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KARIN MEILIAN SIN. 11810421379



1444 H / 2022 M




KARIN MEILIAN SIN. 11810421379

A Thesis

Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree of English Education





1444 H / 2022 M


Name : Karin Meilian Student Number : 11810421379 Phone Number : 082385251625

E-mail : karinmeilian29@gmail.com Department : English Education

Faculty : Education and Teacher Training

University : State Islamic University Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Certify that this skripsi entitled “The Effect of Using Fishbone Diagram Strategy on Students’ Writing Analytical Exposition Text at State Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru” is certainly my own work and it does not consist of other people work. I am entirely responsible for the content of this skipsi. Others‟

opinion finding include in this skripsi are quoted in accordance with ethical standards.

Pekanbaru, December 26th, 2022

Karin Meilian SIN.11810421379




The thesis entitled The Effect of Using Fishbone Diagram Strategy on Students’ Writing Analytical Exposition Text at State Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru was written by Karin Meilian, SIN 11810421379. It has been accepted and approved to be examined on the final examination of an Undergraduate Degree at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, to fulfill one of the requirments for getting an Undergraduate Degree (S.Pd) in Department of English Education.

Pekanbaru, Rabi‟ul Akhir 7th, 1444 H November 2nd, 2022 M

Approved by

The Head of Department of Supervisor

English Education

Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S, M.Hum Harum Natasha, M.Pd NIP. 19810611 200801 2 017 NIP. 19820301 200901 2 012




The thesis entitled The Effect of Using Fishbone Diagram Strategy on Students’ Writing Analytical Exposition Text at State Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru was written by Karin Meilian, SIN 11810421379. It has been examined and approved by the final examination committee of an Undergraduate Degree at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau on Jumadil Awal 18th, 1444 H / December 12th, 2022 M. It is submitted as one of the requirements for Bachelor Degree (S.Pd) at Department of English Education.

Pekanbaru, Jumadil Awal 18th, 1444 H December 12th, 2022 M Examination Committee

Examiner I Examiner II

Abdul Hadi, MA., Ph.D NIP. 197301182000031001

Rizki Amelia, M.Pd NIK. 130117073

Examiner III Examiner IV

Dr. Dodi Settiawan, M.Pd NIK. 130117072

Kurnia Budiyanti, M.Pd NIK. 130117076 Dean

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag NIP. 196505211994021001




In the name of Allah SWT, the most Gracious and the most Merciful, all praises belong to Allah SWT the Almighty, the Lord of the Universe. Through his guidance and blessing, the researcher has completed the final research paper entitled "The Effect of Using Fishbone Diagram Strategy on Students‟ Writing Analytical Exposition Text at State Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru". It is scientific writing to fulfill one of the academic requirements to finish the bachelor degree (S. Pd) at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Then, shalawat and salam always be presented to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around he world.

Appreciation and sincere thanks to my beloved parents for their never ending great love, prayer, motivation, advices, and support for me to finish my study. My beloved mother Mrs. Nurkemala Dewi and my beloved father Mr.

Karpen, M.Kom. no words can describe how much I love both of you.

The researcher would like to show her gratitude to all beloved people that have encouraged. Motivated even helped the researcher in finishing this paper.

They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Dr. Hj. Helmiati, M.Ag., as the Vice Rector I, Dr. H.

Mas‟ud Zein, M.Pd., as the Vice Rector II, Prof. Edi Erwan, S.Pt., M.Sc.,



Ph.D., as the Vice Rector III, and all the staff. Thanks for the kindness and the encouragement.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H. Zarkasih, M.

Ag., as the Vice Dean I, Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M.Pd., as the Vice Dean II, Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd. Kons., as the Vice Dean III, and all the staff.

Thanks for the kindness and the encouragement.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of Department of English Education, who has given correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing this thesis.

4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M.Pd., the secretary of Department of English Education, for her guidance to the students.

5. Dr. Riza Amelia, M.Pd., the Academic Supervisor for her guidance to the students.

6. Harum Natasha, M.Pd., the beloved supervisor who has given me a lot of knowledge, guidance, critics, advices, support, and motivation from the beginning of writing the thesis until completing the thesis.

7. Kurnia Budiyanti, M.Pd., the researcher‟s rater gave guidance, suggestions, and motivation.

8. All of the lecturers of English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, who has given knowledge and information of this thesis, and thanks for the contributions and support during the courses.



9. Selamet, S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMAN 15 Pekanbaru, who has helped a lot in completing this thesis.

10. Erniati, S.Pd., English teacher at SMAN 15 Pekanbaru who has helped a lot in the data collection process.

11. All of the students in the eleventh grade in 2022/2023, XI science 3. Thank you so much for participating in this research.

12. My best friend Weni Rahmadani, Weli Andriani, and Syahla Putri Salsabil, S.Pd. who always give me a lot of love and support. Thank you for making my university life full of happiness.

13. All friends in the English Department, especially all of the members of E- class. Thank you for supporting and motivating me in finishing this thesis.

14. All of the people who cannot the researcher mention one by one who have the role on finishing this thesis. Thank you so much.

15. Last but not least, I would like to thank myself for being strong, patient, and not giving up in completing this thesis.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfections.

The perfection only belongs to Allah. Therefore, constructive comments, critiques, and suggestions are appreciated very much.

Pekanbaru, November 2nd, 2022 The Researcher

Karin Meilian SIN. 11810421379




Karin Meilian (2022): The Effect of Using Fishbone Diagram Strategy on Students’ Writing Analytical Exposition Text at State Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru.

This research was conducted based on students‟ problems in writing, such as students have difficulty in developing ideas, students have difficulty in choosing correct grammar, and students have difficulty in writing sentences because lack of vocabulary. The main focus of this research is to investigate whether there is a significant difference on the students‟ writing analytical exposition text before and after being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy at the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru. The research design in this research was pre-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of this research was class the eleventh science 3 which consists of 35 students. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. In collecting the data, the researcher used a writing test to determine the students‟ writing skill of analytical exposition text. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the paired sample t-test formula calculated by using SPSS version 22. The results of the data analysis showed that the tobtained

higher than ttable (2.179 > 2.032) with the significance level 0.05, and the degree of freedom (df) was 34 and the significant value was lower than the significant level (0.036 < 0.05). It means that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. So, there is a significant difference on the students‟ writing analytical exposition text before and after being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy.




Karin Meilian (2022): Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi Fishbone Diagram Terhadap Penulisan Teks Analisis Eksposisi Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 15 Pekanbaru.

Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan permasalahan siswa dalam menulis, seperti siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengembangkan ide, siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memilih tata bahasa yang benar, dan siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menulis kalimat karena kurangnya kosa kata. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi analitis siswa sebelum dan sesudah diajar dengan menggunakan strategi diagram tulang ikan pada siswa kelas sebelas IPA di SMA Negeri 15 Pekanbaru. Desain penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental dengan desain satu kelompok pre-test dan post-test. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sebelas IPA 3 yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan tes menulis untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis siswa teks eksposisi analitis. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan rumus paired sample t-test yang dihitung dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 22. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nilai tobtained lebih tinggi dari ttable (2.179 >

2.032) dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 dan derajat kebebasan (df) adalah 34 dan nilai signifikansi lebih rendah dari taraf signifikan (0,036 < 0,05). Artinya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi analitis siswa sebelum dan sesudah diajar dengan menggunakan strategi diagram tulang ikan.




نايليم نيراك

، ( :) ٢٢٢٢ مادختسا يرثتأ إ

ىلع ةكمسلا لكيه ططمخ ةيجيتاترس ةباتك

ضرعلا ليلتح صوصن ذيملاتلل

ةيوناثلا ةسردلما في ةيموكلحا

ورابنكب ٥١ .

في ذيملاتلا ةبوعص لثم ،ةباتكلا في ذيملاتلا لكاشم ىلع ًءانب ثحبلا اذى ءارجإ تم بوعصو ،راكفلأا ريوطت في مهت

رايتخا ا ،ةحيحصلا دعاوقل و

بوعص مهت ببسب لملجا ةباتك في

ذله يسيئرلا زيكترلا .تادرفلما صقن ا

لا ثحب قرف كانى ناك اذإ ام ةفرعم وى ماى

في ةباتك

ضرعلا ليلتح صوصن ذيملاتلل

تلا لبق ميلع مادختسبا إ

دعبو ةكمسلا لكيى ططمخ ةيجيتاترس ه

مسق ذيملات ىدل مولعلا

في ةيعيبطلا ةيوناثلا ةسردلما في رشع يدالحا فصلا

ةيموكلحا ٥١

ثحبلا ميمصت .ورابنكب وى

ةدحاو ةعوممج ميمصت عم ةبرجتلا لبق ام ل

رابتخلا لا

لبق ي

ولا دعب ي . و نيع وت ذيملات رشع يدالحا فصلا مسقل

مولعلا ةيعيبطلا ٣

مىددعو ٣٥

اذيملت تم .

مادختسبا تانيعلا ذخأ ةينقت

فدالها تانيعلا ذخأ ة

ةثحابلا تمدختسا ،تناايبلا عجم في .

لاا ياتكلا رابتخ ديدحتل

ةباتك ةراهم ضرعلا ليلتح صوصن

ذيملاتلل تناايبلا ليلتح في .


مدختسا ت

ثحابلا ة داعم رابتخا ةل -

ت مادختسبا ابهاسح تم تيلاو ةجودزلما ةنيعلل ةمزلحا جمنارب

ةيعامتجلاا مولعلل ةيئاصحلإا ٢٢

ةميق نأ تناايبلا ليلتح جئاتن ترهظأو باسح

- ت ىلعأ

لودج نم -

ت ( ٢٫٩٧١


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ةيهمأ غلبي ٠٫٠٥ جردو ة ةيرلحا يى ٣٤ و ةميق

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( ٠٫٠٣٦


٠٫٠٥ نأ نيعي اذى .) ةليدبلا ةيضرفلا

لوبقم ة

ةدودرم ةيئدبلما ةيضرفلاو في اًيربك اًقرف كانى نأ جاتنتسلاا نكيم ،كلذل .

ةباتك ليلتح صوصن

ضرعلا ذيملاتلل تلا لبق

ميلع مادختسبا إ

دعبو ةكمسلا لكيى ططمخ ةيجيتاترس









ABSTRAK ... vii

صخلم ... viii





CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. Objectives and Significance of the Research ... 6

1. Objectives of the Research ... 6

2. Significance of the Research ... 6

F. Definition of the Term ... 8

CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Framework ... 10

1. The Nature of Writing ... 10

2. The Nature of Analytical Exposition Text ... 14



3. The Nature of The Fishbone Diagram Strategy ... 17

B. Relevant Research ... 24

C. Operational Concept ... 28

D. Assumption and Hypothesis ... 30

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ... 32

B. Time and Location of the Research ... 33

C. Subject and Object of the Research ... 33

D. Population and Sample ... 33

E. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 34

F. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 40


B. Discussion ... 55


B. Suggestion ... 59 REFERENCES






Table III. 1 The Research Design ... 32

Table III. 2 The Population of the Research ... 34

Table III. 3 The Score Rubric for the Writing Assessment ... 38

Table III. 4 The Classification of Students‟ Score ... 40

Table IV. 1 The Students‟ Score of the Pre-Test ... 44

Table IV. 2 The Students‟ Writing Result of the Pre-Test ... 45

Table IV. 3 Descriptive Statistics of the Pre-Test ... 46

Table IV. 4 The Students‟ Score of the Post-Test ... 47

Table IV. 5 The Students‟ Writing Result of the Post-Test ... 48

Table IV. 6 Descriptive Statistics of the Post-Test ... 49

Table IV. 7 The Normality Test ... 50

Table IV. 8 The Result of Paired Sample Statistics ... 51

Table IV. 9 The Result of Paired Sample Correlation ... 51

Table IV. 10 The Result of Paired Sample T-test ... 52




Figure II. 1 The Fishbone Diagram ... 18

Figure II. 2 The Fishbone Diagram for Writing ... 19

Figure IV. 1 Frequency Distribution of the Pre-test ... 46

Figure IV. 2 Frequency Distribution of the Post-Test ... 49




Appendix 1 Syllabus and Lesson Plan of Eleventh Grade Students at SMAN 15 Pekanbaru

Appendix 2 Instrument of the Research Appendix 3 Students‟ Writing Test

Appendix 4 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test Rater 1 and Rater 2 Appendix 5 Recommendation Letters

Appendix 6 Documentation




A. Background of the Problem

In learning English, the students must understand the four of language skills which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As one of English language skills, writing is important to be learnt by students. Writing is one of the productive skills. Writing is a form of written communication in which a writer conveys information to the reader. Writing is the product of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures that require specialized skills (Brown &

Lee, 2015, p.427).

Richards (2004) explain that writing is a sociocognitive activity which involves skills in planning and drafting as well as knowledge of language and context. In writing, students should understand several components in order to enhance writing skills, such as content, grammar, form, style and mechanics (Emilda & Hamzah, 2021, p.715). There are four steps in writing, namely planning, drafting, editing, and final writing (Harmer, 2004, p.4).

Writing is closely related to text. In the process of teaching and learning English in schools, there are several types of texts that are studied in writing such as descriptive text, recount text, analytical exposition text, announcement text, procedure text, etc. Based on the English syllabus of eleventh grade in 2013 curriculum, one of the texts studied is about analytical exposition text. An analytical exposition text is different from the other text


types. In writing an analytical exposition text, students need creative thinking and ideas that are based on facts, data, and evidence.

Irwan et al (2018) defines analytical exposition text is a text that contains the author's opinion about an issue or phenomenon that occurs around the environment. Analytical exposition text can be found in scientific books, journal articles, magazines, newspapers, etc. The function of analytical exposition text is to inform the reader about issues or something that happens around us. The generic structure of analytical text is thesis, arguments, and reiteration (Dirgeyasa, 2016, p.131).

For some students, writing is difficult because their English proficiency still lack. This statement was supported by Arifanita & Joko (2019, p.2), the main problem of difficulties that students have in writing is their lack of English language proficiency. English as a foreign language in Indonesia is also one of the factors that causes some students have low English proficiency.

Based on the preliminary study of the researcher after conducting observations and interviews with English teacher who teach at the eleventh students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru, the researcher found that some students are still low in writing skill. This is caused by several factors such as students have difficulty in developing ideas, students have difficulty in translating Indonesian into English, students have difficulty in choosing correct grammar, and students have difficulty in writing sentences because


lack of vocabulary. The existence of these problems made some students assume that writing is difficult.

In writing, the problem that often occurs in students is the students difficult to develop ideas. Therefore, to help students in developing ideas, new learning strategies need to be applied. The use of the fishbone diagram can be used to develop ideas. In this research, the researcher tries to implement the fishbone diagram strategy on students' writing skill especially in writing analytical exposition text. By applying the fishbone diagram strategy, it is expected that the students can be more easily develop ideas in writing.

The fishbone diagram was first developed by Ishikawa in 1976 and also known as Ishikawa diagrams, cause and effect diagrams, or herringbone diagrams (Dale, 2003; Akdeniz 2016; Safitri & Nanda, 2016). Ardianto et al (2020, p.2) defines the fishbone diagram is a tool for analyzing and exploring relations between a cause and an effect. Sufeni and Fatimah (2018, p.551) stated that the fishbone diagram is used in writing cause and effect text contains of three main parts: the head of the fish to discuss effect or problem, primary causes related to how the main topic happens, and secondary causes gives detail explanation about a cause to a problem. The fishbone diagrams can help students to find the main idea or important information that is used as keywords to develop paragraphs so that the fishbone diagrams can be used as learning strategies to improve writing skills (Ulfi et al., 2021, p.1500).


In previous researches, there are several researches that discuss about the effect of using the fishbone diagram strategy and the use of the fishbone diagram strategy on students' writing skill. The use of the fishbone diagram strategy on students' writing skill has been applied to writing several texts such as procedure text (Sari, 2016), descriptive text (Mahsunah, 2018; Farida, 2020), argumentative text (Sitompul, 2018; Seviyanti, 2019). There is one research that only focuses on the use of the fishbone diagram to improve students' writing skill (Rahayu, 2021).

From some previous researches above, there are some differentiates between the current research. The previous studies only focused on the effect or the use of the fishbone diagram strategy on students‟ writing skill. There has been no research discussed about using the fishbone diagram strategy to develop ideas and for writing analytical exposition text. So, this research discuss about the use of the fishbone diagram strategy to help students develop ideas in writing, especially in writing analytical exposition text.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in conducting a research entitled: “The Effect of Using Fishbone Diagram Strategy on Students’ Writing Analytical Exposition Text at State Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru”.


B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background, the problems of this research are identified in the following identifications:

1. The students‟ writing skill is still low.

2. The students have difficulty in developing ideas in writing.

3. The students have difficulty in translating Indonesian into English.

4. The students still use grammatical errors in writing.

5. The students have difficulty in writing sentences because lack of vocabulary.

C. Limitation of the Problem

To focus on the topic of this research, the researcher needs to limit the problem of this research on students who still have difficulties to develop ideas in writing analytical exposition text. The researcher used the fishbone diagram strategy on students‟ writing analytical exposition text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of the problem this research:

1. How is the students‟ writing analytical exposition text before being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy at the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru?

2. How is the students‟ writing analytical exposition text after being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy at the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru?


3. Is there any significant difference on the students‟ writing analytical exposition text before and after being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy at the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru?

E. Objectives and Significance of the Research 1. Objectives of the Problem

The objectives of this research:

a. To find out the students‟ writing analytical exposition text before being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy at the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru.

b. To find out the students‟ writing analytical exposition text after being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy at the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru.

c. To find out the significant difference on the students‟ writing analytical exposition text before and after being taught by using the fishbone diagram strategy at the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru.

2. Significance of the research

The results of the research are expected to be useful theoretically and practically for writer, teachers, students and further researchers.


a. Theoretically

The results of this study are expected to increase knowledge about the fishbone diagram can be used as learning media for writing.

b. Practically 1) Writer

For writer, the results are expected can give more knowledge about the fishbone diagram strategy on students‟

writing analytical exposition text and intended as a fulfillment of the requirements for bachelor degree in English Education Department.

2) Teachers

For teachers, the results are expected to give information about the fishbone diagram as one of strategies can be applied in teaching writing.

3) Students

For students, this study is expected to help them in arranging ideas to make good writing especially in analytical exposition text with using the fishbone diagram strategy.

4) Further researchers

For further researchers, the results are expected to be a reference in conducting deeper research about the use of the


fishbone diagram strategy on students‟ writing analytical exposition text.

F. Definition of the Term

In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the title of this research, the researcher to explain the term used.

1. Writing

Brown & Lee (2015) stated that writing is the product of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures that require specialized skills. In writing, the first thing we do is thinking about the ideas, concepts, and content that we will create. Then make a written draft and revise the draft that has been made and then it becomes writing. So, writing in this research is a form of written communication carried out by the author to express ideas, feelings, or arguments to be conveyed to the reader.

2. Analytical Exposition Text

Irwan et al (2018) defines analytical exposition text is a text that contains the author's opinion about an issue or phenomenon that occurs around the environment. Analytical exposition text is based on existing facts. So, analytical exposition in this research is a text that describes the author's idea about a phenomenon that occurs around the environment based on facts.

3. Fishbone Diagram

The fishbone diagram was first developed by Ishikawa in 1976 and also known as Ishikawa diagrams, cause and effect diagrams, or


herringbone diagrams. Ardianto et al (2020) defines the fishbone diagram is a tool for analyzing and exploring relation between a cause and an effect or a problem. So, the fishbone diagram in this research is a diagram that can use as a tool for bainstorming and mind mapping ideas to help students easier to developing ideas in writing from the branches of fishbone skeleton.


10 A. Theoretical Framework

1. The Nature of Writing a. Definition of Writing

Writing is a form of written communication made by the writer to convey information or messages to readers. In writing, the author can express ideas, feelings, or arguments to be conveyed. As one of the skills learned in learning a language, in writing, the writer must use clear and unambiguous language, correct grammar so that it is easy to understand.

Writing is the product of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures that require specialized skills (Brown & Lee, 2015, p.427). In writing, there are several stages. Before writing, the writer thinks about the idea, the content to be written. Then make a written draft and revise the draft that has been made and then it becomes writing. Because through several stages of writing, the writing process is so long and very complex to do.

According to Richards (2004) explain that writing is a sociocognitive activity which involves skills in planning and drafting as well as knowledge of language, contexts, and audiences. To produce good writing, writers need planning and preparation before starting to write. Planning and preparation can help writers in conceptualizing


several things such as the use of language, content, and audiences. In addition, the writer needs to know the purpose of the writing.

b. Purposes of Writing

In writing something, it is important for us to determine our purpose of writing. There are four purposes of writing (Abdallah, 2015, p.13).

1. To inform

The purpose of writing to inform is to share facts and other information.

2. To persuade

Writing that has a purpose to persuade states an opinion or goal and supports it with reasons and supporting details in order to get the audience to agree, take action, or both.

3. To express

The purpose of writing is to express a writer‟s feelings.

4. To entertain

The purpose of writing is to hold the attention of the reader through enjoyment.

c. Aspects of Writing

According to Jacobs as cited in Salima et al (2020, p.38), there are five aspects that must be considered in writing.


1. Content

Writers need to think creatively what they are going to discuss in their writing. The description of content is knowledgeable, substantive, and relevant ideas.

2. Organization

Organization refers to the ability of writers in organizing their sentences into a coherent and cohesive idea. Besides, it refers to the fluent expression, clearly supported ideas, well organized, and cohesive.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary related to the use selection of words which are suitable with the content. Mastering vocabulary means the writers are able to select effective idioms, word choices and appropriate registers in their writing.

4. Language Use

Language use is related to the use of correct grammatical form and synthetic pattern of separating, combining, and grouping ideas in words, phrases, clauses, and sentences to bring out logical relationships in paragraph writing.

5. Mechanical

Mechanics related to the use of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Spelling is important because it is aspects that can make meaningful writing. Misspelling is always making a confusing


of meaning. The meaning will change if a word is misspelled and the whole meaning of writing may be touched by a change.

d. Process of Writing

There are four steps in writing, namely planning, drafting, editing, and final writing (Harmer, 2004, p.4).

1. Planning

Before starting to write, the writer first plans or conceptualizes what will be poured into a piece of writing. In planning, there are three main issues that must be planned. The purpose of writing, audience, and content structure.

2. Drafting

It refers to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft. This first

„go‟ at a text is often done on the assumption that it will be amended later.

3. Editing (reflecting and revising)

Once writers have produced a draft then, usually, the draft is viewed to check if there is anything that needs to be corrected or added.

4. Final

Onces writers have edited their draft, making the changes, and they produce the final version. This may look considerably different from the original plan and the first draft, because there are changed in editing process.


2. The Nature of Analytical Exposition Text a. Definition of Analytical Exposition Text

Aanalytical exposition text is a text that contains the author's opinion about an issue or phenomenon that occurs around the environment (Irwan et al, 2018, p.170). According to Priyana et al (2008), analytical exposition proposes or suggests a certain topic which may only be pro or contra, or both. Analytical exposition text is a text in which you agree or disagree with an issue, using reasons to support your opinion (Oshima & Hogue, 2006, p.142).

Analytical exposition text is different from other text types. In this text, students need creative thinking to develop ideas that should be based on facts. Analytical exposition text can be found in scientific books, journal articles, magazines, newspapers, etc. The function of analytical exposition text is to inform the reader about issues or something that happens around us.

b. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

Related to the function, which is persuading the readers, analytical exposition text consists three of generic structures as follows (Dirgeyasa, 2016, p.131):

1. Thesis: it introduces topics and indicates the writer‟s position. Thesis also indicates the author‟s point of view. Therefore, thesis has always been in the first paragraph in analytical exposition text.


2. Argumentation: argumentation is a series of arguments that is presented to support the idea of the thesis. Iin addition, each argument should be followed by evidences in order to convince the readers that his/her point of view is perfectly true.

3. Reiteration: reiteration is rewriting or replacement of ideas that is contained in the first paragraph of the text. It is commonly called as the conclusion. Briefly, it can be said that reiteration is rewriting of the thesis as the conclusion of the text which strength the author‟s position, whether she/he agree or disagree.

c. Language Features of Analytical Exposition Text

According to Garot and Wignel as cited in Garintama (2018, p.10), there are five language features of analytical exposition text:

1. The use of emotive words.

2. The use of simple present tense.

3. The use of relation processes.

4. The use of internal conjunction.

5. The use of causal conjunction.

In addition, the language features above will be the characteristics of an analytical exposition text. Therefore, the writers need to use all the language features in writing analytical exposition text.

d. How to Write Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical exposition text is one of the texts that learned by the students based on 2013 curriculum in Senior High School for the


eleventh grade. In write analytical exposition text, the students must be able to compose analytical exposition text regarding current issue appropriate with social function, text structure and language features correctly and in context. The students also need to analyze how to define a thesis statement, how to relate the facts and their opinion, and how to conclude their opinion in the form of analytical exposition.

In understanding how to write analytical exposition text, students must accomplish some indicators of writing an analytical exposition text based on the syllabus.

1. Content:

a) Students are able to write analytical exposition texts related to actual issues and based on the topic.

b) Students are able to write the social function of the analytical exposition text.

2. Organization

a) Students are able to write their ideas fluently based on topic.

b) Students are able to express their ideas clearly, stated controlling idea or central focus.

3. Vocabulary

a) Students are able to arrange and interrelate of word sufficiently varied.


4. Language Use

a) Students are able to write the language features of analytical exposition text.

b) Students are able to use correct grammatical order in writing analytical exposition text.

5. Mechanics

a) Students are able to write the structure text of analytical exposition text, consists of thesis, arguments, and reiteration.

3. The Nature of The Fishbone Diagram Strategy a. Definition of The Fishbone Diagram Strategy

The fishbone diagram was first developed by Ishikawa in 1976 and also known as Ishikawa diagrams, cause and effect diagrams, or herringbone diagrams (Dale, 2003; Akdeniz, 2016; Safitri & Nanda, 2016). The fishbone diagram can be used to identify the potential causes of a performance problem.

The fishbone diagram is a diagram that resembles the shape of a fishbone skeleton, where there will be writing on the fishbone. The diagram is called as fishbone diagram because it looks like a fish skeleton (Alquraishy et al., 2021; Batu et al., 2021; Fauziah, 2022). The fishbone diagram was designed to generate improvement ideas of a product quality with investigating the root cause of a problem. The fishbone diagram is a kind of diagram which helps writers to organize ideas in writing (Sufeni & Fatimah, 2018; Kasim et al., 2021; Ulfi et al.,


2021). In Apriliya and Putri (2018) research, they stated that by using the fishbone diagram, the students easier and simpler to develop ideas in writing.

The fishbone diagram is a tool for analyzing and exploring the relation between a cause and an effect or a problem (Ardianto et al, 2020, p.2). In learning, this strategy helps students analyze the possible causes of a problem in the given learning material. Students learn through practical problems related to learning materials as a context for students to learn about how to analyze problems solving.

The fishbone diagram consists of three parts. First, the head of the fish, it is a problem or topic which will be analyzed. Second, it is the body as a description of a problem or topic. Third, it is the tail as a result of the problem. This diagram can make students enjoyable and creative in writing (Fauziah, 2022, p.2). The fishbone diagram has any number of branches, including any number of ideas (Simanjuntak et al, 2022, p.72).

Students record the main idea on the top line of each branch and add supporting details under each main idea.

Figure II. 1 The Fishbone Diagram


Figure II. 2

The Fishbone Diagram for Writing

b. The Benefits of The Fishbone Diagram Strategy

Widyahening as cited in Nurlela (2021, p.16) mentioned that “The benefit of using the fishbone diagrams is to identify and compile the causes that arise from the special effects which are then separated from the root causes by mentioning the problems that arise”. The fishbone diagram can be used to discover and categorize potential special effect causes (Munawir, 2022, p.244).

Daniel as cited in Safitri and Nanda (2016, p.45) noted that the fishbone strategy provides benefits in visual tools due to visual aids:

1. Accentuate important ideas.

2. Provide oral and written presentations to comprehend the pattern of organization.

3. Enable to recall their memories.


c. The Procedure in Applying of The Fishbone Diagram Strategy The fishbone diagrams for writing usually include a several basic steps (Akdeniz, 2016, p.186):

1. Write the problem to be solved (the effect) as desriptively as possible on one side of the workspace, then draw “backbone of the fish”.

Think about the exact problem in detail.

2. Identify the factors that may be part of the problem. These may be methods, machines (equipment), materials, people, external forces, environment with the problem and so on. Draw four or more branches off the large arrow to represent main categories of potential causes.

3. Brainstorm all the possible causes of the problem. As each idea is given, show these possible causes as shorter lines coming off the

“bones” of the diagram.

4. When the group has come to the consensus that the diagram contains an adequate amount of information, analyze the diagram. By this stage, the diagram has to show all the possible causes of the problem. When the group runs out of the ideas, focus attention on places on the chart where ideas are few. Depending on the complexity and importance of the problem, investigate the most likely causes further.

5. Circle anything that seems to be a cause for the need. Prioritize the root causes and decide to take action.


d. The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Fishbone Diagram Strategy

Kasim, Erdiana & Aulia (2021, p.193) stated that there are some advantages and disadvantages of the fishbone diagram strategy. The advantages of the fishbone diagram are:

1. Helps identify cause and effect relationships.

2. Helps develop in-depth joint brainstorming discussions, the brainstorming process encourages broad thinking.

3. Keeping teams from limited thinking patterns that can lead to getting stuck.

4. The process of asking why something happened at each stage helps drill down to a root cause quickly.

5. Helps prioritize relevant causes, so underlying root causes are addressed first.

6. Students can determine ideas and develop them easier.

The disadvantages of the fishbone diagram are:

1. Irrelevant potential causes can cause confusion.

2. Complex issues may lead to a messy diagram.

3. Students did not show good progress at the grammar aspects in writing.


e. Using The Fishbone Diagram in Writing Analytical Exposition Text The use of the fishbone diagram in writing analytical exposition text has been studied by several researchers. Ardianto (2020) conducted research about the effect of fishbone diagram on students‟ writing of analytical exposition text. In this research, the fishbone diagram can be used as a mind-mapping tool to help writers to organize and develop ideas in pre-writing process. By using the fishbone diagram, the students can focus more to the discussed topic of the text so the ideas can be maintained well. When the students are involved to the writing process, the fishbone diagram guides them to write in an organized order of ideas.

Alquraishy et al (2021) conducted research about exploring the role of the fishbone diagram on Iraqi EFL learners‟ Expository writing. In this research, the use of fishbone diagram can be used in teaching writing in such a way that supports students to decide the cause and effect of specific problem statement by using a diagram like a fish skeleton. Using the fishbone diagram helped Iraqi EFL learners to brainstorm their ideas and helped them a great dealin improving the quality of their writing.

Nurlela (2021) conducted research about the fishbone diagram to improve exposition text writing skill. In this research, the use of fishbone diagrams really stimulates students' creativity in developing ideas in writing. This is evidenced by the increased student scores after using the fishbone diagram as a learning medium.


This is one example of using the fishbone diagram in writing analytical exposition text (Ardianto, 2018).

Public Transportation Should be Free

If we can agree that government has some roles to play in our lives, then let‟s at least make it a positive one.

Consider the benefits of free, fully-subsidized public transportation.

First, it will motivate more people to leave their cars at home. Think of the reduction in pollution and traffic jam and insurance costs due to accidents. There should be greener cities, safer cities, more livable cities and more room for parks and trees. Think of the money we‟ll all save by consuming less gas, spending less frequently on car repairs, and so on. That money will stay in our wallets and we could then turn around and give the economy a boost by spending it on other consumer goods or services.

Secondly, we must consider the health benefits. We‟ll all walk a little more. This will reduce visits to doctors‟

offices and hospitals because we‟ll be healthier. We‟ll have improved blood pressure, lower stress and possibly a better complexion.

We‟ll avoid the worry of getting in accidents. Since we are in public transfortation, our driver should have been trained in order to drive us savely. It is different if we drive on our own. There would be somene with low skill of driving which could endanger us or even we are the one who could do that to the other peple. Furtheremore, there could be some people who are used to break the laws or rules in the street which could make us in danger.


Then, think about some of the other social benefits:

imagine how much we‟ll learn from each other when we share rides instead of sitting in isolation in our cars. Talking to the neighbors might come back into fashion. More people will meet and talk and maybe even help each other and become friends.

Having someone else drive us will also give us more time for reading books and newspapers. So, park your car and use it for your dream vacation.

In conclusion, there are a lot of benefits we can get from free public transportation in the city.

B. Relevant Research

As the researcher, it is crucial to observe some previous research to avoid plagiarism. It could be references to help this research.

The first relevant research is research that was conducted by Dewi Ratna Sari (2016) entitled “The Effect of Applying Fishbone Diagram Strategy on The Students‟ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text”. The objective of this research were to find out the effect of applying fishbone diagram strategy on the students‟ achievement in writing procedure text and to find out the students difficulties of applying fishbone diagram strategy on the students achievement in writing procedure text. This research used experimental design with control group and experimental group. The instrument of this research was a written test. The results of her research showed that t-observed were 6.37 and t-table were 2.00, the fact showed t-observed higher than t-table and the students‟

difficulties in writing procedure text by applying fishbone diagram was in language use.


The second relevant research is research that was conducted by Durotun Mahsunah (2018) entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Fishbone Method on Students‟ Writing Skill of Descriptive Text at The First Grade of SMK PGRI Tulungagung”. The purposes of this research: 1) Find out the students‟ writing achievement before being taught by using fishbone method. 2) Find out the students‟ writing achievement after being taught by using fishbone method. 3) Find out the significant difference the students‟ writing achievement between before and after being taught by using fishbone method. This research used quasi experimental design. The instrument this research was test. The results of her research showed that the mean achievement of the experimental group was higher than the mean achievement of the control group. So, the teaching writing by using fishbone method is effective.

The third relevant research is research that was conducted by M. Aqib Sitompul (2018) entitled “Improving Students‟ Writing Skill by Using Fishbone Strategy at VIII Grade SMPN 5 PadangSidimpuan”. This research aims to find out whether fishbone strategy can be used to increase the students‟

argumentative writing skill. This research used classroom action research that consisted of two cycles. The instrument of collecting data is observation, test, and interview. The results of his research showed that the improvement of students writing skill through implementation fishbone diagram. So, implementing fishbone diagram strategy can improve the students‟ writing skill at grade VIII SMPN 5 PadangSidimpuan.


The fourth relevant research is research that was conducted by from Indri Seviyanti (2019) entitled “The Use of Fishbone Strategy to Improve The Students‟ Argumentative Writing Skill at The Seventh Grade of MTs Ma‟arif NU 21 Buanasakti in Academic Year 2019/2020”. This research aims to find out whether fishbone strategy can be used to increase the students‟ argumentative writing skill. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was done in two cycles. In collecting data, researcher used tests, observations, documentation and fieldnote. The results of her research showed that fishbone strategy as a strategy had positif result in improving student‟s writing ability in argumentative text. So, fishbone strategy will be able to improve the students writing ability in argumentative text at the seventh grade of MTs Ma‟arif NU 21 Buanasakti.

The fifth relevant research is research that was conducted by Nurfa May Silfia Farida (2020) entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Fishbone Diagram in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text of The Tenth Grade Students at SMAN 1 Pace”. This research aims to know whether the students who are taught writing descriptive text by using fishbone diagram have better writing achievement than the students who are taught by outlining technique. This research used quasi- experimental research with control group and experimental group. The results of her research showed that there are has been different mean between students from experimental group who were taught using fishbone diagram and also students from control group who were taught using outlining as a technique. So,


the fishbone diagram is effective in teaching writing descriptive text for the tenth grade students at SMAN 1 Pace.

The sixth relevant research is research that was conducted by Dwi Rahayu (2021) entitled “The Use of Fishbone Method to Improve Students‟ Writing Skill at Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Pekalongan in Academic Year 2018/2019”.

The objective of this research was to know how fishbone method to improve students‟ writing skill at eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Pekalongan in Academic Year 2018/2019. This research was conducted in two cycles. In collecting data used interview, observation, and test. The results of her research showed that the average students score in the pre-cycle test was 66.62%. In the first cycle, the students test got 70.20% and the second cycle students test got 76.97%. So, the fishbone method is good method to improving students writing skill.

All relevant research above which are conducted by previous researchers can give contribution toward the research that was conducted by the researcher.

They are as references to the researcher because it discusses about using of the fishbone diagram strategy on students' writing skills. The differences between previous researchers and the research that was conducted by the researcher are writing skill of analytical exposition text, limitation of the problem, research design, and research location. So, the researcher is interested in conducting a research entitled “The Effect of Using Fishbone Diagram Strategy on Students‟

Writing Analytical Exposition Text at State Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru”.


C. Operational Concept

The operational concept is the concept as a guidance used to avoid misunderstanding. It should be interpreted into particular words in order to make it easy to measure. This research has two variables. Variable X (independent variable) is the fishbone diagram strategy and variable Y (dependent variable) is writing analytical exposition text.

1. The indicators of the fishbone diagram strategy (Akdeniz, 2016, p.186):

a. Write the problem to be solved (the effect) as desriptively as possible on one side of the workspace, then draw “backbone of the fish”. Think about the exact problem in detail.

b. Identify the factors that may be part of the problem. These may be methods, machines (equipment), materials, people, external forces, environment with the problem and so on. Draw four or more branches off the large arrow to represent main categories of potential causes.

c. Brainstorm all the possible causes of the problem. As each idea is given, show these possible causes as shorter lines coming off the “bones” of the diagram.

d. When the group has come to the consensus that the diagram contains an adequate amount of information, analyze the diagram. By this stage, the diagram has to show all the possible causes of the problem. When the group runs out of the ideas, focus attention on places on the chart where ideas are few. Depending on the complexity and importance of the problem, investigate the most likely causes further.


e. Circle anything that seems to be a cause for the need. Prioritize the root causes and decide to take action.

2. The indicators of writing analytical exposition (English syllabus for Senior High School):

a. Content:

1) Students are able to write analytical exposition texts related to actual issues and based on the topic.

2) Students are able to write the social function of the analytical exposition text.

b. Organization

1) Students are able to write their ideas fluently based on topic.

2) Students are able to express their ideas clearly, stated controlling idea or central focus.

c. Vocabulary

1) Students are able to arrange and interrelate of word sufficiently varied.

d. Language Use

1) Students are able to write the language features of analytical exposition text.

2) Students are able to use correct grammatical order in writing analytical exposition text.

e. Mechanics

1) Students are able to write the structure text of analytical exposition text, consists of thesis, arguments, and reiteration.


The indicators of the fishbone diagram strategy (variable x) had a relationship with the indicators of writing analytical exposition (variable y). The relationship between the indicators of the fishbone diagram strategy (variable x) with the indicators of writing analytical exposition (variable y) was that the indicators of the fishbone diagram strategy (variable x) gave instructions and affected the indicators of writing analytical exposition (variable y). So, the indicators contained in variable y could be achieved. Therefore, the operational concept was very important in this research.

D. Assumption and Hypothesis 1. Assumption

In this research, the researcher assumes that the use of fishbone diagram gives significant difference and effect on students‟ writing analytical exposition text.

2. Hypothesis

Based on assumption above, there are two hypotheses in this research.

The hypothesis of the research can be formulated as follows:

a. The Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant difference before and after using the fishbone diagram strategy on students‟ writing analytical exposition text at the eleventh grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru.


b. The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is a significant difference before and after using the fishbone diagram strategy on students‟ writing analytical exposition text at the eleventh grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru.


32 A. Research Design

This research was conducted by using quantitative research. In this research, the researcher used experimental design. According to Creswell (2012), the experimental is test an idea (or practice or procedure) to determine whether it influences the outcome or the dependent variable. The design of this research used pre-experimental design that is involved a group.

Pre-experimental is the simplest form of research design, there are three types of pre-experimental, they are one-shot case study, one group pre-test and post-test design, and intact group comparison (Sugiyono, 2021, p.74). This research used one group pre-test and post-test design. In the one group pre-test and post-test design, a single group is measured or observed not only after being exposed to a treatment of some sort, but also before it by applying pre-test. The design of this research can be illustrated as follows:

Table III. 1 The Research Design

O1 = Pre-test score X = Fishbone Diagram O2 = Post-test score (Sugiyono, 2021, p.75)


B. Time and Location of the Research

This research was conducted in August - September 2022 at Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru. It was located at Cipta Karya street KM. 3, Tampan, Pekanbaru, Riau.

C. Subject and Object of the Research

The subject of this research was the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru. The object of this research was the use of the fishbone diagram strategy on students‟ writing analytical exposition text.

D. Population and Sample 1. Population

Population is a group of individuals who have the same characteristic (Creswell, 2012, p.142). The population of this research was the eleventh science grade students of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru. This research focuses on the eleventh science grade because the population chosen is in acordance with the needs and criteria that was used as a source of data by the researcher. The criteria needed by researchers to be sampled are students who have an average writing score that is in accordance with the school's KKM (minimum completeness criteria). There are four classes. The total number of the eleventh science grade of Senior High School 15 Pekanbaru is 140 students. The total population of the eleventh grade students each class is shown in the table below:


Table III. 2

The Population of the Research

No. Classes Total

1. XI Science 1 35 students

2. XI Science 2 35 students

3. XI Science 3 35 students

4. XI Science 4 35 students

Total Population 140 students

2. Sample

According to Creswell (2012), a sample is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study generalizing about the target population. To determine the sample in this research, the researcher used purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling technique with certain considerations (Sugiyono, 2021, p.218). The researcher chose the sample by looking the characteristics of the class and based on information from the teacher. The characteristics of the class used as the sample are classes where students experience a lot of difficulty in writing, especially difficulty in developing ideas, and also seen from the results of their writing scores from the teacher and the class selection suggested by the teacher. In this research, the researcher used one class as the sample. The sample of this research was class XI Science 3 consists of 35 students.

E. The Technique of Collecting Data

Collecting data means identifying and selecting individuals for a study, obtaining permission to study, and gathering information by asking people questions or observing their behaviors (Creswell, 2012, p.9). There are many


types of techniques for collecting data such as interviews, questionnaires, observation, test, and documentation.

In this research, the researcher used tests as the instrument. A test is a method of measuring a person‟s ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2003, p.3). The researcher used an essay writing test in doing the test. The writing test contained instruction for guiding students to make an analytical exposition text. There are three procedures of collecting data.

1. Pre-test

Researcher gave a pre-test before giving the treatment. Pre-test is essay about writing analytical exposition text. The students were asked to write an analytical exposition text about a topic issue actual. In conducting the pre- test, the research conducted at the beginning of the meeting. In the meeting, the researcher explained about the analytical exposition text material. After students understand the material, students are asked to write an analytical exposition text by choosing one of the topic texts that the researcher has determined. There are two topics that have been determined, namely "Trends of Online Shopping" and "Internet as A Media for Learning".

2. Treatment

After giving the pre-test, the researcher gave the treatment to the students. In this phase, there are several steps of teaching:

a. The researcher explained how to use the fishbone diagram to write the main idea.


b. After writing the main idea in the fishbone diagram, then the main idea is written into a sentence.

c. Then, write an analytical exposition paragraph of the main idea that has been made in the fishbone diagram.

d. The researcher gave example an analytical exposition that used the fishbone diagram to make the students understand about how to use Athe fishbone diagram in writing,

e. The researcher asked students to write an analytical exposition text by using the fishbone diagram.

In giving treatment, the researcher conducted 3 meetings with students to provide an explanation about fishbone diagrams, and how to use this diagram in writing and also gave an example of an analytical exposition text using the fishbone diagram. At the first meeting, the researcher explained how to use fishbone diagrams to help develop ideas in writing with the topic

“English as An International Language”. At the second meeting, the researcher explained how to write an analytical paragraph from ideas that have been made by using the fishbone diagram about the topic “English as An International Language”. At the third meeting, the researcher gave an example of an analytical exposition text using a fishbone diagram. An example of the text given is "Public Transportation Should be Free".


3. Post-test

A post-test was given to the students after they received the treatment.

The students were asked to write an analytical exposition text using the fishbone diagram. Post-test was used to knowing whether the fishbone strategy has a significant effect on the student‟s writing skills in analytical explanation text or not. In conducting the post-test, the researcher conducted one meeting. At this meeting, students were asked to write an analytical exposition text using a fishbone diagram with the topic text "Bringing Phone to School (Banned or Allowed)".

The total number of meetings conducted by researcher in collecting data was fifth meetings. In each meeting, researcher used different writing topics.

The length of the researcher in collecting data was one month.

The results of students‟ writing, after and before being given the treatment were assessed by two raters. The students' writing analytical exposition was measured by using the scoring rubric adapted by Jacobs et al (1981) as cited in Hughes (2003, p.104) which consists of content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. The assessment rubric score for writing can be seen as follows:


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