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View of Consolidation of Disability Groups in Fighting for "Right to City" in Surakarta City


Academic year: 2023

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Consolidation Of Disability Groups In Fighting For "Right To City" In Surakarta City

Ringgana Wandy Wiguna1*, Trisni Utami2, Akhmad Ramdhon3

1,2,3 Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret Indonesia.

*Corresponding Author:

Email: ringganawandywiguna@student.uns.ac.id


A city is a spatial space in which there are many groups of individuals who gather with each other by relying on social relations. As a social space, the city evokes a lot of activity in it. In this perspective, the social space explains that disputes, consensuses, negotiations, and conflicts ultimately occur in the city space due to the power relations of the actors in it. One of the actors who play the role is the disabled group. They are within the city and have the right to be able to feel everything that is provided within the city. Accessibility difficulties for some community groups including people with disabilities. This is important to discuss because people with disabilities are also part of society. They have the right to use public facilities and public security, which the state must provide for them. The purpose of this study is to look at the consolidation of disabled groups in defending the right to cities. The result of this research is that disabled groups can communicate between institutions and communities with the Surakarta government. They succeeded in pushing several policies and trustees until they were included in the formulation of programs from existing Government Organizations.

Keywords: Disability, Consolidation and Right to Citie.


A city is a spatial space in which there are many groups of individuals who gather with each other by relying on social relations. Urban pluralism occurs because the city itself is a space that can be inhabited by all individuals from across the country. The city as a free spatial space arises from human interaction within it. Urban studies that have a focus on studies using socio-spatial are one of the studies that discuss cities. As a social space, the city evokes a lot of activity in it. In this perspective, the social space explains that disputes, consensuses, negotiations, and conflicts ultimately occur in the urban space due to the power relations of the actors in it, which include the government, society, and the market [1]. In this socio-spatial perspective, Urban sees that the involvement of the government he is interested in is driving the change of the city itself which is moving towards universal development.Public facilities that must be felt by the community include the availability of public facilities which in reality are still inaccessible to all elements of the existing community [2]. The issue of disability is still not widely raised because it is still considered unattractive for changes to be made [3] Accessibility difficulties for some community groups including people with disabilities. This is important to discuss because people with disabilities are also part of society.

They have the right to use public facilities and public security, which the state must provide for them. One of the obligations of the state is to provide public services that can be felt by all its people [4]. Therefore, public services must depart from the needs needed by the community, including existing disability groups.People with disabilities are certainly people who are born just like everyone else.

They are people who have the same rights as others and also as human beings. Persons with disabilities have the right to feel safe and be able to work with others, the right to obtain and use public facilities and other rights as human beings and citizens [5]. The reality that occurs does not correspond to what should be in guaranteeing their rights.Disability, or what we usually call disability, is a human condition that often distinguishes itself from other social groups. Persons with disabilities are a minority group and do not have the right to control their voices in social life [6]. They became a small community, discriminated against by the current social system. The stigma against people with disabilities is



208 continuously generated by a system that binds them to the city as an oppression by existing social classes.

The system that ultimately works does not hear and deny its existence in the existing social system.Central Java has 8.35% of the population with disabilities in all districts in Central Java. However, in Surakarta alone, data from the Surakarta City Disdukcapil recorded 976 people with disabilities. Data on the number of persons with disabilities in Indonesia shows that 14.2% have a disability or equivalent to 30.38 million people in Indonesia [7]. Surakarta City is one of the cities in Central Java province. According to data from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Central Java has a percentage of persons with disabilities of 8.35% [7]. The proportion of people with disabilities in Surakarta City in 2020 was 976 people with disabilities with physical disabilities 253 people, visual disabilities 90 people, hearing disabilities 184 people, mental disabilities 214 people, physical and mental disabilities 52 people. , and 183 other persons with disabilities [8].Surakarta City is also the largest rehabilitation city in Southeast Asia.Various existing policies and the strong desire of all components of the city make Surakarta the city that has won the title of the largest rehabilitation city for people with disabilities in Southeast Asia [9]. As the largest disability rehabilitation city in Southeast Asia, Surakarta demands that its government be able to create an inclusive and disability-friendly city. The political form as a whole must be shaped through the lens of equality and justice in society.

Cities must respond to issues about the equality of their citizens, including groups with disabilities in them.The disabled community in Surakarta was born from a collective consciousness to achieve comfort and well-being for them. They realized that there was something they needed to do for their place of residence, which was the city of Surakarta. The disabled community in Surakarta worked together to build their own system by creating various disability communication forums throughout Surakarta. Of the many groups that exist, there are also many activities they do that help the community achieve its goals. In addition, the Surakarta Disability Forum has been shown to support the principles described above. Contests of political, spatial and so on that build the formation of cities take place within the city with activities carried out by disability groups. How the interests of the government and other social groups can compete in the public sphere create a political form and create a new atmosphere in social life. People with disabilities struggle to maintain their lives in order to be equal and equal in all aspects of national life. Their rights and guarantees of life are fought for by forming civil society groups and helping to formulate government policies so that they become tools of government supervision.The occurrence of the city pictured above is a condition for contestation. This paper will explain how a city can emerge from the process of community competition in it from the consolidation process carried out by disabled groups in the city of Surakarta. A compound city requires all its elements to participate in the construction of the city. The meeting of several social groups is interpreted as their strong meeting and will win the situation. This is something that is considered natural by the community, when in fact the city itself is ideally created from all the needs that exist in the community, not from who is the fairest and strongest. However, from how the process of communication that is active in society can shape many changes that exist within the city.


The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Qualitative research is a type of research in which the researcher relies heavily on the information provided by the object/participant: various types, general questions, data collection (consisting mainly of participants' words/texts), interpretation and analysis of vocabulary and subjective research [10]. The qualitative research to be carried out will be linked to various elements that exist in our society, especially in social, cultural, political and interpretive studies [11].The strategy used in the research to be carried out is a case study. Thestrategy that will be applied in this study is a case study in which the researcher carefully studies the procedures, events, activities, processes or groups of individuals [12]. This approach focuses on the background and the individual as a whole (holistic). In addition, it is also possible to obtain additional data during the interview (ongoing analysis). Descriptive research is research conducted to describe research variables, either one or more variables without comparing each other, or associating one variable with another [13].



209 Table 1. Informant

The research targets in this study are disability community groups, disability activists, government agencies related to disability in Surakarta City. The technique of determining the purpose of the study was carried out using purposive sampling. Teknik purposive sampling is a sampling technique in the form of a data source with certain considerations on the part of the researcher [13]. Determination and selection using purposive sampling techniques, there are several criteria that have been set by researchers, especially people with disabilities in the city of Surakarta without distinguishing the type of disability.


The city with all its development is a place inhabited by various existing social groups. According to Lefebvre, the development of the city is an arena of different interests from all components of the city [14].

The contest involves the seizure of space, which includes land, water, air, and all invisible spaces, such as the space of ideas about the city itself. It's not for nothing that the city becomes an arena of competition, humans have the instinct to survive somewhere and the instinct to maintain what they already have. That's the main reason why there was a contest in the end, it happened a long time ago.Consolidation is often the key to closing a deal. Consolidation can also mean the process of achieving broad and powerful legitimacy in a particular society [15]. Consolidation can be used to strengthen certain movements in order to achieve predetermined goals.

Consolidation is an activity to unite, strengthen and strengthen the relationship between two or more groups so that the two groups can strengthen the unity created.Consolidation is one way for disabled groups to strengthen their presence in the city. They met and communicated with each other and discussed their needs. The accumulation of this power occurs fluidly in society due to the awareness of groups that have the same problem. The group is connected in a force that creates cooperation and cohesion based on shared feelings. This is possible because there is momentum that can be used as a reference for work among people with disabilities.The formation of an advocacy team authorized by the Mayor's Decree in 2010 to form the Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team manned by local local government organizations became a forum for the community to work together to realize common aspirations related to disability issues. The aspirations and complaints of each disability group are accommodated in one common room, namely Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team. Of the many communities in Surakarta, Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team meets their needs one by one and Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team tries to advocate for their problems.

"So, this is the community in Surakarta, it just so happens that we who accommodate it, there are about 20 to 21 communities of various types of disabilities, from various characters as well, maybe different wills. This community is like this, the community is like that, well with the existence of Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team we embrace everything like the RENJA activity of Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team itself there is a workshop. Well this is to accommodate of them all.

(Informant B, November 22, 2022)

A wide variety of communities in Surakarta come together to meet their wants and needs to live in the city. The public space created thus gives freedom to every group of people with disabilities who have many needs to convey to the ongoing government. The meeting room created is a free space to communicate and discuss what steps will be taken and given to the government. They also have the right to issue opinions and the right to participate in determining the direction of development of the city.The government should have given them space to live freely in the city itself. It is clearly written in the constitution that every citizen has the right to freedom and the fulfillment of all his rights to life, including the right to express his problems. It is also one of the ways Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team to meet the needs and grievances of the people which is useful to the government itself.

Initial M/F Organitation/ Communition Role

Informant A F Jaringan Visi Solo Inklusi Disability Journalist and Activist Informant B F Surakarta Social Service Government Employee and disability activist Informant C M Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat

(YPAC) Surakarta

Head of Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat (YPAC) Surakarta



210 The government also needs direct opinions from the community so that the direction of development there is in accordance with the needs of the community itself. In fact, what the government itself does goes back to the principle of democracy, that is, from the people, by the people, and for the people.The government itself in this case is the Surakarta city government together with civil society in Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team to create a communication space. Implementation in the field, because not all things can be captured and implemented casually, and it must be seen which problems can be solved immediately or take time to solve. Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team this eventually gives birth to a coordinated daily executor of various existing disabilities. The goal is to meet their needs and discuss which ones can be implemented quickly. This proves that civil space moves and lives in cities and becomes a reference for the government to produce a product that can be felt in general without distinguishing one from another.

"Within the daily executive there is a coordinator from netra, deaf, daksa, parents with disabilities and special needs for representation and coordinator to each of their communities, because who knows their needs. What kind of rights are they, what are their needs, what are their needs. What should it be like, well finally in 2016/2017 it was the way, Well, our advocacy is good, our advocacy is left to the government. We're walking, we're walking, we're starting to influence advocacy to government." (Informant B, November 22, 2022)

According to informant B, with the presence of a coordinator from each disability group, it is possible to discuss each other's needs in more depth. Each group of people with disabilities has different needs. This was finally illustrated by the creation of this coordinator to collect all existing problems and become a mediator between different communities in Surakarta to make it easier to communicate and gather in workshops held later. This is also an advantage for disability groups because they can be in direct contact with governments where the government is at the forefront of the changes that will occur. The driving force behind this upcoming change is the civil society community.

Flowchart of Consolidation Between Communities and Governments Through Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team

The existence of workshops and discussions on the priorities of individual groups with disabilities is also a form of overcoming the difficulties of groups of people with disabilities in accessing existing public spaces. The meeting room facilitated by Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team is indeed to provide space for civil society and continue negotiations with the government so that the government can implement it.

According to informant B, if the meeting is conducted directly in the respective Local Government Organizations will be difficult to implement and will not be carried out, then this workshop is held to accommodate and facilitate the wishes of the disabled group. This is because Surakarta has a large community of people with disabilities and it is not possible to meet directly with all Local Government Organizations and submit their complaints directly.

"And there's no way that one community we're advocating for one Local Government Organization won't be realized. With this, the container that is automatically their right is also their wish, everything will be conveyed. The problem is that Surakarta has many communities. " (Informant B, November 22, 2022).



211 The discussion resulted in suggestions and contributions from each community group. However, this is as a material for the ability to enter the RPJMD or make changes immediately, if it can be changed immediately. A good way to connect civil society with the government is to hold regular meetings to discuss the proposals of each Local Government Organization according to its needs in the community.This consolidation was carried out in order to gather various wishes of the community to be accommodated and channeled in the negotiation process Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team to the Surakarta government.

Including the many wishes that exist in the community that are accommodated and tried to be communicated to the government so that later changes occur. The existence of this space is the aspiration of every disabled group to be able to express their rights in the city as part of the city itself.The workshop that takes place is a form of production space designed for those who live in urban areas. The production of this social space is a real movement as a response of society to the space in which they live [16]. It is a must for a member of society to manifest himself in his or her neighborhood space. Communication between these civic groups creates a free communication space to obtain their rights as part of the city itself.

Communication Between Disabled Groups in Surakarta

Communication is often carried out by disability groups in the city to discuss various things and common goals. One form of communication space between communities in Surakarta is a workshop made as a meeting room for groups with disabilities. The meeting, which was held in Surakarta and facilitated by the Disability Advocacy Team, is a form of creating a social space. It also paves the way for community members to create a comfortable living space for them. The desire of society to participate in the creation of an ideal space and the realization of its desire regarding its living space is the right of every member of society.

The space created by the Disability Advocacy Team is a common space to make this wish come true.

Facilitated communication between groups with disabilities is the space for people with disabilities to move.

The movement is driven to fight together to meet the needs of each different group of people with disabilities. And the creation of this space is also beneficial to the government itself as an institution that regulates changes in the current state of the city. The space of communication between communities and community communication to the government has created many real changes in the city of Surakarta.

"Based on the mayor's appeal that the drafting of the bylaw should involve the community ... although not all meetings are facilitated by Local Government Organizations, sometimes the disabled team itself has the initiative to hold the meeting." (Informant A, November 28, 2022).

Informant A stated that it was the government itself that took the initiative in urban development in Surakarta. Explained by the existence of workshops and communication between Local Government Organizations, this is also done for every planning in Surakarta. Many devices have been created to establish government communication with society to make things happen. This is done only to realize common goals in the city of Surakarta itself. The government's call for organizing things for the involvement of disabled groups is a way to create an interactive space from the city government itself. However, civil society also has the consciousness to create other spaces as a means of communicating and articulating many things about the city. Establishing interaction between the government and its people.

This space was also created during the formulation of Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2020.

Where the formulation of the bylaw is carried out openly and the disabled group is involved as a team of experts. The mayor urged that the policy be followed by disability groups. They finally got a good response from the disability group in designing the policy product that will be made at that time. The form of participation is also the result of discussions between disability groups that welcomed the Mayor's decision on the policy product. The disability groups that came together at the time were served by a variety of entities, from the government to the disability groups themselves, who often met and formulated what policy products would protect their rights in the inner city. future. Informant A communicated it as follows:

"For example, several times this discussion has narrowed down to one by one, article by article, until then a friend of a friend purses his opinion that "there must be a disability, or a representation of the disability itself that is in the drafting committee or the expert team for the drafting of this bylaw."

(Informant A, November 28, 2022).



212 This challenge is faced with many disability group meetings. This is important because disability groups meet intensively and express much of their desire to be able to enjoy their time in the city. From the meeting, it was revealed that when formulating their participation in the making of this Perda, it was concluded that this group of persons with disabilities became a team of experts for the making of the Perda.

The expert team brought input that was previously held as usual, namely a workshop which would later be presented in making policy products, namely Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.Its creation and formulation were not only represented by a team of experts based on a joint decision at that time, but witnessed directly by each group in Surakarta to find out the process of forming regional regulations that would later protect their rights.

Informant A on November 28, 2022 explained as follows:

"We in the community can mainly facilitate then friends can immediately see the process, the process of these discussion hearings I type the minutes with the goggle of the kak document, so we can immediately see it there and the link is shared in the community group". (Informant A, November 28, 2022).

The efforts of the community and institutions to be able to disseminate information related to the making of local regulations to persons with disabilities in Surakarta are through live reports on the development of formulation through Google Doc. In addition to being a team of experts to make these policies, live news is also a way to create space for disability groups in Surakarta to participate in policymaking that will house them.As a result of the formulation of the Perda, it is legal to become a Perda and includes the rights of groups with disabilities. It's not just a process that a group of friends with disabilities facilitates and follows. After the political product became a local regulation, they tried to translate it into some form of local regulation in the form of blind friend voting. This is also done so that every member of the public can know the product of the policy without exception. The bylaw was transported by the Jaringan Visi Solo Inklusi which brought together many disabled activists. A form of socialization carried out by all of them in order to disseminate political products that have been successfully made into their legal umbrella. The handover of Wahana Perda was carried out by the disability group itself which was financed by the YAPI Foundation and with the help of several communities that have a disability movement.

"The socialization of the bylaw is the Jaringan Visi Solo Inklusi, it does socialization and consolidation there. The form of the Jaringan Visi Solo Inklusi is financed again by YAPI. We did the change of this bylaw to AUDIO. Assisted by Difalitera, it was Indah, so this audio regulation was handed over to Netra's friends through their organizations called PERTUNI and ITNI. Continuing for Deaf friends, the Jaringan Visi Solo Inklusi, which is facilitated by the YAPI foundation, also switched this bylaw vehicle to Visual who worked on YAPI and Gerkatin friends themselves. So their own organizations that do how come our organization only facilitates, it has to make them subjects. So, this socialization has been done through the transfer of rides, our research has also led to communities.

That's what the bottom society or civil society is (Informant A, November 28, 2022).

Perda was converted into audio with the help of Difalitera which focuses on creating audiobooks and fulfilling literacy for blind friends. They made perda, which was born from the struggle of a group of people with disabilities, into a voice that all friends could hear. In addition, the Gerkatin Surakarta Community also turned the ride into a Perda in visual form. The movement of these vehicles is carried out by the community itself, placing the affected group as the subject of any movement that occurs.

Flowchart of Making Perda and Perda Derivatives in Surakarta



213 The response of disabled groups to support the creation of spaces that can fulfill their rights has given birth to various forms of policies in Surakarta. In addition to the Perda designed and produced by friends with disabilities who actively participated in its creation, this Perda is also encouraged to become an even smaller derivative such as Perwali to support ULD rules in every agency in Surakarta. This derivative is constantly being debated by disability groups to create spaces they can access in the city.Then, in the decipherment of this policy, there is indeed a space that is realized by the community so that it can be realized in the city. This space is created by the long journey taken by various groups of people with disabilities who are constantly on the move. The movement eventually gave birth to many things that supported their existence in Surakarta. The changes that have occurred are the result of the creation of many disability civic spaces in Surakarta and focus on continuing to create a city that is equitable for everyone without exception for disabled groups.

Right to the City of the Disability group in Surakarta

Lefebvre does not see urban areas as mere spaces of conflict involving many aspects such as social, cultural, political or economic. Lefebvre sees the city as another reflection of how conflicts in urban areas need to be resolved and fought for on the basis of justice. The phenomenon of injustice and inequality in urban areas makes cities look for solutions. The struggle of this arrangement is "Right to the City" or

"Sovereignty of the People of the City" [17].There are two words that Lefebvre might have chosen when looking at City Rights, the first is (cry) or cry and the second is demand in society [18]. Both of these things refer to something that is in the city, that is, to whom the right to the city is addressed. Those who have such rights are persons or groups of persons whose rights, participation and opportunities have been deprived of the urban area in which they live. They experience social exclusion not only vertically, but also horizontally.

Where their access and ability to participate in the administration of city government is limited by some parties in the community.The terminology of rights according to Lefebvre is something that manifests in several possibilities, such as the right to information, the right to service, the right to express opinions freely, the right to be able to use urban space safely and comfortably, which at some point Lefebvre saw from a certain point how a city can be managed to accommodate all the activities that occur [18]. This explains how the status of a person deprived of rights must meet his needs.

Regarding the above rights, the right is not only about legal terminology but many others. Lefebvre wanted to emphasize the specific phenomenon of how rights are manifested in many existing social conflicts and the struggles that accompany these vassal groups. The concept of "Right to the City" is thus emancipation in a spatial context. Subordinate communities are trying to overcome conflicts of interest that occur in these urban areas.The city is the residence of every citizen. Projections of development and urban planning that are not juxtaposed with the concept of inclusion lead to injustice and deprivation of the rights of some groups of people, including the disabled. Persons with disabilities are victims of urban development that is not oriented towards fulfilling the rights of every member of society. The state actually has an obligation to protect human rights. Obligation here means the obligation of the government to be able to protect all its citizens without exception. The rights of its citizens must be safeguarded and protected from anything else. The city must be projected into a form that is inclusive and can be felt by every community in it. Building an inclusive city will not be enough just with the actors playing in it, but it must also be with existing forms of acceptance, governance, and policies and institutional change [19].The right to a city for people with disabilities is not just about the place, location or ownership of each person, but through their participation in building their own city. The right to the city is an expression of man's desire to independently shape his own future. Their participation also adds color to city life. Its presence is a message that the city lives by the participation of all the citizens of the city.

The presence of disabled groups in all kinds of activities in this city is a development that leads to inclusive development. Social inclusion is a new approach that seeks to develop openness, invite input and include people with different backgrounds, characteristics, abilities, statuses, tribes, cultures and others in the development process [20].The affected groups also include urban areas. Therefore, their participation is their right to be able to independently determine their lives. They are present from every business in the city.

Providing friendly public facilities is their right in the city. They need to enjoy enough space that they create



214 for themselves. Groups of people with disabilities should be central to any decision-making process regarding all the development and management of their own cities. People with disabilities as citizens of the city have the same right to use and occupy urban space without any restrictions.Informant A said that in Surakarta, many buildings have been built that are suitable and friendly for people with disabilities.

However, there are also many things that need to be constantly changed and improved together. According to him, there are still people whose access to the city is not suitable, and this needs to be further thought about and improved so that the condition of the city's spatial planning is increasingly moving towards inclusion.

"Actually, there have been many services and have been good, but, there are one child or two children who are not accommodated in education, it must also be questioned, meaning that there are still those who have not been accommodated, there are still problems." (Informant A, January 3, 2023).

There will still be people who are not allowed to feel their own city. They still have a hard time getting a feel for the city. Cities should be able to meet all their needs. Informant C felt the same way about the conditions in the city. According to him, there are still many things that need to be improved, although there are indeed many that have been built by city leaders for inclusion. Informant C states the following.

"But the implementation still cannot be properly awakened. So, for example, building one building, for example, yes, our DPRD building to go to the 2nd floor must leave, well this The name in my opinion is still not fulfilled all. Because there is still a lot that has not been fulfilled." (Informant C, November 21, 2022).

According to informant C, there are still many implementations that have failed to develop properly.

The development he cited as an example is the construction of buildings that have not been accessible to the disabled group. The group cannot use public facilities comfortably. According to him, all of that has not been fulfilled, because there is still a lot to improve.Groups of people with disabilities here assert their rights in the city in many ways. All irrelevant and unusable elements must be replaced and supported. Surakarta has actually involved disabled groups in building their city. Their right to participate in determining their lives in the city began to be exercised. For now, just continue to provide and facilitate them so that there is inclusivity in the community and no community is left behind.


The first form of consolidation of disability groups in Surakarta was through workshops led by the Surakarta Disability Advocacy Team to discuss their needs and difficulties in accessing the city. Another is intergroup communication, which occurs as an individual initiative to communicate one's ideas within the city. This consolidation also creates a space for civil society discussion that revitalizes the city. Surakarta as a city continues to make changes with various developments that lead to the inclusivity of the city. The goal of urban inclusivity that every community aspires to is constantly being repeated and realized. The production of social spaces built is increasingly in line with the needs of each element of society. The form of policy made with the existence of Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and their derivative guardianship has become a legal umbrella for disability groups in the city.

The inclusion of groups of persons with disabilities in the draft and ratification of Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2020 provides space for participation of groups with disabilities. In addition, the inclusion of disability groups in the formulation of work programs from the Surakarta Regional Government Organization is one of the implications that can be felt by disabled groups, they can participate in the formulation of urban movements. The implications for disability groups in relation to institutions are very clear: In addition to strengthening every disability institution in Surakarta, communication between disability groups and the government also helps government institutions. The work program that will be implemented first will be discussed with the disabled group, meaning that the government opens communication to create spaces that are friendly to people with disabilities and lead to inclusive development. Government and civil society work together to build inclusive and disability-friendly cities.




The author is grateful to all people with disabilities, especially civil society institutions with disabilities, for supporting the running of this research. We are also grateful to all the informants who were willing to dig up the data so that they can compile this research wonderfully.


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