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Dealing With An Autistic Child At TK Tiara Bunda.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas Akhir ini berisi analisis permasalahan yang dihadapi ketika saya melaksanakan program magang sebagai asisten guru di TK Tiara Bunda, yang berlangsung dari bulan Januari hingga bulan Februari 2013. Selama melaksanakan kerja praktek, saya menemukan kesulitan dalam

menghadapi seorang anak yang autis, karena ini merupakan pengalaman pertama saya berhadapan langsung dengan anak autis.

Faktor yang menjadi penyebab dari permasalahan yang saya alami adalah tidak adanya pengalaman sebelumnya dalam menghadapi anak autis. Faktor lainnya adalah saya enggan untuk bertanya atau belajar dari guru-guru lain di sekolah. Lalu faktor lainnya yaitu sedikitnya pengetahuan yang saya miliki tentang autisme. Saya pun kurang mengetahui

bagaimana saya harus bertindak dan bagaimana cara terbaik

berkomunikasi dengan anak autis. Hal-hal tersebut mengakibatkan saya mendapatkan kesulitan dalam menangani anak tersebut di sekolah. Saya memaparkan tiga solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk menangani kesulitan saya dalam menghadapi anak berkebutuhan khusus beserta dampak positif dan negatif dari masing-masing solusi tersebut. Solusi yang pertama adalah menggunakan alat bantu visual dalam memberikan instruksi dan aturan. Solusi yang kedua yaitu saya harus sesering

mungkin memberikan pujian atau dorongan positif atas sesuatu yang telah ia kerjakan dengan baik. Solusi yang ketiga adalah saya harus



Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT ... .... i





A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ... .... 7






PROBLEM STATEMENT : I had difficulties in dealing with an austistic child at TK Tiara Bunda


I should know the student’s special interest and make the most of it

POTENTIAL SOLUTION II : I should often give appraisal to the student


I will use visual when giving instructions and rules experience in teaching an autistic student.

Cause 2: I was reluctant to learn from other teacher.

Cause 3: I had little knowledge about autism.




A. Background of the Study

Teaching is defined as “an academic process by which students are motivated to learn in ways that make a sustained, substantial, and positive influence on how they think, act, and feel” (Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence). From the quotation above, it is clear that teaching does not just deal with subject matter. The focus of teaching is actually on the students. Thus, teachers have a responsibility for what they teach, because teachers influence the student’s growth very much by the

knowledge they impart. The teacher’s main role is to help the students get the positive values to face the world.

The crucial point in learning is at a young age. Children aged 3-6 years are at the time when they can accept and learn things very easily. Based on the article “Fosterparentscope Training”, “Children in the age group also show rapid developments in many aspects: physical,



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children of the same group. Teachers of young children must be aware of these stages of development and also the variation.

The differences in the children can make teaching young children a challenge. There can be even bigger challenges when the teachers have to deal with children with special needs. Children with special needs are children with a variety of different disabilities, health and mental health conditions that require special intervention, services, or support

(“Children with Special Needs” par 1).

During my internship in TK Tiara Bunda, I had to handle a child with special needs. She is a five-year-old girl, whose name is Kayla. She is an autistic child. Based on Michael Abraham (5), he said that an autistic child shows the characteristics below:

- impaired ability to form social and emotional relationship - repetitive

- non-goal-directed body motions and behaviors - not seeing certain objects

- hyperactivity - passivity

- lack of awareness of body

- difficulty in processing auditory information - difficulty in generalizing skills


- difficulty in learning by listening - biting and scratching

In the class, Kayla liked to shout out of the blue, even when the class activity was praying. She often ate her meal when praying and could not be told to stop. She liked to run out of the class and then she just stood beside the wall and did not do anything. When the teacher gave a lesson, she never wanted to join and could not concentrate. She liked to

suddenly bite her friends or her teacher. Because she often hurt her friends, other students did not want to play with her as they were afraid of her.

I became a teacher assistant when I did my internship, and one of my duties was to be Kayla’s helper. I had to accompany her during the

lessons so that she would be able to follow the lessons. I found it was not easy to deal with the autistic student and thought there must be special ways to handle her. Because of that, I choose to discuss the topic “Dealing with an Autistic Child at TK Tiara Bunda” for my term paper. In this term paper I will analyze the problem critically and systematically, in order that the solutions to the problem can be found out.

B. Identification of the Problem

What I am going to analyze in this paper is formulated in these questions:



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2. How did the difficulties affect my working performance? 3. How should I overcome the difficulties?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are three objectives of the study. First, by writing this term paper, I hope I can find the causes of difficulties in dealing with the autistic student at TK Tiara Bunda. Second, I aim at finding out how my difficulties affected my working performance. Third, I would like to find out the best ways to overcome my difficulties.

I also hope that the term paper can be beneficial for the readers and give some knowledge about how to deal with autistic students. Hopefully, the institution can also get helpful information to handle autistic students there. As for me, this study enriches my knowledge on how to handle students with special needs. Hopefully, this term paper can be useful and give the benefit for everyone who read it.

D. Description of the Institution


TIiara Bunda opened Kindergarten classes for children aged four to five years, with the motto "BERMAIN SERAYA BELAJAR".

TK Tiara Bunda also has the vision to be the top choice of qualified education with the emphasis on the formation of character, intelligence, creativity, innovation and devotion to God Almighty. TK TIARA BUNDA has three missions, the first mission is to develop qualified human resources that are reliable, independent, confident, responsible and civilized. The second mission is to create an atmosphere of learning which is safe, convenient, and structured to support the achievement of educational goals. The last mission is to continue to seek educational services according to the needs of the society and the demands of time.

E. Method of the Study

I apply two methods in conducting the study. The first is field research through observation, which was done during my internship. The data gathered from the observation are recorded in my internship journal. Secondly, I do library research to gain theories to support my analysis, by looking for reference books and Internet websites that are related with my topic.

F. Limitation of the Study



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January 7th to February 16th, 2013. My working hours were 8am - 10am.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper begins with the Abstract that contains a summary of this term paper in Indonesian. Then it is followed by Acknowledgements, which contains my gratitude to those who have helped me in the

completion of this term-paper. After Acknowledgements, there is Table of Contents followed by four chapters. Chapter I is an introduction to the analysis, which consists of Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study, Description of the




Being a teacher assistant in TK Tiara Bunda is not as easy as I thought before, especially when I have to deal with an autistic student. In dealing with the autistic student, I have some difficulties. In the analysis on chapter II, I have found three causes and two effects of my difficulties in dealing with the autistic student. The causes are: I had no experience in teaching an autistic student, I was reluctant to learn from other teacher and I had little knowledge about autism. Furthermore, the difficulties also give some effects, such as: I became stressed out and I was confused of what to do. From my analysis, I have found three potential solutions that might be useful to solve this problem. The first potential solution is I will use visuals when giving instructions and rules. Second, I should often give appraisal to the student. Third, I should know the student’s special interest and make the most of it.

From all the potential solutions above, I think combining all the potential solution will be the best way to solve the problem. The reason why I



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instructions and rules is the best way for autistic student to learn. As written in the previous chapter, many autistic kids are visual thinkers and learners. Most autistic students have difficulties in communication so it will be easier for them to see than to listen. Pictures are like words for them. I also choose to apply the second potential solution because getting

appraisal can motivate not only autistic students but also almost the other students. Giving appraisal can make students more passionate and motivated in learning. Lastly, I also choose the third potential solution because knowing about the student’s interest and making the most of it is really important in helping the autistic student to be attracted to learning. If the teacher gives an exercise like counting and changes the number into something interesting for the students like bears or cars, that is of their interest, the teacher can get their attention and they will look at it and be curious.



Printed sources

Abraham, Michael. Educating the Young Child with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Minnesota, 2008

Electronic sources

Brick, Beverlee. “Advantages & Disadvantages of Visual Aids.” Ehow science and Education. 6 May 2013.

<http://www.ehow.co.uk/list_6142537_advantages-disadvantages-visual- aids.html>

“Centre for Teaching Excellence.” Uwaterloo. 6 May 2013


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“Children with Special Needs.” 211 LA Country. 22 April 2013. <http://www.211la.org/parenting/specialneeds.pdf>

Cirelli, Cheryl. “Tips for Working with Autistic Children”. Love to Know Autism. 2006-2013. 15 April 2013

<http://autism.lovetoknow.com/Tips_for_Working_with_Autistic_Childre n>

Ernspeger, Lori. Keys to success for Teaching Student with Autism. United States of America, 2002. 20 April 2013.

<http://books.google.co.id/books?id=kL8SQuo8v0kC&pg=PR12&lpg=P R12&dq=simpson,+anyone+who+has+ever+attempted+to+work+with+ student+with+autism+can+attest&source=bl&ots=Ca4emr01FO&sig=2 UhmCukxvaxJUikgUNOfqql9DLc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=TGaSUYLGLI2Fkw WVwoGwCA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=simpson%2C%20anyone% 20who%20has%20ever%20attempted%20to%20work%20with%20stu dent%20with%20autism%20can%20attest&f=false>


“Helping Children with Autism.” Helpguide.org. 2013. 25 March 2012. <http://www.helpguide.org/mental/autism_help.htm>

Lepkowska, Dorothy.” Why Don’t You Understand.” TheGuardian. 11 November 2008. 25 March 2013

<http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2008/nov/11/special-needs-autistic- children-education>

Logsdon, Ann. ”Positive Reinforcements - Fix Behavior Problems with Positive Reinforcement.” About.com. 2013. 13 May 2013

<http://learningdisabilities.about.com/od/behaviorproblems/p/reinforcer s.htm>

Lowry, Lauren. "Good job!" Is Praising Young Children a Good idea?. The Hanen Centre. 2011. 14 May 2013


“Making Learning Fun for Autistic Children.” Sensory Processing Disorders. 16 April 2013


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Meador, Derrick. “Teacher to Teacher Communication.” About.com. 2013. 6 June 2013.


“Programs and Strategies for Positive Behavior: School-Wide Programs & Strategies: Positive Reinforcement.” Emstac. 13May 2013.

<http://www.emstac.org/registered/topics/posbehavior/schoolwide/posit ive.htm>

“Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence.” Schreyer Institute. 2013. 22 April 2013.


“Students with Autism: Take Advantage of Special Interests and Strengths.” KidCompanions. 14 Maret 2013. 16 May 2013

<http://kidcompanions.com/students-with-autism-take-advantage-of-special-interests-and-strengths/ >



“Teaching Autism Students in Inclusive Classrooms.” Child-Autism-Parent-Cafe.com. 2005-2013.12 May 2013.

<http://www.child-autism-parent-cafe.com/autism-students-in-inclusive-classrooms.html >

“Visual Supports.” The National Autistic Society. 2003. 6 May 2013. <http://www.autism.org.uk/~/media/nas/documents/living-with-autism/visual%20supports.ashx>


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