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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Selanjutnya "


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Bri tish Embassy ,

DJAlUiliTA .


April ,

1969 .

Your · xcellency ,

I h .. e セィ・@ onour to r er to the discussions c onc erning

development aid from the Government of' the Unit d Kingdom of

at Britain and orther Ireland to the Government of the

Republ i c of Indonesia and to inform Your セク」・ャャ・ョ」ケ@ that the

Government o · the United Kingdom are prepared to conclude an

Agreement with the Indonesian Government on this question.

The position of the Gov rnment of the United Kingdom with

r gard to the provision of finance and the commitments of

that Government and of tr£ Government of Indonesia as regards

a sociated atters snal be as respectively set out in Part A

and rt B belo v:

A . The Government o the Uni ' ed Kingdom declare that it is

their i ntention , acting by the inistry of oカ・イウ・セウ@

Development (hereinafter re:ferred o as u the Ministry") ,

to make a vai able to the Govern ent of Indonesia by way

of' interest-free loan a sum not exceeding £75 ,OOO

( seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling) or

the purchase in the United ' ingdom or British goods .

B.(1)The Government of セィ・@ United Kingdom shall adopt the

arrangem nts and p ocedures described in the rollowing

paragraphs o this ote in so ar as they relate o things

to be done y or on behalf of that Government . The

Go ernment of Inuonesia s h all · dopt th arrangements

and procedures uO described in SO :far as they relate

/ to

His セク」・ャャ・ョ」 ケ@ Mr . Adam Malik ,


to things to be done by or on behalf of the Government . (2) ( a)For the rpose of t ese arrangements , the Gove lillent of

I ndonesia through the Central Bank of Indonesia (Bank

Indonesia) shall, by a request in the form set out in

Annex to this Note , open a s11ecial account (hereinafte r

referred to as 'the Account") nth a Bank in ondon

(hereinafter e aerred to as II the Bank"). The Ac count

shall be operated sole y for the purposes of the loan

and in accordance with the instructions contained in the

said request .

(b ) As soon as the Account is opened d before taking any

other s tep required by these arrangement s for o tain ing

any part of the loan, the Government of Indonesia shall furnish the 1\linis try · th a copy o:f the Gov r ent' s

i nstructions to the Bank given ·n accor ance with the

foregoing provisions of thls paragraph . The Government

of Indonesia shall , at the same time , and so of'ten as

any change i s made therein , en sure that the 1inistry is

no ti +>i ed o · the names of' the officers who are duly

authorised to sign on its behalf the Requests for Drari ngs

hereinafter provided and shall also ensure that a specimen

signature in dupli cate of ach such officer i s provided .

(c) The Go ernment of Indonesia shall ensure that the Bank

shall f orward monthly to the Minis try a statement o:r

receipts to and payments from the c c ount .

(d) Unless the 1inistry otherwise agree payments into th

Account shall not be made a.f'ter the 31st a r ch , 1970 .


HセI@ Save to the extent (if any) to which the 1inistry ay

ッエィ・イセゥウ・@ agree , drawings fro the loan shall be used


-(a) to reimburse any Bank in the U. K. for payme ts , made

by means of irrevocable let ers of credit which are

opened or advised G.f'ter t Je date of this 1 ote,

under a contract for the purchase in the United

Kingdom (which expression in this Note shall be

deemed to include the Channel Island an the Isle

of セ。ョ I@ of goods wholly produced or manufactured in

the United Kingdom or , in the case of cheiuical and

allied products, goous hich are duly declared to be

of United Kingdom origin on the form set out in

Annex C (Chemicals) to this Hate , being goods that

appear i n Parts

' A'


'B '

of Appendix I to the

Decree of the iniste r of Commerce , No . 05/SK/l/68

of 29 January

1968 ,

the Indonesian official list of

goods f'or which payment by means of' ".uxport Bonus"

foreign exchange from foreign credits i s authorise

by the Govern en t of Indonesia, being a contract


(i) prov· des for payment in sterling to persons

carrying on business in the United Ki dam; and

(ii) is approved by the Government of Indonesia and

ac epted by the inistry for financing from

the loan; and

(iii) is entered into after the date of t his Note

and before the 31st December,

1969 .


(b) for payment of sterling bank charges and commis ions

payable in the United Kingdom

to:-( i) the Bank i n respect o their services in

connection with this loan; and

(ii) any ·bank i n the United Kingdom i n respect of

letters of credit referred t o in this p r agraph.

(4) (a) Where the Goverrunent of Indonesia proposes that part of the

l oan shall be applied to a contract that Gove mm n t shall

ensure that there are forwarded at the earliest opportunity

to the iinis try :

-( i) a copy of the contr ct, or of' a letter of credit

relating to th contract ; and

(ii ) two copies of a certificate from the supplier

concerned in the Uni ed Kingdom in the form set

out i n Annex C or Annex C ( Ch micals) ( セィゥ・@ ever

is appropri t e) to this Note .

(b) The Government of Indonesia shall ensure that the inistry

is informed if at any time contract (being a contract

in respect of hich documents have been submitted in

accordance with the foregoing provisions) is amended or

if liability is i c rred or is to be incurred thereunder

to a greater or leGser amount than the amount specified in

the contract certificate and, in either of t hese cases , the

Government of Indonesia shall ensure that there are ro r warded

as soon as possible to the ·inistry the relevant supplementary

or revised documents .

(5) (a) fter the :inistry has 」ッョウゥセ・イ・、@ the documents forwarded

in ーオイウオ。ョ」 Gセ@ of the proc dure described in the foregoing


p_ovisions of this ャッセ・@ and any ad itional information which

it may request :fo this purpos e f'rom the Bank acting n oehalf of the Government of' Indonesia {and hich shall then

be supplied on behalf o · tha t Government) the inist r y shall

ョッセゥ@ y the Bank in the form set out in Annex C(i) t o this

ote vhetl'Er and to what extent i t ac epts that a contract

is eligible :Cor payment f'rom the loan.

{b)To the extent that the ... inistry so ac ·epts a contract and

agrees to payment from the Account it shall on re c eipt of

a request duly signed by the Bank on behalf o the Governmen t

of Indonesia, i n he orm e t out in

Annex B

to this Note ,

giving details of payments &le and abou t to be made , ake

payments in st rling into the Account and eac h such payment

shall constitute a drawing on the loan .

( 6) Withdra ·Jals from the Account shall be made only in the manner

and subject to the conditions hereinafter set out i n this


{a) for the reimbursement to a bank in the cases to hich

paragraph (3 ) (a) refers , withdrawals shall be made only

on receipt by the Bank o the relevant documents including: -(i) a Pa yment ertificate in the form shom in

Annex D hereto and the i nvoices ref' r red to therein; or

( ii)

the invoices only for co nt acts in respect of'

which a Contract Certificate in t.te rorm shown

in Annex C (Chemicals hereto has been provided;

and proviued tba.t


(iii) the amount of rei bursement made i n respect of

any one contract excluding the sterling bank

charges and conunissions referred to in paragraph

( 3)(b) above , shall not exceed the amount

ウセ」ゥヲゥ・、@ in rel tion to that contract in the

notification in the form set out in Annex C

( i) ; and

(iv) tbe Bank shall forward to the iin · stry the

rel vant p。ケュセョエ@ Certifi ate ( where applicable)

and i nvoices immediately any such reimbursements

nave been made ; and

(v) where tbe amount snown in paragraph ( ii) or a

Payment Certificate exceeds the amount specified

i n paragraph


of the Contract Certificate relating

to that contract the Go ernment of Indonesia , at

the request of the セゥョゥウエイケ L@ shall pay an amount

equal to the difference into the Account;

(b) fo r payments to which paragraph (3)(b) refers , the Bank shall

debit the Account and inform the inistry of the amount so

debited . In respect of the bank charges i ncurred under

paragraph ( 3 (b)(ii) they shall relate the bank cha g s t o

the c ontract concerned;

(c ) photocopies er duplicat s of invoices may be submitted

instead of the o igin' ls for the purposes of this paragraph .

( 7) If any monies that have been paid out of the Account are

s bsequently refunded either by the Supplier o by a guarantor


t he Government of Indonesia shall , so long as there are payments

or reimbursements to be ade from the Account , pay an equivalent

of such sums into the Account and , in any other case , appl y

the refunds to the reduction of the loan .

( 8) The Government of I ndonesia shall r pay to the 1inistry in

pounds sterling in London the total sum burrowed under the

arrangements s et out in this Note , such repayment t o be

made by instalments paid on the dates and in the amounts

specified below , except that i f , on the date hen any su ch

instalment i s due to be paid , there is then outstanding less

than the amount specified for that instalment onl y t he amount

then outstanding shall be p aid:


Date Due Amount

1st November 976 and on the 1st November i n セ。」ィ@ of the succeeding



1s t foay 1977 and on the 1st ay in each of the succeeding

16 years

lst May 1994


21 ,000

21,00 0

1 5,00 0

(9 ) nッエセゥエィウエ。ョ、ゥョァ@ t he provisions of paragraph (8) of this ote ,

the Government of Indonesia shall be free at any earli er time

to r epay to the Ministry in pounds sterling i n London t he whole

or any part of the loan that is still outstanding .


I f' the f'oregoing proposals are acceptable to the Governme nt

of the Republi c of Indonesia, I have the honou r to sugges t that

the present Note together with your reply i n tha t s ense shall

c onstitute an Agreement between the two Governments which shall

ent er i nto force


the date of your reply and the Agreement shall

be referred to


the United Kingdom/Indonesia No .

3 Loan ,( 1969 )

-Provision or Goods and Services from t he United Kingdom .

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your セク」・ャャ・ョ」ケ@

the assurances of my highest consideration .

·. I'



he anager,

•••••••••••••••••••••• Bank Ltd .,


Dear Sirs,

aQセex@ A


Ul ITED KINGDOM/INDON'..!SIA o. 3 LO.Al ( 1969 )

I confirm your appointment as agents of the Central Bank of

Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) on behalf of the Government of Indonesia

(hereinafter c alled " the Government") in connection with the

administration of the above ment ioned loan which is for th sum of

£750,000 ( seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling ).

2 .


have to reques t you on behalf of the Government t o open an

account in the name of the Bank Indonesia, to be styled United Kingdom/

Indonesia No . 3 ( B.B .) Loan ( 1969) Account (hereina te r called 11the

Account") .

3 . Five blank copies of either a Cont r act Certificate and of a

Payment Certificate in the form marked Armex C and Armex D r especively,

attached hereto or of a Contract Certificate in the form of Annex C

( Chemicals) attached hereto , ill be attached by the advising bank (i.e . the London bank which is requested to advise the relative

l etter of credit) to each irrevocable letter of credit opened or

advised in respect of contracts which the Government d si re to be

financed from the loan. It will be a condition of each l e t ter of

credit that on receipt the eneficiary must complete and r eturn to

t he ad ising bank urgently four copies of the Contract Certificate.

The advising bank will forward t o you three copies of t h e completed

Contract Certificate and t o copies of the contract ( or of the letter of


credit in lieu ) and you will retain one c opy


each document and

submit the remainde r, on b half o the Government, to the British

セゥョゥセエイケ@ of Overseas Development, Loans Administration Se ction,

Finance Department , Eland House , Stag Pace, London, s N セ N ャ N@

(here inafte r cal led " the inistry") ; the Ministry will inf' o rm

you in the :ro m. marked Annex C( i) hereto whether and to what

ext nt i t accepts that a contract is eligible for payment from

t he lo an .


.Any am ndment neces ary to a contract, hich af'fects the

details of the relevant Cont r act Certificate , after the contract

has been accepted in whole or part by the Mi ni stry for financing


the loan, must be submitted to the ini s t ry . The advi sing

bank will accordingl y be r e qui red to submit to you three copies

of a fresh Contract Certificat e duly signed by t h e su ppli er

together with two copies of the proposed amendment and a ct i on will

then proceed as i n paragraph 3 above .


Payments i nto the Account will be made from time to time b y

the inistry on receipts by them of requests i n the f orm s h own in

Annex B hereto and which you are authorised to present on behalf"

of the Government . The amount of" the loan t o be d r awn on any one

occ sion will be sufficient , t ogether wi th any balance which may be

available in the Account , t o cover the to tal payments made or ab out

to be made under the contracts referred to in paragra h 3 ab ove . I t

is possible tha , a s a result of refunds becomi ng due from contractors ,

pa ents into the Account will also be m de by the Government i tself .

6 . Payments from the Account are to be made fro m time to time only:

( i ) to make reimbursement to any bank in the United Kingdom

in respect of payments made in accordance d th a



l ette r of' credit hich has been marked FAUK/69 for t he

purpo e o es t ablishing that recove y is t o b e effected

:from the Government ' s special loan account ith your bank and

i n res pect of which you have received the relev ant documen ts


-( a) A Contract Ce rtificate i n accordance wi t h the procedure

described in paragraph 3 above; and

( b) eithe r a Payment Certificate in t e fonn ma!ked Annex

D attached hereto, duly signed by the Supplier and the

invoices referred to therein or the i nvoices onl y in

respect of contracts for the purchas e of chemicals

and allied products ; or

( ii ) to eet t he charges and commissions due to you i n respect

of your services as the agent of the Government in the

adillinistration of this loan; or

(iii)to mee t sterling b ank charges payable in the United Ki ngdom

in r es:tect of l etters of c redit r eferred to above .

The amount of rei mbursement unde r paragraph 6{i ) abov i ll not

exceed the amount s:i;::e ci:fied in the notif'ic a ti on in the f o rm ma:rk ed .Annex C (i) supplied t o you by the セゥョゥウエイケ@ in rel ation to the

cont r act t hat i the subje c t


the lette r of credit . Any balance

required t o mee t the full value of the lette r of credit will b e met

from a separate accowit of the Government . You wi ll send t o the

Mi ni stry fo r thei r retenti on the Payment Certificates ( where appl i cable)

and invoices mentione d in paragraph 6 (i)(b) i mmediately the

reimburs ments to which they relate have been made .


8 . You i l l debit the Account with the charges referred to in

paragraphs 6 (ii) and


(iii) and ゥイセッイュ@ the Ministry of the

am unts so debited and supply details of the contract to which

each charge under paragraph


(iii) relates .

9 . Yo will send to the li nistry and to the Bank Indonesia ,

Head Office, Djakarta, at the end of each month a detailed st atement

ウィッセゥョァ@ all debits and c redits to the Account during the month. A

copy of the statement should also be forwarded to the Representative's

Office of the Bank Indonesia fo r Europe , in London.

10 . You wil l send to the セゥョゥウエイケ@ with copies to t he Bank Indonesia

specimen signatures of the officers of the Bank authorised to sign

as gent o · the Central Bank of Indonesia on behalf of the

Government , Requests for Dra·iVings in the form at Annex B hereto .

11. A copy of this l et er has been aduressed to the inistry .



UI !'11


KING セ ッ N@ 3 loNゥセ|@ ( 1 969 )


Sums amounti ng to £ are expe cted t o fal l du e

within the next two weeks ( approximately) under contra cts

a c cepte d by you under the terms of t he above ent i one d loan.

The amount available in the Special Account to mee t the

abov e payments is £ and a rur trer payment int o the

Account o:f £ i s hereby reques t ed .

The sum of £ now re quested s hall on payment

i n to the Account constitute a drawing on t he loan .

Date •••••••••••••••••••••••••• igned on behal:f o:f the Government of Indonesia


To : 'rhe l'Jlinis try of' Overseas Development ,

Finance Departrre nt ,

land House ,

St ag Pla ce ,


Al セ@






Particulars of Contracts

1 . ate of Contract Contract Number

United Kingdom Origin

1 on-United Kingdom Origin

2 . Description of Goods to be supplied to the Purchaser

3 . To tal ;-estimateg/ contract p ice payable by Purchase r

Esti ated amounts , if any, paid (or to e paid) b y the

up lier in resp c t of gooJ.s or services of non-Unite Kingdom Origin procur d (or to be procur ed) for the purposes of セィ・@ Contract

Sterling Other currency, if any

Amount Description

In respect of

o -Unite Kingdom goods and s ervices (a) goods or materials

(b) work to be done or services performed in Purchaser's country

( c) know-how

( d) plans , designs

and technical document at ion (e) other services

5 . I h reby declare that I am employ d in the Uni ted King dom by the Sup lier n ame d bel ow a nd I hav the authority t o sign this certificate . I hereby undertak e that i n performance of the Contract , n o goods or services キセゥ」ィ@ are not or United Kingdom origmwill be supplied by the Supplier other than those speci 'ied in paragraph


above .

Signed •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Position held ••••••••••••••••••••••••• l ame and address

of Supplier ••••••••••••••••••••••••

•••••••••••••••••••••••• Date

•••••••••••••••••• otes : For the purpose of t his declara ion the nited Kingdom

includes the Channe l Islands and the I sle of an .



c (

CEEr-rcALS )

NO. 3 . LO'


1 . Date of Con t ract ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cont r a ct No • •••••••••

2 . escri ption of Product(s ) to be submitted to Purchaser

( :rote A)



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pri ce £ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

U . K. Tariff Classification l 0 .

'(Note B)

• •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••

• •

• • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Is the product o


o rigin?

(See Note C) State 1Ye s1 or 1No1

3 . Total { estimateQ.7 Contract Price Payable by Purchase r in Sterling -£

4 . (Declaration) I hereby declare that I amemPloyed i n he nited Kingdom by the Contractor named below and have the aut hority to s ign this certificate, and that the above i nformati on is corre ct.

Signed •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Position leld

Name and address of Contractor Date NOTES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••

A. This form is only to be used for chemical and allied products, most o hich are covered by the appropri ate s ub-headings of Chapters 15 , 25 , 28-35 and

37- 40

of the U. K. Tariff.


-( i) H • . • Customs


セク」ゥウ・@ Tariff

H.M .s.o .

(i i) Classification of Chemicals in Brussels omenclature

H.M.s .o.



(i) A product is regarded as of' ' U. K. origin ' i f made either wholly f r om indigenous U.K . materials Q_ accor1d.ing t o the appropriate _:JFTA qualifying process u sing imported m tGri als wholl y or in


( ii) qualifying processes are s e t out i n Sc .edule of' the BセャエG G@ 'A Co pendium fo r the se

o:f .i.:.1xporters" , h Niセ@ .5


( i i i ) For t e urpose of -his declaration it is to be emphasised that the 'alternative pe centage c ri te ion ' D03S ·



(iv / The ords "Area Origin" vhe re they af pea r in the

above Schedule must be t aken to mean 11U . K . Origin" only .

(v) For the purpos s of' this declaration, the "Basic iv aterials ist" (Schedule III o:f the EFI'A Co ipen i )

does not apply .

(vi) If a qualifying process is not listed f r the wate rial in question , advice should be s ought from Loans Administration Section, inance Depart ent , ii nistry o ve rs eas Development ,

セャ。ョ、@ House, Stag Place , London , S.W.l .


.Al -



i tセNjI@ KI!· G o . 3 LO_ ( 1969)

To : The anager

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bank Ltd . ,

- ondon .

· e are pleased to i nform you that we accept

e regret to i nf'orm you that we cannot accept the Contract

p rticu ars of hich are set out ·nth copy certificate attached

hereto , as eligible for payment from the above .rrentioned loan to

the exte t of £

Date ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Signed on behalf of the



O. 3 loセNl@ (1969)

I he r·eby certify that :

( i) th ayments referred t o i the · nvoices listed below , lhich or copies of which cco any this payment certificate , fall due anu are to be made in respect o Contract セッ@ ••••••••••• aated ••••••••••••••••• oetvee the Supplier named oel ow and

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Pure aser) and are in accordance vith the 。イエゥ」オャセイウ@ of this contract iotified

i l the 」ッョセイ。」エ@ certi icate signed on behalf of the said

contractor on •••••••••••••••••••••


nvoi e l o . Date Amount


hart descri.t!ti of goods

(ii) セィ・イ・@ are included · n the above - mentioned i nvoices the foll :ling a aunts i n r s- ect of he non-united Iang o

ッッ セウ@ or services specified in paragraph


of t he contract certificat :




( d) £

( e) JJ

iii) apar t ro the a oun-'-s s ecif'ied in ar graph (ii) all tne a ounts speciried in paragraph


are payaole in r spect of goods and services of United Kingdo orig · n .

(iv) I ave the authority to sign this ccrtif"cate on ehalf of the Supplier named below

i 6ne d ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •

Pas· ti on '1eld

J: a1 e and address of Supplier



••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••




1'ri ti sh -.mbassy,

29 pril, 1969 .

Your セ@ cellency ,

I have the honou r to refer to the Agreement on develo pment

aid concluded today between the Government of the Uni t ed Kingdom

of Gr eat Br itain and Nort hern Ireland and the Gov rnment of t he

Republic o f I ndonesia.

In orde r to simpli fy the administration of the l oan provided

セッイ@ unde r t he terms of the Agreement it has been agre ed that a

list should be published showing those items on parts A and B

of the curren t Bonus ,e,xport List which are either unobtai nabl e

r rom th United Kingdom or ineligible under the terms of t he loan .

A list of' those i tems is attached divided into :

(a) i tems which a 1e not normally produced i n or exported

from the United Kingdom ; and

(b items which will not qualify as being of United ingdom

o r igin .

I avail mysel r or this opportunity to ren ew t o Your Excellency

the assurances o.f my hi ghest consideration .



セ@ : -..

Her Brit annic Majesty's Ambassado r

His セク 」 ・ャャ・ョ」ケ@ Mr . Adam Malik , ··i nis t er of Foreign Affai rs , Department o.f Foreign Af fairs ,


Import Tariff I tem o .




59-I - III

61-I-II I

121 - la , b



357 - I

449- I




382 383

391-I - II 40

449 - II 451

455-la , b-II




598-I 600 601 602

603 ( i f met al in question is non-ferrous) 604 605-I 607-I 609 610-I I 611 619 620 621-I 624 627 628 629 630-Ia,bII





636-I 640-la,b 641-I-II 642-la, b




813 - I-IIa, b 815


908-IIa, b


British Embassy,

J ,. RT.n. .


April ,

1969 .

our '""1


have the honour to refer to t h gree ent on develop ent

aid concluued today 「・エキ セ ・ョ@ the Gov rnme t o· the Unite Kingdom

0 re t. ritain and rorthe n I eland and the Government o · e

e ublic 01 Indonesia .

ln discussions on the agree nent tJl..e question of' shipping

charg s and ins ranee charges on goods imported . .ri th the aid {8.S

r ised . As this is not cover d specif'ical y i n the Agreement the

セッウゥエゥッョ@ is set out below for rurthe r clarification and to enable

your Government to i nform importers and banks .


Gooas should be shipped in accoru.ance Yi th normal commercial

competitive practice and no directed to ships of' any particular

f'lag . Provicled sbi -_:-ing costs are p(Aid i st rling in the United

Kingdom they may be met .from aid :funds and the flag o the vessel

is immaterial .


On a c . i . • contract, he re the insurer is not reve led ,

i sur nee is assumed to ave , een placed with a United Kingdom

company and the ihol cont r' ct pric may be . et :Crom aid funds .

11 ency klr . Adam I· al ik , or lt'o reign f' airs ,

t of セッイ・ゥァョ@ .Af'f'airs ,


In all otiJera cases i nsurance costs セN。ケ@ be et f'rom aid funds

prov · ded i t is placed ·th an insuru.nce company carr•yi ng on

ousine ·s in the enited Kingdom and payrJent i s ade in the

Dni ted Kingdom i n s t e1"1l ing .

I avail myself or this opportunity to renew

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