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Publisher: Taylor & Francis

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Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

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Activities of soil enzymes in fields continuously

cultivated with cassava, sugarcane, and pineapple

in middle terrace areas of Lampung Province, South

Sumatra, Indonesia

Abdul Kadir Salam a , Edi Sut ant o a , Yessi Desvia a , Ainin Niswat i a , Dermiyat i a & Makot o

Kimura b


Depart ment of Soil Science , Universit y of Lampung , Bandar Lampung , 35145 , Indonesia b

Depart ment of Biological Mechanisms and Funct ions, Graduat e School of Bioagricult ural Sciences , Nagoya Universit y , Chikusa-ku , Nagoya , 464-8601 , Japan

Published online: 04 Jan 2012.

To cite this article: Abdul Kadir Salam , Edi Sut ant o , Yessi Desvia , Ainin Niswat i , Dermiyat i & Makot o Kimura (1999) Act ivit ies of soil enzymes in f ields cont inuously cult ivat ed wit h cassava, sugarcane, and pineapple in middle t errace areas of Lampung Province, Sout h Sumat ra, Indonesia, Soil Science and Plant Nut rit ion, 45: 4, 803-809, DOI:

10. 1080/ 00380768. 1999. 10414329

To link to this article: ht t p: / / dx. doi. org/ 10. 1080/ 00380768. 1999. 10414329


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Fig. 1. several villages, (B) sugarcane fields, Sampling and Map of sampling sites (4°27' S to 4°55' Sand lOYO' E to lOY18' E)
Table 1. Selected chemical properties of the soil samples collected from cassava, sugarcane, and pineapple plantation fields (average±SD)
Table 3. Correlation coefficients for some chemical and enzymatic properties of the soil samples from cassava, sugarcane, and pineapple plantation fields


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