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Contoh soal Acept UGM Id


Academic year: 2018

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Contoh soal Acept UGM

Source: English Training Program (AcEPT & TOEFL Preparation)

Collected by: yusri hw (facebook.com/ciciunic)

Informasi Umum

Bagian-Bagian Soal

Pada t es AcEPT ada 5 Part s (bagian) yait u:

List ening ---> (20 soal)

Vocabulary ---> (30 soal) Grammar and St ruct ure ----> (40 soal)

Reading ---> (40 soal)

Composing Skills ---> (40 soal)

Bobot Soal

Bobot set iap but ir soal adalah 2,5 (dua set engah)


Jumlah soal AcEPT adalah 170 soal, sehingga 170 x 2,5

= 425.

Informasi resmi dari DAA, t ot al nilai AcEPT adalah 426, selisih sat u angka t ent unya t idak signifikan meskipun

mungkin ada alasannya.

List ening ---> ( 50 poin)

Vocabulary ---> ( 75 poin)

Grammar ---> (100 poin) Reading ---> (100 poin)

Composing Skills ---> (100 poin)

Nilai Terendah, Tert inggi dan Bat as Lulus AcEPT

Pada sist em penilian t es AcEPT kit a ket ahui bahw a:

Nilai t erendah : 0 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 217)

Nilai bat as lulus S2 : 209 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 450)

Nilai bat as lulus S3 : 268 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 500)

Nilai t ert inggi : 426 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 677)

Cat at an:

Dat a t ersebut adalah dat a resmi dari w ebsit e UGM . Pada prakt eknya banyak orang dengan nilai TOEFL 450

belum juga mencapai nilai AcEPT 209 dan orang

dengan nilai TOEFL 500 belum mencapai AcEPT 268.

Karena fakt a dilapangan unt uk mencapai nilai 209

perlu kemampuan set ara TOEFL 500 dan unt uk mencapai nilai AcEPT 268 perlu kemampuan set ara

TOEFL 550.


Unt uk lulus, para mahasisw a dan calon mahasisw a

pascasarjana UGM perlu bisa menjaw ab set idaknya

sebagai berikut :

M ahasisw a S2 perlu nilai 209 minimal harus benar 84


M ahasisw a S3 perlu nilai 268 minimal harus benar 108


Demikianlah semoga informasi yang kami peroleh

berbagai sumber ini bermanfaat bagi anda yang ingin

bisa lulus t es AcEPT UGM .

Nilai Terendah, Tert inggi dan Bat as Lulus AcEPT

Pada sist em penilian t es AcEPT kit a ket ahui bahw a:

- Nilai t erendah : 0 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 217)

- Nilai bat as lulus S2 : 209 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 450) - Nilai bat as lulus S3 : 268 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 500)

- Nilai t ert inggi : 426 (Set ara dengan TOEFL 677)

Cat at an:

Dat a t ersebut adalah dat a resmi dari websit e UGM .

Pada prakt eknya banyak orang dengan nilai TOEFL 450

belum juga mencapai nilai AcEPT 209 dan orang dengan nilai TOEFL 500 belum mencapai AcEPT 268.

Karena fakt a dilapangan unt uk mencapai nilai 209

perlu kemampuan set ara TOEFL 500 dan unt uk


Listening 4,25 poin x 20 butir



1. Sebelum anda mendengarkan pernyat aan dari t ape

recorder/ suara narat or, sebaiknya anda melihat

t erlebih dahulu jaw aban/ pilihan A,B,C,D pada lembar soal.

2. Bacalah sepint as lalu (scanning) set iap kalimat pada

pilihan A,B,C,D.

3. Perhat ikan secara seksama, ada beberapa kat a dari

set iap pilihan A,B,C,D yang t ulisannya sama/ diu lang lebih dari sat u kali.

4. Kat a - kat a yang diulang it u merupakan TOPIK


5. Arahkan/ fokus pikiran anda pada t opik it u.

6. Dengarkan pernyat aan pada t ape recorder/ narat or.

7. Ada kat a/ kelompok kat a yg merupakan KATA KUNCI

dari pernyat aan narat or.

8. Buat lah KESIM PULAN dari kat a kunci it u/ CARI KATA

LAIN/ PENRNYATAAN LAIN yg mempunyai makna yang mirip/ sama dengan kat a kunci it u.

9. Kesimpulan/ kat a lain/ pernyat aan lain/ sinonim dari

kat a kunci it u merupakan jaw aban yg benar.

Perhat ikan cont oh berikut : Anda akan mendengarkan

pernyat aan dari narrat or/ t ape recorder sbb:

1. The assignment is due t he day aft er t omorrow . No ext ension w ill be given for t his.

A. Simon is doing his job w ell, and t hey ment ioned it .

B. You must do t he assignment t he day aft er

t omorrow .

C. No sanct ion is given if you do t he assignment t he day aft er t omorrow .

D. It 's bet t er for you t o complet e t he t ask right aw ay.

Dari cont oh di at as, dapat kit a simpulkan bahw a t opik

dari pernyat aan narrat or adalah t ent ang

ASSIGNM ENT. Perhat ikan kat a assignment pada

pilihan B dan C diulang dua kali.

KATA KUNCI pada pernyat aan narrat or adalah

assignment (t ugas), due (jat uh t empo) t he day aft er

t omorrow , No ext ension (t dk ada perpanjangan

w akt u).

M aka pilihan yang paling t epat adalah (D) It 's bet t er for you t o complet e t he t ask right aw ay.

Alasannya, kat a " assignment " (t ugas) pada pernyat aan

narrat or mempunyai makna yg sama dengan " t ask" (t ugas) pada pilihan (D). Selain it u, kelompok kat a

" due t he day aft er t omorrow " dan " No ext ension"

dapat kit a simpulkan dgn pernyat aan lain yakni " It 's

bet t er for you t o complet e t he t ask right aw ay"

(sebaiknya dikerjakan sekarang).

Tips ini berlaku unt uk Tes AcEPT Part 1 List ening

Comprehension (NOM OR 1 - 10). M udah - mudahan

t ips saya ini dapat bermanfaat bagi t eman - t eman

semua. Tips yang lain akan saya bahas dilain kesempat an. Salam Sukses

Vocabulary 2,83 poin x 30 butir


Vocabulary cloze t est s are common on all exams. They

usually require you t o choose t he correct choice out

of four possibilit ies.

1. Read t he t ext t hrough t rying t o underst anding t he general meaning.

2. Look at each missing w ord gap and t ry t o imagine

t he correct should be.

3. Decide w hich part of speech (adject ive, noun,

gerund, et c.) needs t o be used t o fill each gap.

4. Read t he t ext again, t rying t o fill gap as you come t o

it by imagining w hat t he correct answer should be.

5. Read t he t ext anot her t ime, t his t ime choose t he

correct answ er from t he four (somet imes t hree) answ ers given.

6. If you are unsure of any given answ er, t ry reading

t he sent ence w it h each of t he four possibilit ies.


(usually t w o relat ively false answ ers are given) When

st uck bet w een t w o answ ers, go w it h t he one t hat

sounds right .

Soal No 1 (8 may) 1-15

A. For quest ions 1 – 15, choose t he w ord or phrase in A, B, C, or D w hich best complet es each blank space in

t he t ext .

Text 1

The shark has senses specially (1)_____ t he animal's

life underw at er. Smell is a shark's most acut e sense.

Approximat ely 70 percent of t he shark's brain is used

for smelling funct ions. Experiment s have show n t hat

sharks can det ect prey (2)_____ by smell, and t he hungrier t he shark, t he less st imulant needed t o elicit

a react ion.

Sharks are sensit ive t o light and can det ect cert ain

object s even in murky w at er. Some have a mirror-like layer under t he ret ina t hat reflect s incoming light and

increases t he (3)_____ light available t o t he eye.

Sharks can also sense elect ric and magnet ic fields.

Sensory pores locat ed on t he shark's head can det ect

a prey's bioelect ric field (4)_____ if t he prey is buried in sand. A shark can also det ect t he Eart h's magnet ic

field. Open-ocean sharks may use t his informat ion t o

(5)_____ and orient t hemselves.

1. A. appoint ed by C. figured out

B. invent ed for D. designed for

2. A. t imidly C. solely

B. hardly D. disorderly

3. A. prominence of C. odor of

B. disposal of D. amount of

4. A. even C. how ever

B. as D. even t hough

5. A. sink C. craw l

B. navigat e D. Thrust

Kunci Jaw aban Soal No 1 Soal No 2

t ext

When he was 21 years old, Thomas Edison (1)_____

his first pat ent . It w as for an elect ric vot e count er

(2)_____ in t he Unit ed St at es House of

Represent at ives. The machine w orked perfect ly, but

t he congressmen (3)_____ it . They did not w ant vot e count ing t o be done quickly.

This experience (4)_____ t he young invent or a lesson.

He decided t o follow a simple rule: “ First , be sure a

t hing (5)_____ or needed, t hen go ahead.”

1. A. t ake out

B. t ook out

C. w as t aken out

D. had t aken out

2. A. used t o be

B. used

C. had used

D. t o be used

3. A. not buy

B. w ould not buy C. had not buy

D. w as not bought

4. A. w ere t eaching B. has t aught

C. t aught

D. w as t aught

5. A. is w ant ed

B. w ant s it

C. w ant ed

D. had w ant ed

Jaw aban Soal No 2 1.D

2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A

Soal No 3


The shark has senses specially (1)_____ t he animal's

life underwat er. Smell is a shark's most acut e sense.


for smelling funct ions. Experiment s have show n t hat

sharks can det ect prey (2)_____ by smell, and t he

hungrier t he shark, t he less st imulant needed t o elicit

a react ion.

Sharks are sensit ive t o light and can det ect cert ain

object s even in murky w at er. Some have a mirror-like

layer under t he ret ina t hat reflect s incoming light and

increases t he (3)_____ light available t o t he eye. Sharks can also sense elect ric and magnet ic fields.

Sensory pores locat ed on t he shark's head can det ect

a prey's bioelect ric field (4)_____ if t he prey is buried

in sand. A shark can also det ect t he Eart h's magnet ic

field. Open-ocean sharks may use t his informat ion t o (5)_____ and orient t hemselves.

1. A. appoint ed by

B. invent ed for

C. figured out D. designed for

2. A. t imidly

B. hardly C. solely

D. Disorderly

3. A. prominence of B. disposal of

C. odor of

D. amount of

4. A. even

B. as

C. how ever

D. even t hough

5. A.sink

B. navigat e

C. craw l

D. Thrust

Jaw aban Soal No 3: 1.D

2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B

Soal No 4 (27 januari)

1. To _____ someone means t o save him or her

from danger.

A. Praise

B. injure C. rescue

D. announce

2. The commit t ee _____ choosing you as president . A. w ound up

B. but t oned dow n

C. w iped out

3. D. sat in

The new spaper says, “ A t w o-year-old-girl _____

t oday when st ruck by bus.

A. kicked t he bucket

B. was eradicat ed

C. was killed D. depart ed

4. Phrasal cont ext _____ his fingernails.

A. t ailored B. reduced

C. remodeled

D. manicured

Jaw aban Soal No 4: 1. C

2. A 3. B 4. C

Soal No 5

Aft er t he capt ure of Troy, Ulysses set out for his__

(1)__ many miles aw ay. But so many st range __(2)__ happened t o him on his journey t hat

t en__(3)__passed before he reached It haca.

1. A. neighbourhood

B. cont inent

C. homeland D. st reet

2. A. sight s

B. t hings

C. place D. people


B. t imes

C. roads

D. cit ies

4. For t he last five years at various hospit al in t he

count ry __________ has been pract icing medicine.

A. now

B. t hat C. before

D. a midw ife

Jaw aban Soal No 5 1. C

2. B 3. A 4. No

Soal No 6

1. Tom insist ed upon a fair share of part ership’s

profit s

a. Spare

b. Division

c. M erit d. Help

2. The president held a brief press conference

a. Document ed b. Long

c. Pleasant

d. short

Grammar 2,125 poin x 40 butir

Soal No 1 (10 may)

Cause of t he rain!

M ike w as a boy of eight . His home w as not ___(1)___

school. So he oft en w alked t here and back every day.

___(2)___ school, he passed a playground. There w as

much w at er in it w hen it rained. One day, w hen M ike

came home, he w as all wet . His mot her became

___(3)___ and said, " ___(4)___ in t he wat er on your

w ay." The next day M ike came back very w et again. His mot her became ___(5)___. She t hought M ike w as

___(6)___ his fat her because he w as ___(7)___ his

son. " I'll t ell your fat her if you come home w et again,"

sad t he mot her. " ___(8)___ he'll come back from London next Tuesday. He'll punish you, I t hink." Tw o

days ___(9)___, it w as raining hard w hen M ike got

home. But t his t ime his clot hes w ere dry. His mot her

became happy and said, " You're a good boy t oday.

You didn't play in t he w at er." " No," M ike said angrily. " There were so many st rong boys in t he w at er w hen I

got t here t his aft ernoon. There ___(10)___ for me at

all! "


A. far from

B. t oo far aw ay

C. from near

D. far away t o


A. In middle

B. go t o C. By t he way

D. on his w ay t o

3. A. glad

B. angry

C. happy

D. sad


A. Not t o swim

B. don't play

C. don't fall

D. keep aw ay


A. w orried about

B. even angrily C. even surprised

D. even angrier


A. list ening t o

B. afraid of

C. t he son of

D. t old by


A. a good fat her of

B. alw ays kind t o C. st rict w it h

D. int erest ed in


A. If B. usually

C. may be

D. t omorrow

9. A. lat er

B. ago

C. early

D. aft er


A. was no w at er

B. w ere some rooms C. w ere t oo many boys

D. w asn't any room

Kunci Jaw aban Soal No 1. Soal No 2

A. Sent ence Complet ion

Choose t he w ord or phrase in A, B, C, or D w hich best complet es each of t he follow ing sent ences.

1. Tradit ionally, __________in New England on

Thanksgiving Day.

(A) when served is sw eet cider (B) w hen sw eet cider is served

(C) is served sw eet cider

(D) sw eet cider is served

2. Lillian D. Wald, public healt h nurse and

__________, w as born in Cincinnat i Ohio, in 1867.

(A) reforming societ y

(B) social reformer (C) w ho reformed societ y

(D) her social reform

3. In 1964__________of Henry Ossaw a Tanner's

paint ings was show n at t he Smit hsonian Inst it ut ion. (A) w as a major collect ion

(B) t hat a major collect ion

(C) a collect ion w as major

(D) a major collect ion

4. __________irrit at ing effect on humans, t he use of

phenol as a general ant isept ic has been largely

discont inued.

(A) It s (B) Where it s

(C) Since it s

(D) Because of it s

5. In order t o remain in exist ence,__________must produce somet hing consumers consider useful or


(A) a profit -making organizat ion

(B) a profit -making organizat ion w hich (C) t herefore a profit -making organizat ion

(D) w hichever a profit -making organizat ion

Jaw aban Soal No 2




4.D 5.A

Soal No 3

Choose t he word or phrase in A, B, C, or D t hat best

collocat es (combines) w it h each of t he underlined w ords or phrases in t he follow ing sent ences.

1. In medieval days, ent ire communit ies unit ed t o

build churches t hat w ould not only glorify religion but

t hat w ould also be a credit ... t heir cit ies. A. for

B. on

C. t o

D. In

2. Account ing informat ion can be classified ... t w o

cat egories: financial account ing and managerial


A. t o

B. int o

C. by

D. On

3. Amelia Earhart w as great ly int erest ed ... t he

development of commercial aviat ion and t ook an

act ive role in opening t he field t o women. A. in

B. at

C. w it h

D. About

4. Since independence, African government s have

t ried t o diversify t heir export s so t heir income does

not depend ... just one it em.

A. in

B. w it h C. at

D. On

5. Physical ant hropologist s oft en rely ... rigorous medical scient ific met hods for t heir research, in

addit ion t o more general observat ional met hods.

A. above

B. under C. on

D. Wit h

Jaw aban Soal No 3: 1.A

2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C

Soal No 4 (22 februari)

1. Quest ion Excerpt From Subject Verb Agreement

Test One of my dogs ___ old.

A. is B. Are

2. M at hemat ics ____ my favourit e subject .

A. is

B. Are

3. Some of t he st udent s in my class _____ angry

t hat t hey did not pass.

A. w as

B. Were

4. There ____ t he president .

A. goes

B. Go

5. The boy w it h his friends ____ chocolat e at t he supermarket .

A. buys

B. Buy

6. The t eacher's clot hes ____ out of fashion. A. was

B. Were

7. M cDonalds ____ an example of a fine American

fast food rest aurant .

A. is B. Are

8. Indians ____ a lot of junk food.

A. eat s

B. Eat

9. The Unit ed St at es _____ bordered by Canada and

M exico.

A. is

B. Are

10. There ____ lot s of money under t he sofa.

A. is

B. Are

Jaw aban Soal No 4

Soal No 5 (11 februari)

1. Caffeine is primarily consumed in coffee and t ea,


also found in cocoa, cola, and ot her soft drinks.

A. but

B. but it

C. but it is

D. it is

Jaw aban Soal No 5:

Composing 2,125 poin x 40 butir

Soal 1


1. Thorough chew ing cut s food int o small pieces t hat

are more easily at t acked by t he saliva, w hich moist ens

t he food so it can be sw allow ed easily.


cut and chopped by t he t eet h.

3. From t he mout h t he food is sw allow ed int o t he

t ubelike esophagus, or gullet .

4. The saliva also cont ains t he enzyme amylase, w hich changes some st arches int o simple sugars .

5. The t ongue helps mix t he food part icles w it h a

digest ive juice called saliva, w hich is secret ed by

glands in t he mout h.

A. 2-3-1-4-5

B. 2-5-4-3-1

C. 2-5-1-4-3

D. 2-3-5-1-4

Jaw aban Soal No1 : Soal 2


1. He comes from Yogyakart a.

2. His st udy program is M anagement .

3. His complet e name is Bang Acept .

4. He st udies at Gadjah M ada Universit y.

A. 2 - 4 - 1 - 3

B. 3 - 1 - 4 - 2

C. 3 - 4 - 1 - 2

D. 1 - 3 - 2 - 4


Langkah 1: Perhat ikan 4 kalimat di at as yg disusun

secara acak (bkn susunan yg benar).

Langkah 2: Perhat ikan hubungan ant ara kalimat yg

sat u dgn yg lainnya (kalimat manakah yg hrs diurut kan

pert ama, kedua, ket iga dan ke empat ).

Langkah 3: Jika anda t dk dpt mengurut kan secara

langsung dari 4 kalimat t sb, anda bs melihat kalimat 1

(pert ama) dan kalimat lain manakah yg merupakan

kelanjut an dari kalimat 1 at au sebelum kalimat 1.

M isalnya: Kalimat pert ama merupakan kelanjut an dari

kalimat ket iga at au kalimat ket iga hrs dit empat kan

sebelum kalimat pert ama. Sehingga dpt kit a

simpulkan bahw a kalimat ke 3 dan 1 merupakan urut an logis.

Langkah 4: Perhat ikan pada pilihan (A,B,C dan D),

apakah ada pilhan urut an 3 - 1? Jika pilihan lain t dk

ada urut an 3 - 1

Jika ada pilihan lain yg mengurut kan 3 - 1, maka anda

dapat menganalisa lg kalimat manakah yg merupakan

kelanjut an dr kalimat 1. At au kalimat manakah yg hrs

diurut kan paling akhir.

Jaw aban Soal No 2 : B. (3 - 1 - 4 - 2) Soal No 3 (4 april)

1) These small land percent age are consist ing of

Bunaken, M anado Tua, M ant ehage and Siladen


(2) The park is a represent at ive of Indonesia t ropical w at er ecosyst em.

(3) Est ablished in 1991, t he park covers t he area of

890,65 kM 2,

(4) The Bunaken nat ional Park is a marine park in t he nort h of Sulawesi.

(5) 97 % of w hich is marine habit at w hile t he 3 %

ot hers are consist ing of islands.

The right order is .... A. 4-3-5-2-1 c. 4-2-3-5 -1

B. 4-5-3-1-2 d. 4-1-5-3-2

C. 4-2-3-5-1

Jaw aban Soal No 3 : C. 4-2-3-5-1

Soal No 4 (4 april)

A. In t his sect ion of t he t est , you are required t o

demonst rat e your abilit y t o paraphrase sent ences and

t o recognize language t hat is not appropriat e for

st andard writ t en English. There are five part s t o t his sect ion, w it h special direct ion for each part .

A. Numbers 1 – 10 cont ain complet e and correct sent ences. For each number, you are required t o

choose t he most appropriat e paraphrased sent ence

closest in meaning t o t he original one.

1. There are probably more t han 10 billion t rees


A. M ore t han 10 billion people cult ivat ed coffee

in plant at ion around t he w orld

B. M ay be more t han 10 billion t rees are

cult ivat ed on t he coffee plant at ions in t he w orld.

C. M ore t han 10 billion coffee t rees in t he

w orld are plant ed under supervision.

D. Cult ivat ing more t han 10 billion t rees on t he coffee plant at ion is probably not an easy

t hing t o do.

2. Some 20 years aft er t he end of World War I,

lingering disput es erupt ed in an even larger and bloodier conflict —World War II.

A. 20 years since t he end of World War I, a

volcano erupt ed and became an even larger

and bloodier disast er like t he World War II.

B. New disput es erupt ed in an even larger and bloodier conflict during World War I alt hough

t he World War II also broke for 20 years.

C. M any 20-year conflict s may cause lingering

disput es t hat will erupt in an even larger and bloodier w ar such as World War I.

D. Around 20 years aft er World War I ended, t he

remaining conflict became an even more

massive and w orse w ar, namely World War II.

3. Represent at ive democracy w as pract iced in

t he count ries in Europe, w here t he great

number of cit izens made it impossible for all of t hem t o meet in one place.

(A) Because t he great number of cit izens

made it impossible for all of t hem t o gat her in

a single area, t hen Represent at ive democracy

is neit her a pract ical nor best choice for count ries in Europe.

(B) Because t he great number of cit izens

made it impossible for all of t hem t o meet in

one place, Represent at ive democracy w as

only suit able for t he count ries in Europe. (C) Because t he large number of people in t he

count ries made it impossible for t he ent ire of

t hem t o gat her in an area, Represent at ive

democracy w as adopt ed in t he count ries in Europe.

(D) Represent at ive democracy w as pract ical

for t he European count ries because t he great

number of cit izens made it possible for all of

t hem t o meet in one place.

Jaw aban Soal No 4




Soal No 5 (4 april)

B. Numbers 11 – 20 cont ain incorrect sent ences. The

incorrect part of t he sent ence has been ident ified for

you. You are required t o find t he correct opt ion t o

replace t he underlined part .

4. Warner Brot hers became know s for it s t ight ly

budget ed, t echnically compet ent ent ert ainment films.

A. w as know ing B. know n

C. t o know ing

D. had know n

5. A vaccine is a subst ance administ ered t o humans or animals prot ect t hem from serious diseases.

A. t o prot ect

B. prot ect s C. Prot ect ed

D. w hich prot ect ing

6. The size of Tyrannosaurus’ forelimbs have puzzling

paleont ologist s, w ho have t ried t o det ermine t heir

use for such a pow erful animal. A. puzzle

B. had been puzzling

C. has puzzled

D. Puzzled

Jaw aban Soal No 5


5.A 6.C

Soal No 6 ()

C. Numbers 21 – 30, Choose t he most appropriat e and

correct sent ence.


A. The first scient ist t o recognize and use t he pow er of

t he lever w as Archimedes.

B. The first scient ist t o recognized and used t he power

of t he lever w as Archimedes.

C. The first scient ist recognized and used t he pow er of

t he lever w ere Archimedes.

D. The first scient ist recognizes and uses t he pow er of

t he lever w as Archimedes.


A. The most used syst em commonly of w rit ing by and

for blind persons is Braille called.

B. The most commonly used syst em of w rit ing by and for persons blind is called Braille.

C. The most used syst em commonly of is w rit ing by

and for persons blind is called Braille.

D. The most commonly used syst em of w rit ing by and

for blind persons is called Braille.


A. Alt hough cholera is usually not life-t hreat ening, t he

sympt oms produces it can ext remely uncomfort able.

B. Alt hough cholera is usually not life-t hreat ening, t he

sympt oms it produces can be ext reme

uncomfort able.

C. Alt hough cholera is usually not life-t hreat ening, t he

sympt oms it produces can be ext remely

uncomfort able.

D. Alt hough cholera is usually not life-t hreat ening, t he sympt oms produces it can be ext remely

uncomfort able.

Jaw aban Soal No 6:

7.D 8.C


Soal No 7 ()

E. Numbers 37 – 40 cont ain jumbled sent ences. You are required t o ident ify t he correct order t o form a

good paragraph.

13. 1. Thorough chew ing cut s food int o small pieces

t hat are more easily at t acked by t he saliva, w hich

moist ens t he food so it can be swallow ed easily.

2. Digest ion begins in t he mout h, w here t he food is

cut and chopped by t he t eet h.

3. From t he mout h t he food is sw allow ed int o t he

t ubelike esophagus, or gullet .

4. The saliva also cont ains t he enzyme amylase, w hich changes some st arches int o simple sugars .

5. The t ongue helps mix t he food part icles w it h a

digest ive juice called saliva, w hich is secret ed by

glands in t he mout h. A. 2-3-1-4-5 C. 2-5-1-4-3

B. 2-5-4-3-1 D. 2-3-5-1-4

14. 1. As it lays t he eggs, it may or may not fert ilize

t hem wit h sperm from it s sperm sac.

2. The female eggs develop int o fert ile queens, st erile

w orkers, or soldiers.

3. M ost of t he ant s in a colony are w orkers.

4. A queen ant digs a hole w here it lays it s eggs and

w ait s unt il t he first ant s emerge.

5. Fert ilized eggs result in females, w hile unfert ilized

eggs produce males.

A. 4-1-5-2-3 C. 4-5-2-3-1

B. 4-3-5-2-1 D. 4-2-1-5-3

15. 1. The exercise w hich involve physical effort such

as w alking, swimming, bicycling, and jogging is know n

as act ive exercise.

2. It includes many physical t herapy t echniques.

3. Physical t raining of t he human body t o improve t he

w ay it funct ions is know n as exercise.

4. On t he ot her hand, t he exercise w hich involves a machine or t he act ion of ot her people is called passive


5. The exercise can be cat egorized as eit her act ive or


A. 3-2-1-4-5 C. 3-1-4-2-5 B. 3-5-2-4-1 D. 3-5-1-4-2

Jaw aban Soal No 7:


14.D 15.B

Soal no 8 (7 januari)


You w ill be given 4 sent ences - A, B, C and D. Once you read all four sent ences, it is up t o you t o rearrange


In order t o provide you w it h a simple st art ing point ,

solve t he quest ion below. The direct ions for solving it

are simple.

The sent ences given in each quest ion, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each

sent ence is labelled w it h a let t er. Choose t he most

logical order of sent ences from among t he given

choices t o const ruct a coherent paragraph.


A. On M onday t he secret ary of st at e is due t o hold a

day of meet ings w it h high-level polit ical, milit ary

and business figures t o furt her a “ st rat egic

dialogue” aimed at furt her expansion of US t rade

in India.

B. US secret ary of st at e Hillary Clint on arrived in

India on Sunday for st rat egic t alks aimed at

bolst ering bilat eral t ies and securing firmer

support for t he w ar in Afghanist an.

C. Clint on arrived by plane in Delhi before noon,

according t o a report er t ravelling w it h her, ahead

of expect ed t alks w it h Prime M inist er M anmohan

Singh and President Prat ibha Pat el in t he evening.

1. BAC

2. BCA 3. CBA

4. CAB

A. For example, w hen t he early homo-sapiens left

t heir homes in search for food, t hey w ould risk deat h and injury from dangerous animals.

B. Throughout human hist ory, t he universe has

present ed an innumerable amount of dangers t o


C. Today, many advent ure ent husiast s seek t o find t he t hrills and adrenaline rush w hich t heir

ancest ors had experienced in t he w ild.

D. The t radit ion of humans going out t o experience

t he dangers of unknow n nat ure st ill exist s.





Jaw aban No 7 Soal No 8 (10 januari)

Arrange t hese sent ences int o a good paragraph!

1. These violent st orms are oft en a hundred miles in

diamet er, and t heir wind can reach velocit ies of

sevent y-five miles per hour or more.

2. The energy t hat is released by a hurricane in one

day exceeds t he t ot al energy consumed by t he humankind t hrough out t he w orld in one year

3. Hurricanes exert t remendous power

4. Furt hermore, t he st rong w ind and heavy rain fall

t hat accompany t hem can complet ely dest roy a small t ow n in a couple of hours.

5. They can also be called cyclones.

a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5

b. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2 c. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4

d. 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Jaw aban Soal No 8 : Soal No 9

A. On M onday t he secret ary of st at e is due t o hold a day of meet ings w it h high-level polit ical, milit ary

and business figures t o furt her a “ st rat egic

dialogue” aimed at furt her expansion of US t rade in India.

B. US secret ary of st at e Hillary Clint on arrived in India on Sunday for st rat egic t alks aimed at

bolst ering bilat eral t ies and securing firmer support for t he w ar in Afghanist an.

C. Clint on arrived by plane in Delhi before noon, according t o a report er t ravelling w it h her, ahead

of expect ed t alks w it h Prime M inist er M anmohan

Singh and President Prat ibha Pat el in t he evening.

1. BAC

2. BCA 3. CBA

4. CAB

Jaw aban Soal No 9


1) That energy t hat is released by hurricane in one day exceeds t he t ot al energy consumed by

human kind t hroughout t he world

2) These violent st orms are oft en a hundred miles in

diamet er, and t heir w inds can reach velocit ies of

75 miles per hour or more

3) Hurricanes, w hich are also called cyclones, exert

t ermendous pow er

4) Furt hermore, t he st rong winds and heavy rainfall

t hat accompany t hem complet ely dest roy small t ow n in a couple of hours

Jaw aban Soal No 10 Soal No 11

Numbers 31 – 36 cont ain jumbled sent ences. One of

t he sent ences has been underlined. You are required

t o choose t he next sent ence w hich logically follow s t he underlined one.

10. 1. If an object held near t he surface of t he eart h is

released, it w ill fall and accelerat e, or pick up speed, as it descends.

2. The w eight of an object is equal t o t he mass of t he

object mult iplied by t he accelerat ion due t o gravit y.

3. The force of gravit y on an object is also called t he object 's w eight .

4. This accelerat ion is caused by gravit y, t he force of

at t ract ion bet w een t he object and t he eart h.

5. This force depends on t he object 's mass, or t he

amount of mat t er in t he object .

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

11. 1. Int ernet is composed of many int erconnect ed comput er net w orks.

2.Inst ead, an individual who has Int ernet access can

communicat e direct ly w it h anyone else on t he

Int ernet , post informat ion for general consumpt ion or

ret rieve informat ion.

3. Each net w ork may link t ens, hundreds, or even

t housands of comput ers, enabling t hem t o share

informat ion and processing pow er.

4. The Int ernet has made it possible for people all over t he w orld t o communicat e w it h one anot her

effect ively and inexpensively.

5. Unlike t radit ional broadcast ing media, such as radio

and t elevision, t he Int ernet does not have a

cent ralized dist ribut ion syst em.

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

12. 1. Pregnancy st art s when a male’s sperm fert ilizes

a female’s ovum, and t he fert ilized ovum implant s in

t he lining of t he ut erus.

2. By t he 12t h w eek of pregnancy many of t hese

sympt oms have subsided, but ot hers appear.

3. Some women also experience cravings for unusual

subst ances such as ice, clay, or cornst arch; t his

condit ion, called pica, can indicat e a diet ary deficiency

in iron or ot her nut rient s.

4. Ot her sympt oms include breast t enderness and

sw elling, fat igue, nausea or sensit ivit y t o smells,

increased frequency of urinat ion, mood swings, and

w eight gain.

5. Because pregnancy changes a w oman’s normal hormone pat t erns, one of t he first signs of pregnancy

is a missed menst rual period.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4 D. 5

Jaw aban Soal No 10 10.B

11.D 12.A


Soal No 1 (27 may)

The planet M ars has alw ays capt ured t he human

imaginat ion. There is it s redness. We know now t hat t he color comes from chemical react ions t hat long ago

locked up M ars's oxygen in reddish minerals on it s

surface, causing t he " rust ing" of t he planet . To t he

ancient people, t he red color meant only one t hing: blood. From t he earliest t imes, M ars has been

associat ed w it h bloodshed. Even t he ast ronomical

symbol for M ars, a circle w it h an arrow point ing at 2

o'clock, is supposed t o represent a shield and a


As ast ronomers used t elescopes, M ars myt hology

grew . It w as t he It alian ast ronomer Giovanni

Schiaparelli w ho, in 1877, produced t he most last ing

bit of M art ian folklore. He saw w hat he t ook t o be

long, t hin, unnat urally st raight lines on t he M art ian surface. He called t hem canali, a w ord t hat can

t ranslat e int o English eit her as " channels" or " canals."

Unfort unat ely, t he lat t er t ranslat ion w as used, and

t he canals of M ars w ere born. Of course, if t here were canals, t here had t o be canal builders, so once more

M ars w as peopled w it h all manner of int elligent life


In 1965 M ariner 4 sent back first close-up pict ures of t he M art ian surface. Not only w ere t here no canals,

but M ariner 4 and t he spacecraft t hat follow ed

revealed a planet t hat w as a crat ered, lifeless desert .

We have subsequent ly learned t hat M ars is home t o Olympus M ons, t he largest volcano in t he ent ire solar

syst em, and t o a canyon syst em st ret ching for almost

3,000 miles around t he M art ian equat or. The

at mosphere is ext remely t hin (equivalent t o t hat at

130,000 feet above Eart h) and made up almost ent irely of carbon dioxide. The surface is cold, almost

never get t ing above freezing even at t he summert ime

equat or.

Perhaps t he great est surprise w ere t he phot ographs

from M ariner 9 in 1971 and 1972 t hat showed channels on t he surface. Now t hese were not

Schiaparelli's canali t here's, no w ay t hese channels

could be seen by even t he most powerful eart hbound

t elescope. They are unmist akable w at er courses, however. There is no w at er in t hem now , but t hey

t race out t he pat h of w at er t hat flow ed in t he past .

They are like t he dry river of t he American West ,

t hrough which w at er from rain flows, but w hich are

dry most of t he t ime. Wat er once ran on t he surface

of M ars.

New explorat ions on M ars by t he spacecraft

Pat hfinder, due t o arrive on t he planet 's surface in 1997, are planned t o give scient ist s more informat ion

about possible past life on M ars. One of Pat hfinder's

missions w ill be t o lay t he foundat ion for fut ure

effort s t o find fossil remains of living t hings. The landing sit e for t he M ars Pat hfinder is going t o be t he

mout h of a flood channel called Ares Vallis.

1. It can be inferred from t he passage t hat myt hs

about M ars

(A) are widely believed t oday

(B) have been dispelled by current space explorat ion

(C) are based on scient ific fact s

(D) depict it as a lifeless planet

2. Which of t he follow ing have NOT been a source of

informat ion about M ars?

(A) Spacecraft

(B) Telescopes (C) Conject ure

(D) Ast ronaut s

3. The phrase "t he lat t er" in line 21 refers t o

(A) canals (B) canali

(C) channels

(D) unusual st raight lines

4. Where in t he passage does t he aut hor give

informat ion about t he t opography of M ars?

(A) Lines 2-6

(B) Lines 26-32

(C) Lines 38-46 (D) Lines 58-62

5. The w ord "pow erful" in line 46 is closest in meaning

t o

(A) expensive

(B) dominant

(C) influent ial

(D) st rong

6. According t o t he passage, t he redness of M ars is a


(A) a chemical react ion on t he planet surface

(B) t he old age of t he planet

(C) t he reflect ion of t he Sun

(D) an abundance of oxygen in t he planet 's at mosphere

7. Why do scient ist s t hink t hat t he channels of M ars

w ere w at erw ays?

(A) Bones have been found t here.

(B) They st ill have a lit t le w at er in t hem.

(C) They resemble a similar syst em on Eart h.

(D) They are st raight and narrow .

8. According t o t he passage, Pat hfinder's mission t o

M ars includes

(A) preparing for fut ure fossil-finding expedit ions

(B) placing specialized equipment on t he planet 's


(C) checking for flood damage

(D) bringing back fossils for furt her st udy

Kunci Jaw aban Soal No 1. Soal No 2 (10 may)

The Big Bang Theory

M ost ast ronomers believe t he Universe began in a Big

Bang about 14 billion years ago. At t hat t ime, t he

ent ire Universe w as inside a bubble t hat w as t housands of t imes smaller t han a pinhead. It w as

hot t er and denser t han anyt hing w e can imagine.

Then it suddenly exploded. The Universe t hat w e

know w as born. Time, space and mat t er all began wit h t he Big Bang. In a fract ion of a second, t he Universe

grew from smaller t han a single at om t o bigger t han a

galaxy. And it kept on grow ing at a fant ast ic rat e. It is

st ill expanding t oday.

As t he Universe expanded and cooled, energy

changed int o part icles of mat t er and ant imat t er.

These t w o opposit e t ypes of part icles largely dest royed each ot her. But some mat t er survived.

M ore st able part icles called prot ons and neut rons

st art ed t o form w hen t he Universe was one second


Over t he next t hree minut es, t he t emperat ure

dropped below 1 billion degrees Celsius. It w as now

cool enough for t he prot ons and neut rons t o come

t oget her, forming hydrogen and helium nuclei.

Aft er 300 000 years, t he Universe had cooled t o about

3000 degrees. At omic nuclei could finally capt ure

elect rons t o form at oms. The Universe filled w it h

clouds of hydrogen and helium gas.

1. Evidence indicat es t hat galaxies are

A. st at ionary

B. moving aw ay from each ot her

C. moving t ow ards each ot her D. alw ays changing direct ion

2. The Big Bang t heory

A. is now an accept ed fact

B. st at es t hat galaxies make a loud sound w hen t hey collide

C. st at es t hat t he universe began w it h an event

D. does not yet have evidence t o support it

3. If a st ar is moving t oward you,

A. it s w avelengt hs become compressed

B. it s w avelengt hs get longer

C. it s w avelengt hs do not change D. it s w avelengt hs cannot be accurat ely

M easured

4. If a st ar is moving away from you, A. it s w avelengt hs become compressed

B. it s w avelengt hs get longer

C. it s w avelengt hs do not change

D. it s w avelengt hs cannot be accurat ely


Kunci jaw aban soal No 2 Soal No 3

The planet M ars has always capt ured t he human

imaginat ion. There is it s redness. We know now t hat

t he color comes from chemical react ions t hat long ago locked up M ars's oxygen in reddish minerals on it s

surface, causing t he " rust ing" of t he planet . To t he

ancient people, t he red color meant only one t hing:

blood. From t he earliest t imes, M ars has been


o'clock, is supposed t o represent a shield and a


As ast ronomers used t elescopes, M ars myt hology

grew . It w as t he It alian ast ronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli w ho, in 1877, produced t he most last ing

bit of M art ian folklore. He saw w hat he t ook t o be

long, t hin, unnat urally st raight lines on t he M art ian

surface. He called t hem canali, a w ord t hat can t ranslat e int o English eit her as " channels" or " canals."

Unfort unat ely, t he lat t er t ranslat ion w as used, and

t he canals of M ars w ere born. Of course, if t here were

canals, t here had t o be canal builders, so once more

M ars w as peopled w it h all manner of int elligent life forms!

In 1965 M ariner 4 sent back first close-up pict ures of

t he M art ian surface. Not only w ere t here no canals,

but M ariner 4 and t he spacecraft t hat follow ed

revealed a planet t hat w as a crat ered, lifeless desert . We have subsequent ly learned t hat M ars is home t o

Olympus M ons, t he largest volcano in t he ent ire solar

syst em, and t o a canyon syst em st ret ching for almost

3,000 miles around t he M art ian equat or. The at mosphere is ext remely t hin (equivalent t o t hat at

130,000 feet above Eart h) and made up almost

ent irely of carbon dioxide. The surface is cold, almost

never get t ing above freezing even at t he summert ime equat or.

Perhaps t he great est surprise w ere t he phot ographs

from M ariner 9 in 1971 and 1972 t hat showed

channels on t he surface. Now t hese were not Schiaparelli's canali t here's, no w ay t hese channels

could be seen by even t he most powerful eart hbound

t elescope. They are unmist akable w at er courses,

however. There is no w at er in t hem now , but t hey

t race out t he pat h of w at er t hat flow ed in t he past . They are like t he dry river of t he American West ,

t hrough which w at er from rain flows, but w hich are

dry most of t he t ime. Wat er once ran on t he surface

of M ars.

New explorat ions on M ars by t he spacecraft Pat hfinder, due t o arrive on t he planet 's surface in

1997, are planned t o give scient ist s more informat ion

about possible past life on M ars. One of Pat hfinder's

missions w ill be t o lay t he foundat ion for fut ure effort s t o find fossil remains of living t hings. The

landing sit e for t he M ars Pat hfinder is going t o be t he

mout h of a flood channel called Ares Vallis.

1. It can be inferred from t he passage t hat myt hs

about M ars

(A) are widely believed t oday

(B) have been dispelled by current space explorat ion (C) are based on scient ific fact s

(D) depict it as a lifeless planet

2. Which of t he follow ing have NOT been a source of informat ion about M ars?

(A) Spacecraft

(B) Telescopes

(C) Conject ure

(D) Ast ronaut s

3. The phrase "t he lat t er" in line 21 refers t o

(A) canals

(B) canali

(C) channels

(D) unusual st raight lines

4. Where in t he passage does t he aut hor give

informat ion about t he t opography of M ars?

(A) Lines 2-6 (B) Lines 26-32

(C) Lines 38-46

(D) Lines 58-62

5. The w ord "pow erful" in line 46 is closest in meaning

t o

(A) expensive

(B) dominant (C) influent ial

(D) st rong

6. According t o t he passage, t he redness of M ars is a

result of

(A) a chemical react ion on t he planet surface

(B) t he old age of t he planet

(C) t he reflect ion of t he Sun

(D) an abundance of oxygen in t he planet 's

at mosphere

7. Why do scient ist s t hink t hat t he channels of M ars

w ere w at erw ays?

(A) Bones have been found t here. (B) They st ill have a lit t le w at er in t hem.

(C) They resemble a similar syst em on Eart h.


8. According t o t he passage, Pat hfinder's mission t o

M ars includes

(A) preparing for fut ure fossil-finding expedit ions

(B) placing specialized equipment on t he planet 's surface

(C) checking for flood damage

(D) bringing back fossils for furt her st udy

Jaw aban Soal No 3 1.B

2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D

Soal No 4 (22 februari)

Reading Comprehension Text 1

A market er can narelysat isfit everyone in amarket . Not everyone likes t he same soft drink aut o mobile,

college, and movie. Therefore, market ers st art s w it h

market segment at ion. They ident ify and profile

dist inct groups of buyers w ho might prefer or require varying product s and market ing mixers .M arket

segment s can be ident ified by examining

demographics psychographics and behavioral among

buyers. The firm decides w hich segment s present s t he great est opport unit y t hose w hose needs t he firm can

meet in a superior fashion for each chosen t arget

market , t he firm develops a market offering. The

offering is exemple, values developes his car for t he

t arget market of buyers for w hom safest a cost umers can buy.

Tradit ionally, a “ market ” w as a physical plan w here

buyers and sellers gat hered t o exchange goods. How

market ers view t he sellers as t he indust ry and

communicat ions ( ads, direct mail, email massages ) t o

t he market : in ret urn t hey recive money and

informat ion ( at t it udes< sales dat a).

A global indust ry is one in w hich t he st rat egic

posit ions of comput it ors in major geographic or

nat ional market s are fundament ally affect ed by t heir

overall global posit ion. Global firms bot h large and

small plan, operat e and coourdinat e t heir act ivit ies

and exchanges on a w orld w ide basic.

Today w e can dist inguish bet w een a market plan and a market space. The shopping in st ore ; market space

is digit al, E-commerce business t ransact ions

condect ed one live has many advant ages for bot h

consumers and business, including, convelence, savings, select ion, personalit ion, and informat ion for

example, on line shopping is so convergent t hat 30

percent , of t he order generat ed by t he web sit e of REI,

a recreat ional keeping it s st ores oft en lat e or hiring

cost umers service represent at ives. However cost umers for low er prices and is

t hrederingint ermediars such as t ravel agent s,

st ockbokers, insurance agent s, and t radit ional het ailer

.To succed in t he on line market space market ers w ill

need t o naergonize and nedefine t hemselves

Quest ion :

1. What is t he aut hor primanly concerned w it h ?

2. The w ord t hey in line % refers t o . . . .

3. It can be inferned from t he t ext t hat t he purpose of

t he market segment at ion is . . . .

4. The w ord “ psycographie” in line 10 might include

t he follow ing it ems, except . . . . .

5. Which of t he follow ing is t rue ?

6. The pronoun “ one” in line 33 refers t o . . . . .

7. The w ord “ sparing” in line 55 is closet in meaning t o . . . . .

8. The aut hor gives an example of on line shopping in

t he t ext t o show . . . .

9. Where in t he t ext does t he aut hor ment ion gives

t he modern definit ion on t he market . . .

10. Where is t he t ext does t he aut hor ment ion t he benefit of on-line t ransact ion ?


Ga ada jaw aban

Soal no 5 (16 januari)

The pioneers of t he t eaching of science imagined t hat

it s int roduct ion int o educat ion w ould remove t he

convent ionalit y, art ificialit y, and backw ard

lookingness w hich w ere charact erist ic; of classical

st udies, but t hey w ere gravely disappoint ed. So, t oo, in 5 t heir t ime had t he humanist s t hought t hat t he

st udy of t he classical aut hors in t he original w ould

banish at once t he dull pedant ry and superst it ion of

mediaeval scholast icism.

The professional schoolmast er w as a mat ch for bot h

of t hem, and has almost managed t o make t he

underst anding of chemical react ions as dull 10 and as dogmat ic an affair as t he reading of Virgil's Aeneid.

The chief claim for t he use of science in educat ion is

t hat it t eaches a child somet hing about t he act ual

universe in w hich he is living, in making him

acquaint ed w it h t he result s of scient ific 15 discovery, and at t he same t ime t eaches him how t o t hink

logically and induct ively by st udying scient ific met hod.

A cert ain limit ed success has been reached in t he first

of t hese aims, but pract ically none at all in t he second.

Those privileged members of t he communit y w ho

have been t hrough a secondary or public school 20

educat ion may be expect ed t o know somet hing about t he element ary physics and chemist ry of a hundred

years ago, but t hey probably know hardly more t han

any bright boy can pick up from an int erest in wireless

or scient ific hobbies out of school hours. As t o t he learning of scient ific met hod, t he w hole t hing is

palpably 25 a farce. Act ually, for t he convenience of

t eachers and t he requirement s of t he examinat ion

syst em, it is necessary t hat t he pupils not only do not learn scient ific met hod but learn precisely

t he reverse, t hat is, t o believe exact ly w hat t hey are

t old and t o reproduce it w hen asked, whet her it

seems nonsense t o t hem or 30 not .

The w ay in w hich educat ed people respond t o such quackeries as spirit ualism or ast rology, not t o say

more dangerous ones such as racial t heories or

currency myt hs, show s t hat fift y years of educat ion in

t he met hod of science in Brit ain or Germany has

produced no visible effect w hat ever.

The only way of learning t he 35 met hod of science is

t he long and bit t er way of personal experience, and,

unt il t he educat ional or social syst ems are alt ered

t o make t his possible, t he best w e can expect is t he product ion of a minorit y of people w ho are able t o

acquire some of t he t echniques of science and a st ill

smaller minorit y w ho are able t o use and 40 develop

t hem.

1. The aut hor implies t hat t he 'professional

schoolmast er' (line 7) has

A. no int erest in t eaching science

B. t hw art ed at t empt s t o enliven educat ion

C. aided t rue learning D. support ed t he humanist s

E. been a pioneer in bot h science and humanit ies.

2. The aut hor’s at t it ude t o secondary and public school educat ion in t he sciences is

A. ambivalent

B. neut ral

C. support ive D. sat irical

E. cont empt uous

3. The w ord ‘palpably’ (line 24) most nearly means A. empirically

B. obviously

C. t ent at ively

D. markedly

E. ridiculously

4. The aut hor blames all of t he follow ing for t he

failure t o impart scient ific met hod t hrough t he

educat ion syst em except

A. poor t eaching B. examinat ion met hods

C. lack of direct experience

D. t he social and educat ion syst ems

E. lack of int erest on t he part of st udent s

5. If t he aut hor w ere t o st udy current educat ion in

science t o see how t hings have changed since he


int erest ed in t he answ er t o which of t he follow ing

quest ions?

A. Do st udent s know more about t he w orld about

t hem?

B. Do st udent s spend more t ime in laborat ories?

C. Can st udent s apply t heir know ledge logically?

D. Have t ext books improved?

E. Do t hey respect t heir t eachers?

6. Ast rology (line 31) is ment ioned as an example of

A. a science t hat needs t o be bet t er underst ood

B. a belief which no educat ed people hold

C. somet hing unsupport able t o t hose w ho have absorbed t he met hods of science

D. t he gravest danger t o societ y

E. an acknow ledged failure of science

7. All of t he follow ing can be inferred from t he t ext except

A. at t he t ime of w rit ing, not all children received a

secondary school educat ion

B. t he aut hor finds chemical react ions int erest ing C. science t eaching has impart ed some know ledge of

fact s t o some children

D. t he aut hor believes t hat many t eachers are

aut horit arian

E. it is relat ively easy t o learn scient ific met hod.

Jaw aban Soal No 5


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