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i THESIS Presented to

State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For Bachelor Degree (S.Pd) English Education Department Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty











THESIS Presented to

State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For Bachelor Degree (S.Pd) English Education Department Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

By Siti Hoiriah SRN. T20186036

Approval by Advisor

Nina Sutrisno, M.Pd NIP. 198007122015032001




Has been tested and accepted to State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for Bachelor Degree (S.Pd) English Education Department Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

Day: Thursday

Date: 29th of December, 2022










Meaning: Everyone has some course he steers by, so compete in [doing] good deeds. Q.S Al- Baqarah (148)-

Kementrian Agama RI: Ummul Mukminin Al-Qur’an dan Terjemah untuk Wanita (Jakarta Selatan: Penerbit Wali, 2012)



DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to:

1. My beloved parents, my dad Juhari and my mom Sri Wahyuni who have cared for me and allowed me to receive education up to Bachelor Degree and always give me everything for my whole life.

2. My dearest brother and sisters, Moch Arifin, Aisy, Afif, Ike who always bring happiness in our big family.

3. My uncle Giyat and my aunty Yati who always support me everything what I do.

4. My supporting cycle, Mudabbiroh sufla, a’la, wustho, and Elmi, thank you for always giving me spirit in living every phrases of my daily life, to keep stronger in this life.

5. My classmates of English Department “Excellent Class” or TBI 01 and other friends who have accompanied me in the process of becoming a better person.




All praises be to Allah the almighty who has given me everything we need long our life. Peace and salutation may always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the misleading era into the bright and blessed era. And we always wait for his help in the doomsday or the day of Qiyamah later.

All praises be to Allah the almighty for all his wishes so that the author can complete a thesis entitled “The Effectiveness of Participation Point System in Learning English Speaking of Second Grade Students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al-Qodiri 1 Jember” to achieve the undergraduate degree of English Education Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember.

The author aware that this thesis will never finish without any helps and supports from others during the process of writing. Therefore in this occasion, the author would like to thankful to:

1. Prof. Babun Suharto, S.E, M.M as the rector of State Islamic University of KH Achmad Siddiq Jember who has facilitated us during this undergraduate study.

2. Prof. Dr. Hj. Mukni’ah as the dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty who has permitted me to have this research.

3. Dr. Rif’an Humaidi, M.Pd as the head of Department of Education and Language who has permitted me to have this research.

4. As’ari, M.Pd.I as the head of Undergraduate Program in English Education Department who has permitted me to have this research.



5. Mrs. Nina Sutrisno, M.Pd as my advisor who has helped me a lot in having this research.

6. Mrs. Tutik Handayani, S.Sos, as the validator of my speaking test of second grade at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al-Qodiri 1 Jember.

7. Mrs. Faizatun Nikmah, S.Pd, as the English teacher of the second grade students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al-Qodiri 1 Jember who helped me in collecting data of this research.

8. All of people who have participated on this process.

May Allah SWT repay all the kindness of people who have helped author in this process. However, the author understands that this thesis is far from perfect, but hopefully it will be useful for readers and future researchers.

Jember, 25th of December 2022

Siti Hoiriah SRN. T2086116



Siti Hoiriah. 2022. The Effectiveness of Participation Point System in Learning English Speaking of Second Grade Students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember.

Keywords: Participation Point System, Speaking Skill

It was found that the average speaking score of students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al-Qodiri 1 Jember was under Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM), it was about 71.32. It drove the researcher to conduct the student’s score by implementing the effectiveness of Participation Point System research in speaking of second grade students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember.

The problem of this research was formulated as “Is there any significant effect of Participation Point System in learning English speaking at second grade students of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember?.” On the basis of this question, the research objective was “to find out whether there was any significant effect of Participation Point System in teaching English speaking at second grade students of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember”.

The research method of this research was quantitative- quasi experimental design type nonequivalent control group, which the researcher used two classes for sample; the experimental class and the control class. The research sample was 21 students of VIII F (as experiment class) and 22 students VIII E (as control class) which was taken by using random sampling technique. The techniques of data collection was test consist of pre-test and post-test.

In analyzing the data, the researcher used SPSS Statistic 25 version. The result showed that the mean score from Experimental posttest was 83.14 while the pre-test score was 71.86, so from that scores there were improvement. Then the result from Sig. (2-tailed) obtained from post-test result between experimental class and control class was 0.025, it revealed that the result of Sig. (2-tailed) was

< 0.05. From the data presented it can be concluded that alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected which means there was an effect of Participation Point System to student’s speaking skill at second grade of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember in academic year 2022/2023.




Cover ... i

Approval ... ii

Approval Examiners ... iii

Motto ... iv

Dedication ... v

Acknowledgement ... vi

Abstract ... viii

Table of Contents ... ix

List of Tables ... xi


A. Research Background... 1

B. Research Question ... 4

C. Research Objective... 4

D. Research Significance ... 5

E. Problem Limitation ... 5

F. Definition of Key Term ... 6

G. Hypothesis ... 6

H. Structure Reports ... 7


A. Previous Research ... 9

B. Theoretical Framework ... 13




A. Research Method ... 25

B. Population and Sampling Techniques ... 26

C. Technique of Collecting Data and Research Instrument... 26


A. Overview of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember ... 33

B. Description of Data ... 34

C. Data Analysis ... 41

D. Hypothesis Testing ... 54

E. Discussion ... 55

CHAPTER V ... 60

A. Conclusion ... 60

B. Suggestion ... 60




Table 2.2 Table of Generic Structure ... 24

Table 3.1 the Scoring Rubric System of Speaking Test... 28

Table 4.1 Descriptive Text Score of Pre-Test in Experiment Class ... 38

Table 4.2 Descriptive Text Score of Pre-Test in Control Class ... 39

Table 4.3 Descriptive Text Score of Post-Test in Experiment Class ... 41

Table 4.4 Descriptive Text Score of Post-Test in Control Class ... 43

Table 4.5 the Data of 2 Classes Studied ... 45

Table 4.6 Display Data Description Output ... 47

Table 4.7 the Interpretation of Cohen’s Kappa ... 50

Table 4.8 Data of Try-out of Test Class ... 51

Table 4.9 Table of Reliability Test ... 52

Table 4.10 the Normality Data Output ... 53

Table 4.11 the Homogeneity Data Output ... 54

Table 4.12 Output Data of Independent Sample T-test... 55



Someone can be said fluent in English if they can speak or explain something using English properly. Whereas it is reasonable to assume that Indonesian students have been studying English, including speaking, for approximately six years. In fact as existed among students of second grade in Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember many of them still have low scores in speaking. They were given a lot of speaking materials by their teacher but even after that, many of them still found it difficult to speak up. It was observed that students intended to communicate in English but was unable to do it.

Speaking skills are in some ways linked to the motivation of the students themselves.1 Furthermore, students who are interested in learning and speaking English will find their motivation increases. Some of them believe that learning a foreign language is little bit difficult and there are few opportunities to apply those skills in their everyday lives. Therefore, the researcher believes that there is a need to develop a suitable technique to assist students in developing self-confidence and feeling more motivated in their conversation class to increase their score. So it is interesting to apply Participation Point System based on passive students in Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember.

1 Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece., Motivation in Education : Theory, Research, and Applications.



Based on previous research, it was found that some of the students thought that the Participation Point System was successful in motivating them to ask questions, answers question, express ideas, and offer to speak during classroom activities.2 Jeffrey has found that the Participation Point System has a positive effect, which does not control the students but rather encourages them to reduce their anxiety level in order to communicate effectively in the class.3

According to Government of Republic Indonesia Number 32 of 2013 about Amendment to Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 about National Standard of Education, article 771 Section (1) Sub c point 3 explain that in order to educate the life of the nation, a national commitment is required to improve the quality and competitiveness of the nation through regulation of Graduate Competency Standards, content standards, process standards, and assessment standards, as well as rearranging the curriculum.

With this regulation, many schools in Indonesia require their students to speak English in their daily activities.4 Therefore, in studying English students have to learn English skills. There were four skills in English;

listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is the basic language skill when teaching English as a foreign language in schools. Therefore, speaking is used more often than other skills because with speaking we communicate each other to express opinions and ideas.

2 Raine, “The Use of a Participation Point System to Encourage More Proactive Learner Participation in Japanese University English Classes.”

3 David McLachlan Jeffrey, “A Participation Points System to Help Passive Students Communicate.”

4 Arsyad, Instructional Media. 1


According Linse said that speaking activities are important parts for young learners in classroom.5 Furthermore, some difficulties in mastering speaking skill it is caused by many factors. One of them is teaching strategy, especially for students such as afraid of making mistakes, lack of motivating so that they’re passive in classroom activity. There was several teaching technique that can be used in classroom to increase students speaking skill.

Based on the result observation in Junior High School of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember the researcher found that its school practiced daily conversation in English language, but some students have little bit interest in learning English especially speaking skill, they feel learning English is difficult to understand and lack of confidence to speak English. Hence, the researcher discusses to teacher and recommended it to use this method Participation Point System.

To solve this matter, an alternative method is needed to make the point of the participation becomes visible, so student can see clearly and then evaluate their progress in every meeting.6 Based on the statement above, the researcher introduced a method in teaching English called Participation Point System.

Participation Point System is a method created by Hadley. The purpose of this method is for having an effective way to measure the student participation score to see the progress of the student especially in English

5 Caroline T. Linse, Practical English Language Teaching Young Learners. 52

6 Gregory Hadley, “Encouraging Oral Communication in the EFL Classroom.”


speaking abilities and to familiarize students with the speakers. So Hadley creates a method that makes the point for student participation tangible.7

The focus of this method is not to earn points for each correct answer or good grammar, but to encourage students to participate in learning classroom. Therefore, this method does not focus on the competence, but on their participation. To see if Participation Point System method can be implemented in junior school learning in Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember, the application of this method is studied.

Hence, the researcher had an interest in investigation this study entitled

“The Effectiveness of Participation Point System in Learning English Speaking of Second Grade Students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember”

B. Research Question

Based on research background, the research question is formulated as follows:

Is there any significant effect of Participation Point System in learning English speaking at second Grade students of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember?

C. Research Objective

Based on the research question above, the objective of research is formulated as follows:

7 Gregory Hadley. 6


To find out whether there is a significant effect of using Participation Point System in learning English speaking at second Grade students of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember.

D. Research Significance

The result of this research is expected to be useful information for teaching English speaking skill. In this case, the researcher specified the result of this research as follows:

1. For English teacher, this study can be alternative method of learning process using Participation Point System in second Grade students especially in teaching English speaking skill.

2. For writer, this result of this research will be presented to State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember in fulfillment of the requirements for bachelor’s degree (S.Pd) in English education program.

And this research help writer to get new experience in teaching method of speaking skill.

3. For other researcher the result finding of this research can be an overview of teaching method so that the next researcher can find new gap for example focus on writing skill and can develop other effective way in teaching method strategies.

E. Problem Limitation

The researcher conducted two variables. They were independent and dependent variable. The Independent variable is Participation Point System, and the dependent variable is Speaking skill.


F. Definition of Key Term

In order to clarify the key term used in this research study, some definitions are put forward:

1. Speaking skill

Speaking is a skill which deserve attention every bit as much as literary skill, in both first and second language.8 Most people believe that mastering speaking is the most crucial component of learning as second or foreign language, and that success is determined by one's capacity to have a conversation in that language. In this situation, language is a crucial tool that must be created in order to convey our expression, feelings, or thoughts in daily life.

2. Participation Point System

The participation point system is a method of motivating classroom participation, particularly communicative participation by providing students with something tangible (such as discs, marbles, poker chips, etc.) while activities are underway to represent their participation scores.9

G. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the problem formulation. Because it is still temporary, it is necessary to prove the truth through collected empirical data. In this research, the researcher proposed a hypothesis will be tested namely alternative hypothesis (Ha) while the opposite is null hypothesis (H0).

8 Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. 6

9 Gregory Hadley, “Encouraging Oral Communication in the EFL Classroom.” 3


Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that hypotheses is a temporary answer of the problem.

1. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant effect of Participation Point System to students’ speaking skill at second Grade of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant effect of Participation Point System to students’ speaking skill at second Grade of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember

H. Structure Report

There are five chapters in this research and each chapter has several sub- chapters. Generally, a research had three parts. There were initial part, core part, and final part that would be explained below:

The first is initial part. It concludes the research title, approval sheet, ratification sheet, motto, dedication, acknowledgement, abstract, table of content, and list of table.

The second is the core part. It concludes:

1. Chapter I discusses about the introduction of thesis. It consists of research background, problem statement, research objective, research significance, definition of key term, hypothesis and structure of the report.

2. Chapter II discusses about review of related literature which consist of previous research, and theoretical framework.

3. Chapter III discusses the research methodology.

4. Chapter IV discusses the findings and discussion.


5. Chapter V discusses the conclusion and suggestion.

The third is final part which includes references, statement of authenticity of writing, and appendixes which are consisting of research matrix, bibliography of researcher, declaration sheet, and sheets of analysis.




There were some studies which had conducted the previously that prove the originality of this study. The researcher use the previous study related to the use participation point system method in teaching.

First, the study which conducted by Mughfiroh Nur Faisa entitled:

“The use of Participation Point System method to improve students’ speaking ability at the eighth grade in MTs DDI Kaballangang in academic year 2018/2019”. The research method used was quantitative pre experimental design which is consisting of pre and posttest. The subject of this research is VIII which consisted of 13 students. The sample was taken by random sampling technique. So this research aimed to know whether the use of Participation Point System can improve students’ speaking ability. It showed from the result of mean score of posttest 75.62 was more that the pre-test 39.42. Then, the improvement of students’ speaking ability is 37.30. The level significance (p) 5% and df = 12, the value of table is 1782 and the value of t- test is 10.71. It means that the t-test value is more than t-table 10.71> 1.782.10

Another study was belonged to Amelia, Dalle, Setiadi by the title: “The use of Participation Point System in teaching English speaking skill at seventh grade of SMP Negeri 4 Baraka Enrekang Regency”. This research aimed to find out the improvement of students’ pronunciation and self-confidence. The

10 Faisa, “The Use of Participation Point System to Improve the Students Speaking Ability at the Second Grade Students in MTS DDI Kaballangang Pinrang.”



researcher used class action research design which is consisting of 4 stages;

planning, action, observation and reflection. It had 2 cycles, the research subject consist of 20 students of VIIB. At last the result showed that the mean score of diagnostic test was 5.22 which categorized poor while mean score in cycle 1 was 5.34. It had significant progress but this result did not reach the determined standard score 7. Then the researcher did the cycle 2 and the result score was 7.00 as categorized good. 11

Third, the study was belonged to Andi Asri Jumiati and A. Sri Asrina on the title: “Improving the Students Speaking Ability through Participation Point System on tenth grade students of SMA PGRI Sungguminasa 2011/2012”. In their research was aimed at finding out the improvement of students’ speaking accuracy and fluency through Participation Point System in teaching speaking. The research method used was class action research design consisting of 4 stages, and it had 2 cycles. It showed that at the latest progress in cycle II had improvement on the tenth grade students’ speaking ability on both accuracy and fluency in English teaching using PPS at SMA PGRI Sungguminasa 2011/2012. 12

Then the fourth belonged to Muhammad Ihsan, Asnawi Muslem, Zulfadli A. Aziz entitled:” Using Participation Point System in Teaching Speaking Skill at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh”. In their research the participants for this research were 30 non- English first year students in an

11 Amelia, Dalle, and Setiadi, “The Use of Participation Point System in Teaching English Speaking Skill (a Classroom Action Research at Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Baraka Enrekang Regency.” 84

12 Jumiati and Asrina, “Improving the Students Speaking Ability through Participation Point System on Tenth Grade Students of SMA PGRI Sungguminasa.” 7


EFL conversation class at UIN Ar- Raniry Banda Aceh. Tests and a questionnaire were used to collect the data. The findings from the research showed that the PPS can help the students improve their speaking skills more than the discussion technique in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and expression.13

The last based on Nilam Cahya Kasman, Andi Tenri Ampa, and Farisha Ampa Baso entitles: “The Effectiveness of Using Participation Point System Method in Teaching English at the Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar 2020/2021” in Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar Indonesia. In their research focus on developing writing and speaking skill, and the researcher used pre- experimental design. The sample consisted of 20 students which were taken by using total sampling technique.

The research findings showed that the post-test mean score in writing and speaking were higher than pre-test. The t-test analysis also showed that Sig.2- tailed is 0.005 which is smaller than α = 0.05 it means that there was a significant difference of students’ writing and speaking skill before and after using Participation Point System method.14


14 Cahya Kasman, Tenri Ampa, and Andi Baso, “The Effectiveness of Using Participation Point System in Teaching English at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar.”


Table 2.1

The Similarities and Differences of those researchers and this research were presented in the following table

No Research Title Similarities Differences

1 Mughfiroh Nur Faisa entitled:

“The use of Participation Point System method to improve students’ speaking ability at the eighth grade in MTs DDI Kaballangang”

 Using Participation Point System as learning media

 Using quantitative method

 Using random sampling

 Mughfiroh focus on emphasized the

development of speaking

 The subject of this research was eighth grade junior high school

 Using pre- experiment design

 Location

2 Amelia, Dalle, Setiadi by the title: “The use of

Participation Point System in teaching English speaking skill at seventh grade of SMP Negeri 4 Baraka Enrekang Regency”. Makassar University

 Using Participation Point System as learning media

 Researcher focus on developing speaking skill

 The subject of Amelia’s research is seventh grade students of Junior high school

 Using Class Action Research design

 Location 3 Andi Asri Jumiati, A. Sri

Asrina from Univeristy of Muhammadiyah Makasar.

The title is “Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability Through Participation Point System Method (A Class Action Research on the Tenth Grade Students of SMA PGRI Sungguminasa)

 Using Participation Point System as learning media

 Using speaking competence to emphasized the

development of teaching English speaking

 Andi Asri, A. Sri’s research was Classroom Action Research while this study is quantitative research

 The subject of Andi Asri, A. Sri’s research were students of senior high school while this study is junior high school

 Location 4 Muhammad Ihsan, Asnawi

Muslem, Aziz Zulfadli, entitled “Using the

Participation Point System in Teaching Speaking Skills” at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

 Using Participation Point System as learning media

 Using quantitative method

 The design was quasi experimental (non- equivalent)

 Using pre-test, post-test

 Location

 The subject of Muhammad Ihsan’s research were students of colleges while this study is junior high school


No Research Title Similarities Differences as collecting data

 Using speaking competence to emphasized the

development of teaching English speaking

5 Nilam Cahya Kasman, Andi Tenri Ampa, and Farisha Ampa Baso entitles: “The Effectiveness of Using Participation Point System Method in Teaching English at the Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA

Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar 2020/2021

 Using PPS method

 Using pre- test and post- test

 Using quantitative method

 Using total sampling technique

 Using pre- experimental design

 Focus on writing and speaking competences

 Location

 Subject of this study focus on eleventh grade of Senior high school

Based on the explanation above, it could be seen that some researchers have different object which is same purpose to improve some comprehension using Participation Point System method. Some researchers’ focused in difference grades that will be developed, such as Senior high school, Vocational high school and University. Hence, this research will investigate the effectiveness of Participation Point System in Second grade of Junior high school in speaking comprehension.

B. Theoretical Framework 1. Speaking Skill

Speaking is one of the central elements of communication.15 Thornbury said that speaking is an activity that is carried out spontaneously and in a short time, so the speaker does not need many plans about what will be said. That is why this activity becomes less

15 Thornbury, How to Teach Speaking. 3


complicated.16 In speaking teaching, it is an aspect that needs special attention and instruction. We talk to complete different social activities. In this case, language plays an important role which must be produced to convey our ideas, feeling, and opinion in our life.

Speaking as one of the basic language skill requires communicative competence including pronunciation, grammar, fluency, accuracy, and comprehension skill which are needed to build a good communication.

These items are needed to measure the capability of the student in speaking using appropriate methods. Speaking is a skill which deserve attention every bit as much as literary skill, in both first and second language.17

From some explanation above, the researcher can concluded that speaking is important things for students. It is daily activity that always repeated. From speaking we recognize each other and share some information. Speaking makes people able to communicate and express the relationship in society.

a. Aspect of Speaking

David P. Harris defines speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities, which often develop at the different rates. Either four or five components are generally recognized in analyzing the speech process, they are:18

16 Thornbury. 20

17 Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology A Textbook for Teacher. 39

18 Harris, Testing English as a Second Language. 81-82


1) Pronunciation

If students want to be able to speak fluently in English, they need to be able pronounce phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation patterns and speak in connected speech. The speaker must be able to articulate the word, and create the physical sounds that carry meaning.

2) Grammar

It is obvious that in order be able to speak foreign language, it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary. Grammar is the sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them to form new sentence. Therefore, grammar is very important in speaking because if the speakers do not mastering grammar structure, they cannot speak English well.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a basic element is language. Vocabulary is single words, phrases, variable phrase, phrasal verbs, and idioms. It is clear that limited vocabulary mastery makes conversation virtually impossible.

4) Fluency

In simple terms, fluency is the ability to talk freely without too much stopping or hesitating. Fluency can be thought of as the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously. When


speaking fluently students should be able to get the message across with whatever resources and abilities they have got, regardless of grammatical and other mistakes.

5) Comprehension

The last speaking element is comprehension.

Comprehension is discussed by both speakers because comprehension can make people getting the information that they want. Comprehension is defined as the ability to understand something by a reasonable comprehension of the subject or as the knowledge of what a situation is really like.19

Based on above explanation, it can be inferred that there were five elements needed for spoken production they are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

We do not only need one or two vocabularies but also as many as we can memorize and understand it. We need many vocabularies to speak with other people. Sometimes some people say that grammar is not necessary but we can see if we do not understand grammar, how people can understand us. Good pronunciation is also necessary for our communication. So, all of elements are needed to produce spoken production well and make good communication for us.

19 Harris. 81-82


C. Participation Point System 1. Definition

Participation Point System is a method created by Headley in 1997 and developed by Jeffrey in 2003. Both of them did these researches in Japan. The Participation Point System is a technique of motivating classroom participation, particularly communicative participation by providing students with something tangible while activities are underway to represent their participation scores.20 It’s a way of encouraging students to get the confidence they need to be able to communicate in the classroom. It can assist some passive students to become more active and to communicate in classroom.

The purpose of this method is to have an effective method to measure a participation of student and to see the students’ progress.21 However teachers usually write the point for active students secretly in teacher’s notes. It is important to have a method that makes the point of student’s participation become visible so students can see clearly and then evaluate their progress in every meeting.

According to Hadley the Participation Point System is a method in motivating classroom participation especially communicative participates, by giving students something tangible such as discs, marbles, poker chips, etc.22 Jumiati & Asrina also believed that PPS method can improve the

20 David McLachlan Jeffrey, “Participation Points System to Encourage Classroom Communication.” 23

21 Jumiati and Asrina, “Improving the Students Speaking Ability through Participation Point System on Tenth Grade Students of SMA PGRI Sungguminasa.”

22 Gregory Hadley, “Encouraging Oral Communication in the EFL Classroom.”


students’ speaking skills in grammar and vocabulary as well as in fluency.23

2. Step of Participation Point System

Teaching speaking using Participation Point System can be used in many kinds of ways as follows:24

a. Desirable behaviors (answering or asking questions, giving opinions, volunteering for activities, etc.) are assigned a point

b. Students who engage in desirable behaviors are rewarded with a physical representation of the point value (marbles)

c. At the end of each lesson, the number of points received by each student is calculated

d. Special prizes are awarded at the end of each semester for the students with the most point

e. The value of points may also count toward students’ final grades.

It means active participation is a must for every student, which communicating daily expectations are must for every teacher. This participation points system combines these in a measurable, visual way.

Each class activity is assigned a number of points that students can earn as they complete tasks. As students engage in the activities, they write on their grids the points they earn by participating. Just before the class ends,

23 Jumiati and Asrina, “Improving the Students Speaking Ability through Participation Point System on Tenth Grade Students of SMA PGRI Sungguminasa.”

24 Raine, “The Use of a Participation Point System to Encourage More Proactive Learner Participation in Japanese University English Classes.” 94


the students write their total for that day. These can be then used for giving daily, weekly or semester long participation grades.

The intention of the participation point system is to reward students in a simple tangible way. The best form of praise is rewarding them immediately with participation point that they can actually see and touch, and making these participation points an important part of the grading process.25 The idea of this method is how to make students participation become tangible so that students can evaluate their progress. Participation Point Systems can be highly effective in helping students overcome their anxieties and become more proactive language learners.26

In addition, the Participation Point System aims to overcome the students’ passivity by giving students something on the spot that lets them know immediately of their progress. Students then feel an immediate sense of achievement which is needed to encourage them to speak more, and to use their imagination.27 According to those theories and the purpose of this research which focus on classroom observation especially in student’s verbal participation and performance orientation, it can be concluded that Participation Point System is a method that can make students’ active in their class by giving them something tangible in order to make them know their progress in learning process.

25 Gregory Hadley, “Encouraging Oral Communication in the EFL Classroom.”

26 Raine, “The Use of a Participation Point System to Encourage More Proactive Learner Participation in Japanese University English Classes.” 96

27 David McLachlan Jeffrey, “Participation Points System to Encourage Classroom Communication.” 8


3. Advantages of Participation Point System

Participation point system is undoubtedly motivating teaching method. However, in implementing some teaching method there was some advantages and disadvantages, it also in implementing the PPS. According to Jeffrey the advantages of using the PPS have undoubtedly outweighed the disadvantages.

There were some advantages of using PPS, such as: its tangibility, very helpful for students in overcoming their passivity, made classes easier to teach, it easier to help students understand certain things and it also cuts down on necessary teacher talking time, and giving more time to students to talking. 28

4. Disadvantages of Participation Point System

The disadvantages of PPS, it is take a lot of energy to move around the classroom distributing points. According to Joelle Harris, PPS has transformed his class from passive participants to active and engaged learners.29 The contrast in his students before and after the system has taught him that all students, even high achievers, can benefit from external motivation. Furthermore this method is quite easy and simple. The method is also easy and does not cost too much money.

5. The Implementation of Participation Point System

Based on Jeffrey Participation Points System is a very simple and very effective method in motivating students to overcome their passivity.30 He stated that there were many ways of practically applying the PPS. The

28 David McLachlan Jeffrey, “A Participation Points System to Help Passive Students Communicate.” 2

29 David McLachlan Jeffrey. 3

30 David McLachlan Jeffrey, “Participation Points System to Encourage Classroom Communication.” 8


teachers can decide what they want to use and what scores they want to assign. He said that different color can also represent different scores.

Hadley in Jeffrey stated that in 1996 he used cardboard coupons, and in 1997 he used poker chips to represent the participation points.

Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that the teacher arranged this method as what they want. While this research will be used marbles as the media in PPS method and in the first section, the teacher walks around the classroom to check each student’s attendance list, then the teacher introduce them this method of PPS and explain them the material of descriptive text. Therefore, the teacher will ask them some question according to the material and the teacher will write someone who answers or giving opinion about the question and gives one point and one marble to each student who has expresses their answer.

Additionally, students who volunteer to answer a question while their task/ questions are being checked and get one additional point or more if they elaborate the answer. Afterwards the task checking only takes around five minutes. Before the end class, each student’s participation score is counted by collecting all marbles. Even if a student has a wrong answer, that students will keep the participation point because a point is given mainly for making an effort to communicate in the classroom, and not primarily for correct answers.

In this PPS method, the basic behavior rewarded with points are answering or asking questions, giving opinions, and volunteering for activities, other behaviors are assigned a point value if students are very


reluctant to participate, the point value of behaviors can be increased as required.

Based on the explanation above Hadley claimed that Participation Point System is a method of motivating classroom participation by giving students something tangible such as discs, marbles, etc.31 Therefore this research will use something tangible with some marbles, so if they are participate in classroom by answering the question, quiz, giving opinion, etc. They will get score by mark them some marbles. In the end of the class they will know their progress in every meeting.

D. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of Descriptive Text

Writing that provides a detailed description of certain thing is known as a descriptive text. It defines specific things like people, animals, places, or stuff like our pets or well-known people. In this learning exercise, we'll concentrate more on defining people, animals, or well-known locales close including our school, friends etc. Some examples of descriptive text can be found online, in books, or in films.

Based on the definition above, the researcher concludes that descriptive text is possible to say that serves an explanation what an object or person is like, including its form, characteristics, and quantity. A person or an item, whether abstract or concrete, must be described, represented, or revealed in a descriptive text.

31 Gregory Hadley, “Encouraging Oral Communication in the EFL Classroom.”


b. Social Function Descriptive Text

Generally, the main function of a descriptive text is to describe an object. Specifically, a descriptive text has these following functions:

1) Giving information about a particular object by describing its features and special characteristics;

2) Giving information about a particular object by describing its physical attributes, behavior, functions, etc.32

c. Generic Structure

The generic structure of a descriptive text consists of two main parts:

identification or general statement and description.33 2.2 Table of Generic Structure


Identification Identification introduces and identifies specific objects (a person, thing, place, animal, or event) intended to be described.

It is used to gives a general idea about the object we want to describe.

Description Description describes the intended objects using descriptive details or information about the objects’ characteristics, appearances, personality, habits, or qualities.

d. Example of Descriptive Text

My Lovely Cat

I have a stray cat as my pet. It is really playful. It loved to play with me and the new things it found. It has orange and white fur, its fur is so soft

32 Nurjaman, “Module Descriptive Text, Describing Famous Places in the World.” 3

33 Nurjaman. 4


and I like to rubs it for it. It has a long tail. It likes to play with it. It is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold it in my hand, when I hold it, it will fall asleep.


Hi, I am Erica. Today I want to tell about my best friend, Dinda. Dinda is special. I like her spontaneous nature. She is young, beautiful, and lively; she is slim and active. She often wears colorful clothes. Do you see her picture? She wears a green shirt and her favorite jeans. She has a creative mind: students love her passionate outlook on life.




This type of research is quantitative research quasi- experimental nonequivalent control group design.According to David Nunan there are three type experiments which are pre-experimental, quasi-experimental and true experimental. “First is pre-experiment that may have pre- and point treatment, but lacks of control group. Second is quasi- experiment used by the writer in this research that has both pre- and posttest and experimental and control group, but no random assignment of subject. And the third is true experiment that also has pre- and posttest experiment with random assignment of subject.34

Quasi-experiments are best used to predict the states that can be reached through experiments. The research is conducted by making two groups, those are experiment and control. The first step is to provide initial testing for groups of two classes. The experimental class is given learning using the Participation Point System method and the other group as a control group which got conventional method and this research will use audio lingual method for the control group. At the end of the activity, a posttest will be given to both classes.

34 Nunan, Research Methods in Language Learning. 41



B. Population and Sampling Technique 1. Population

The population is a generalization area consisting of objects/

subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by the researcher to be studied. Based on this definition, the population of this research was all of second/8th grade of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember which is consists of 6 classes (VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, VIII D, VIII E, VIII F). The total number of the population was 156 students.

2. Sample

A small part of the population that is taken according to certain procedures so it can represent the population it’s called sample. The sampling technique used in this research was random sampling. Thus, to choose the sample, the researcher raffled the eight classes (second grade) and then VIII F was chosen as experimental class consisting of 21 students. Afterward, the researcher took VIII E as control class consisting 22 students.

C. Technique of Collecting Data

The technique of collecting data used in this research was test. The test consists of pre-test and post-test.

1. Test

The test is a tool to measure a student's ability by answering several related questions. The form of the test used oral test, the oral test is divided


into pre-test and post-test. The researcher gives pre-test in the first meeting and post-test in the last meeting. The researcher is design the items for speaking test and used the individually interaction. In this oral test, the researcher divided the score into five criteria based on scoring procedure that suggested by David P. Harris, as follow:35

Table 3.1 the Scoring Rubric System of Speaking No

Criteria Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 Has few traces of foreign language 4 Always intelligible, thought one is

conscious of a definite accent

3 Pronunciation problem necessities

concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding

2 very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be asked to repeat

1 Pronunciation problem to serve as to make speech virtually unintelligible

2 Grammar

5 Make few noticeable error of grammar and word order

4 Occasionally makes grammatical and or word order error that do not, however obscure meaning

3 Make frequent error of grammar and word order, which occasionally obscure meaning

2 Grammar and word order error make comprehension difficult, must often rephrases sentence


Errors in grammar and word order, so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible

3 Vocabulary 5 Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of native speaker

35 Harris, Testing English as a Second Language. 81-82


4 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must rephrases ideas because of lexical and equalities

3 Frequently uses the wrong word

conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

2 Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary makes comprehension quite difficult

1 Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible

4 Fluency

5 Speech as fluent and effort less as that of native speaker

4 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problem 3 Speed and fluency are rather strongly

affected by language problem

2 Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language limitation

1 Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible

5 Comprehension

5 Appears to understand everything without difficulty

4 Understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasionally repetition may be necessary

3 Understand most of what is said at slower than normal speed without repetition 2 Has great difficulty following what is said.

1 Cannot be said to understand even simple conversation

Then, the interpretation of grading system was as follows:

Identification of the scores. If the student's score was:

5, so 5 x 4 = 20 4, so 4 x 4 = 16 3, so 3 x 4 = 12 2, so 2 x 4 = 8 1, so 1 x 4 = 4


For example:

A student got 5 in pronunciation, 2 in vocabulary, 3 in grammar, 4 in fluency, and 3 in comprehension. Therefore, the student’s total score would be: pronunciation 5 x 4 = 20, vocabulary 3 x 4 = 12, grammar 2 x 4

= 8, fluency 4 x 4 = 16, comprehension 3 x 4 = 12. It means that the student got 68 for descriptive text.

2. Research Instruments a. Instrument Validity Test

Validity is a measure that shows the level of validity an instrument. An instrument is said to be valid if it has high validity. The instrument validation in this study was carried out by raters or expert judgments to evaluate and assess the quality of the instruments that had been made. The instrument's validity test involving raters or judgments from the experts is carried out because what will be tested for validity is the content of the instrument. According to Sujarweni:

Content validity is evidence based on test content involves the test's content and its relationship to the construct it is intended to measures. The Standards defines content-related evidence as the degree to which the sample of items, tasks, or questions on a test are representative of some defined universe or domain of content.

According to Sujarweni said that content validity can only be determined based on the judgment of experts.36

36 Sujarweni, Research Methods: Complete, Practical, and Easy to Understand. 4


Based on this explanation, it can be interpreted that content validity is a type of validity where the instruments that have been made are feasible and can be used for research, namely based on the judgments of experts. Judgment from experts also determines that the instrument that has been made is valid based on the grid that has been made previously.

b. Instrument Reliability Test

Reliability is a measuring tool that shows the nature of a measuring instrument, whether it is sufficiently accurate, stable or consistent in measuring what it wants to measure.37 Reliability testing in this study by involving raters or experts is called an agreement between raters (inter-rater reliability). This reliability test is to see the level of agreement between experts or raters in assessing each indicator on the instrument. Inter-Rater reliability (IRR) will provide an overview in the form of a score about the degree of agreement given by the expert or rater. Put forward by Widhiarso, W:

If in the case of self-report reliability is shown by internal consistency that is seen from between one item and another item has a high correlation, then in the case of reliability between raters the consistency is tested for the rater. So the position of the item is replaced with the position of the person (rater).38 This study involves

37 Sugiyono, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods and R&D. 173

38 Widhiarso, “Notes on the Linearity Test of Relationships.” 2


one expert or raters as assessors, so in this study using the Cohen Kappa agreement coefficient.

Finding the Cohen Kappa coefficient used the formula: 39


K= Cohen Kappa coefficient.

Pa= Proportion of agreement observed.

Pc= Proportion of expected agreement.

1= Constant

3. Technique of Data Analysis

The data analysis technique was then tested using the test normality and homogeneity test, then independent t-test. Testing is carried out using the SPSS program with version 25. Data analysis is an activity after data from all over the respondents or other data sources were collected. 40

a. Normality Test

Normality test is a test that is carried out to assess the distribution of data in a group of data or variables, whether the distribution of the data is normally or not. To test the normally of the data will be done by testing Kolmogorov- Smirnov on SPSS 25.

Kolmogorov- Smirnov test is generally used if the resulting value is less than 0.05 then the distribution is considered abnormal, otherwise if the results obtained are more than 0.05 then the distribution is normal.

39 Widhiarso, “Estimating Reliability.” 15

40 Widhiarso. 207


b. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test aims to ensure that the data set to be measured comes from a homogeneous population. A homogeneity test is conducted to determine whether the data in variables X and Y are homogeneous or not.41 Homogeneity variance test can be done using several formulas.

To test the homogeneity of data this research will be done by testing Levene’s test on SPSS 25. Levene’s test has the main objective of knowing this test is used to ensure that the data set comes from the same sample. The calculation result of this test will show the significance value (p) of two different data groups.

The significance value (p) > 0.05 indicates that the data group comes from a population with the same variance (homogeneous). On the other hand, the significance value (p) < 0.05 indicates that the data group comes from a population with different variances.

41 Somantri and Muhidin, Application of Statistics in Research. 294




A. Overview of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember The History of the Establishment of the flagship Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember. Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember was established in 1989 by the founder &

caregiver of Al- Qodiri Islamic Boarding School, namely KH. Achmad Muzakki Syah and it’s the first formal educational institution located at Al- Qodiri Islamic Boarding School 1 Jember established.

In the first establishment 1989 until 2001, Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember was led by Gus H. Suyuti Ma’sum as the headmaster. Until then in 2001 Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember was led by Nyai Hj. Elmi Mufidah S.Pd.I, as the head of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember. On 2012 Nyai Hj.

Elmi Mufidah S.Pd.I ordered the management board to make the first

“Excellent Class” program at Al- Qodiri Islamic Boarding School. So this is the forerunner of the establishment of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember.

Then after 5 years later the Excellent Class was established, in 2017 the

“Excellent Class” began to run better and was built on adequate system.

Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember is located at Jl.

Manggar No. 139A, Gebang Poreng, Patrang Jember regency, East Java



68117. Then, these are Vision, Mission, and Destination of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember.

1. Vision

Achieve Islamic cadres, knowledgeable, love the environment and has a boarding school spirit.

2. Mission

1) Islamic; Actualizing Islamic values in daily life 2) FDS; Organizing Full Day School education 3) IT; Implementation of IT- based learning

4) Adiwiyata Madrasah; Maximizing the Adiwiyata madrasah program 5) Excellent Program; Optimizing the competence of the Excellent

Program in mastery of Arabic, English, Tartilul Qur'an, Tahfidzul Qur'an and Mastery of Reading yellow book

6) Organization; Build and develop an efficient organizational system for sustainable cadres.

B. The Description of Data

In this part, the researcher discusses the description results of the research that conducted on the speaking skill of Second grade students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al-Qodiri 1 Jember. Two classes were subjects of this study. The first class was VIII F as the experimental group and other class was VIII E as the control group. They were chosen by random technique sampling and some discussion about each class from the English teacher Mrs. Faizatun Nikmah on second Grade.


- Here was a picture between researcher and English teacher.

The experimental group was given Participation Point System method, while the control group was taught with other method in conventional way by Audio lingual method.

Before and after giving the treatments to both groups, the researcher conducted tests to get the scores of students’ speaking skill. Both control and experimental groups were given two types of test. They were pre-test, test before giving the treatment and the post-test, the test after conducting treatment. After obtaining the pre-test and post-test scores from experimental and control groups, the researcher gave students speaking score.

The pre-test was held on 08th of August at 02.00- 04.30 PM in control class VIII E, and pre-test was held on 09th of August at 02.000- 04.30 PM in experiment class VIII F. In the pre-test, the researcher gave oral test of asking and giving opinion test to the students. Every student has 5 minutes only to answer test about asking and giving opinion. The researcher gave the students


a treatment to experimental class on August 23rd 2022. These pictures below were pre-test activity in Control class and in Experimental class.

- Pre-test in experiment class

- Pre-test in Control class

The researcher gave the students a brief explanation of Participation Point System in general, and the lesson that they will receive. The explanation of Descriptive Text using Participation Point System was divided into 3


sessions. The first was an explanation of the meaning and function of Descriptive text, the second was an explanation of Descriptive text structure, and the third researcher provided example sentences using Descriptive text. In the first session, the researcher applied Participation Point System method, and then the researcher explained again about Descriptive text so that students could understand. One of the functions of learning method is to help teacher explain the material, therefore an additional explanation was needed from the researcher so that students were not confused in understanding the material presented.

While, for the control class the researcher thought conventionally by audio lingual method on 22nd August 2022. In this class, the researcher prepared the descriptive text material such as in the experiment class but other method, the researcher only wrote short material on the blackboard and then explained it to the students. After conducting the treatments, the researcher held a post-test to the experimental and control class. So, here were pictures that conducted Participation Point System in Experiment class and conventional method by Audio Lingual Method in Control class.


- Conducted Participation Point System in Experiment Class

Further, after conducting Participation Point System in the experimental class then at the end of the lesson there were students who got the most points so they got a reward at the end of the meeting. Here was the picture of giving them some reward.

- Giving student who got big point a reward


- Conducted Audio Lingual Method in Control Class

The post test was held on 05th September 2022 on control class and 06th September 2022 on experiment class, it was done by giving oral test descriptive text test to both groups like the pre-test but it has different content.

These pictures below were Posttest activity in Experiment class and Control Class.

- Posttest in Control class


- Posttest in Experiment class

1. Student’s Speaking Score Pre- Test a. Experimental Class

In this section, the researcher presented data of pre-test in experimental class before given the treatment using Participation Point System method. The researcher has chosen VIII F as the experimental class which consists of 21 students. The result of students’ pre-test can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.1 Descriptive Text Score of Pre-Test in Experimental Class

NO Participants Score

1 ADS 60

2 ADR *76

3 AZH 72

4 ALR 68

5 AAB *80

6 DDA 56

7 FAA *80

8 FNN *80

9 FKH *78


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