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A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON TEACHING VOCABULARY USING MULTIMEDIA AT THE SEVENTH GRADE A Descriptive Study On Teaching Vocabulary Using Multimedia At The Seventh Grade Students Of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan In 2012/2013 Academic Year.


Academic year: 2017

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in English Department






IN 2012/2013 ACADEMIC YEAR Tawangharjo Grobogan, (2) describing the problem faced of teaching vocabulary using multimedia at the seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan, (3) knowing how the students respond the teaching vocabulary using multimedia at the seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan.

This is a descriptive qualitative research. The object of research is the process of teaching vocabulary using multimedia at SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan at the seventh grade students in 2012/2013 academy year. The methods of collecting data are observation, interview and document. The data are taken from the result of observation and interview after using multimedia in the teaching vocabulary.

The result of this research shows that the implementation of teaching vocabulary using multimedia has a good result for the development in the students’ vocabulary. The problems faced by the teacher in teaching writing are class management, difficulties in searching pictures related to the material, different capability of the students, and unstable motivation of the students. Based on the interview to the students, teaching vocabulary using multimedia get positive comments from students. They are not bored, but more enthusiastic to follow the teaching-learning process. The students look braver and more confident.

Key words: descriptive study, teaching vocabulary, multimedia.


In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is

one element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all

together. In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should



acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use them


Azwani (2010) argues that even though students realize the importance of

vocabulary when learning language, most students learn vocabulary passively due

to several factors. First, they consider the teacher's explanation for meaning or

definition, pronunciation, spelling and grammatical functions boring. In this case

scenario, language learners have nothing to do in a vocabulary learning section

but to listen to their teacher. Second, students only think of vocabulary learning as

knowing the primary meaning of new words. Therefore, they ignore all other

functions of the words. Third, students usually only acquire new vocabulary

through new words in their textbooks or when given by teachers during classroom

lessons. For example, learners find many new words in a text and then ask the

teacher to explain the meanings and usages. Forth, many learners do not want to

take risks in applying what they have learnt. Students may recognize a word in a

written or spoken form and think that they already "know the word", but they may

not be able to use that word properly in different contexts or pronounce it


To meet the goal, many teaching techniques can be implemented. One of

them is using multimedia. Multimedia can be used to teach vocabulary to the

student. In other words, by using multimedia as learning tool, the learner can

interact with learning tool because multimedia provide the audio visual stimuli.


The type of this research paper is descriptive research. By using

descriptive research, the writer wants to describe the teaching vocabulary using

multimedia and the problems faced by the teacher in teaching vocabulary using

multimedia at SMP N 1 Tawangharjo.

Descriptive method is used to present a broad spectrum of research

activities having a common purpose of describing situation events or phenomena

(Mason and Bramble, 1997: 37). Ary (1985: 415) argues that a descriptive

research is directed toward determining the nature of situation, as it exists at the

time of the study. From those definitions, this research aims at describing the



describing the classroom problems faced by the English teacher in teaching

vocabulary using multimedia at the seventh grade students of SMP N 1

Tawangharjo Grobogan in 2012/2013 academic year.


Research finding shows some dimensions found in the field that need to be

presented. They are the implementation teaching vocabulary using multimedia,

the problem faced of teaching vocabulary using multimedia, and the students

comment about the teaching vocabulary using multimedia at the seventh grade

students of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan.

1. The Implementation of Teaching Vocabulary Using Multimedia

In this section the writer describes the implementation teaching

vocabulary using multimedia in SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan. In

teaching vocabulary using multimedia, the writer takes the results of

observation and interviews that are related with material of teaching

vocabulary and classroom activity.

a. Vocabulary Teaching Materials

Material has a very important role in the teaching-learning process.

The material should be appropriate with the syllabus. It must be able to

develop the students’ competence. The material should help the students

understand the lesson easily.

b. Classroom Activity

From the observation, the researcher finds that the teaching

vocabulary process in the classroom is delivered in English and

Indonesian. In English class, the teacher should use time appropriately to

meet the purpose of the lesson. The time duration is 80 minutes. The

seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan has 2 x 40

minutes schedule in English lesson. The success of the process in

teaching English may depend on the condition in the classroom or

classroom management. This observation was done three times. The



activities that had been done by the teacher and students during the


2. The Problem Faced in Teaching Vocabulary Using Multimedia

Based on the interview with the teacher on Wednesday, July 24th, 2013 at 01.00 pm, it can be seen the problems that he faced when teaching. As he


Saya memang ada beberapa kesulitan untuk

mengajar bahasa inggris khususnya untuk kelas VII.

Karena jumlah siswa yang tidak sedikit serta setiap

siswa yang memiliki karaketristik yang berbeda dimana

ada siswa yang mudah menangkap pelajaran tapi ada

pula yang sulit dan ingatan siswa yang mudah lupa.

Selain itu kadang siswa mempunyai mood yang bagus

untuk belajar tetapi kadang mereka malas. Jadi dengan

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan multimedia

diharapkan dapat memudahkan mereka.

(I did have some difficulties to teach English

especially for 7th grade. Because the number of students

is big enough and every student has different

characteristics where there are students who can get

lesson easily but some have difficulties and students’

forgets the lesson easily. Sometimes the students have a

good mood to learn but sometimes their lazy. So by

learning English using multimedia is expected to

facilitate students).

Based on the researcher’s observation in SMP Negeri 1 Tawangharjo

Grobogan and interview with the English teacher, he found that the problems



a. In the teaching vocabulary using multimedia, the teacher found

difficulties in managing the students in the class. Every class consists

more than 30 students. The condition makes the class crowded. For

example, the teacher gave the students exercise. If the teacher

combines the exercise using pictures by showing in LCD projector,

the students feel fun. But sometimes, not all students pay attention if

the teacher shows the material with multimedia. The students are not

giving attention on their lesson because they speak with other friends.

Teaching vocabulary using multimedia is more effective if the

students are not more than 20 people. Some students participated

actively and the other did not participate actively.

b. The teacher gets difficulty to search pictures related to the material

and the teacher spends much money to get the material with browsing

in internet. The pictures can make the students interesting with the

material. The teacher uses picture to engage the students in the

material. The teacher also feels difficulty to search song or video to

ice breaking the students.

c. Each student has a different capability in receiving the material. Some

of them could learn the material, and the others learned them slowly.

This situation will make the teaching-learning process does not run


d. The students sometimes have good mood to study, but sometimes they

are lazy to study the material given by the teacher. It was done by the

students because they were not attracted to the material. On the way

around, if the teacher gave the interesting material, they studied the

lesson enthusiastically. Most of the students are not confident with

their ability. The teacher should motivate them and make them feel



3. The Student’s Response on the Teaching Vocabulary Using Multimedia

The students comment for the teaching vocabulary using multimedia can

be seen in the following table;



24  − − 

25    −

26   − 

27 −   

28    −

29    −

30  −  

31    −

32    

33 −  − −

34    

35  −  

36    

37    

Total 33 31 30 26

Percentage 90% 85% 81% 70%

From the table above it can be seen that;

a. Most of the students said that they enjoyed and interested in English

lesson with multimedia.

90% students said that learning English using multimedia is very


Researcher : Do you like English lesson using multimedia?

Students : Yes, I like because multimedia make us not

bored in the teaching-learning process.

b. Most can be understand the new vocabulary

85% students said that they can understand new words showed the

pictures in LCD projector.

Researcher: Do you understand the words that showed the



Students : Yes, I do. The picture can help us to

understand the new words.

c. Most can be easily memorize the material

81% students said that they can remember the new words. This is

the result of the interview.

Researcher: Can you remember the name of animals in

English? And mention the animals.

Students : Yes, I can. There are bird, tiger, monkey,

mouse, etc.

d. Most can be read, write and also speak English well

70% students said that by multimedia they can read, write, and

speak English well. This is the result of the interview.

Researcher: Can you write and give the meaning of this

word “library”?

Students : Yes, I can. This word is perpustakaan.


In this section, the researcher discussed the findings of the research. The

discussion contains the implementation teaching vocabulary using multimedia, the

difficulties faced by the teacher in teaching vocabulary using multimedia, and the

students’ comment on the implementation of teaching vocabulary using


In the implementation of teaching vocabulary using multimedia at the

seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan, the teacher uses

laptop, loud speaker and LCD projector as media for introducing new vocabulary.

The teacher also faced some problems during the teaching-learning process. The

problems faced by the teacher are difficulties in managing the students in the

class; in receiving material, each student has different capability, low motivation

of the students and teaching vocabulary using multimedia is more effective for

some people or group. They are fun when used multimedia for teaching

vocabulary. So, the teacher needs a good preparation in applying this technique to



Most of the students enjoyed and were interested in English lesson with

multimedia, understand the new vocabulary better, can easily memorize the

material, can read, write and also speak English well. They students like picture,

they also satisfy when learning the English using multimedia. The interaction

between the teacher and the students is created well because the teacher explains

the lesson patiently. This condition makes the teacher understand more deeply

with the student’s competence in comprehending the material. Ernesnova (1988)

in Fauziati (2002: 172) states that children understand and retain the meaning

better when they have seen some objects associated with it. Media make

teaching-learning process interesting, so it can increase the students’ appreciation to the


The writer also found the fact that the students were very enthusiastic and

got positive response in the process of teaching vocabulary using multimedia. It

also makes the students pay attention with the material, and enjoy English lesson.

It is effective to help the students to understand the language and it makes the

language learning successful in a language classroom. When the students bored,

the teacher gave song or video so it has motivating effects within the classroom.

The students also have positive response to the implementation of teaching

vocabulary using multimedia. They can be motivated and learn English more



Based on the result of the writer’s observation, the writer concludes that the implementation of teaching vocabulary using multimedia is as follows:

1. The implementation of teaching vocabulary using multimedia at the

seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan has a good

result for the development in the students’ vocabulary. The teacher

used three phase technique. The technique is appropriate with the

characteristics of seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo

Grobogan. So, it makes the success of the purpose of the lesson. The

teacher and the students have good interaction in the teaching-learning

process. The teacher also gave ice breaking when the students are not



2. There are problems faced by the seventh grade students English

teacher of SMP N 1 Tawangharjo Grobogan in teaching vocabulary

using multimedia, namely:

a. It is difficult for the teacher to manage the students in the class.

b. The teacher gets difficulty to search pictures and something for ice

breaking for the students.

c. Each student has a different capability in receiving the material

d. The students have unstable motivation.

3. The students’ response is positive. The students like the

implementation of teaching vocabulary using multimedia. They are




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