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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8106112008





Harris Tamimi, Registration number: 8106112008, Interpersonal Function inTourism Guide Book. A thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. Mei 2015.

This study addresses interpersonal function in tourism guide book. The main object was to investigate the realization of interpersonal function through speech function and mood. It was presented a qualitative descriptive. The study was based on descriptive qualitative approach. The data were collected by applying documentary technique. There was a tourism guide book taken as the sample. The findings indicated that there were the lexico-grammar which was termed as Mood, and the semantic that perform two roles, such as giving and demanding. Speech Functions are interrelated in the system of network through roles and commodity and role can be divided into two types, they were giving and demanding, commodity can be divided into two types, they are information and goods & services. Some reasons why the interpersonal functions are realized through reading text because the publishers want to show their participation in communication through take on the role, express and exchange.Speech Function of Statement and Declarative Mood were used 90% in Tourism Guide Book. Meanwhile, and Speech Function of Command and Imperative Mood were 10%. Therefore, the others Speech Function and Moods were 0%. The existence of

Speech Function of Command and Imperative Mood in the tourism guide book



Harris Tamimi, Nomor Pendaftaran: 8106112008, Fungsi Interpersonal dalam Buku Panduan Pariwisata. Sebuah Tesis Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan



Thanks to The Almighty and most Beneficial for without His Guidance

and Mercy, this thesis would not have been completed. In the process of finishing

this piece of academic writing, the writer has been given much support and

valuable knowledge from many people whose names cannot all be listed here.

First, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to Prof. Tina

Mariany Arifin, M.A.,Ph.D., his Frist Adviser and Prof. Dr, Sumarsih, Ph.D., his

Second Adviser, for their valuable advice, guidance, constructive comments and

precious time spent on supervising and commenting this thesis until it appears in

its present form.

some advices when he proposed this thesis in the seminar.

Finally, his special gratitude is directed to his beloved wife and daughter,

Silvia Rati, S.Pd and Difla Yola Haris, SE together with all the students of

English Applied Linguistic Study Program for their full love, care, prayer and


Last but least, he must confess that he has done his utmost to accomplish

this thesis but he has been fully aware that it is still far from being perfect, any

constructive criticism, suggestion or comments will be highly appreciated.

Medan, August 2015 The Writer

Harris Tamimi



2.3 Interpersonal Function ... 11

2.4 Speech Function ... 13

2.4.1 The Types of Speech Function ... 13

2.4.2 The Derivation of Speech Function ... 15


2.4.4 The Structure of Speech Function ... 18 Semantic of Interaction ... 18 Exchanging Information: The Grammar of Information ... 24 Exchanging Goods and Services: The Grammar of Proposal 35 2.5 Tourism Guide Book ... 36

2.5.1 Tourism ... 36

2.5.2 Guide Book ... 37

2.6 Relavant Studies ... 38


3.1 Research Method... 40

3.2 The Source of the Data ... 40

3.3 The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 40

3.4The Technique of the Data Analysis ... 41


4.1. The Realization of Interpersonal Function ... 42

4.1.1. The Realization of Speech Function ... 42

4.1.2. The Realization of Moods ... 45

4.2. The Reasons for the Interpersonal Function Realization ... 50

4.3 Research Findings ... 52

4.4 Discussion ... 53


4.1. Conclusion ... 62






Table 2.1 Speech function ... 14

Table 2.2 Speech Function and Mood ... 17

Table 2,3 Speech Function and Responses ... 20

Table 2,4 The Structure of an Initiating Move and a Responding ... 22

Table 2.5 The Structure of an Initiating Moveand a Responding move ... 23

Table 2.6 Finite verb ... 26

Table 2.7 Finite verb ... 27

Table 2.8 Declarative mood ... 27

Table 2.9 Wh-element conflated with subject: part of MOOD ... 30

Table 2.10 Wh-element conflated with complement: part of residue ... 30

Table 2,11 Wh-element conflated with adjunct: part of Residue ... 31

Table 2.12 Example of Adjunct (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004:124) ... 34

Table 2.13 Table metafunction and types of adjunct ... 35



Diagram 2.1 Iinterpersonal function ... 11

Diagram 2.2 Mood ... 12

Diagram 2.3 The Derivation of speech function ... 15








1.1The Background of the Study

Indonesia has 34 provinces, one of which is North Sumatera. In North

Sumatera the biggest incomes come from oil and non oil. Oil can be found in

Pangkalan Susu and Pangkalan Berandan. Non oil consists of palm oil, rubber

tree, vegetables and fruit. Palm oil and rubber tree can be found along the way

from Medan to Pematang Siantar. Rubber tree and palm oil are found along the

way from Medan which belongs to the government plantation and some of them

belong to private company like Good Year. Vegetables and fruits can be found in

Karo Highland, there are many vegetables and fruits sent to Medan and overseas.

Apart from rubber tree, palm oil, vegetables and fruits, the third income of

Sumatera Province come from tourism. Tourism plays an important role in North

Sumatera, because the income from tourists can be donated among others to build

schools and infrastructure. In North Sumatera there are many places of interests

such as Brastagi. In Brastagi there are two mountains Sibayak and Sinabumg and

hot spring in Lau Debul-Debuk. One hour journey from Brastagi, there is a water

fall called Sipiso-piso waterfall and at the same time the panorama of lake Toba

can be clearly seen. Besides vegetables and fruits can be seen from Brastagi to

Parapat such as tomatoes, cabbages, casmake fruits which are regarded as local

apple etc. In Parapat there is beautiful lake called Lake Toba. It has an island

called Samosir island that lies in the middle of Lake Toba. Samosir island has



of King Sidabutar that last 400 years, in Ambarita there is a village of Sialagan

with traditional house and Simanindo there is a Batak traditional dance.

In order to attract tourist it is necessary to have a guide book so that it can

help tourist explore the objects tourists in North Sumatera. In writing a guide a

book it needs to give special attention to the language used. Language is a tool for

human communication, there is no activity without language, there is no life

without language, and the world is not possible without playing the role of

language as it is a tool to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. In

addition, language has other functions such as to express experiences and to share

them with other people. In other words, people can understand one another by

exchanging messages. Messages (feelings, experiences and ideas) are expressed in

either spoken or written forms of language in many ways.

In line with Halliday (1994:34) states that language is simultaneously used

as representation, exchange and organization of experience. It means that people

cannot be solitaire. They need to interact with others in order to fulfill their need.

In this case, interpersonal function is performed to make interaction. It can guide

people to understand what the writer means in her/his writing and can be

described as interactional. It is used in various settings to explain roles,

information, and goods and services. It serves to signal explicitly that a response

is required.

In terms of the language functions that have been briefly described above,

the writer tries to explore the language function or use (communicating messages

to others) in general, and in particular, the writer intends to analyze the language



very much interested in the topic because it is found to be an interesting

phenomenon, especially the use of language in tourism guide book. Tourism guide

book is selected as it is closely related to the writer’s background knowledge or

previous study that tried to examine the language use in tourism guide book

focused on different aspects. Besides that, the writer chooses the tourism guide

book because there are not many studies of tourism guide book based on

functional grammar. The writer is also interested in learning and conducting a

further research about it. Indonesia is known to have a lot of potential worthy and

reliable tourism areas. If the tourism promotion is seriously done. As a result, it

will attract few of both foreign and domestic tourists to know and to visit the

tourism areas.

In this research the writer would like to analyze mood and speech function

in a tourism guide book. The writer chooses such a book because it has many

roles. It can be used as a promotional media. One function of a tourism guide

book is to introduce goods or services to public so that they become interested in

the goods or services offered. And, finally, those who read it are expected to

become consumers (buying the products or using the services). If the advertising

in a tourism guide book works well, the reader will be interested in visiting the

tourism objects offered or advertised. Thus, by analyzing the tourism guide book

through functional grammar, the writer tries to find out the focus of the language

used in the tourism guide book. The languages used in the brochures, for example

the grammatical patterns, does not always follow the standard grammatical



functional grammar, language is not only analyzed structurally but with more

emphasis on the meaning of the language itself.

Analyzing tourism guide book starts from the mood system. By analyzing

the guide book based on the mood system, the writer would like to discuss why a

particular mood appears dominantly in tourism brochures.

In this research the writer would like to analyze interpersonal function

through speech functions and mood in tourism guide book. Thus, by analyzing the

tourism guide book through interpersonal function, the writer tries to find out the

focus of the language used in the tourism guide book.

1.2Problems of the Study

With respect to the background of the study, the problems of the study are

formulated as the following:

1) How are the interpersonal function realized in the tourism guide book?

2) Why the interpersonal functions are realized in the way they are?

1.3Objectives of the Study

Interpersonal function can be establish by making contact and identity. It

should be very interesting and motivation when it is realized at two levels such as

semantics, and lexicogrammar. At the level of semantics, human being perform

roles namely GIVING and DEMANDING and lexicogrammar, it is termed as

Mood. Thus in relation to the questions of the research problems, the objectives of



1) to describe the realization of interpersonal functions in the tourism

guide book

2) to explain the reasons of why interpersonal functions are realized in the

way they are.

1.4The Scope of the Study

Interpersonal function in this study is based on the theory of systematic

Functional Grammar as developed by Halliday & Martin. The study is concerned

with Interpersonal Functions of language in which a language is used to interact

with the reader, to influence their behaviors where the writer participates in the

speech function. The analysis is aimed to observe the realization of interpersonal

function through speech functions and moods in the tourism guide book published

by Tourism Department of North Sumatera in 2012.

1.5The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful theoretically and


1. Theoretically, the readers can enlarge their knowledge onand help to

understand interpersonal function realization especially for tourism guide


2. Practically, the findings of this study will also be useful for the next

researchers to investigate the other phenomena related to interpersonal



department to create a creative and persuasive advertisement as a form of





5.1 Conclusions

Having analyzed the data, it is concluded that

1. The realization of interpersonal functions in the tourism guide book can be

described namely semantic& lexicogrammar and mood & speech function.

2. The reasons interpersonal function realized in the way they are, are the


a. Types of interpersonal function are used differently because

linguistically the publisher want to show their participation in

communication through the reading texts, take on role, express and

exchange their experience to share information.

b. The tourism guide book states and declares information in order to

fulfill the needsreaders therefore the dominant of Speech functions and

Mood used areStatement and Declarative

c. It can be described that the next Speech functions and Mood are

Command and Imperative. It proves that the tourism guide book, the

publisher implicitly persuades and invites the readers to fulfill the



5.2. Suggestions

With reference to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the followings:

1. It is suggested that the publisher should clearly use exact speech function

to describe how their guide books are beneficial to the readers. In this way,

they offer satisfaction to the potential consumers and their products gain

more purchases.

2. It is suggested that the potential consumers should consider the products

they want to purchases by which they gain satisfactorily – purchased

goods or services.

3. As far as the writer is concern, this study has been focused on declarative

and imperative mood in tourism guide book. Therefore, the writer would

like to suggest doing a different analysis on the question and interrogative




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