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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Agustina Indah N.K Reg. Number: A03211038









Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Agustina Indah N.K Reg. Number: A03211038





Kurnia. Agustina Indah Nilem 2015. A Study of Post-colonial Analysis in Solomon Northup Twelve Years A Slave. English Department, Faculty of Humanities. State Islamic Universityof Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Abu Fanani, M.Pd

This thesis talks about postcolonial found in the Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. In this research, the researcher explains process of

colonialism that happen in Solomon Northup born in free family. Afterwards, the researcher explains process of colonialism, ambivalence, mimicry, hybridity and otherness that happen in America. To analyze Twelve Years a Slave, the

researcher used four process of post-colonialism. The researcher collect the data from books, journal, and references that have relation with analysis topic with using descriptive analytic. It is analysis the data and describes the data for

analysis. Finding this research, the researcher find, Solomon is African American people that colonize of white America. Although Solomon proven to be freeman, Solomon back in his family.



Kurnia. Agustina Indah Nilem 2015. A Study of Post-colonial Analysis in Solomon Northup Twelve Years A Slave. Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Abu Fanani, M.Pd

Skripsi ini membicarakan tentang post-colonial ditemukan pada novel

Twelve Years a Slave oleh Solomon Northup. Di penelitian ini, peneliti

menjelaskan proses terjadinya koloni yang terjadi di Solomon Northup yang terlahir sebagai orang bebas. Kemudian, peneliti menjelaskan proses terjadinya koloni seperti ambivalence, mimicry, hybridity, dan othernessyang terjadi di America. Untuk menganalisa Twelve Years a Slave peneliti menggunakan empat proses tersebut untuk di analisa. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dari buku, jurnal dan referensi yang mempunyai hubungan dengan topikdengan menggunakan analysis deskripsi. Analisis data ini dan menjelaskan untuk di analisis. Penemuan dalam penelitian, peneliti menemukan, Solomon adalah orang Africa America yang di jajah oleh America berkulit putih. Walaupun Solomon membuktikan bahwa dirinya orang bebas, di akhir cerita Solomon kembali ke keluarganya.


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1. 1 Background of Study

Literature texts are universal and transcend history: literature is the production of historical context. Historical is also the reception which is

aesthetically for literary work. (Bennet: 113) Literature and Historical also have relation. It is because the text is produced with specific historical context. Literature cans representation of specific historical moment, events or periods. Literary text is part of history when still process of being written.

While there are many writers use their experience to make literary work. Usually in every literary work talks about writer country that have history

problem or the writer country that sacrifice of societies live from history in writer country. That makes some literary work become important, it is because tells about writer. Social history usually gives bad impact in history. It is because culture of colonizer bring in the country that colonize and can change the own of colonize culture. Literature is history that happened in writer age. History is not only knowledge but also a process resulting from human activity. History is relation of literature that influence with social experience (Amuta 2).

Amuta also describes that history is not only knowledge at the history but history also the process in human activity. History is supported by human activity. It makes literature in the past is the history of human activity. (81)


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generation know about the condition at the age, so that the literary is the one of proof about history. That makes the literature arrange of history and the history can influence literary work. Usually literature has connection with the history. (82)

Then Amuta said literature is the subject to get shape from historical problem. That makes the history include in creativity and the media with imaginative experience of someone. The literary that tells about history must arranged by creativity and produce with the fact. So that, history is produce of the literature and have meaning. (82)

Every writer has different way to make their literature. Every writer looks at the historical artifact, so that makes the different kinds of literary. The condition at the period can influence the writer to design their literary work. The basic literature includes historical, and historical is to challenging the age in the country and find the expression in the literature at the past. (83)

She describes that literary work is part of form from reality and called context (as history). Reality and context make totality in literary work. Literary work is also imagination to intensify the social experiences and real or fact in literature condition. (87)


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is African American man. He is Solomon Northup as the main character. He has black skin but at first he is freeman and living together with white people.

Twelve Years a Slave tells about the vague reality of discrimination, the

relationship between societies, politics and race. Twelve Years a Slave is about freeman become slave for twelve years. However, Solomon Northup is the freeman. He is African-American.

At the beginning of the story, Solomon has black skin and he is African American. He lives with happily with his family. One day, there are two his friends ask him to follow them as violinist in a circus. However, his friends have not good plan for him. His friends give him of poison. When he woke up,

Solomon Northup is alone and he lives in prisoner in the slave pen of James H. Burch, a brutal slave in Washington, D.C. When Solomon protests his captivity and asserts his right to freedom, Burch responds by beating him into submission and threatening to kill him if he ever mentions his freedom again.

Actually, we can correctly that the African or African is discriminated against by American. America assumes that African are not educated, if they are given the opportunity to get an education and American think that the African just slave and cannot become free people. African just also live become slave in America and not to get better live. From this case, it represents colonialist mindset action in literature; it is about the discrimination about otherness and the focuses on the African-American society in America.


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problem, process of colonialism and etc. Besides, the story gives knowledge the history and the experience of slavery. In addition, this research is aimed to knowing the process of post colonialism that happen in Twelve Years a Slave.

Instead of the above, aforesaid literature and history include in the novel, the research used this novel because the novel have real experience of the author, it is because in the first chapter in the novel tell about that is the true story of writer experience and also shows the history that happen in the past. Twelve Years

a Slave novel is an autobiography written by Solomon Northup. This novel also

tells about the difficult of Solomon life since he becomes slave. However, there is producer makes this novel become film.

From the quotation above, we can conclude “Literature can contain historical problems. History may influence literature”. It is because the writer tells about condition their life in the past that has influence in their work. They also want to show the condition at that time, the history and the culture.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Based on background of the study and focus in the process of post colonialism of study above, the writer would like to specify the main problems into the questions below:

1.2.1 How are the processes of post colonialism in the novel a Twelve Years a


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1.3 Objective of Study

Hopefully this research would be useful for those who want to learn about process of post-colonial, besides the research could give accurate and precise information about:

1.3.1 To describe process of postcolonial found in the novel a Twelve Years a


1.4 Scope and Limitation

In this research the writer used novel as the data. The title is Twelve Years a

Slave. The author of this novel is Solomon Northup. Twelve Years a Slave

includes in 336 pages, and talk about his own experience. This research will focus in the four processes, such as ambivalence, mimicry, hybridity and otherness that find in the Twelve Years a Slave. The problems is analyzed in this research are mainly about the Black people become slavery in America and the White people is the origin societies high status in America. The research is focussing on the post colonialism in literary criticism.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Through this study, it is purposed for giving both theoretical and practical contribution. Theoretically, the results of the study are expected to give

contribution to develop the study and analysis on literary study related to the study of post colonialism on the process of colonialism in a novel entitles Twelve


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knowledge about the way of other side of the lives and things of white people Americans.

Practically, the writer also expects this study will give an inspiration for other studies especially in English Letters Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Thus, this study will help the readers to study more about this short story and analyzing another aspect of “Ttwelve Years a Slave” in different area.

1.6 Method of the Study

Every research has a method to make clearer about the data and analysis process. There are some methods in research field. In this case, the writer uses descriptive analysis. According to Dee in Qualitative Data Analysis: A

User-Friendly Guide for Social Scientists said that the core of descriptive analysis

relates to the processes of describing phenomena, classifying it, and seeing how the concepts interconnect. Descriptive studies can be contrasted unfavorably with more analytical and theoretically oriented research, as though description is a ‘low level’ activity hardly worth attention (qtd. Lailiyah).

The data observation is library based. Therefore from library data the writer has opportunities to have good data from books, e-books, and online resources. In presenting the data analysis, the writer takes some steps as follows:

1. Reading and understanding the whole of short story entitled “Twelve Years a Slave”.


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3. After gathering the data from Ttwelve Years a Slave novel, the writer categorizes the data.

4. Classifying the data based on the objectives of the study and analyzing the data one by one.

5. Giving the conclusion from the analysis result.

1.7 Definition of Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding on the terms used in this study, the writer gives a brief definition of each term in this study one by one as follows:

1.7.1 Slave: is the people must work and cannot get better live, their live just to work, and not to educated. (Ashcroft: 212)

1.7.2 Slavery: is the form that there is slave including in this country. (Ashcroft:212)


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In this chapter the researcher explains theoretical framework and related studies.

2.1Postcolonial as theory in literature

Postcolonial is one of the theories that can be used to analyze literary work. Based on A Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams states the nature of canon formation, and opposition to established literary canons, has become a leading concerns among critics of divers theoretical viewpoints, whether deconstructive, feminist, Marxist, postcolonial or new historicism (39).

Castle in her book The Blackwell Guide to Literary Theory state that postcolonial study in literature is the most important of study in postcolonial nations to colonialism and the colonial era. This has relation with history because the period after colonialism. The post colonialism age begins with the America revolution in the late eighteenth century and the Haitian revolution of the early nineteenth century. However, postcolonial tells about America history that has impact until now and the colonializing in the later nineteenth century.

Postcolonial contribute the historical relation of colonialism to include other times, themes, and discourses (135).


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2.2Theory of postcolonial

The researcher will be used postcolonial as the main theory. This theory is as main theory that is used for analyzing Twelve Years a Slave because the study wants to show the process of post colonialism. This story tells about the lives African American who lived in America that carried out by American.

According to Gayatri Spivak, postcolonial is the studies that concentrate to representation colonized or the matter of the colonies, sometimes the production of colonialism or imperialism in the past or by suggesting in the future. (1)

While in the book key concepts in postcolonial by Tiffin said that, postcolonial is the control how the dominant treat,

How people are perceived controls how they are treated, and physical differences are crucial insuch constructions. This view of the body as a site for representation and control is central to many early analysts of post-colonial experience (183).

So that, postcolonial can shows when treat and physical with the critical different.

According to Ashcroft, postcolonial is the effect of colonization on culture and societies (186). At the 1970s postcolonial is the literary critic to discuss the cultural effect of colonization. Although Ashcroft said, postcolonial is the study effect of colonial that become critic, the first postcolonial refer to cultural interaction with colonial societies in literary. (186)


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our live experience of ourselves and our world (417). Postcolonial shows our experience in the pat, it means that happened in the past and still connection now is the postcolonial.

According Lopez state that postcolonial is an ideology rich in abstraction but furtherance in historical and cultural specifies (2). Lopez also said that postcolonial is learn about nationalism, class, ethnicity gender, language, economics, and geography and so on (3)

From the expert explanation above, Spivak with her idea about the

representation colonialism, Ashcroft with his idea about historical of colonialism, Tyson with postcolonial criticism and Lopez with postcolonial as an ideology, therefore the researcher choose Ashcroft theory to use in her thesis, because Ashcroft said that postcolonial is the history of colonialism, include in slavery, so that the data of researcher is suitable to use Ashcroft theory, the data talk about the colonialism and slavery.

2.2.1 Process of postcolonialism


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Ambivalence is the importance of the written text as an way to control the feeling that have contradiction in the colonialist epistemology. Ambivalence also appears to know the origin and the colonialism. It is also presence of authority. (33)

In other word, ambivalence is the process to know the power of colonialist, which makes our understanding of colonial operations a great deal clearer for historical periods but it also process of think about their feeling of colonialism within a period. (49)

it describes the complex mix of attraction and repulsion that characterizes the relationship between colonizer and colonized. The relationship is ambivalent because the colonized subject is never simply and completely opposed to the colonizer. (Tiffin: 12)

Ambivalence describes the complex of relationship between colonizers and colonized. It is because the colonized buck the colonizer. So that, ambivalent is the feeling is showing the buck. Sometimes ambivalent is the feeling that the slave feels suppressed.

Mimicry is like to ambivalent, describe about relationship between colonizer and colonized. (Ashcroft, 139)


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It means that mimicry is the colonized subject to ‘mimic’ the colonizer. Than mimicry is colonized people with the imperialize presence; the relationship becomes one of standard, implicit, contestation, and opposition of colonize. Mimicry should have produced such “mimic-men”, it means that the only kind of African American imitation that will accept.

mimicry is the process by which the colonized subject is reproduced as ‘almost the same,but not quite’. (qtd. Bhabha 140)

Mimicry is copying of colonizing culture, behavior, manners and values by the colonized. Mimicry is the limitation in colonial.

Hybridity occurs in postcolonial societies: as the result from the conscious of the culture, as when dominance colony treats for politic consolidation and economy consolidation, or when colonizer throws their culture for assimilation with new culture. So that, it can be influence in of the culture and become complex culture. (Ashcroft: 183)


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Hybridity also described as a sign of colonial power which control the colonized people behavior, culture, and show the domination of superior culture as a dominant as Ashcroft said, Hybridity is the sign of productivity in colonial power, there is force and treat, that is the process of domination and to show the discriminatory identities that secure the pure and original identities. (34)

Whiles otherness the last concept of Ashcroft is the concept that focuses in bracket of people and values, assumptions and ideology of his culture. However, Ashcroft also said that the ‘other’ is anyone who is separate from one’s self. In postcolonial theory, it can refer to the colonized who are marginalized, identified by their difference from the center and crucially, become the focus of anticipated mastery by the connection of ‘ego’. (Ashcroft: 155)

Thus, there are four concept of post colonialism, that is, ambivalence, mimicry, hybridity and otherness, however, the researcher chooses ambivalence, mimicry, hybridity and otherness theory to analyze the problem in this thesis, because the problem of this thesis is talk about the process of post colonialism and the four concept ambivalence, mimicry, hybridity and otherness is the process of post colonialism that happened in Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup.

2.3Review of Relates Studies


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written by Timothy Adhi Dana Pratama. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn novel talks about minority and majority group. Then he puts postcolonial theory and the concept of the life and culture that draw in his novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Timothy Adhi Dana Pratama thesis has similar with this research. The similarity is used post-colonial as the main theory and he talks about the other concept of post colonialism.

There is another thesis, entitled An Analysis of Racial Discrimination

Through Ernest Hemingway’s Ten Indian. This thesis written by Nur Shohifatul

Lailiyah. The writer finds Nick's characterization based on character analysis and uses postcolonial ambivalence theory, that to find the forms of racial

discrimination happens in the Ten Indians. Ambivalence postcolonial depicts the life the Americans treat the Indians not as the Native Americans, they are treated as the people who do not deserve to live. Nur Shohifatul Lailiyah thesis has difference with this research. The differences, Nur Shohifatul Lailiyah thesis focus in racial discrimination and ambivalence as her theory. In this research, the researcher used four concept of post colonialism according to Ashcroft as the theory to analysis the data.


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The Civil War was a fight to preserve the Union which was the United States of America. It is because war between Northern versus Southern. The main reason is the economic interest of Northern and Southern. The South was largely comprised of small and large plantations that grew crops such as cotton. The North was manufacturing center, the materials to create finished goods. Slavery had been abolished in the North but continued in the South due to the need for inexpensive labor and the ingrained culture of the plantation era.

At 1860 the conflict between Southern and Northern grew strong when Abraham Lincoln was elected president Carolina. Ten more states would follow with secession: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina. On February 9, 1861, the confederate States of America was formed with Jefferson Davis as its president.

The Civil War lasted from 1861 until 1865. During the time, over 600.000 soldiers representing both sides were killed either by battle deaths or disease.

Major Battles of the Civil War:

1. First battle of Bull Run- July 21st, 1861. Location: Virginia. Confederate victory.


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3. Battle of Shiloh- April 6-7, 1862. Location: Tennessee. Union victory. 4. Second Battle of Bull Run- August 28-30, 1862. Location: Virginia.

Confederation victory.

5. Battle of Antietam- September 16-18, 1862. Location: Maryland. While the result was not was not an obvious victory for either side, the battle did give the North a strategic victory.

6. Battle of Fredericksburg- December 11-15, 1862. Location: Viginia. Confederate victory.

7. Battle of Chancellorsville- April 30- May 6, 1863. Location: Virginia. Confederate victory.

8. Siege of Vicksburg- May 18- July 4, 1863. Location: Mississippi. Union Victory.

9. Battle of Gettysburg-July 1-3, 1863. Location: Pennsylvania. Union victory.

10.Battle of Chickamauga- September 18-20, 1863. Location: Georgia. Confederate Victory.

11. Battle of Spotsylvania- May 8-21, 1864. Location: Virginia. Confederate victory.

12.Sherman’s March to the Sea, (Savannah Campaign)- Late 1864. Location: Atlanta to Savannah. Union Victory.

13.Battle of Appomattox Courthouse- April 9, 1865. Location: Virginia. Final Major Union Victory.


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The slavery in America begin when Christopher Columbus find America island and live in that island. One day there is Bartolomo de las Casas, he is Katholik Roma and defender of Indian. He said that Negro is suitable to become slave. They think that Negro is the strong people and protect of warm.

At 1501 slavery begins. There were many Negro become slave. American catch African with cruel and they like animal. Many African brought to America with slave ship and American sold them becomes slave. The African slave commerce culminates in the middle 18th century (1720-1760). At 1713 there was Asiento word of honor (el pacto del asiento de Negros) between Spain and England that give monopoly to England for import Negro slave from Africa to America.

That is the race discrimination and happened in immigrant from Africa or black people that become slave and one of ethnic come to USA with coercion. However African come to USA become slave.


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Slaves in Northern America usually work in factory and the slave in southern America work in plantation. Slaves living condition is very funereal, it is because:

1. Every day they must work hard from sunrise until sunset without honor and get bad treatment.

2. For the living, the slaves must build their own house with patch up things. 3. For eat, usually they eat with patch up food.

4. In one years just given three underwear, shoes and shirt by their master. 5. The slaves do not speak with their language when they work. If they speak

will get punishment.

6. The slaves do not read and write, but in Sunday they can go to church.

A problem increasingly difference regional and economy in northern and southern region. Northern get much profit from selling cotton, there are many southern society thinks that the lower their district from northern domination. The southern thinks the prosperity of northern because slavery. Since 1830, there are differences about slavery. In northern grudge of non-slavery grow until have big effect; there is support for free land for slavery with oppose of slavery into western. For people in southern that people live in 1850, slavery is the

responsibility to teach the slavery used English and make delegation of slavery. In the coastal area in the 1850 transpire until 200 ages, slavery is the integral from the low economy.


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people family. 50 percent not more than 5 slaves they have. 12 percent more than 20 slaves they have. The purpose of the slavery is black people will compete with them about the economy and will erase their social status that most higher.

In the early slave is the punishment for people that have criminal and contravene occur law. People is punished in law with tradition force for execute anything by master or with their mastery. In the next age slave sold with general. At 1804, slavery had removed.


John Hope Franklin said with directly:

We should never forget slavery. We should talk about it every morning and every day of the year to remind this country that there’s an enormous gap between its practices and its professions.” As historians set about this task, it is useful to explore the efforts already under way, the impact of these efforts on interpreters as well as on the visitors, and the contemporary political and social climate that makes these efforts problematic. (Horton: 37)

The statement explains that Franklin cannot forget the slavery. In every hour, every day, every years to remind this history in America. The slavery contemporary happen because politic and social issues. American believes that slavery is a phenomenon. African slaves bring up American economy.

In the 19th century slavery evolved into the most Americans picture.


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After civil war, slavery influence by political and bring Negro as Slavery.

However, in the next year slavery exist to political, social, economic and


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In this age, we can find colonialism in our society. Colonialism can be found in many ways; such as slavery, fashion, attitude, speaking and culture. Colonialism depicts in the novel by Solomon Northup, Twelve Years a Slave, shows that the African as the portrayal of uneducated people that only work as slave. In the story Solomon Northup is African, American or white people say that an African is not to educated and have better live (Northup: 230).

In this chapter, the research analyzes the proses of post colonialism in

Twelve Years a Slave. The first analysis is the first process, ambivalence, the

second is mimicry, and then hybridity and the last is otherness.

4.1Ambivalence as the Process of Post-Colonialism

Ambivalence is psychology to describe the feeling of colonialism (Ashcroft: 12). However, Bhabha describes mix of feeling and rejection that characteristic and the relationship between colonizer and colonized (12).


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I was in sore distress-in most excruciating agony! I seemed to stand on the brink of madness! The memory of that night of horrible suffering will follow me to the grave. (37)

We can see this statement that the expression of Solomon Northup disappointment against injustice and exclusion by American through the way in prison slave. The African here are described as people who are not educated, who can only become slave. This story shows that the American intimate African because have difference race.

Among them was one to whom I owe an immeasurable debt of gratitude. Only for him, in all probability, I should have ended my days in slavery. (264)

The statement Northup action that he wants ended the days when he becomes slave. Ended is a symbol that African are only have bad live, a place that we can find everything bad from it.

But I have seen niggers before now as good as I am, and I have no acquaintance with any white man in these parts that I consider a whit better than myself. (266)

The statement above is the Northup as a nigger feel before to be slave, he has better live. His live is perfect than the American or white people. there are many American live with misery with their economy, but Northup is one of people visible in his home.

It would have been an act of folly to have proclaimed my right to freedom; it would only have subjected me to severer scrutiny-probably have consigned me to some more distant and inaccessible region than even Bayou Boeuf. (274)


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I felt as if sinking down, down amidst the bitter waters of Slavery, from the unfathomable depths of which I should never rise again. (277)

The statement shows the Northup regret. He feels, he will be slave until he died. He never thinks will be slave. From his lowness, he becomes slave.

I may as well be in one place as another. For a long time I have been thinking of going back once more to the place where I was born. I’m tired of slavery as well as you. If I can succeed in getting you away from here, it will be a good act that I shall like to think of all my life. (281)

This statement above Northup regret again. He wants back to his child. He also wants to back in his place when he was born. He fells tired become slave; he also thinks he can succeed in other ways.

4.2Mimicry as the Process of Post-Colonialism

Mimicry in this context is describe of ambivalent about relationship between colonizers and colonized. (Ashcroft: 139)

The sales for the year 1841 were found, and carefully examined, but no sale of myself, by any name, was discovered!. (316)

This statement above tells in 1840, he finds the slavery, he become people that more carefully; he also does not want selling his self. He will keep his life.

4.3Hybridity as the Process of Post-Colonialism


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It is significant that the productive capacities of this Third Space have a colonial or postcolonial provenance. For a willingness to descend into that alien territory . .. may open the way to conceptualizing an international culture, based not on the exoticism of multiculturalism or the hybridity

diversity of cultures, but on the inscription and articulation of culture’s

hybridity. (qtd. Bhabha: 119)

That is show the space between cultures. Hybridity means simply cross cultural exchange. Hybridity also called dominant power.

The dominant power that finds in this novel, there are many kind of the domination in this novel, actually in this research talks about domination power. Domination power that use hybridity concepts that occurs in postcolonial

societies, such as conscious of the culture, politic consolidation, economy

consolidation, colonized people behavior, culture, domination of superior culture as a dominant, force and treat and process of domination. It means about who have the big problem to make otherness. According to Ashcroft, there are many kinds of dominant power, but in this research the researcher find economy consolidation, colonized people behavior, culture, domination of superior culture as a dominant, force and treat and process of domination.

4.3.1 Economy Consolidation as the Hybridity

As we know in chapter two that in hybridity, there is economy power to consolidation it means that a treatment that show economy from White people to Black people.


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Solomon tells that when the slave does not have sweat the cost is very expensive but if the slave gets many sweats the cost will be cheap. It is because many sweat means that they hard work before but if there is no sweat, it means that they are new as a slave. The condition of slavery is the end of Black people.

4.3.2 Colonized People Behavior as the Hybridity

As we know White people is the colonized of Black people. White people use their dominance to oppress in Black people. Usually White people behavior is very bad. As has explained before that White people always used dominant power to sign as colonizer.

Solomon is Black people who get bad act; bad act shows act of colonizer. The act colonizer is White people show the treatment that gets in Black people or Solomon.

“However injurious to the morals, it is certainly a blessing to the physical

condition of the slave, to be permitted to break the Sabbath”. (195)

In the statement above is talking about Black people think the morals of them Black People gets damage because colonize. The damage of the social is the slavery and the physical condition that get colonized in Solomon or Black people.

Physical condition of the slave is the proof of showing the colonized. It is because


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4.3.3 Domination of Superior Culture as the Hybridity

There is the explanation that superior culture is one of the dominant power that show in colonized.

In this novel Twelve Years a Slave there is superior culture that showed between White people colonize Black people. As we know that superior is the head of the colonizer, superior culture is the head of the culture, it means that the dominant culture show of colonization.

“He said he wanted me to understand that the bought “niggers” to work and not to educate”. (230)

The statement above tells that the niggers or Black people only to work and do not to educated. It shows the dominant power in superior culture; it is because the culture of White people is the Black people or the niggers only to be a slave and work in White people dictator. The superior culture shows when White people have power to colonizer. It means only White people as the master to get educated and do not to work hard.

While the superior power in culture also shows when a slave master or American that does not want the slave or African can read or write a letters.

“In the second place, a slave cannot leave his plantation without a pass, nor will a post-master mail a letter for one without written instructions from his owner”. (230)

The story explain that the slave leave the ex-master without written letter. It means that culture at the era is not to make the slave can use their letter or to show the other people in in other country to know the condition. “nor will a


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White people or American thinks, when the slave owner ask to slave go out from plantation to go to city, the slave cannot send a letter to their family. American or their owner also think they cannot write without instructions from the owner.

4.3.4 Force and Treat Process of Domination as the Hybridity

As we know there are many forces that found in the Twelve Years a Slave.

Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup talks about Black people get

discrimination from White people. As we know that White people always hold Black people. The researcher will give the proof to show the dominant power in

the Twelve Years a Slave.

The most dominant as the force and treat is White people. They can treat everyone and kill Black people if Black people makes fault.

“If you ever I hear you say a word about New-York, or about your freedom, I will be the death of you-I will kill you; you may rely on that, he ejaculated fiercely”. (61)

That sentence above that White people treat Black people and will kill Black people if they said the fact. Solomon is Black people who get treat when he said the facts so he must lie to protect himself. In this part the truth is very rich, it is about soul. If Black people false to say they will get torturing, even though dead.


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“Why he did not relieve me-why he suffered me to remain in agony the whole weary day, I never knew it was not for want of

sympathy, I am certain”. (119)

The sentence describes the situation that black people get. We can know the dominant in this sentence is White people. We can see in the word he did not

relieve me, he suffered me, and not for want of sympathy. It means that, the word

“he” refers to White people and White people in here leave many agony in Black people. White people does not want Black people live with freedom, they want Black people live with suffer and also they do not give sympathy to help Black people. White people also ask Black people to get 200 pounds. 200 pounds is the minimum to make safe slave live. If the slave get less than 200 pounds, they will get punished. (Northup: 166) The Black people feel very suffer. White people use dictator with no sympathy.

Further, there is the proof that show force labor too. In every day, the Black people must work until get 200 pounds of cotton. They work with their self.

“If it falls short, it is considered evidence that he has been laggard, and a greater or less number of lashes is the penalty”. (165)

The sentence describes when every night Black people get some from night before, if Black people get the cotton less than yesterday night, they will get penalty. White people will give lashes as the penalty.

Solomon thinks niggers are not to educate, it means just White people can educate.


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The statement above shows that the dominant power, he refers to White people. White people said that niggers or Black people are not to educate but they must work, it means Black people live nor to learn read or writing but Black people live spends to work.

While, Black people is not despicably, but White people always use their dictator and their power to treat Black people.

“The effect of these exhibitions of brutality on the household of the self-hold of the selve-holder, is apparent”. (260)

As we know, White people use dictator to treat Black people, they treat with brutally. With the brutally is also to show their dominant power.

Actually niggers or Black people want to reply of the White people treatment, but that is just vain.

“If I kill him, my life must pay the forfeit – if he lived, my life only would satisfy his vengeance. A voice within whispered me to fly. To be a wanderer among the swamps, a fugitive and a vagabond on the face of the earth, was preferable to the life that I was leading”. (135)

The word I refer to Black people that want kill White people, but when they do it, it is make them more difficult to live. They must know the risk when they will reply their treatment. However, when they think their live, we know that their life become in hell and they get many treat from White people.

In Twelve Years a Slave novel also there are many proof that show the

dominant power. In this part dominant power is the dominant from the other; it means that the dominant power is the colonies have power to show their ideology to show the other colony that they colonize.


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Then there must be no halting or delay, no slow or languid movements; all must be brisk, and lively, and alert.

Up and down, heel and toe, and away we go,” was the order of the hour. Epps’ portly form mingled with those of his dusky slaves, moving rapidly through all the mazes of the dances. (181) This statement above explains the power of White people showing their dictator. White people ask to Black people to dance and he wants to the niggers dance with no slow and goes out. He also said that nigger is dirty slave and people. The first this statement tells about female Black people is the private slave. She always gets sex torturing from her master. One day the master give party to his slave and the private slave must dance without stop.

In a nut shell, the explanation above is describe hybridity as dominant power in colonization such as economy consolidation, colonized people behavior, culture, domination of superior culture as a dominant, force and treat and process of domination. As we know from the data, the dominant power is White people; it is because the majority is White people. Actually, Black people can reply, but they do not have power and they do not bravery to reply the discrimination. If Black people buck White people, it will make they get punishment and get treat. Besides that, White people think that Black people is their property and is not to educate. So that, it shows the dominant from that is get educate. White people must get education. Just white people can get educate.

4.4Otherness as the Process of Post-Colonialism


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researcher talks about otherness it means about process of anyone separate from one’s self. There is much kind of treats in otherness but in this case the researcher wants to analyze research according to someone that has treated from colonizer. He is Solomon, African that get treat from American.

In Solomon Northup Twelve Years a Slave, otherness is the problem of this story. The problem has various forms. In this novel the researcher find the problem of otherness, such as, human trafficking, oppression and forcefulness. That problem is the serious because human or black skin or African gets despicable.

Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup talks about experience of

the author, how he becomes slave when he is a freeman. We know that Solomon is a sacrifice in the colonialism era, it is because there is slavery in America, and the victims is Black people African-American and African.

4.1.1 Human Trafficking as the Otherness

In began of the story Solomon is the freeman that follow his friends; the name is Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton. However they have bad planning, they will sell Solomon to master in America or American. They give Solomon drug that make Solomon unconscious.


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From the conversation describes that there is bad treatment from American to Africa. As the novel, this statement talk about Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton receive money from selling Solomon. Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton is White people or American. This transaction happened in the Hotel in Saratoga. After Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton receiving money from the white people, his friends become rich. Solomon friends, Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton tell Solomon to stay in the bedroom because Solomon did not know the area of Washington. That is the strategy of his friends to make Solomon stay in his room. The relation that the story and otherness is when Solomon is the black people is the sacrifice of human trafficking and Solomon sold in white people. Solomon Northup sold to become slave in the New Orleans. American people or White people sold Solomon to become slave in six shilling. (Northup: 32)

This novel also gives proof that there is child sold for work and become slave. Otherness does not look the age of American slave.


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The relationship between otherness and human trafficking is human trafficking is part of treatment in otherness. Because the different race American sold African to work and does not pay.

4.1.2 Oppression as the Otherness

Oppression is the part of showing the power of cruel or to showing the unjust manner. http://www.ask.com/wiki/oppression

This oppression also find in the novel. In this case otherness is the

struggle of someone to have freedom. It is not easy to get freedom. Usually,

African get oppression from American. In this novel also tells that African is their

decoration, American also tells that lack people is not human, African are like

animals. That is make oppression in the colonialism age and in the otherness. The

researcher gives proof that oppression in this novel to support the analysis if there

is some bad treatment and there is sacrifice like the researcher explained before.

The first oppression as the otherness is in the novel tells that Solomon or

Black people get isolated from White people and feel disappointed.

“It was a desolate thought, indeed. I felt there was no trust or mercy in unfeeling man; and commending myself to the God of the oppressed, bowed my head upon my fettered hands, and wept most bitterly”. (39)


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people become unfeeling man and African oppressed. They are against Solomon with violent, White people also hit and make Solomon get many injury.

Further, in every day African must be struggling to live. That is make they must be followed American although that is make ill.

“An iron-bound door led into an adjoining cell, or vault, wholly destitute of windows, or any means of admitting light. The furniture of the room in which I was, consisted of the wooden bench on which I sat, in either cell, there was neither bed, nor blanket, nor any other thing whatever” (41).

Solomon disappointed American that has bad treatment. Solomon shows when he gets bad treatment, in a cell. The condition of the cell is very bad. The description of the cell in the statement above is not to use for human. White people make their slavery feel very vain.

The next is American called African as black liar. That is bad sentences or bad world, because black people are human but have different skin.

“With blasphemous oaths, he called me a black liar, arunaway

from Georgia, and every other profane and vulgar epithet that

the most indecent fancy could conceive” (43-44).

This statement happened in market slave. We can see in the statement of

“he called me a black liar” American thinks that someone who has African lie.


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Further, the Black people especially Solomon thinks that white people are like devil.

“All this time, the incarnate devil was uttering most fiendish oaths” (45).

From the word “the incarnate devil” refers to White people. The statement shows the treatment of White people in Black people, he tells about they like devil, they always torture. They become wicked and cruel. The statement happened in the cell of slave. In here Solomon is Black people that get oppression from White people. Solomon condition is sadness. He always gets oppression from White people. The oppression happened because Solomon shows that he is freeman, he is not slave or immigrant from Africa.

The next, White people force Solomon as Black people does not talk about his free; they also ask Solomon that he is slave.

All his brutal blows could not force from my lips the foul lie

that I was a slave” (45).

The word I in here refers to Solomon, and all his is refers to white

people. Solomon cannot use his power to make freedom or oppose. This statement happened in the ship when the paddle broke and use to catch in his hand. In that situation Solomon wants to vague but if he said truly and said he is freeman, he will get many blowing. He will be safety when he lie about he is a slave and silent.


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“I struggled with all my power, but it was in vain” (45).

“I” refers to Solomon, the situation still in the ship. He wants to become free again but it is vain. Because there are many American that can kill him. Solomon struggle his own self, while there are many colonist that have weapon.

Next, American treatment is not fair, American treatment in African like animal.

“It was impossible, I reasoned, that men could be so unjust as to detain me as a slave, when the truth of my case was known” (47).

Solomon explain about the colonization is not fair for Solomon live. Solomon does not have bravery, because in every against White people are getting torture. Solomon always tell that he is freeman but they think that Solomon lie and there is no truth about that. Solomon cannot against because at the tie Solomon is a slave, he is not freeman and he cannot show the fact that he is freedom. Solomon is not a runaway from Georgia, Solomon tells Brown and Hamilton are not his

friends, he sold by Brown and Hamilton, so that they trap Solomon and sold him.

4.1.3 Forcefulness as the Otherness

Forcefulness is the one example of otherness. Forcefulness is physical energy or intensity. http://www.audioenglish.org/dictionary/forcefulness.htm

The first forcefulness as otherness is in this novel tells that White people ask the Negro to answer that they are no free and they are slave.


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“From New-York.”

“New-York! H—l! what have you been doing up there!”was his astonished interrogatory.

Observing Burch at this moment looking at me with an angry expression that conveyed a meaning it was not difficult to understand” (59).

This conversation above between Burch and Solomon. The conversation happened in William Ford field. William Ford field is the field that William Ford have. William Ford is the first master of Solomon. The conversation means that Burch as Solomon about his name and his live. But Solomon answer that he comes from New-York. That make Bruch angry and his expression does not a meaning, it is not difficult to understand, because Solomon master wants Solomon said the truth but they do not believe when Solomon is freedom and from New-York. Solomon knows about that, finally he said he wishes to visit New-York and he said that he is not freeman. However, Solomon must forget all his live before, because that is make his save his live.

Next quotation showing ego of American, it is because White people consider Black people as their helper and slave. When the slave or Black people fall in their work, White people will kill them.

“If I ever I hear you say a word about New-York, or about your freedom, I will be the death of you, I will kill you; you may rely on that”. (61)


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New-York. Mr. Goodin is one of William Ford foreman. When Bruch asks Solomon, he said he had been forget as far as New-York, and he says he is not freeman. Solomon says there is no harm at all. Burch see Solomon at the moment as if he ready to devour Solomon. The conversation include in forcefulness it is because there is the sentences that show. “I will be the death of you, I will kill you” it means that if Solomon says again that he is from New-York and freeman Bruch will kill him and become death of him.

Further, White people use their dominance to change their slave name. Niggers must accept treatment of White people, because if they do not accept this treatment, they will be angry and will kill their slave.

“Captain, where’s Platt?” demanded Theophilus Freeman The captain was unable to inform him, no one being on board answering to that name.

“Who shipped that nigger?” he again inquired of the captain, pointing to me.

“Burch,” replied the captain.

“Your name is Platt- you answer my description. Why don’t come forward?” he demanded of me, in angry tone. (76)

This statement happened in the ship on the top of river. The conversation between Solomon, Captain and Theophilus. The conversation explains at the first White people change Solomon name is Platt, because Solomon does not know when the changing of his name. That makes captain and Theophilus angry. African American feels the pain to be slavery.

“There I still stood in the noon-tide sun, groaning with pain. For long before daylight I had not eaten a morsel. I was growing faint from pain, and thirst and hunger”. (120)


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work. He said that he did not eat. He still work, because if he stopped to work. He will get treatment that give the pain “groaning with pain”.

All in all, from the explanation above we know first process is

ambivalent, the second is mimicry, the third is hybridity and the last is otherness of post colonialism in Twelve Years a Slave. That is the way African American need to serious concern because white people think that African American is their slave and is not human. Guidelines for everyday life, in this novel describes that slave struggle. It had shown when the White people treat Black people and etc. Actually the White people show their dictator. Adaptation, in this novel shows that relation between White people and African American, and it is depicted in this novel that is between White people treat African American. Human


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After presenting the result of analysis in the previous chapter, the

conclusion is taken in this part. The conclusion is drawn based on the formulated research questions.

Twelve Years a Slave is telling about African American discrimination on

their lives of the otherness who live in the America that carried out by White people in Americans.

From the analysis, the researcher finds ambivalence, mimicry hybridity and otherness based on process of postcolonialism in the Twelve Years a Slave. As a slave, Solomon Northup clarifies that he get treat. Solomon has image as an African American people which the sacrifice, because it is the character of African American who get treat from American. Solomon and the other black people considered as the other, because they also decline of American. Otherness postcolonial depicts the life the African American treat by American or white people as the origin colony, they sacrifice from colonize, feel agony. Based on the analysis, the study uses otherness postcolonial theory. The ambivalence comes from the feeling that Solomon gets when he is slave. The mimicry also talk about the imitate White people. The otherness comes from the torturing African


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American always want to kill them. The third, when Solomon say the truth but American will kill him.

While, based on the analysis, the study also uses hybridity postcolonial theory. The hybridity comes from the dominant power American or white people. Hybridity is not only the power of the culture. In this thesis the researcher the dominant power used in treat of African American.

The last point, this story ends with an happy ending because the main character or Solomon because Solomon become free again and come back in his family.


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