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Surface Water Quality P ll ti


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "Surface Water Quality P ll ti"


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M odu le 7 – ( L2 7 – L3 0 ) :



M a n a ge m e n t of W a t e r Qu a lit y”:

W a t e r qu a lit y a n d pollu t ion , t ype s a n d Sou r ce s of pollu t ion , w a t e r qu a lit y m ode lin g e n vir on m e n t a l gu ide lin e s for w a t e r w a t e r qu a lit y m ode lin g, e n vir on m e n t a l gu ide lin e s for w a t e r qu a lit y

2 7

Su r fa ce W a t e r Qu a lit y &

P ll t i


1 1 1 1





Su r fa ce W a t e r Qu a lit y &

P ll



Pollu t ion I ssu e s

Topics Cove r e d

Topics Cove r e d

Wat er qualit y, pollut ion sources, t ypes

Wat er qualit y, pollut ion sources, t ypes

of pollut ion, wat er qualit y param et ers,

of pollut ion, wat er qualit y param et ers,

wat er qualit y st andards

wat er qualit y st andards

wat er qualit y st andards.

wat er qualit y st andards.



Wat er qualit y, pollut ion sources, Wat er qualit y, pollut ion sources,

t ypes of pollut ion, param et ers, st andards t ypes of pollut ion, param et ers, st andards


2 2 2 2


W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t & W a t e r Qu a lit y

 Wat ershed m anagem ent – Wat er quant it y & qualit y –

I m port ance

A t & it i f t lit

 Assessm ent & m onit oring of w at er qualit y –

livelihoods of wat ershed dwellers

 WQ – exam inat ion t o det erm ine organism s, m inerals Q g ,

& organic com pounds in wat er

 Depending on use of wat er

Ph si o hem i al hem i al & m i obiologi al anal ses

 Physico- chem ical, chem ical & m icrobiological analyses

of wat er

Com m on issu e s of Su r fa ce a n d Gr ou n dw a t e r  Pat hogenic ( Bact eriological) Pollut ion; Salinit y

 Toxicit y ( m icro- pollut ant s and ot her indust rial

pollut ant s)

3 3

pollut ant s)


Wat er Qualit y St andards

Wat er Qualit y St andards

Wat er qualit y indicat es t he physical, chem ical

and biological charact erist ics of w at er

and biological charact erist ics of w at er.

I t is a m easure of t he condit ion of w at er relat ive

t o t he requirem ent s of one or m ore biot ic species



and or t o any hum an need or purpose.

I t is m ost frequent ly used by reference t o a set

of st andards against which com pliance can be


Th t



d d


The m ost com m on st andards used t o assess

w at er qualit y relat e t o healt h of ecosyst em s,

safet y of hum an cont act and drinking wat er.

4 4

safet y of hum an cont act and drinking wat er.


Wat er Qualit y Cat egories

Wat er Qualit y Cat egories

– Hum an consum pt

ion- Drinking wat er, including bot t led wat er, m ay

reasonably be expect ed t o cont ain at least sm all y p am ount s of som e cont am inant s.

 Presence of t hese cont am inant s does not

necessarily indicat e t hat wat er poses a healt h risk. necessarily indicat e t hat wat er poses a healt h risk. – I ndust rial use

 Dissolved m inerals m ay affect suit abilit y of wat er

for a range of indust rial and dom est ic purposes for a range of indust rial and dom est ic purposes.

 presence of ions of calcium and m agnesium which

int erfere wit h t he cleaning act ion of soap, and can form hard sulfat e and soft carbonat e deposit s in form hard sulfat e and soft carbonat e deposit s in wat er heat ers or boilers. Hard wat er m ay be

soft ened t o rem ove t hese ions.

S ft i ifi t it i f l i

5 5  Soft ening m ay sacrifice nut rit ion for cleaning


Wat er Qualit y Cat egories

Wat er Qualit y Cat egories

– I n t he environm ent .

 Toxic subst ances and high populat ions of cert ain

m icroorganism s can present a healt h hazard for m icroorganism s can present a healt h hazard for non- drinking purposes such as irrigat ion,

swim m ing, fishing, raft ing, boat ing, and indust rial uses.

 These condit ions m ay also affect wildlife, which

use t he wat er for drinking or as a habit at use t he wat er for drinking or as a habit at .

 I rrigat ion purpose: Crop product ion – irrigat ion wat er

qualit y requirem ent s

 Agricult ure- single largest user of freshwat er - a m aj or

cause of degradat ion of surface and groundwat er resources t hrough erosion and chem ical runoff

6 6

resources t hrough erosion and chem ical runoff


W a t e r Pollu t ion Sou r ce s

 Wat er pollut ion is t he cont am inat ion of wat er bodies

e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwat er. e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwat er.

 Wat er pollut ion occurs when pollut ant s are discharged Wat er pollut ion occurs when pollut ant s are discharged

d l d l b d h

d l d l b d h

direct ly or indirect ly int o wat er bodies wit hout direct ly or indirect ly int o wat er bodies wit hout

adequat e t reat m ent t o rem ove harm ful com pounds. adequat e t reat m ent t o rem ove harm ful com pounds.

 Wat er pollut ion affect s plant s and organism s living in

t hese bodies of wat er.

 The effect is dam aging t o individual species and The effect is dam aging t o individual species and

populat ions and nat ural biological com m unit ies populat ions and nat ural biological com m unit ies.

7 7

popu a o s a d a u a b o og ca co u es popu a o s a d a u a b o og ca co u es


W a t e r Pollu t ion – Sou r ce Type s

 Wat er Pollut ion – Point or non- point sources

 Wat er Pollut ion – Point or non- point sources 

 Wat er pollut ionWat er pollut ion-- point sources:point sources: cont am inant s t hat ent er a

wat erway from a single, ident ifiable source, such as a pipe or dit ch.

 Traced t o a specific source

 Leaking chem ical t ank effluent s com ing from a w ast e

 Leaking chem ical t ank, effluent s com ing from a w ast e

t reat m ent or indust rial plant , or a m anure spill from a hog confinem ent lagoon

ll Exam ples Exam ples

– discharges from a sewage t reat m ent plant ; a

fact ory; a cit y st orm drain; m unicipal st orm sewer fact ory; a cit y st orm drain; m unicipal st orm sewer syst em s; indust rial st orm wat er, such as from

const ruct ion sit es


W a t e r Pollu t ion - Sou r ce Type s

W a t e rW a t e r pollu t ionpollu t ion -- n onn on poin tpoin t sou r ce ssou r ce s

 Non–point source pollut ion ( NPS) - cont am inat ion t hat does not

originat e from a single discret e source originat e from a single discret e source.

 NPS pollut ion is t he cum ulat ive effect of sm all am ount s of NPS pollut ion is t he cum ulat ive effect of sm all am ount s of

cont am inant s gat hered from a large area cont am inant s gat hered from a large area.

 Pollut ant s will com e from wide spread area

 They can’t be t racked t o a single point or source

Exam ples: Soil erosion chem ical runoff anim al wast e

 Exam ples: Soil erosion, chem ical runoff, anim al wast e

pollut ion

– leaching out of fert ilizers/ nut rient s agricult ural lands.leaching out of fert ilizers/ nut rient s agricult ural lands. –

– Nut rient runoff in st orm wat erNut rient runoff in st orm wat er-- agricult ural field/ forest .agricult ural field/ forest . –

– Cont am inat ed st orm wat er washed off of parking lot s, Cont am inat ed st orm wat er washed off of parking lot s, roads and highways called urban runoff

roads and highways called urban runoff

9 9

roads and highways, called urban runoff, roads and highways, called urban runoff,



W a t e r Pollu t ion – Spe cific Sou r ce s

Se pt ic syst e m s - Use a large t ank buried in t he

ground t o cont ain and break down household sewage; ground t o cont ain and break down household sewage; Fat s, oils, and grease as well as large wast e part icles, are st ored and lat er pum ped out of t he holding t ank; source of concern for groundwat er pollut ion & surface source of concern for groundwat er pollut ion & surface wat er pollut ion

La goon s: shallow holding pit s int o which wast es are

d d d Q l bl l

pum ped and t reat ed; Wat er Qualit y Problem s: Poorly const ruct ed lagoons ( leakage) ; lagoons built on high wat er t able; Nit rat es: m ost oft en found cont am inant

W a st e D isposa l: Underground or above ground disposal pract ices of dom est ic, m unicipal, or indust rial liquid wast e

10 10


W a t e r Pollu t ion – Spe cific Sou r ce s

I ndust rial liquid wast e –

t reat ed/ unt reat ed

S lid t

Solid wast e -

Land disposal of m unicipal and indust rial solid wast e – leaching

St or a ge a n d Tr a n spor t of Com m e r cia l M a t e r ia lsSt or a ge a n d Tr a n spor t of Com m e r cia l M a t e r ia ls

st orage t anks & spills

Mining operat ions:

Mines, Oil & gas-

Acid m ine

Mining operat ions:

Mines, Oil & gas

Acid m ine drainage, Leaching of t oxic m et als, Wast ewat er

generat ed





Agricult ural operat ions:

Fert ilizers; Pest icides

 Saline wat er int rusion

11 11


W a t e r Pollu t ion - Ca u se s

Wide spect rum of

chem icals


pat hogens

, and

physical or sensory changes such as elevat ed

physical or sensory changes such as elevat ed

t em perat ure and discolorat ion.

Nat ural occurring – eg Salt s fluoride

Nat ural occurring

eg. Salt s, fluoride,

arsenic, Ca, Mg, Na et c.

Art ificial – disposed by hum ans from various

Art ificial

disposed by hum ans from various


Wat er's physical chem ist ry includes acidit y

p y



( change in


) ,

elect rical conduct ivit y


t em perat ure, and eut rophicat ion


W a t e r Pollu t ion Type s

Wat er pollut ion

Wat er pollut ion-- organic pollut ant sorganic pollut ant s

 Det ergent s; Disinfect ion by- product s

 Food processing wast e fat s and greaseFood processing wast e fat s and grease

 Food processing wast e, fat s and greaseFood processing wast e, fat s and grease

 I nsect icides & herbicides, organohalides and ot her chem ical I nsect icides & herbicides, organohalides and ot her chem ical

com pounds com pounds

l h d b l d f l ( l d l f l

 Pet roleum hydrocarbons, including fuels ( gasoline, diesel fuel, j et

fuels, and fuel oil) & lubricant s ( m ot or oil) , & fuel com bust ion byproduct s

 Tree and bush debris from logging operat ions

 Volat ile organic com pounds ( VOCs) , such as indust rial solvent s.Volat ile organic com pounds ( VOCs) , such as indust rial solvent s.

 Chlorinat ed solvent s dense nonChlorinat ed solvent s dense non-- aqueous phase liquids ( DNAPLs) aqueous phase liquids ( DNAPLs)

 Chlorinat ed solvent s, dense nonChlorinat ed solvent s, dense non aqueous phase liquids ( DNAPLs) , aqueous phase liquids ( DNAPLs) ,

Polychlorinat ed biphenyl ( PCBs) –Trichloroet hylene, Perchlorat e .Perchlorat e .

 Various chem ical com pounds found in personal hygiene & cosm et ic Various chem ical com pounds found in personal hygiene & cosm et ic

product s


W a t e r Pollu t ion Type s

Wat er pollut ion

Wat er pollut ion-- inorganic pollut ant sinorganic pollut ant s

 Acidity caused by industrial discharges (sulfur dioxide from  Acidity caused by industrial discharges (sulfur dioxide from

power plants)

 Ammonia from food processing wasteAmmonia from food processing waste  Chemical waste as industrial by-products

Fertilizers containing nutrientsFertilizers containing nutrients-- nitrates and phosphatesnitrates and phosphates-- which which

are found in storm water runoff from agriculture as well as are found in storm water runoff from agriculture as well as are found in storm water runoff from agriculture, as well as are found in storm water runoff from agriculture, as well as commercial and residential use

commercial and residential use

 Heavy metals from motor vehicles (via urban storm water

ff) d id i d i

runoff) and acid mine drainage

 Silt (sediment) in runoff from construction sites, logging, slash Silt (sediment) in runoff from construction sites, logging, slash

and burn practices or land clearing sites and burn practices or land clearing sites

14 14

a d bu p act ces o a d c ea g s tes a d bu p act ces o a d c ea g s tes


Pollut ion

Pollut ion-- m acroscopic/ Micro pollut ant s

m acroscopic/ Micro pollut ant s

Macroscopic - Large visible it em s pollut ing t he wat er— m ay be t erm ed " float ables" in an urban st orm wat er

discarded by people on t he ground discarded by people on t he ground –

– dum ping of rubbish, t hat are washed by rainfall int o dum ping of rubbish, t hat are washed by rainfall int o st orm drains and event ually discharged int o surface st orm drains and event ually discharged int o surface st orm drains and event ually discharged int o surface st orm drains and event ually discharged int o surface w at ers

w at ers –

– Nurdles, sm all ubiquit ous wat erborne plast ic pellet sNurdles, sm all ubiquit ous wat erborne plast ic pellet s –

– Shipwrecks, large derelict shipsShipwrecks, large derelict ships

Microscopic pollut ant s

Microscopic pollut ant s –– m icro organism s, dissolved/ m icro organism s, dissolved/ dispersed pollut ant s


W a t e r pollu t ion

W a t e r pollu t ion -- t h e r m a l pollu t ion

t h e r m a l pollu t ion

 The rise or fall in t he t em perat ure of a nat ural body of

w at er caused by hum an influence.

 Therm al pollut ion result s in a change in t he physical Therm al pollut ion result s in a change in t he physical 

 Therm al pollut ion result s in a change in t he physical Therm al pollut ion result s in a change in t he physical

propert ies of wat er. propert ies of wat er.

 A com m on cause of t herm al pollut ion is t he use of wat er

l b l d d l

as a coolant by power plant s and indust rial m anufact urers.

 Elevat ed wat er t em perat ures decreases oxygen levels Elevat ed wat er t em perat ures decreases oxygen levels Elevat ed wat er t em perat ures decreases oxygen levels Elevat ed wat er t em perat ures decreases oxygen levels

( which can kill fish) and affect s ecosyst em ( which can kill fish) and affect s ecosyst em

 Urban runoff m ay elevat e t em perat ure in surface wat ers.

Th l ll i l b d b h l f Th l ll i l b d b h l f

 Therm al pollut ion can also be caused by t he release of Therm al pollut ion can also be caused by t he release of

very cold wat er from t he base of reservoirs int o warm er


Wat er Qualit y - Param et ers

Following is a list of indicat ors oft en m easured:

 Alkalinit y; Color of wat er; pH; Tast e and odor

Dissolved m et als and salt s ( sodium chloride pot assium

 Dissolved m et als and salt s ( sodium , chloride, pot assium ,

calcium , m anganese, m agnesium )

 Microorganism s such as fecal coliform bact eria ,

Crypt osporidium , and Giardia lam blia

 Dissolved m et als & m et alloids ( lead, m ercury, arsenic, et c.)

Dissolved organics: colored dissolved organic m at t er

 Dissolved organics: colored dissolved organic m at t er

( CDOM) , dissolved organic carbon ( DOC) , Heavy m et als

 Pharm aceut icals byproduct s

 Param et ers depend on t ype of use – eg. Drinking, I ndust rial

use, I rrigat ion et c.

17 17


Wat er qualit y

Wat er qualit y-- environm ent al indicat ors

environm ent al indicat ors

 Chem ical assessm ent : Dissolved oxygen ( DO) ;

Nit rat e- N; Ort hophosphat es; Chem ical oxygen dem and ( COD) ; Biochem ical oxygen dem and dem and ( COD) ; Biochem ical oxygen dem and ( BOD) ; Pest icides; Met als

 Physical assessm ent: pH; Tem perat ure; Tot al

suspended solids ( TSS) ; Turbidit y; Tot al dissolved solids ( TDS)

Bi l i l t Bi l i l it i t i

 Biological assessm ent: Biological m onit oring m et rics have been developed in m any places, and one w idely used m easure is t he presence and abundance of

m em bers of t he insect orders Mayfly, St onefly and Caddisfly.

18 18


I m port ant Wat er Qualit y Param et ers

I m port ant Wat er Qualit y Param et ers

I m port ant physicochem ical param et ers t o be t est ed for ascert aining wat er qualit y are:

pH; Colour , Tast e and odour, t urbidit y, TDS, t ot al

p ;





hardness, chlorides, sulphat es, fluorides, nit rat es,

calcium , heavy m et als, dissolved oxygen,

pest icides det ergent s & radio nuclides

pest icides, det ergent s & radio- nuclides


– neut ral ( pH - 7) ; acidic ( pH< 7) ; basic ( pH> 7) ; drinking wat er ( 6.5- 8)

drinking wat er ( 6.5 8)

Elect rical conduct ivit y

– w at er abilit y t o conduct elect rical current – depends on concent rat ion of

dissolved, associat ed subst ances – t o find TDS – unit m icro siem ens cm

19 19



I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

 Odour Colour & Tast e Odour classified as: very w eak

 Odour, Colour & Tast e – Odour – classified as: very w eak, w eak, clear, st rong or very st rong

– Colour – t est ed using colorim t er t ubes – expressed in

H t d d it

Hazen st andard unit

– Tast e – purest form t ast eless

 Turbidit yy – caused by presence of suspended m at t er –y p p

ranges in size from colloidal t o coarse dispersions – m easured by Nephelo/ t urbidit y m et er & expressed in NTU ( Nephelom et ric t urbidit y unit ) – indicat or NTU ( Nephelom et ric t urbidit y unit ) indicat or necessit y of t reat m ent

 Dissolved oxygen – indicat es am ount of oxygen gas

dissol ed in at e sol bilit of at m osphe ic o gen dissolved in w at er – solubilit y of at m ospheric oxygen in fresh w at er ranges from 14.6 m g/ l at 0oC t o about

7 m g/ l at 35oC under 1 at m ospheric pressure –

20 20

m easured using DO m et er.


I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

 BOD ( Biochem ical Oxygen Dem and) – am ount of  BOD ( Biochem ical Oxygen Dem and) am ount of

dissolved O2 dem anded by bact eria during st abilizat ion of t he decom posable organic m at t er under aerobic condit ions – BOD expressed in m gm of O consum ed/ condit ions – BOD expressed in m gm of O2 consum ed/ lit of sam ple during 5 days of incubat ion at 20 ° C & is oft en used as a robust surrogat e of degree of organic

ll t i f t t i i BOD< 1 / l

pollut ion of w at er– prest ine river BOD< 1m g/ l.

 Nit rat e- w at er soluble m olecule m ade up of nit rogen &

oxygen – nat ural const it uent of plant syg p

– I n nat ural form w at er cont ains less t han 1m g of nit rat

e-nit rogen per lit re – higher levels – cont am inat ion;

com m on sources: fert ilizers, anim al w ast es et c. – m ax.,

perm issible 10ppm

 Chlorides – from dissolved salt deposit s, discharge of

effluent s et c – m ax lim it : 250 ppm

21 21

effluent s et c. m ax. lim it : 250 ppm .


I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

 Fluorides - fluorine cont aining com pounds fluorides

-found nat urally in low concent rat ion in drinking wat er found nat urally in low concent rat ion in drinking wat er and foods - Fresh wat er - bet ween 0.01–0.3 ppm ,

ocean cont ains bet ween 1.2- 1.5 ppm ; m ax.

perm issible 1ppm – m ore fluorine – diseases like perm issible 1ppm . m ore fluorine diseases like skelet al fluorosis

 Hardness – represent s t ot al concent rat ion of Ca & Mg

( h / l ) d ll

ions – ppm ( weight / volum e) - Hard wat er is generally not harm ful t o one's healt h, but can pose serious

problem s in indust rial set t ings.

 I ron - nat urally occurring – not hazardous –

recom m ended lim it – 0.3m g/ l.

22 22


I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

I m por t a n t W a t e r Qu a lit y Pa r a m e t e r s..

 Heavy Met als: Arsenic Cadm ium Chrom ium Copper  Heavy Met als: Arsenic, Cadm ium , Chrom ium , Copper,

I ron, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Zinc et c. –

Present in as m inerals in soils; also art ificially from m an d t hi f t h j t i t i

m ade t hings – som e of t hese – m aj or cont am inat ions – det erm ined by AAS ( at om ic absorpt ion

sepct rophot om et er) , polarography or colorim et ry.

– Arsenic – WHO guideline < 0.05 m g/ l

 Pest icides: - harm ful healt h effect s such as cancer; eg.

DDT BHC parat hon endosulphan et c DDT, BHC, parat hon, endosulphan et c.

 Det ergent s, phenol, radio- nuclides et c. - WHO guideline <

0.5 m g/ l

 Halogenat ed chloro- organic com pounds – due t o higher

chlorinat ion for disinfect ion

Microbes – indicator potential water-borne diseases – bacteria

23 23  Microbes indicator potential water borne diseases bacteria,

viruses & pathogenic protozoa; eg. Coliform bacteria.


Com m on Wat er Relat ed problem s

Obse r ve d Pr oble m s

Ca u se s

W a t e r t u r n s bla ck , sm e ll


W a st e w a t e r

Acidic t a st e

Low pH


Alk a lin e t a st e

H igh pH

Boile d Rice h a r d a n d ye llow

H igh Alk a lin it y

W h it e de posit s on boilin g

H a r dn e ss


Obse r ve d Pr oble m s

Ca u se s

Com m on Wat er Relat ed problem s

Obse r ve d Pr oble m s

Ca u se s

I r on t a st e , ch a n ge in colou r a ft e r

e x posu r e t o a t m osph e r e , ch a n ge in p p , g Pr e se n ce of colou r of clot h s, u t e n sils Oily a ppe a

-r a n ce on t op of w a t e -r body

Pr e se n ce of I r on

com pou n ds

Soa p n ot la t h e r in g h a r dn e ss Br ow n ish bla ck st r e a k s on t e e t h Flu or ide Br ow n ish bla ck st r e a k s on t e e t h Flu or ide Gr ow t h of Alga e N it r a t e ,

ph osph a t e ph osph a t e

Fish k ills Low pH

le ss D O

25 25

le ss D O


WQ – Tolerance & Classificat ion

 As per I SI - I S: 2296- 1982 t he t olerance lim it s of  As per I SI - I S: 2296- 1982, t he t olerance lim it s of

param et ers are specified as per classified use of wat er ( Table below) depending on various uses of w at er ht t p: / / cpcb nic in; ht t p: / / w rm in nic in

w at er. ht t p: / / cpcb.nic.in; ht t p: / / w rm in.nic.in

26 26


Tolerance Lim it s for I nland Surface Wat er –

Class A

ht t p: / / cpcb.nic.in; ht t p: / / wrm in.nic.in


Tolerance Lim it s for I nland Surface Wat er –

Class B

ht t p: / / cpcb.nic.in; ht t p: / / wrm in.nic.in

28 28


Tolerance Lim it s for I nland Surface Wat er

Tolerance Lim it s for I nland Surface Wat er –

Class C

ht t p: / / cpcb.nic.in; ht t p: / / wrm in.nic.in


Tolerance Lim it s for I nland Surface Wat er

– Class D

ht t p: / / cpcb.nic.in;

ht t p: / / wrm in.nic.in

30 30


Tolerance Lim it s for I nland Surface Wat er

– Class E

31 31

Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay


Ca se St u dy: W Q I ssu e s in I n dia

Ca se St u dy: W Q I ssu e s in I n dia

 Wat er resources are over- exploit ed result ing in m aj or WQ

problem s problem s

 Com m on issues of Surface & Ground wat er: Pat hogenic

( Bact eriological) Pollut ion; Salinit y; Toxicit y ( m icro-pollut ant s and ot her indust rial icro-pollut ant s

pollut ant s and ot her indust rial pollut ant s

Su r fa ce W a t e r : Eut rophicat ion; Oxygen deplet ion;

Ecological healt h – Most of t he Lakes & Rivers highly pollut ed

G o nd Wate


WQ Degradat ion

Maj or fact ors

WQ Degradat ion – Maj or fact ors

Dom est ic: About 430 class I cit ies and 500 class I I t owns

h b i l i f 30 C b 30000 ld

harboring populat ion of 30 Crore generat e about 30000 m ld of wast ewat er of which only about 25% is t reat ed.

I ndust rial:dus a Aboutbou 60,00060,000 pollut ingpo u g indust riesdus es in I ndiad a generat e about 15000 m ld of w ast ew at er out of w hich nearly 60% ( generat ed from large & m edium indust ries) is t reat ed

t reat ed.

Non- point sources also cont ribut e significant pollut ion loads m ainly in rainy season. Pest icides consum pt ion is about 1 00 000 t /

1,00,000 t onnes/ year

Dom est ic sewage is t he m aj or source of pollut ion in I ndia in surface w at er

Sewage along w it h agricult ural run- off and indust rial effluent s also cont ribut es large am ount of nut rient s

A l t f t h d t i i t ll t d

33 33


W Q I ssu e s in I n dia

Water supply and sewage disposal status in class I cities


142212299423 60310231281 0

Number Popn (lakh) Water supply Wastewater Treatment

Water supply and wastewater generation and treatment in class II towns of India

Number Popn (lakh) Water supply Wastewater Treatment


W Q I ssu e s in I n dia

Comparision of pollution load generation from domestic and industrial sources

River basin-wise riverine length under different level of pollution




Wastewater gen (mld) BOD Generation (t/d) BOD Discharge (t/d)


Re fe r e n ce s

Re fe r e n ce s


MODELI NG OF THE KALI RI VER, I NDI A, Wat er , Air , and Soil

Pollut ion 102: 91–103, 1998 Pollut ion 102: 91 103, 1998

 Guidelines for Wat er Qualit y Managem ent , Cent ral pollut ion

cont rol board ( CPCB)

 Websit e : ht t p: / / ww w cpcb nic in

 Websit e : ht t p: / / w w w .cpcb.nic.in

 Hydrology of Sm all Wat ersheds – P.V. Seet hapat hi, D. Dut t a, R.

Siva Kum ar ( Eds.) , NRDMS, DST, New Delhi

ht t / / b i i / d t t t i h

 ht t p: / / cpcb.nic.in/ dat a_st at ics.php

 ht t p: / / wrm in.nic.in

 St andard Met hods for t he Exam inat ion of Wat er and Wast ewat er;

APHA, AWWA, and WEF, 21st Edit ion, 2005.

 Guidelines for drinking - w at er qualit y, 3rd Edit ion - vol 1:

Recom m endat ions. WHO; 2004.

36 36 36 36


Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?.

Crit ically st udy t he w at er qualit y problem s

of m aj or Rivers/ River Basins in I ndia St udy

of m aj or Rivers/ River Basins in I ndia. St udy

various sources and causes ( det ails can be

obt ained from I nt ernet :

http:/ / cpcb.nic.in


http:/ / wrmin.nic.in

) .

St udy t he various m easures t hat can be

St udy t he various m easures t hat can be

adopt ed t o reduce t he River pollut ion/ river

adopt ed t o reduce t he River pollut ion/ river



37 37 37 37


Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!.


Discuss t he various wat er qualit y issues in

h d

w at ershed m anagem ent .

Describe various w at er qualit y cat egories.

What are t he different pollut ion source

t ypes?.


Describe various w at er pollut ion causes.

I llust rat e w at er pollut ion by t herm al sources

I llust rat e w at er pollut ion by t herm al sources

Describe various w at er qualit y param et ers.

38 38 38 38


Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?.



Describe t he wat er qualit y st andards.

Discuss various w at er pollut ion sources

Discuss various w at er pollut ion sources

Describe various specific sources of wat er

pollut ion

pollut ion.

I llust rat e various w at er pollut ion t ypes


ib i



i di


Describe various wat er qualit y indicat ors

What are t he various com m on w at er relat ed



problem s?.

39 39 39 39


Un solve d Pr oble m !.

Un solve d Pr oble m !.

Crit ically st udy t he possible surface w at er

Crit ically st udy t he possible surface w at er

pollut ion problem s in your w at ershed area

pollut ion problem s in your w at ershed area

pollut ion problem s in your w at ershed area.

pollut ion problem s in your w at ershed area.

I dent ify t he wat er sources & possible causes

I dent ify t he wat er sources & possible causes

of pollut ion


Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho

Professor, Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, pp gg gg

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076.

Mumbai, India, 400 076.


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in

41 41


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in Phone: (022)

Phone: (022) –– 25767339; Fax: 2576730225767339; Fax: 25767302



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