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E. Discussion

This study aims to determine how the effectiveness of Participation Point System as learning method on students’ speaking skill of second grade students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember in academic year 2022/2023. The data collection technique used by researcher is speaking test orally. The speaking test was conducted in the experimental class and the control class of the second grade students.

In the experimental class, the researcher conducted pre-test and post-test to compare the speaking scores achieved by students before and after treatment by using Participation Point System, then taught about descriptive text material. While, for control class the researcher conducted pre-posttest too and taught about descriptive text material conventionally by audio lingual method.

Based on the data analysis above, it can be seen that the average pre-test score in the experimental class before taught using Participation Point

System was 71.86 with the minimum score for students was 55 and the maximum score for students was 88. It means that the average data was still low. After the researcher taught the material using Participation Point System, the data analysis was obtained from post-test with mean score 83.14. The minimum score achieved by students in the post-test was 64 and the maximum score was 96.

The results data in the previous description show that the use of Participation Point System was effective and alternative method in speaking learning. Therefore, based on hypothesis testing, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. So, Participation Point System not only makes students spirit in the learning process but also increase their speaking skill.

There was a theory that prove results of this research, the effect of using Participation Point System on students’ speaking skill, it was the article Nilam Cahya Kasman, Andi Tenri Ampa, and Farisha Ampa Baso entitles:

“The Effectiveness of Using Participation Point System Method in Teaching English at the Eleventh Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar in academic year 2020/2021. It explained that Participation Point System the post-test mean score in writing and speaking were higher than post- test then, the t-test analysis also showed that Sig.2- tailed is 0.005 which is smaller than 0.05 it means there was a significant difference of students’ writing and speaking skill before and after using Participation Point System method.44

44 Cahya Kasman, Tenri Ampa, and Andi Baso, “The Effectiveness of Using Participation Point System in Teaching English at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar.” 75-86

Before teaching descriptive text Participation Point System as a learning method in VIII F as experimental class, students of VIII F felt bored in the learning process and they found it difficult to active in communication and memorize the existing descriptive text structure. During the pre-test process, many students felt difficulties in descripting something. There were some students who still did not understand the function of descriptive text.

However, after the treatment or when they did the post-test many students could describe something. Therefore, in the post-test, the students' scores experienced a significant increase as shown in the previous data.

The use of Participation Point System as learning method makes students easier to speak and express their ideas so, they would not confuse to speak and communicate with each other. This required students to be more active in the class. It can be seen from the enthusiasm on the learning process and results of the evaluation in experimental class. They were motivated to active participate in classroom because if they’re answered or asked question will be count as point and give them mark on teacher’s notes and giving them marbles.

This method PPS certainly awakened them more active and answer what teacher asked. Then, with this way they will always pay attention and listen carefully the material. Therefore this helped them in understanding the material of descriptive text. So, it can be concluded that the use of Participation Point System as learning method has effectiveness on students learning outcomes compared to classes taught with other method.

While in VIII E class as a control class, the researcher taught and explained the descriptive text with audio lingual method. The researcher explained the meaning of descriptive text followed by the functions, formula, structure, and examples of descriptive text. In the pre-test examination, the researcher asked students to describe something orally and show it in front of class. From the result of the pre-test, it can be concluded that many students did not understand the function and the structure of descriptive text, especially in making some sentences.

After conducted the pre-test, the researcher taught and explained about descriptive text which was not different from experimental class, but the treatment in this class did not use Participation Point System but using Audio lingual method. According to the comparison between experimental class and control class, the classes that use by audio lingual method are less responsive than class that use Participation Point System as learning method.

During the learning process, some students in the control class did not focus on understanding the material of descriptive text, and some students can’t understand the structure of descriptive text. It was inversely proportional to experimental class that has advantage of motivating students in classroom by mark them in every their participate activity. It is way for students to overcome their passivity and giving more time to students to express their ideas, opinion and etc. Then, in the end of lesson only students with many participants’ mark will get reward. Therefore students in experimental class who used Participation Point System were more active and interested to

follow the learning process compared to control class that used Audio lingual method.

Based on explanation above, the research of “The Effectiveness of Participation Point System in Learning English Speaking of Second Grade Students at Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember Academic Year 2022/2023” can be applied and developed as a learning method that can give an effect to students speaking skill at second grade of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al- Qodiri 1 Jember.

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