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strategies coping anxiety microteaching class english education department faculty languages and art


Academic year: 2017

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St rat egies in Coping w it h Anxiet y in M icrot eaching Class in English Educat ion Depart m ent ,

Facult y of Languages and Art s, St at e Universit y of Yogyakart a

Abst ract

Ashadi, Lusi Nurhayat i, Ani Set yaningsih

The current st udy is not only view ing Anxiet y from Foreign Language Acquisit ion but more on st udent s’ performance in dealing w it h t eaching pract ices. The use of Foreign Language is only one aspect in t he research set t ing (M icrot eaching class).

Taking t he set t ing in an English Educat ion Depart m ent , t he st udy aims at (1) underst anding st udent s’ percept ion in at t ending M icrot eaching classes, (2) finding t he causes of anxiet y among st udent part icipant s in M icrot eaching, (3) ident ifying t he select ed st rat egies employed by part icipant s in M icrot eaching classes, and (4) M apping t he st rat egies t o cope w it h anxiet y in M icrot eaching. Init ially, quest ionnaires w ere used t o gain main t hem es in t he st udy follow ed by classroom

observat ions. These init ial st eps led t o const ruct ion of st ruct ured and in-dept h int erview quest ions on select ed part icipant s. To finalize t he analysis process a peer review by researcher and co-researchers w as carried out t o enhance t he t rusw ort hiness of t he st udy.


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