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Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu




Submitted as requirement to obtain degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in International Program on Science Education study program

Written by:

Annisa Nurramadhani







Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu




Annisa Nurramadhani

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

© Annisa Nurramadhani 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2013

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.


Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu







Supervisor I

Dr. Setiya Utari, M.Si.

NIP: 196707251992032002

Supervisor II

Dr.Phil. Ari Widodo, M.Ed.

NIP: 196705271992031001

Head of Study Program of

International Program on Science Education

Dr. Diana Rochintaniawat, M.Ed.


Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu



Annisa Nurramadhani 0902175

International Program On Science Education Indonesia University Of Education


Based on previous research, virtual laboratory or multimedia interactive can improve students conceptual mastery and boys students has outperformed in physics subject than girls, boys also outperformed than girls in multimedia interface. So, this research is done to investigate gender differences and junior high school students conceptual mastery by using virtual laboratory media on optic topics. Based on the purpose of this research, the method that is used in this research is quasi experiment with the subject are two classes, VIII A (Boys class) and VIII B (Girls class) in Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung and the research design is matching pretest-posttest comparison group design. The research instrument that is used is item test for conceptual mastery, interest in physics questionnaire, and virtual laboratory learning media which is developed by the researcher. To develop virtual laboratory learning media, storyboard of media should be developed then, it should be judged. After that, virtual laboratory can be made by using macromedia flash. Data processing was done by independent sample t-test using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and SPSS 18. The result of this research shows tcomputation value > ttable, tcomputation value is 3,348 > 2,020 that there are significant differences conceptual mastery improvement between boys class and girls class by using virtual laboratory in optic topics. The level cognitive between girls class and boys class are different and interest in physics also has differences between boys class and girls class. For whole result, boys has outperformed in conceptual mastery and level cognitive than girls class. Also boys have more interest in physics than girls class.


Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu




PREFACE ... iii





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background………... 1

B. Research Problem……… 4

C. Research Question ………... 4

D. Limitation of Problem………... E. Research Variable………... F. Research Objective………... G. Research Benefit………... 4 4 5 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS A. Learning and Instruction………... 6

B. Learning Media………... 10

C. Virtual Laboratory as Learning Media………... 13 D. Achievement and Conceptual Mastery...

E. Different gender... 19


Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


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F. Optic Material...

A. Research Method and Design…………... 26


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H. Data Analysis and Hypothesis Test...

1. Normality Test...

2. Homogenity Test...

3. Hypothesis Test...

4. Flow of Data Analysis... 44






A. Concept Mastery...

B. Students Interest In Physics...

C. Discussion...





A. Conclusion ...

B. Suggestion………...





Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu LIST OF TABLES

Table 2.1 Comparison Between Virtual Laboratory and Real Laboratory... 16

Table 2.2 Instructional Objective and Indicator of Learning... 20

Table 2.3 Standard Competences and Basic Competences of Optic... 23

Table 3.1 Research Design: Matching Pretest-Posttest Comparison Group Design.. 27

Table 3.2 Blueprint of Objective Question Before Doing Instrument Analysis Item Test... 29

Table 3.3 Blueprint of Objective Question After Doing Instrument Analysis Item Test... 30

Table 3.4 Blueprint of Interest in Physics Questionnaire... 30

Table 3.5 Discriminating Power... 32

Table 3.6 Discriminating Power Result... 33

Table 3.7 Difficulty Level... 34

Table 3.8 Difficulty Level Result... 35

Table 3.9 Validity Interpretation... 36

Table 3.10 Validity Test Result... 36

Table 3.11 Reliability Interpretation... 38

Table 3.12 Recapitulation of Instrument Data Analysis Result... 39

Table 3.13 Criteria of N gain Improvement... 46


Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1. 1 Flow of Dependent Variable and Independent Variable of

Research... 5

Figure 2. 1 Essential component of Learning and Instruction... 8

Figure 2. 2 Media Grouping ... 12

Figure 2. 3 Communication Process in Learning Activity... 12

Figure 3. 1 Flow of Research... 43

Figure 3. 2 Flow of Data Analysis... 46

Figure 4. 1 N-Gain Value of Boys Class and Girls Class Level Cognitive... 50

Figure 4. 2 Percentage Result Interest In Physics Questionnaire... 52

Figure 4. 3 Percentage Results of Interest in Physics Based on Indicator... 53

Figure 4. 4 Light Rays in Different Medium Simulation... 56

Figure 4. 5 Light Rays in Thin Lens Simulation... 58


Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu CHAPTER I


A. Background

Science deals with how to find out about the systematic nature, so science is

not just the acquisition of knowledge in the form of facts, concepts, or principles,

but also a process of discovery. As stated in the Education Unit Level Curriculum

who have goals in each subject area to produce a product of quality education.

One of these subjects is science, it allows learners to develop an understanding of

a wide range of natural phenomena, science concepts and principles that are useful

and can be applied in everyday life (Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan, 2006).

Education Unit Level Curriculum or can be called as KTSP has goals that has to

be reached by each subject, so that it can be produced the qualified education. One

of the science subject goals is develops the understanding of nature phenomena,

concept, and science principals that advantages for apply in daily life (BSNP,


In reality and implementation, that expectation is not happened. Because,

science in implementation is delivered on by one way direction means that teacher

give science material only lecturing. This statement is in a line with the result of

preliminary observation in the school that becomes experiment schools. The

students learn science especially physics only by lecturing and they rare to do

experiment activity because of lack the equipment, a lot of equipment are broken.

Then, teachers is not search about the alternative for doing the experiment or

enable physics learning becomes more active and fun for the students. This is

strengthen by the data taken from interview with teacher subject of physics.

Actually, if the experiment activity want to take a place it will take a long times,

so the times is not enough for that and some of the equipment are broken. Teacher

also said that they do not know about laboratory virtual that can be easily taken

from the internet or interactive CD. Because of that, there is bad impact to the


2 examination in physics lesson year 2012-2013 of Pribadi Bilingual Boarding

School students grade VIII. The data shown that students achievement above

graduation standard, boys class has 29,4% out of 100%, while girls class got

21,7% out of 100%. It is shows that their achievement in physics lesson still low.

So, to overcome all of the obstacle that occurs in physics lesson at Pribadi

Bilingual Boarding School Bandung is develops a media that provides students to

get their self-learning activities, construct their understanding of physics concept

by themselves, and also media that can make them easier to comprehended the

physics concept, especially in optic topics that tends to cumulative and contains

abstract concept. The media is virtual laboratory as multimedia interactive.

Virtual laboratory as simulation program using computer that more specific

to the science experiment activity such as, biology, chemistry, and physics. This

program provide the material and substance as like in laboratory, then students do

the experiment based on the objective of experiment. After that, students can

develop that experiment based on the clue or objective of experiment itself. And

students are expected can explain certain concept or phenomena based on virtual

experiment that has been done by them (Warsita, 2008). After that, students can

improve their achievement. Because the instruction using computer can improve

students motivation to improve students comprehension in concept of material

(Warsita, 2008) especially in physics. When there is a motivation inside a

students, so the students minds will be opened to receive a concept that is given

during an instructional process. This also in a line with the research which is told

that virtual laboratory can overcome the remote observations and remote

experiments to be used to update information and motivate students, e.g. in the

form of virtual experiments to be applied in interpretation of real experiments

(simulators of laboratory activities, predicting and verifications of results in

experiments) and experiments which cannot be made in schools (dangerous,

requiring demanding instruments, unobtainable, etc.) (Bilek and Skalicka, 2009).

This cases also has already researched by other researcher, which is stated

that virtual laboratory or multimedia interactive can improve students conceptual


3 Dinevski, 2010; Putri et al, 2013). So, actually this solution has already done by

other researcher and it is proven this solution is effective to overcome the obstacle

in learning science especially in experiment activity.

This research is very important to carry out because in this research there is

differences with other research that has been explained before. Therefore this

research is quite similar with the research that has been done by Tuysuz (2010), it

has uniquely different with that.

This research use two classes with different gender or we can called single

sex class. This research use boys class and girls class. Both of class got the same

treatment using virtual laboratory in optic topics. And this research is conducted

in international schools that has different curriculum. Also characteristic of

students is different also because they placed in single sex class.

So, this research would investigate about differences of students

improvement in conceptual mastery by using virtual laboratory between boys

class and girls class at that schools. Then, teachers can know the appropriate

media to overcome in different characteristic of students during physics learning.

Also the can know the appropriate way to make physics learning become

meaningful in different class based on gender.

This research also very important to do because it can develop a model that

can use virtual laboratory learning media inside in order to improve learning

outcomes of students especially conceptual mastery of students based on gender

in optic topics. So, this research has the tittle about Gender Differences and

Junior High School Students Conceptual Mastery by Using Virtual Laboratory


4 B. Research Problem

The research problem of this research, “Is there any differences of student’s

conceptual mastery improvement based on gender differences by using virtual

laboratory learning media in optic topic?”

C. Research Questions

1. How is the differences of conceptual mastery improvement between boys

class and girls class by using virtual laboratory learning media in optic


2. How is the differences of students interest in physics lesson especially on

optic topics between female and male students?

D. Limitation of Problem

In order to this research more focused, so to limit the problem as follows:

1. The differences of conceptual mastery improvement can be meassured if

the results of statistical test (independent sample t-test) from posttest,

tends to tcomputation is greather than ttable.

2. Students' interest in physics lesson will be determined from the percentage

of students' answers to the questions in the questionnaire.

E. Research Variable

In this research there are independent variable ( X ) that can be applied to

the object of research, students. There is Virtual laboratory learning media as

independent variable in this reasearch. While, dependent variable (Y) is variable

that can be changed because of the treatment of independent variable. The

dependent variable in this research is Students conceptual mastery. The flow of


5 Figure 1.1

Flow of Dependent Variable and Independent Variable of Research

F. Research Objective

This Research objective is to investigate gender differences and junior high

school students conceptual mastery by using virtual laboratory media on optic


G. Research Benefit

The results of this study are expected to provide the following benefits:

1. For teachers, this study may add insight teachers about using innovative

media or multimedia computer-based learning as an alternative learning

model and media that can be used in teaching at schools, so that learning is

done more innovative and varied in order to increase students' skills and

concepts. Also teacher can know the characteristic and ability of students

based on gender, so that the teacher ca apply the appropriate learnig media

in his or her teaching learning activity.

2. For students, the existence of this research, students can have new

experience in learning physics lessons at school in particular optical

material implemented using virtual laboratory learning media, so that they

can improve their understanding of science and improve their


X Variable

Virtual Laboratory Learning Media

Y Variable


Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu CHAPTER II


A. Learning and Instruction

Learning by Dimyati and Mudjiono (2009) is an action and interaction. As a

student behavior, learning only experienced by students. While, according to

Sagala (2010: 11) learning is a component of science education with respect to the

purpose and reference materials interactions, both be explicit or implicit (hidden).

It is often said that teaching is organizing student activities, learning in its

broadest sense means any activity that is designed to help a person learn new

ability and value. The learning process was originally asked teachers to learn

basic skills, motivation, academic background, social background, and so forth.

Readiness of teachers to get to investigate the characteristics of students in

learning is the main capital delivery of learning materials and an indicator of the

success of the implementation of learning (Sagala, 2010: 9).

According Dimyati and Mudjiono (2009: 7) "learning is an activity

programmatically teachers in instructional design, to make the students learn

actively, which emphasizes the provision of learning resources." Article 1 of

Chapter 1 of the Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003 states

learning is the process of interaction with educators and learners learning

resources in a learning environment. Learning as a learning process that was built

by the teachers to develop creative thinking can improve students' ability to think,

and to improve the ability construct new knowledge as an effort to improve a

good mastery of the subject matter. This shows that the learning process is a


7 From the learning students get the learning outcomes that are the result of an

interaction that is undergoing a process of action learning to improve their mental

and follow teacher that teaching students. To clarify the interaction, based on

Gagne cited Dimyati and Mudjiono (2009: 11) described that learning has three

essential components, there are external condition, internal condition, and learning

outcome. Gagne identifies five major categories of learning: verbal information,

intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes. Different

internal and external conditions are necessary for each type of learning. For

example, for cognitive strategies to be learned, there must be a chance to practice

developing new solutions to problems; to learn attitudes, the learner must be

exposed to a credible role model or persuasive arguments. Internal condition

include motivational states and previously acquired knowledge and skill stored in

long-term memory that are accessible for new learning. External condition, when

deliberately planned and instituted, make up a set of events collectively called

instruction (Gagne, 1977: 339). The components as an essential component of

teaching and learning based on Gagne, condition of learning in the form of a


8 Figure 2.1

Essential Component of Learning and Instruction

According to Warsita (2008: 62), instruction is one of the effort to make a

students learn about something or make them learn in some activity. In other

words, instruction is an effort to create one condition in order learning activity can

be happened. Based on UU No.20 Year 2003 about Sisdiknas Chapter 1 article 20,

instruction is process of students interaction with teacher and learning sources in

one of learning environment. Instructional activity are designed to give learning

experiences that involve mental process and physical through interaction between

students, students and teacher, environment and other learning sources to reach Cognitive

Motoric skills

Attitude Verbal

Intellegent skill Learning outcome

Learning Activity Internal condition of Learning

Internal condition

and cognitive

condition of students

Interaction with

External condition of Leraning Stimulus from The


9 basic competences (BSNP, 2006). Learning experiences can be reached through a

varieties of using learning approaches and focused on students condition and

ability or we can called it leaner centered. Learning activity can be done if the

students learn actively and has their own experiences . It will become meaningful

for students if it is done in comfortable environment for them (Warsita, 2008:65).

Instructional activity should based on the learning theory that perspective on

problem solving in difficulties of learning or learning problem, it should can

overcome the problem in learning. Based on the problem that has been told about

learning media, learning theory that appropriate with it are cognitivism theory

and constructivism theory. Cognitivism theory reflects from behaviorism theory

that has been dominated by information processing model in human memories.

This theory according to Good & Brophy cited Warsita (2008: 69) see that

instructional activity involve comprehension and reorganize from cognitive

structure through information process and saving.

Different from cognitivism theory, constructivism theory as knowledge

construction. This theory stated about responsibility of learning is on students

hand. Thinking process is one of important things and as a main tools in learning

activity. According to Warsita (2008: 78), The basic principals of learning based

on constructivism theory are: 1) construct interpretation of students based on

learning experiences; 2) build a learning as active process in knowledge

construction, it is not only knowledge communication process; 3) objective of

learning activity is problem solving; 4) Students Centered leaning; and 5) push the


10 B. Learning Media

Learning media comes from latin language and prular from medium

words, so it can be define as medium and transfer a message (Sanjaya, 2011: 204).

Learning Media according to Sadiman cited Warsita (2008: 122) is combination

between materials and tools or combination of software and hardware. Learning

media can be called as media that is used in goals and process of learning.

Accorrding to Heinich, Molenda, and Russel cited Sanjaya (2011: 204) media is a channel of communication. Derived from the Latin word for “between”, the term refers, “to anything that carries information between a sources and receiver”.

Actually, learning process also as communication process, where the

teachers as a messenger and students as a recipients. A message that is sent by the

teachers is learning material as a communication symbol either verbal or

nonverbal, this process called encoding. The translation of those communication

symbol by students called decoding. Nevertheless, there are some obstacle in

communication process. It means that not all the message can be delivered by

messenger successfully to the recipient and recipient can understand what

recipient said. This is called the mistake in communication process. According to

(Sanjaya, 2011: 205) there are several factor that causes communication mistake,

first the lack of ability in messenger to deliver the information so the message that delivered is not clear for recipient. Second, the lack of ability in recipient for

receive the message, so there is a mistake in message interpretation. So that, in

communication process is needed a medium that has function to make delivery

information process easier. That is a nature of learning media ,so learning media

can be called as communication media that is used in learning contextual to reach

the learning goals.

Learning media can be classified as several categories depend on point of

view. Based on Sanjaya (2011: 211) learning media can be classified first, from

its properties, such as: a) auditory media, the media that has only sound unsure or

it can be only heard. For example, radio and recorder; b) visual media, learning

media that can be only seen, it is not contain audio .For example, slide, picture,


11 audio unsure and visual unsure that can be seen as like video recorder, film, audio

slide. Second, from its ability to reach the recipient, learning media can be

classified as: a) media that has large and simultaneously broadcasting ability as

like radio and television. Through this media, students can learn material actually

and simultaneously without using specific room; b) media that has limited

broadcasting ability by spaces and times, as like slide film, video, film, and etc.

Third, from the way or technique to use it, learning media can be classified as: a)

media that can be projected, for instance film, slide, stripped film, and etc. This

kinds of media is needed a special tools. For example film projector, slide

projector, over head projector (OHP). Without supports from those tools, this media can‟t work properly; b) media that cannot be projected, as like pictures, photo, painting, radio, and etc. Beside those classification of media, there are

media classified according to Rudy Brets cited by Sanjaya (2011: 212), there are

seven classification of media: 1) audiovisual movement media, as like audio film,

tv film, and etc; 2) audiovisual static media, for example film audio; 3) semi

moving audio, for instance far audio; 4) visual movement media, as like silent

film; 5) static visual media, for example printed pages, photo, microphone, silent

slide; 6) audio media, as like radio, telephone, audio tape; 7) printed media, for

example books, modular, and etc. Those learning media are classified based on its

function and role in multimedia interface.

Besides that, the media can be classified as big media means that complex

expensive and little media means that simple cheap. Learning media that include

in big media are computer, film, slide, video program. While, for little media are

sketch, picture, simple reality, and etc. From Klasek cited (Sanjaya, 2011: 212)

classified learning media as visual media, auditory media, display media, real

experiences and simulation, printed media, learning program, and learning trough

computer or it often called computer Aided Instruction Program (CAI).

According to Anderson cited (Warsita, 2008: 124) media is divided into

two categories. There are instructional aids and instructional media or learning

media. In order make more detailed about the grouping of media will figure out


12 Figure 2.2

Media Grouping

Nowdays, Learning media is not as instructional tools for teacher anymore,

but it has a function to carries message, chosen and developed systematically and

used integrate in learning process. Based on Heinich & Molenda cited Warsita

(2008: 128) media means as communication tools that carried out a message from

sources to the recipient. Media contains message that has possibility for students

interact with it directly. As figure out in the diagram below based on Wijaya cited


13 Learning media as part of learning system has simple value as like has

ability to: 1) make abstract concept become concrete; 2) brings the impossible

object and dangerous, also hard to find out to the classroom; 3) Shows the object

that has big or small size that cannot be seen by naked eyes; 4) shows the fast

motion into slow motion or vice versa; 5) possibility in varieties observation; 6)

Provide consistent information that can be repeated and saved; 7) Overcome the

obstacle about time and rooms; 8) Give a chance to the user that they can control

the speed of learning.

Based on research Sovocom Company from America, found that there is

relationship between type of media with human memory to absorb and save a message, type of media with brains‟ ability in memorize of message. For instance ability of memorize in audio media 10%, visual (visual text) 40%, and audiovisual

50%. While, the ability to save the message based on audio media less than three

days is 70%, more than three days is 10%, media visual (visual text) less than

three days is 72%, more than three days is 20%,and audiovisual media less than 3

days is 85%, more than three days is 65% (Warsita, 2008: 126).

C. Virtual Laboratory as Learning Media

Learning media usually use technology based computer. According to

Seels & Richey cited Warsita (2008: 33) Computer technology is the way to

produce and transfer sources of learning by using a tools that comes from

microprocessor. Computer technology either hardware or software has a

characteristic as follows: students learner centered; principals of cognitive

knowledge are applied during development of this media, and etc. Computer

technology also gives an opportunity for students to do self-learning in conceptual

mastery. That is possible because computer technology has an ability to save and

manipulate the alphanumeric data; shows some operation in right way; combine

text, color, animation, sounds, video, and has an ability to provide interactive


Using computer in learning as covered Computer Assisted Instruction


14 students generally involve in two ways interaction with computers through one

terminal. While, the other one is Computer Aided Learning (CAL) that the use of

computer in delivery of learning material, students actively involve giving a

feedback. Some research has already done to measure how the interest of

computer as learning media in learning process. Computer Assisted Learning

(CAL) is learning helped by computer through computer-aided instruction,

computer simulation, and etc. In a line with that, there are research from Kulik,

Bergert, and William, 1983 cited from Munir (2012: 178) about how far the

interesting of students in computer during learning process trough 48 students.

The result is 39 students that using computer gain higher score than the students

that using traditional method. This research also said that CAL has level of

confidence 0.5 compare with learning process that using traditional method.

According to Chaeruman cited Warsita (2008: 35), computer technology

or learning activity helped by computer media can possible the process of learning

as follow: Students can active, Constructive means that students can combine the

new experiences with their previous experiences, collaborative means that

students can work together share the idea in one group of learning, Enthusiastic,

dialogue activity, contextual learning, reflective means that students realize what they have already learnt and think what they have got as learning process inside

them, multisensory learning can be delivered by using of 5 senses there are audio,

visual, or kinesthetic; the last is higher order thinking means that train them to

think in higher order thinking level.

Multimedia interactive is one of learning media based computer

technology that combine and integrate all the media which consist of text, graph,

photo, video, animation, music, narration, and interactivity that programed by

using principal and theory of learning. The characteristic of this media based on

Warsita (2008: 36) are: The idea is often delivers realistically in students

contextual experiences, relevant with condition of students, and under controlled

of user, also leaning is emphasize and organize according to the cognitive


15 One of multimedia interactive is simulation virtual laboratory that

simulation program that more specific to the science experiment activity such as,

biology, chemistry, and physics. This program provide the material and substance

as like in laboratory, then students do the experiment based on the objective of

experiment. After that, students can develop that experiment based on the clue or

objective of experiment itself. And students are expected can explain certain

concept or phenomena based on virtual experiment that has been done by them

(Warsita, 2008: 141).

After that, students can improve their achievement. Simulation are most

commonly used at secondary level that provide the students opportunities for

observation, the development of concept, logical thought, posing of question and

the selection of answer (Harlen, 1993: 146).According to Munir and Halimah

Badioze zaman, simulation laboratory also include in one of the using CAL. In

science learning, using of CAL can improve the students motivation twice rather

than in traditional method (Munir, 2011: 179).

Virtual laboratory also was defined as "laboratory experiment without real

laboratory with its walls and doors. It enables the learner to link between the

theoretical aspect and the practical one, without papers and pens. It is

electronically programmed in computer in order to stimulate the real experiments inside the real laboratories” (Babateen, 2011).The virtual lab can be defined as virtual studying and learning environment that stimulates the real lab. It provides

the students with tools, materials and lab sets on computer in order to perform

experiments subjectively or within a group at anywhere and anytime.

These experiments are saved on CDS or on web site (Herga and Dinevski,

2012). According to Munir (2011: 179), simulation laboratory or we can called it

virtual laboratory is provide the easiness for students that will do the experiment

activity based on real model that has already programmed by computer. Computer

itself is not only as learning tools but also as learning sources.

Professionals confirmed certain characteristics of the virtual lab. Based on

Babateen (2011), creating new intellectual model in education better than the real,


16 1. Knowledge-building and inculcate information.

2. Encouraging and guiding students.

3. Registering students' information and evaluating them automatically. 4. Performing experiments, which are difficult to be performed in the

traditional lab due to its danger and high cost.

5. Reducing the learning time spent in the traditional lab.

6. Develop an exploration based on scientific assumptions and processes. 7. Permanently updated.

The characteristic of virtual experiment with real experiment are so

different. There are the differences between virtual experiment and real

experiment based on Saepuzaman (2011: 26).


Comparison Between Virtual Laboratory and Real Laboratory

Category Virtual Experiment Real Experiment



Can be figured clearly

through modeling Can‟t be figured out clearly



Beside can understand a concept through experiment, it can be also develop science process skill and higher order

Need a high cost for buying experiment tools and


17 Students use virtual laboratory to overcome some dangerous experiment,

requiring demanding instrument, unobtainable, and etc (Bilek and Skalicka,

2009). Based on Andaloro (1991) cited in Roblyer (2006: 90), the field of science

seems to include more simulation than any others area. However, more

simulations are currently in developments to combine the control, safety, and

interactive features of computer simulation with visual impact of picture of

real-life devices and process. The following benefits of virtual laboratory or laboratory

simulation for students based on Roblyer (2006: 91-92) are: 1) compress time,

means that a simulation can make something happen in seconds that normally

takes days, month, or longer. So, students can cover more variation of the activity

in a shorter time; 2) slow down process, conversely a simulation can also model

processes normally invisible to the human eyes because they happen so quickly;

3) get students involved, simulation can capture student‟s attention by placing

them in charge of things and asking. It also allows users to interact with the

program instead users seeing its output; 4) make experimentation safe, whenever

learning involves physical danger, simulation are the strategy of choices. They

can experiment with strategies in simulated environments that might result in

personal injury to themselves or others in real life; 5) make the impossible

possible, very often, teachers simply cannot give students access to resources or

the situation that simulation can. By simulation, the students can see the light that

is formed in lens so that they know the form of image comes from; 6) save money

and other resources, simulation can save the cost to do the experiments but it

depends on the subject. A simulated experiment may be just as effective as a

learning experience, but at fraction of the cost; 7) allow repetition with variation,

unlike real life, simulation let students repeat events as many times as they wish

and with unlimited variation; 8) allow observation of complex process, real life

events often so complex that they are confusing, especially to those seeing them

for the first time. Simulation can control the complex process and this make it

easier for students to see what is happening later when all the parts come together


18 Interactive 3D virtual environments have great educational potential

because they enable the active participation of students, research and management

of virtual objects. Virtual laboratories reproduce the conditions of a real physics

laboratory and enable learning through an interactive simulation and are a

valuable tool for distance learning and lifelong learning of physics. Virtual laboratories allow the execution of experiments without teacher‟s presence; therefore students have a major role in their learning process.

According to Dalgano cited Herga et al. (2012) studies have shown that

virtual laboratory is an appropriate tool with which physics students prepare for

practical work. Virtual laboratory exercises are held in the virtual world. Virtual

lab brings many advantages. We can perform dangerous experiments without

endangering ourselves or others. Cover the time overlap for using laboratory

room. Students can repeat the laboratory activity wherever they want. Simulations

are affordable. Once developed, they can be done at no extra costs as many times

as we want.

The results are always the same Herga and Dinevski (2012), in a line with

the characteristic multimedia that learning media as part of learning system has

simple value as like has ability to: 1) make abstract concept become concrete; 2)

brings the impossible object and dangerous, also hard to find out to the classroom;

3) shows the object that has big or small size that cannot be seen by naked eyes;

4) shows the fast motion into slow motion or vice versa; 5) possibility in varieties

observation; 6) provide consistent information that can be repeated and saved; 7)

overcome the obstacle about time and rooms; 8) give a chance to the user that

they can control the speed of learning (Warsita, 2008: 124-125). So, virtual

laboratory is appropriate with physics subject that its scope comes from

macroscopic until microscopic. Especially in optics topics that has microscopic

scope is about ray of light and particle of things, something that cannot be seen by


19 D. Achievement and Conceptual Mastery

According to Gange cited (Dahar, 2006: 3), learning can be define as a

process where an organism change their attitude as the impact of their

experiences. In learning there is a differences indicator as knowledge, attitude,

skill, information skill, and value. Those are called as achievement in students as

an impact from learning activity. So, Learning is very important to form those

indicator inside of the students.

Achievement of students generally can be categorize become 3 indicators,

as follows: 1) learning effectiveness that can be identified from the conceptual

mastery or achievement of students. 2) efficiency of learning activity can be

measured from the time management and cost for this learning. 3) learning

interest can be measured from the activity of students during learning process.

Thus, achievement is a performance that indicated as capability that has been


In Educational Indonesia Curriculum System, instructional or curricular

objective using Benyamin Bloom classification for students achievement. Bloom

cited Dimyati & Mudjiono (2009: 174) classify the students achievement becomes

three, there are cognitive, affective, and psycomotor. For example, if students

before learning has 25% of their ability, after then they receive learning or

treatment so they ability will be improved until 100%. Those cognitive, affective,

and psychomotor are suitable with the objective of instruction. According to

Blooom et.al, those indicators of learning have a strata. Emphasis to the content

and process, for instance it emphasis fact, concept, and theory in certain subject.

Also emphasis to the how students can solve the problem, tools of learning, and

discover with process skill approach. Here there are the table with content and


20 Tabel.2.2

Instructional Objective and Indicator of Learning

Instructional objective Content Process

Cognitive Subject in the school and knowledge

Problem solving, discovery, and ect


Affective Value education The value based on attitude

Psycomototric Skill education Psycomotoric movement

Affective indicator is about ability to control the emotional, attitude, value,

passion, appreciation, and social. There are affective steps from the lowest to the

highest or from the simplest to the complex, there are ability to receiving, ability

to responding, ability to valuing, organization, and characterization by a value


Psychomotor indicator is about skill achievement of students either

manually or individually. The steps are perception, readiness, mechanism, guided

responses, skill ability, adaptation, and organization. According to Dimyati &

Mudjiono (2009: 175) psycomotoric indicator has six aspect, there are: 1)

reflective movement, 2) fundamental movement, 3) perceptual ability as like

hearing, seeing, 4) physical ability, 5) motoric ability, 6) non-verbal activity.

Cognitive indicator relates with students achievement in intellectuality.

One of the students achievement in cognitive indicator is conceptual mastery.

Mastery itself is comprehension and ability to use the knowledge. While, the word “Concept” according to Rose cited Dahar (2006: 62) is an abstraction that represent the objects, phenomenon, activities, and relation that has the same

attribute. Based on Dahar (2006: 63) concept is mental abstraction that represents

one of stimuli class.

Conceptual mastery is the strata where the students is not only know about

knowledge itself but they has to be comprehended about it. It is indicated by their

ability when they try to solve the problem, even it relates with the process itself or


21 been revised, conceptual mastery covers a cognitive indicators C1

(Remembering), C2 (Understanding), C3 (Applying), C4 (Analyzing), C5

(Evaluating), C6 ( Creating). The indicator of remembering and understanding can

be called as lower thinking, while applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating

can be called as higher order thinking (Widodo, 2005).

Students achievement has influenced by some factor. According to

Dimyati & Mudjiono (2009: 94), there are:

1. Internal Factor

Internal factor comes from students itself. There are two internal factor

inside the students. Physiology that is nature aspect and physicology that is in

soul aspect. Physiology aspect relate with body organ and healthy, while for

physicology aspect relates with intelegency, passion, talent, students motivation.

According to Gagne said that the students who are learning has to be given a

motivation in order the knowledge that has already received by them are very

useful for them.

2. External Factor

External factor comes from outside of students. This factor has two aspect,

i.e. social environment and non-social environment. Social environment of

school are, teacher, school staff, classmates that can give a student‟s motivation

for learning. Non-social environment are school building, houses, learning

equipment, weather condition, and learning time that is used by students.

E. Different Gender

Gender is defined by FAO as „the relations between men and women, both perceptual and material. Gender is not determined biologically, as a result of

sexual characteristics of either women or men, but is constructed socially. It is a

central organizing principle of societies, and often governs the processes of production and reproduction, consumption and distribution‟ (FAO, 1997). If we talk about gender, we also talk about the sex in human that cannot be changed,


22 Those are female and male has the stereotype, according to Harlock cited

Putri (2010: 24) that male or boys has a characteristic more masculine, ambitious,

aggressive, competitive, has the high analysis ability, also leadership, and high

confident. Beside that, the characteristic of women are more feminist, loves,

peaceful, sensitive, and high ability in communication. Those are proven by the

research from University California in Los Angles said that, women has more

than 30% corpus callosum. corpus callosum itself connects the right part of brain

to the left part of brain and it possible has a communication between them. If the

corpus callosum has more in amount, so it make a possibility to the women has a

good ability in communication. Estrogen hormone in women can activate the cell

to work and produce more.

Both men and women use their lobes of their brain but in different

composition. Men tends to use his left hemisphere of brain. Left hemisphere of

brain in men develops more than women. Left hemisphere of brain here controlled

the logical thinking, abstract things, numerical arrangement, analytical thinking.

That is why male doing better in multimedia interface than women or girls in

learning (Chuang, 2008). dr Camilla Benbow and colleague dr Julian Stanley

tested a group of gifted children and found that boys good at math outnumbered

girls by 13 to 1. Boys can construct a block building from two-dimensional plans

easier and quicker than girls, they can estimate angles accurately and can see

whether a flat surface is level. These ancient hunting skills are the reason men

dominate areas like architecture, chemistry, physics, building, and statistics (Pease

and Pease, 2008:124). According to Carter (2005), the perception of the subject of

leaning especially in physics. That physics can be called as “Boys subject”

because physics contain analytical, numerical, logical thinking that more tends to

male students. While women has better develops in her right hemisphere of brain.

Right hemisphere of brain that controls the intuitive, artistic, imaginative, holistic,

and others task and visual (Wood, 2009).

Using computer in education for learning, in this cases girls students

consider that computer is used to do something useful for them. Girls in


23 while boys is tends to navigation and control the multimedia or computer itself

(Passig and Levin, 2000). This statement is in a line with Turkle et. Al cited

Johnson (2006) that boys consider the computer is something that has to be

comprehended, while girls use a computer as tools to reach a goal or doing their

task, and expected that computer can make them comfort. Also the research told

male in learning using media or multimedia demonstrate better than female users

did (Chuang, 2008). So, even female or male students has differences in

multimedia interface, they actually construct their mind and develop their

thinking. Besides that, The research said 84% of girls consider computer as a

tools to reach their goals or tools to give them a freedom in creativity, while boys

that agree with that, only 33% (Pease and Pease, 2008: 142).

Women brain is arranged to do the some tasks in the same time, can

handle works or activity that needs a smooth movement in the small area, one of

them is when she reads in computer screen (Pease and Pease, 2008: 121). In

hearing activity, generally women has better ability than men, because women

brain has an ability to separate and grouping the type of sounds and they can

recognize it (Pease and Pease, 2008: 121). Not only that, but women and men has

differences in receiving of visual information (Passig and Levin, 2000).

F. Optic Material

1. Analysis of Material

In KTSP curriculum, Optic topic placed on VIII Grade of Junior High

School second semester with standard competences and basic competences below

on the table:

Table 2.3

Standard Competences and Basic Competences of Optic

Standard Competence Basic Competence

Understand a concept and application

of waves and optic in daily product of


Investigate properties of light and its

relationship with the shape of mirror

and lens.


24 Junior High School of Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School has a special

curriculum as called national plus. Means that, they use KTSP as standard but

they combine it with developed country curriculum as Turkey and Cambridge

curriculum. So, there is a rich in content delivery. For instance, the teacher tells

about the ray of refraction until detailed.

2. Description of Optic Topic

Optic topic as one of abstract topic that is taught in junior high school

students. The material covers reflection, refraction, converging lens, and

diverging lens. In this research the material that will be taught is refraction,

converging lens, and diverging lens.

Refraction is the phenomena of change in direction, or bending of light

when it passes from one medium to another is called refraction. Refraction also

has laws of refraction there are ; 1) the incident ray, the refracted ray , and the

normal at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane; 2) light passing from a

less optically dense medium into denser medium toward the normal; 3) light

passing from an optically denser medium into a less dense medium bends away

from the normal. The ray is refracted from one substance to the other substance

with different refracted index and density of its particle, so it causes the form of

image in every substance that rays refract.

Converging lenses is a thin lens that is able to converge (bring together)

to a point parallel beam of light passing through it. Some rays will pass without

deviation, through the center C, of the lens. C is called its optical center. The line

which is pass symmetrically through the optical center of the lens is known as the

parallel axis of the lens. All rays close to and parallel with the principal axis,

converge to a point of F on the axis called focal point or the principal focus. The

distance between the focal point and the optical center, C is termed the focal

length f of the lens. Ray diagram of converging lens are: 1) the incident ray

parallel to the principal axis passes through the focal point, F1. 2) the incident ray

which passes through the optical center, C is not deviated. 3) the incident ray


25 lens is the lens that has ability to diverge(spread out) the light beam. The special

ray of diverging lens are: 1) light ray parallel to the principal axis is refracted so

that it appears to come from the principal focus behind the lens. 2) a ray directed

towards F on the other side of the lens bends, so that it becomes parallel to the

principal focus. 3) a light ray passing through he optical center travels without

changing its direction. The special image that is formed by diverging lens is

Virtual, upright, diminished.

An optic topic that is explained has relationship with other subject in

science. For instance in biology, optic topics can be integrated with the human

body, there are the structure of human eyes. Also in chemistry, optic topics can be

integrated with the structure of particle that arranged in each substance. It can

causes the differences of image which is formed by light rays that travels from

two different medium.

G. Hypothesis

The research hypothesis in this result as following:

H0 : There is no differences of students conceptual mastery improvement between boys class and girls class by using virtual laboratory media on optic


H1 : There is differences of students conceptual mastery improvement between boys class and girls class by using virtual laboratory media on optic



Annisa Nurramadhani, 2013


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu CHAPTER III


A. Research Method and Design

1. Research Method

In general, the research method is defined as a scientific way to get the

data with the purpose and specific uses. How meaningful scientific research

activities are based on the characteristics of science, namely rational, empirical,

and systematic (Sugiyono, 2007: 1). Various methods can be used to obtain

research data. However, taking into account the objectives of this research are to

determine the differences of students conceptual mastery based on gender

differences through virtual laboratory learning media in optic topic. The method is

used method of Quasi experiments. In this method, the research carried out on two

groups of students VIII Grade, girls class (VIII B) and boys class (VIII A)

2. Research Design

The design used in this research are two groups pretest-posttest design

(Fraenkel and Wallen, 2007: 253), it can be called matching pretest-posttest

comparison group design (Sukmadinata, 2011: 208), because in this design, there

is no control class. Both of class become experiment class by non-random taken a

group.In this design, both of class are given a pretest before learning. Pretest in

this research can become as statistical control and also can be used to see the

effect to the gain score.

Here is the study design matching pretest-posttest comparison group


27 Table 3.1

Research Design: Matching Pretest-Posttest Comparison Group Design

Class Pretest Treatment Posttest

Experiment class

(Female) O1 X O2

Experiment class

(Male) O3 X O4

O1 = Pretest for female class O2 = Posttest for female class O3 = Pretest for male class O4 = Posttest for male class

X = Using virtual laboratory learning media

B. Operational Definition

In order to avoid misconception about this research, so in this research will

be explained about some operational definition. Those terms are:

1. Conceptual mastery in this research is the competences of students

when they answer the conceptual question that is measured by multiple

choices question for about 30 questions. Type of question consist of

level cognitive from C1 (Remembering), C2 (Understanding), C3

(Applying), C4 (Analyzing), C5 (Evaluating).

2. Virtual laboratory that is used in this research is software that consist

of animation, simulation, sound in one package. This software is given

to the students in each computer on computer laboratory.

3. Interest in physics is how far the students interest in physics lesson. It

is measured by questionnaire that 20 statements which is given to the


28 C. Population and Sample

The population is the totality of all the values which can be complicated,

the results of counting and measurement, quantitative, and qualitative

characteristics of certain of the set of objects is limited by a certain criteria or

restrictions, while the sample is a part of the population (Kumar, 2005: 165).

The population in this study was VIII Grade Junior High School students

Pribadi Bilingual School year 2012/2013. After observation, the sample was taken

two classes in the eighth grade, there are VIII A and VIII B as single-sex class. As

follow, VIII B is Female class and VIII A is Male class both of them are given the

same treatment that is virtual laboratory learning media. Sampling were selected

by purposive sample technique. Purposive sampling technique is the sampling that

is used by the researcher if the researcher has the specific objective in the research

(Kumar, 2005: 179).

D. Research Location

The location of this research is Junior High School of Pribadi Bilingual

Boarding School. This school is very special. First, this school has a word “Bilingual” but not in usual terms. Bilingual in usual terms is the teaching learning process using dual language i.e. Indonesian Language and English

Language, but in this school, the terms bilingual means that system of teaching

and learning itself. When students learn Science, Mathematics, and Computer the

language of learning is English, while for the other subject such as Indonesia

Language, Civic education, sports, and etc are using Indonesia language. The

second is this school very appropriate being a location of research because they do

the separating classes based gander, so this school is single-sex school. Means that

Female students and Male students has different classes.


29 E. Research Instrument

To obtain primary data in this study, the use of test instrument was for

measure conceptual mastery of students on the topic optics and questionnaires for

students interests in physics subject.

1. Objective Test

Test was used to evaluate the conceptual mastery of students in learning

physics, especially optics topics using virtual laboratory. Conceptual test is

multiple-choice with 4 options with the cognitive value as C1 (Remembering), C2

(Understanding), C3 (Applying), C4 (Analyzing), C5 (Evaluating). The test is for

about 30 questions. It was tested two times to the students as pretest and posttest.

Blueprint of objective question before doing instrument analysis item test

is shown in table 3.2:

Table 3.2

Blueprint of Objective Question Before Doing Instrument Analysis Item Test

Concept Theme Conceptual mastery


30 Table 3.3

Blueprint of Objective Question After Doing Instrument Analysis Item Test

Concept Theme Conceptual mastery

Questionnaire is used to determine students' interest in physics lesson

especially on optic topics. How the interest of girls students and boys students is.

There are 20 statements, 5 statements in this questionnaire include in negative

statement to control students answer. The questionnaire using Likert scale. The

blueprint of interest in physics questionnaire is:

Table 3.4

Blueprint of Interest in Physics Questionnaire

No Indicator questions

1 Indicate interest in physics learning through virtual

laboratory learning media. 1,2,4,16,19

2 Indicate student’s interest toward layout and

facilities of virtual laboratory in physics learning. 3,5,17,18,20

3 Indicate students interest and optimistic in learning

physics. 6,7,8,12,14

4 Indicate students are not interested and pessimist in


31 This questionnaire uses likert scale form. That consist of 5 category of

scale, Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D), Strongly

Dissagree (SD). The computation of questionnaire using MSI (Measurement

Successive Interval). Point of the scale in this questionnaire are divided into two.

First, positive statement from Strongly Agree (SA) until Strongly Disagree (SD)

are given point 5 until 1 orderly and vice versa for negative statement.

3. Virtual Laboratory Learning Media

Virtual laboratory learning media that is used is a software which is

developed by the researcher. First, storyboard should be made based on

curriculum, optic topics material, and characteristic of junior high school students.

Then, the storyboard is judged. After revision, virtual laboratory learning media

can be made by using macromedia flash helped by animator based on the

storyboard. After that, it trial first and judged by the expert. Then, make it in one

package software to apply at school for the treatment in the research.

F. Instrument Analysis

In the preliminary study, the research instrument for cognitive test that is

construct to know how far the conceptual mastery of the students will be tested

before used as pretest and posttest. It will be tested to the students that has already

got the material or the topic that will be taught in this research, optic topic. So, it

will be given to the IX B and IX A. The analysis of instrument covers validation,

discriminating power, level of difficulty, reliability using Microsoft Excel.

1. Discriminating Power

Analysis discriminating power is to examine whether such questions have

ability to distinguish between students who fall into the category that have a high


32 given to high achiever students, results show higher than if given to students who

lower achiever (Arikunto, 2010: 211).

The formula that is to analyze discriminating power as follow:

DP = Discriminating Power

Ba = The number of upper group that answer correctly .

Ja = Total of students in upper group

Bb = The number of upper group that answer incorrectly .

Jb = Total of students in lower group.

(Arikunto, 2010: 213)

Table 3.5

Discriminating Power

Value Criteria

0,00 – 0,20 Poor

0,20 – 0,40 Satisfactory

0,40 – 0,70 Good

0,70 – 1,00 excellent

(Arikunto, 2010: 218) DP =


Figure 1.1 Flow of Dependent Variable and Independent Variable of Research
Figure 2.1 Essential Component of Learning and Instruction
Figure 2.2 Media Grouping
Table 2.3 Standard Competences and Basic Competences of Optic


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