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A. The English Teacher Strategies - Teacher’s strategies in teaching vocabulary at the Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School Nahdlatul Palangka Raya - Digital Library IAIN Palangka Raya


Academic year: 2018

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This chapter will present the result of the study and discussion. The finding designs to answer the research problem are the observation and interview. This section covers data finding or teacher and students response toward the teacher strategies in teaching English vocabulary at eleventh grade of SMA NU Palangka Raya.

A. The English Teacher Strategies

In this case, it used interview and observation to get more information how the teacher’s strategies to encourage her students in teaching English vocabulary with

Mrs. LS. Based in the theory in chapter II , strategy is a plan designed for a particular purpose.

Here are the strategies used by the English teacher of eleventh grade at SMA NU Palangka Raya:

1. Multiple meaning

Based on the result of interview the teacher on Monday, 01st august 2016 at 09.00-09.15 WIB in SMA NU Palangka Raya said student mastery to English less vocabulary. Therefore, she as English teacher used strategy while teaching


English language for student to XI IPS, by looking for the meaning vocabulary.1 And then, based on result of interview to the students said;

a. H

“kosa kata adalah hal yang terkecil dari sebuah bahasa, seperti:

1. belajar: study 2. ayah: father 3. Ibu: mother 4. pergi: go

5. mendengar: listening

Masalah ataupun kesulitan yang saya alami ketika menyebutkan kata yang baru saya temukan. Adapun strategi yang saya lakukan mencari arti kata lain dari sebuah kata. Biasanya tugas yang diberikan oleh guru saya

mengerjakan dan praktikkanya.2

H said. In general, English vocabulary is thing small in language, problem or difficult is that she has experienced when interpreting from English into Indonesian. The strategies that she does multiple meaning. Usually the task given by the teacher she has worked and practice.

b. WD

“kosa kata dalam bahsa Inggris adalah kata yang diperlukan untuk

berkomunikasi dengan seseorang, sepert:

1. Dinding: wall


Interview on Monday august 01st 2016 at 09.00-09.15 am



2. Mata: eyes 3. Bantal: pillow 4. Bersama: together 5. Pintu: door

Adapun cara saya dalam belajar kosa kata bahasa Inggris saya mencari arti kata lain dan fungsi penggunaannya. Namun ketika guru memberikan tugas

saya menghafalkannya dan mempraktikkanya3

WD said. In general, vocabulary is some word in the English language support is a necessary word to communicate with someone. The way she learned my English. She used multiple meaning and using function word. But when the teacher gives my job to memorize and practice.

 The result of observation refer that the teacher used multiple meaning in teaching English vocabulary when;

a. Students ask new word the finded when learn

b. Students ask using word the appropriate in make sentence c. Students ask difference function word the finded

Based on statement the teacher and the students, they said used strategy multiple meaning in teaching English vocabulary in classroom of SMA NU Palanga Raya.

2. Games

Based on the result of interview the teacher on Monday, July 2016 at 09.00-10.00 WIB in SMA NU Palangka Raya said student mastery to English



vocabulary really reducing rank. Therefore, she as English teacher used strategy while teach English language for student to XI IPS, by looks for game. And then, result of interview the students said;

a. AM

“Kosa kata bahasa Inggris adalah langkah pertama dalam komunikasi

dengan seseorang, seperti:

1. Membaca: read 2. Memasak: cook 3. Lantai: floor 4. Panci: pan 5. Taman: garden

Cara saya alam belajar bahasa Inggris adalah dengan game seperti megerjakan teka-teki. Adapun masalah yang sering saya hadapi yaitu dalam pengucapannya. Sehingga tugas yang biasanya diberikan guru langsung saya

kerjakan dan mempraktikkanya. 4

AM said. In general vocabulary is first step in communication language in English language. She way of nature to learn English is used game as doing to guess game. The problem often faced is in the pronunciation. So the task is usually given direct teacher she has working and practice.

b. RP

Kosa kata bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah cara untuk dapat berkomunikasi

dengan seseorang disekitar kita, seperti:



1. Mencuci: wash 2. Bermain: play 3. Bekerja: work 4. Membuat: make

Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris saya menggunakan strategi permainan seperti menyusun kata. masalah yang menjadi penyabab saya sulit dalam belajar bahasa Inggris yaitu saya tidak suka dengan bahasa inggris dan saat membuat kalimat dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris. Saat mendapat

tugas dari seorang guru saya terkadang saya kerjakan terkadang tidak. 5

RP said. In general, vocabulary is one manner in communication with someone in environment. In learning English she used game like puzzle. She cause problems become difficult in learning the English language that do not like the English and the time to make a sentence from Indonesian to English. When given the homework of a teacher sometimes she do sometimes and sometime no.

 The result of observation refer that the teacher used games in teaching English vocabulary when;

a. Finded difficult material in teaching English vocabulary and the teacher more easy if used game in convey explain about material

b. Students ask many problem in study convey the teacher used game for solve problem

Based on statement the teacher and the students, it can be seen that the games in teaching English vocabulary in classroom of SMA NU Palangka Raya.



3. Memorization

Based on the result of interview the teacher on Monday, 25th July 2016 at 09.10-12.00 WIB in SMA NU Palangka Raya said student mastery to English less vocabulary. Therefore, she as English teacher’s used strategy while teaching English language for student to IX IPS, by using memorization. And then, based on result interview to the students said;

a. BS

“Secara umum kosa kata bahasa inggris adalah kata dasar dari sebuah

bahasa yang untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan seseorang. Seperti:

1. Menulis : write

2. Membuka : open

3. Mendorong :push

4. Menarik :pull

5. Melihat :see

Masalah ataupun kesulitan yang saya alami ketika menyebutkan kata bahasa Inggris. Adapun strategi yang saya lakukan seperti menghafal kosa kata 5 kata dalam sehari. Biasanya tugas yang diberikan oleh guru saya

mengerjakan dan praktikkanya.6

BS said. In general, English vocabulary is the foundation of the whole language words are then used to communication with, problem or difficult is



that she in pronunciation. She strategies used memorized usually memorized 5 vocabulary one day. Usually the task given by the teacher she has worked and practice.

b. NTA

“Kosa kata bahasa Inggris adalah bentuk dasar untuk dapat berkomunikasi

dengan seseorang dilingkungan sekitar

1. Kaki: foot

2. Makan: eat

3. Berbicara: speak

4. Orang: people

Untuk mudah dalam belajar bahasa Inggris saya menulis kosa kata dan mengahaflnya kembali. Masalah yang saya alami dalam belajar bahasa Inggris adalah saat saya belajar mengucapkannyanya inggris. saat saya

mendapat tugas saya kerjakan dan praktikkan dengan teman sekelas.7

NTA said. In general, vocabulary is basic form for could communication with someone in environment. To study English vocabulary she writes vocabulary and memorized. She problem’s is pronunciation. Some time she

do and sometime no.

 The result of observation refer that the teacher used memorization in teaching English vocabulary when;

a. Students ask new word the finded when learn to teacher and the teacher ask to students open dictionary and direct memorization



b. Students difficult pronunciation new word and then the teacher ask to students memorization

c. Students ask new word the finded in material

Based on statement the teacher and the students, they said used strategy memorization in teaching English vocabulary in classroom of SMA NU Palanga Raya.

The writer also doing two observations on Friday 05th August 2016 at 07.00-09.00 and on Saturday 13 th August 2016 at 07.00-08.45 am as followed:

1. The first observation

The observation was done in Friday August 05th, 2016 at 07.00-08.45 am. Based on the observation the condition of the class XI grade before the English teachers come to the class the students made noise and some students outside the class, only a few students enter in the class. When the English teachers come to the class, the situation changed calm down. The English teachers greeting and opened the study and then gave some suggestion to the students to did not make noise when the lesson is begin


translate the text if any meaning double word the teacher asked student for opened dictionary.

2. The second observation

The observation was done in Monday August 13th, 2016 at 07.00-09.15 WIB. Based on the observation, the condition of the class almost same with the observation before. But, in this observation, when the English teachers come to the class, the students still make a noise although all of them there is in the class. After calm down, The English teachers greeting and opened the study and then gave some suggestion to the students to do not make noise when the lesson is begin. After that, the English teachers write of the material that has given by the teachers in the book and explain about material. And then, the English teachers gave game for to study vocabulary like as guess game and puzzle. And also, ask to the students if did not understand. But, all them nothing asked about material.

Because of the students like understand, of course the teachers ordered the students to memorize and multiple meaning some difficult word based on the lesson before. The language was used by the teachers when explain the material more Indonesia than English


a. Specific word instruction

Specific word instruction, or teaching individual words, can deepen students’ knowledge of word meaning. In-depth knowledge of word meaning can help students understand what they are hearing or reading. It also can help them use word accurately in speaking and writing.

b. Extended instruction that promotes active engagement with vocabulary improves word learning.

c. Children learn words best when they are provided with instruction over an extended period of time and when instruction has them work actively with the words. The more students use new words and the more they use them in different contexts, the more likely they are to learn the words.

d. Repeated exposure to vocabulary in many contexts aids word learning

Students learn new words better when they encounter them often and in various contexts. The more children see, hear, and work specific words, the better they seem to learn them. When teachers provide extended instruction that promotes active engagement, they give student repeated exposure to new words.

This is relatively the English teacher’s simple strategy for teaching word meaning and generating considerable class discussion.


b. Next, the teacher choose four to six words that students are more likely to know something about.

c. The list of ten twelve words is put on the chalk board or overhead projector. The teacher provides brief definitions as needs.

d. Students are challenged to devise sentence that contain two or more words from the list.

e. All sentences that students come up with, both accurate and inaccurate are listed and discussed.

f. Students now read the selection.

g. After reading , revisit the possible sentence and discuss whether they could be true based on the passage or how they could be modified to true.

B. The Reason of The Teacher in Applying the Strategies to Teach English


Reason of the teacher in applying the strategies to teach English vocabulary based on interviews from a teacher on the eleventh grade students of SMA NU Palangka Raya about the teacher strategies in teaching English vocabulary and than the writer can describe the teacher strategies of eleventh grade program study social of SMA NU Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah.

“Hasilnyapun lumayan sekitar 80 persen paham dan mengerti. Hal itu


proses belajar itu berlangsung. Namun itu semua disesuikan dengan kondisi siswa dan juga fasilitas yang kurang mendukung dan ada beberapa siswa yang susah

untuk diatur” 8

It is result is around 80 percent can see and understand. That used because the student easier to understanding and student fill enjoy in processes that study English language. But it all appropriate with condition of student and also facility which insufficiently backs up and available many students that hard to been managed.

In addition, in order to reach the instruction purposes above, the teaching process must belong to the effective and interisting strategies. The strategies are the soul of the teaching activities. Seels and Richey via Syarifudding and Nasution state that, “instructional strategy are specifications for selecting and sequencing

events and activities within a lesson.

C. Discussion

Discussion is views some topic based on interviews from a teacher and are students on the eleventh grade students of SMA NU Palangka Raya about the teacher strategies in teaching English vocabulary and than the writer can be describe the student problem of eleventh grade program study social of SMA NU Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah



“Secara umum masalah yang sering kali saya alami ketika mengajar bahasa inggris terutama dalam bentuk kosa kata adalah pronounsiation siswa dan juga siswa yang malas dalam menghafal. Dan sebagian siswa malu dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan mereka karena mereka menganggap pengucapan yang mereka gunakan salah. Dan untuk memecahkan masalah itu semua saya menggunakan strategi mencari arti lain dari sebuah kosa kata dan game dan menghapal. Dari ketiga strategi saya saya terapkan itu maka

siswa lebih mudah mengerti”. 9

In common problem while teach English language especially in vocabulary form is pronunciation and also student which lazy deep memorizes. And many student shy use English language in environment they opinion if pronunciation is wrong. And for solves that problem my all utilizes strategy to look for other mean of one vocabulary, game and memorization. Of three she strategy applies it therefore easier students more understand.

Based on the Chapter II page 29 pronunciation are the sound may not correspond to the spelling, students may have difficuly knowing how many syllables the word is broken up into, it is hard to know which syllable is stressed, a speaker of a particular langauge might have difficuly with certain sounds, some words with different spelling and meaning are pronounced the same. And than many students lazy for study and shy if ask to speak.

Based on explain from interview above if in teaching English vocabulary not only used just one strategy but also used some strategy should can to able as teacher.



This is how the linguist David Wilkins described the importance of vocabulary as qouted by Tornbury. It means that someone can speak English although less in grammar during the key words is easy to be understood. In the other side, someone can not say something if they never know vocabulary, means that they can not communicate well. Other opinion, Rivers in Davit Nunan argued that the of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because without extencial vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and function we may have learner for comprehensible communication. Lewis argues that vocabulary should be at the center of language teaching because language consists of grammatical lexis, not lexicalized grammar.

A number of ways of conceptualizing strategies in language teaching have been made. Various attempts have also been made to explore more systematically the relationship between theory and practice within a method. A knowledge of methods is part of the knowledge base of teaching. Method serve as foil for reflection that can aid teachers in bringing to conscious awareness the thinking that underlies their action.

Based on freeman opinion the “how a method is implemented to the

classroom, is going to be affected not only by who the teacher is but also the students are, their and the teachers’ expectations of appropriate social roles, the


Every teacher and students are able to use several strategies or method to master the second language, especially vocabulary. Ever though every strategies has different principle and techniques but every strategy must be the seven characteristics such as:

a. Teaching language strategies refer to the effective procedures and technique s to master the language.

b. Some of teaching language strategies are able to be observed but some of them are not.

c. Teaching language strategies oriented toward the problem in the learning. d. Teaching language strategies has big contribution to the successful of the


e. Teaching language strategies are able to be repeated.

f. Teaching language strategies are able to be change and improved

In this case a teacher strategies in teaching English vocabulary at the eleventh grade students of SMA NU Palangka Raya is used multiple meaning, game, and memorization.


At SMAS NU Palanga Raya, student mastery to English less vocabulary. Therefore, as English teacher used strategy while teaching English language for student to XI IPS, by looking for the meaning of vocabulary. Because based on Chapter II page 26 multiple meaning a ware new activity. It is a type of activity that depelops students awareness of word that may have more than one meaning.

Game is not only suitable for children but also for adults. And based on interview with English teacher and are students they fell with game easier to understanding about vocabulary, because within game can more enjoy and relaxed atmosphere.

Based on the chapter II page 26 game is one of activities which can help to create dynamic motivating classes. The reason is that learning takes place when the students, in relaxed atmosphere, participate in activities that require than to use what they have been drilled on.

Untuk tugas menghafal kosa kata tidak saya berikan secara langsung,

namun melalui belajar dalam setiap pertemuan. Jika ada anak yang tidak tau sebuah arti kata maka mereka di minta untuk membuka kamus dan langsung

dibahas”. 10

For memorization task vocabulary not I give straightforward, but can through studying in each appointment. If there is child that doesn't know one word meaning therefore they at ask for to open dictionary and direct are worked through.



English teacher said if for memorization task vocabulary not she give straightforward, but can through studying in each appointment. If there is child that doesn't know one word meaning therefore they at ask for to open dictionary and direct are worked through. So each child is advised to take in dictionary each study English language. Based on chapter II page 26 is memory is also very important in the development og a second language, and it is vocabulary which requires more generous treatment for memorization compered with other aspects of second language development.

To describe that the teacher in teaching applied using of multiple meaning, game and memorization in English at the eleventh grade students of SMA NU Palangka Raya, the writer observed the teacher and student activities in learning of English.

The instruction design strategies in English teacher by multiple meaning.

Based on result of interview with the teachers English the English language support is a necessary word to communicate with someone.. She used multiple meaning and using function word. The implementation of using guess game or puzzle in teaching English


Palangka Raya. The teacher used this technique in teaching learning for the reason; the student were hoped to be enjoy, confident, active, and flowing in expressing their ideas depend on their level ability. The instruction design strategies in teachers English by memorization.

Based on interview with the English teacher. Therefore, she as English teacher’s used strategy while teaching English language for student to IX

IPS, by used memorization. But when the teacher gives my job to memorize and practice.


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