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Sri Ningsih. Abstract


Academic year: 2021

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The implementation of Coopertive Scritp teaching technique in improving students achievevement on learning Porivera at the X grades MIA-2 stuents of SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidmpuan. This research is Classroom Action Research. The problem of this research the student’s achievement on learning Porivera is poor, and according to the writer, the solution of this problem is the implementataion of Cooperative Script teaching Technique. The setting of this rsearch is the XMIA-2 students of SMA 4 Padangsidimpuan. Further the result of this research is foun that the implementation of the Cooperative Script Technique is effectife in improving students comprhension on learning porivera.

Key Word: learning process, Coopertive Script Teaching Technique, Porivera.


A.background of the Problem

Biology is one of the lesson that should be learned based on the curriculum 2006 for SMA students at the X, XI,and XII grades. In accorcordance of this curriculum one the basic competence learning material of Biology lesson is Porivera. The identypication of this material is related to that curriculum above particuler in the XII IPA grades. .

Further based on the writer experience and the result of observation of the writer both the teacher and students, are often find some difficulties or peroblem while learning process. This problem also influences the students learnng obejective in teachnig process, or the students almost fail in getting the KKM mark..

The KKM mark was stated by team MGMP of Biology for the students at X MIA-2 SMA negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan is 82. Infact the students of XII IPA-2 80 % almost under 82 or they are almost fail in getting the KKM mark. In other this is become abg froblem for students and teacher. It must be solvd by the teacher.

According to the experiences or the result of the writer experiences this problem was caused by the learning technique was uninteresting for the students, so the learning process was borange. In particuler the problem was not stimulate the interes or students’ motivations.

Actually the tteaching or learning process is influenced by two factors, they are external and internaactrs. In addition both these factors are supported one each other or it can not be separated one from the other.

Internal Factor is involve the factors that come from the students, for example the background of knowledge of the students about Porivera is poor or low, the motivations of the students is low, so they are not stimulate for learning Porivera is leg.

Mean while the External factor is the factors is come from the environment of the students. This factor is supported for learning process that come from out side of the students. One of the example External factors is the teacthing technique that used by the teacher while learning. Actually both this factors are cinergis to grow and influence the student intersting in learning process. At last this technique can improve the students comprehension in this chase Porivera material teaching. Because of that in this chance the writer decided to do the resarch about the implementtation of the Cooperative cript Technique in improving students’ comprehension in learning Porivera in Biology lesson at the X MIA-2 sma Ngeri 4 Padaangsidimpuan. Because the witer believes that this technique is efective in improving



students comprehension in learning Porivera in Biology lesson at the X MIA-2 SMA negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan.

The Identifycation of the Problem

Based on the backgroun the peroblem above, the writer identify that the problem in leaning the porivera are the external factors and internal Factors. These both factors have closed relationship each other in learning. One of them is support to others, if one is leg, it will show the lack of others and at least learning process is fail too. External factors included the situation oflearning process such as the chosen of the strategy or method learning technique, for this research is focus on learning technique. This the reason the wrter will do the research about the improving students comrehension in learning Porivera in Biology lesson through Cooperative Script Technique.

C. The Formualtion of the problem

Is the implementation of Cooperative Script Technique improve the students’ comprehension in learning Porivera at the X MIA-2 the students of SMA 4 Padangsidimpuan?

B. The Objectives of the Research

To find out the if Cooperative Script technique improve the students comprehension on learning Porivera in Biology lesson language at the X MIA-2 SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan.

II. THEORETICAL DESCRIBTION A. The Revew of Theories 1.Learning and Learning Process

Learning and learning process is the one of unity activities that can not be saprated from the human living. Since the living of people that begins from the mother’s fragnon the learning process had been happened, and it will continued to as long as the living process, step by step, which depends on the age of that human him self. Further it will ednded when the human is die.

Through learning the people develop their living, and fiathfully their needs. Their capabelity, or their potensi will be optimal through learning process that they had followed. In other ways the learning proces is very importen for the people’s living. In this chance let me say that the capability of human is influences by his or her learning process.

This idea was supported by some experts, such as Fontana in Suherman (2003:8) says “belajar adalah proses perubahan tingkah laku individu yang relatif tetap sebagai hasil dari pengalaman”. In other chance W.S. Winkel in Max Darsono (2000:4) stated that “belajar adalah suatu aktivitas mental atau psikis yang berlangsung dalam interaksi aktif dengan lingkungan, yang menghasilkan perubahan dalam pengetahuan, pemahaman, keterampilan, dan nilai-sikap”.According to Yamin (2003: 99) tells” belajar adalah perubahan perilaku seseorang akibat pengalaman yang ia dapat melalui pengamatan, pendengaran, membaca dan meniru. Further more Sukardi (1983: 15) says that “belajar adalah perubahan tingkah laku yang disebabkan oleh proses menjadi matangnya seseorang atau perubahan yang intraktif atau kontemporer”.



Other expert Hamalik (1982:28) stated that “ belajar adalah suatu bentuk pertumbuhan atau perubahan dalam diri seseorang yang dinyatakan dalam cara-cara bertingkah laku yang baru, berkat pengalaman dan latihan”.

Finally from the statement or the opnions of the expert above the writer make the conclusion that learning is the process that happened to the human, so that the human changes their behavior, which involves the knowlwdge, attitude, though, comprehenson, ability, habitual,and so on.

According to Darsono (2000:30-31) there are some characteristic of the learning process:1) Belajar dilakukan dengan sadar dan mempunyai tujuan, 2) Belajar merupakan pengalaman sendiri, 3) Belajar merupakan proses interaksi antara individu dan lingkungan, 4) Belajar mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan pada diri orang yang belajar.

Based on the opinion above, the writer give the idea that the change of behavior is one of the result of lerning process, trough the exercise in regular time that done by the human him or herself in considerly and in good plan and supported y some factors such, facilities, media and so on. This idea supported by. Suryabrata (1998:233-237), he says that “ tingkah laku yang terjadi merupakan hasil dari proses belajar yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain :1) Faktor-faktor yang berasal dari luar individu siswa, 2) Faktor-faktor non sosial, 3) Faktor-faktor non sosial meliputi keadaan lingkungan, sarana dan prasarana dalam belajar.

a. Social Factors

Social factors are involve the factors of the situation of environtment, included the place, or the conditions of the place that uses while learning process, such if the situation is not condusive for learning ofcourse the learning process is not success.

b. Fisiologis Factor

Fisiologis Factor is invove the situation of the body of the students in phisics, in this chase the students or the teacher both are health while doing the tlearning process. If they are not health ofcourse the learning process can not do well or un optimal

.c. Psikologis Factor

psikologis Factor is the factor that influences the learning proces from aspect intelegence, smart, interest, motivations, emotion and cognitive.

In onther ways the learning process is always the same with teaching process that consist of learning and studying. Teaching is the ability to make the condition or situation which can use for learning process. Zainal Aqib (2013:67-68) says that” mengajar pada hakikatnya adalah bagian dari belajar, tetapi mengajar lebih pada upaya untuk menyediakan berbagai fasilitas baik yang bersifat software (perangkat lunak) maupun hardware (perangkat keras).”

In other chance Eveline Siregar (2011:12) says that “ pembelajaran merupakan pengaturan peristiwa secara seksama dengan maksud agar terjadi belajar dan membuatnya berhasil guna, maksudnya untuk menghasilkan belajar situasi eksternal harus dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk mengaktifkan, mendukung dan mempertahankan proses internal yang terdapat dalam setiap peristiwa belajar. “

According to Oemar Hamalik (2008:12) learning is “suatu kombinasi yang tersusun meliputi unsur-unsur manusiawi, materi, fasilitas, perlengkapan dan prosedur yang saling mempengaruhi mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Kegiatan pembelajaran dirancang untuk memberikan pengalamna belajar yang melibatkan proses mental dan fisik melalui interaksi antar peserta didik, peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan dan sumber belajar lainnya dalam rangka pencapaian kompetensi dasar.”

In addition Sugandi (2004:9) stated that “ pembelajaran merupakan suatu kumpulan proses yang bersifat individual, yang merupakan stimulus dari lingkungan seseorang ke dalam sejumlah informasi, yang selanjutnya dapat menyebabkan adanya hasil belajar dalam bentuk ingatan jangka panjang.” And Suyitno (2004:2) give the



opinion that “ pembelajaran adalah upaya menciptakan iklim dan pelayanan terhadap kemampuan, potensi, minat, bakat dan kebutuhan peserta didik yang beragam agar terjadi interaksi optimal antara guru dengan peserta didik serta antara peserta didik dengan peserta didik”.

Based on the theories above the writer make the statement that learning is the process intraction between teacher and students based on a good design and planning with purpose to get the learning objective optimally.

2.The concept of Vorifera a. What is Porifera

Porifera is the word that come from latin language they are ” phorus” in Indonesian is “lubang kecil’ or Small hole, and “ ferre” in Indonesia “membawa” or bring. Further Porifera is the animals in multi seluler with the smallest clasification of the animals. This animal has the characteristic has the has smallest hole in its skiin. Talking about Porivera the writer adoped some theories of the experts, such as: Prawiharto Slamet dkk (2001:187) said that ” porifera adalah salah satu filum hewan Animalia, yang mempunyai tubuh berpori”. Almost poriver live on the sea, about 3,5 m deepers, and only a view in plent water.”

Porifera has the form of body in variety, it is amlost the same with the body of plant. Porivera always has the beatiful and interesting colour, is like yellow, red, violet etc.

a. Structure of Porifera

Porifera has the structure in simply but complext. One on the siply Proivera is called Leocosolenia. This Porivera is often found on the coral on beach( karang didaerah pasang surut). It is beautifull is like flower vas with has hole in it. Leocoselina has the body memiliki structure, such: the hole which is called Spongosel, and on the butt om of spongosel is the open hole. This hole has the fuction for the the way of water and is named Oskulun.

Further more Spongosel is arrounded by two cell of wall wich is called epidermis dan koanosit. Epidermis is the cell of cover of out side, it is in circle form, on epidermis can be found porus which is called ostium. In addition on porus also is found porosit. Mean while on Koanosit is the cell cover is like a neck cell, on each it Konoasit has the hair body inside and it call Flagel.

Some other the structure of porifera is named mesoglea, it is the cell cover Gelatenius. It can be sit on the cell betwen epidermis and koanosit. It is aknid of cell non-seluler. Further on mesoglea can be found many kinds of cell, such as :

(a) Arkeosit, it is used for acting reproduction of cel, to product of cell oftomb, cel glanet, and to change the brokencels.

(b) Skleroblast, it is used for product spikula, dimana spikula is consist of zat calcium and zat organic. Spikula is formed from zat calcium karbonat, Cristal slikat and spingin. Spikula is the begiinning of schema to have the form of body.

(c) Amebosit, is used for taking and distributes the nutrition that has been useed by cel koanosit.

b. The Nutrition and its system. (Makanan dan Sistem Pencernaan Makanan)

The nutrition of porifera is the particel organic and small organism. This system of the nutrion is intraseluler, it is happened in Koanosit. The nutrition is enterd with water by canals in to the body of porifera, and it will be caught by Flagellum Koanosit, and it will used by Koanosit, and the result will be distributed by cel Amebosit to all the whole of body of Porifera.



More over System of water nutrition is used as the transportation the nutrition for porivera. This nutritions are devidedin 3 type, they are :(a) Tipe ascon it the most simply( tipe paling sederhana, (b) tipe Sicon , it has two kinds of warter transportation :Inkuren and Radial (c) tipe Leucon is the most complete.

c. Reproduction

The reproduction of Porivera can be happened by Aseksual and Seksual. Reproduction by Aseksual can happen in forming of tomb which is called Budding and Gumalae, mean while reproduction by is happened by cell egs and spermatozoid.

3. Cooperative Teachning Technique

a. The xcitensi of Cooperative Script teaching Technique

Cooperative Script technique is formed from” cooperative dan script” which the meaning doing to gether and script is akind of copy of text . coopertive is formed fro cooperate, further the Cooperative Script is the techniqe in doing teaching or learning by using the groups and he script of learning text

Based on the Nasional Departemen Cooperative Script tchnique is “ the learning or teaching process where the students doing together in couple or groups and use the part of the text, or work sheet, or worrk script of the teaching material.

Miftahul A’la (2011: 97) state “ model pembelajaran Cooperative Script disebut juga skrip Kooperative, yaitu metode belajar dimana siswa bekerja berpasangan dan secara lisan mengikhtisarkan bagia-bagian dari materi yang dipelajarinya dalam kelas.

Further more Slavin 91994:175) saids that “ Cooperative Script is akind of teaching technique that infproved the remember of students about the learning material and result of learning.” And according to Danserau in Slavin (1994) stated that the cooperative Script technique is the learning process where the students has the task in action in discussing of the material.”.

In addition Schank dan Abelson in Hadi (2007: 16) has the opinion that Cooperative Script is the learning process that describes the interaction of the students is like the ilustration of the social life of the students with arround of it, as indivdual, family, society and the higher field in country.

b. The Principel of Cooperative Script Technique

The Cooperative Script is part of the concept of accelereated learning approach, active learning, and cooperatrive learning. The cooperative Learing has the principel as follows:

1) The students mus feel that they have the responsible to gether in doing learning task.

2) Every students must own the good responsible in getting the learning objective..

3) Every students must one and same view on the learning process 4) Every students mus prticipate on the learning process..

5) Every students must be evaluated and given the reward from the teacher. 6) Every students has the responsible on succes of the learning frocess in

getting the objective learning.

c. The steps of Coopertative Script Technique

Riyanto (2009: 280) stated that the step of Cooperative Script tehnique as follows

1) The teacher distribute the students in acouple in some groups. 2) The teacher state the task for each group.



a) Each students give the Script sheet, based on their task.

3) Others groups listenes carefully, check, complete, or cross chek of the script.

4) Helping to remember the ideas of learning material through the script sheet

5) Change the action, from the speaker become the good listener or actor. 6) Formulated the conclusion of learning proces together betwenn teacher

and students. 7) Closing.


A. Type of Research

In this research, the writer uses the class room action research (CAR) this type make the description of situation or events. According to Suharsimi Arikunto “Metode eksperim ental adalah suatu cara untuk mencari hubungan sebab akibat (hubungan kausal) antara dua faktor yang sengaja di timbulkan oleh peneliti dengan mengeliminasi atau mengurangi atau menyisihkan faktor-faktor lain yang menggangu.” This statement means, experimental method is the way to look for the causal connection between two factors which purpose is raised by researcher by eliminating or minimizing or ignoring the disturbing. Further islike stated above This action research adopted the theory that promoted by Kemis and Tagart 1986. Which involve by two cycle.

B. The setting of the research.

The setting of this research is SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan, it is involve the students of The XII IPA SMA Negeri 4 Padangsdiimpuan, the research was done from July in 2017 untill January of 2018.

C. Technique of Data Collection

In this research, the researcher will collect the data by using all of the instruments; they are observation (observation sheet and field note), interview and speaking task. The observer will use the observation sheet while the teacher is teaching applying the Cooperative Script technique.After the class finished, the researcher and collaborator will discuss about the weaknesses that happen during teaching and learning process.

Moreover, the researcher and collaborator will use field notes to take notes during conducting the research from beginning up to the end of the research. It will be used for collecting the information that might happen in teaching and learning process. At the end of each meeting, the students will be asked to aanswer some test, and the students will be interviewed to get such kind information and to know their opinion and impression about Cooperative Script Technique.

Then, at the end of each cycle, the researcher will use the test to know the comprehension of the students about Porivera. The students are asked to do the test or answwring some questions for individually or grouping. Then, the researcher will score their comprehension about Porivera based on the indicators of it.

D. Technique of Data Analysis 1. Quantitative Data.

In quantitative data from all data will be taken from the result of Porivera comprehension task and test through the students’ oral presentation. They were be analyzed by using scoring system.

To get the total percentage of the students’ grade on each indicator of Porivera, the researcher used the formula suggested by Sudjanna (1992) in which the total of all scores was calculated and the result was divided by the amount of the students’. Them it was multiplied by 100.




P = X 100 % N

P = Percentage of students’ successfulness F = Frequency of students’ answers N = Total number of students

2. Qualitative Data

In analyzing qualitative data, the research used the data gained the indicators of Porivera, students’ activities through Cooperative Script, lesson plan and field note that observed by her collaborator. They were analyzed based on Gay, R.L.and Airasian, P.(2000:239-249). The points, there are steps to analyze the qualitative data:

a. Data managing

It involves creating and organizing the data collected during the study. The researcher and collaborator will manage all the data gained during the study and put them in order. b. Memorizing / Reading

The researcher and collaborator will read the data that got from the observation sheet, field note and data recording that she did experienced in the teaching and learning process. c. Description

In this step, the researcher presented a number of forms to show the description about students’ speaking skill and what was going in the setting and among the participants. It was based on the observation and field notes collected in the classroom. The observation checklist helped the researcher to make a description. The aim of the description was to provide a true picture of the settings and events. So the direct observation was necessary to have the true description to the process.

d. Classification

After the researcher and collaborator read the data, they classified or grouped the data into the same point. Here, they classified the data on the positive and negative findings from each cycle.

e. Interpretation

The researcher interprets the data into general conclusion. It is based on the

connection, common aspects, and linkages among the data. Interpretation of the data leads the researcher to make conclusion or understanding.

The result of the research

IV.The Discussion, Conclusion, Implication, and Suggestion A. Discussion

Based on the result and therevew the theories that adopted in this research, the writer found that the inplementaion of Coperative Script technik was efective in ivroving students’ comprehension in learning Porivera learning material in Biology lesson. And this imvroment is involve for all the incators of the learning process. It is relevant with the theories that adopted.

In additon to unswer the formulation of the problem in this research if the Cooperative Script Learning Technque improve the students comprehension on Porivera in Biology lesson,



the writer found from the result of the research based on the means score of the students result’ test in cyle 1 and cycle 2 and based on its period. It was foud that this technique was efective and can iprove the students comprehension in learning Porivera. It can be seen from the result of data anlysis trough observation, interview and tests.

B. Coclusion

Based on the result of the research can be concluded :

The implementation of the Cooperative Script Learning technique is efective in improving student’s comprehension in Porivera Learning material in biology lesson for the students in the XI IPA SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidmpuan. This technique was suppeorted by the media of learning, the creativity of the teacher while learning.

C. Implcation

In accorcordance of the conclusion above the writer make some implications as fpllows:

Learning Porivera in Biology can be done by implementation of Cooperative Script Learning technique. And this technique must be supported by the media of learning and the creativity that used by the teacher while learning.

D. Suggestions.

Based on the conclution and implication above the writer suggets so that the teacher should be always apply or implement the intersting and relevant tehcnique in teaqching, in this chase the writer suggest to apply the Cooperative Script T echnique purticuler in teaching Porivera in Biology lesson.


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