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An Infinite Level Atom coupled to a Heat Bath

Martin Koenenberg1

Received: January 13, 2011

Communicated by Heinz Siedentop

Abstract. We consider a W∗-dynamical system (M

β, τ), which

models finitely many particles coupled to an infinitely extended heat bath. The energy of the particles can be described by an unbounded operator, which has infinitely many energy levels. We show existence of the dynamics τ and existence of a (β, τ) -KMS state under very explicit conditions on the strength of the interaction and on the inverse temperatureβ.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 81V10; Secondary 37N20, 47N50.

Keywords and Phrases: KMS-state, thermal equilibrium, W∗

-dynamical system, open quantum system.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we study a W∗-dynamical system (Mβ, τ) which describes a

system of finitely many particles interacting with an infinitely extended bosonic reservoir or heat bath at inverse temperature β. Here, Mβ denotes theW∗

-algebra of observables andτis an automorphism-group onMβ, which is defined


τt(X) :=eitLQX e−itLQ, X∈Mβ, t∈R. (1) In this context,tis the time parameter. LQis the Liouvillean of the dynamical

system at inverse temperatureβ,Qdescribes the interaction between particles and heat bath. On the one hand the choice of LQ is motivated by heuristic

arguments, which allow to derive the LiouvilleanLQfrom the HamiltonianHof

the joint system of particles and bosons at temperature zero. On the other hand we ensure thatLQanti-commutes with a certain anti-linear conjugationJ, that

will be introduced later on. The Hamiltonian, which represents the interaction


with a bosonic gas at temperature zero, can be the Standard Hamiltonian of the non-relativistic QED, (see or instance [2]), or the Pauli-Fierz operator, which is defined in [7, 2], or the Hamiltonian of Nelson’s Model. We give the definition of these Hamiltonians in the sequel of Definition 11.

Our first result is the following:

Theorem 1.1. LQ, defined in (16), has a unique self-adjoint realization and

τt(X)∈Mβ for allt∈Rand all X∈Mβ.

The proof follows from Theorem 4.2 and Lemma 5.2. The main difficulty in the proof is, thatLQ is not semi-bounded, and that one has to define a suitable

auxiliary operator in order to apply Nelson’s commutator theorem.

Partly, we assume that the isolated system of finitely many particles is con-fined in space. This is reflected in Hypothesis 1, where we assume that the particle Hamiltonian Hel possesses a Gibbs state. In the case where Hel is a

Schrödinger-operator, we give in Remark 2.1 a sufficient condition on the ex-ternal potentialV to ensure the existence of a Gibbs state forHel. Our second

theorem is

Theorem1.2. Assume Hypothesis 1 and thatΩβ0 ∈dom(e−(β/2)(L0+Q)). Then

there exists a(β, τ)-KMS stateωβ on M β.

This theorem ensures the existence of an equilibrium state on Mβ for the

dynamical system (Mβ, τ). Its proof is part of Theorem 5.3 below. Here,L0 denotes the Liouvillean for the joint system of particles and bosons, where the interaction part is omitted. Ωβ0 is the vector representative of the(β, τ)-KMS state for the system without interaction. In a third theorem we study the conditionΩβ0 dom(e−(β/2)(L0+Q)):

Theorem 1.3. Assume Hypothesis 1 is fulfilled. Then there are two cases, 1. If0 6 γ < 1/2 andη1(1 +β) ≪ 1, thenΩβ0 ∈dom(e−β/2 (L0+Q)).

2. Ifγ= 1/2and (1 +β)(η12) 1, thenΩβ0 dom(e−β/2 (L0+Q)).

Here,γ[0,1/2)is a parameter of the model, see (32) andη1, η2 are parame-ters, which describe the strength of the interaction, see (32). In a last theorem we consider the case whereHel=−∆q+ Θ2q2and the interaction Hamiltonian

isλ qΦ(f)at temperature zero forλ6= 0. Then,

Theorem 1.4. Ωβ0 is indom(e−β/2 (L0+Q))for allβ∈(0,∞), whenever |2Θ−1λ| k|k|−1/2f

kHph < 1.

Furthermore, we show that our strategy can not be improved to obtain a result, which ensures existence for all values ofλ, see (60).


some of them [3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15], which consider a related model, in which the particle Hamilton Hel is represented as a finite symmetric matrix

and the interaction part of the Hamiltonian is linear in annihilation and cre-ation operators. In this case one can prove existence of aβ- KMS without any restriction to the strength of the coupling. (In this case we can apply Theorem 1.3 with γ= 0 andη1= 0). We can show existence of KMS-states for an infi-nite level atom coupled to a heat bath. Furthermore, in [6] there is a general theorem, which ensures existence of a(β, τ)-KMS state under the assumption, thatΩβ0 ∈dom(e−(β/2)Q), which impliesΩ


0 ∈dom(e−(β/2)(L0+Q)). In Remark 7.3 we verify that this condition implies the existence of a(β, τ)-KMS state in the case of a harmonic oscillator with dipole interactionλ q · Φ(f), whenever (1 +β)λk(1 +|k|−1/2)f

k ≪1.

2 Mathematical Preliminaries

2.1 Fock Space, Field- Operators and Second Quantization

We start our mathematical introduction with the description of the joint system of particles and bosons at temperature zero. The Hilbert space describing bosons at temperature zero is the bosonic Fock space Fb, where

Fb := Fb[Hph] := C⊕



H(phn), H


ph := n




Hphis either a closed subspace ofL2(R

3)orL2( R


× {±}), being invariant un-der complex conjugation. If phonons are consiun-dered we chooseHph=L2(R

3), if photons are considered we choose Hph =L2(R


× {±}). In the latter case "+" or "-" labels the polarization of the photon. However, we will write hf|giHph :=


f(k)g(k)dk for the scalar product in both cases. This is an abbreviation forPp=±R f(k, p)g(k, p)dkin the case of photons.

H(phn) is the n-fold symmetric tensor product of Hph, that is, it contains all

square integrable functions fn being invariant under permutations π of the

variables, i.e., fn(k1, . . . , kn) = fn(kπ(1), . . . , kπ(n)). For phonons we have

kj∈R 3andk

j∈R 3

× {±}for photons. The wave functions inHn

phare states


The vectorΩ := (1,0, . . .) ∈ Fb is called thevacuum. Furthermore we denote


annihilation operators,a∗(h)and a(h), are defined forh

∈ Hph by

(a∗(h)fn)(k1, . . . , kn+1) (2)

= (n+ 1)−1/2




h(ki)fn(k1, . . . , ki−1, ki+1, . . . , kn+1),

(a(h)fn+1)(k1, . . . , kn) (3)

= (n+ 1)1/2


h(kn+1)fn+1(k1, . . . , kn+1)dkn+1,

and a∗(h) Ω = h, a(h) Ω = 0. Sincea(h) (a(h))and a(h) (a(h)),

the operatorsa∗(h)anda(h)are closable. Moreover, the canonical

commuta-tion relacommuta-tions (CCR) hold true, i.e.,

[a(h), a(eh)] = [a∗(h), a∗(eh)] = 0, [a(h), a∗(eh)] = hh|ehiHph.

Furthermore we define field operator by

Φ(h) := 2−1/2(a(h) + a∗(h)), h∈ Hph.

It is a straightforward calculation to check that the vectors inFbf inare analytic

forΦ(h). Thus,Φ(h)is essentially self-adjoint onFbf in. In the sequel, we will

identify a∗(h), a(h) and Φ(h) with their closures. The Weyl operatorsW(h)

are given by W(h) = exp(iΦ(h)). They fulfill the CCR-relation for the Weyl operators, i.e.,

W(h)W(g) = exp(i/2Imhh|giHph)W(g+h),

which follows from explicit calculations onFbf in. The Weyl algebraW(f)over

a subspacefofHph is defined by

W(f) := cl LH{W(g)∈ B(Fb) : g∈f}. (4)

Here, cl denotes the closure with respect to the norm of B(Fb), and "LH"

denotes the linear hull. Letα : R

3 [0,)be a locally bounded Borel function anddom(α) := {f Hph : αf ∈ Hph}. Note, that (αf)(k) is given by α(k)f(k, p) for photons.

If dom(α) is dense subspace of Hph, α defines a self-adjoint multiplication

operator on Hph. In this case, the second quantization dΓ(α) of αis defined


(dΓ(α)fn)(k1, . . . , kn) := (α(k1) +α(k2) +. . .+α(kn))fn(k1, . . . , kn)


2.2 Hilbert space and Hamiltonian for the particles

LetHel be a closed, separable subspace of L2(X, dµ), that is invariant under

complex conjugation. The HamiltonianHel for the particle is a self-adjoint

op-erator onHelbeing bounded from below. We setHel,+ := Hel−infσ(Hel) + 1.

Partly, we need the assumption

Hypothesis 1. Let β >0. There exists a small positive constantǫ >0, and



} < ∞.

The condition implies the existence of a Gibbs state

ωβel(A) = Z−1 Tr


−β HelA

}, A∈ B(Hel),

for Z = TrHel{e

−β Hel


Remark2.1. LetHel =L2(R

n, dnx)andH

el = −∆x+V1+V2, whereV1 is

a∆x-bounded potential with relative bounda < 1andV2is inL2loc(R

n, dnx).

Thus Hel is essentially self-adjoint onCc∞(R

n). Moreover, if additionally


e−(β−ǫ)V2(x)dnx <

∞, (5)

then one can show, using the Golden-Thompson-inequality, that Hypothesis 1 is satisfied.

2.3 Hilbert space and Hamiltonian for the interacting system

The Hilbert space for the joint system isH := Hel⊗ Fb. The vectors inHare

sequencesf = (fn)n∈N0 of wave functions,fn ∈ Hel⊗ H (n)

ph, obeying

kn 7→ fn(x, kn)∈ H


ph forµ- almost every x

x 7→ fn(x, kn)∈ Hel for Lebesgue - almost every kn,

wherekn = (k1, . . . , kn). The complex conjugate vector isf := (fn)n∈N0. Let Gj :=


3, Hj := {Hkj}k


3 and F := {Fk}k


3 be

fam-ilies of closed operators on Hel for j = 1, . . . , r. We assume, that


k),dom(Fk) ⊃ dom(Hel,1/2+)and that

k 7→ Gjk, (Hkj), FkHel,−1+/2, (Fk)∗Hel,−1+/2∈ B(Hel)

are weakly (Lebesgue-)measurable. For φdom(Hel,1/2+)we assume that k 7→ (Gjkφ)(x), (H


kφ)(x), (Fkφ)(x)∈ Hph, (6)


Moreover we assume forG~ = (G1, . . . , Gr), ~H := (H1, . . . , Hr)andF, that

anda(F)f0(x) = 0. The (generalized) annihilation operator is

(a(F)fn+1)(x, k1, . . . , kn) (9)

:= (n+ 1)1/2


(Fkn+1∗ fn+1)(x, k1, . . . , kn, kn+1)dkn+1.

Moreover, the corresponding (generalized) field operator is Φ(F) := 2−1/2(a(F) + a(F)). Φ(F) is symmetric on dom(H1/2

el,+)⊗ F

f in

b . The

bounds follow directly from Equations (8) and (9).

ka(F)Hel,−1+/2fk2 ans for the non-interacting, resp. interacting model are

Definition 2.2. Ondom(Hel)⊗dom(dΓ(α))∩ Fbf in we define

H0 := Hel⊗1 +1⊗dΓ(α), H := H0 + W, (11)

where W := Φ(G) Φ(~ H~) + h.c.+ Φ(F) and Φ(G) Φ(~ H)~ :=


j=1Φ(Gj) Φ(Hj). The abbreviation "h.c." means the formal adjoint operator


We give examples for possible configurations: LetγRbe a small coupling parameter. ◮The Nelson Model:

Hel⊂L2(R 3N),H

el := −∆ + V, Hph = L2(R

3)andα(k) =

|k|. The form factor isFk = γPNν= 1 e−i kxν|k|−1/21[|k| 6 κ], xν ∈R

3andHj, Gj = 0.

◮The Standard Model of Nonrelativistic QED: Hel⊂L2(R


el := −∆ +V, Hph = L2(R 3

× {±})andα(k) = |k|. The form factors are

Fk = 4γ3/2π−1/2




(ixν·ǫ(k, p))e−i γ 1/2kxν

(2|k|)−1/21[|k| 6 κ] + h.c.,

Gi, νk = Hki, ν = 2γ3/2π−1/2ǫi(k, p)e−i γ 1/2


|k|)−1/21[|k| 6 κ] fori = 1,2,3, ν = 1, . . . , N, xν ∈R

3andk= (k, p) R

3× {±}. ǫ



3are polarization vectors. ◮The Pauli-Fierz-Model: Hel ⊂L2(R

3N), H

el := −∆ + V, Hph = L2(R 3)or

Hph = L2(R 3

× {±}), and α(k) = |k|. The form factor is Fk = γPNν= 11[|k| 6 κ]k·xν and

Gjk=Hkj= 0

3 The Representation π

In order to describe the particle system at inverse temperatureβ we introduce the algebraic setting. For f = {f ∈ Hph : α−1/2f ∈ Hph} we define the

algebra of observables by

A = B(Hel)⊗ W(f).

For elementsAAwe defineτ˜0

t(A) := ei t H0A e−i t H0 and


τtg(A) := ei t HAe−i t H. We first discuss the model without interaction.

3.1 The Representation πf

The time-evolution for the Weyl operators is given by ei tHˇW(f)e−i tHˇ = W(ei t αf). For this time-evolution an equilibrium stateωfβis defined by

ωfβ(W(f)) = hf|(1 + 2̺β)fiHph,

where ̺β(k) = exp(β α(k)) − 1


. It describes an infinitely extended gas of bosons with momentum density ̺β at temperature β. Since ωfβ is a


creation and annihilation operators. One has

ωfβ(a(f)) = ωfβ(a∗(f)) = ωfβ(a(f)a(g)) = ωfβ(a∗(f)a∗(g)) = 0, ωβf(a∗(f)a(g)) = hg|̺βfiHph.

For polynomials of higher degree one can apply Wick’s theorem for quasi-free states, i.e.,

ωfβ(aσ2m(f2m)· · ·aσ1(f1)) =




{i,j}∈P i>j

ωfβ aσi(fi)aσj(fj), (12)

whereaσk = aor aσk = afork= 1, . . . ,2m.

Z2are the pairings, that is P ∈ Z2,iffP = {Q1, . . . , Qm}, #Qi= 2andSmi=1Qi = {1, . . . , 2m}.

The Araki-Woods isomorphismπf : W(f) → B(Fb⊗ Fb)is defined by

πf[W(f)] := Wβ(f) := exp(iΦβ(f)),

Φβ(f) := Φ((1 + ̺β)1/2f)⊗1 +1⊗Φ(̺1β/2f).

The vectorΩβf := ΩΩfulfills

ωβf(W(f)) = hΩβf|πf[W(f)] Ωβfi. (13)

3.2 The representation πel

The particle system without interaction has the observablesB(Hel), the states

are defined by density operatorsρ, i.e., ρ∈ B(Hel), 0 6ρ, Tr{ρ} = 1. The

expectation ofA∈ B(Hel)inρat timet is

Tr{ρ ei t HelA e−i t Hel}.

Sinceρis a compact, self-adjoint operator, there is an ONB(φn)n of

eigenvec-tors, with corresponding (positive) eigenvalues(pn)n. Let

σ(x, y) =


n=1 p1/2

n φn(x)φn(y)∈ Hel⊗ Hel. (14)

Forψ∈ Hel we defineσ ψ := Rσ(x, y)ψ(y)dµ(y). Obviously,σis an operator

of Hilbert-Schmidt class. Note,σ ψ := σ ψ has the integral kernelσ(x, y). It is a straightforward calculation to verify that

Tr{ρ ei t HelA e−i t Hel} = he−i tLelσ

|(A1)e−i tLelσ


whereLel = Hel⊗1−1⊗Hel. This suggests the definition of the representation

πel :


Now, we define the representation map for the joint system by π : A → B(K), π := πel⊗πf,

where K := Hel⊗ Hel⊗ Fb⊗ Fb. LetMβ := π[A]′′ be theenveloping W∗

-algebra, hereπ[A]′denotes the commutant ofπ[A], andπ[A]′′the bicommutant.

We set D := U1⊗U1⊗ C, whereC is a subspace of vectors in Fbf in⊗ F f in b ,

with compact support, andU1:=∪∞

n=1ran1[Hel6n]. OnDthe operatorL0, given by

L0 := Lel⊗1+1⊗ Lf, onK,

Lf := dΓ(α)⊗1 −1⊗dΓ(α), onFb⊗ Fb,

is essentially self-adjoint and we can define

τt0(X) := ei tL0X e−i tL0 ∈Mβ, X∈Mβ, t∈R, It is not hard to see, that

π[˜τt0(A)] = τt0(π[A]), A∈A, t∈R OnK a we introduce a conjugation by

J (φ1φ2ψ1ψ2) = φ2φ1ψ2ψ1.

It is easily seen, thatJ L0 = −L0J. In this context one hasM′β = JMβJ,

see for example [4]. In the case, where Hel fulfills Hypothesis 1, we define the

vector representative Ωβel ∈ Hel ⊗ Hel of the Gibbs state ωβel as in (14) for



Theorem 3.1. Assume Hypothesis 1 is fulfilled. Then, Ωβ0 := ΩβelΩβf is a

cyclic and separatingvector forMβ. e−β/2L0 is a modular operatorandJ is

the modular conjugationfor Ωβ0, that is XΩβ0 dom(e−β/2L0),

JXΩβ0 = e−β/2L0Xβ

0 (15)

for all XMβ andL0Ωβ0 = 0. Moreover, ωβ0(X) := hΩ




0iK, X ∈Mβ

is a (τ0, β)-KMS-state for M

β, i.e., for all X, Y ∈ Mβ exists Fβ(X, Y,·),

analytic in the stripSβ = {z∈C : 0 < Imz < β}, continuous on the closure

and taking the boundary conditions

Fβ(X, Y, t) = ω0β(X τt0(Y))

Fβ(X, Y, t +i β) = ω0β(τt0(Y)X)


4 The Liouvillean LQ

In this and the next section we will introduce the Standard LiouvilleanLQfor

a dynamicsτ onMβ, describing the interaction between particles and bosons

at inverse temperature β. The label Q denotes the interaction part of the Liouvillean, it can be deduced from the interaction partW of the corresponding Hamiltonian by means of formal arguments, which we will not give here. In a first step we prove self-adjointness ofLQ and of other Liouvilleans. A main

difficulty stems from the fact, that LQ and the other Liouvilleans, mentioned

before, are not bounded from below. The proof of self-adjointness is given in Theorem 4.2, it uses Nelson’s commutator theorem and auxiliary operators which are constructed in Lemma 4.1. The proof, thatτt(X)∈MβforX∈Mβ,

is given in Lemma 5.2. Assuming Ωβ0 ∈ dom(e−β/2(L0+Q)) we can ensure existence of a (τ, β)-KMS state ωβ(X) = hβ|Xβi · kβk−2 onM

β, where

Ωβ = e−β/2(L0+Q)β

0. Moreover, we can show that e−βLQ is the modular operator forΩβ and conjugation

J. This is done in Theorem 5.3.

Our proof of 5.3 is inspired by the proof given in [6]. The main difference is that we do not assume, thatQ is self-adjoint and thatΩβ0 ∈dom(e−βQ). For this reason we need to introduce an additional approximationQN ofQ, which

is self-adjoint and affiliated with Mβ, see Lemma 5.1.

The interaction on the level of Liouvilleans between particles and bosons is given byQ, where

Q := Φβ(G) Φ~ β(H~) + h.c.+ Φβ(F), Φβ(G) Φ~ β(H) :=~ r



Φβ(Gj) Φβ(Hj).

For each familyK={Kk}k of closed operators onHel withkKkw,1/2<∞we set

Φβ(K) := a∗((1 + ̺β)1/2K)⊗1+ 1⊗a∗(̺1β/2K∗)

+ h.c. . Here, Kk acts as Kk ⊗1 on Hel ⊗ Hel. A Liouvillean, that describes the

dynamics of the joint system of particles and bosons is the so-called Standard Liouvillean

LQφ := (L0 +Q − QJ)φ, φ∈ D, (16) which is distinguished byJ LQ=−LQJ. For an operatorA, acting onK, the

symbol AJ is an abbreviation for JAJ. An important observation is, that

[Q , QJ] = 0on

D. Next, we define four auxiliary operators onD L(1)

a := (Hel,+⊗1+1⊗Hel,+⊗1+1⊗ Lf,a+1 (17)

L(2)a := H Q el,++ (H

Q el,+)

J +c1

1⊗ Lf,a+c2

L(3)a := H Q

el,++ (Hel,+)J +c11⊗ Lf,a+c2


whereLf,a is an operator onFb⊗ FbandHel,Q+ acts onK. Furthermore, Lf,a = dΓ(1 +α)⊗1+1⊗dΓ(1 +α) +1,

Lel,a = Hel,+⊗1 +1⊗Hel,+ Hel,Q+ := Hel,+⊗1+Q.

Obviously,L(ai), i = 1,2,3,4 are symmetric operators onD.

Lemma 4.1. For sufficiently large values ofc1, c2 > 0 we have thatL(ai), i =

1,2,3,4are essentially self-adjoint and positive. Moreover, there is a constant

c3 > 0 such that


a φk 6 kL(ai)φk6c3kL(1)a φk, φ∈dom(L(1)a ). (18)

Proof. Let a, a′

∈ {l, r} and Ki, i = 1,2 be families of bounded operators

with kKikw <∞. Let Φl(Ki) = Φ(Ki)⊗1 and Φr(Ki) := 1⊗Φ(Ki). We

have for φ∈ D

kΦa(ηK1) Φa′(η′K2)φk 6 constk Lf,aφk (19)

kΦa(ηF)φk 6 constk(Lel,a)1/2(Lf,a)1/2φk,

whereη, η′

∈ {(1+̺β)1/2, ̺β1/2}. Note, that the estimates hold true, ifΦa(ηKi)

or Φa(ηF) are replaced byΦa(ηKi)J or Φa(ηF)J. Thus, we obtain for

suffi-ciently largec1 1, depending on the form-factors, that kQ φk + kQJφk 6 1/2 Lel,a+c1Lf,aφ

. (20)

By the Kato-Rellich-Theorem ( [17], Thm. X.12) we deduce that L(ai) is

self-adjoint on dom(Lel,a+c1Lf,a), bounded from below and that Lel,a+c1Lf,a

isL(ai)-bounded for everyc2 > 0andi = 2,3,4. In particular,Dis a core of

L(ai). The proof follows now fromkL(ai)φk 6 k(Lel,a+c1Lf,a)φk 6 c1kL(1)a φk

forφ∈ D.

Theorem 4.2. The operators

L0, LQ = L0+Q−QJ, L0+Q, L0−QJ, (21)

defined on D, are essentially self-adjoint. Every core of L(1)a is a core of the

operators in line (21).

Proof. We restrict ourselves to the case of LQ. We check the assumptions

of Nelson’s commutator theorem ([17], Thm. X.37). By Lemma 4.1 it suf-fices to show kLQφk 6 constkL(1)a φk and |h LQφ| L(2)a φi − h L(2)a φ| LQφi| 6


To verify the second inequality we observe



a φ


a φ

LQφ (22)





Qφ− hQφLfφ+



where we used, that Hel,Q+,(Hel,Q+)J = 0. Let K

i ∈ {Gj, Hj} and η, η′ ∈

{̺1/2,(1 + ̺)1/2

}. We remark, that

[Φa(η K1) Φa′(η′K2),Lf,a] = iΦa(i(1 +α)η K1) Φa′v(η′K2) (23)

+ iΦa(η K1) Φa′(i(1 +α)η′K2)

[Φa(η F), Lf,a] = iΦa(i(1 +α)η F).

Hence, for φ∈dom(L(2)a ), we have by means of (10) that

φ|[Φa(ηK1) Φa′(η′K2), Lf,a]φ 6 constkL1/2

f,aφk2 (24)

φ|[Φa(ηF), Lf,a]φ 6 constkLf,a1/2φk k(Lel,a)1/2φk.

Thus, (24) is bounded by a constant times k(L(1)a )1/2φk2. The essential

self-adjointness of LQ follows now from estimates analog to (23) and (24), where

Lf,ais replaced byLf in (23) and in the left side of (24). ForL0+QandL0−QJ one has to consider the commutator withL(3)a andL(4)a , respectively.

Remark4.3. In the same way one can show, thatH is essentially self-adjoint on any core ofH1:=Hel +dΓ(1 + α), even ifH is not bounded from below.

5 Regularized Interaction and Standard Form ofMβ

In this subsection a regularized interactionQN is introduced:

QN :=


Φβ(G~N) Φβ(H~N) + h.c.


+ Φβ(FN). (25)

The regularized form factors G~N, ~HN, FN are obtained by multiplying the

finite rank projectionPN :=1[Hel 6N]from the left and the right. Moreover,

an additional ultraviolet cut-off1[α6N], considered as a spectral projection, is added. The regularized form factors are


GN(k) := 1[α 6 N]PNG(k)~ PN, H~N(k) := 1[α 6 N]PNH(k)~ PN,


Lemma5.1. i)QN is essentially self-adjoint onD ⊂dom(QN). QN is affiliated

with Mβ, i.e,. QN is closed and

X′QN ⊂QNX′, ∀X′∈M′β.

ii) L0+QN, L0 − JQNJ and L0 +QN − JQNJ converges in the strong

resolvent sense toL0+Q,L0− JQJ andL0+Q− JQJ, respectively.

Proof. LetQN be defined onD. With the same arguments as in the proof of

Theorem 4.2 we obtain kQNφk 6 CkLf,aφk,



− Lf,aφ

QNφ 6 C



for φ∈ D and some constant C > 0, where we have used that kFNkw < ∞.

Thus, from Theorem 4.2 and Nelson’s commutator theorem we obtain thatD is a common core forQN, L0+QN, L0 −QJN, L0 + QN −QJN and for the

operators in line (21). A straightforward calculation yields lim

N→∞QNφ = Qφ, Nlim→∞JQNJφ = JQJφ ∀φ∈ D.

Thus statement ii) follows, since it suffices to check strong convergence on the common coreD, see [16, Theorem VIII.25 a)].

LetNf := dΓ(1)⊗1+1⊗dΓ(1)be the number-operator. Sincedom(Nf)⊃ D

andWβ(f)J : dom(Nf) → dom(Nf), see [4], we obtain

QN(A⊗1⊗ Wβ(f))Jφ = (A⊗1⊗ Wβ(f))JQNφ (26)

forA∈ B(Hel), f ∈fandφ∈ D. By closedness ofQN and density arguments

the equality holds for φdom(QN)andX ∈Mβ instead ofA⊗1⊗ Wβ(f).

ThusQN is affiliated with Mβ and thereforeei tQN ∈Mβ fort∈R.

Lemma 5.2. We have forX ∈Mβ andt∈R

τt(X) =eit(L0+Q)X eit(L0+Q), τt0(X) =eit(L0−Q


X eit(L0−QJ) (27)

Moreover, τt(X)∈Mβ for allX ∈Mβ andt∈R, such as EQ(t) := ei t(L0+Q)e−i tL0 =ei tLQe−i t(L0−Q



Proof. First, we prove the statement for QN, since QN is affiliated with Mβ

and thereforeeitQN M

β. We set


τtN(X) =ei t(L0+QN)X e−i t(L0+QN), ˆτt(X) =ei t(L0+Q)X e−i t(L0+Q)


On account of Lemma 5.1 and Theorem 4.2 we can apply the Trotter product

Thanks to Lemma 5.1 we also have

τt(X) = w-limn→∞τtN(X) = w-limN→∞ˆτ


Theorem5.3. Assume Hypothesis 1 andΩβ0 dom(e−β/2 (L0+Q)). Letβ :=

e−β/2 (L0+Q)β

0. Then

JΩβ = Ωβ, Ωβ = eβ/2 (L0−QJ)β

0, (30) LQΩβ = 0, JX∗Ωβ = e−β/2LQXΩβ, ∀X ∈Mβ

Furthermore, Ωβ is separating and cyclic for M

β, and Ωβ ∈ C. The stateωβ

is defined by

ωβ(X) :=kΩβk−2

hΩβ|XΩβi, X ∈Mβ

is a(τ, β)-KMS state on Mβ.

Proof. First, we define Ω(z) = e−z(L0+Q)β

0 for z∈C with06Rez6β/2. Since Ωβ0 ∈ dom(e−β/2 (L0+Q)), Ω(z) is analytic on Sβ/2 := {z ∈ C : 0 < Re(z) < α} and continuous on the closure ofSβ/2, see Lemma A.2 below.

◮Proof ofJΩ(β/2) = Ω(β/2): We pick φ ∈ Sn∈Nran1[|L0|

6 n]. Let f(z) := hφ| JΩ(z)i and g(z) := he−(β/2−z)L0φ|e−z(L0+Q)β

0i. Both f and g are analytic onSβ/2 and continuous on its closure. Thanks to Lemma 5.2 we have EQ(t) ∈ Mβ,

and hence

f(it) = hφ| JEQ(t) Ωβ0i = hφ|e−β/2L0EQ(t)∗Ωβ0i = g(i t), t∈R. By Lemma A.1, f andg are equal, in particular in z = β/2. Note that φis any element of a dense subspace.

◮Proof ofΩβ0 ∈dom(eβ/2 (L0−Q


))andΩ(β/2) = eβ/2 (L0−QJ)β

0: Let φ ∈ Sn∈Nran1[|L0 − Q

J| 6 n]. We set g(z) :=


0i. Since EQ(t)J = ei t(L0−Q


e−i tL0, g

coin-cides forz = i twithf(z) := hφ| JΩ(z)i. Hence they are equal inz = β/2. The rest follows sinceeβ/2 (L0−QJ)is self-adjoint.

◮Proof ofLQΩ(β/2) = 0:

Choose φ Sn N

ran1[|LQ| 6 n]. We define g(z) :=


0i and f(z) := hφ|Ω(z)i for z in the closure of Sβ/2. Again both functions are equal on the line z = i t, t ∈ R. Hence f and g are identical, and therefore Ω(β/2) dom(e−β/2LQ) and

e−β/2LQΩ(β/2) = Ω(β/2). We conclude that L

QΩ(β/2) = 0.

◮Proof ofJX∗Ω(β/2) = e−β/2LQXΩ(β/2), XM β:

ForeAManaβ we have, that J A∗Ω(

−it) = JA∗E

Q(t) Ωβ0 = e−β/2L0EQ(t)∗AΩβ0 = e−(β/2−i t)L0e−it(L0+Q)Aβ




Let φ Sn N

ran1[|L0| 6 n]. We define f(z) = hφ| JA∗Ω(z)i and g(z) = he−(β/2−z)L0φ|τ

iz(A) Ω(z)i. Since f and g are analytic and equal

for z = it, we have JA∗Ω(β/2) = τ

i β/2(A) Ω(β/2). To finish the proof we

pick φ Sn N

ran1[|LQ| 6 n], and set f(z) := hφ|τiz(A) Ω(β/2)i and

g(z) := he−zLQφ|AΩ(β/2)i. Forz = i twe see

g(it) = hφ|e−itLQA eitLQΩ(β/2)

i = hφ|τ−t(A) Ω(β/2)i = f(i t).

Hence AΩ(β/2)dom(e−β/2LQ)andJAΩ(β/2) = e−β/2LQAΩ(β/2).


β is dense in the strong topology, the equality holds for allX∈Mβ.

◮Proof, thatΩβ is separating forMβ:

LetA∈Manaβ . We chooseφ∈Sn∈Nran1[|(L0+Q)|

6 n]. First, we have JA∗Ω(β/2) = τiβ/2(A) Ω(β/2).

Letfφ(z) =hφ|τz(A)Ω(β/2)iandgφ(z) =hez(L0+Q)φ|Ae−(β/2+z)(L0+Q)Ωβ0i forβ/2 6 Rez 6 0. Both functions are continuous and analytic ifβ/2 < Rez < 0. Furthermore, fφ(i t) = gφ(i t)for t ∈R. Hence fφ = gφ and for z = β/2

hφ| JA∗Ω(β/2)i = he−β/2 (L0+Q)φ|AΩβ


This equation extends to all A Mβ, we obtain AΩβ0 ∈ dom(e−β/2 (L0+Q)), such as e−β/2(L0+Q)Aβ

0 = JA∗Ω(β/2) for A ∈ Mβ. Assume

A∗Ω(β/2) = 0, then

e−β/2 (L0+Q)AΩβ

0 = 0and hence AΩ


0 = 0. Since Ω


0 is separating, it follows that A= 0and thereforeA∗ = 0.

◮Proof ofΩβ

∈ C, and thatΩβ is cyclic forM β:

To prove that φ ∈ C it is sufficient to check that hφ|AJAΩβ0i > 0 for all AMβ. We have

hΩ(β/2)|AJAΩ0βi = h JA∗Ω(β/2)|AΩ



= he−β/2(L0+Q)AΩβ



0i > 0. The proof follows, since every separating element ofCis cyclic. ◮Proof, thatωβ is a (τ, β)-KMS state:

ForA, B∈Mβ and z∈Sβ we define

Fβ(A, B, z) = che−iz/2LQA∗Ωβ|eiz/2LQBΩβi,

wherec := kΩβ

k−2. First, we observe

Fβ(A, B, t) = che−it/2LQA∗Ωβ|eit/2LQBΩβi = chΩβ|Aτt(B)Ωβi



ωβ(τt(B)A) = chτt(B∗)Ωβ|AΩβi = ch JAΩβ| Jτt(B∗)Ωβi

= che−β/2LQAβ



= che−i(iβ+t)/2LQAβ


i = Fβ(A, B, t+iβ).

The requirements on the analyticity ofFβ(A, B,·)follow from Lemma A.2.

6 Proof of Theorem 1.3

Forsn := (sn, . . . , s1)∈R

n we define

QN(sn) := QN(sn)· · ·QN(s1), QN(s) := e−sL0QNesL0, s∈R (31) At this point, we check thatQN(sn)Ω


0 is well defined, and that it is an analytic vector of L0, see Equation (25). The goal of Theorem 1.3 is to give explicit conditions onHel andW, which ensureΩβ0 ∈dom(e−β/2 (L0+Q)). Let

η1 :=


kG(k)~ k2

B(Hel)+kH(k)~ k



(2 + 4α(k)−1)dk (32)

η2 :=





(2 + 4α(k)−1)dk

The idea of the proof is the following. First, we expande−β/2(L0+QN)eL0 in a

Dyson-series, i.e.,

e−β/2(L0+QN)eL0 (33)



n=1 (1)n


∆n β/2


NesnL0· · ·e−s1L0QNes1L0dsn.

Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.3 we obtain an upper bound, uniform in N, for



0i (34)

= 1 +


n=1 (−1)n


∆n β

hΩβ0|e−snL0QNesnL0· · ·e−s1L0QNes1L0Ωβ0idsn.

This is proven in Lemma 6.4 below, which is the most important part of this section. In Lemma 6.1 and Lemma 6.2 we deduce from the upper bound for (34) an upper bound for ke−(β/2)(L0+QN)β


Lemma 6.1. Assume

simplex of dimension nand sidelengthx.

Proof. Letφ∈ran1[|L0 +QN| 6 k]and0 6 x 6 β/2 be fixed. Anm-fold

application of the fundamental theorem of calculus yields


We turn now to the second expression on the right side of Equation (36), after a linear transformation depending onsm+1 we get

(1)m+1 with at most2mbosons, we obtain the upper bound


Lemma 6.2. Let 0 < x 6 β/2. We have the identity

Proof. Recall Theorem 3.1 and Lemma 5.1. SinceJ is a conjugation we have hφ|ψi=h J ψ| Jφi, and for every operatorX, that is affiliated withMβ, we

The second statement of the Lemma follows by choosingn = m.


SinceL0 + QN tends toL0 +Qin the strong resolvent sense asN → ∞, we know from [16] thatlimN→ ∞ψN = f(L0 + Q)φ =: ψand




N = lim

N→∞g(L0+QN)φ = g(L0+Q)φ = e




|Ωβ0i| = lim



N|Ωβ0i| 6 sup



0k kψk,

Since{f(L0+Q)φ∈ K : φ∈ K, f ∈ C0∞(R)}is a core ofe

−x(L0+Q), we obtain

Ωβ0 ∈dom(e−x(L0+Q)).

Lemma 6.4. For someC >0 we have


∆n β

Ωβ0|QN(sn)Ω β


6const (n+ 1)2(1 +β)n


(8Cη2)1/2 (n+ 1)(1−2γ)/2



whereη1 andη2 are defined in (32).

Proof of 6.4. First recall the definition of QN and QN(sn) in Equation (25)

and Equation (31), respectively. Let


∆n β

Ωβ0|QN(sn) Ω β


dsn =:


∆n 1

βnJn(β, s)dsn,

The functionsJn(β, s)clearly depends onN, but since we want to find an upper

bound independent of N, we drop this index. Let W1 = Φ(G) Φ(~ H~) + h.c., W2 := Φ(F)and W :=W1+W2. By definition of ω0β in (3.1), see also (13), we obtain

Jn(β, sn) = ω β


e−β snH0W eβsnH0· · · e−β s1H0W eβ s1H0 = (Z)−1 X



e−β Hel e−β snH0Wκ(n)eβ snH0

· · ·

· · · e−β s1H0Wκ(1)eβ s1H0

By definition ofωβf it suffices to consider expressions with an even number of


operators. In this case the expectations in ωβf can be expressed by an integral over R

2m× {±}2m with respect to ν, which is defined in Lemma A.4 below.

To give a precise formula we define

M(m1, m2) = {κ∈ {1,2}n : #κ−1({i}) = mi, i= 1,2}.

Thus we obtain Jn(β, sn) = (Z)−1


(n1, n2)∈N2

n1+ 2n2=n


κ∈M(n1,2n2 ) m:=n1+n2


ν(dk2m⊗dτ2m) (40)



me−β(s2m−1−s2m)Hel· · ·e−β(s1−s2)HelI1 ,

Of courseIj depends onk2m×τ2m, namely forκ(j) = 1,2we have

Ij =


Ij(m, τ, m′, τ′), κ(j) = 1

Ij(m, τ), κ(j) = 2,

where(m, τ), (m′, τ)

∈ {(kj, τj) : j = 1, . . . , m}. Forκ(j) = 1we have that

Ij(m,+, m′, −) = G~∗(m)H~(m′) + H~∗(m)G(m~ ′)

Ij(m,−, m′, +) = G(m)~ H~∗(m′) + H~(m)G~∗(m′)

Ij(m,+, m′, +) = G~∗(m)H~∗(m′) + H~∗(m)G~∗(m′)

Ij(m,−, m′, −) = G(m)~ H~(m′) + H~(m)G(m~ ′)

and forκ(j) = 2we have that

Ij(m,+) = F∗(m)

Ij(m,−) = F(m).

In the integral (40) we insert for(m, τ)and(m′, τ)in the definition ofI


left to rightk2m, τ2m, . . . , k1, τ1.

For fixed(k2m, τ2m)the integrand of (40) is a trace of a product of4m

oper-ators inHel. We will apply Hölder’s-inequality for the trace, i.e.,

|TrHel{A2mB2m· · ·A1B1}|6








TrHel{A pj i }p

−1 j .

In our casepi := (si−1−si)−1fori= 2, . . . ,2mandp1 := (1−s1+s2m)−1


(Aj, Bj) :=


e−β p−j1Hel, I

j(m, τ, m′, τ′), κ(j) = 1

e−β p−j1HelHγ el,+, H


el,+Ij(m, τ,), κ(j) = 2


We define

LetEgs := inf σ(Hel). The spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators implies

ke−ǫ HelHel,pi+γk

Inserting this estimates we get TrHel

Now, we recall the definition of ν. Roughly speaking, one picks a pair of variables(ki, kj)and integrates overδki,kjcoth(β/2α(ki))dkidkj. Subsequently

one picks the next pair and so on. At the end one sums up all 2(2mmm)!! pairings

and all4mcombinations ofτ

2m. Inserting Estimate (41) and that


By Lemma A.3 below and since(2m)!/(m!)264mwe have


∆n β

Ωβ0|QN(sn) Ω β


6const(1 +β)n X

(n1, n2)∈N

2 0 n1+ 2n2=n








(n+ 1)(1−2γ)n2−2

This completes the proof.

7 The Harmonic Oscillator

LetL2(X, dµ) =L2(

R)andHel =:Hosc:=−∆q+Θ

2q2be the one dimensional harmonic oscillator andHph=L2(R

3). We define

H = Hosc + Φ(F) + ˇH, Hˇ := dΓ(|k|), (44)

whereΦ(F) = q · Φ(f), withλ(|k|−1/2 +

|k|1/2)f ∈L2(

R 3).

Hosc is the harmonic oscillator, the form-factor F comes from the dipole


The Standard Liouvillean for this model is denoted by Losc. Now we prove

Theorem 1.4.

Proof. We define the creation and annihilation operators for the electron.

A∗ = Θ 1/2q


2 , A =

Θ1/2q +iΘ−1/2p

2 , p = −i ∂x, (45) Φ(c) = c1q + c2p, forc = c1 +i c2∈C, ci∈R. (46) These operators fulfill the CCR-relations and the harmonic- oscillator is the number-operator up to constants.

[A, A∗] = 1, [A∗, A∗] = [A, A] = 0, Hosc = ΘA∗A + Θ/2, (47)

[Hosc, A] = −ΘA, [Hosc, A∗] = ΘA∗. (48)

The vectorΩ := Θ




is called the vacuum vector. Note, that one can identifyFb[C]withL


R), sinceLH{(A


|nN 0

}is dense inL2( R). It follows, thatωosc

β is quasi-free, as a state overW(C)and ωoscβ (W(c)) = (Z)−1TrHel{e


} = exp −1/4 coth(βΘ/2)|c|2, (49) whereZ = TrHel{e

−βHel}is the partition function forH el.


that Inserting the identities of Equation (52) in Equation (51) and applying Wick’s theorem [5, p. 40] yields

h2n(β, λ) = (β λ)2n

The last equality in (53) holds, since the integrand is invariant with respect to a change of the axis of coordinates.

We interpret two pairingsP andP′∈ Z

2as an indirected graphG = G(P, P′), where M2n = {1, . . . ,2n} is the set of points. Any graph inGhas two kinds

of lines, namely lines in Losc(G), which belong to elements of P and lines in

Lf(G), which belong to elements ofP′.

LetG(A)be the set of undirected graphs with points inA⊂M2n, such that for


exact one line inLosc(G), which begins with "i". Gc(A)is the set of connected

graphs. We do not distinguish, if points are connected by lines inLf(G)or by

lines inLosc(G).

be the family of decompositions ofM2n inkdisjoint set. It follows

h2n(β, λ) =

From the first to the second line we summarize terms with graphs, having con-nected components containing the same set of points. From the second to the third line the order of the components is respected, hence the correction factor



Let now be Aa ⊂M2n with #Aa = 2ma > 2 fixed. In Ga are #Aa lines in

Losc(Ga), since such lines have no points in common, we have ma(2ma! 2ma)! choices.

Let now be the lines inLosc(Ga)fixed. We have now (2ma−2)(2ma−4)· · ·1

choices forma lines inLf(Ga), which yield a connected graph. Thus


For#Aa = 2exists only one connected graph. We obtain for h2n

h2n(β, λ) = (λ)2n

Since thePnm=1m1 can be considered as a lower Riemann sum for the integral

Rm+ 1

Conversely, Equation (58) and Lemma 7.2 imply

h2n(β, λ) > λ2n


Lemma 7.2. Following statements are true.

J(G, A, β) =J(#A, β), G∈ Gc(A)

J(#A, β)6(2k|k|−1/2f

k2(Θβ)−1)#A·(C β + 1) J(#A, β)>




sinh(|k|β/2) sinh(Θβ/2)dk

#A/2 ,

where#A = 2m andC = (1/2)k|kk|1/2fk2fk2.

Proof of 7.2. A relabeling of the integration variables yields

J(G, A, β)6Kf



Kosc(|t1−t2|, β)Kf(|t2 − t3|, β)· · ·

· · ·Kosc(|t2m−1 − t2m|, β)dt

for Kf := sups∈[0,1]Kf(s, β). We transform due to si := ti − ti+ 1, i 6

2m1ands2m = t2m, hence−1 6 si 6 1, i = 1, . . . ,2m, since integrating

a positive function we obtain

J(G, A, β)6 Z 1


Kosc(|s|, β)ds

m Z 1


Kf(|s|, β)ds


· sup


Kf(s, β).

We recall that

Z 1


Kosc(|s|, β)ds = (2Θ)−1

Z 1


cosh(βΘ|s| −Θβ/2)

sinh(Θβ/2) ds = 2(Θ 2β)−1


Z 1


Kf(|s|, β)ds =

Z 1


Z cosh(β

|s| |k| −β|k|/2)|f(k)|2 2 sinh(β|k|/2) dk ds = 2


|f(k)|2 β|k| dk.

Usingcoth(x)61 + 1/xand using convexity ofcosh, we obtain



Kf(s, β)6(1/2)


|f(k)|2dk + 1 β


|f(k)|2 |k| dk.

Due to the fact, thatt 7→ Kf(t, β)andt 7→ Kosc(t, β)attain their minima at


Remark 7.3. In the literature there is one criterion for Ωβ0 dom(e−β/2 (L0+Q)), to our knowledge, that can be applied in this

situa-tion [6]. One has to show that ke−β/2Qβ

0k < ∞. If we consider the case,

where the criterion holds for ±λ, then the expansion inλ converges,

ke−β/2QΩβ0k2 =


n= 0 (λ β)2n

(2n)! ω

β el(q

2n)ωβ f(Φ(f)




n= 0 (λ β)2n



n! 2n


Kosc(0, β)nKf(0, β)n




(λ β)2nΘ−n










n= 0

(λ β)2n(4 Θ)−n Z |f(k)|2dkn.

Obviously, for any value ofλ 6= 0, there is aβ > 0, for whichke−β/2Qβ

0k < ∞ is not fulfilled.


This paper is part of the author’s PhD requirements. I am grateful to Volker Bach for many useful discussions and helpful advice. The main part of this work was done during the author’s stay at the Institut for Mathematics at the University of Mainz. The work has been partially supported by the DFG (SFB/TR 12).


Lemma A.1. Let f, g : {z ∈ C : 0 6 Re(z) 6 α} → C continuous and

analytic in the interior. Moreover, assume that f(t) = g(t) for t∈R. Then f = g.

Proof of A.1. Leth : {zC : |Im(z) < α} →Cdefined by

h(z) :=


f(z) g(z), on{zC : 0 6 Im(z) < α} f(z)g(z), on{zC : −α < Im(z) < 0}


Thanks to the Schwarz reflection principlehis analytic. Sinceh(t) = 0for all tR, we geth = 0. Hence f =gon{z∈C : 0 6 Re(z) < α}. Since both f andg are continuous, we infer thatf =g on the whole domain.

Lemma A.2. Let H be some self-adjoint operator in H, α > 0 and φ ∈ dom(eα H). Then φ ∈ dom(ez H) for z ∈ {z ∈ C : 0 6 Re(z) 6 α}. z 7→ez Hφ is continuous on {z ∈ C : 0 6 Re(z) 6 α} and analytic in the


Proof of A.2. Due to the spectral calculus we have


e2Rez sd



(1 +e2α s)dhφ|Esφi=:C 2 1 <∞.

Thus φdom(ez H). Letψ

∈ Hand f(z) =hψ|ez Hφ

i. There is a sequence {ψn} withψn ∈Sm∈N

ran1[|H|6m] andlimn→∞ψn =ψ. We set fn(z) = hψn|ez Hφi. It is not hard to see thatfn is analytic, sinceψn is an analytic

vector for H, and that |fn(z)| 6 C1kψnk and limn→∞fn(z) = f(z). Thus

f is analytic and hence z 7→ ez Hφ is analytic. Thanks to the dominated

convergence theorem the right side of

keznHφ−ezHφk26Z (e2Rezns+e2Rezs

−ezns¯ +zs−ezs¯+zns)dhφ|Esφi (62)

tends to zero forlimn→∞zn =z. This implies the continuity ofz7→ez Hφ.

Lemma A.3. We have forn1+n2>1


∆n 1

Cκ(s)dsn 6


(n1+n2)! (n+ 1)(1−2γ)n2−2 (63)

Proof of A.3. We turn now to the integral


∆n 1

Cκ(s)dsn =


∆n 1

(1 s1 + sn)−α1 nY−1


(si − si+ 1)−αidsn. (64)

We define fork = 1, . . . ,2n, a change of coordinates bysk = r1 −Pkj= 2rj,

the integral transforms to



(1 (r2 +· · ·+rn))−α1 n


i= 2

ri−αidrn (65)




(1 −(r2 +· · ·+rn))1−α1 n




= Γ(1− α1)

−1Γ 1γ2n2 Γ n1 + 2n2(1−γ) where S2n := {r


2n : 06 r

i 6 1, r2 +· · ·+ r2n 6 r1} andT2n−1 :=


2n−1 : 0 6 r

i 6 1, r2 +· · ·+ r2n 6 1}. From the first to the second

formula we integrate over dr1. The last equality follows from [11, Formula 4.635 (4)], hereΓdenotes the Gamma-function.

From Stirling’s formula we obtain


Sincen1 +n2 > 1get Γ(n1+n2+ 1)

Γ(n1+ 2(1γ)n2) 6 (n+ 1)

2n1+ 2(1−γ)n2 e


. (67)

Note thatΓ(n1+n2+ 1) = (n1+n2)!.

Lemma A.4. Let (1 + α(k)−1/2)f1, . . . ,(1 + α(k)−1/2)f2

m ∈ Hph and σ ∈

{+,−}2m. Let a+ = aand a= a

ωfβ aσ2m(e−σ2ms2mα(k)f2m)· · ·aσ1(e−σ1s1α(k)f1)



f2σ2mm (k2m, τ2m)· · ·f1σ1(k1, τ1)ν(dk2m⊗dτ2m),

where ν(dk2m⊗dτ2m) is a measure on (R 3)2m

× {+,−}2m for phonons,

re-spectively on(R 3

× {±})2m

× {+,−}2m for photons, and







{i > j}∈P

δki, kjcoth(β α(ki)/2)



for f+(k, τ) := f(k)1[τ = +] andf+(k, τ) := f(k)1[τ = −].

Proof of A.4. Sinceωβf is quasi-free, we obtain witha+ := aanda:= a

ωβf aσ2m(e−σ2ms2mα(k)f2

m)· · ·aσ1(e−σ1s1α(k)f1)

= X



{i, j}∈P i > j

ωfβ aσi(e−σisiα(k)fi)aσj(e−σjsjα(k)fj),

see Equation (12). For the expectation of the so called two point functions we obtain:

ωfβ a+(esiα(k)fi)a+(esjα(k)fj) = 0 = ωβf a(e−siα(k)fi)a(e−sjα(k)fj),

such as

ωfβ a+(exsiα(k)fi)a−(e−x sjα(k)fj) =


fi(k)fj(k) e


eβ α(k)1 dk ωfβ a−(exsiα(k)fi)a+(e−xsjα(k)fj) =



e(β+xsj−xsi)α(k) eβα(k)1 dk Hence it follows

ωfβ aσ2m(e−σ2ms2mα(k)f2m)· · ·aσ1(e−σ1s1α(k)f1)




wheref+(k, τ) := f(k)

1[τ= +]and f−(k, τ) := f(k)

1[τ = ]. ν(d3(2m)k

⊗d2mτ)is a measure on(

R 3)2m

× {+,−}2m, which is defined by






{i > j}∈P

δτ,−τδki, kj (69)



eβ α(ki) 1 +δτ,−

e(β−x(si−sj))α(ki) eβ α(ki) 1



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Martin Könenberg Fakultät für Mathematik

und Informatik FernUniversität Hagen Lützowstraße 125

D-58084 Hagen, Germany martin.koenenberg@fernuni


Table of Integrals, Series, and Products.


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