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S ING 1200303 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Allamnakhrah, A. (2013). Learning Critical Thinking in Saudi Arabia: Student Perceptions of Secondary Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs. In Journal of Education and Learning; Vol. 2, No. 1; ISSN 1927-5250 E-ISSN 1927-5269. Canadian Center of Science and Education

Alwasilah, A. C. (2010). Language, Culture and Education: A Portrait of

Contemporary Indonesia. Bandung: Andira.

Anderson, M., & Anderson, K. (2003). Text Type in English. Macmillan Education Australia.

Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta

Bizzell, P. (1992). Academic discourse and critical consciousness. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: Cognitive

Domain. New York: David McKay.

Brookfield, S.D. (1987). Developing Critical Thinkers. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Bouton, D. T. (2008). Thinking critically about critical thinking in the community college classroom: an examination of the beliefs of exemplary instructors. North Carolina State University

Bowell, T., and Kemp, G. (2002). Critical thinking. A concise guide. London: Routledge.

Browne, M. N., and Keeley, S.M. (2007). Asking the right questions. A guide to critical thinking. Eighth edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.


Chaffee, J., McMahon, C., Stout, B.(2002). Critical thinking, Thoughtful writing. Second edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Christie, F., & Derewianka, B. (2008). School discourse. London: Continuum.

Coffin, C. (2006). Historical Discourse: The Language of Time. Cause and

Cohen, L., & Manion, L. (1994). Research methods in education (4th ed.). London: Routledge.

Cottrell, S. (2015). Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and

Argument. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Crammond, J. G. (1998). The uses and complexity of argument structures in expert and student persuasive writing. Written Communication, 15, 230-268.

Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. New Delhi India: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd.

Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed

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Derewianka, B. (1990). Exploring how texts work. Heinemann Educational Books.

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Diestler, S. (2001). Becoming a critical thinker.(3rd Ed). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Inc.

Dunn, D. S., Halonen, J. S. and Smith, R. A. (2008). Teaching Critical Thinking in


Emilia, E. (2005). A critical genre based approach to teaching academic writing in a

tertiary EFL context in Indonesia, Ph. D. thesis, Dept. of Language,

Literacy and Arts Education, University of Melbourne.

Emilia, E., & Hamied, F. A. (2015). Systemic Functional Linguistic Genre Pedagogy

(SFL GP) in a Tertiary EFL Writing Context in Indonesia: TEFLIN

Journal. Vol 26 No 2.

Ennis, R. H. (1993). „Critical thinking assessment’ In Fasco, Jr. D. (2003). (Ed).

Critical thinking and reasoning. Current research, theory, and

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Ennis, R. H. (2013). Critical thinking across the curriculum (CTAC). (May 22, 2013). OSSA Conference Archive. Paper 44. [Online] available at: http://scholar.uwindsor.ca/ossaarchive/OSSA10/papersandcomment aries/44 (September 15, 2016)

Facione, P. A. (2006). Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts. Millbrae: Measured Reasons and The California Academic Press

Feez, S., and Joyce, H. (2000). Creative Writing Skills. Literary and Media Text

Types. Melbourne: Phoenix Education Pty. Ltd.

Feng, Z. (2013). „Using Teacher Questions to Enhance EFL Students‟ Critical Thinking Ability‟. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching 2 (2).147-153 [Online] available at: www.sciedu.ca/jct (August 5th 2016)

Fisher, A. (2001). Critical thinking: an introduction. Cambridge University Press. Dorwyn Ltd.

Fisher, R. (1990). Teaching Children to think. London: Basil Blackwell Ltd.

Forood, S.M. and Farahani, A. A. K. (2013). “A comparative Study Between The Performance of Iranian High School and Low Critical Thinkers on Different Types of Reading Comprehension Questions” Theory and

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Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate


Gerot, L., & Wignell, P. (1994). Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Cammery:

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Linguistics, 18(1), 103-119.

Grant, G. E. (1988). Teaching critical thinking. New York: PRAEGER.

Gustine, G. G. (2014). Critical Literacy in an Indonesian EFL Setting: Sustaining

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Heigham, J. & Croker, R. A. (2009). Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics: A

Practical Introduction. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.

Heywood, J. (2000). Assessment in higher education: Student learning, teaching,

programmes and institutions (Vol. 56). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Hove, G. M. (2011). Developing Critical Thinking Skills in the High School English

Classroom. University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Iakovos, T. (2011). Critical and Creative Thinking in the English Language Classroom. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.

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Knapp, P. and Watkins, M. (2005). Genre, text, and grammar: Technologies for

teaching and assessing writing. Sydney: UNSW Press.

Lai, E. R. (2011). Critical Thinking: A Literature Review; Research Report: Pearson.

Lewis, A., & Smith, D. (1993). Defining higher order thinking. Theory into Practice,

32(3), 131–137.

Lodico, M. G., Spaulding, D. T., and Voegtle, K. H. (2004). Methods in Educational

Research Theory to Practice. San Fransisco: Jossey Bass.

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Martin, J. R., & Rose, D. (2008). Genre relations: Mapping culture. London: Equinox.

McPeck, J. E. (1990). Teaching critical thinking. London: Routledge

Musadiq, H. (2006). Critical Thinking Skills and Meaning in English Language

Teaching. Australia. The University of Sydney

Norris, S. P., & Ennis, R. H. (1989). Evaluating Critical Thinking. The Practitioners' Guide to Teaching Thinking Series. Critical Thinking Press and Software, Box 448, Pacific Grove, CA 93950-0448; tele.

Paul, R. (1990). „McPeck‟s mistakes‟. In McPeck. (1990). Teaching critical thinking.

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Paul, R. W. (1993). Critical thinking: What every person needs to survive in a rapidly changing world (J. Willsen & A. J. A. Binker, Eds.). Santa Rosa, CA:Foundation for Critical Thinking.

Paul, R. (2008). Professional development. Santa Rosa, CA: Foundation for Critical Thinking.

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2002). Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your

Professional and Personal Life.Financial Times:Prentice Hall.

Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2005). Critical Thinking Competency Standards; Standards, Principles, Performance Indicators, and Outcomes With a Critical

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Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2007). The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking; Concepts and Tools. . Foundation for Critical Thinking Press. [Online] available at: http://www.criticalthinking.org (June 15th 2016)

Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2008). Critical and creative thinking. Foundation for Critical Thinking Press.

Picciotto, M. (2000). Critical thinking. A casebook. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc

Pierce, B. (2004). Handbook of Critical Thinking Resources. Prince George‟s

Community College Faculty Members


Qing, X. (2013). Fostering Critical Thinking Competence in EFL Classroom. Studies

Rasiman. (2015). Leveling of Students‟ Critical Ability in Solving Mathematics Problem Based on Gender Differences. International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 4 ISSN: 2411-5681. Retrieved form: www.ijern.com

Reichenbach, B. R. (2001). Introduction to critical thinking. Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill.

Reed, J. H. (1998). Effect of a model for critical thinking on student achievement in

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argumentative reasoning, critical thinking dispositions, and history

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Schneider, V. (2002). Critical thinking in elementary classroom: Problem and

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Stapleton, P. (2001). Assessing Critical Thinking in the Writing of Japanese University Students: Insights about Assumptions and Content

Familiarity. Written Communication. Vol. 18 No. 4. 506-548: Sage


Stern, G. (2001). Learners’ grammar dictionary. Singapore: Learners publishing Pte. Ltd.

Stobaugh, R. (2013). Assessing Critical Thinking in Middle and High Schools. New York London: Routledge

Talaska, R. A. (1992). Critical Reasoning in Contemporary Culture: Opacity,

Theory, and Reality, 1960-1991--An Israeli Perspective. SUNY


Thomas, P. E. (1999). Critical Thinking Instruction in Selected Greater Los Angeles

Area High Schools. California, Azusa Pacific University.

Thompson, C. (2011). Critical Thinking across the Curriculum: Process over Output. USA: St. Bonaventure University.

Toulmin, S., Rieke, R., and Janik, A. (1984). An introduction to reasoning. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Tung, C. A. & Chang, S. Y. (2009). Developing critical thinking through literature reading. Feng Chia Journal pf Humanities and Social Science,

pp.287-317, No. 19, Dec 2009. Retrieved August 20th, 2016 from: http://www.cocd.fcu.edu.tw/wSite/publicfile/Attachment/f1262069 682958.pdf.

Vyncke, M. (2012). The concept and practice of critical thinking in academic

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Watson, G. & Glaser, E.M. (2012). Critical Thinking Appraisal User-Guide and

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Willingham, D. T. (2007). Critical Thinking Why Is It So Hard to Teach? . [Online]

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Zepeda, S. J. (2009). The Instructional Leader’s Guide to Informal Classroom


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