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LESSON PLAN TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa


Academic year: 2022

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TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Yoseph Vicri Vonto, S.Pd Year Level : VII ( Seven )

Subjects : Science

Topic :

The magnitude and measurement of living things and other objects

Time allocation : 3 Pertemuan ( 2 x 20 menit )


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


K. D. 3.1

Menerapkan konsep pengukuran berbagai besaran yang ada pada diri sendiri, makhluk hidup lain, dan benda-benda di sekitar serta pentingnya penggunaan satuan standar (baku) dalam pengukuran

K. D 4.1

Menyajikan data hasil pengukuran dengan alat ukur yang sesuai pada diri sendiri, makhluk hidup lain, dan benda-benda di sekitar dengan menggunakan satuan tak baku dan satuan baku



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : VII ( Seven ) Subject : Science LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Cognitive Skill ABCD format

• Students can identify the quantities in everyday life and classify them into principal quantities and derivative quantities correctly.

• Using the International System unit in stating the amount and students can describe it correctly.

• Students can convert units of length, mass and time well after being given a practice problem.


Fall Redemption Restoration

Creation : God created us, also provides us with a measuring tool to infer something that is the BIBLE

Fall : But humans often make their own measuring devices, which make mistakes in the wrong way

Activity Procedure Materials Time

OPENING Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

- Students will listen to the teacher calls their name.

- Teacher provides refreshment and motivation to students

- Students will answer teacher’s question about the lesson will learn today and for whom will able to answer well will get reward.

- Students will see and listen teacher explain learning object of subject matter today.

PRESENTATION Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences


√ Logic smart √ Picture smart √ Words smart √ Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart √ People smart

Self-smart √


• Students are invited to look some video about the magnitude and measurement of living things and other objects.

• Students look at the teacher to explanation the topic.

And then will discuss and search some information from book or internet about :

• Quantities,

• Principal quantities and derivative quantities


• Students look at the teacher to explanation the topic from power point.

And then will discuss and search some information from book or internet about :

• Measurement of principal quantities DAY 3

• Students look at the teacher to explanation the topic from power point.

And then will discuss and search some information from book or internet about :

• Measurement of derivative quantities

DAY 1 :

• https://www.yo utube.com/watc h?v=eugg1fyrO uY

• https://www.kel aspintar.id/blog/


pintar/konsep- besaran-dan- satuan-pada- pengukuran- 2427/

DAY 2 :

• Power point ( drive ) DAY 3 :

• Power Point ( drive )



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Yoseph Vicri Vonto, S.Pd Year Level : VII ( Seven )

Subjects : Science


Time allocation : 1 Pertemuan ( 2 x 40 menit )


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


K. D. 3.6

Memahami sistem organisasi kehidupan mulai dari tingkat sel sampai organism dan komposisi utama penyusun sel K. D 4.6

Membuat model struktur sel tumbuhan/hewan



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : VII ( Seven ) Subject : Science LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Cognitive Skill ABCD format

• Menjelaskan fungsi bagian-bagian sel

• Membedakan sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan GOD BIG STORY

Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

CREATION : God also teaches many things about changes in shape such as temperature and even expansion. Expansion of solids, particles and gases.

Activity Procedure Materials Time

OPENING Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

- Students will listen to the teacher calls their name.

- Teacher provides refreshment and motivation to students - Students will answer teacher’s question about the lesson will learn today and for whom will able to answer well will get reward.

- Students will see and listen teacher explain learning object of subject matter today.


PRESENTATION Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences

Tick (√) Logic smart √ Picture smart √ Words smart √ Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart √ People smart

Self-smart √

1. Observing

- Students are invited to view video shows about Organization of life

- https://sites.google.com/view/mr-yoseph-vicri- vonto/kelas-7/semester-ii/sains-week-4/w4d3 2. Questioning

- Students will give some question related to the results of their observations.

3. Experiment/Collect data - Students make to 5 groups

Every groups will discuss about classification of living things and non-living things :

1. describes the function of the cell parts 2. differentiate animal cells and plant cells.

- While working teacher will observe and guided every group.

4. Associating

- Teacher give some work about what they have discussed.

- Every group will goes outside or in the room to observe compilation.

5. Communicating

- Share the results of discussions in groups about today's material with other groups

- Students will give some question/ opinion to students who presentationing and also guided by teacher.

- Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question or other students.

- Students will make noted

DAY 1 :

• Google site

• IPA TERPADU Erlangga

• https://dinasuci wahyuni.blogsp ot.com/2016/04/

organisasi- kehidupan- materi-ipa- untuk.html

• https://blog.ruan gguru.com/men genal-definisi- sel-pada- makhluk-hidup

• http://www.pojo kipa.my.id/2014 /10/jaringan- organisasi- kehidupan-ipa- kelas.html?m=1




TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Yoseph Vicri Vonto, S.Pd Year Level : VII ( Seven )

Subjects : Science

Topic : Classification Of Living Things And Non-Living Things Time allocation : 1 Pertemuan ( 2 x 40 menit )


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


K. D. 3.2

Mengklasifikasi-kan makhluk hidup dan benda berdasarkan karakteristik yang diamati K. D 4.2

Menyajikan hasil pengklasifikasian makhluk hidup dan benda di lingkungan sekitar berdasarkan karakteristik yang diamati



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : VII ( Seven ) Subject : Science LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Cognitive Skill ABCD format

• Students can identify variations in living things GOD BIG STORY

Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

CREATION : Like the groupings in the classification of living things, in the bible of Genesis God has formed and created the earth and its contents according to their respective classes.

Activity Procedure Materials Time

OPENING Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

- Students will listen to the teacher calls their name.

- Teacher provides refreshment and motivation to students

- Students will answer teacher’s question about the lesson will learn today and for whom will able to answer well will get reward.

- Students will see and listen teacher explain learning object of subject matter today.


PRESENTATION Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences

Tick (√) Logic smart √ Picture smart √ Words smart √ Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart √ People smart

Self-smart √

6. Observing

- Students are invited to view video shows about Classification Of Living Things And Non-Living Things

- https://sites.google.com/view/hopeschool- smp/kelas-7/kelas-7-week-4/7w4-hari- rabu

7. Questioning

- Students will give some question related to the results of their observations.

8. Experiment/Collect data - Students make to 5 groups

Every groups will discuss about classification of living things and non- living things :

3. Distinguishes between living things and non-living things

4. Describes the characteristics of living things

5. Describes the characteristics of inanimate objects students will discuss with their group.

- While working teacher will observe and guided every group.

9. Associating

- Teacher give some work about what they have discussed.

- Every group will goes outside or in the room to observe compilation.

10. Communicating

- Share the results of discussions in groups about today's material with other groups

DAY 1 :

• Google site

• IPA TERPADU Erlangga




TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Santy M. Manurung, S.Pd Year Level : VIII

Subjects : Science

Topic : Motion system in humans Time allocation : 3 x 20 menit


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


KD. 3.1

Menganalisis gerak pada makhluk hidup, sistem gerak pada ,manusia, dan upaya menjaga kesehatan sistem gerak

KD 4.1

Menyajikan karya tentang berbagai gangguan pada sistem gerak, serta upaya menjaga kesehatan sistem gerak manusia



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : VIII Subject: Science


Cognitive Skill ABCD format

Day 1

students are able to correctly identify 3 differences of cartilage and hard bone after watching the video.

Day 2

students are able to describe the framework of the human body and identify joints that work on daily activities after watching the video properly

Day 3

Students are able to explain the mechanism of muscle movement and identify differences in striated muscle, smooth muscle and heart muscle correctly after watching a video or photo.


Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

God creates a tool of motion in humans so that humans can carry out all activities well

Humans do not use their bodies good, for example hitting, stealing, etc.

Jesus gave rebuke to humans through the things that happen in their lives

Humans use their limbs to praise God through applause, walking to church etc.

Activity Procedure Materials Time


Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

1. Students will preparing their self to study

2. Students will open the google site junior of high school rumah harapan to start the learning

3. Students will receive some teacher questions about the last lesson just to remind them

4. Students will give attention to reading the explain subject matter and learning object of today.

5. Students will follow to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.


7. Day

3 x 2



Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences Tick√

Logic smart

Picture smart

Words smart

Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart

People smart



Day 1 Observing

1. Students will see video and picture about cartilage and hard bone (https://youtu.be/8JzZxa_RkDk) (https://youtu.be/c8uRCDvxNw0) 2. Students will observe that video and picture


3. Students will make question related to video and picture, and then will search information about it, and asking to teacher.

Experiment/Collect data

4. students will received student’s worksheet about motion system in humans 5. Student will distinguish for knowing the structure cartilage and hard bone 6. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, ect.


7. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result,.


8. Students will share the result of their work to teacher by wa 9. Students and teacher give feedback

Day 2 Observing

1. Students will see video and picture about human skeletal structure and the joints.


2. Students will observe that video and picture Questioning

3. Student receive question from teacher “how can our bones help us move?”

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

Experiment/Collect data

5. Student will receive student’s worksheet about human skeletal structure and the joints.

6. students will to identify joints that work on daily activities

7. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, ect.


8. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result, Communicating

10. Students will share the result of their work to teacher by wa 11. Students and teacher give feedback

` Day 3 Observing

1. Students will see video and picture about muscle and read on power point (https://youtu.be/94iM0-qx1Vc)

2. Students will observe that video and picture Questioning

3. Student receive question from teacher “Is it only the joints that help body

• Book

• Laptop/hp

• worksheet

3 x 18 minute




TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa


Teacher’s Name : Santy M. Manurung, S.Pd Year Level : VIII

Subjects : Science

Topic : Motion system in humans Time allocation : 6 x 40 menit


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


KD. 3.1

Menganalisis gerak pada makhluk hidup, sistem gerak pada ,manusia, dan upaya menjaga kesehatan sistem gerak

KD 4.1

Menyajikan karya tentang berbagai gangguan pada sistem gerak, serta upaya menjaga kesehatan sistem gerak manusia



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : VIII Subject: Science


Cognitive Skill ABCD format

Day 1

students are able to correctly identify 3 differences of cartilage and hard bone after watching the video.

Day 2

students are able to describe the framework of the human body and identify joints that work on daily activities after watching the video properly

Day 3

Students are able to explain the mechanism of muscle movement and identify differences in striated muscle, smooth muscle and heart muscle correctly after watching a video or photo.


Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

God creates a tool of motion in humans so that humans can carry out all activities well

Humans do not use their bodies good, for example hitting, stealing, etc.

Jesus gave rebuke to humans through the things that happen in their lives

Humans use their limbs to praise God through applause, walking to church etc.

Activity Procedure Materials Time


Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

1. Students will checked for attendance by teacher.

2. Students will listen and pay attention to teacher explain subject matter and learning object of today.

3. Students will listen to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.

4. Students will receive some teacher questions about the last lesson just to remind them

5. Students will give attention to reading the explain subject matter and learning object of today.

6. Students will follow to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.


8. Day

6x 5



Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences Tick√

Logic smart

Picture smart

Words smart

Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart

People smart


Teaching Model : Discovery learning Teaching Method: Discuss , studies literature,demonstration

Day 1 Observing

1. Students will see video and picture about cartilage and hard bone (https://youtu.be/8JzZxa_RkDk)

2. Students will observe that video and picture Questioning

3. Students will make question related to video and picture, and then will search information about it, and asking to teacher.

Experiment/Collect data

4. students will be divided into 5 groups

5. students will doing activities to group various bones in the human body and put a checklist on the appropriate bone group column

6. students will received student’s worksheet with differentiation about motion system in humans according to their ability.

7. Student will distinguish for knowing the structure cartilage and hard bone 8. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, Ipad

/tab to search the information, ect.


9. students will discuss and literature studies groups based on the tasks and questions that are on student worksheet

10. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result, 11. While working teacher will observed and guided every group.


12. Students (1 to 2 group) will share the result of their work in front of the class.

13. Students will give some question/ opinion to the group is presentation and also guided by teacher.

14. Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question from worksheet or other students.

Day 2 Observing

1. Students will see video and picture about human skeletal structure and the joints.


2. Students will observe that video and picture Questioning

3. Student receive question from teacher “how can our bones help us move?”

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

Experiment/Collect data

5. Students do some of the following activities.

i. stand up, ii. raise hands, iii. shook and nodded his head, iv. raised legs, v. bow, then vi. sit back.

6. Students will hear the teacher explain that our bones are very hard and not bendable But why can you movement like that?

7. Student will receive student’s worksheet about human skeletal structure and the joints according to their ability.

8. Students will to identify joints that work on daily activities

• Book

• Laptop

• Worksheet

• Projector

• Ipad

6x 30 minute



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Santy M. Manurung, S.Pd Year Leve : VIII

Subjects : Science

Topic : Force and Motion Time allocation : 6 x 40 menit


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.




Menganalisis gerak lurus, pengaruh gaya terhadap gerak berdasarkan hukum newton, dan penerapannya pada gerak benda dan gerak makhluk hidup

KD 4.2

Menyajikan hasil penyelidikan pengaruh gaya terhadap gerak benda



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : VIII Subject: Science


Cognitive Skill ABCD format

Day 1

Students are able to define about motion, able to distinguish motion according to circumstances and according to intents, and able to define velocity as distance traveled per second, based on the laws of physics, After doing activities and observe the activities Day 2

Students are able to describe correctly the characteristics of regular straight regular motion, and straight motion change irregularly, and able to define acceleration as a change in velocity per second, after observing the animation.

Day 3

Students are able to identify the characteristics of GLB and GLBB and able to describe acceleration as a change in the speed of each unit of time after observe animation.


Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

God creates a tool of motion in humans so that humans can carry out all activities well

Humans do not use their bodies good, for example hitting, stealing, etc.

Jesus gave rebuke to humans through the things that happen in their lives

Humans use their limbs to praise God through applause, walking to church etc.

Activity Procedure Materials Time


Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

1. Students will checked for attendance by teacher.

2. Students will listen and pay attention to teacher explain subject matter and learning object of today.

3. Students will listen to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.

4. Students will receive some teacher questions about the last lesson just to remind them

5. Students will give attention to reading the explain subject matter and learning object of today.

6. Students will follow to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.


8. Day

6x 5



Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences Tick√

Logic smart

Picture smart

Words smart

Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart

People smart


Teaching Model : Discovery learning Teaching Method: Discuss,

demonstration, explanation

Day 1 Observing

1. students will bring outside the room by teachers and make observations of the following activities;

2. Students will walk from the front of the class, pass the school kitchen, and stop in front of the teacher's office, then return to the front of the class

3. . Students observe a vehicle that is moving on the road and observe the motion of the car

4. students will do the motion of throwing objects up and dropping objects down

5. Students will kick the ball by bouncing and observe the ball's motion.

6. Students will observe all the activities they do.


7. Students will to identify as many problems as possible related to straight motion until students can think and ask questions, for example:

a) If how is the object said to move?

b) Is the motion of a car on the highway can be said to be straight?

c) Why can an object that was thrown back down again?

Experiment/Collect data

8. Students collect relevant information to answer questions that have been identified through: Doing a straight motion

experiment ) (Student Worksheet in student books) to be able to explain the relationship between distance and time and the relationship between speed and time (explained in a graph).

9. Students will received student’s worksheet with differentiation about object motion according to their ability.

10. Student will define about motion, able to distinguish motion according to circumstances and according to intents, and able to define velocity as distance traveled per second, based on the laws of physics

11. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, Ipad /tab to search the information, ect.


• Book

• Laptop

• Worksheet

• Projector

• Ipad

6x 30 minute


12. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result,

13. While working teacher will observed and guided every students.


14. Students will share the result of their work in front of the class.

15. Students will give some question/ opinion to the other students is presentation and also guided by teacher.

16. Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question from worksheet or other students.

Day 2


1. Student will form to 5 group

2. Students conduct experiments Irregularly Straight Motion and Irregularly Changed Straight Motion.

3. Student will be observation the experiment.


4. Students will give some question, about relationship between speed and speed, Irregular Straight Motion, acceleration, and GLBB

5. Teacher will answer and explain just some question and other question will answer by the other students.

Experiment/Collect data

6. students write the experimental data and write the concept of Irregular Straight Motion, acceleration, and Irregularly Changed Straight Motion.

7. Student must to identify the characteristics of GLB and GLBB 8. student describe acceleration as a change in the speed of each

unit of time

9. Every student will received student’s work sheet about GLB, GLBB, and acceleration.

10. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine,use Ipad/tab to search the information, ect.


11. Students will write their result on the worksheet was given by teacher.

12. While working teacher will observed and guided every student.

13. Students will be Check understanding by the teacher of the concepts of GLB, acceleration and GLBB that have been learned.

14. Students compare the results of their group discussions with other groups, and are welcome to give their suggestions and opinions.

15. Learners conduct class discussions to conclude the results of group discussions about speed / speed, GLB, acceleration and GLBB that have been learned


16. One student will share the results to 5 other students as one group (applies to each student ).

17. Students will give some question/ opinion to student is share and also guided by teacher.

18. Student will write conclusion after discuss with their friend.

19. 2 of the best students will share the results and conclusion in front of the class.

20. The best Students will share the result of their work in front of the class.

21. Students will give some question/ opinion to the students is presentation and also guided by teacher.

Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question from worksheet or other students

` Day 3


1. students will conduct Pull and Push experiments.

2. Student will be observation the experiment.


3. Students will give some question



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Santy M. Manurung, S.Pd

Year Level : IX

Subjects : Science

Topic : reproduction system in humans Time allocation : 2 x 20 menit


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


KD. 3.1

Mendeskripsikan struktur dan fungsi sistem reproduksi pada manusia, kelainan dan penyakit pada sistem reproduksi manusia, dan penerapan pola hidup sehat yang menunjang kesehatan reproduksi.

KD 4.1

Menyajikan hasil penelususran informasi dari berbagai sumber tentang penyakit menular seksual dan upaya pencegahannya



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : IX Subject: Science


Cognitive Skill ABCD format

Day 1

Students are able to explain the phases and characteristics of mitotic division and meiosis correctly after watching video.

Day 2

students are able to identify the constituent organs of the reproductive system in men and women after watching video Day 3

Students are able to identify the process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) and the process of ovum formation (oogenesis) after watching video .


Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

God created humans with the aim of fulfilling the earth

Humans violate God's commands by having free sex

God gave men a reprimand where men had to work hard to find food and women would experience pain during childbirth.

Humans fill the earth and bring their families to praise and worship God and they care for the earth.

Activity Procedure Materials Time


Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

1. Students will checked for attendance by teacher.

2. Students will receive some teacher questions about the last lesson just to remind them

3. Students will listen and pay attention to teacher explain subject matter and learning object of today.

4. Students will listen to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.

5. Day

3x 2



Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences Tick√

Logic smart

Picture smart

Words smart

Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart

People smart


Day 1

1. Students will see video teacher explain about cell division 2. Students will observe that video and picture


3. Students will receive question about “why do cells undergo division?” and then will search information about it.

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

5. Student will explain the phases and characteristics of mitotic division and meiosis.

6. Student will make video about cell division and then send to the teacher.

Day 2

1. Students will see video and picture about constituent organs of the reproductive system in men and women

2. Students will observe that video and picture (https://youtu.be/e2DEHneWFEo)

3. Student receive question from teacher “how can our mother contain us? can our mothers conceive without our father? “

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

5. Student will receive student’s worksheet about constituent organs of the reproductive system in men and women

6. students will to identify the constituent organs of the reproductive system in men and women

7. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, ect.

Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result, and then send to the teacher.

` Day 3

1. Students will see video and picture about muscle 2. Students will observe that video and picture


3. Student receive question from teacher “where is the sperm formation process?

what processes actually occur in these organs so that sperm can be formed?”

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

5. Student will receive student’s worksheet about the process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) and the process of ovum formation (oogenesis)

6. students will to identify the process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) and the process of ovum formation (oogenesis)

7. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, ect.

8. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result, and then send to the teacher

• Book

• laptop/hp 3 x 18 minute


Assessment related to the Learning Overt Behaviour (ie active) Practice without Penalty Check for Understanding Feedback 4C


- Student make video explain the phases and characteristics of mitotic division and meiosis

- Worksheet kode 1 day 2 - Worksheet kode 1 day 3

• drive Average

- Student make video explain the phases of mitotic division - Worksheet kode 2 day 2

- Worksheet kode 2 day 3 Low

- Student make video explain the characteristics of meiosis - Worksheet kode 3 day 2

- Worksheet kode 3 day 3



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Santy M. Manurung, S.Pd Year Leve : IX

Subjects : Science

Topic : reproduction system in humans Time allocation : 6 x 40 menit


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


KD. 3.1

Mendeskripsikan struktur dan fungsi sistem reproduksi pada manusia, kelainan dan penyakit pada sistem reproduksi manusia, dan penerapan pola hidup sehat yang menunjang kesehatan reproduksi.

KD 4.1

Menyajikan hasil penelususran informasi dari berbagai sumber tentang penyakit menular seksual dan upaya pencegahannya



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : IX Subject: Science


Cognitive Skill ABCD format

Day 1

Students are able to explain the phases and characteristics of mitotic division and meiosis correctly after watching video.

Day 2

students are able to identify the constituent organs of the reproductive system in men and women after watching video Day 3

Students are able to identify the process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) and the process of ovum formation (oogenesis) after watching video .


Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

God created humans with the aim of fulfilling the earth

Humans violate God's commands by having free sex

God gave men a reprimand where men had to work hard to find food and women would experience pain during childbirth.

Humans fill the earth and bring their families to praise and worship God and they care for the earth.

Activity Procedure Materials Time


Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

1. Students will checked for attendance by teacher.

2. Students will listen and pay attention to teacher explain subject matter and learning object of today.

3. Students will listen to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.

4. Students will receive some teacher questions about the last lesson just to remind them

5. Students will give attention to reading the explain subject matter and learning object of today.

6. Students will follow to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.


8. Day

6x 5



Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences Tick√

Logic smart

Picture smart

Words smart

Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart

People smart


Teaching Model : Model (Contextual Teaching and Learning

Teaching Method: Discuss , studies literature, question and answer.

Day 1 Observing

1. Students will see video teacher explain about cell division 2. Students will observe that video and picture

(https://youtu.be/mApgiHNAPeY) Questioning

3. Students will receive question about “why do cells undergo division?” and then will search information about it.

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

Experiment/Collect data

5. Student will explain the phases and characteristics of mitotic division and meiosis.

6. Students will received student’s worksheet with differentiation about the phases and characteristics of mitotic division and meiosis according to their ability.

7. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, Ipad /tab to search the information, ect.


8. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result,

9. While working teacher will observed and guided every students.


10. Students will share the result of their work in front of the class.

11. Students will give some question/ opinion to the other students is presentation and also guided by teacher.

12. Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question from worksheet or other students.

Day 2


1. Students will see video and picture about constituent organs of the reproductive system in men and women

• Book

• Laptop

• Worksheet

• Projector

• Ipad

6x 30 minute


2. Students will observe that video and picture 3. (https://youtu.be/e2DEHneWFEo )


4. Student receive question from teacher “how can our mother contain us? can our mothers conceive without our father? “ 5. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

Experiment/Collect data

6. Student will receive student’s worksheet about constituent organs of the reproductive system in men and women 7. students will to identify the constituent organs of the

reproductive system in men and women

8. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine,use Ipad/tab to search the information, ect.


9. Students will write their result on the worksheet was given by teacher.

10. While working teacher will observed and guided every student.

11. Students compare the results of their group discussions with other groups, and are welcome to give their suggestions and opinions.


12. Students will share the result of their work in front of the class.

13. Students will give some question/ opinion to the other students is presentation and also guided by teacher.

14. Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question from worksheet or other students.

` Day 3


1. Students will see video teacher explain about the menstrual cycle that occurs in the uterine wall and the process of fertilization and pregnancy.

2. Students will observe that video and picture


3. Students will receive question about “how is the process of fetal formation?”.

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis.

Experiment/Collect data

5. Student will explain about the menstrual cycle that occurs in the uterine wall and explain the process of fertilization and


6. Every student will received student’s work sheet about the menstrual cycle that occurs in the uterine wall and the process of fertilization and pregnancy.

7. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine,use Ipad/tab to search the information, ect



8. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result.

9. While working teacher will observed and guided every student.


10. Students will share the result of their work in front of the class.

11. Students will give some question/ opinion to the other students is presentation and also guided by teacher.

12. Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question from worksheet or other students.


Assessment related to the Learning Overt Behaviour (ie active) Practice without Penalty Check for Understanding Feedback 4C


- Student will explain the phases and characteristics of mitotic division and meiosis

- Worksheet kode 1 day 2

- make the graphic the menstrual cycle and explain it

• Paper/print Average

- Student make video explain the phases of mitotic division - Worksheet kode 2 day 2

- what happens if a woman's menstrual cycle is irregular -


- Student make video explain the characteristics of meiosis - Worksheet kode 3 day 2

- make 5 lists that you can do to maintain health in the reproductive system




TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Teacher’s Name : Santy M. Manurung, S.Pd Year Leve : IX

Subjects : Science

Topic : Plant and Animal Breeding System Time allocation : 6 x 40 menit


K. I. 1 Spiritual

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

K. I. 2 Social

Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

K. I. 3 Cognitive

Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata

K. I. 4 Skill

Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.



KD. 3.2

Memahami reproduksi pada tumbuhan dan hewan, sifat keturunan, serta kelangsungan makhluk hidup

KD 4.2

Menyajikan karya hasil perkembangbiakan pada tumbuhan



TK/SD/SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year Level : IX Subject: Science


Cognitive Skill ABCD format

Day 1

Students are able to explain the Angiosperms plants breeding after observe the various organism in the environment of school

Day 2

Students are able to explain the Gymnosperms plants breeding after watching video about teacher explanation Day 3

Students are able to explain the moss plant breeding after watching video about teacher explanation


Creation Fall Redemption Restoration

God created plants and animals to meet human needs on earth.

Activity Procedure Materials Time


Attention-getting Purpose of lesson

Transfer (links with knowledge) Motivation for learning Check for Understanding

1. Students will checked for attendance by teacher.

2. Students will listen and pay attention to teacher explain subject matter and learning object of today.

3. Students will listen to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.

4. Students will receive some teacher questions about the last lesson just to remind them

5. Students will give attention to reading the explain subject matter and learning object of today.

6. Students will follow to the teacher’s direction about the steps of learning will be doing today.


8. Day

6x 5



Explain Information Demonstrate

Use concrete Examples (& non) Check for Understanding

Multiple Intelligences Tick√

Logic smart

Picture smart

Words smart

Body smart

Music smart

Nature smart

People smart


Teaching Model : Discovery Learning Teaching Method: Discuss , studies literature, question and answer, convensional.

Day 1 Observing

1. Students are taken out of the classroom by the teacher to see the various organisms that exist in the school environment.

2. Students will observe the various organisms that exist in the school environment.


3. Students will receive question about “how can plants interbreed naturally and artificially?”

4. Student must answer the question as a hypothesis Experiment/Collect data

1. Students will received student’s worksheet with differentiation about the Angiosperms plants breeding according to their ability.

2. Students will observe various organisms in the school

environment, and record in the concept explorer column 2.1 the results of observing the reproductive methods of these


3. Students will find the solution with use literature like textbooks, magazine, Ipad /tab to search the information, ect.


4. Student will answer the questions in worksheet and write all what their result,

5. While working teacher will observed and guided every students.


6. Students will share the result of their work in front of the class.

7. Students will give some question/ opinion to the other students is presentation and also guided by teacher.

8. Students will listen explain of teacher if students can’t answer the question from worksheet or other students.

Day 2


1. Students will watching video about the Gymnosperms plants breeding or see the literature

2. Students will observe that video/literature

• Book

• Laptop

• Worksheet

• Projector

• Ipad

6x 30 minute


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