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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP ON ACCELERATION PROGRAM AT SMAN 1 PURWOREJO Principal Leadership On Acceleration Program At SMAN 1 Purworejo."


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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting M agister Degree

in Educational M anagement Department

According by:

M arceles Pamungkas Q.100.100. 221




According by:

M arceles Pamungkas1, Budi M urtiyasa, and Dwi Haryanti 2 1

Student of M uhammadiyah University of Surakarta and Teacher of SM P N 2 Purw orejo, 2Lecturer of M uhammadiyah University of Surakarta,


The purposes of t his st udy are t o describe (1) t he charact erist ics of t he principal's leadership in managing human resources in an accelerat ed program at SM AN 1 Purw orejo, (2) t he charact erist ics of t he principal's leadership in mot ivat ing st udent s in t he accelerat ed program, (3) t he charact erist ics of t he principal's leadership in managing facilit ies and infrast ruct ure in t he accelerat ed program . The result s show t hat : (1) t he principal's leadership in human resource management included: t o provide services for t alent ed st udent s, t he accelerat ed program management w as separat ed from t he regular program, t he select ion process of t eachers w as done according by t he observat ion and assessment from t he principal, chairman of t he program and st udent s, t he principal provided guidance t o st udent s, implement ed an effect ive learning syst em, and invit ed a psychologist t o help solve problem, (2) pri ncipal’s leadership in mot ivat ing st udent s: t he principal gave guidance t o st udent s on a regular basis, t he principal gave rew ards t o st udent s w ho have high achievement and sanct ions for t hose w ho have low achievement , (3) principal’s leadership in t he man agement of facilit ies and infrast ruct ure: t he principal t ried t o complement t he provision of infrast ruct ure facilit ies such as LCD, air condit ioning, overhead project or, comput er and handbooks; t he principal equipped class library and locker in t he classroom, conduct ed cont rolling, monit oring of ut ilizat ion and maint enance of infrast ruct ure facilit ies. The principal managed t he infrast ruct ure based on suggest ion from t he chairman of t he program.

Keyw ords: leadership of t he principal, an accelerat ed program.


According t o dat a from t he Nat ional Associat ion of Cerdas Ist imew a dan

Baka t Ist imew a, 2% of school-age populat ion, w ere children w ho have special

t alent or gift ed children. If it refers t o t he BPS 2005, t here w ere 65,291,624


are 1,305,832 childre n in Indonesia have Cerdas Ist imew a dan Bakat Ist imew a.

While t he figure is relat ively sm all, but service t o t hem is not sufficient . The only

form of educat ion service s for children Cerdas Ist imew a dan Bakat Ist imew a is in

t he form of accelerat ion. Based on dat a from Cerdas Ist imew a Dan Bakat

ist imew a Associat ion of 2008/ 9, t he number of Cerdas Ist imew a dan Bakat

Ist imew a st udent s w ho have served in accelerat ed schools w ere st ill very small,

t hose w ere 9,551 people or 0.73% of Cerdas Ist imew a Dan Bakat Ist imew a

st udent s underserved.

In t erms of inst it ut ions, from 260 471 schools, 311 new schools have child

care programs for Cerdas Ist imew a dan Bakat Ist imew a. This m eans t hat t here is

a lit t le school t hat provide educat ional services t o st udent s Cerdas Ist imew a dan

Bakat Ist imew a, as w ell as t he limit at ions of t he various services. M ost of t hese

children are " forced" t o follow t he same educat ion w it h normal children, so they

have a st at e of " underachiever" .

Act o f Nat ional Educat ion Syst em no. 20 of 2003, Art icle 5, paragraph 4

st at ed t hat " Cit izens w ho have t he pot ent ial of int elligence and special t alent s

are ent it led t o special educat ion" . The need for special at t ent ion t o t he cerdas

ist imew a dan bakat ist imew a children is an effort t o develop t he full and opt imal

pot ent ial of learners (Sulipan, 2010: 2).

Int elligent and gift ed children have unique personalit ies. Generally, t hey

have a st rong preference for t he various areas of int erest , are very int erest ed in

t he moral and et hical issues, very aut onomous in making decisions and

det ermining act ions (Anonymous, 2011: 1). A number of t his unique

charact erist ics if not properly underst ood according by t eachers and parent s, it

w ill creat e t he percept ion as if t he gift ed children are st ubborn individuals,

unw illing t o compromise even t here is an ext reme w ho considers t he gift ed

children has a low -rat e behavior.

One corridor of educat ional services for st udent s w ho have except ional


learning). Providing special programs in an effort t o t reat gift ed children is

according by t he convening of an accelerat ed program as a service t o individual

differences in st udent s.

In each organizat ion, t he posit ion and role of a leader has alw ays been

cent ral (M edizine, 2011: 2). Advance and ret reat organizat ion depends on t he

ext ent t o w hich leaders are able t o advance t he. Similarly, in t he cont ext of t he

school as an organizat ion, t hen t he principal is also very import ant in advancing

t he inst it ut ion he leads. When t he qualit y of educat ion of a school w ill be

im proved, t hen t he key is in t he st rong leadership.

The principal as responsible individual in t he school has an obligation to

t ry t o make all t he pot ent ial t hat exist s in t he inst it ut ion may be best ut ilized t o

achieve t he expect ed goals. Therefore, t he principal leadership becomes one

import ant fact or t hat can encourage school resources t o realize t he vision,

m ission, goals, and object ives of t he school.

The principal is t he key success in empow ering t he communit y and t he

school environment . Therefore, as t he leader, t he principal is expect ed t o be able

t o build, m anage and develop t he resources t hat exist in schools (Jacub, 2011: 8).

To assist principals in organizing t he school properly, it needs an essence

of t heoret ical ideas, such as t he classic concept ion of organizat ional st ruct ure,

hierarchy, aut horit y and mechanisms for achieving coordinat ion in t he school

environment (Wahjosumidjo, 2007: 4- 5).

Principal's leadership w ill be very influent ial even crucial t o t he progress

of t he accelerat ed program. Therefore, in t he modern educat ion, t he principal

leadership is t he st rat egic posit ion in achieving t he goals of educat ion. School

success is t he success of t he principal, and t he success of principal is t he success

of school (Wahjosumidjo, 2008: 349). Because t he school’s failure and success is

largely det ermined according by t he principal as t he cont roller and det ermin er of


a school is essent ially locat ed on t he efficient and effect iveness of t he principal


SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo t hat w as founded in 1955, is one of t he best

sch ools in Purw orejo. It is on Jl. Tent ara Pelajar No. 16, Pangenjuru Tengah

village and occupies a land area of 20,000 m2. This school has implement ed an

accelerat ed program since 2006, i.e. since t he government launched an

accelerat ed program. In it s implement at ion, t he program did not run properly. It

appeared from t he new st udent s t hat did not meet t he crit eria or rules set

according by t he government , IQ t est less t han 130 w as accept able in

accelerat ed classes. This w as done t o m eet t he quot a of st udents in accelerat ed


There are som e previous st udies relat ed t o the Principal’s Leadership in

Accelerat ed Program . The first is t he research conduct ed according by Guajardo

(2004 : 35),

The result s st at ed t hat t he accelerat ion is one of school adm inistered programs t o improve st udent learning out comes and academic. Accelerat ed program is a shift in t hinking t hat allow s flexibilit y in scheduling, social -emot ional climat e, curriculum and inst ruct ional design. One of t he principal roles in t he accelerat e d program is realized in t he form of an increase in t he qualit y of t eachers, creat ing a favorable climat e, and management of t he curriculum for t he accelerat ed program.

The second is t he research invest igat ed according by Bloom (2003: 56

In his research st at es t hat t he principal as administ rat ors have an obligat ion t o carry out regular supervision and monit oring regularly w hich aims t o reduce t he impact of human resources t hat are m anaged eit her vert ically or horizont ally.

The t hird is t he research condu cted according by Luo dan Najjar (2007 :



The f ourth is t he research conduct ed according by Lunenburg (2010 : 25),

This st udy review s t he im port ance of school facilit ies and infrast ruct ure m anagem ent t hat is done according by t he administ rat or. In t his st udy know n t hat a key responsibilit y of school administ rat ors is facilit ies management . School buildings across t he nat ion are aging and becoming a barrier t o opt imal learning and t eaching. This result s in escalat ing school infrast ruct ure cost s. A case can be made t o renovat e or build new facilit ies t hat maximize an effect ive learning environment . This w ill involve allocat ion of funds for building renovat ion or new const ruct ion. In t his art icle I discuss t hese t w o issues: school infrast ruct ure cost s and financing new const ruct ion.

Based on t he research background, t he quest ion t o be asked, how are t he

charact erist ics of t he principal’s leadership in t he accelerat ed program at SM A

Negeri 1 Purw orejo? The focus w as elaborat ed int o t hree subfocuses: (1) How

are t he charact erist ics of t he principal’s leadership in managing t he human

resource of accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo?; (2) How are t he

charact erist ics of t he principal’s leadership in mot ivat ing st udent s of t he

accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo?; and (3) How are t he

charact erist ics of t he principal’s leadership in t he management of facilit ies and

infrast ruct ure of accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo?

There w ere t hree object ives in t his st udy: (1) To describe t he

charact erist ics of t he principal’s leadership in managing t he human resource of

accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo; (2) To describe t he

charact erist ics of t he principal’s leadership in m ot ivat ing st udent s of t he

accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo; and (3) To describe t he

charact erist ics of t he principal’s leadership in t he management of facilit ies and



Based on t he research focus t hat w ould like t o know t he principal

leadership in t he accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo, a qualit at ive

research w as ut ilized t o explore it . An et hnography research design w as used in

t his st udy. Et hnography is an effort t o pay at t ent ion t o t he meanings of t he

act ions of t he event s t hat happen t o people w ho w ant t o be underst ood.

This st udy was conduct ed at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo. This research w as

done in t hree mont hs. The researcher select ed t his school because it w as one of

t he t op schools in t he dist rict of Purw orejo. In order t o collect valid and reliable

dat a, t he researcher w ent direct ly t o t he st udy sit e. The presence of researcher

in conduct ing t his st udy w as done in t hree m ont hs t hat w as devot ed t o search

for dat a of t he principal leadership in t he accelerat ed program at SM AN 1

Purw orejo. Therefore, according t o Spradley (as cit ed according by Harsono,

2008: 158), t he role of researcher is as a research inst rument and st udent . The

dat a used in t his st udy w ere dat a of t he principal leadership in t he accelerat ed

program at SM A 1 Purw orejo. Informant involved in t his st udy w ere t he principal,

school board, and t eachers of SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo.

Dat a collect ion used follow ing techniques: observat ion , in -dept h

int erview s, and document at ion. Dat a analysis, in t his st udy used a t echnique of

dat a analysis in sit e. And for checking t he validit y of t he dat a in t he st udy on t he

Principal Leadership in Accelerat ion Program used t he degre e of confidence

(credibilit y) and t ransferabilit y.


Principal’s Leadership in Human Resource M anagement of The Accelerated Program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo

As a service model, t he accelerat ion can be int erpret ed as a learning

service model according by accelerat ing t he class, for example, for st udent s w ho


M eanw hile, t he curriculum model, accelerat ion means t o accelerat e t he

inst ruct ional mat erials that should be m ast ered according by st udent s at t hat

t im e so t hat st udent s can graduat e as early. This can be done according by

analyzing t he subject m at t er w it h t he essent ial and less essent ial m at erials.

According t o Sutart inah Tirt onegoro, accelerat ion is t he w ay of handling

supernorm al children according by allow ing t hem t o move t o t he next grade

according by finishing t he RSBI program in a short er period of t ime. The same

t hing w as also said according by Ulya Lat ifah Lubis (cit ed according by Haw adi)

w hich defines t he t erm of accelerat ion as a service program given t o st udent s

w it h t he high t alent ed level in order t o com plet e t heir st udies m ore quickly t han

ot her st udent s (RSBI program).

This program generally m eet s t he needs of st udent s w ho have specific

charact erist ics in aspect s of cognit ive and affect ive development . In part icular, it

provides services t o gift ed st udent s t o be able t o complet e t heir educat ion more

quickly t han usual. St udent s have t he opport unit y t o earn t he learning mat erial

in a sh ort er t ime and efficient ly.

Research conduct ed according by Sidhu (2009: 22)

The result of t his st udy confirms t hat t he good principal is able t o creat e a sust ainable school climat e t hat w ill increase st udent achievement and t eacher product ivit y. Therefore t hey are not only Chief Execut ive Officer (CEO) but also inst ruct ional leaders and mot ivat ors for t heir t eam. In exploring t he charact erist ics of good leadership from t he principal in M alaysia, t he findings suggest t hat t he principal's leadership use a variet y of educat ional st rat egies and sit uat ional leadership st yle.

From t he result of t he previous st udy, it show s some similarit ies w it h t he st udy at

SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo in t erm of t he sit uat ional principal leardership st yle.

This w as proved according by t he brilliant ideas from t he principal of SM A Negeri

1 Purw orejo in giving facilit ies for gift ed st udent s in Purw orejo according by

opening an accelerat ed program. This program is int ended t o make t he gift ed

st udent s be able t o develop t heir t alent opt i mally in a fast er t ime t han ot her


As t he realit y in Purw orejo, t here are st udent s w ho have more t alent and

abilit y of t he various areas t han ot hers, but t here is no formal service t hat

facilit at ies it . This m akes st uden t s feel t hat t heir t alent and ideals are not

channeled properly. Therefore, it raises t he init iat ive of t he principal of SM A

Negeri 1 Purw orejo t o provide services for st udent s w ho have a special t alent as

one of t he school services in educat ion t o t he communit y. If t he formal

educat ion inst it ut ions do not give services t o t he gift ed st udent s, t heir t alent s

w ould be lost and t here is no significant developm ent for Purw orejo. Because of

t his condit ion, t he principal of SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo w ant ed t o find a solut ion

for t hese problems t o be immediat ely responded w ell w it h conduct ing an

accelerat ed program in SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo.

The program is very good, t herefore it s im plem ent at ion got so m uch

support from various part ies w het her from t he t eachers of SM A Negeri 1

Purw orejo, school board and parent s. Similarly, st udent s w ho have special

t alent s also gave much support t o it . This w as also because t he number of t hose

w ho w ere beneficiaries of t his program , especially st udent s w ho have m ore

achievement s.

The principal needed t he administ rat or of accelerat ion program t hat is

separat ed from t he im plem ent at ion of RSBI program in order t o m ake it runs

opt imally. This w as because of some differences bet w een t he RSBI program and

accelerat ion. Those differences are a) different learning syst ems, b). different

educat ional calendars, c) so t hat t he implement at ion of t he final t est is also

diferent .

Principal select ed t eachers w it h observat ion and assessment from

himself, chairman of t he program and also w it h t he suggest ion from st udent s

t hat indirect ly becomes t he considerat ion for select ing a compet ent t eachers.

Suggest ion from st udent s t hat is t aken indirect ly means t hat t o t alk t o t hem

about t he mat erial and t he t eacher w ho t eaches it , t herefore t hey do not feel


In addit ion t o t he select ion of t eaching st aff, t he principal also select ed

t he candidat e of st udent s. Principal accept ed st udent s w ho have passed t he

select ion for an accelerat ed program t hat has been det ermined such as t he

academic and pot ent ial academic t est s. The select ion w as int ended for t he

accelerat ed program t o be follow ed according by st udent s w ho really have t he

t alent and high learning achievem ent .

The goal w as, for learning t hat goes equally w it hout any st udent w ho

fails. This select ion t est w as done st rict ly so can act ually select st udent s w it h

high abilit y. It included t he academic and pot ent ial academic t est s. St udent s

should really prepare it as t he admission t est for RSBI program. In ad dition to

t hese academic t est s, t he skill t est is also measured according by t he Scholast ic

Talent Test (TBS). Aft er t he st udent s w ere accept ed, t he administ rat or of

accelerat ion program called t he parent s and st udent s in order t o provide

clarificat ion and guidance on t he implement at ion of learning programs in

accelerat ed classes so t hat t hey could underst and and support it .

To improve t he qualit y of st udent s, t he principal applied an effect ive

learning syst em, such as: using t he t ime as effect ively as possible in learning,

set t ing off t he school holidays, increasing t he facilit ies of t ext books required

according by accelerat ed program, and t he available of t eachers w ho are alw ays

ready t o guide st udent s w ho have difficult y in learning. It w as assumed t hat an

effect ive and efficient learning st rongly support s t he enhancement of st udent s

achievement , bot h effect ive in t he use of inst ruct ional met hods and effect ive use

of t he t im e available.

The principal invit es a psychologist every t hree m ont hs t o m onit or and

provide input t o t he school about st udent s' progress. The psychologist is

present ed t o help st udent s solve problems according by providing solut ions of

t hose problems so t hat t heir achievement and mot ivat ion can be maint ained and


Principal’s Leadership in M otivating Students of The Accelerated Program in SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo

Research conduct ed according by Guajardo (2004),

The result s st at ed t hat t he accelerat ion is one of school administ rate d program s t o im prove st udent learning out com es and academic. Accelerat ed program is a shift in t hinking t hat allow s flexibilit y in scheduling, social -emot ional climat e, curriculum and inst ruct ional design. One of t he principal roles in t he accelerat ed program is realized in t he form of an increase in t he qualit y of t eachers, creat ing a favorable climat e, and management of t he curriculum for t he accelerat ed program.

Learning mot ivat ion is t he pow er cent er for st udent s t o follow t he

learning process. M any fact ors influence st udent mot ivat ion, bot h int ernal and

ext ernal fact ors. Ideally all t eachers st rive t o provide various facilit ies t o t he

st udent s t o keep have high mot ivat ion t o learn. This is t he principles in t he

learning process so t hat w it h t he maint enance of st udent mot ivat ion, t hey are

expect ed t o acquire a high academic achievement .

In t he learning process, st udent s are not alw ays in a st able condit ion. This

is because of t he int ernal fact ors and ext ernal fact ors t hat make t hem have low

mot ivat ion. In t his case, t he principal occasionally asked for help from t he

out side according by invit ing a psychologist in order t o mot ivat e st udent s and

help solve t heir problems. M oreover t he principal also conduct ed t raining

direct ly int o t he classroom t hat have been scheduled every w eek or at w eekend.

In addit ion t o t he coaching, t o enhance st udent s' mot ivat ion, t he

Principal provided facilit ies required according by accelerat ed st udent s such as:

st udent t ext books, comput ers in t he classroom, comfort able classrooms and

appropriat e elect ronic learning media. Principal provided inst ruct ional books and

reference books t hat support t he learning and self-developm ent . Those books

are usually allocat ed at t he beginning of school year.

Principal provided consequences for st udent s w hose performance is less,

t hen t hey w ould move t he program from t he accelerat ed class t o RSBI. These


maint ain t heir performance and remain in accelerat ed classes. Principal assumed

t hat mot ivat ion is very import ant for st ude nt s’ performance improvement .

Giving a rew ard is good for m ot ivat ing st udent s w ho excel, and vice versa, t he

sanct ions also have a quit e influent ial cont ribut ion for st udent mot ivat ion. This

means t hat if st udent s’ achievement decreases, t hey w ill be moved t o RSBI class,

w hile t he classes of t he accelerat ed program are much more excellent t han RSBI

classes. Then it w ill feel loss if t he st udent should be moved t o a class t hat is

below . Therefore, sanct ions as a consequence of low er achievement for st udent s

w ill be a m ot ivat ion for st udent s t o increase m ot ivat ion and learning out com es.

Principal’s Leadership in The Facility and Infrastructure M anagement of The Accelerated Program in SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo

Research conduct ed according by Lunenburg (2010:57),

This st udy review s t he import ance of school facilit ies and infrast ruct ure m anagem ent t hat is done according by t he adm inist rat or. In t his st udy know n t hat a key responsibilit y of school administ rat ors is facilit ies management . School buildings across t he nat ion are aging and becoming a barrier t o opt imal learning and t eaching. This result s in escalat ing school infrast ruct ure cost s. A case can be made t o renovat e or build new facilit ies t hat maximize an effect ive learning environment . This w ill involve allocat ion of funds for building renovat ion or new const ruct ion. In t his art icle I discuss t hese t w o issues: school infrast ruct ure cost s and financing new const ruct ion.

Principal t ried t o complet e ly of the l facilit ies in accelerat ed program such

as procurement of LCD, air condit ioning, overhead project or (OHP) and

comput er, so it has a lit t le different w it h RSBI class. Those facilit ies w ere

considered very import ant for learning run w ell. Wit h a variet y of elect ronic

media as mult imedia such as LCD and OHP media made t he learning more

effect ive and efficient . Teachers w ere easier t o deliver learning mat erials, as w ell

as st udent s w ere easier t o underst and t he subject m at t er.

Principal also t ried t o comple te t he facilit ies w it h t he class library, and

locker as t he place t o save st udent s’ valuable it ems alt hough it is st ill modest . So


learning accelerat ion program room. St udent s also felt safe because of t he locker

provided in t he cl assroom, and t heir desks w ere also not t oo full of a variet y of

goods ot her t han learning t ools. St udent s w ere more comfort able in accelerat ed

class because because t he seat w as so arranged. St udent s sat one according by

one, and t his accelerat ed class con sist ed of a maximum of 20 st udent s. So t hat

st udent s could learn m ore conducive, effect ive and efficient .

Principal conduct ed supervision and monit oring t he ut ilizat ion and

m aint enance of accelerat ed program facilit ies and infrast ruct ure as a form of

primary responsibilit y. For all infrast ruct ure and facilit y equipment s can be used

as w ell as possible, so t hat for facilit ies t hat did not exist , it could be provided as

t he improvement effort . The supervision for t he facilit ies and infrast ruct ure w as

direct ly conduct ed according by t he principal w it h t he help of chairman of

accelerat ion program. The chairman of t he program w as also t hrough t he t he

t eachers and st udent s w ho cert aint ly know more about t he use of infrast ruct ure

and facilit ies. There w ere t w o kind s of maint enance of t hese infrast ruct ure and

facilit ies- rout ine and incident al.

Th e use and ut ilizat ion of facilit ies and infrast ruct ure of accelerat ion

program w ould be good as long as having agreement from all part ies, eit her

according by t he principal , t eachers and st udent s. Principal ’s policy of t he

facilit ies and infrast ruct ure management w as based on suggest ions from t he

head of t he program, t eachers and st udent s. The principal as t he policy -maker

d oes not alw ays decide it according by himself . The ideal principal, of course,

works w it h t eachers t o decide all policies. The policy t aken according by the

principal t hat w as based on suggest ion from various part ies w as intended to

make t he policy t aken can be carried out t oget her because of t he same inte rest

and goal.


From t he previous descript ions, it can be concluded t hat (1) in an effort t o


Purw orejo, t he principal of t his school provided services for st udent s w ho have a

spe cial t alent , as one of t he school facilit ies for public in t he field of educat ion.

Principal needed an accelerat ed program m anager separat ed from t he

implement at ion of RSBI (Pioneering of Int ernat ional St andard School) program t o

make t he program runs opt i mally; provided a clear job descript ion t o educat ional

st affs in order t o make t he program runs w ell and as should be. The principal

invit ed psychologist every t hree mont hs for helping st udent s resolve problems

t hat w ould int erfere t he learning process and st udent achievement ; (2) In order

t o mot ivat e st udent s in an accelerat ed program at SM AN 1 Purw orejo, t he

principal provided some facilit ies needed according by st udent s such as st udent

t ext books, and comput ers in t he classroom. Principal prepared t eachers who

have t he appropriat e compet ence w it h t heir field of t eaching and mot ivat ing

st udent s t o have higher achievement w it hout any coercion in learning. Principal

provided books t hat encourages st udent s t o have high achievem ent ; and (3) In

t he accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo, t he principal put t he

qualit y of t he exist ing infrast ruct ure equipment t o t he maximum. The principal

complement ed it s infrast ruct ure such as a procurement of LCD, air condit ioning,

overhead project or, comput er and handbooks, and had a lit t le different RSBI

class. The principal also facilit at ed a class library and locker for saving st udent s’

valuables t hough st ill modest . Principal cont rolled and monit or t he ut ilizat ion

and maint enance of infrast ruct ure accelerat ion program as a form of primary

responsibilit y. Principal policy management infrast ruct ure based on input from

t he chairman of a special program. Principals need input from t eachers -

t eachers accelerat ion program for considerat ion

In connect ion w it h t he descript ion of t he research findings, t he

researcher recommends some suggest ions as an improvement for t he

development of accelerat ion program at SM A Negeri 1 Purw orejo. The principal

is expect ed t o improve his leadership qualit y in managing t he human resource of


coaching and mot ivat ion for st udent s in accelerat ed program at SM A Negeri 1

Purw orejo, and be able t o improve t he qualit y of leadership in managing t he

facilit ies and infrast ruct ures of t he accelerat ion program at SM A Negeri 1

Purw orejo.

From t he discussion above it can be know n t hat t he t eachers do not only

t each in accelerat ion class but also t hey t each in accelerat ion program but also

t hey t each in RSBI program. It causes t he t eacher leave t heir t eaching in

accelerat ion program because t hey must join w orkshop or t raining in RSBI

program so t he headmast er is hoped t o be able t o manage in giving dut y t o t he

t eachers in joining t he w orkshop t o m inim ize t o leave t he accelerat ion program

The principles of accelerat ion program is t he program of giving t he

mat erial as fast as possible and it class t he t eachers do not pay at t ent ion t o t he

st udent s need so it creat e boring for t hem. To solve t his case, it is needed t o

increase t he t eachers creat ivit y and innovat ion in learning process. The t eachers

must be w ise t i give t he significant mat erial and t he use of t he int erest ing

m et hod by doing it , t he st udent s w ill have m ot ivat ion t o reach good academ ic

The research of t he headmast er leadership in accelerat ion program it w as

m ore em phorized how t he headm ast er m anage t he accelerat ion program ,

especially how t o manage t he human resource t o accelerat ion program, how t o

mot ivat e t he st udent s t hemselves and how t o manage facilit y and infrast ruct ure,

t his research has not covered how t he w ays t o get fund and it s management so

t he accelerat ion pro gram can t he develop t o t he next reseacher t o be able t o

research how t o get fund for accelerat ion program .


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