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Natural Pain Management.


Academic year: 2017

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Natural Pain Management. Word Count:

355 Summary:

Life in today´s hectic society is going more and more in the direction of fast food restaurants, sugar in foods you would never think should be there, trans fatty acids, preservatives and pesticides which we consume in large amounts every year. We even go so far as to invent foods, such as artificial sugars, which your body (in my opinion) does not recognize as actual food. We are bombarded with hormones in most of our meats and dairy products. Girls are maturing physically a...


pain relief,pain management,natural pain management

Article Body:

Life in today´s hectic society is going more and more in the direction of fast food restaurants, sugar in foods you would never think should be there, trans fatty acids, preservatives and pesticides which we consume in large amounts every year. We even go so far as to invent foods, such as artificial sugars, which your body (in my opinion) does not recognize as actual food. We are bombarded with hormones in most of our meats and dairy products. Girls are maturing physically at a much younger age because of this. With all this going on, it´s no wonder that our immune systems are on overload and physical ailments are growing in leaps and bounds. Pain in some cases, is what some people´s lives revolve around. Lets look at pain. It is your signal that injury, disease or too much strain has occurred on the body. Without it you wouldn´t know that something needs to be addressed. Even mild pain can limit your activities, which in turn can lead to a loss of strength, endurance and flexibility.

Chronic pain can be on and off or be consistent. If you are like most people, you´ll reach for over the counter drugs or prescription drugs. This is what the drug companies would love for you to do. My opinion is that if you handle your pain in this manner, you may not be really getting at the underlying cause of it. Drs. today are trained to diagnose, prescribe drugs and or surgery. If you suffer from pain there are many more options for you to explore than drugs or surgery. Here are some things you may want to consider.

I highly recommend that you seek help from a nutritionist. With vitamins, minerals and herbs lacking in our daily foods, a good diet and exercise with supplements, and organic foods, may improve your immune systems ability to repair the body and therefore experience Pain Relief . There are other natural remedies that can enhance your nutritional handling such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga. I hope that helps.

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