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Academic year: 2019



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A. Method of the Research

Research method is very important to achieve the goal of research. Research is any effect to find, develop, and examine the truth of science with scientific method. Experiment aims at studying possible relation between cause and effect by treatment (Arikunto, 1997: 3).

The purpose of this research is to find out the use of scientific approach in teaching writing. There are two group on this research. The first group is experimental group, which is given treatment by using scientific approach in teaching writing at junior high school. The second group is control group, which is given a conventional technique that will be implemented.

This research belongs to quasi-experimental. This research using this method because it is done to know the comparison between the experimental class which is giving treatment and the control class which is not giving treatment (Suwartono, 2007: 58).


Where : A : Pre-test B : Post- test X : Treatment

B. Setting of The Research 1. Place

The research will be done at SMP 1 Abdi Negara Purbalingga. 2. Time

Table 1. Time of Research

No Activities

May June

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1. Observation 2. Looking for sample 3. Giving Pre-test

(control class) 4. Giving Pre-test(

experiment class 5. Giving Post-test (

control class) 6. Giving Post-test

(experiment class) 7. Analyzing the data 8. Making Report

C. Research Participant

1. Population


The population of this research is the eight grade students of SMP 1 Abdi Negara Purbalingga in the Academic year 2014 / 2015. Were 60 students in 2 classroom 8A and 8B


2. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was eight grade students of SMP 1 Abdi Negara Purbalingga that consisted of two classes, 8A and 8B the number of the students that researcher took in this research was 60 students that. That was the total number of two classes. The 8A class which consited of 30 students was the experimental class and the 8B which consited 30 students was the control class.

3. Sampling Technique


D. Technique for Collecting Data

This research uses pre-test and post-test for collecting data. Test is question, exercise or other tools, which is used to measure: skill, knowledge, or talent by individuals groups (Arikunto, 2010: 110). The types of test such as writing paragraph with the topic describing person, pet and place. This research uses two kind of test; there are pre-test and post-test.

1. Pre-test

Pre test is given to experimental and control classes. It is given to know the first condition of both experiment and control class before giving treatment.

2. Post-test

Post test is conducted after the treatment both experiment and control class. The test is used to measure the effect of certain treatment.

E. Identification of the Variable

Variable is the object of the research. In this case, the variables that are found:

a) Independent variable (x)


b) Dependent variable (y)

It is the variable that is assumed to be the result of independent variable. In this research, independent variable is teaching writing.

F. The Method of Data Collection

To measure the students‟ score of writing essay of the ninth grade Junior High School SMP 1 Abdi Negara Purbalingga in class 8A and 8B academic year 2014/ 2015 An instrument played an important role to collect data. Writing descriptive text is uses in collecting data. The writer is giving 40 minutes for the students to construct a kind of writing descriptive text based on the topics provides.

The instrument which is made to find out the students‟ skill in making an descriptive text. The process of making the instrument of this research refers to the logical validity.

a. Face Validity


b. Content Validity

The content validity of the instrument can be said good if the items really measure the intended material, topic, or subject for which the writer wants to know the students‟ skill in writing.

c. Construct Validity

The construct validity of the instrument can be said good if the instrument really measure the intended parts or subtopics of a certain subject, so the items of the instruments should consist of some indicators about all parts constructing this certain subject. In this case, the sub topics of the paragraph that the students choose should be related with the topic. Therefore, the items of the instruments should consist of some indicators about those sub topics constructing the paragraph.

G. The Method of Analyzing Data

After collecting all of the data, it will be analyzed using each step in this stage. The steps are as below:

1. Scoring System


Table 2

Very Good : Complete information, clear main idea, complete in developing writing, focused on the problems, content and selected details are relevant.

Good : Enough information, good in developing main ideas, content and selected details are relevant enough. transition among all elements (sentences, paragraphs, ideas), easy to follow and satisfying sense of closure or resolution.

Good : Good enough in transition among all elements and easy to follow.

Fair : Lack of transition, effective sequencing and effective details

Bad : The writing is difficult to follow, unorganized and unclear among ideas.

Vocabulary 18-20 misused words, and inapropriate words choice. Fair : Monotonous repetition of words, often make mistakes in word choice and overused expression.

Bad : Extremely limited vocabulary, and many misuses of words.

Language 22-25 18-21

11-17 5-10

Very Good : effective in complex construction, only few in language mistake.

Good : Simple construction but effective, few mistake in complex construction, there is a mistake, but it does not change the meaning. Fair : there are many mistake in complex construction, but it does not change the meaning


Mechanic 5

4 3 2

Very Good : Strong control of standard writing (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar, and usage) and use them effectively to enhance communication.

Good : Good for most, but sometimes incorrect in punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Fair : Often incorrect in punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

Bad : Very limited skill, there are many incorrect punctuation, spelling and grammatical error,

X1 : pre test result of experimental class X2 : post test result of experimental class Y1 : pre test result of control class

Y2 : post test result of experiment class x&y : Residual

3. Calculating means of deviation of experimental class (Mx) and control class (My)

a. To find out the mean of deviation experimental (My)


3). Finally, the total deviation will be divided by the number of students in that class.

Mx =


Mx : the mean score of experiment class : the sum score of experiment class N : total number of experiment class

b. To find out mean deviation of control class (My)

1. The pre test score each student is reduced by the pre test score 2. Then the total deviation will be counted

3. Finally, the total will be counted and divided by the number of students in that class

4. Calculating the sum of square deviation of each class 4. Applying all of item into t-test formula

t =


Mx : The mean of experiment group My : The mean of control group


Ny : The number of students of experiment group


Table 1. Time of Research
Table 2 Scoring writing competence
Table 3 For scoring individual test


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