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Wood vs Metal Loft beds bunk beds


Academic year: 2017

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Wood vs Metal Loft beds (bunk beds) Word Count:

455 Summary:

If you are in the market for loft beds or bunk beds, a major choice is wood versus metal. Depending on the overall look and size you desire, you will want to choose a differently constructed bed. Although both materials are both sturdy and safe, many individuals choose either metal or wood when searching for the optimum bed to fit the room.


beds,loft beds,bunk beds

Article Body:

If you are in the market for loft beds or bunk beds, a major choice is wood versus metal. Depending on the overall look and size you desire, you will want to choose a differently constructed bed. Although both materials are both sturdy and safe, many individuals choose either metal or wood when searching for the optimum bed to fit the room.

Most older bunk beds are made of wood, and are generally easier to make safety modifications and enhancements. Also, the price of wooden bunk beds may be more economical, especially if you are shopping at second hand stores or using a bed previously used by a friend or family member. Furthermore, wooden bunk beds can be easily repaired, painted, stripped, or stained to create a completely different look for differing tastes. Metal bunk beds are usually made of tubular metal and thought to be a classic kid´s type of bedding. How many times have you seen a red or white metal bunk bed in a child´s bedroom? Metal bunk beds made in recent years are built to the set safety requirements, but if any safety requirements are not up to par, emendations are much more difficult to make.

When looking at loft beds, the newer, stylish beds are made of metal. Additionally, metal loft beds take up less space so that tight spaces will not be further infringed by bulky metal creations. Also, metal beds allow a greater amount of decoration than wooden beds, so these are quite popular with the feminine crowd. Additionally, a change in style requires nothing more than a can of spray paint in the new and improved color.

Wooden loft beds are most associated with college dormitories, where loft beds built of raw two by fours are king. These beds can be found around every corner of campus come move-in day, so keep your pennies for things like books and purchase a used loft bed. You may even gain a couple new phone numbers, since most college co-eds use their loft beds as a huge message pad. The plus side of a wooden loft bed is that you will save a great deal of money on paper!

Whatever type of bunk bed or loft bed you choose to purchase, ensure the bed is safe. It does not matter if you are two, twelve, or twenty, safety is still important when entrusting your bodily safety while you sleep. A teenager can roll out of bed just as easily as a toddler, so be sure all beds have the proper guard rails and safety precautions. Generally, the choice between wood and metal bunk beds or loft beds is completely personal and depends on the space and the style.

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