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Energy and Protein Retention of Local Rabbit Housed in Different Cages.


Academic year: 2017

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Energy and Protein Retention of

Local Rabbit Housed in Different



I. M . Nuriyasa, I.M . M astika,

I.G. M ahardika, I.W . Kasa

and I G. Ag. I. Aryani

I SSN 097 0- 4973 ( Print)

I SSN 231 9- 3077 ( Online/ Electronic)

I ndex Copernicus I nternational Value

I C Value of Journal 4.21 ( Poland, Europe) ( 2 012) Global I mpact factor of Journal: 0.587 ( 20 1 2)

Scientific Journals I mpact Factor: 2.597

J. Biol. Chem. Research

Volume 31 ( 2) 2014 Pages No. 800- 80 7

Journal of

Biological and

Chemical Research

( An I nternational Journal of Life Sciences and Chemistry)

Indexed, Abstracted and Cited: Index Copernicus International (Europe), Universal Impact Factor, Polish M inistry of Science and Higher Education (Poland, Europe) Research Bible (Japan), Scientific Journals Impact Factor M aster List, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI),Indian Science. In, Database Electronic Journals Library (Germany), Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, CAS, J Gate e-Journal Portal, Info Base Index, International Impact Factor Services (IIFS) (Singapore) International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) and Eye Source.


Ms 31/ 1/ 116/ 2014, All rights reserved

Department of Climatology, * *Department of Animal Nutrition, * * *Department of Biology and * * * * Language Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali,



An experiment w as carried out to st udy microclimate, energy and protein retention of local rabbit offered diets w ith different energy and protein level. Sixty four rabbits of five w eek old w ere used in this study and housed in bat tery and underground cages. A split-plot design consisting of tw o main plots: underground shelter (K0) and battery housing systems (K1), four sub plot: diets w it h 2200 kcal M E kg-1 and 14% CP (R1), 2400 kcal M E kg-1 and 15.5% CP (R2), 2600 kcal M E kg-1 and 17% CP (R3), 2800 kcal M E kg-1 and 18.5% CP (R4) w ith four replicates used in each of experiment. The results show ed that underground shelter cage had low er temperatures and humidity (P<0.05) than the battery cage. Rabbits housed in underground shelter had higher energy retention (P<0.05) t han those housed in battery cages. Rabbit housed in underground shelter had low er heat production t han those housed in battery cages (85.51 kcal M E W0,75d-1 vs. 120.68 kcal M E W0,75d-1). Diets R3 fed to local male rabbits had underground shelter cage found efficient use of energy and protein for grow t h.

Keyw ords: Local Rabbit, M icroclimate, Energy Retention, Under Ground Shelter cage and Battery cage.


Energy and Protien………...……….Different Cages Nuriyasa et. al., 2014


Rabbit is an ideal sm all livest ock ent erprise for rural area, especially in developing count ries. These are due t o t he fact t hat rabbit husbandry has som e advant ages t hat are prolific and relat ively odorless and need less space. Based on econom ic considerat ions, several developing count ries have chosen rabbit as a source of anim al prot ein t o provide anim al prot ein needs of t he com m unit y (M ailafia et al., 2010). Rabbit product ion in hot clim at e regions has som e w ork t hrough physiological process such as increased pulse rat e, rect al and skin t em perat ure, respirat ion rat e and gasping. This energy loss reduced t he overall efficiency of nut rient ut ilizat ion for product ion and increase heat out put for energy m aint enance. A com binat ion of high t em perat ure and hum idit y is very st ressfully t o m ost rabbit and affect s energy and prot ein ret ent ion in t he body of t he rabbit (Prasad et al., 1996). Current experim ent w as carried out undert akes t o st udy and provide addit ional inform at ion for rabbit husbandry part icularly, on m icroclim at e and energy ret ent ion on local rabbit housed at different cages and offered diet s w it h different energy and prot ein level in low land t ropical regions.


While t hose housed underground shelt er has sim ilar size t han t hose house in bat t ery cage.


The fresh body from each t reat m ent w as chopped, ground using m eat grinder, t han t he ground t abulat ed, and analyzed using analysis of variance. Whenever significant ly differences am ong t reat m ent w ere found, analysis w ill be cont inued using Duncan’s M ult iple Range Test (St eel and Torrie, 1980). object m ade higher object t em perat ure. There w as no significant difference (P> 0.05) of solar radiat ion int ensit y in different cages, indicat ing t hat t em perat ure differences bet w een rabbit house. M et abolic heat produced, by t he rabbit consum ed diet cont ained different energy and prot ein did not affect t he air t em perat ure (Table 2). Sim ilarly, M cNit t et al. (1996) report ed t hat higher energy and prot ein consum pt ion produced higher m et abolic heat on rabbit s.


Energy and Protien………...……….Different Cages Nuriyasa et. al., 2014

Cage vent ilat ion caused air m ovem ent w ell so t he difference of heat from m et abolic rat e differences not accum ulat ed and affect ing t he air t em perat ure. Table 2 also show ed t hat diet ary t reat m ent s did not give significant effect on solar radiat ion int ensit y and air t em perat ure in t he cage so air t em perat ure in cage w here rabbit fed diet s R1, R2, R3 and R4 w ere sim ilar.


1) K0: Under Ground Shelt er Cage K1: Bat t ery Cage

2) Value w it h sam e superscript s in t he sam e row indicat ing no significant difference (P> 0.05) 3) SEM : St andard Error of t he Treat m ent M eans

Table 2. M icro Climates and Nutrient Retent ion by Rabbit Offered Diets w ith Energy and Protein Different.

Variable Treat m ent

R1 R2 R3 R4 SEM

Effect of Different Diets on M icroclimate

Tem perat ure Hum idit y Index (THI) 26,92a 26,92a 26,99a 26,89a 0,06 The int ensit y of solar radiat ion (fc) 6,94a 4,51a 6,06a 7,19a 1,79

Effect of Different Diets on Energy Retention

Energy consum pt ion (kcal d-1) 212,77c 248,92b 286,53a 297,68a 10,42 Fecal Energy (kcal d-1) 57,30b 61,16a 63,53ab 81,27a 0,79 Digest ible Energy (kcal d-1) 155,47c 187,76b 223,00a 216,41a 7,66 M et abolizable Energy (kcal d-1) 147,7c 178,37b 211,85a 205,56a 6,13 Ret ained Energy (kcal d-1) 31,63b 35,64b 60,05a 48,65a 3,59 Heat Product ion (HP) kcalW0,75d-1) 106,86a 111,75a 89,12a 104,64a 9,44 M E Consum pt ion / gain (kcal/ g

gain) 12,84


12,37a 9,99a 11,28a 1,8

Effect of Different Diets on Protein Retention

Prot ein Consum pt ion (g d-1)

7,92d 10,26c 11,78b 13,45a 0,44 Fecal Prot ein Feses (g d-1)

2,01a 2,12a 3,05a 2,60a 0,64 Digest ible Prot ein (g d-1)

5,91c 8,14bb 8,73bb 10,85aa 3,21

Ret ained Prot ein (g d-1) 2,05b 2,68b 4,70a 3,8b 0,15 Weight gain (g d-1) 11.33c 14.14b 18.95a 17.06a 0,72

Effect of Different Diets on Digestibility

Dry M at t er Digest ibilit y (%) 64,38a 68,66a 66,83a 72,21a 3,17 Energy Digest ibilit y (%) 72,76a 75,17a 77,78a 72,97a 3,79 Prot ein Digest ibilit y (%) 75,67a 79,44a 76,00a 82,09a 1,75


At cage (K1), t he relat ionship bet w een m et abolizable energy int akes w it h energy ret ent ion is described by t he regression equat ion (2).

RE = -91.26 + 0.655 M Ei, r = 0,73..………..(2)

This indicat es t hat w hen rabbit is not grow ing (RE = 0) m et abolizable energy requirem ent s w as 139.33 kcal W0,75d-1. Calculat ion on basal m et abolizable energy of rabbit in cage K 1 w as higher t han t hose rabbit in K0. M aint enance energy requirem ent of rabbit s t hat housed in cages K1 w ere higher t han t hose in cage K0. (109.35 kcalW0.75d-1 vs 70.79 kcalW0.75d-1) so t hat t he basal m et abolizable energy needed for t he rabbit s in cage K1 w as higher t han cage K0.


M icro-clim at ic condit ions on t he underground shelt er w as m ore com fort able t han t he bat t ery cage but diet s w it h different energy and prot ein level did not give significant effect (P>0,05) on m icro-clim at ic param et ers m easured. Rabbit s housed in underground shelt er had higher energy ret ent ion t han t hose in t he bat t ery (50 kcal d-1 vs. 37.40 kcal d-1). Energy ret ent ion by rabbit s given diet s cont aining 2600 kcal M E kg-1 and 17% CP (R3) , 2800 kcal M E kg-1 and 18.50% CP (R4) w ere higher t han t hose diet s cont aining 2400 kcal M E kg-1 and 15.50% CP (R2) and 2200 kcal M E kg-1 w it h 14% CP (R1).


The aut hors w ish t o t hank t o t he Indonesian governm ent t hrough Udayana Com m unit y Service (LPPM ), w ho gave financial support t o com plet e t his w ork. Thanks t o t he Facult y of Anim al Husbandry, Udayana Universit y and Facult y of Post Graduat e St udy w ho had provided equipm ent and research facilit ies during t his st udy.


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Corresponding author: Dr. I. M . Nuriyasa, Depart m ent of Clim at ology, Udayana Universit y, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Email:m adenuriyasa@yahoo.com, Phone: 085739571118


Table 2. M icro Climates and Nutrient Retention by Rabbit Offered Diets with Energy and Protein Different


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