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Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Academic year: 2017

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• Lit may be classif ied int o: – Pr ose f ict ion

– Poet r y – Dr ama


Pr ose Fict ion (Nar r at ive

Fict ion) includes:

• myt hs

par ables r omances novels


Fict ion r ef er s t o pr ose st or ies based in t he imaginat ion of aut hor s.

The essence of f ict ion is nar r at ion: t he


The Focus of Fict ional Wor ks

• One or a f ew maj or char act er s who change & gr ow as a r esult of how t hey deal wit h

ot her char act er s & how t hey at t empt t o solve t heir pr oblems.

(t heir abilit y t o make decisions, t heir

awar eness & insight , t heir at t it ude t owar d ot her s, t heir sensit ivit y, & t heir mor al


Fict ion vs. hist or y


Non Fict ion

Prose/ Non- Fict ional Narrat ives

I t consist s of news r epor t s, f eat ur e ar t icles, essays, edit or ials,

t ext books, hist or ical & biogr aphical wor ks, or t he ot her wor ks descr ibing or int er pr et ing f act s & pr esent ing


The Goal

t o present t rut hs & conclusions


Char act er

• Char act er br ings f ict ion t o lif e: f acing a maj or pr oblem developing f r om

misunder st anding, misinf or mat ion, unf ocused ideals/ goals, dif f icult

sit uat ions, t r oubled r elat ionships, & ot her gener al challenging sit uat ions

• They ar e f ound in f ict ion j ust as t hey may also be f ound in all levels &



• Plot is t he plan of f ict ion:


The Essence of Plot

• The development & r esolut ion of

conf lict s in which t he pr ot agonist is engaged.

• The int er act ions of causes & ef f ect s as t hey develop sequent ially/


I dea/ t heme

• I t is t he vivid t hought of f ict ion • Eit her dir ect ly/ indir ect ly, f ict ion

embodies ideas/ t hemes t hat under lie & give lif e t o st or ies & novels.


Nar r at ion

• I t cr eat es t he sequence & logic of Fict ion: t he r epor t ing of act ions in sequent ial or der .

• I t makes t he st or y clear & br ings it alive t o t he r eader ’s imaginat ion


St yle

• St yle is t he aut hor ’s skill in br inging language t o lif e: in manipulat ing


• A mar k of a good st yle is t he use of act ive ver bs & nouns t hat ar e

specif ic & concr et e.


By cont r olling t his, an aut hor

helps us make r easonable


Tone & I r ony



• The wr it er ’s at t it udes t owar d


I r ony: incongr uence of

some kind

• Ver bal I r ony: saying one t hing meaning anot her

• Sit uat ional I r ony: incongr uence


I n dr amat ic ir ony char act er s

have an incor r ect / misguided

under st anding of what is

happening t o t hem, while bot h

r eader s & ot her char act er


Symbolism & Allegor y

• They show t he r elevance of Fict ion t o t he lar ger wor ld

• When Mat hilde moves int o an at t ic f lat , it symbolizes her loss of

economic/ social st at us

• Loisel’s long ser vit ude is similar t o t he lives/ act ivit ies of people who per f or m t asks f or


• Those element s ar e pr esent

t oget her in W or ks of Fict ion


Why do we st udy Lit ?

• Lit helps us gr ow, bot h per sonally and int ellect ually. I t opens door s f or us. I t st r et ches our mind. I t develops our imaginat ion, incr eases our

under st anding, and enlar ges our



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