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Practice-based research in educational technology1


Academic year: 2017

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Dede, C. (2005). Why design-based research is both important and difficult. Educational Technology 45, 1 (January-February), 5-8.

Why Design-Based Research is Both Important and Difficult Chris Dede

Harvard Graduate School of Education August, 2004

This issue of Educational Technology describes advances in design-based research (DBR), an important addition to the methodological repertoire of educational scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers. These articles portray why DBR is a useful complement to traditional research strategies such as laboratory studies and randomized clinical trials. The case studies they provide also illustrate why DBR is most effectively conducted through partnerships of researchers with educators immersed in the crucible of practice. However, DBR is difficult to do well, and this issue delineates the considerable challenges of using this methodology to develop effective, scalable, and sustainable educational innovations.

What is Design-Based Research? Collins, Joseph, and Bielaczyc (2004) define DBR thus:

Design experiments bring together two critical pieces in order to guide us to better educational refinement: a design focus and assessment of critical design elements. Ethnography provides qualitative methods for looking carefully at how a design plays out in practice, and how social and contextual variables interact with


In his article immediately following this introduction, Kurt Squire presents a more detailed exposition defining DBR and describes examples of its various aspects.

Recently, both the special issue on DBR of The Journal of the Learning Sciences

(Volume 13, No 1, 2004) and the special DBR issue of Educational Researcher (Vol. 32, No. 1, 2003) provide detailed, research-oriented expositions of this methodology’s theoretical,

conceptual, and analytic foundations. In contrast, this special issue of Educational Technology focuses on more applied perspectives about DBR, illustrating these with case studies of

exemplary work using this method. But why is DBR important enough to merit special issues of all these journals?

Design-Based Research Deals with Important Issues, Sizable Effects, and Significant Results Numerous researchers, practitioners, and policy makers have criticized many of the findings from educational research as having little impact on practice, or even on the evolution of theory (Lagemann, 2002; Haertel & Means, 2003). In part, this is because the priorities of scholars are often divergent from those who are immersed in policy and practice. At times, researchers select problems to study because of a desire to resolve some point of theory only loosely connected to educational practice, out of curiosity, or perhaps primarily because the situation invites the use of a favorite methodology. The practical importance of a study is too often of little weight; given the titles of more than a few published educational studies, many practitioners could write an abstract of the conclusions section without any further information. The results of these studies are simple “common sense” for anyone with experience in


Also, scholars sometimes value statistical validation over sizable effect. Researchers report findings that reach the 0.05 or better level of statistical significance, meaning their results have a less than a one in twenty chance of being due to random effects. However, at times the findings themselves are trivial, showing only a small “effect size” (Thalheimer & Cook, 2002) from an intervention that consumes much time and resources. Practitioners and policymakers, in contrast, have greater interest in findings that reveal large effect sizes, backed by plausible evidence of likely causation -- even if the statistical significance of these results might be difficult to measure or below the typical standard of scholarly proof.

Too often, articles in practice-oriented publications describe innovations that address important issues and have sizable effects, but provide only thin evidence for their worth and generalizability. At the other extreme, articles in research journals frequently document statistically significant outcomes with low effect sizes for trivial problems. In contrast, DBR attempts to create important, theory-based educational interventions of sizable effect and reasonable plausibility and generalizability.


reminiscent of the apocryphal story of the drunk looking for his lost keys under the streetlight where he can see, rather than in the dark alley where they were dropped. But isn’t combining design and research a “forced fit” in terms of the almost opposite characteristics of these two approaches?

Why Mix Design and Research?

The skills of creative designers and the attributes of rigorous scholars have limited overlap. Even theory-based design generally does not follow recipes, but rather draws heavily on imagination and instinct. When designers receive formative feedback, their intuition often leads to changes that may neither be grounded in theory nor be limited to enable comparative research across time. For example, the research literature on innovation shows frequent “design creep” (e.g., a curriculum intervention escalating into a full-scale systemic reform initiative), with investigators responding to every implementation difficulty with increasingly more sweeping designs rather than providing bounded research on a particular type of potential advance. Also, innovators fascinated by a particular type of design approach (such as wireless mobile devices as a means of ubiquitous access to information) often start with a predetermined “solution” and seek educational problems to which it can be applied (to a person with a hammer, everything looks like a nail), a dubious basis for DBR.


than faulty conceptions; this stifles the evolution of theory. Such “design constipation” is no better a foundation for effective, sustainable, and scalable innovation than “design creep.”

Effective DBR groups have a complex “cognitive ecology” with contradictory tensions: freewheeling, “whatever works” innovation versus controlled, principled variation. Collins et al. (op cit) describes DBR as similar to Simon’s design sciences (e.g., aeronautics, acoustics), as opposed to analytically oriented natural sciences such as physics and biology. Conceptualizing DBR as a form of “interventionist ethnography,” in which research studies perturb typical

learning settings by introducing evocative, theory-influenced designs, then draw out implications for new theories of teaching, learning and schooling, illustrates a potential advantage of this method. Certainly, as the articles in this issue document, implementing well-formulated designs has led to surprising findings about the quality of thought, motivation, and action that children can accomplish at various developmental levels, results that inform both theory and practice.

Design-Based Research and Scalability


success required in effective interventions; nothing powerful in facilitating learning is as simple as an inoculation in medicine.

Under circumstances without these criteria, major intended aspects of an innovation’s design may not be enacted as planned (Means & Penuel, in press); developers can expect parts of their design to be “defenestrated” (thrown out the window). Planning for successful

implementation in such contexts involves design akin to the “egg drop” experiment that is part of many science curricula (Dede, in press). Students are given raw eggs and a few basic materials, such as dry pasta or pipe cleaners. The learners are asked to construct some sort of “packaging” for an egg that will cushion it from breakage, even when dropped from a considerable height. Researchers similarly attempt to develop aspects of their design package that help its

effectiveness to survive even when parts of its intended enactment are defenestrated. This is not an easy task; oftentimes, scholars fail to identify the key features that lead to small-scale

successes, resulting in failure when their recommended adaptation-and-transfer strategies are implemented large-scale.

DBR findings typically show substantial influence of contextual variables in shaping the desirability, practicality, and effectiveness of designs. For example, the articles in this issue frequently depict “conditions for success” challenges related to teacher professional


in the typical teaching population for the foreseeable future. This is not an easy dilemma to resolve and illustrates the ways that DBR, in contrast to many types of conventional research, intrinsically confronts scalability issues of great interest to practitioners and policymakers. (Readers interested in the many challenges involved scaling up technology-based educational innovations may wish to visit the website of a conference at Harvard recently held on this topic [http://www.gse.harvard.edu/scalingup/].)

This is not to say that the goals of design-based researchers are identical with those of teachers, administrators, or state and federal decision makers. For example, in the shadow of the No Child Left Behind legislation, practitioners struggling with very demanding, narrow criteria to which they are held accountable (e.g., students classified as “mildly mentally retarded” are expected to perform at grade level on high stakes tests) are primarily interested in promising interventions that could reach subpopulations for whom conventional instructional practices are ineffective. They are typically and understandably less interested in contributing to an iterative process of theory-based development for interventions with complex conditions for success, intensive data collection strategies, and no guarantee of effectiveness.


middle ground that starts with practitioners’ issues, but then helps them evolve their thinking towards transformative approaches, requires sophistication and patience; yet this is the current climate within which DBR must now function.

The articles in this special issue illustrate many aspects of all these themes and more. Kurt Squire provides a more extensive definition of DBR, illustrating this with two case studies from his research on educational games. These cases illustrate how DBR sequences and

integrates various research methodologies to fully understand learning and teaching in authentic educational contexts, as well as how DBR can provide insights into better theories about

pedagogy. Sasha Barab and his colleagues then describe how their Quest Atlantis project is developing Learning Engagement Theory to deepen understanding of the relationships among learning, playing, and helping. They have used DBR to evolve the initial version of their

designed learning experience to become a broader, socially-responsive context of participation— more akin to a “brand” than a singular technology.

My research team at Harvard follows with a description of our River City multi-user virtual environment studies, showing how DBR has helped in improving our design’s


Ken Hay and his colleagues describe how DBR aided the evolution of a particular learning tool within a larger suite of studies about the educational potential of virtual reality. They delineate how DBR aided with the refinement of the tool, pedagogical theory, curriculum theory, and research methods. Chris Hoadley portrays how, through two stages of tool

development and evaluation, DBR enabled the evolution and refinement of a theory about socially relevant representations. He describes the ways in which DBR is a powerful method for testing theories about issues that really matter in real world contexts. Tom Reeves concludes with a synthesis of how all these articles interrelate and complement in their approaches to DBR.

Overall, each of the articles provides a different perspective on the “elephant” of DBR. I hope you will find these ideas and methods intriguing, worthy of putting DBR in an important place in the pantheon of educational scholarship.


Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy. (2003). Identifying and implementing educational

practices supported by rigorous evidence: A user-friendly guide. Washington, DC: Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.

Collins, A., Joseph, D., & Bielaczyc, K. (2004). Design research: Theoretical and methodological issues. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13 (1), 15-42.

Dede, C. (in press). Design for Defenestration: A Strategy for Scaling Up Promising Research-based Innovations. Chicago, IL: NORC.

Dede, C. (2004). If Design-Based Research is the Answer, What is the Question? Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13, 1, 105-114.


Lagemann, E. C. (2002). Usable knowledge in education. Chicago: Spencer Foundation. Retrieved August 22, 2004 from www.spencer.org/publications/index.htm

Means, B., & Penuel, W.R. (in press). In C. Dede, J. Honan, & L. Peters (Eds.), Scaling Up Success: Lessons Learned from Technology-Based Educational Innovation. New York: Jossey-Bass.

Stokes, D.E. (1997). Pasteur’s Quadrant. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, Thalheimer, W., & Cook, S. (2002, August). How to calculate effect sizes from published


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