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Kondisi Rongga Mulut Pada Atlet Mahasiswa di Lingkungan Universitas Sumatera Utara


Academic year: 2017

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1. Junaidi. Cedera olahraga pada atlet pelatda PON XVIII DKI Jakarta. Fisioterapi 2013; 13(1): 12-6.

2. Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 3 tahun 2005 tentang sistem keolahragaan nasional.

3. Soares PV, Tolentino AB, Machado AC, Dias RB, Coto NP. Sports dentistry: a perspective for the future. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte 2014; 28(2): 351-8.

4. Azodo CC, Osazuwa O. Dental conditions among competitive university athletes in Nigeria. Trop Dent J 2013; 35: 34-42.

5. Ashley P, Iorio AD, Cole E, Tanday A, Needleman I. Oral health of elite athletes and association with performance: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med 2015; 49: 14-9.

6. Needleman I, Ashley P, Fine P. Consensus statement: oral health and elite sport performance. Br Dent J 2014; 217: 587-90.

7. Needleman I, Ashley P, Petrie A. Oral health and impact on performance of athletes participating in the London 2012 Olympic Games: a cross-sectional study. Br J Sports Med 2013; 47: 1054-8.

8. Gay-Escoda C, Arvedol J, Pruna R. Study of the effect of oral health on physical condition of profesisional soccer player of the Football Club Barcelona. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Buccal 2011; 16(3): 436-9.

9. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Riset Kesehatan Dasar Nasional. 2013: 119.

10.Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Riset Kesehatan Dasar Nasional. 2007: 142.

11.Schorin MD, Sollid K, Edge MS, Bouchoux A. The Science of Sugars, Part 4. Nutr Today 2012; 00: 1-6.


13.Mathew T, Casamassimoa PS, Hayesb JR. Relationship between sports drinks and dental erosion in 304 university athletes in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Caries Res 2002; 36: 281-7.

14.Prasetyo EA. Keasaman minuman ringan menurunkan kekerasan permukaan. Maj Ked Gigi 2005; 38(2): 60-3.

15.Gandara B, Truelove EL, Foye RH, Gilmour WH. Diagnosis and management of dental erosion. J Contemporery Dent Practice 1999; 1: 1-17.

16.Comar LP, Salomao PMA, Souza BMd, Magalhaes AC. Dental erosion: an overview on definition, prevalence. Braz Dent Sci 2013; 16(1): 6-17.

17.Tin-Oo MM, Razali R. Sport-related oral injuries and mouthguard use among athletes in Kelantan, Malaysia. Arch Orofac Sci 2012; 7(1): 21-7.

18.Zaleckiene V, Peciuliene V, Brukiene V, Drukteinis S. Traumatic dental injuries: etiology, prevalence and possible outcomes. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal 2014; 16(1): 7-14.

19.Diangelis AJ, Andreasen JO, Ebeleseder KA. International association of dental traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 1. fractures and luxations of permanent teeth. Dent Traumatol 2012; 28: 2-12.

20.Pasupuleti MK. Importance of periodontal health in competitive sports. Saudi J Sports Med 2014; 14(1): 5-8.

21.Adeniyi PO. Stress, a major determinant of nutritional and health status. Am J Public Health 2015; 3(1): 15-20.

22.Sharma S. Role of nutrition in coping with stress (review). Indian J Res 2015; 4(9): 348-9.

23.Lula ECO, Ribeiro CCC, Hugo FN, Alves CMC, Silva AAM. Added sugars and periodontal disease in young adults: an analysis of NHANES III data. Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 100: 1182-7.


26.Pintauli S, Hamada T. Menuju gigi dan mulut sehat. Medan: USU Press, 2008: 4-9,17,25,29,102.

27.Tarigan R. Karies gigi. Jakarta: EGC, 2014: 15-23.

28.Coombes JS. Sports drinks and dental. Am J Dent 2005; 18: 101-4.

29.Oltjen J. Soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, and flavored Waters.

30.Buzalaf MAR, Hannas AR, Kato MT. Saliva and dental erosion. J Appl Oral Sci 2012; 20(5): 493-502.

31.Mehta SB, Banerji S, Millar BJ, Suarez-Feito JM. Current concepts on management of tooth wear: part 1. Assessment, treatment planning and strategies for the prevention and the passive management of tooth wear. Br Dent J 2012; 212(1): 17-27.

32.Cochrane NJ, Yuan Y, Walker GD, dkk. Erosive potential of sports beverages. Aus Dent J 2012; 57: 1-6.

33.Jegier M, Smalc A, Jegier A. Selected dental concerns in sports medicine. Medicina Sportiva 2005; 9(2): 53-9.

34.Mulic A, Tveit AB, Songe D, Sivertsen H, Skaare AB. Dental erosive wear and salivary flow rate in physically active young adults. BMC Oral Health 2012; 12(8): 1-8.

35.Mahoney EK, Kilpatrick NM. Dental erosion: Part 1. aetiology and prevalence of dental erosion. New Zeal Dent J 2003; 2: 33-41.

36.Singhal AC, Chandak S, Chamele J, Jain A, Gupta P, Thakur P. Indices for measuring dental erosion. Chattisgarh Journal of Health Science 2013;1(1): 52-6. 37.Riyanti, E. Penatalaksanaan trauma gigi pada anak. http://pustaka.unpad.ac.id/wpc


38.Association CDH. Putting more bite into injury prevention. Can J Dent Hygiene 2005; 39(6): 1-18.


39.Tiwari V, Saxena V, Tiwari U, Singh A, Jain M, Goud S. Dental trauma and mouthguard awareness and use among contact and noncontact athletes in central India. J Oral Sci 2014; 56(4): 239-43.

40.Singh G, Garg S, Damle SG, Dhindsa A, Kaur A, Singla S. A study of sports related occurrence of traumatic orodental injuries and associated risk factors in high school students in North India. Asian J Sports Med 2014; 5(3): 1-5.

41.Daliemunthe SH. Periodonsia. Medan: Bagian Periodonsia Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2008: 99,101,109.

42.Wijayanti PM, Setyopranoto I. Hubungan antara periodontitis, aterosklerosis dan stroke iskemik akut. Mutiara Medika 2008; 8: 20-8.

43.Al Jehani YA. Risk factors of periodontal disease: review of the literature. Int J Dent 2014: 1-9.

44.Van Dyke TE, Dave S. Risk factors for periodontitis. J Int Acad Periodontol 2005; 7(1): 3-7.

45.Perunski S, Lang B, Pohl Y, Filippi A. Level of information concerning dental injuries and their prevention in Swiss basketball – a survey among players and coaches. Dent Traumatol 2005; 21: 195-200.

46.Ma W. Basketball players’ experience of dental injury and awareness about mouthguard in China. Dent Traumatol 2008; 24: 430-4.

47.Crozie S. Endurance athletes may be prone to tooth erosion and caries, researches say.

(14 September 2015)


48.Dahlan M. Besar sampel dan cara pengambilan sampel. 3rd ed. Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 2013: 42.


50.Cheng R, Yang H, Shao MY, Hu T, Zhou XD. Dental erosion and severe tooth decay related to soft drinks:a case report and literature review. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B 2009;10(5):395-9.

51.Seow WK, Thong KM. Erosive effects of common beverages on extracted premolar. Aus Dent J 2005;50(3):173-8.


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