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Designing a set of English reading materials using content based instruction for biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta.


Academic year: 2017

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Afikawati, Leoni. 2010. Designing a Set of English Reading Materials Using Content Based Instruction for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

As English becomes lingua franca among people of different nations, government of Education Ministry in Indonesia places English as one of the compulsory subjects at schools. To make English learning effective, some schools in Indonesia utilize English as lingua franca in delivering materials of some school subjects other than English subject. One of the schools is SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. This school policy requires teachers other than English teachers to develop their English proficiencies. Apparently, reading skill plays important role for the teachers who always need to keep up-to-date information in order to support their teaching task. The writer discovers that Biology teachers of the school need to establish their reading skill for there are a lot of English written works dealing with Biology and for accomplishing the demands as teachers in the school. Therefore, the research is aimed at developing a set of English reading materials which is appropriate for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Furthermore, the reading materials are expected to help them develop their English reading skills.

There were two problems formulated in the research. The problems were (1) How is a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta designed? and (2) What does the designed set of materials look like?.

To answer the first research problem, the writer employed some steps on Educational Research and Development (R & D) method which were completed with adapted steps from Yalden’s Model. The steps were (1) reviewing the literature, (2) conducting the needs survey, (3) describing the purposes, (4) developing the syllabus, (5) producing proto-syllabus, (6) producing pedagogical syllabus, (7) developing and implementing classroom procedures, (8) developing materials, (9) evaluating the designed materials, and (10) revising the designed materials.

In the research, the data was obtained through the needs survey. The results of the needs survey were the basis to develop the materials. Having completed with designing materials, the designed materials were evaluated by some English lecturers, an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, and the Biology teachers. The description of the evaluation was in percentages. In addition, the writer also used qualitative data analysis to describe the results of the evaluation. The data showed that the designed materials were acceptable and well-developed although there were some revisions needed. Some suggestions and evaluation of the designed materials were the basis for revising the designed materials.


The presentation of the final version of the designed materials was the answer to the second research problem. The designed set of English reading materials consists of eight units, namely, Biology as Science, Reproduction, HIV-AIDS, Mercury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bio-technology, Natural Disaster, and Global Warming. Each unit of the designed materials contains of four sections. The sections are Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start, Grammar Battle, and Completing Mission.

Finally, the writer expects that the designed set of English reading materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta could give benefits for those who need it especially for English instructor and the learners (Biology teachers).



Afikawati, Leoni. 2010. Designing a Set of English Reading Materials Using Content Based Instruction for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dengan Bahasa Inggris digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar antar umat manusia dari berbagai negara, pemerintah yang berada di Departemen Pendidikan Indonesia menempatkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah-sekolah. Agar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris efektif, beberapa sekolah di Indonesia menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pelajaran sekolah selain dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Salah satu dari beberapa sekolah tersebut adalah SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Kebijakan sekolah ini mengharuskan guru-guru yang bukan guru Bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka. Ternyata, kemampuan membaca berperan penting bagi guru-guru tersebut yang selalu memerlukan informasi yang up-to-date untuk mendukung tugas mengajar mereka. Penulis mendapati bahwa guru-guru Biologi di sekolah tersebut perlu mengembangkan kemampuan membaca karena banyak terdapat karya tulis dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan Biologi dan karena untuk memenuhi kewajiban mereka sebagai guru di sekolah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan seperangkat materi membaca yang sesuai bagi guru-guru Biologi di SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Selanjutnya, materi membaca ini diharapkan dapat membantu mengembangkan kemampuan membaca Bahasa Inggris mereka.

Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Rumusan masalah tersebut adalah (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris untuk guru-guru Biologi di SMAN 3 Yogyakarta dirancang? dan (2) Bagaimana penyajian seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris yang telah tersusun?.

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama, penulis menggunakan beberapa langkah dalam metode Educational Research and Development (R & D) yang telah dilengkapi dengan langkah-langkah dari model Yalden yang telah disesuaikan. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah (1) meninjau pustaka, (2) melakukan survei kebutuhan, (3) menentukan tujuan, (4) mengembangkan silabus, (5) membuat proto-silabus, (6) membuat silabus pedagogik, (7) mengembangkan dan memasukkan prosedur kelas, (8) menyusun materi, (9) mengevaluasi materi, dan (10) memperbaiki materi.

Dalam penelitian ini, data diperoleh dari survei kebutuhan. Hasil dari survei kebutuhan merupakan dasar untuk menyusun materi. Setelah selesai, materi yang telah tersusun dievaluasi oleh beberapa dosen Bahasa Inggris, seorang guru Bahasa Inggris dari SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, dan guru-guru Biologi tersebut. Pemaparan evaluasi tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk prosentase. Sebagai tambahan, penulis juga menggunakan analisis data kualitatif untuk memaparkan


hasil evaluasi. Data menunjukkan bahwa materi yang telah tersusun diterima dan tersusun dengan baik meskipun perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Beberapa saran dan evaluasi dari materi yang telah tersusun adalah dasar untuk memperbaiki materi.

Presentasi materi versi akhir merupakan jawaban dari rumusan masalah kedua. Seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris terdiri dari delapan unit, yaitu, Biology as Science, Reproduction, HIV-AIDS, Mercury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bio-technology, Natural Disaster, dan Global Warming. Tiap unit dari materi terdapat empat bagian. Bagian-bagian itu adalah Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start, Grammar Battle, dan Completing Mission.

Akhir kata, penulis berharap bahwa seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris untuk guru-guru Biologi SMAN 3 Yogyakarta dapat memberikan manfaat bagi mereka yang memerlukannya terutama bagi instruktur Bahasa Inggris dan pelajar (guru-guru Biologi).







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Leoni Afikawati Student Number: 041214046




j{xÇ lÉâ UxÄ|xäx

Performed by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston

Many nights we’ve prayed with no proof anyone could hear In our hearts a hopeful song we barely understood Now we are not afraid although we know there’s so much pain

We were moving mountains long before we knew we could

There can be miracles when you believe though hope is frail it’s hard to kill Who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe somehow you will

You will when you believe

In this time of fear when prayer so often proves in vain Hope seemed like the summer birds too swiftly flown away Yet now I’m standing here, my heart’s so full I can’t explain

Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say

They don’t always happen when you ask and it’s easy to give in to your fears But when you’re blinded by your pain, can’t see your way clear through the rain

A small, but still, resilient voice says help is very near

I dedicated this thesis to Jesus Christ,

my beloved family, my truly best friend, and

those who keep supporting me



Afikawati, Leoni. 2010. Designing a Set of English Reading Materials Using Content Based Instruction for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

As English becomes lingua franca among people of different nations, government of Education Ministry in Indonesia places English as one of the compulsory subjects at schools. To make English learning effective, some schools in Indonesia utilize English as lingua franca in delivering materials of some school subjects other than English subject. One of the schools is SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. This school policy requires teachers other than English teachers to develop their English proficiencies. Apparently, reading skill plays important role for the teachers who always need to keep up-to-date information in order to support their teaching task. The writer discovers that Biology teachers of the school need to establish their reading skill for there are a lot of English written works dealing with Biology and for accomplishing the demands as teachers in the school. Therefore, the research is aimed at developing a set of English reading materials which is appropriate for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Furthermore, the reading materials are expected to help them develop their English reading skills.

There were two problems formulated in the research. The problems were (1) How is a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta designed? and (2) What does the designed set of materials look like?.

To answer the first research problem, the writer employed some steps on Educational Research and Development (R & D) method which were completed with adapted steps from Yalden’s Model. The steps were (1) reviewing the literature, (2) conducting the needs survey, (3) describing the purposes, (4) developing the syllabus, (5) producing proto-syllabus, (6) producing pedagogical syllabus, (7) developing and implementing classroom procedures, (8) developing materials, (9) evaluating the designed materials, and (10) revising the designed materials.

In the research, the data was obtained through the needs survey. The results of the needs survey were the basis to develop the materials. Having completed with designing materials, the designed materials were evaluated by some English lecturers, an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, and the Biology teachers. The description of the evaluation was in percentages. In addition, the writer also used qualitative data analysis to describe the results of the evaluation. The data showed that the designed materials were acceptable and well-developed although there were some revisions needed. Some suggestions and evaluation of the designed materials were the basis for revising the designed materials.


The presentation of the final version of the designed materials was the answer to the second research problem. The designed set of English reading materials consists of eight units, namely, Biology as Science, Reproduction, HIV-AIDS, Mercury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bio-technology, Natural Disaster, and Global Warming. Each unit of the designed materials contains of four sections. The sections are Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start, Grammar Battle, and Completing Mission.

Finally, the writer expects that the designed set of English reading materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta could give benefits for those who need it especially for English instructor and the learners (Biology teachers).



Afikawati, Leoni. 2010. Designing a Set of English Reading Materials Using Content Based Instruction for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dengan Bahasa Inggris digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar antar umat manusia dari berbagai negara, pemerintah yang berada di Departemen Pendidikan Indonesia menempatkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah-sekolah. Agar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris efektif, beberapa sekolah di Indonesia menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pelajaran sekolah selain dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Salah satu dari beberapa sekolah tersebut adalah SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Kebijakan sekolah ini mengharuskan guru-guru yang bukan guru Bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka. Ternyata, kemampuan membaca berperan penting bagi guru-guru tersebut yang selalu memerlukan informasi yang up-to-date untuk mendukung tugas mengajar mereka. Penulis mendapati bahwa guru-guru Biologi di sekolah tersebut perlu mengembangkan kemampuan membaca karena banyak terdapat karya tulis dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan Biologi dan karena untuk memenuhi kewajiban mereka sebagai guru di sekolah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan seperangkat materi membaca yang sesuai bagi guru-guru Biologi di SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Selanjutnya, materi membaca ini diharapkan dapat membantu mengembangkan kemampuan membaca Bahasa Inggris mereka.

Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Rumusan masalah tersebut adalah (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris untuk guru-guru Biologi di SMAN 3 Yogyakarta dirancang? dan (2) Bagaimana penyajian seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris yang telah tersusun?.

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama, penulis menggunakan beberapa langkah dalam metode Educational Research and Development (R & D) yang telah dilengkapi dengan langkah-langkah dari model Yalden yang telah disesuaikan. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah (1) meninjau pustaka, (2) melakukan survei kebutuhan, (3) menentukan tujuan, (4) mengembangkan silabus, (5) membuat proto-silabus, (6) membuat silabus pedagogik, (7) mengembangkan dan memasukkan prosedur kelas, (8) menyusun materi, (9) mengevaluasi materi, dan (10) memperbaiki materi.

Dalam penelitian ini, data diperoleh dari survei kebutuhan. Hasil dari survei kebutuhan merupakan dasar untuk menyusun materi. Setelah selesai, materi yang telah tersusun dievaluasi oleh beberapa dosen Bahasa Inggris, seorang guru Bahasa Inggris dari SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, dan guru-guru Biologi tersebut. Pemaparan evaluasi tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk prosentase. Sebagai tambahan, penulis juga menggunakan analisis data kualitatif untuk memaparkan


hasil evaluasi. Data menunjukkan bahwa materi yang telah tersusun diterima dan tersusun dengan baik meskipun perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Beberapa saran dan evaluasi dari materi yang telah tersusun adalah dasar untuk memperbaiki materi.

Presentasi materi versi akhir merupakan jawaban dari rumusan masalah kedua. Seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris terdiri dari delapan unit, yaitu, Biology as Science, Reproduction, HIV-AIDS, Mercury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bio-technology, Natural Disaster, dan Global Warming. Tiap unit dari materi terdapat empat bagian. Bagian-bagian itu adalah Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start, Grammar Battle, dan Completing Mission.

Akhir kata, penulis berharap bahwa seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris untuk guru-guru Biologi SMAN 3 Yogyakarta dapat memberikan manfaat bagi mereka yang memerlukannya terutama bagi instruktur Bahasa Inggris dan pelajar (guru-guru Biologi).




First of all, I would like to praise our Lord, Jesus Christ for all His

blessings, love and guidance in every single step I take. In particular, my

admiration is addressed for the strength He granted to me to accomplish my study

at Sanata Dharma University. Additionally, I would like to give my honor to the

greatest and holy woman in the universe, Mother Mary, for always being with

me during the saddest and happiest times in my great life.

Second, I would like to thank my inspiring parents, Bapak Petrus Silam

and Ibu Rini Sudarwati, for their endless supports, care and love in every second

of my life. For my beloved brother (Leona Pantamareta) and sisters (Leonanda

Nilam Putranti and Leonita Senwa Mayla), thanks for giving me little sunshine

in my days. For my truly best friend, Ana Humardhiana, thanks for always being

there for me, for bitter-sweet moments we share together, and for all the precious

things I owe that cannot be measured only by world’s things.

I dedicate my deepest gratitude to my sponsor, Dr. Retno Muljani,

M.Pd., for the guidance, advice, and corrections to improve my thesis, and for the

patience, care and encouragement to accomplish my thesis. I would also like to

thank to PBI’s teaching staff for educating me during my college years. For Mbak

Tari and Mbak Dani, thanks for providing me with amazing assistance in the

period of studying at PBI. For all the respondents of my research, thanks for the

help, willingness and cooperation to improve the designed materials.


My special thanks go to all my friends in PBI especially those who are

from the year of 2004 that I cannot mention one by one, thanks for accompanying

me in the struggling times completing my study. For all my friends in Catholic

Community, thanks for the supports and all the things we laugh at together. I

would like to thank Mbak Reni, Mbak Kolifah, Yuli, Rita, Wahyu, Anton and

Lukas for being my sisters and brothers who guide me to be the more mature me

and for the good and bad times we share. My gratitude also goes to Ana’s family

who keep supporting me to accomplish my thesis soon. I would like also to say

thank you to Mas Nug for the help, willingness to understand me, and trying to

always be there for me. My very special thank goes Mas Prast for the ongoing

support and care, for all the times we had been together, and for colouring my life.

Last but not least, I would like to say thank you to everyone who helps me

throughout the great times in accomplishing my thesis.

Leoni Afikawati








ABSTRAK... viii








A. Research Background ...1

B. Problem Formulation ...5

C. Problem Limitation ...5

D. Research Objectives...6

F. Research Benefits ...7

G. Definition of Terms ...8



A. Theoretical Descriptions ...10

1. Yalden’s Instructional Design ...10

2. Materials Development...14

3. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ...18

a. ESP Methodology ...19

b. Needs Analysis...21

4. Content Based Instruction (CBI) ...23

a. Objectives of CBI...24

b. Characteristics of CBI...24

c. Principles of CBI...27

d. The Role of Learners and Teachers ...27

5. Reading ...28

a. The Nature of Reading ...28

b. Reading in the Content Area...29

c. Types of Reading Activity ...31

d. Reading Techniques...33

6. Biology Subject at SMAN 3 Yogyakarta ...34

B. Theoretical Framework ...36


A. Research Method ...41

1. Research and Information Collecting ...42


2. Planning ...43

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product ...43

4. Preliminary Field Testing ...44

5. Main Product Revision ...44

B. Research Participants ...47

D. Research Instruments ...48

1. Questionnaire Sheet ...48

2. Interview Guidelines...49

E. Data Gathering Technique ...49

F. Data Analysis Technique...52

F. Research Procedure ...53


A. The Steps in Designing the Materials ...56

1. Reviewing the Literature ...57

2. Conducting the Needs Survey ...57

3. Describing the Purposes ...62

4. Developing the Syllabus ...62

5. Producing Proto-Syllabus ...63

6. Producing Pedagogical Syllabus ...68

7. Developing and Implementing Classroom Procedures...69

8. Developing the Materials...75

9. Evaluating the Designed Materials...76


10. Revising the Designed Materials ...85

B. The Presentation of the Designed Materials ...86


A. Conclusions ...93

B. Suggestions...94




Table 2.1: Techniques and Examples of Plus Category...……… 16

Table 2.2: Techniques and Examples of Minus Category ……… 17

Table 2.3: Techniques and Examples of Zero Category……… 17

Table 3.1: Specification of the Designed Materials……… ...…………46

Table 3.2: The Whole Process of Data Collection...51

Table 4.1: Summary of the Learners’ Questionnaires…… ...……… 58

Table 4.2: Summary of the Respondents’ Interviews……… 59

Table 4.3: Summary of the English Teacher’s Interview……… . 61

Table 4.4: The Topics of the Designed Materials… .……… 64

Table 4.5: The Learning Materials of the Designed Materials……… .………… 64

Table 4.6: The Learning Indicators of the Designed Materials ……… 66

Table 4.7: The Words in the Designed Materials .……… 68

Table 4.8: Results of the Expert Validation ..……… 77

Table 4.9: Results of the Expert Validation in Percentages..……… 80

Table 4.10: The Strengths and the Weaknesses of the Designed Materials...81

Table 4.11: Results of the Learners’ Evaluation……… 83

Table 4.12: Results of the Learners’ Evaluation in Percentages……… 83

Table 4.13: The Presentation of the Designed Materials….. ……… 86



Figure 2.1: Instructional Design by Yalden………...………....13

Figure 2.2: The Steps of Designing Materials Adapted from Yalden’s Model...40

Figure 3.1: The Writer’s R & D Adopted Cycle Completed with Yalden’s

Adapted Model ...……… 45



Appendix 1: Letters of Permission...……… 98

Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Needs Analysis...……… 100

Appendix 3: Evaluation Questionnaire………… ...………… 103

Appendix 4: Questionnaire for Expert Validation ...105

Appendix 5: Overview of the Designed Set of Materials………… ...……108

Appendix 6: Syllabus and Lesson Plans…… ...……… 111

Appendix 7: Presentation of the Designed Set of the Materials




This chapter consists of six parts. They are the research background,

problem formulation, problem limitation, objectives of the research, research

benefits and definition of terms used in the research.

A. Research Background

English, todays, is not merely a language which is used by its native

speakers. It now widely spread around the world as a result of international trade,

travel, and industry (McKay, 2002: 18). English is essential for those who deal

with such international activities to share information, ideas, knowledge, and so

on. Since English becomes lingua franca to communicate among people of

different nations, people are required to be able to understand and use English as

an access to enter world communication.

Indonesia, as a developing country, needs not only natural resources but

also human resources which are important to maintain the elements of

development. Qualified human resources are needed to keep this country in

progress and to answer many problems that occur in this country. Beside

mastering their own specialities, they are demanded to be able to interact with

people from other countries. According to McKay (2002: 15-16),

“By the beginning of the nineteenth century Britain had become the world’s leading industrial and trading nation. Most of the innovations of the Industrial Revolution were of British origin, resulting in new terminology


for technological and scientific advance. Hence, those who wanted to learn more about these innovations needed English both to understand the new terminology and talk to English speaking inventors and manufacturers.”

Thus, English has important role in this globalization era.

Because English is neither mother tongue nor lingua franca among

Indonesian, it needs to be learned and practiced. Moreover, Graddol (McKay,

2002: 18) notes “Today over 84 per cent of the internet servers are English

medium…. These figures clearly demonstrate that one needs to know English

today in order to access and contribute to both printed and electronic

information.” Considering the matter, both governmental and non-governmental

schools place English as a compulsory school subject. In addition, to improve

education quality, some schools in Indonesia have used English as a language to

convey information in certain school subjects other than English. The schools

attempt to apply an international standard of education so that the students and/or

the graduates can compete with others in the international level (Astika, 2009).

Moreover, some regulations have been made by government of Indonesia as the

foundations of the presence of SBI (Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) in Indonesia. To achieve the purpose of SBI, as stated above, the schools conduct

bilingual classes for some school subjects. However, there are some problems that

occur in carrying out bilingual classes. According to Astika (2009), one of the

problems is the unprepared teachers to use English as the lingua franca in class. Although the portion of using English in bilingual classes is not as much as in

English class, teachers of those subjects should learn English to avoid


demand. Thus, some schools which apply SBI conduct English courses for the teachers to overcome the problem.

In recent days, the bilingual classes are still limited to some certain

subjects. Some of the subjects include Math, Physics and Biology. Here, the

writer focuses her research on English course for teachers of Biology. The writer

also perceives that Biology is chosen because it uses more verbal language than

other those subjects which mostly use numbers and there are always up-to-date

English written works related to it which can be obtained easily. As a matter of

fact, Biology teachers are stillat the beginning level of English proficiency. Based

on the survey (Astika, 2009), 33.3% of bilingual teachers do not have ability to

communicate in English. Meanwhile, they are expected to be able to communicate

in English for their profession’s demand and improvement of education quality.

Therefore, they should be at least able to read and understand English texts since

there are many written works related to Biology that are offered. This is essential

for them to enrich their knowledge and to help them support their teaching tasks.

Furthermore, as bilingual teachers, they have a task to develop learning materials

in English. In developing the materials, teachers may modify the available books

written in English. Here, they will employ their reading skills in completing the

task. For these reasons, it is obvious that people use English not only for

communicative purposes but also for specific purposes in order to deepen their

knowledge in certain field and to accomplish their profession’s demand.

According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 19), “English for specific


and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning”. It means that the

topics and the kind of teaching learning process are based on the learner’s needs.

The need to learn English in specific purposes will appear when they find

difficulties in reading English texts. In this research, the texts are related to

Biology so that the English learning will be much meaningful to Biology teachers

as the learners. Regarding with the reason stated above, the writer attempts to

design a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers. Besides, there has

not been such material available yet.

In conclusion, the reasons of deciding to design a set of English reading

materials for Biology teachers are based on three considerations. First, the school

policy requires Biology teachers to also use English in class as a means of

communication. Second, many written works related to Biology which are

important to support teaching-learning process are written in English. Third, the

writer discovers that most Biology teachers are still at the beginning level of

English proficiency. Therefore, the materials are designed as a guideline to help

the learners understand English text.

By designing a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers, the

writer expects the materials will be helpful for them in order to comprehend many

written works in English and to increase their reading skill. Furthermore, they will

enrich their knowledge to support their teaching tasks in bilingual classes for the


B. Problem Formulation

In the research, there are two main problems that the writer is going to

solve. The two problems can be formulated as follows:

1. How is a set of English reading materials using Content Based Instruction

(CBI) for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta designed?

2. What does the designed set of English reading materials using Content

Based Instruction (CBI) for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta look


C. Problem Limitation

The research is limited to the discussion on designing a set of English

reading materials using CBI for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. As

stated in the research background, there are three main reasons why the writer

chooses Biology subject as her research object. First, only certain classes use

English as a lingua franca in class other than English. One of them is Biology.

Second, Biology uses more verbal language than the other two subjects mentioned

in the research background which have tendency to arithmetic. Last, there are a lot

of up-to-date written works related to Biology which can be obtained easily, and

the works are closely related to our daily life as human beings.

Apparently, the existence of schools which utilize English in teaching

learning processes of school subjects other than English subject has not widely

spread yet in Yogyakarta. For example, SMAN 3 Yogyakarta is one of some


Negeri 3 Yogyakarta states that the school starts to apply Kelas Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional (SBI) in the school year of 2006-2007. It also states that only some school subjects such as Math, Physics, and Biology which have been

applied that program. Thus, it can be understood why the research is designed for

SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta.

Also, the research is concerned with the appropriate English reading

materials for Biology teachers. Reading materials play an important role toward

the comprehension of English texts. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987:

107), “materials help to organize the teaching and learning process by providing a

path through the complex mass of the language to be learnt”. Since there is no

particular material yet for Biology teachers which can help them to learn how to

understand and comprehend English texts in their field, it is necessary to design

suitable materials which are focused on reading in order to answer the needs of

the Biology teachers.

D. Research Objectives

Considering the problems which have been stated in the problem

formulation, the research is conducted to achieve the following objectives:

1. to discover how a set of English reading materials using CBI for Biology

teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta is designed.

2. to present the designed set of English reading materials using CBI for


E. Research Benefits

The research is intended to give benefits to a particular scientific area,

especially English for Biology teachers. Therefore, the findings of the research are

expected to bring valuable contributions to:

1. Biology teachers

They are provided with a set of English reading materials that help them to

understand English texts in Biology field. Furthermore, it is expected that

they will be motivated in reading English texts that are useful to enrich their

knowledge dealing with their field.

2. English instructors

They are provided with a set of English reading materials which can be

utilized to teach an English course for Biology teachers.

3. Others who concern with the field

By reading a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers, people

can gain information from the texts while they improve their English reading


4. Future researchers

They can learn from the research how to design a set of English reading

materials for Biology teachers and later if they are willing to evaluate,


F. Definition of Terms

There are five key terms which are used in the research, they are:

1. Design

Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1995: 314), design is “a drawing or an outline from which something may be made”. Meanwhile, Trochim

(2006) states that “A design is used to structure the research, to show how all of

the major parts of the research project … work together to try to address the

central research questions.”. Here, design is a plan which is mentioned to facilitate

intended subject that is Biology teachers to help them in language learning


2. Reading materials

According to Wallace (1992:3), “reading is an awareness of the way in

which we use language”. Meanwhile, Nunan (1989:33) states that “reading is an

interactive process between what a reader already knows about a given topic or

subject and what the writer writes”. The writer concludes that reading is a skill to

obtain information and writer’s message from text with aid of the readers’

background knowledge and awareness of language use. Thus, reading materials

are materials to be used in language teaching activities in reading class in which

there are learning objectives, reading texts, learning activities, learning indicators,

and learning evaluation.

3. Content Based Instruction (CBI)

Content Based Instruction is “the integration of particular content with


second language skills but also maintaining the learners’ knowledge of a

particular subject at once. Thus, knowledge of language and knowledge of subject

matter which is Biology in the research are developed simultaneously.

4. Biology Teachers

From an online Biology Dictionary (2007), Biology is defined as the scientific study of the life; science that studies living world, living organisms and

the phenomena, and characteristics of life processes. Teachers are persons who

teach; especially those who teach in schools. It means that Biology teachers are a

group of persons or people who teach the scientific study dealing with living


5. SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta is one of senior high schools in Yogyakarta. Like

other senior high schools, this school also has aim which is to prepare the students

to continue their education to the higher level. The school is located at Jl. Yos




There are two major sections that are going to be discussed in this chapter.

They are the theoretical descriptions which contain reviews on related theories to

answer the research problems and the theoretical framework which underlies the


A. Theoretical Descriptions

In this section, the writer elaborates five groups of theory and a description

which will be used to develop a set of English reading materials for Biology

teachers. Those are theory of instructional design, theory of materials

development, theory of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), theory of

Content-Based Instruction (CBI), theory of reading, and a description of Biology subject at

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta.

1. Yalden’s Instructional Design

In accomplishing the research, the writer applied Yalden’s instructional

design. As language is a means of communication, Yalden’s model is chosen for it

takes communicative needs of the learners into account and it is sufficiently

flexible providing that there is a recycling stage in the cycle. This model presents

structured stages consisting of specified tasks needed to do by the writer in

designing the materials. The stages refer to the stages of how to develop a


language program in which there is a stage to develop syllabus. Since there is no

stage to develop materials clearly presented in Yalden’s model, the research needs

materials development theory to support this model which is presented in the next


The stages in a language program development proposed by Yalden (1987:

88-89) are as follows:

a. Needs survey

This step is aimed to collect information from the target learners which will

be used as a consideration for describing the learning purposes. Needs

survey can be carried out by distributing questionnaires and/or interviewing.

b. Description of purpose

Having conducted the needs survey, the writer’s task is to describe the

purpose of learning. Learning purposes will underlie the development of

syllabus and the content of designed materials.

c. Selection/development of syllabus type

This stage is the stage to produce a syllabus. According to Yalden (1987:85),

a syllabus is a stage at which specified content of language course is

organized. In developing a syllabus, the writer should consider the needs of

learners so that it can meet the learners’ goal. Thus, here, the writer

perceives that a syllabus is a guideline to develop a set of English teaching


d. Production of a proto-syllabus

This stage is a step in which the content of syllabus is specified. It may

include general notions and specific topics, communicative functions,

discourse and rhetorical skills, variety of language, role-sets, and

communicative events, as well as grammar and lexis.

e. Production of a pedagogical syllabus

At this stage, the writer specifies words and phrases which are suitable to

support the language functions and the topics.

f. Development and implementation of classroom procedures

Teaching techniques and other elements, such as learning activities and time

allocations, are determined to be implemented in the classroom. The writer

perceives that it is sort of an outline of the syllabus realization in the


g. Evaluation

This stage is to evaluate the content of syllabus as well as the designed

materials. It is also to measure the suitability of the designed materials with

the learners.

h. Recycling stage

Recycling stage is the follow-up stage of evaluation. This stage is essential

to make the model flexible and dynamic. It is conducted after getting

feedback from evaluation stage. The recycling stage provides feedback to

the previous stages which need revision in order to meet the goals set.


The stages can be summarized in Figure 2.1.

Needs survey

Description of purpose

Selection/ development of syllabus type

Production of

pedagogical syllabus Production

of a proto-syllabus

Development and

implementation of classroom procedures


Evalu -ation

Fig. 2.1 Instructional Design by Yalden (1987:88)

To complete the third stage, which is selection of syllabus type, the writer

elaborates some syllabuses to be selected the appropriate one. Furthermore,

Yalden (1987:94) states that “the description of purpose will not automatically

yield a description of syllabus type”. Therefore, the writer should decide the

syllabus type which is going to be used as a guideline in developing materials.

Nunan (1988:27) states that there are two major types of syllabus;

product-oriented syllabuses and process-product-oriented syllabuses. Product syllabuses are

syllabuses which focus on the learners’ achievement. The syllabuses are:

a. Grammatical syllabus, which focuses on grammatical rules.

b. Functional-notional syllabus, which focuses on language functions and

language notions/meaning.

c. Analytic syllabus, in which linguistic matters are learned under related

situations, discussion topics, subject matters, etc.

Process-oriented syllabuses (Nunan, 1988:40-60) view that the learners’

achievement depends on the learning process. Therefore, the syllabuses focus on


a. Procedural syllabus, in which learning tasks and activities should represent

the use of language rather than language exercises.

b. Task-based syllabus, in which the selection of tasks and activities is

considering the subject matter, the goal, and the context.

c. Content syllabus, in which the language learning can be developed through

a subject matter.

d. Natural approach, in which the central point of this syllabus is


From the elaborations of some syllabuses above, the writer would like to

choose the content-based syllabus which is properly applied in a course of English

for Specific Purposes like in the research for it establishes the language learning

within subject matter. Since it views language learning can be established within a

specific subject area, the language knowledge and other knowledge are developed

simultaneously. Therefore, the writer perceives that the learning would be

efficient for the learners (Biology teachers) can obtain both knowledge of

language and knowledge of Biological matters employed as supporting

information to carry out their bilingual classes. Hence, for Biology teachers, the

topics of learning should be in Biological area (e.g. health, diseases, global

warming, etc.).

2. Materials Development

As stated previously, Yalden’s model needs materials development theory


the writer discusses a model for developing materials. Hutchinson and Waters

(1987:107) state that “a material model must be clear and systematic, but flexible

enough to allow for creativity and variety.” According to Moore as cited by

Robinson (1991:61), “procedural guide to producing a unit … is not to provide a

recipe for materials production but to set out some of the procedures which team

preparation helped to make explicit.” Therefore, Hutchinson and Waters present a

model which can be an outline in designing materials. Nonetheless, as stated by

Moore, it does not mean that the designed materials cannot be modified.

The Hutchinson and Waters’ model consists of four elements (Hutchinson

and Waters, 1987:108-109). The elements are:

a. Input

Input is given for the learners to recall the learners’ background knowledge

or existing information related to the content of material. Input is essential

to introduce the content. It may be by reading a text, listening to an audio

cassette, answering questions, etc.

b. Content focus

Here, the writer focuses the materials on the specific skill which is to be

taught (listening, speaking, reading, or writing). The learning will be more

effective when the content is related to daily lives.

c. Language focus

In language focus, learners are given opportunity to study language by


d. Task

Task is a necessary part of every learning activity. Task makes learners

practice and use their knowledge both of language and content. It is also

employed to measure learners’ understanding.

The four elements proposed by Hutchinson and Waters are utilized as a

basis to develop the learning activities in the materials. As they function as a

basis, the writer may modify and/or complete it with other learning activities

models such as types of reading activity proposed by Wallace and five stages of

teaching reading suggested by Cushenbery which both of them are discussed

under theory of reading in this chapter. Thus, the learning activities of the

materials should offer those four elements elaborated above.

In developing materials, the writer does materials adaptation as well.

Materials adaptation is used to make the materials suitable for specific learners,

teachers or situations (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:11). To adapt the materials,

Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004:15-16) present the techniques for materials

adaptation which are divided into three main categories in terms of quantity: Plus

(+), Minus (-), or Zero (0). The categories are described below.


a. Plus Category

Table 2.1 Techniques and Examples of Plus Category in Materials Adaptation (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16)

Techniques Examples

Addition Teachers may add different texts and/or activities.


b. Minus Category

Table 2.2 Techniques and Examples of Minus Category in Materials Adaptation (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16)

Techniques Examples

Deletion Teachers may delete some texts and/or activities altogether. Subtraction Teachers may decrease the number of sentences in a text or

part of an activity.

Reduction Teachers may reduce texts and activities by decreasing the length, difficulty, depth, etc.


c. Zero Category

Table 2.3 Techniques and Examples of Zero Category in Materials Adaptation (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16)

Techniques Examples

Modification Teachers may make changes to instructions. Replacement Teachers may swap one activity with another.

Reorganization Teachers may change the position of texts and illustrations.

Resequencing Teachers may change the sequence of the activities.

Conversion Teachers may change the genre of a text (from narrative to poem), or move the content from one medium to another (e.g. from print to a web page).

To make the materials suitable for the learners, the writer does some of

Tomlinson and Masuhara’s techniques. The techniques which are going to be


reduce the length, the difficulty, and the depth of reading texts. Meanwhile,

reorganization is done to change the position and illustrations of the texts.

3. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

The research, “Designing a Set of English Reading Materials for Biology

Teachers”, is closely relating to ESP since it is intended for the specific learners

which are Biology teachers. Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 16) state that ESP can

be classified based on the general nature of the learners’ purpose (English for

Academic Purposes/EAP and English for Occupational Purposes/EOP) and the

learners’ specialism (English for Science and Technology/EST, English for

Business and Economics/EBE, and English for Social Sciences/ESS).

Based on the learners’ purpose, the research can be categorized as EAP

because the designed materials are going to be used for educational development.

Nonetheless, since the research is for the learners who are willing to maintain

their profession’s demand, it can also be categorized as EOP. Based on the

learners’ specialism, the research is classified into EST for it is dealing with

Biology field. Therefore, the research is under ESP theory.

Additionally, in Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach, Strevens as cited by Johns and Dudley-Evans (2006:3) states that there are four absolute characteristics and two variable characteristics

that define English language teaching to be considered as ESP. The four absolute


a. The English language teaching is designed to meet learners’ specific needs.

In the research, the designed materials are designed based on the

specification of Biology teachers’ needs.

b. The content of English language teaching only relates to a particular

discipline, occupation, and activity. In this case, the research relates to

Biology and Biology teachers as the learners.

c. The English language teaching centers on language that is appropriate to

support those two previous characteristics.

d. The ESP language teaching differs from ‘General English’ language

teaching. It is shown in methodology.

The two variable characteristics are:

a. ESP may be focused only on one skill. In the research, the designed

materials are focused on reading skill, and

b. Methodology used in ESP may not only use provided teaching

methodologies. Teacher may create or combine them.

a. ESP Methodology

In developing a set of materials which is under ESP umbrella, the writer

needs to concern ESP methodology. It is important for the writer to understand the

methodology used in ESP. As stated in the absolute characteristic of ESP, ESP

methodology differs from methodology used in General Purpose English (Johns

and Dudley-Evans, 2006:3). Moreover, according to Hutchinson and Waters


content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning”. Since it aims

to meet the needs of particular learners, the learning methodology and the content

of the designed materials are based on the areas of the particular study.

Furthermore, according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987:128-130), there

are several basic principles of language learning which underlie language learning

methodology. First principle which underlies the designed materials of the

research is that the second language learning is a developmental process. It means

the product of learning depends on the learning process. The writer notices that

the good-ordered process of learning refers to the well-developed learning

activities. Yet, the learners’ background knowledge also determines the result of

learning for it helps in the process of understanding. Learners who have enough

knowledge of learning content will be at ease in the learning process, and the

result of learning will be optimal. Thus, activating learners’ background

knowledge is an essential pre-activity (e.g. by predicting, answering questions).

Second principle is that the language learning is not just a matter of

linguistic knowledge. Language as a means of communication has a role to

convey information. It means that language will be meaningful when it is used in

the real situation/context. Therefore, the language learning should unite the

linguistic matters and the context so that the learning will be valuable for the

learners. It means that the designed materials should bring information or new

knowledge for the learners beside linguistic knowledge. In the research, the


Third principle is that the learning is an emotional experience. This

principle considers that the learners are human beings. Every human being is

always influenced emotionally. Hence, the designed materials should be

developed interestingly so that it can motivate the learners to learn. One way is by

varying the learning activities (e.g. having discussion, playing games, doing

crosswords, etc.)

In addition to the materials development, Robinson (1991:54) states that “a

key concept within the communicative approach, and one felt to be particularly

relevant for ESP, is that of authenticity.” Authenticity, here, refers to the use of

authentic materials which is “the use of print, audio, video and pictorial material

originally produced for a purpose other than the teaching of language” (Robinson,

1991:54). Kennedy and Bolitho (1991:48), in accordance with authenticity, state

that “the crucial element is that it aims to convey information and ideas rather

than the use of language.” Since the research is to develop a set of reading

materials, the writer utilizes authentic texts in her designed materials. The use of

authentic texts is caused of the use of simplified texts (texts which are aimed to

the language learning) in classroom will be different with the texts which are

faced in real world (Kennedy and Bolitho, 1991:48).

b. Needs Analysis

To determine the content of the designed materials, we need to have needs

analysis. Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 53) said that “any course should be based


Dudley-Evans (2006: 122) also state that “needs analysis is the corner stone of

ESP and leads to a very focused course.” Thus, needs analysis is an important step

before establishing the designed materials.

To avoid misunderstanding of what is meant by needs, Robinson

(1991:7-8) states that there are some definitions of needs. The definitions are presented


1) Needs refers to the learning objectives or what the learners have to be able

to do at the end of language course.

2) Needs is the demand of what the learners to be able to do from the

language course.

3) Needs means the learning process or what the learners need to do in

acquiring language.

4) Needs refers to the personal wants or what the learners’ purposes in taking

the language course.

5) Needs is as learners’ lacks or what the learners do not know or cannot do

in English.

In addition, Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 54) state that basically there are

two kinds of needs. Those are target needs (i.e. what the learner needs to do in the

target situation) and learning needs (i.e. what the learner needs to do in order to

learn). To help gathering such information, Hutchinson and Waters provide a

framework of information to an analysis of target needs. The framework contains

a list of questions about the reason why the language is needed, in what way the


language, about the situation where and when the language will be used

(Hutchinson and Waters, 1987: 59-60).

The target situation analysis can determine the destination. It can guide the

writer by giving general direction but it is not reliable indicator of what is needed

or useful in the ESP learning situation. Therefore, from the starting point that is

analysis of target needs, the writer needs to have learning needs which covers the

conditions of the learning situation, the learners’ knowledge, skills and strategies,

and the learners’ motivation. In order to analyze the learning needs, Hutchinson

and Waters outline a framework which also consists of some questions. They are

about the reason why the learners are taking the course, about how the learners

learn, about the available resources, about the specification of the learners, about

the situation where and when the course will take place (Hutchinson and Waters,

1987: 62-63).

4. Content-Based Instruction (CBI)

One of the four absolute characteristics which differentiate ESP to General

English Purpose is shown by language teaching methodology. Some important

principles of the methodology have been discussed in the ESP Methodology. One

of approaches in language teaching which is going to be implemented by the


a. Objectives of CBI

As stated in Content-Based Second Language Instruction (Brinton, 1989: 2) that “…content-based instruction as the integration of particular content with

language-teaching aims”, its aim is not only for developing second language skills

but also maintaining the learners’ knowledge of a particular subject at once.

Moreover, Brinton (1989: 2) clearly states that “The focus for students is on

acquiring information via the second language and, in the process, developing

their academic language skills.” Larsen-Freeman (2000:137) also states that “the

special contribution of content-based instruction is that it integrates the learning of

language with the learning of some other content, often academic subject matter.”

Thus, knowledge of language and knowledge of subject matter which is Biology

in the research are developed simultaneously.

b. Characteristics of CBI

Since the purpose of CBI is to integrate the content of a particular subject

area and the second language teaching, Brinton (1989: 5) states that the teaching

learning activities will be in the scope of the subject area and the second language

as a means of communication. Accordingly, there are three teaching models of

CBI presented in Content-Based Second Language Instruction (Brinton, 1989: 14). Those three models are as follows:

1) Theme-Based Language Instruction/Topic-Based Language Instruction

The model is constructed around topics or themes. In accordance with the


specific topics (e.g. reproduction, global warming, etc.). It means that the

language mastery is developed within the topics. Nevertheless, the model

focuses the learning on the language mastery. Thus, the language elements

(e.g. vocabulary, grammar) are selected from the texts under the topics.

2) Sheltered Content Instruction

Unlike the theme-based language instruction, this model focuses the learning

on the content mastery. Thus, here, language is seemingly functioned only as

a medium. It happens in an immersion class in which students study subject

matter (e.g. Mathematics, Science, etc.) in second language.

3) Adjunct Language Instruction

This model is not only developing the language mastery but also the content

mastery. Therefore, it is difficult to be implemented in low level of language


From the three teaching models above, theme-based instruction model is

considered appropriate to be implemented to the research since the model focuses

on the language learning, in which the language learning is the objective of the

research. This model brings about three advantages (Brinton, 1989:31) which are:

1) presenting different skills in one topical context (e.g. reading and writing,

listening and speaking),

2) stimulating the interest of the varied learners (e.g. learners who have

different level of proficiency, learners who come from different background


3) giving access in the second language which is relevant to the learners (e.g.

the use of authentic texts which are appropriate for the learners).

According to Mohan as cited by Khranke (1987:72), “Content-based

instruction does not guarantee successful communicative ability, especially

productive ability unless extensive productive activities are included as part of the

overall instructional experience.” Consequently, there should be enough portion of

learning activities in the designed materials which are expected to meet the

learning goal. Furthermore, there are three cores activities and a supplementary

activity in the theme-based instruction model suggested by Brinton (1989:31-32).

Those activities are presented below:

1) activating the learners’ background knowledge and presenting vocabularies

relating to the topic

2) leading main activities (reading, listening, etc.) to a discussion or other

learning tasks

3) making summarization of what being learnt

4) working on vocabulary, relevant grammar items, more main activities

(supplementary activities)

In accordance with the syllabus choosing, topic syllabus is recommended

to be used in this teaching model. Richards and Rodgers (2003:216) state that the

teaching model “refers to a language course in which the syllabus is organized

around themes or topics.…” Thus, the writer selects themes or topics or content

syllabus to be established in the research. This supports the selection of syllabus


c. Principles of CBI

According to Brinton (1989:3-4), there are five considerations in

integrating language teaching and the content of specific area. The principles are:

1) It is believed that language forms and functions which are presented

systematically will be suitable with the learners.

2) To make language learning more effective, any other informational materials

which are relevant and interesting are needed to establish learners’


3) Prior knowledge and experience of the learners are very essential to be

recalled before they continue to the next step of learning.

4) Language should be learned in context so that it can be meaningful.

Subsequently, the focus is on the language use instead of the language


5) Language is easier to be acquired in context.

d. The Role of Learners and Teachers

In CBI, learners (Biology teachers) are expected to be independent

learners. It means learners are active to seek out their own learning ways in order

to gain knowledge. Learners also take part in selection of topics and activities.

While, the teachers (course instructors) have role as the learners’ needs analysts.

The teachers also select and adapt authentic materials, plan lesson materials to


5. Reading

a. The Nature of Reading

According to Wallace (1992:3), “reading is an awareness of the way in

which we use language”. We use language for some purposes and the language

we use will be meaningful if it is used in context. Reading activity, as well as

language, is depending on the purposes. Wallace states (1992:6-7) that there are

three reasons why people do reading. In other words, there are three kinds of

reading purpose. Those are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading

for pleasure. The purpose of reading is very important for it has something to do

with learners’ motivation. Regarding with the importance, Wallace also states that

“…effective reading means a flexible and appropriate response to the material in

hand, and this is always guided by the reader’s purpose…”

Meanwhile, Nunan (1989:33) states that “reading is an interactive process

between what a reader already knows about a given topic or subject and what the

writer writes”. Here, he highlights a relationship between readers’ background

knowledge and the text. Background knowledge of the learners determines the

success of comprehending a text. Moreover, Nunan also discovered that

background knowledge is a more important factor in reading than grammatical


Thus, the writer makes a conclusion that reading is an activity of

processing what the writer writes with aid of the readers’ background knowledge

and awareness of language use to get the writer’s message and it always


b. Reading in the Content Area

It is important to concern about reading in the content area since the

research deals with Biology. Like other general reading, reading in the content

area is expected to result in readers’ comprehension. According to Cushenbery

(1985: 9-10), there are four basic levels of comprehension skills which are needed

to be emphasized in reading. Those are:

1) Literal reading level

The level requires readers to remember details, note main ideas, follow

direction, and discover cause and effect relationships stated in text.

2) Interpretive level

In this level, readers are expected to discover the author’s purpose, detect

moods, draw conclusion, find main ideas, and find cause and effect

relationship if they are not directly stated in text.

3) Critical reading level

At the third level, readers are expected to determine if a statement is a fact or

opinion and make an assessment of the accuracy of text.

4) Creative reading level

This level demands reader to solve problems, make value judgments, and

draw conclusion from what is read.

Beside those comprehension levels that learners need to develop in

reading, reading is a process. Therefore, the following principles will help the

learners to obtain the product of reading that is comprehension (Cushenbery,


1) Comprehension can be gained through various kinds of reading skill such as

reading for finding main idea, summarizing, reading for details, etc.

2) Kinds of instruction should represent reading skill to be mastered.

3) Learners know their purpose of reading and learning tasks should develop

various kinds of comprehension skill.

4) Reading materials should be well-selected so that they will be at the

learners’ level. If reading materials are at lower or higher level, the learners

will not challenge to read them.

5) Teacher should follow the five-step approach in teaching reading in the

content area. The approach is to activate background knowledge, to establish

reading purpose, and to develop reading skill. Those five stages are as


a) Readiness Stage

In this step, learners’ background knowledge relating to the topic is

activated. It can be conducted by asking questions, giving hints, etc.

b) Question or Purpose Stage

Reading purpose should be established based on four basic levels of

comprehension which are literal, interpretive, critical, and creative.

c) Silent Reading Stage

Having completed with question or purpose stage, learners are to read

silently other reading texts which are suitable with their level of


d) Discussion Stage

The discussion should take place soon after silent reading stage. This

stage makes use the skills obtained in the second stage.

e) Culminating Activity Stage

Learners are encouraged to see the relationship which exists between the

topic discussed and previous discussion topics, for example by making

summary, by giving opinion, etc.

6) Since comprehension is the product of reading, tasks which need

comprehension skill should be developed and be given intensively.

7) Reading techniques are needed to establish comprehension effectively.

c. Types of Reading Activity

Generally, there are three main types of reading activity which may be

used by the writer in developing her reading materials. The types are pre-reading

activities, while-reading activities, and post-reading activities. Brief explanations

of those three types are presented below (Wallace, 1992:114-122).

1) Pre-reading activities

Pre-reading activities can be conducted in three ways. The first one is

learners provide their own questions, statements, or hypothesis. This is

aimed at motivating learners to further reading, activating learners’

background knowledge, and presenting particular discourse will be dealing

with. Second one is by giving cross-cultural pre-reading tasks. This kind of


the target culture. The third one is by giving pre-reading tasks which

challenge conventional outcomes. Such tasks will encourage learners to

discuss and draw some opinions in accordance with the content of reading


2) While-reading activities

While-reading activities include offering learners alternative readings of a

text, identifying parallel discourses, and analyzing linguistic choices.

Offering learners alternative readings of a text means learners are offered

more than one way of reading a text. It will be dealing with reading

techniques. Next, a text may have more than one discourse. Therefore, it will

be interesting to compare those discourses in parallel way for it helps

learners to get mental image and understanding. Identifying parallel

discourse will not be completely successful without knowing linguistic

choices made by the writer. The linguistic choices determine the discourses

which unfold in text. To understand linguistic choices written in text, reader


Figure 3.1: The Writer’s R & D Adopted Cycle Completed with Yalden’s
Fig. 2.1 Instructional Design by Yalden (1987:88)
Table 2.1 Techniques and Examples of Plus Category in Materials Adaptation
Table 2.3 Techniques and Examples of Zero Category in Materials Adaptation


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