• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

2. For Next Researcher

The researcher suggested to future researcher can find an overview of the effect of Participation Point System method so that it is can be improved in the next gap research for example focus on writing skill and can develop other effective way in teaching method strategies.


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Journal of Language Testing and Assessment 1, no. 1 (2021): xx-yy.


Caroline T. Linse. Practical English Language Teaching Young Learners. Mc Graw Hill, 2005.

David McLachlan Jeffrey. “A Participation Points System to Help Passive Students Communicate.” CELE Journal 12 IX (2003).

David McLachlan Jeffrey. “Participation Points System to Encourage Classroom Communication.” Asia University (Tokyo, Japan) 12 (2003).

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Gregory Hadley. “Encouraging Oral Communication in the EFL Classroom.”

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Harris, David P. Testing English as a Second Language. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.

Ihsan, Muhammad, Asnawi Muslem, and Zulfadli A Aziz. “Using The Participation Point System In Teaching Speaking Skills” 9, no. 2 (2018).

Jumiati, Andi Asri, and A. Sri Asrina. “Improving the Students Speaking Ability through Participation Point System on Tenth Grade Students of SMA PGRI Sungguminasa.” English Education Department 2, no. 1 (2013).

L.MCHugh, Mary. “Interrater Reliability: The Kappa Statistic.” Blochemia Medica 3 (2012): 279.

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“ The Effectiveness of Participation Point System (PPS) in Teaching

English Speaking of Second Grade Students at Mts Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember

Participation Point System (PPS)


1. Participation

2. Point

1. Linguistic Competence

2. Psychology

a. Class participation b. Communicative a. Discs, marbles, poker chips

a. Grammar b. Vocabulary

a. Self- confidence b. Self- anxieties

1. Participants a. Students in the Second Grade of Junior High School Mts Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember 2. Informant a. Teacher of second grade Mts Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember b. Literature

Step of Quantitative 1. Research Design Quantitative (Quasi Experimental, non-equivalent control group) 2. Research Sample Random sampling technique

3. Data Collection a. Observation b. Documentation d. Test

1) Pre- Test 2) Post- Test 3. Data Analysis a. Descriptive statistic - Validity test and Reliability test b. Inferential statistic - Normality test and Homogeneity test c. SPSS 25 version

1. How is the students’ speaking skill at the second grade of Mts

Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember?

2. How is the effectiveness of Participation Point system (PPS) in teaching speaking?


DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP The undersigned below:

Name : Siti Hoiriah NIM : T20186036

Program : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Department : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training University : UIN KH ACHMAD SIDDIQ

States that thesis entitled “The Effectiveness of Participation Point System on learning English speaking at second grade students’ of Excellent Islamic Junior High School Al-Qodiri 1 Jember” is truly my original work. It does not incorporate any material previously written or published by another person expect those indicated in quotation and bibliography. Do to the fact I am the only person responsible for the thesis if there is any objection or claim from other.

Jember, December 25th 2022 Writer,

Siti Hoiriah NIM. T20186036



Name : Siti Hoiriah

NIM : T20186036

Place/Date of birth : Jember/September, 19th 1999

Address : Jl. Dawuhan Kembar, Dusun Tengah, Desa Ajung, Kecamatan Kalisat, Kab Jember

Department : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Program : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Educational Background

a) SDN Ajung 04 Kalisat graduated in 2012

b) MTs Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember graduated in 2015 c) MA Al- Qodiri 1 Jember graduated in 2018







No Criteria Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 Has few traces of foreign language 4 Always intelligible, thought one is

conscious of a definite accent

3 Pronunciation problem necessities

concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding

2 very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be asked to repeat

1 Pronunciation problem to serve as to make speech virtually unintelligible

2 Grammar

5 Make few noticeable error of grammar and word order

4 Occasionally makes grammatical and or word order error that do not, however obscure meaning

3 Make frequent error of grammar and word order, which occasionally obscure meaning

2 Grammar and word order error make comprehension difficult, must often rephrases sentence


Errors in grammar and word order, so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible

3 Vocabulary

5 Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of native speaker

4 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must rephrases ideas because of lexical and equalities

3 Frequently uses the wrong word

conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

2 Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary makes comprehension quite difficult

1 Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible

4 Fluency

5 Speech as fluent and effort less as that of native speaker

4 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problem 3 Speed and fluency are rather strongly

affected by language problem

2 Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language limitation

1 Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible

5 Comprehension

5 Appears to understand everything without difficulty

4 Understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasionally repetition may be necessary

3 Understand most of what is said at slower than normal speed without repetition 2 Has great difficulty following what is said.

1 Cannot be said to understand even simple conversation

Sekolah : MTs Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember Materi : Descriptive Text

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk/ Jumlah Soal : Uraian/ I

Kelas/ Semester : VIII (E&F)/ II Genap Alokasi Waktu : 2x 30 Menit

Kompetensi Inti Kompetensi Dasar Tujuan Materi Indikator Soal

3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (factual, konseptual, dan procedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknoligi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tempak mata.

4. Mengolah, menyaji dan menalar

dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghittung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/ teori.

3.7 Menerapkan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.7 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Tujuan pembelajaran ini diharapkan peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dalam descriptive text seperti kata kerja (verb) dan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary) sehingga dapat membuat kalimat descriptive text pendek dan sederhana serta dapat mengomunikasikan secara lisan dan tulis tentang descriptive text

Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan, berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik. Teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda.

Disajikan sebuah instruksi terkait descriptive text (teks deskriptif), siswa diharapkan dapat membuat dan mempresentasikan descriptive text tentang orang, binatang, dan orang sesuai dengan instruksi yang diberikan.





1. Prepare your writing tools; pen, book, correction pen, etc.

2. Pray before do the test

3. Write your name, attendance number, class, and date in the answer sheet 4. Read the test instruction carefully so that you can do the instruction


5. Prepare your presentation in 30 minutes 6. Practice it in front of class.

Read and do carefully the instruction below!

Prepare a presentation “Tell any kind of animals” at least 6 or 10 sentences. Then, present it in front of class orally.




1. Prepare your writing tools; pen, book, correction pen, etc.

2. Pray before do the test

3. Write your name, attendance number, class, and date in the answer sheet 4. Read the test instruction carefully so that you can do the instruction


5. Prepare your presentation in 30 minutes 6. Practice it in front of class.

Read and do carefully the instruction below!

Prepare a presentation “Tell your favorite things” at least 6 or 10 sentences. Then, present it in front of class orally.



RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Sekolah : MTs Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII F/II (Experimental class) Topik Materi : Descriptive Text

Skill : Speaking

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.3 Merespon makna langkah- langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancer dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan repot.

C. Indikator Pencapaian

1. Siswa dapat menangkap informasi specific yang ada pada teks descriptive

2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks descriptive

3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi aspek- aspek yang ada pada teks descriptive.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat menangkap informasi specific yang ada pada teks descriptive

2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks descriptive

3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi aspek- aspek yang ada pada teks descriptive.

E. Materi

a. Fungsi Sosial

The function of Descriptive Text is to describe something, someone and some places in specific way. For example: My cat, my teacher, my house, Monumen Nasional, etc.

b. Struktur Teks

1. Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan, berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topic.

2. Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri- ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

Tata Bahasa: menggunakan Simple Present, menggunakan attribute verb to be (is,am,are). Here the formula below:

Subject + present tense forms of the verb (V1) + Object d. Example Deskriptif Teks

My Cat

My uncle bought me a cat on my birthday. It is a male white Persia cat. I really love it as my pet.

Its name is Kiwil. It has white fur. Its fur is really soft and it likes to be rubbed on its belly. It has a long tail and big body. I always take it for

walk around because it really likes it. Kiwil is already as the part of my family.

F. Media, Alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media, Alat : Whiteboard, board marker

2. Bahan : Marbles

3. Sumber Belajar : Buku pelajaran, paket.

G. Metode Pembelajaran Participation Point System

H. Langkah- langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Pendahuluan (10 menit)

 Guru menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan memberi salam, mengajak peserta didik untuk mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.

 Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik.

 Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mengungkapkan bagaimana mendeskripsikan sesuatu atau seseorang.

2. Inti (60 menit) Eksplorasi c. Mengamati

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa grup

 Siswa membaca teks deskriptif yang diberikan guru.

d. Menanya

 Participation Point System, siswa diberikan beberapa pertanyaan dan siswa diberi kesempatan untuk Tanya jawab tentang deskripsi teks tersebut.

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mepertanyakan tentang kata-kata sulit dan struktur teks deskripsi.

 Guru menjelaskan tentang struktur teks dan struktur bahasa yang ada pada teks.

e. Mengumpulkan Data

 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mempertanyakan tentang bagaimana cara menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi tertentu terkait teks descriptive.

 Siswa melakukan share diskusi dengan siswa lain dapat menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dalam teks descriptive tersebut.

f. Elaborasi (Mengasosiasi/ menganalisis data atau informasi)

 Secara berkelompok, siswa mendiskusikan kata sifat yang terdapat pada teks descriptive yang diberikan oleh guru.

 Siswa mengidentifikasi adjective dan noun yang terdapat pada teks descriptive.

g. Komunikasi (Mengomunikasikan)

 Setiap kelompok membacakan hasil diskusi.

 Siswa memperhatikan pilihan yang sesuai dengan adjective atau noun di teks yang disediakan.

3. Penutup (10 menit)

 Guru dan peserta didik secara bersama- sama membuat ringkasan bahan yang sudah dipelajari pada pertemuan ini.

 Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa

 Guru menjelaskan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan datang.

I. Sumber Belajar

 Buku pelajaran (LKS)

 Buku paket

 Internet

J. Assessment/ Penilaian

No Criteria Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 Has few traces of foreign language 4 Always intelligible, thought one is

conscious of a definite accent

3 Pronunciation problem necessities

concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding

2 very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be asked to repeat

1 Pronunciation problem to serve as to make speech virtually unintelligible

2 Grammar

5 Make few noticeable error of grammar and word order

4 Occasionally makes grammatical and or word order error that do not, however obscure meaning

3 Make frequent error of grammar and word order, which occasionally obscure meaning

2 Grammar and word order error make comprehension difficult, must often rephrases sentence


Errors in grammar and word order, so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible

3 Vocabulary

5 Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of native speaker

4 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must rephrases ideas because of lexical and equalities

3 Frequently uses the wrong word

conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

2 Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary makes comprehension quite difficult

1 Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible

4 Fluency

5 Speech as fluent and effort less as that of native speaker

4 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problem 3 Speed and fluency are rather strongly

affected by language problem

2 Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language limitation

1 Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible

5 Comprehension

5 Appears to understand everything without difficulty

4 Understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasionally repetition may be necessary

3 Understand most of what is said at slower than normal speed without repetition 2 Has great difficulty following what is said.

1 Cannot be said to understand even simple conversation

No Name Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Jumlah

1 AA 4 5 4 3 3 76


So, the students’ score was each items multiplied 4. Then for example above is 4 X 4 = 16, 5 X 4 = 20, 4 X 4 = 16, 3 X 4 = 12, 3 X 4 = 12. Therefore the maximal is 76.

Jember, August 02nd 2022 Guru Mata Pelajaran

Tutik Handayani, S.Sos NPK. 9259759661210093

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Sekolah : MTs Unggulan Al- Qodiri 1 Jember

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII E/II (Control class) Topik Materi : Descriptive Text

Skill : Speaking

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.3 Merespon makna langkah- langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancer dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan repot.

C. Indikator Pencapaian

1. Siswa dapat menangkap informasi specific yang ada pada teks descriptive

2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks descriptive

3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi aspek- aspek yang ada pada teks descriptive.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat menangkap informasi specific yang ada pada teks descriptive

2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks descriptive

3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi aspek- aspek yang ada pada teks descriptive.

E. Materi

a. Fungsi Sosial

The function of Descriptive Text is to describe something, someone and some places in specific way. For example: My cat, my teacher, my house, Monumen Nasional, etc.

b. Struktur Teks

1. Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan, berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topic.

2. Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri- ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan

Tata Bahasa: menggunakan Simple Present, menggunakan attribute verb to be (is,am,are). Here the formula below:

Subject + present tense forms of the verb (V1) + Object d. Example Deskriptif Teks

My Cat

My uncle bought me a cat on my birthday. It is a male white Persia cat. I really love it as my pet.

Its name is Kiwil. It has white fur. Its fur is really soft and it likes to be rubbed on its belly. It has a long tail and big body. I always take it for walk around because it really likes it. Kiwil is already as the part of my family.

F. Media, Alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media, Alat : Whiteboard, board marker

2. Bahan : -

3. Sumber Belajar : Buku pelajaran, paket.

G. Metode Pembelajaran Audio Lingual Method

H. Langkah- langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Pendahuluan (10 menit)

 Guru menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan memberi salam, mengajak peserta didik untuk mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.

 Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik.

 Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mengungkapkan bagaimana mendeskripsikan sesuatu atau seseorang.

2. Inti (60 menit) Eksplorasi a. Mengamati

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa grup

 Siswa membaca teks deskriptif yang diberikan guru.

b. Menanya

 Audio Lingual Method, siswa diberikan beberapa pertanyaan dan siswa diberi kesempatan untuk Tanya jawab tentang deskripsi teks tersebut.

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mepertanyakan tentang kata-kata sulit dan struktur teks deskripsi.

 Guru menjelaskan tentang struktur teks dan struktur bahasa yang ada pada teks.

c. Mengumpulkan Data

 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mempertanyakan tentang bagaimana cara menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi tertentu terkait teks descriptive.

 Siswa melakukan share diskusi dengan siswa lain dapat menemukan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dalam teks descriptive tersebut.

d. Elaborasi (Mengasosiasi/ menganalisis data atau informasi)

 Secara berkelompok, siswa mendiskusikan kata sifat yang terdapat pada teks descriptive yang diberikan oleh guru.

 Siswa mengidentifikasi adjective dan noun yang terdapat pada teks descriptive.

e. Komunikasi (Mengomunikasikan)

 Setiap kelompok membacakan hasil diskusi.

 Siswa memperhatikan pilihan yang sesuai dengan adjective atau noun di teks yang disediakan.

3. Penutup (10 menit)

 Guru dan peserta didik secara bersama- sama membuat ringkasan bahan yang sudah dipelajari pada pertemuan ini.

 Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa

 Guru menjelaskan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan datang.

I. Sumber Belajar

 Buku pelajaran (LKS)

 Buku paket

 Internet

J. Assessment/ Penilaian

K. No Criteria Score Description

1 Pronunciation

5 Has few traces of foreign language 4 Always intelligible, thought one is

conscious of a definite accent

3 Pronunciation problem necessities

concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding

2 very hard to understand because of

pronunciation problem, most frequently be asked to repeat

1 Pronunciation problem to serve as to make speech virtually unintelligible

2 Grammar

5 Make few noticeable error of grammar and word order

4 Occasionally makes grammatical and or word order error that do not, however obscure meaning

3 Make frequent error of grammar and word order, which occasionally obscure meaning

2 Grammar and word order error make comprehension difficult, must often rephrases sentence


Errors in grammar and word order, so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible

3 Vocabulary

5 Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of native speaker

4 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and must rephrases ideas because of lexical and equalities

3 Frequently uses the wrong word

conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

2 Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary makes comprehension quite difficult

1 Vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible

4 Fluency

5 Speech as fluent and effort less as that of native speaker

4 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problem 3 Speed and fluency are rather strongly

affected by language problem

2 Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language limitation

1 Speech is halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible

5 Comprehension

5 Appears to understand everything without difficulty

4 Understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasionally repetition may be necessary

3 Understand most of what is said at slower than normal speed without repetition 2 Has great difficulty following what is said.

1 Cannot be said to understand even simple conversation

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