances the details of voluntary actions that they should take. Ten industries and 69 product categories have been designated, and actions stipulated include 3R policies at the product manufacturing stage, 3R consideration at the design stage, product identification to facilitate separate waste collection, and the creation of voluntary collection and recycling systems by manufacturers, among other topics.

The Japanese government also makes regulations to support the recycling program. The existence of basic environmental law becomes the main reference in doing 3R. Basic Law Promoting the creation of a recycling-oriented society (basic framework art).The law maintains the recycling of materials used by society. It also regulates the consumption of natural resources and reduces environmental impact. Basic environment law. The regulation targeted at the characteristics of spesific product groups:

a. Containers and packaging recycling law. It regulate to sorting and collection of containers and packaging by cities, town and villages and recycling for reuse and resale by container manufactures and businesses using containers and packaging.

b. Home appliance recycling law. It regulate for retail outlets to collect used household appliances from consumers and recycling for reuse and resale by manufactures.

c. Food waste recycling law. It regulate to reuse of food waste by manufacturers, processors and retailers of food products.

d. Construction Materials Recycling Law. It regulate construction companies to sort and demolish waste structures and recycle waste construction materials.


Check first before year. To increase understanding and encourage participation in such activities, eight Japanese government ministries (Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; Ministry of the Environment; Consumer Affairs Agency) have designated the promotion month. Each year, the ministries conduct a variety of activities to raise awareness and promote the concept of 3R nationwide. The promotion aims to enhance the understanding and

cooperation of consumers and business operators. All of stakeholders will hold variety programs and events due to promote the establishment of a sound material-cycle society. They made eco-friendly shopping campaign to the whole country by carried out the bag for shopping (as much as possible not using supermarket shopping bag) and contribute to the purchase (reduction of food loss) of premeditated food. So, how to promote the 3R by exercise it in our daily life??

Basically, this 3R already applied in Indonesia, but somehow, not many people who continue to do it. Sometimes we feel that it’s not our duty, but government have to do it.


Indonesia has already seen the success of Japan in processing waste. This is evidenced by the processing of garbage in cooperation with Japan. However, we still can not reach it perfectly. This happens because there is still a lack of awareness of the community about garbage. The large number of people who throw garbage carelessly is still a major problem in combating waste.


2. Governments working with private parties and communities should promote the 3R program (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) gradually.

3. The government should works with the private sector to make waste treatment, not only in big cities, but in all provinces in Indonesia. The government should make a full appreciation of the people who are able to make the waste processing and accommodate it in the hope that it can make a better role model.

4. The government should strengthen the Resource Recycling System to processing waste into useful goods. They also have to looking for investor to support the development of waste processing in Indonesia.



www.union.tokyo23-seisou.lg.jp.e.de.hp.transer.com www.env.go.jp4

www.uncrd.or.jp www.wasteconcern.org www.meti.go.jp www.japanguide.com id.japantravel.com www.brilio.net noren-id.com


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