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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Reg. No. 2113321019







For the first and foremost, the researcher would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the most gracious and merciful, the almighty God, Jesus Christ for the blessing and love so the researcher has finally completed this thesis. This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan as partial fulfillment of the requirements for taking the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1).

This thesis could have not been accomplished without the guidance, helping, suggestion, advice, motivation, and encouragement from people, for which the researcher would like to express her extremely grateful which directed to:

 Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., Rector of State University of Medan.

 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty.

 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd, S.S., M.Hum., Head of English Education Study Program.

 Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., her Thesis Consultant I, and Dr. I. Wy. Dirgayasa, M.Hum., her Thesis Consultant II

 Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., Dra. Meisuri, M.A, and Johannes J. Gultom, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Thesis Examiner.

 All lecturers who have taught her in thesis in this English Department, and also Mam Eis Sriwahyuni Ningsih, M.Pd., Kurnia Hendra Putra, S.E., M.Si

 Drs. Seram Berutu, MM., the Headmaster of SMA N 1 Salak for allows

the research there, Andry Tohap Simamora, M.Pd., Netty Surty Manik, and all teachers/staff who have taught in SMA N 1 Salak

 Rusman Tumangger and Kesti Banureah, S.Pd., her beloved parents for

giving her everlasting love, affection, prays, supports, motivations, and hard works and also her sister Yantie Tumangger, S.Pd., her beloved brothers Suyanto Tumangger, S.Pd., and Swardono Tumangger, her little sisters Vina Tumangger and Natalia Tumangger, her beloved nephews/niece Samuel, Stefanie, Simon, her beloved Grand Mother K. Br. Bancin and also her brother-in-law Firman Silalahi, S.T., who always supported the researcher to be hard working to finish her study in Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

 Her beloved friends, the students of English Department, Nurmega Nisa, Rindi, Vyod, Sarah, Putri Tarigan, Putri Samosir, Megawati, Meris, Tami, Ikit, Maria, and also the other students in Extension A, B, C and Reg A, B, C 2011 as her best classmates.,



and all people who cannot be mentioned one by one, she says thank you and may God bless us..

 The last, but not the least, the researcher resizes that her thesis still has some weakness and mistakes. Thus, she would be grateful to accept any suggestions and corrections from anyone for the better writing.

Medan, September2015

The researcher

Ipehana Crismas Tumangger

Reg. Number: 2113321019



Tumangger, Ipehana Crismas. 2015. 2113321019. The Effect of Group Mentoring Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition Text. A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This study was conducted to know the effect of group mentoring technique on students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text. It was conducted by using experimental research method. The population of the research was XI grade in the second semester at SMA N 1 Salak, Academic Year 2014/2015. Two classes were chosen randomly as the sample and were divided into two groups, experimental group and control group. The experimental group was taught by applying Group Mentoring Technique and the control group was given conventional method. The instrument used to collect the data was writing essay test. To conduct the reliability of the test, the Pearsons’ Product Formula is used, the reliability of the test was 0,79. It means the test was substantially reliable. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of this research showed that the average scores of the students in the experimental group (80,3) was significantly higher than the average scores of the students in the control group (64,6) at

the level of significant α=0,05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58, with t -observed 5,867 > t-table value 2,004. It means that there is a significant effect of using Group Mentoring Technique on students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text.




1) Communicative Purpose of Analytical Exposition ... 15

2) Rhetorical Structure of Analytical Exposition ... 15

3) Language Features of Analytical Exposition ... 16

4) The Example of Analytical Exposition ... 17

4. Writing Assessment ... 17

5. Cooperative Learning ... 21

a. Group Mentoring Technique ... 22

1) The Nature of Group Mentoring Technique ... 22

2) The Advantage and Disadvantage of Group Mentoring Technique ... 24

3) The Steps of Teaching with Group Mentoring Technique ... 26

B. Conceptual Framework ... 27

C. The Technique and the Instrument for Collecting Data ... 31

D. The Procedure of Research ... 31


1. Pre Test ... 31

2. Treatment ... 31

3. Post Test ... 34

E. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 35

1. The validity of the Test ... 35

2. Reliability of the Test ... 36

F. The Technique of Analyzing Data... 37


B. The Data Analysis ... 40

1. Data Analysis by using Reliability ... 40

2. Test for Homogeneity of Variance ... 40

3. Testing Normality... 41

4. Data Analysis by using t-test Formula ... 42

C. Testing Hypothesis ... 43

D. Research Findings ... 44

E. Discussions ... 45


B. Suggestions ... 46





Table 2.1 Three Fundamental Components of Genre based in Writing ... 13

Table 2.2 Three Elements in Analytical Exposition ... 16

Table 2.3 Example of Analytical Exposition Text ... 17

Table 2.4 Scoring Profile on Writing Test ... 19

Table 2.5. Assessment Instrument Rubric Analytical Exposition Text ... 20

Table 2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Mentoring Technique ... 24

Table 3.1 Research Design ... 30

Table 3.2 Teaching Procedures in Experimental Group by Using Group Mentoring ... 32

Table 3.3 Teaching Procedures in Experimental Group by Using Group Mentoring ... 34

Table 4.1 Students’ Achievement Score in Pre-test and Post-test ... 39

Table 4.2 Test for Homogeneity of Variance ... 41




Appendix A. Pre-Test for Experimental Group and Control Group ... 48

Appendix B. Post-Test for Experimental Group and Control Group ... 49

Appendix C. The Scores of Pre-test and Post-test Experimental Group ... 50

Appendix D. The Scores of Pre-test and Post-test Control Group ... 51

Appendix E. The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of Experimental Group 52 Appendix F. The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of Control Group ... 54

Appendix G. The Calculation of t-test ... 56

Appendix H. Percentage Points of the Distribution ... 57

Appendix I. The Reliability of the Test ... 59

Appendix J. Test for Homogeneity of Variance of Pre-test in Experimental and Control Group ... 62

Appendix K. Test for Homogeneity of Variance of Post-test in Experimental and Control Group... 64

Appendix L. Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group ... 66

Appendix M. Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ... 70

Appendix N. Testing Normality in Experimental Group ... 74

Appendix O. Testing Normality in Control Group ... 78

Appendix P. Table of Normality ... 82

Appendix Q. The Calculation of the Mean (M) and the standard Deviation (SD) ... 84

Appendix R. List of Testing Liliefors ... 89

Appendix S. Numerator Degrees of Freedom ... 89



A. The Background of the Study

Writing has been useful tool for discovering and thinking. It can help

the students in learning and developing their English by expressing their

knowledge, experience and so on. It can be expressed in any form such as

essay, paragraph, letter, and short story. Writing skills are complex and difficult

to teach, not only requiring mastery of grammatical and rhetorical devices, but

also of conceptual and judgmental elements (Heaton, 1990:135). It means that

in teaching writing, the teacher is expected to help students to write their ideas

by using correct grammar, appropriate vocabulary and punctuation which are

some indicators showing the success of writing.

Many studies on English language teaching in Indonesia show that the

aim of learning English has never been satisfactorily achieved (Gunawan,

2000). The failure and weakness of students’ achievement in writing ability are

caused by the learning materials, teaching techniques, students’ profiles, and

teachers’ profiles as well (Dirgayasa, 2014). The teacher should to be able to

find a creative technique than before for better, interesting, motivated and

helpful teaching learning process, since teachers as an educator for students to

increase the willingness to learn.



And in addition, the facilities of school must support the students’

success to reach high score when teaching and learning process. Media,

technique, model also needed to support student’s ability to be an active

learning by creating the curiosity in teaching learning process.

In Standard Based on Curriculum (KTSP) in the Senior High School

writing is put as the part of syllabus in the English subject. It is stated some

genres of writing to be master by students: descriptive, recount, narrative,

procedure, hortatory exposition, analytical exposition and news item. In

syllabus the researcher found that the students expected to be able to express

meaning in short functional text, monologue text and also in the form hortatory

exposition, analytical exposition, and news item in the daily life context.

Analytical exposition means a type of text to argue that something is the

case (Pardyono, 2007). In writing analytical exposition text, it is needed the

critical thinking from students about the phenomenon surrounding. They are

expected to provide some evidence to support their opinion.

Based on the observation and the interview that has been done in SMA

N 1 Salak, the researcher found some identification problems and some factors

challenging: (1) The students are not interested the teacher methods (Lecture

Method), because during the teaching learning process the students just sit and

listen; (2) The knowledge of students in English is low (includes vocabularies,



explanation and instruction the teacher gives, therefore it makes the students

difficult to express their ideas; (3) English is a foreign language in Indonesia, in

which the students are exposed to English only in the classroom; (4) The

number of students in one classroom is large; (5) The teacher is not satisfied

whenever the students make mistakes and tell the students what is right rudely.

It makes the students afraid, shy and not confidence to explore their ideas. So

the students got nothing when the lesson ended.

To solve these problems above, the researcher needs to find an effective

technique. English teaching experts have created various techniques in English

Language Teaching. Some examples of technique in teaching learning process

are group mentoring technique, clustering technique, guiding questions

technique, field trip technique, dictation technique, etc. This research, the

researcher focuses in Group Mentoring Technique. Group Mentoring is one of

the effective techniques that are useful to help the students to get in touch with

the ideas. By grouping the students, the teacher will be easier to teach them.

And the students were encouraged by their friends in the group, so they can

improve their ability, especially in writing.

Group Mentoring can be used to generate ideas for writing of many

forms: essays, poems, short story, business reports, song lyrics, evennovels. It

means the students were helped to develop and precede their ideas easily since

the reasons why the students are difficult to write are that they lack of direct

means to develop and precede the ideas.



In group mentoring technique, there was a leader or a mentor who was

the mentor or a tutor in each group because it is impossible for the teacher to

tutor all students one by one. Then, it is easier to see their ability in working

together with their friends. Next, if there is a student who is afraid to ask to

their teacher, it was helpful to have a friend who can teach him the lesson well.

Good and Brophy (1984:294) state in particular, high achievers in

heterogeneous groups, with the students moving into the roles of the tutor and

tutee spontaneously. Consequently, the group mentoring technique was the

right and effective technique to be used by the researcher in the research to help

the students to get and generate ideas and knowledge, be more active and

confident in the group, and get more motivation to write, so they can improve

their ability in writing.

Gardiner (2008) found that mentoring affected the students’

achievement in teaching learning process. Mentoring encouraged the students

to be more active in teaching learning process. Since the focus of the research

which she conducted is to get know the effect of mentoring to the friendship

between students, she found that mentoring affected the enthusiasm of the

students and made the relationships and friendships between students became


Jadwick (1997) found that mentoring affected the students’ score in

business school. They are found that mentoring technique encouraged the



individualism, capacity to plan, preference and efficacy, which is essential for

their future transition into the wok place. Faculty members involved in

mentoring endeavors are more likely to have opportunities to develop

professionally (in career orientation) and personally (psycho-socially) over


Lin (2007) found that mentoring program affected and successful in

development program on mentors’ conceptualizing mathematics teaching and

mentoring. She is found that the mentors improved their content knowledge,

pedagogical knowledge, and better understanding of students’ learning. It is

proved that mentoring is one of promising technique which can be applied.

In line with the background above, the researcher would like to conduct

this study with the title: The Effect of Group Mentoring Technique on Students

Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition Text. The researcher expects to

find the effect of group mentoring technique on students’ achievement in

writing analytical exposition.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background presented above, the general question of this

research: “is there a significant effect of group mentoring technique on students

achievement in writing analytical exposition text?”



C. The Objective of the Study

In this section the objectives of this research to know the effectiveness of

using group mentoring technique in teaching writing analytical exposition


D. The Scope of the Study

Based on background above, this research was limited to the use of Group

Mentoring Technique in teaching writing analytical exposition text at SMA N 1

Salak, Pakpak Bharat.

E. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to be useful for:

1. Theoretical perspectives

a.The result of the research was useful to improve the teaching learning

process; not only for analytical exposition material, but also the other


b.The result of this research can be used as reference for those who want

to conduct a research about writing analytical exposition

2. Practical perspective

a. For the teacher

The researcher hopes that the research and technique were inspiring for

English teacher to develop the teaching learning process; not only in



b. For the students

This research also expected to encourage the students to develop their

writing achievement, especially in writing analytical exposition through

group mentoring technique




A. Conclusion

The mean of control and experimental group in the post-test score are 64,6

and 80,3. The number of students for each group is 30. It means that the mean

score of experimental group is higher than those of control group.

The result of calculation of t-test shows that the score of t-observe (5,867) <

the score of t-table (2,004). It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and

the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So, from the calculation of the data, it

can be concluded that group mentoring technique significantly affects the

students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text.

B. Suggestions

The researcher point out some suggestions as following:

1. The English teachers apply Group Mentoring Technique on their English

Teaching because these techniques help the students in understanding the

analytical exposition much better.

2. The students to involve actively in this because it facilitates them to share

ideas and information before they write. Than by applying of Group

Mentoring Technique, the students can write analytical exposition text.

3. To other researchers, Group Mentoring Technique can apply to other skills




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