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Explanation of agenda of SMGR EGM on Dec 20, 2012. (679.63 kb)


Academic year: 2017

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Agenda #1: The Change of Company’s Name


1. Background

Having taken the following into account:


The increasing of competition and development of the similar industry

The devel opment of simil ar companies in t he count ry and t he pot ent ial f or new comers

The pot ent ial f or compet it ion t hat wil l af f ect t he perf ormance of t he company

The pot ent ial f or pressure on margins t hat are st rongl y inf l uenced by t he increased

compet it ion

The need f or perf ormance opt imizat ion, qual it y of service and business management


The Need for the Corporate Development

The need f or expansion t o maint ain t he company's posit ion (e. g. in t he market )

The need f or improving t he ef f iciency of operat ions

The need f or improving t he qual it y of it s resources,


2. The Obj ect ives of t he Corporat e Transformat ion


To support t he Company’ s Vision and Mission

To st rengt hen t he Company’ s posit ion in f acing t he changes and

compet it ion

To separat e and t o opt imize t he f unct ions of t he Operat ing and Hol ding


To separat e and t o opt imize t he Company’ s operat ional and st rat egic

f unct ions

To creat e t he corporat e val ue by maximizing t he group synergies.

To creat e t he al ignment of management of al l subsidiaries, t o subst it ut e

managerial def iciencies in t he Operat ing and Hol ding companies

To al ign t he corporat e percept ion and cul t ure

Cost l eadership


3. The Corporat e Transformat ion Made


Restructuring of the Holding Company form

It requires t he most l ikel y f orm of business ent it y t o act as t he Hol ding and Operat ing

companies, by t aking int o considerat ion t he f act ors of l egal , account ing and f inance,

t axat ion and operat ions.

The const ant l y changing process of t he company f orms in accordance wit h t he needs f or

t he change of business st rat egies st and bef ore t he changes t aking pl ace, are:


Restructuring of the Capital

The st ock spl it as wel l as t he ut il izat ion of t he group’ s f unding capacit y t o f inance t he

st rat egic proj ect s.


Restructuring of the Subsidiaries

Al igning t he business f orms and t ypes of t he subsidiaries t hat wil l support each ot hers, in

order t o opt imize t heir perf ormance, synergy, and supervision.


Strategic Holding


4. The St age of t he Rest ruct uring of t he Holding

Company Form




Operat ing Hol ding

Funct ional Hol ding

St rat egic Hol ding


*) PT SI : PT Semen Indonesia “ PTSG” : PT Semen Gresik “ New ”


5. The Changes in Company’s Name and Roles

PT Semen Gresik

(Persero) Tbk

PT Semen Indonesia

(Persero) Tbk

Once t he anal ysis is done in t erms of Legal , Finance and Taxat ion as wel l as Operat ions,

t he most l ikel y f orm of t he Hol ding company is t he St rat egic Hol ding Company which

one of it s agendas is t o change t he company’ s name.

The name being proposed and f ixed, is as f ol l ows:



6. Reasons for changing Company’s Name

Real izing

t he St r at egi c Hol di ng, in order t o enhance compet it iveness (incl uding

but not l imit ed t o t he increasing of t he bargaining power)

Separat ing and opt imizing t he rol e or f unct ion of t he Hol ding and Operat ing


Opt imizing t he perf ormance of t he group t hrough increasing t he consol idat ion

and synergy in order t o maximize t he val ue of t he Company

Choosing t he most ef f icient st ruct ure of t he Hol ding companies

Support ing t he Company’ s Vision t o t he f ut ure

St anding bef ore t he business changes and compet it ion


7. Select ion of t he Name “ Semen Indonesia”

Sumber : AT Kearney diolah

The name f or t he Hol ding Company requires a name t hat coul d ref l ect t he

ambit ions of t he group and embrace t he nat ional charact erist i cs of t he

companies t hat incl ude t he t hree Operat ing Companies.

Consist ent wit h t he vision of t he company t o become a nat ional and regional

business business pl ayers


8. Ownership St ruct ure


51 %


49 %


51 %


49 %

PT SG * )



PT SI * )




Transf ormat ion t o become St rat egic Holding will not change t he shares

ownership st ruct ure

* ) GoI: Government of Republic of Indonesia * ) PT SG: PT Semen Gresik


9. 1. The results of the Studies of the Management Consultants


The implications of the Strategic Holding

The main benefits

The St rat egic Hol ding is t he ideal in t he l ong t erm st ruct ure f or Semen Gresik, because

it is abl e t o support t he Company’ s f ut ure growt h st rat egy

The cl ear separat ion bet ween t he Hol ding

Companies and t he Operat ing Companies,

concerning t he rol es and responsibil it ies under t he

separat e business ent it y

It al l ows t he Hol ding Company t o rol e and f unct ion

as a pure Hol ding Company, in order t o manage t he

ent ire Operat ing Companies

In t he short t erm: t he pot ent ial benef it s of higher

synergies, due t o t he cl ear management of t he

Hol ding Company and t he Operat ing Company


9. 2. The result s of t he st udies of t he Legal Consult ant s


The plan f or t he change of t he name of t he holding company of PT Semen

Gresik (Persero) Tbk. t o become PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. is a

corporat e act ion and if done wit h goodwill, t here is no conf lict of int erest , in

accordance wit h t he regulat ions of legislat ion.


9. 3. The result s of t he Fairness Opinion (FO)


The est ablishment of t he St rat egic Holding wit h no t ransf er of asset s based

on t he qualit at ive and quant it at ive analysis as well as t he analysis of t he

f airness of t he t ransact ion value, t he result s obt ained are:

The Transact ion Plan is

reasonable wit h t he explanat ion t hat t he

Transact ion Plan along wit h all of it s benef it s is est imat ed and expect ed

t o cont ribut e t he added value t o t he Company amount ing t o IDR 610. 6


*) Sour ce : FO r esul t s of KJPP SAH & Rekan, summar i zed


10. The area and funct ions of t he St rat egic Holding

The St rat egic Holding of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. will work on

st rat egic f unct ions covering areas such as:

Product ion,

Market ing,

Business Devel opment and Invest ment (Capex),

Human Capit al Management ,

Procurement ,

Finance and Account ing,

Inf ormat ion Technol ogy,

Int ernal Cont rol ,

Communicat ions,

Legal and Risk Management ,

Research and Devel opment ,



Agenda #2: Amendment t o Art icles of Associat ion


Amendment to Articles of Association

PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk.

Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 1

1. This Limit ed Liabilit y Company named Perusahaan

Perseroan “ PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk. ”

(Hereinaf t er in t his art icles of associat ion is

abbreviat ed as “ The Company” ), domiciled and

headquart ered in Gresik.

2. (unchange)

Article 1

1. This Limit ed Liabilit y Company named Perusahaan

Perseroan “ PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. ”

(Hereinaf t er in t his art icles of associat ion is

abbreviat ed as “ The Company” ), domiciled and

headquart ered in Gresik.

2. (unchange)

Article 3

1. The purpose and obj ect ive of t he Company is t o

engage in t he f ields of Indust ry, product ion, t rading in

goods and services.

management of Hazardous and Toxic Mat erials, as well

as t o engage t he company management .


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 3 paragraph 2 (Continued)

a. (unchange);

b. carries out business in t he product ion f ields of

mining and / or exploring and / or processing

cert ain raw mat erials int o basic mat erials needed

t o make cement and / or any ot her indust ry,

processing t hese mat erials int o a wide range of

cement and / or int o t he ot her result of

indust ries as well as processing such wide range

of cement and / or ot her result s of indust ry int o

f inished goods t hat are more usef ul;

c. carries out business in t rading, market ing and

dist ribut ion of a wide range of cement and t he

result s of ot her product ion goods which use raw

mat erials of cement or ot her mat erials at

domest ic and abroad;

Article 3 paragraph 2 (Continued)

a. (unchange);

b. carries out business in t he product ion f ields of

mining and / or exploring and / or processing

cert ain raw mat erials int o basic mat erials needed

in t he cement indust ries and / or any ot her

indust ry, processing t hese mat erials int o a wide

range of cement and / or int o t he ot her result of

indust ries as well as processing such wide range

of cement and / or ot her result s of indust ry int o

f inished goods t hat are more usef ul;

c. carries out business in t rading, market ing and

dist ribut ion of a wide range of t he cement

indust ries and t he result s of ot her product ion

goods which use raw mat erials of cement or ot her

mat erials at domest ic and abroad;


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 3 paragraph 2 (Continued)

d. carries out business in t he provision of services t o

t he cement indust ry and / or ot her indust ries such

as research st udies, development , indust rial

design and engineering, const ruct ion,

management , f act ory operat ions, warehousing and

t ransport at ion, repairs, equipment maint enance,

f abricat ion of t ools, consult ing (except f or

consult ing in t he f ield of law) and ot her service

act ivit ies;

e. (not available previously);

f . (not available previously);

g. carries out ot her support ing act ivit ies relat ed t o

t he Company’s business act ivit ies above, including

but not limit ed int o act ivit ies of wast e

management of Hazardous and Toxic Mat erials.

Article 3 paragraph 2 (Continued)

d. carries out business in t he provision of services t o

t he cement ing indust ry and / or ot her indust ries

such as research st udies, development , indust rial

design and engineering, const ruct ion,

management , f act ory operat ions, warehousing and

t ransport at ion, repairs, equipment maint enance,

f abricat ion of t ools, consult ing (except f or

consult ing in t he f ield of law) and ot her service

act ivit ies;

e. carries out invest ment s including capit al

invest ment in ot her companies;

f . provides corporat e management services and

management consult ing services t o it s


g. carries out ot her support ing act ivit ies relat ed t o

t he Company’s business act ivit ies above.


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

shareholder and / or as t he shareholder in each

subsidiary t hat carries out t he business in t he cement

indust ry is aut horized, among ot hers t o:

a. def ine, manage, cont rol, and monit or st rat egic and

operat ional policies t hat will be implement ed by a

subsidiary, t hat is all policies t hat can mat erially

af f ect t he subsidiary and t o provide added value as

out lined in t he blue print f or rat if icat ion at t he

General Meet ing of Shareholders of t he



Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

(not governed previously)

(not governed previously)

(not governed previously)

(not governed previously)

Article 12 paragraph 3 (Continued)

b. plan, decide, manage, and cont rol t he act ivit ies

and f unct ions t hat are st rat egic, such as managing

t he cash management , account ing st andardizat ion,

capit al expendit ure;

c. est ablish t he st rat egic and operat ional policies

t hat are not def ined in t he blue print as ref erred

t o in paragraph 3 let t er a of t his Art icle;

d. est ablish policies of t he organizat ional st ruct ure at

1 (one) level below t he Board of Direct ors of t he

subsidiaries wit h respect t o t he input f rom t he

Board of Commissioners of t he subsidiaries;

e. give approval t o t he Board of Direct ors of t he

subsidiary t o implement t he operat ional measures

t hat are not def ined in t he Work Plan and Budget

of t he Company;


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

(not governed previously)

(not governed previously)

(not governed previously)

Article 12 paragraph 3 (Continued)

f . get periodic report s and explanat ions f rom bot h t he

Board of Direct ors and / or Board of Commissioners of

t he subsidiaries as well as provide a decision wit hin

and out side t he f orum of General Meet ing of

Shareholders of t he subsidiaries;

g. set t he value and / or t he t ime period of cooperat ion

bet ween t he subsidiaries and ot her business ent it ies

or ot her part y in t he f orms of j oint licensing,

cont ract of management , asset leasing, Joint

Operat ion (Kerj a Sama Operasi/ KSO), Build Operat e

Transf er (BOT), Build Owned Transf er (BOwT), Build

Transf er Operat e (BTO) and ot her similar agreement s;

h. make t he decision of capit al invest ment and t he

amount of t he capit al invest ment t hat will be carried

out by a subsidiary t o anot her company;


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Art icle 12 paragraph 3 (Cont inued)

i. set t he decisions of est ablishment of subsidiaries

and / or j oint vent ure of such subsidiary company;

j . def ine t he decision of releasing t he capit al

invest ment in t he subsidiaries and / or t he j oint

vent ures of such subsidiary company;

k. set t he decision of merger, consolidat ion,

acquisit ion, separat ion and dissolut ion of

subsidiaries and / or j oint vent ures of such


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

(not governed previously)

(not governed previously)

Article 12 paragraph 3 (Continued)

n. set t he decision f or t he est ablishment of f oundat ion,

organizat ion and / or associat ions which are legal eit her

direct ly or indirect ly relat ed t o t hat f ormed by a


o. set t he decision on t he charging of expenses and

obligat ions t hat are f ixed and rout ine f or f oundat ions,

organizat ions and / or associat ions which are legal

f ormed by t he subsidiary.


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 12 paragraph 3 (Continued)

j . using any of t he right s held by t he shareholders in

each subsidiary or ot her companies t hat carries out

business in t he cement indust ry in which t he

Company has a capit al invest ment .

k. (unchange)

Article 12 paragraph 4 (Continued)

j . using any of t he right s held by t he shareholders

and / or t he maj orit y shareholders in each

subsidiary t hat carries out business in t he

cement indust ry in which t he Company has a

capit al invest ment , except t he t hings t hat are

included in t he aut horit y of t he shareholders

and / or maj orit y shareholders as provided in

paragraph 3 of t his Art icle;

k. (unchange)


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 15

1. (unchange)

2. (unchange)

3. (unchange)

4. (unchange)

5. (unchange)

6. (unchange)

7. (unchange)

8. (unchange)

Article 15

1. (unchange)

2. (unchange)

3. (unchange)

4. (unchange)

5. (unchange)

6. (unchange)

7. (unchange)

8. (unchange)


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Board of Commissioners is aut horized t o set a decision on

t he proposals t hat have been put f orward by t he Board of

Direct ors as shareholders and / or maj orit y shareholders

in each subsidiary engages in t he cement indust ry, among

ot hers t o


a. approve t he excess t ransact ions t hat exceed 20%

(t went y percent ) of t he t ot al amount budget ed:

1) rout ine invest ment s (operat ional) t hat are

included in t he capit al budget ;

2) post al cost s or expenses t hat are included in t he

operat ing budget (excluding f inancial charges,

including int erest , bank f ees);

3) capit al f inancing f or t he short -t erm work t hat is

included in t he f inancial budget ;

all budget s of which are included in t he Work Plan

and Budget of t he Company or each change t hereof

aut horized in t he concerned f iscal year.


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 15 (Continued)

Article 15 paragraph 9 (continued)

b. approve t he decisions f or issuance of bonds and ot her

debt securit ies as well as t o sell t he shares of a

subsidiary in t he capit al market s in order t o t ake

advant age of t he liquidit y;

c. approve t he subsidiaries as guarant or (borg or

avalist );

d. approve a decision t o accept or provide long-t erm

loans of t he subsidiary;

e. approve a st rat egic act ion t hat has not been


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 15 (Continued)

9. (unchange)

a. (unchange)

b. (unchange)

c. (unchange)

Article 15 paragraph 9 (Continued)

g. approve an approval f or t he long-t erm plan of t he


h. approve a measure t hat is t he aut horit y of t he Board of Directors as t he majorit y shareholders of t he subsidiary ot her t han t hat of being provided for in Art icle 12

paragraph 3.

10. (unchange)

a. (unchange)

b. (unchange)

c. (unchange)


Current Articles of Association

Proposed change of Article of Association

Article 15 paragraph 9 (Continued)

d. approve t he Work Plan and Budget of t he Company

present ed by t he Board of Direct ors no lat er bef ore

t he new f iscal year begins.

In t erms of t he Work Plan and Budget of t he

Company was not legalized bef ore t he new f iscal

year begins, t he Company’s Work Plan and Budget

of t he previous year is applicable;

e. (unchange)

f . (unchange)

g. (unchange)

h. (unchange)

i. (not governed previously)

Article 15 paragraph 10 (Continued)

d. approve t he Work Plan and Budget of t he

Company present ed by t he Board of Direct ors no

lat er t han t he 27t h (t went y sevent h) day of

December, bef ore t he new f iscal year begins.

In t erms of t he Work Plan and Budget of t he

Company was not legalized on t he 27t h (t went y

sevent h) day of December bef ore t he new f iscal

year begins, t he Company’s Work Plan and

Budget of t he previous year is applicable;

e. (unchange)

f . (unchange)

g. (unchange)

h. (unchange)

i. approve t he Long-t erm Plan of t he Company.



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