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Rumah Waffle : A Business Plan.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Bisnis di dunia kuliner merupakan bisnis yang menjanjikan karena perkembangannya tidak pernah surut. Namun untuk dapat bertahan dalam persaingan bisnis kuliner, kreativitas sangatlah diperlukan karena setiap orang berlomba-lomba untuk menciptakan kreasi baru. Oleh karena itu saya ingin memanfaatkan peluang dalam bisnis kuliner dengan menciptakan suatu kreasi makanan unik dengan cita rasa tinggi.

Saya akan membuka bisnis “Rumah Waffle” yang menjual waffle sandwich sebagai menu utamanya. Waffle sandwich adalah sajian dua buah waffle dengan isian, manis atau asin. Waffle sandwich merupakan suatu kreasi makanan yang unik, selain itu Rumah Waffle menyediakan

waffle dengan berbagai pilihan rasa. Produk unggulan dari Rumah Waffle adalah waffle peuyeum dan waffle ubi cilembu. Makanan ini merupakan gabungan antara cita rasa barat dan timur.

Dalam rencana bisnis ini akan dipaparkan berbagai aspek dalam pengoperasian bisnis Rumah Waffle. Stand Rumah Waffle akan dibuka di jalan Surya Sumantri nomor 53 Bandung, Jawa Barat. Lokasi ini terletak di dekat Universitas Maranatha. Karyawan yang akan dipekerjakan di Rumah Waffle adalah pekerja paruh waktu.


Maranatha Christian University


Rumah Waffle is the answer of an increasing need for students who

have limited time to eat. Rumah Waffle business is targeted for college

students who live at boarding house, usually eat out, and like eating

snacks. Rumah Waffle offers the sensation of big meal in a snack. Rumah

Waffle is a stand which sells waffle sandwich and many beverages. It is

located on Surya Sumantri 53 Bandung, West Java. The location of

Rumah Waffle is strategic because it is near Maranatha Christian

University and it is a crowded area; consequently, the posibility of being

known by the customers is bigger. Rumah Waffle provides a 24-hour

service to ease customers to get the waffle sandwich anytime. In addition,

it has a comfortable place for eating-in and for students who are in hurry

do not need to worry because the waffle sandwich will be served quickly to

be taken away.

The main product of Rumah Waffle is waffle sandwich, which is two

waffles with fillings placed between them. It provides a new variation of

food and the only waffle sandwich stand in Bandung. Waffle sandwich is a

kind of snack, but it is stuffed as a heavy meal. It is suitable for busy


Maranatha Christian University products of Rumah Waffle are fermented cassava (peuyeum) waffle and sweet potato (ubi Cilembu) waffle. The combination between local and western tastes will make a great food. In addition, fermented cassava and

sweet potato are nutritious and healthy.

Rumah Waffle also provides great beverages that match with its great

food. Its special drink is called Day2Night, because it can be drunk in the

morning, in the afternoon, and also at night. It contains pure orange juice

(or can be replaced by lemon) mixed with honey as the sweetener and it

can be added with milk. It is refreshing and healthy.

This business plan needs the investment in the amount of

Rp22,703,155 and it will be covered from owner’s saving. The payback

period of this business is within a year, which is 3 months and 14 days.

The Net Present Value (NPV) is Rp55,670,831.49, the NPV value of this

business is positive, it means that Rumah Waffle business is feasible to

run. Considering from its financial aspect, this business can be seen as a

beneficial business.

All aspects in Rumah Waffle business prove that Rumah Waffle is a

promising business. It has unique products and from the payback period,


Maranatha Christian University


TITLE PAGE…………..……….... i





LIST OF TABLES ...………...………..…………. vi

ABSTRACT ………..……….……. vii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ………..……... viii










Maranatha Christian University


Table 2.1 The list of fillings for waffle sandwich ………..……...……… 11

Table 2.2 The list price of waffle sandwich………...………. 12

Table 2.3 The price list of beverages in Rumah Waffle………... 12

Table 5.1 Initial Investment ... 29

Table 5.2 Cash Inflow………... 31

Table 5.3 Cash Outflow………..……….……. 32

Table 5.4 Net Cash Flow Month per Month ……..……….….. 35

Table 5.5 Payback Period………..………..… 36


1 Maranatha Christian University



1.1. Background of the Study

Culinary business is a long-lasting business because everyone

needs food and always eats (Wilhelm par.1). There are a lot of people

who are interested in culinary business, they try to compete with

others by improving their products. Culinary business can also give a

big profit in a short time, but the important thing is the products have to

be unique and different from the others and also have the good taste

(Wilhelm par.4).

Considering the above facts, I will try to open a culinary business

which is Waffle Sandwich. I choose this business because I like waffle

and it is enjoyable to make waffle. I want to make a business based on

my passion. Norman Brinker, the owner of Chill Restaurant which has

already had 1000 subsidiaries around the world states that the main

basis to open the food industry is the love of food (Wilhelm, par.2). I

also want to modify the waffle becomes waffle sandwich because


2 Maranatha Christian University it because as it is stated that sandwich is the most practical and

stuffed food (“Sandwich Goreng”, par.1). In addition, waffle sandwich

is quite new and different in Bandung. Generally, most people like to

try a new menu. It is also stated that waffle business is very profitable

business (“How to Start a Waffle Business”), therefore, this business is


The name of my business is “Rumah Waffle” (henceforth, RW).

Rumah means house, while, waffle is battercake cooked in waffle iron patterned to give a distinctive and characteristic shape (“Waffle”,

par.1), therefore RW means a house that sells waffle as the main

menu. In addition, RW means a waffle as a house of fillings, the waffle

is the place for the fillings.

RW is located on Surya Sumantri, near Maranatha Christian

University because the target market of this business is the college

students. It is stated that campus is one of the best spots to open

business (“20 Peluang Bisnis Makanan”, 3). When they are in hurry

and only have limited time for eating, they can buy waffle sandwich. It

is quick, affordable, and also makes the stomach stuffed. RW can fulfill

the students’ need for a quick and practical food. As I observed, many

students look for food at midnight; therefore, it is good to open a

24-hour food stall around here. Beside the students, the local people can

also be the customers because Maranatha is surrounded by many


3 Maranatha Christian University levels and social backgrounds. The local people can buy the waffle

sandwich for breakfast before going to work.

1.2. SWOT Analysis

There are several strengths of RW business. First, it provides a

24-hour service. Thus, it will ease the customers to get waffle sandwich

anytime. Second, the menus are suitable for anytime, they can be

eaten in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night. Next, I will provide

the free delivery service for three orders or more. If the customer

orders only one or two orders I will charge Rp 1,000. Forth, the stand

of RW has an interesting decoration and the staffs wear interesting

outfit too. The last, RW provides appetizing and quick products, and

hygienic service. It is stated that one of keys for success in waffle

business is good service which are, good customer service, happy

employees and clean (“How to Start a Waffle Business”)

The weakness of my business is the limited area for delivery

service. The delivery service is for Maranatha area only, which are

Surya Sumantri, Babakan Jeruk, Suka Mekar, and Cibogo because it

will cost more for my business if the customers’ address are too far.

The other weakness is that the waffle sandwich will be less delicious

and will not taste fresh if it is kept for more than 24 hours.

The first threat for my business is not all local people around

Maranatha area know about waffle. That problem can be overcome by


4 Maranatha Christian University (Cilembu sweet potato) and peuyem (fermented cassava) as the

ingredients of waffle with interesting flyers. Ubi Cilembu and peuyeum

are special local food from West Java; therefore, it can make them

interested in trying waffle sandwich. The second threat is the

availability of many food sellers around Maranatha area, and even

some of them are open until midnight too. The other competitors for

my business are Belgian Waffle and Brussel Spring which also sell the

waffle and they have already run the business earlier. The third threat

is the probability that other people will make the same business with


According to the SWOT analysis that I have explained before, I

conclude that waffle sandwich business can be profitable, therefore I


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Atkinson, Anthony A. Management Accounting. 3rd ed. New Jersey:

Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2001.

Kotler, Philip, and Gary Amstrong. Principle of Marketing. 10th ed. New

Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.

Redaksi Agromedia. 20 Peluang Bisnis Makanan. Jakarta: Redaksi

Agromedia, 2009.

Snell, Scott and, George Bohlander. Human Resource Management.

Mason: Thomson, 2007.

Electronic Sources

“Capital Budgeting.” Wikipedia.org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 3 Nov

2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CapitalBudgeting>.

"Discount Factor." A Dictionary of Business and Management. 2006.

Encyclopedia.com. 20 Nov. 2009


“How to Start a Waffle Business?” 8 March 2009. Waffle-Waffles.com. 26


Maranatha Christian University

“Managing the Financial Aspect of Your Business.”

BusinessKnowledgeSource.com. 3 Nov 2009



“Material Handling.” Wikipedia.org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 20 Sept

2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material_handling>.

“Net Cash-Flow.” BusinessDictionary.com. 3 Nov 2009


“Payback Period.” Investopedia. Forbes Digital Company. 3 Nov 2009


Peavler, Rosemary. “Initial Investment - What is an Initial Investment?”

About.com. The New York Times Company. 5 Nov 2009



“Profitability Index.” Investopedia. Forbes Digital Company. 3 Nov 2009


Rath, Tiare. “Creating our Business Plan Financials.” About.com. The New

York Times Company. 5 Nov 2009 <


“Sandwich Goreng.” InfoGue.com 2008. 8 Sept 2009


Somantri, Ratna. “Bisnis Makanan: Bisnis yang Tidak Pernah

Membosankan.” Nanissima.multiply.com.13 May 2007. Kontan. 26


Maranatha Christian University

“Waffle.” Wikipedia.org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 20 Sept 2009


Image Sources

Picture 3.1, 3.2; Page 14 and 15


Picture 3.3; Page 15



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